Just take in more than you burn. The show is stressful too, and exercise makes you hungry. I think most people, left to eat what they want, will compensate for the calories burned through exercise.
So now we're officially allowed to make jokes about fat chicks again? How about ugly ones like that hideous moo-cow Chelsea Clinton? It's absurd that she still gets immunity. There's plenty of potential material out there. If that Rocky Dennis looking mess ever squeezes out a pup, the poor thing will have a chiseling jailbird for one Grandfather and an impeached sot for the other. Good thing there'll be plenty of cash for therapy. And bail.
First, Miss Bristol probably worked muscle groups not usually worked in everyday life learning her dance routines, so the weight gain isn't all that surprising, but, to look at her, fat she ain't.
From the photo in the link, Griffin was with a Marine unit when she got booed - unless that was taken at another show. That noted, there's a well-documented "Us vs Them" psychology (first observed in WWII) that develops in all sorts of military units as a defense mechanism and she tripped it. Most of the guys - and girls - over there knows who's on their side and show biz usually isn't, so she's an outsider going after one of their own.
PS She looks as if she went on a crash (literally, it would seem) diet. If she gotten some exercise at the same time, the tush would look a little better.
Griffin must have overdone it with the lipo. Now she needs silicon implants in her butt. (Or she needs to forget about wearing costumes that leave her cheeks hanging out.)
Would it be wrong of me to suggest that Griffin's taunts might be tinged with racism?
Palin is half-Eskimo, isn't she? (Or is she 1/4 Eskimo?) Inuits are not exactly tall, lithe, and what we traditionally consider athletic. They're short and stocky to preserve heat and to maintain balance on the ice. Their vertical leap is typically measured in millimeters.
Griffin was funny, about 8 years ago. Then she decided she'd add leftist politics to her act, to suck up to the powers-that-be in the entertainment industry.
It didn't work.
At this point, she's just a painful embarrassment.
Wow, I forgot how unattractive those women in Sex and City were. Ladies, there is nothing there you want to emulate, trust me. You can look good, but still be incredibly ugly and sad. Your dignity will always be attractive if you hold on to it.
Well. After taking that cheap shot at Bristol Palin she deserves to have this picture splattered all over the internet.
I'm pretty sure we didn't do anything to deserve having it seared, seared into our brains though.
And folks, there is absolutely no way Bristol Palin gained any 30 pounds while doing that show. We're talking about a 20 year old here and 30 pounds is a lot of weight on a kid her size.
Picked up my car at the shop yesterday, and the MSM outlet on the tube in the waiting area was presenting this story with the screen caption 'Bristol Booed . . .' Talk about spin.
There should be a poll for what kind of cheese resembles Ms. Griffens butt.
I'm thinking Gouda....
Melted brie.
Bristol has a round face that is a part of her genetic heritage. As a teenager or young adult who just had a baby, she would naturally be carrying some extra "baby weight".
I just don't understand the sick fascination that the liberals have with the Palins. It is a mental illness and disturbing obsession that they insist on picking on not only the Mother, Sarah, but also on all of her children.
The liberals have a delusional impression of their own superiority and unwarrented self regard. I think they must be mentally ill.
Bristol has a bit of a chubby face, which makes her appear heavier than she is. My guess is she never lost all the baby weight, which is not uncommon. Both parents are good looking and appear fit, so she's probably not battling genetics - just needs to tighten up the diet a little. That said, I understand about over-eating due to exercise - when I trained for a half marathon I massively improved my cardio and muscle fitness, but actually put on a few pounds, because after a 15km training run I was ready to scarf down everything in the fridge.
Anyway, she has a cute face, and she can always lose a few pounds. Much better than having a tranny face like Griffen.
Bristol has the kind of face that seems like the rest of her should be fat, but she's not fat. It's just a baby-face kind of face. Not all hollow and hungry-looking like you see on the actresses and models nowadays. If we see Bristol as fat, it's because we've forgotten how to look at real faces.
Kathy was once funny when attacking Hollywood legends in their own minds. But now she has grabbed for the golden ring of Tina Feydom and she has fallen on her once fat ass...now called the flat ass. It's not nice to fool around with Momma Grizzlie's cubs. In fact Bristol seems to be a sweet and feminine girl with a fair personality. Contrasted with Bristol, Kathy Griffin appears as a troll, and not the blog kind.
The first article says that Griffin also made fat jokes about Jessica Simpson. I wonder how many escapist daydreams Griffin ignited with this mere mention of Simpson's name.
Did you see the troops booing Griffin for her cheap shots on Bristol? That is good news that the Palin's message is out there, and the troops are hearing it loud and clear. The troops know who is on their side and they show a loyalty back to Goernor Palin for showing a loyalty to them first. The troops know that Obama, and therefore Griffin's, loyalty is only to the Kenyan Branch of the new world empire.
Bristol is a little chunky for my taste, but a million times more attractive in every way than Kathy Griffin. (It took me several minutes to add my opinion, I went temporarily blind when I went to the link and saw Griffin. I'm going to hypnotherapy this afternoon to have that image removed from my brain.)
Thanks. It's not even Noon yet, and I already have to throw up.
Oh, and Freeman Hunt wins the thread with this: "So they wanted to entertain the troops with a bikini-clad woman, and the woman they got was Kathy Griffin?"
Perception here could be misleading. Bristol isn't bony thin of course; she likes to eat. You burn a lot of calories in Alaska just trying to stay warm.
But also, on DWTS, didn't Bristol's outfits get progressively revealing? To the point she's showing off her legs, thighs, etc. It may appear she got fatter simply from the fact that as the season wore on, you got to see more of her.
My mind is wandering, but I really believe Chip Ahoy should animate Kathy Griffin's flat ass...sort of like an old stripper who walks like an Egyptian.
Toned muscles are heavier than fat or untoned muscles. Bristol's not fat, but she does have more of a farmgirl silhouette than a model one. That doesn't make her unattractive or unhealthy; and it's perfectly natural for a woman who's already borne one child, poor lass.
The rules of USO are to make the audience feel good, and to satisfy some of their longings for home and normal life. Really ripping on anyone (except yourself, and maybe the enemy) is ill-advised. Even to rip on a Lindsey Lohan would be foolish, and wouldn't serve the audience's wants and needs. To rip on a normal kid their age is downright stupid.
Does anyone know any TV personalities...we meet many CNN on camera people around here. They are all very skinny. They will tell you that the TV camera puts 20 lbs on to your off camera looks. I have noticed that many cameras do that to me too.
At another blog discussion of this topic yesterday, I saw a comment which certainly applies to that picture: "I always thought that Kathy was more of a Gorgon than a Griffin."
My mind is wandering, but I really believe Chip Ahoy should animate Kathy Griffin's flat ass...sort of like an old stripper who walks like an Egyptian.
It's easy to criticize Griffin for showing off her 50 year old body in a bikini but human vanity is such that her unrealistic body image is more the rule than the exception. One of the hardest things for women, and men, to acknowledge is that it's not the fault of the bathing suit or dress or suit that it doesn't look good on me, it's me, it's my body under the clothing that is at fault. Vanity is tenacious.
I think I undertsand why Kathy was so nasty about Bristol Palin -
Bristol at 17 is a natural beauty, who obviously still has her "baby fat"; while Kathy at 50 has undergone numerous cosmetic procedures, and virtually every square inch of her body has been surgically altered, enhanced/reduced, tightened, buffed, Bondo'd and repainted...and she still looks like a drag queen wearing two pillows in her pants. Bristol is naturally going to lose her weight in the next few years and be beautiful; but Kathy...well, no need to rub it in.
"The audience's reaction to this 'comedian' spoke volumes, and the decent people I know would probably have booed her, too," Palin told Pop Tarts in an exclusive statement. "I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms."
Wow. At her age, I would not have had the presence of mind, or the thickness of skin, or the publicist, to come up with something like that.
Instead of obsessing about weight, we should obsess about fitness. You can carry a little extra weight and be extremely fit. I know some thin people who are as unhealthy as some heavier folks I know.
Kathy Griffin was never funny but she was at least quirky and charming and relatable as an outsider. That's all gone now. along with her ass apparently. Much like Howard Stern she became a "celebrity." A "celebrity" (as opposed to someone with name recognition arising from actual talent) has to keep publicly celebrating him/herself in order to stay relevant. One cheap and easy way for a "celebrity" to signal his or her "celebrity" status is to say crummy things about the Palin family. All the other "celebrities" seem to appreciate this wisdom . . . .
News Radio: pure love. Tears-streaming down-face funny. With Jimmy James, Macho Business Donkey Wrestler! And the awesomeness of the great Sir Lord Bill of McNeal. Et al.
Thanks for the reminder; now I'm going to spend some quality time on YouTube watching NewsRadio clips.
I never heard of Kathy Griffin prior to her comments about Bristol Palin. Is she really that clueless to diss Bristol in front of her brother's brothers in arms?
Idiot! I hope the DOD sends her a request to never volunteer to "entertain" the troops again.
I thought Bristol's waist was getting smaller with every episode. I think she literally danced her butt off. The dress she wore on Leno I doubt would have fit before Dancing started.
Kathy Griffin? She's a little old to still be so nasty. That kind of nastiness normally stays in High School. She's old enough to be a grandmother. Would you like your grandma to be Kathy Griffin?
You know, it's really unfair to compare Vicki Lewis and Kathy Griffin. The former is pretty and charming and funny, and the latter is Kathy Griffin. Aside from the hair color, what's the connection?
Even their sitcoms reflect the disparity in their appeal. Vicki had the classic Newsradio, and Kathy Griffin had (shudder) Suddenly freaking Susan.
Now what's really interesting is that Vicki Lewis might have been able to make Suddenly Susan modestly less unbearable, but Griffin would have ruined Newsradio.
Bristol does look chunkier than she used to, specifically in May, 2009 (Scroll down):
http://www.infdaily.com /tag/bristol-palin
Her waist was more defined, and her face was less moon-shaped. Could she be having a hormonal imbalance?
For a white woman, Griffin's butt and thighs looked pretty good for 50. Given the cellulite epidemic, most white women that age should wear nothing more revealing than Bermudas.
A 46-year-old woman mocking the 20-year-old woman's body sounds like latent self-hatred.
All this about Bristol's weight had me remembering Tina Fey's message in Mean Girls that 'you can't call other girls a slut because it makes guys think it okay to do that'. Griffen needs to remember that this is all part of the same body hating machine. The same shit that she's giving Bristol is what makes other people think its okay to make fun of her looks.
'you can't call other girls a slut because it makes guys think it okay to do that'. Griffen needs to remember that this is all part of the same body hating machine.
Why are comediennes so mean? Why can't Griffin be more like Shari Lewis? Or Lisa Lampanelli?
winning the racist-sexist-ageist trifecta!
Rest assured my decision was the result of a "strict scrutiny" analysis.
Looks like a classic case of "face or ass?" to me. A while back, I read somewhere that after a certain age, a woman has a choice of either working maniacally to keep her ass skinny and having it take a toll on her face, or not worrying about her weight, getting the big bottom and not having her face look haggard. Griffin obviously went for the ass.
The key learning point is that I always assumed Kathy Griffin was in her thirties until now.
It's along the lines of the old saying that it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Kathy Griffin used to be a fun comedian that I enjoyed until she got so nasty in her political sentiments. I'm sure I'm not the only one who now immediately changes the channel when her hate-spewing comes on the tube.
Like Kathy Griffinshoul so should the whole Palin Clan just go away your 15 minute are up! Bristol is chubby so what. Kathy is ugly with an old flabby ass so what They just need to go away!!!! As for the Palin Clan I blame Sen. McCain for pulling them out from under the rock in Alaska, if it were not for him picking the MILF no one in the lower 48 would ever have heard of the quitter governor and her clan!
When it comes to the Sex and the City women, I have met Kin Cattrall when she was married to Mark Levinson and she was drop dead gorgeous in person and was very gracious and easy to be around. Agree with Trooper on Sarah Jessica though.
Kathy Griffin just reminds me of all the unfunny people who think if they get truly gross then people will laugh and they will make a lot of money. She sets the standard for gross.
As for the Palin Clan I blame Sen. McCain for pulling them out from under the rock in Alaska, if it were not for him picking the MILF no one in the lower 48 would ever have heard of the quitter governor and her clan!
Reminds me of a "blue" joke I heard: On old lady in the nursing home was trying to get either of the two old men she liked to admire her so one day she decided to strip off naked and streak by them. She ran by and the old guy who was the blinder of the two said, "What was that?" The other one said, "I don't know, but it sure needed ironing!"
The troops boo'd because Bristol's brother is an Infantry soldier. Whether or not those troops give a rat's patootie about Bristol's Mama a civilian does not rag on a soldier's family in front of other soldiers. Now, soldiers may do so, but not civilians.
Meanwhile, this Griffin object must never run. The flapping of those butt wings would lift her feet off the ground and down she would go, face plant! A well deserved faceplant. Hopefully on hard concrete.
That has to be either the worst pic they could find, or a photoshop. Griffin's other bikini pics don't look too bad. She's no great beauty, and she's not super-sexy, but she doesn't look too bad. She looks nowhere near as good as Bristol Palin, of course.
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How...in the name of all that's good and funny...does Kathy Griffin keep getting work? She's the Kevin Costner or John Carpenter of comedy.
If she did gain weight -- I have no clue -- that would surprise me. All that dancing is burning through calories.
At some age, people should not wear bikinis. The age is variable.
"All that dancing is burning through calories."
Just take in more than you burn. The show is stressful too, and exercise makes you hungry. I think most people, left to eat what they want, will compensate for the calories burned through exercise.
You sure that's not a photo of Merv Griffin's ass?
Bristol Derangement Syndrome.
So now we're officially allowed to make jokes about fat chicks again? How about ugly ones like that hideous moo-cow Chelsea Clinton? It's absurd that she still gets immunity. There's plenty of potential material out there. If that Rocky Dennis looking mess ever squeezes out a pup, the poor thing will have a chiseling jailbird for one Grandfather and an impeached sot for the other. Good thing there'll be plenty of cash for therapy. And bail.
My eyes hurt. Bad.
Chelsea Clinton is fat?
I honestly don't know, I've been averting my eyes since 1999.
First, Miss Bristol probably worked muscle groups not usually worked in everyday life learning her dance routines, so the weight gain isn't all that surprising, but, to look at her, fat she ain't.
From the photo in the link, Griffin was with a Marine unit when she got booed - unless that was taken at another show. That noted, there's a well-documented "Us vs Them" psychology (first observed in WWII) that develops in all sorts of military units as a defense mechanism and she tripped it. Most of the guys - and girls - over there knows who's on their side and show biz usually isn't, so she's an outsider going after one of their own.
PS She looks as if she went on a crash (literally, it would seem) diet. If she gotten some exercise at the same time, the tush would look a little better.
Griffin must have overdone it with the lipo. Now she needs silicon implants in her butt. (Or she needs to forget about wearing costumes that leave her cheeks hanging out.)
I think we most all agree that nudity is for the young. Please people, just accept it.
Jesus, you had to put that on the main page? I'm currently pouring rubbing alcohol in my eyeballs.
"... always check the rear view, ladies."
Yes, you better, because we definitely will. It's what we do 24/7.
There should be a poll for what kind of cheese resembles Ms. Griffens butt!
I'm thinking Gouda....
Is that the only way she can get a laugh?
Gouda is much firmer than Kathy Griffin's butt.
My guess would be Camambert. It's soft, white and kind of moldy.
Always remember...what is once seen can never be unseen. Med Flaps indeed. Yesh. Thanks Ann! ;)
When you write about a new book or movie it's common to note spoilers ahead.
Should be a rule like that for pics like this. I mean, I click on AA and ... BAM - there it is.
Damn you Althouse for making me look at that.
Speaking of ugly women, Julian Assange is headed into custody for at least a week or two.
WV: hoperie
The mix of emotions that led to Obama's election?
Let me put this is the simplist terms I can. Bristol: Yes, Kathy Griffen: Hell No. And doesn't consider looks, just personality.
Ha ha! Reminds me of this scene in "Sex And The City."
Velteeta cheese, after it's been in the microwave for about a minute.
Chelsea Clinton is fat?
I'm not buying that Bristol is fat either. Unless of course the supermodel heroin look is the benchmark.
Griffin is the white Moms Mabley without the funny.
Would it be wrong of me to suggest that Griffin's taunts might be tinged with racism?
Palin is half-Eskimo, isn't she? (Or is she 1/4 Eskimo?) Inuits are not exactly tall, lithe, and what we traditionally consider athletic. They're short and stocky to preserve heat and to maintain balance on the ice. Their vertical leap is typically measured in millimeters.
Griffin was funny, about 8 years ago. Then she decided she'd add leftist politics to her act, to suck up to the powers-that-be in the entertainment industry.
It didn't work.
At this point, she's just a painful embarrassment.
Bristol's brother, Track, is an infantry soldier, I believe. This bitch was talking smack about family.
So they wanted to entertain the troops with a bikini-clad woman, and the woman they got was Kathy Griffin?
Blue from "Old School" has a better ass than Griffin.
White elephant gift exchange?
Go to any of the articles and check out the pics of Katy Perry.
I think Perry parachuted in wearing a red, white and blue mini outfit. Got better after that.
Ron's mentioning cheese in connection with that photo made me think of casa marzu, an unfortunate thing to happen before lunch.
I followed the link.
The costumes look like the clearance table at Deadpricks of HardlyWood.
"The Divas of VH1"....WTF? I thought VH1 was the salve for recently divorced fat chicks.
"The Divas of VH1"...Did they approve DADT?
chicklit @ 9:49.
Wow, I forgot how unattractive those women in Sex and City were. Ladies, there is nothing there you want to emulate, trust me. You can look good, but still be incredibly ugly and sad. Your dignity will always be attractive if you hold on to it.
Well. After taking that cheap shot at Bristol Palin she deserves to have this picture splattered all over the internet.
I'm pretty sure we didn't do anything to deserve having it seared, seared into our brains though.
And folks, there is absolutely no way Bristol Palin gained any 30 pounds while doing that show. We're talking about a 20 year old here and 30 pounds is a lot of weight on a kid her size.
Picked up my car at the shop yesterday, and the MSM outlet on the tube in the waiting area was presenting this story with the screen caption 'Bristol Booed . . .' Talk about spin.
bagoh20 said...
Wow, I forgot how unattractive those women in Sex and City were.
If Trooper were here he'd remind us of this.
There should be a poll for what kind of cheese resembles Ms. Griffens butt.
I'm thinking Gouda....
Melted brie.
Bristol has a round face that is a part of her genetic heritage. As a teenager or young adult who just had a baby, she would naturally be carrying some extra "baby weight".
I just don't understand the sick fascination that the liberals have with the Palins. It is a mental illness and disturbing obsession that they insist on picking on not only the Mother, Sarah, but also on all of her children.
The liberals have a delusional impression of their own superiority and unwarrented self regard. I think they must be mentally ill.
That looks like the result of liposuction.
Ooooh, man. My day is ruined.
Please show a picture of Bristol's butt.
Bristol has a bit of a chubby face, which makes her appear heavier than she is. My guess is she never lost all the baby weight, which is not uncommon. Both parents are good looking and appear fit, so she's probably not battling genetics - just needs to tighten up the diet a little. That said, I understand about over-eating due to exercise - when I trained for a half marathon I massively improved my cardio and muscle fitness, but actually put on a few pounds, because after a 15km training run I was ready to scarf down everything in the fridge.
Anyway, she has a cute face, and she can always lose a few pounds. Much better than having a tranny face like Griffen.
There is a black man, somewhere, who has been struck blind for what he thinks is no apparent reason.
Bristol has the kind of face that seems like the rest of her should be fat, but she's not fat. It's just a baby-face kind of face. Not all hollow and hungry-looking like you see on the actresses and models nowadays. If we see Bristol as fat, it's because we've forgotten how to look at real faces.
@ holdfast
I hadn't read your comment when I wrote mine.
Kathy was once funny when attacking Hollywood legends in their own minds. But now she has grabbed for the golden ring of Tina Feydom and she has fallen on her once fat ass...now called the flat ass. It's not nice to fool around with Momma Grizzlie's cubs. In fact Bristol seems to be a sweet and feminine girl with a fair personality. Contrasted with Bristol, Kathy Griffin appears as a troll, and not the blog kind.
So they wanted to entertain the troops with a bikini-clad woman, and the woman they got was Kathy Griffin?
Betty White must have been busy!
Kathy Griffin is hideous.
Remember when liberals used to pretend they were so tolerant?
That was a fun little lie, wasn't it?
I just don't understand the sick fascination that the liberals have with the Palins.
No kidding, look at all the liberals in this thread talking about Bristol Palin.
Wait a minute, they're all conservatives talking about Bristol Palin in this thread. Delusional!
Sick, man.
"I'm thinking gouda."
If you camembert it.
"If we see Bristol as fat, it's because we've forgotten how to look at real faces." Bingo!
Waifs probably don't fare too well in the Alaska cold.
The first article says that Griffin also made fat jokes about Jessica Simpson. I wonder how many escapist daydreams Griffin ignited with this mere mention of Simpson's name.
To paraphrase a Great American;
"Private Griffin, your ass looks like 50 pounds of chewed bubble gum.Get the fuck off my obstacle!"
Check the title to this post. There's a reason nobody mentioned you.
Did you see the troops booing Griffin for her cheap shots on Bristol? That is good news that the Palin's message is out there, and the troops are hearing it loud and clear. The troops know who is on their side and they show a loyalty back to Goernor Palin for showing a loyalty to them first. The troops know that Obama, and therefore Griffin's, loyalty is only to the Kenyan Branch of the new world empire.
Bristol is a little chunky for my taste, but a million times more attractive in every way than Kathy Griffin. (It took me several minutes to add my opinion, I went temporarily blind when I went to the link and saw Griffin. I'm going to hypnotherapy this afternoon to have that image removed from my brain.)
You know, we can't unsee that, Althouse.
Thanks. It's not even Noon yet, and I already have to throw up.
Oh, and Freeman Hunt wins the thread with this:
"So they wanted to entertain the troops with a bikini-clad woman, and the woman they got was Kathy Griffin?"
Perception here could be misleading. Bristol isn't bony thin of course; she likes to eat. You burn a lot of calories in Alaska just trying to stay warm.
But also, on DWTS, didn't Bristol's outfits get progressively revealing? To the point she's showing off her legs, thighs, etc. It may appear she got fatter simply from the fact that as the season wore on, you got to see more of her.
If you've ever been to a nude beach, you understand the importance of clothes.
Hector Owen said...
Ron's mentioning cheese in connection with that photo made me think of casa marzu, an unfortunate thing to happen before lunch.
12/7/10 9:59 AM
Hector we could have done without that.
My mind is wandering, but I really believe Chip Ahoy should animate Kathy Griffin's flat ass...sort of like an old stripper who walks like an Egyptian.
Toned muscles are heavier than fat or untoned muscles. Bristol's not fat, but she does have more of a farmgirl silhouette than a model one. That doesn't make her unattractive or unhealthy; and it's perfectly natural for a woman who's already borne one child, poor lass.
The rules of USO are to make the audience feel good, and to satisfy some of their longings for home and normal life. Really ripping on anyone (except yourself, and maybe the enemy) is ill-advised. Even to rip on a Lindsey Lohan would be foolish, and wouldn't serve the audience's wants and needs. To rip on a normal kid their age is downright stupid.
If you've ever been to a nude beach, you understand the importance of clothes.
No kidding!!
Does anyone know any TV personalities...we meet many CNN on camera people around here. They are all very skinny. They will tell you that the TV camera puts 20 lbs on to your off camera looks. I have noticed that many cameras do that to me too.
Be happy, libs: suddenly there are a lot more gays in the military than there were before.
At another blog discussion of this topic yesterday, I saw a comment which certainly applies to that picture: "I always thought that Kathy was more of a Gorgon than a Griffin."
They say that after a certain age, a woman has to choose between her face and her ass.
It looks like Ms Griffin said, "Neither."
This is just another example of the mockery that Inuits must endure at the hands of insensitive white people.
Is that a new Surgeon General anti-smoking warning?
Thank God I invested in a braile keyboard...
(Honestly, in the "Can't unsee" scheme of things, this site is dead to me until that picture scrolls off the front page.)
WV: faney
(It knows!)
It's like the time she put up a picture of a dead squirrel before breakfast.....
Come on Althouse!
Jeebus-I'm beginning to think you didn't play well or at all with the other children at recess!
I wouldn't do that with Olberman's dick.
There should be a poll for what kind of cheese resembles Ms. Griffens butt!
My mind is wandering, but I really believe Chip Ahoy should animate Kathy Griffin's flat ass...sort of like an old stripper who walks like an Egyptian.
Kathy Griffin: the poster girl for cellulite.
"So they wanted to entertain the troops with a bikini-clad woman, and the woman they got was Kathy Griffin?"
Freeman wins the thread.
This is on more chapter in KG being one of the more disgusting TV "personalities."
I am a cable ignoramus, never having had cable.
I encountered Ms Griffin last year online, however, when she was hanging all over Levi Johnston in a truly appalling sexually provocative way.
It was excruciating and disgusting then. (I actually felt sorry for Levi. Talk about being used!)
I heard absolutely zero in the way of humor, except in that weird liberal smug mocky snark which passes in that camp for "humor."
Her attack on Bristol? More that illustrates we do not have class warfare as much as we have extraterrestial aliens in too many positions of power.
She is a hater.
This woman is truly a pathetic human, and not just her rear.
It's easy to criticize Griffin for showing off her 50 year old body in a bikini but human vanity is such that her unrealistic body image is more the rule than the exception. One of the hardest things for women, and men, to acknowledge is that it's not the fault of the bathing suit or dress or suit that it doesn't look good on me, it's me, it's my body under the clothing that is at fault. Vanity is tenacious.
I think I undertsand why Kathy was so nasty about Bristol Palin -
Bristol at 17 is a natural beauty, who obviously still has her "baby fat"; while Kathy at 50 has undergone numerous cosmetic procedures, and virtually every square inch of her body has been surgically altered, enhanced/reduced, tightened, buffed, Bondo'd and repainted...and she still looks like a drag queen wearing two pillows in her pants. Bristol is naturally going to lose her weight in the next few years and be beautiful; but Kathy...well, no need to rub it in.
Bristol Palin responded:
"The audience's reaction to this 'comedian' spoke volumes, and the decent people I know would probably have booed her, too," Palin told Pop Tarts in an exclusive statement. "I hope people didn't have to pay money to hear her negativity and criticisms."
Wow. At her age, I would not have had the presence of mind, or the thickness of skin, or the publicist, to come up with something like that.
Kathy Griffin is from the Margaret Cho sector of comedy in every way that counts.
What are your thoughts about Astralagus?
Instead of obsessing about weight, we should obsess about fitness. You can carry a little extra weight and be extremely fit. I know some thin people who are as unhealthy as some heavier folks I know.
That picture reminds me of this scene from Roger Rabbit.
That character's name, I found out, is Lena Hyena.
A fitting nickname for the present context too.
In the mid-90s battle for short, quirky redheads, I just don't get how Kathy Griffin became more popular than the much funnier, Vicki Lewis.
Vicki Lewis
News Radio is one of the all time best sit-coms that so few people really know about. Everyone on the show was excellent. The writing was top-notch.
What you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk in yo trunk?
Her ass is usually more taut when her head is in it. She pulled it out for this special occasion.
Palin told Pop Tarts in an exclusive statement. "
That made me laugh. Foxnews.com also has an EXCLUSIVE on this ATTACK as well. Good stuff.
Chelsea fat? No. Last I saw a pic of her, Chelsea looked like an average-sized woman. Don't become what you claim to hate.
And Kathy, whose body is now 56% artificial, seems a poor judge of beauty. Heck, even renowned media whore Levi won't still speak to her.
Wow. At her age, I would not have had the presence of mind, or the thickness of skin, or the publicist, to come up with something like that.
Let's be honest -- she probably didn't.
(Except for the publicist part.)
Kathy Griffin was never funny but she was at least quirky and charming and relatable as an outsider. That's all gone now. along with her ass apparently. Much like Howard Stern she became a "celebrity." A "celebrity" (as opposed to someone with name recognition arising from actual talent) has to keep publicly celebrating him/herself in order to stay relevant. One cheap and easy way for a "celebrity" to signal his or her "celebrity" status is to say crummy things about the Palin family. All the other "celebrities" seem to appreciate this wisdom . . . .
WV: hypolosr
Sums up Ms. Griffin.
That is one scary ass Kathy has.
I once looked through the video rental store's comedy selection, and took home Kathy Griffin's "Allegedly".
I made it through about five minutes.
My review of it was, "Allegedly, Kathy Griffin is a comedienne."
I wouldn't do that with Olberman's dick.
Hell, I wouldn't do it with Maddow's.
I always mix up Kathy Griffin and Kathy Lee Gifford.
News Radio: pure love. Tears-streaming down-face funny. With Jimmy James, Macho Business Donkey Wrestler! And the awesomeness of the great Sir Lord Bill of McNeal. Et al.
Thanks for the reminder; now I'm going to spend some quality time on YouTube watching NewsRadio clips.
This thread reaching 100 Palin related comments is as half assed as Griffin. I say shut it down.
Hell, I wouldn't do it with Maddow's.
Quoting Kathy Griffin:
“I'm not so into making fun of someone for the way they look”
Memo to Kathy:
It is way past time to retire every one of your bikinis.
I always mix up Kathy Griffin and Kathy Lee Gifford.
Me too.
I never heard of Kathy Griffin prior to her comments about Bristol Palin. Is she really that clueless to diss Bristol in front of her brother's brothers in arms?
Idiot! I hope the DOD sends her a request to never volunteer to "entertain" the troops again.
I thought Bristol's waist was getting smaller with every episode. I think she literally danced her butt off. The dress she wore on Leno I doubt would have fit before Dancing started.
Kathy Griffin? She's a little old to still be so nasty. That kind of nastiness normally stays in High School. She's old enough to be a grandmother. Would you like your grandma to be Kathy Griffin?
I don't get the appeal of really skinny girls.
I was once a 12 yr old boy. I didn't think my body was hot stuff then. Why be with a woman who too closely resembles a boy pre-puberty?
You know, it's really unfair to compare Vicki Lewis and Kathy Griffin. The former is pretty and charming and funny, and the latter is Kathy Griffin. Aside from the hair color, what's the connection?
Even their sitcoms reflect the disparity in their appeal. Vicki had the classic Newsradio, and Kathy Griffin had (shudder) Suddenly freaking Susan.
Now what's really interesting is that Vicki Lewis might have been able to make Suddenly Susan modestly less unbearable, but Griffin would have ruined Newsradio.
Two words.
Ass jowls.
It's the ass equivalent of a busted-up, stretched-out, tangled-in-knots Slinky. You sort of can guess at its original function, but what remains is just a slaggy mess for the trash.
That's definitely from the liposuction she got that according to her was botched. That info is in the Daily Mail article.
More fresh, pipin' hot Palin Derangement Syndrome on proud display today:
"Plus you're with a woman with a gun. The whole thing makes me nervous, you know?"
I would eat that saggy ass.
There's some good ass in that saggy ass.
Even Taiwan is has Palin Derangement Syndrome.
Two words.
Ass jowls.
Mud Flaps
My eyes are now bleeding after seeing that rear view.
Bristol does look chunkier than she used to, specifically in May, 2009 (Scroll down):
Her waist was more defined, and her face was less moon-shaped. Could she be having a hormonal imbalance?
For a white woman, Griffin's butt and thighs looked pretty good for 50. Given the cellulite epidemic, most white women that age should wear nothing more revealing than Bermudas.
Wow! Should be a big payout to fls for winning the racist-sexist-ageist trifecta!
Why aren't you working Meade?
Chop, chop!!!!
Thanks for monitoring, T.
How about you, bro? How's your weather in Bangalore?
Possible that your picture was photoshopped and posted around? Second :52 shows a different pic of her rear end.
Not that it matters...but I wanted to be fair and post an Exhibit B. As a lawyer, I would think you would appreciat ethat.
Kathy Griffin could have a Jennifer Lopez ass and it still would lift her any higher than the C list. She's...simply...not...funny.
A 46-year-old woman mocking the 20-year-old woman's body sounds like latent self-hatred.
All this about Bristol's weight had me remembering Tina Fey's message in Mean Girls that 'you can't call other girls a slut because it makes guys think it okay to do that'. Griffen needs to remember that this is all part of the same body hating machine. The same shit that she's giving Bristol is what makes other people think its okay to make fun of her looks.
A 46-year-old woman mocking the 20-year-old woman's body sounds like latent self-hatred.
Wow. Serious...excellent point.
"There should be a poll for what kind of cheese resembles Ms. Griffens butt!"
I'm thinking double creme brie.
'you can't call other girls a slut because it makes guys think it okay to do that'. Griffen needs to remember that this is all part of the same body hating machine.
Why are comediennes so mean? Why can't Griffin be more like Shari Lewis? Or Lisa Lampanelli?
winning the racist-sexist-ageist trifecta!
Rest assured my decision was the result of a "strict scrutiny" analysis.
Ass jowls.
Mud Flaps
Zombie Butt.
The only episodes of Seinfeld that failed to be funny were the ones that had Kathy Griffin in them.
NewsRadio was fantastic! Phil Hartman was never better.
"There should be a poll for what kind of cheese resembles Ms. Griffens butt!"
I'm thinking frumunda.
You owe me a cup of coffee ... and a new keyboard.
Holy cow. That is disgusting.... get dressed, Kathy, and sit down.
At a certain age a woman has to choose between her face or her ass? I've never heard that before.
Wait... that's her ASS?
Doesn't look very gouda to me. Let's cut the cheese jokes.
Wait... that's her ASS?
My first, disbelieving response was: "No whey -- !!!"
"Hell, I wouldnt' do it with Maddow's."
That is some funny there, kent.
i feel a whole lot better about my ass now. :D
Kinda hard to tell what end it was when her mouth is open, you know?
Looks like a classic case of "face or ass?" to me. A while back, I read somewhere that after a certain age, a woman has a choice of either working maniacally to keep her ass skinny and having it take a toll on her face, or not worrying about her weight, getting the big bottom and not having her face look haggard. Griffin obviously went for the ass.
And after looking at Trooper's blog the other day, all I can say is, "Where have you gone, Joey Heatherton? A nation turns it's lonely eyes to you..."
The key learning point is that I always assumed Kathy Griffin was in her thirties until now.
It's along the lines of the old saying that it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Kathy Griffin used to be a fun comedian that I enjoyed until she got so nasty in her political sentiments. I'm sure I'm not the only one who now immediately changes the channel when her hate-spewing comes on the tube.
So cathy Griffin is a women of very bad taste. What else new?
Looks like a classic case of "face or ass?" to me.
I consider something else to be more important in a woman. And you all know what that is.
No amount of money can fix the horror show of Griffin. Yeesh!!!
Like Kathy Griffinshoul so should the whole Palin Clan just go away your 15 minute are up! Bristol is chubby so what. Kathy is ugly with an old flabby ass so what They just need to go away!!!! As for the Palin Clan I blame Sen. McCain for pulling them out from under the rock in Alaska, if it were not for him picking the MILF no one in the lower 48 would ever have heard of the quitter governor and her clan!
When it comes to the Sex and the City women, I have met Kin Cattrall when she was married to Mark Levinson and she was drop dead gorgeous in person and was very gracious and easy to be around. Agree with Trooper on Sarah Jessica though.
Kathy Griffin just reminds me of all the unfunny people who think if they get truly gross then people will laugh and they will make a lot of money. She sets the standard for gross.
As for the Palin Clan I blame Sen. McCain for pulling them out from under the rock in Alaska, if it were not for him picking the MILF no one in the lower 48 would ever have heard of the quitter governor and her clan!
Ladies and gentlemen: Kathy Griffin's gag writer.
"I have met Kin Cattrall when she was married to Mark Levinson and she was drop dead gorgeous in person and was very gracious and easy to be around."
She was great as Lassie.
If I want old and funny, gimme Cloris Leachman. One out of two don't cut it, Griffin.
Reminds me of a "blue" joke I heard: On old lady in the nursing home was trying to get either of the two old men she liked to admire her so one day she decided to strip off naked and streak by them. She ran by and the old guy who was the blinder of the two said, "What was that?" The other one said, "I don't know, but it sure needed ironing!"
Well, well, well...
Kathy Griffin’s New Man is Young, Dumb, and Full of Enthusiasm August 10th - so it is even WORSE that she is bashing on Bristol.
captcha: repten (seems to match)
The troops boo'd because Bristol's brother is an Infantry soldier. Whether or not those troops give a rat's patootie about Bristol's Mama a civilian does not rag on a soldier's family in front of other soldiers. Now, soldiers may do so, but not civilians.
Meanwhile, this Griffin object must never run. The flapping of those butt wings would lift her feet off the ground and down she would go, face plant! A well deserved faceplant. Hopefully on hard concrete.
Writing is not dead.... people like you will never let it happen... I am sure unitech crestview
i give a warm regards to the writer because hug is not possible on net unitech crestview
That has to be either the worst pic they could find, or a photoshop. Griffin's other bikini pics don't look too bad. She's no great beauty, and she's not super-sexy, but she doesn't look too bad. She looks nowhere near as good as Bristol Palin, of course.
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