December 4, 2010

Meadhouse breakfast.



Old N' Cranky said...


Dust Bunny Queen said...

OMG Old N' Cranky. Made me spew my coffee.


Old N' Cranky said...

...sorry, i meant Anthony above...

former law student said...

Holy Twilight Zone!

But it was Billy Mumy of Lost in Space/Dear Brigitte fame.

Titus said...

Muffin Top.

I am having a smoothie with spirilina, nanas, strawberries, ginger root, wheat grass, fage yogurt and carrots.

So there.

Titus said...

I am thinking about getting a little work done under my eyes. They are starting to bother me.

I am also getting my teeth redone, just a touch up, more white. Teeth are so important.

former law student said...

But more to the point, the photo shows that meadhouse believes in "reduce reuse recycle." Nancy's yogurt in Eugene encourages reuse by putting a space on the side to identify contents of their "Nancyware"

Unknown said...

No Cheerios????

TML said...

Meade House needs it some induction cooktop. That antique is no good for anything. Too hard to modulate temp properly. You'll love you some induction cooking.

blake said...

Hmmm. Looks...doughy.

chuck b. said...

"Honey, I think the yogurt's gone bad."

Ralph L said...

My upmarket grocery has started carrying that brand. Worst yoghurt I've ever had.

jungatheart said...

Speaking of yoghurt, the one McDonald's uses in their fruit parfaits is delicious.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Well, when I was about 21 and just out of college making about $10,000 a year, that'd be good eating.

I'd at least give it a shot.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Titus: I am also getting my teeth redone, just a touch up, more white. Teeth are so important.

It would be more sexy if you had them all removed.

Jason (the commenter) said...

former law student: But more to the point, the photo shows that meadhouse believes in "reduce reuse recycle."

That's just good old-fashioned stinginess.

Chennaul said...

Holy crap!

Just went to Drudge and I thought he had a big photo up of Stephen King.

What the hell? It's Obama-why the hell did I see Stephen King...


Don't answer that.

jungatheart said...

@mad, Crack knows.

jungatheart said...

re teeth whitening craze: I think it will lead to beaucoup oral cancers in the future. Whiten responsibly!

(Thank you, thank you, it was nothing.)

Ralph L said...

So, what is that food product? Microwave muffin?

Jason, there used to be a dirty old man at our Y (he'd brush his hand against your bare leg when you walked to the shower) who frequently flashed his impressive dentures at us young uns. I told a friend he could probably give a great blow job if he took his teeth out.

Someone else nicknamed him the Meandrathal becaused he shuffled from sauna to steam to shower.

Did I mention he was a lawyer?

Chennaul said...


Titus getting his teeth whiter is the least of his *risks*....

Yet he busies himself eating this not that.

Photo Stephen King

I think it's the way they photographed Obama looking into the flood lights-he ended up with eyes as squinty as Stephen King.

howzerdo said...

I love Stonyfield. I find it in regular markets and we have a yogurt bar on campus that serves it with fruit and granola. The banilla flavor is really good. Chobani brand is also great, and high in protein. But what is in the container in this pic? Sourdough?

David said...

Your cup runneth over (call in Hazmat.)

MamaM said...

The frequent mention of milky white tits and "nanas" along with other baby named foods by Titus makes me wonder if his transition from breast to solids came a tad too soon.

jungatheart said...

I gots ta know: how many here think Titus is Troop?

David said...

Nobody thinks Titus is Troop. Utterly different vibe. Utterly different sensibility.

Unknown said...

Since Troop claims to live in Gotham and Titus don't, we're talking one Hell of a commute.

JAL said...

deborah, you made me laugh.

MamaM said...

Titus appears to be a construct, a created character.

Trooper reveals himself to be a creative character, one of a kind real.

jungatheart said...

Palladian once said he thinks Titus is Troop...and that's when it fell into place for me.

MamaM, I don't deny that TY is real, but that he may have created Titus for fun.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I gots ta know: how many here think Titus is Troop?

No way..

jungatheart said...

Sir, is it Dutcher or Utcher, please?

HKatz said...

I like Stonyfield French vanilla, though I haven't tried the 'cream-top' variety yet. This photo is not giving me any incentive to try it. Sort of looks like the container was co-opted by mutant hummus.

Trooper York said...

Thanks for the compliment deborah.
But I am not fabulous enough.

You can check that the way the Palladian checks the sock puppets of other commenters.

Trooper York said...

You see Titus has emailed me and told me he is really New Ham.

Trooper York said...

But you know you are about the third commentor trying to say I am some gay guy. First there was the Britney Spears crying guy. Then Dick Yorke. Then Titus. What's up with that?

Is it because I work in a ladies clothing store?

That's profiling and is not allowed anymore. Just sayn'

Fen said...

deborah: Palladian once said he thinks Titus is Troop...and that's when it fell into place for me.

I still wonder if Ann or Meade slip into a sockpuppet to make the blog more interesting. Or stir the pot.

Does anyone here think they could resist the temptation, if this was their blog?

Trooper York said...

Plus Palladian only said that because he was mad that I posted that picture of him in the bathtub.

He is touchy you know.

Trooper York said...

In fact Titus emailed me a photo of him pinching a loaf.

This was during one of the peroidic bash Titus episodes that used to pop up frequently here. That has subsided as Titus has not been such a big part of what is going on around here. He says he is happy in his new life and doesn't post as much as he used to. I see no reason to doubt him.

JAL said...

I am waiting for Chip to animate this


JAL said...

Fen, this blog interesting enough.

Glenn Greenwald doesn't live here.

Palladian said...

"Palladian once said he thinks Titus is Troop...and that's when it fell into place for me."

I don't think I've ever made that claim.

Trooper York said...

I think deborah might be a sockpuppet for Meade or the professor. You know calling Titus and me out so we will comment. It worked.

Trooper York said...

Of course deborah is a little light on the personal info in her profile as is her right as a commenter. Me I am easy to find and have plenty of stuff about me out there.

So I was personally touched when deborah emailed this photo of her last vacation.

But then I thought.... wait a minute.... maybe it really is the professor. I will have to check her flickr page.

jungatheart said...

Palladian, I apologize if mistaken. Fairly recently I recall you taking Althouse to task for complaining about something someone had posted, and said she had no leg to stand on, as she lets Titus get away with murder. And then you linked to an example thread. But I don't know if it was the thread where Titus said he used a sock for ____, or if it was the thread where you recorded yourself as Titus. Again, apologies if I'm incorrect.

jungatheart said...

Trooper once posted that it's okay to have duals as long as they are consistent characters.

And Troop, no, it has nothing to do with the dress shop.

Palladian said...

It's ok, deborah. You can make it up to me by buying a print!

Nudge, nudge.

jungatheart said...

I am going to buy a print from you...I'll buy two if you can guess the one I want.

Palladian said...

I used to speculate about Titus and the other "characters" around here. But I just don't care anymore.

Palladian said...

A photograph or a drawing?

Does it have an animal in it?

Ralph L said...

Trooper, Dick York wasn't the gay Darrin. That was Dick Sargent.
Your manhood is safe.

jungatheart said...

photograph with animal

Ann Althouse said...

By the way, it's Meade's pizza dough. He made some breakfast pizza.

jungatheart said...

I thought it was riz dough for rolls.

Palladian said...

A dog?

Michael Haz said...

Your cup runneth over (call in Hazmat.)

What? Who needs a mat? You can help support me by buying a HazMat.

jungatheart said...

In a manner of speaking.

Palladian said...


jungatheart said...

Check your email, please, Palladian.

Fen, I don't really see Althouse or Meade as the dual types, but who knows? If I had a great site like this, I wouldn't endanger it with a dual like Greenwald did.

Trooper blows me away with his histories (very intelligent) and Laura Bush journal (captures her voice), etc. In my opinion, he's the second funniest guy on the web. But he has a mean streak at times. Like Titus.

Trooper York said...

Why thank you deborah. Mean but funny is what I am going for.

Niceness is overrated.

deborah said...

Har-har. You misrepresented what I said. Cheers, old boy.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper is actually Allen S, who is actually Former Law Student who is Dust Bunny Queen who is Garage Mahal who is Blogging Cockroach who is actually Trooper. I figured it out long ago.

Oh, and Meade is actually Glenn Reynolds.

deborah said...

I guess that makes you me. I don't know how much longer I can fool Mrs. Haz.

Trooper York said...

I think Cedarford is really Jackie Mason.

Trooper York said...

Fen is really Dennis Kucinich

Trooper York said...

And Garage Mahal is really Brett Farve.

Or at least he will be happy to email you a photo of his penis. Just sayn'

MamaM said...

I recall a set of comments a month or two ago where I mentioned my assessment of Titus as a created character and expressed my distaste for the disingenuous way he is used to lampoon homosexual lifestyle and behavior choices. I find the character presented to be mean and disrespectful. The creator reveals a cunning ability to walk up to and cross over boundaries through the use of graphic word imagery. Which cleverly gives the mistaken impression that any offence perceived is solely in the mind of the reader.

When I mentioned the possibility of something this creative coming out of the TY enclave, I recall Deborah making a comment to the effect that no one there could surely be so mean.

I admire creativity. I don't like seeing it used to denigrate, distort or deceive.

deborah said...

MamaM, I recall that conversation differently. IIRC I said that I didn't think it was a group effort from the crew at TY's.

deborah said...

And I can't see ones such as blake, chicken, etc., being that crude.

Trooper York said...

Every one who posts creates a "character." Some are meaner than others. Some are caricatures of one side of the political divide or the other. People like to read a lot into these posts. You really can't tell what a person is really like by what he posts on the internets. Most of the time people are striking a pose like a bad Madonna video.

You really should not do that. I mean you would have to conclude that hdhouse was an addled senile toothless octogenarian who wears a red diaper at his beachfront mansion in the Hamptons and.....errrr...ok....bad example.

Trooper York said...

I think the worst thing you can be is to be boring.

If you want boring you should click over to boringheads. That where boring lives.

Fred4Pres said...

Yeast is better used on liquid barley.

deborah said...

TY, I think you're defining 'creating a character' too broadly. Most of us try to put our best foot forward, and what you see is mainly what you get.

Trooper York said...

I didn't mean just the broads.

deborah said...


Anyway, please forgive the big sister schtick. We is what we is. :)

MadisonMan said...

Meade House needs it some induction cooktop.

Meade could buy it through the amazon link and send a little dough Althouse's way.

JAL said...

Blogging Cockroach

Where is Blogging cockroach?

Peter V. Bella said...

It is nice he takes so much time and care to prepare stuff.

You should be proud.

reader_iam said...

I think the worst thing you can be is to be boring.

Hey, Troop: Is that you speaking or is that you reflecting (in the shiny sense)--for the sake of irony, for example?

Inquiring minds want to know.

; )

reader_iam said...

Where is Blogging cockroach?

Not here, JAL.

reader_iam said...

Oh, dear: just realized I skipped over/missed a couple of comments herein.


What one-dimensional views folks have of some other folks. How limiting in terms of vision; how generous regarding what other folks are capable of.


reader_iam said...

"Generous," in this case, referring to not seeing the capacity for all sorts of things from all kinds of sorts.

Beware of exemptions based on assumptions.

MamaM said...

It's good to be aware and beware.

I tend to be wary of obliqueness disguised as largess.

Penny said...

All special snowflakes.

Penny said...

But back to the food. Whose idea was it to have Mexican pizza for breakfast?

reader_iam said...

All special snowflakes.

I dunno. Loved the season's first snowfall--still am loving it--but, still, it did require shoveling and whatnot. Which by definition sorta means squishing it up all together.

reader_iam said...

I tend to be wary of obliqueness disguised as largess.

Me, too, MamaM. Me, too.

Penny said...

I hope Althouse buys some more bowls with the little bit of money she gets from our Amazon purchases.

Is it cheaper to buy more clean bowls or hire an illegal Mexican dishwasher?

Use your best judgment, Althouse.

Penny said...

"Which by definition sorta means squishing it up all together."

So I see!

And that's always a fun time for the kids.

The Musket said...

I've just got to say -- that is our favorite yogurt. We usually go for plain, but it MUST have cream on top.

Penny said...

"...MUST have cream on top."

Hard to argue with a man called... Musket.

Anything you say, honey.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, what is it? And why is it growing?

MamaM said...

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

jungatheart said...

Pat, it's Meade's rising pizza dough.

Ann Althouse said...

"I hope Althouse buys some more bowls with the little bit of money she gets from our Amazon purchases. Is it cheaper to buy more clean bowls or hire an illegal Mexican dishwasher? Use your best judgment, Althouse."

Meade made it in a bowl and left it out to rise. But for overnight, he put it in the plastic yogurt container. It then rose more in the refrigerator, which we found amusing.

We do have bowls. Meade just likes to use those yogurt containers.

Methadras said...

Oh look, it says organic on the tub. How quaint and lame all at the same time.

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