At the top, right now, is this:

Look closer:

I clicked, because I wanted to see what Joe Biden had to say under the snazzy headline "Obama: On the way to a failed presidency?" The link goes to a Washington Post column with that headline — but it's by Katrina vanden Heuvel ("editor and publisher of the Nation" who "writes a weekly online column for The Post").
Can anyone explain why the automatic aggregator Memeorandum would have picked up that column and attached Biden's name to it? I'm guessing the answer is pretty boring: "Joe Biden" appears in a line above the column, near the top of the page, that begins "Hot Topics." That does give rise to a new puzzle: What's hot about Biden? Clicking on his name, I see that he "heads to the Hill to talk taxes" today. Sizzling!
That does give rise to a new puzzle: What's hot about Biden?
Well, his ass probably does looks better in a bikini than Kathy Griffin's...
It's the same algorithm that puts funeral homes first under the page title for frozen meat.
Very cool website, AA. Thanks for the head's up. That's an interesting mix of aggregation. On the topic at hand, can one have a Joe Biden sock puppet when Joe Biden is himself a sock puppet? Doesn't that tear the fabric of the universe or something? I'm almost sure it does.
oh,boy! that is a hilarious mistake on meme's part but not too far from what Biden would actually do though.
Wow, Katrina's not happy.
I don't know if she has a Joe Biden sock puppet but I bet she has
one of these.
Just sayn'
I sent one to AlphaLiberal for Festivus.
He doesn't celebrate Christmas you know.
Because Joe and Katrina are both delusional?
We are going to see more and more of the Progressive/Liberal persuasion abandoning Obama as time goes on. I think he knows it too.
He's already lost them.
"Turn out the liiights,
the party's over.
They say that all,
good things must end"
"Children Of Men" was a haunting enough movie, but the thing that stuck with me the most (aside from the exceptionally cool last 20 minutes) was the graffiti
"Last Person To Die Please Turn Out The Lights"
Anyone else watching Obama wilt under the hot lights of reality? His press conference has been a moribund affair, leavened only by his claims that the most important step towards recovery is more unemployment insurance being paid out.
He's already lost them.
[::to tune of Coven's "One Tin Soldier"::]
"... one tin Kenyan... rides awaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy...!"
Has Halo Joe written some piece for USA Today or the WaPo that bears Ms vanden Heuvel's (man, she must be an angry Lefty with a handle like that) name on it?
Original Mike said...
"Turn out the liiights,
the party's over.
They say that all,
good things must end
RIP Dandy Don
Katrian is still talking about Obama's "mandate,"
Hello, vanden Heuvel, that bird has flown away.
That might be true, garage, but those people with access to the media are telling everyone about it. That's something.
Anyone else watching Obama wilt under the hot lights of reality?
He just took a shellacking, to use his own words and now he says "most Americans are with him" when it comes to tax cuts?
The big question is whether Obama will call his demise due solely to racism. Any bets?
In related news, Chris Matthews has a Barack Obama sock puppet.
And not the virtual kind.
Did Obama just raised his voice over democrat partisan reaction to his deal?
Obama just brought up his race..
He just took a shellacking, to use his own words and now he says "most Americans are with him" when it comes to tax cuts?
Americans are with what should be the Democratic position on taxes, yes. Around 3/4 of the population. Even half of Republicans. So of course he would go against that.
RIP Dandy Don
Wow Allen S..
you called it.. @1:54
Wow Allen S..
you called it.. @1:54
Sucker bet. Obama would reflexively bring up the topic of his own race for anything up to and including whether or not he was intentionally shorted on a large order of fries.
Sucker bet. Obama would reflexively bring up the topic of his own race for anything up to and including whether or not he was intentionally shorted on a large order of fries.
Which race are you referring to? He's half-black and half-white.
Americans are with what should be the Democratic position on taxes, yes
You are a terribly bad liar.
His press conference has been a moribund affair,
Notice how it is all blame, blame, whine, blame, whine, whine, whine.
Sucker bet? The reason that I mentioned it, is because he's running out of options. Close Gitmo, leave Iraq, millions of good paying jobs building solar panels and windmills... Nobody on the left believes anything that he says anymore. Nobody on the right believed he knew what he was talking about when he showed up on the scene, but there weren't enough of those voters hip to his bullshit statements to make a difference. Black voters will be all that he has left mostly.
You are a terribly bad liar.
When you going to learn Jay?
Just 26 percent of Americans say they support extending the cuts for all Americans, even those earning above the $250,000 level, which is the GOP proposal.
Even among Republicans, support for extending all the cuts is less than half at 46 percent.
Enact Republican-lite policies, don't be surprised when the public still hates them, and your base hates you for enacting them.
When you going to learn Jay?
Um, what were the breakdowns on that poll?
What's the matter Jay? Did you need another poll?
garage -- a guarantee of two years of continuing the Bush tax cuts is a start.
I was listening to an educated talk show today and they gave specific, significant examples of what unleashing money which is unfiltered by passing through the inefficiency and corruption of the government has done / can do.
Don't be a sore loser.
Around 3/4 of the population.
Yes, 3/4 of the population is for it!!!
By the way, here is a poll that contradicts yours.
Fifty-three percent say income tax cuts that soon will expire should be renewed for all — including the highest earners, as Republicans want — according to an Associated Press-GfK Poll conducted just after last week's elections. But 44 percent would continue the cuts only for those earning under $250,000 a year — which Obama favors — or let them lapse for everyone.
Thanks for your continued silliness though.
A funny take on this glitch here too:
Did you need another poll?
Like this one?
Fifty-four percent said they wanted the Bush cuts to stay in effect, according to the Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely voters taken Aug. 1 and 2.
You want me to post one from October too?
Katrina vanden Heuvel is one of the worst partisan hacks in the media, bar none. She actually tries to pass herself off as an objective journalist on NPR - makes me throw up.
pre-empt garagae mahal:
ooga boogah, evil leftie media!
ooga boogah, evil leftie media!
ooga boogah, evil leftie media!
ooga boogah, evil leftie media!
Althoue bashes ooga booga evil leftie media again, red meat for Althouse redneck hillbillies!
garage - you cite some leftie poll to satisfy yourself somehow. If only 26% of the American people were in favor of extending the tax rates, both Obama and the Congress would be politically suicidal. AS usual you project the lefty disapproval onto the general population!
The "Long legged Mack Daddy" we elected as our first African American President has fallen from our assumption that his smiling and non-threatening status would forever work out all problems. He can turn off that enchanting smile now.
Vander Drivel seems to have missed the point of November's election if she thinks this sentence is still operative:
"This president has a clear and imperative historic mandate."
It's amusing to watch the elitist media and libs cast around for a villain when it's they who foisted a callow politician with few accomplishments on the nation.
Who were the rubes?
looks like that hope and change thingy just didnt work out.
The rubes bought it hook line and sinker--hows it working out for you professor?
It isnt the fact that Mr Obama is half black--its that is is entire twit irrespective of his melanin content
what a fucking loser--as were the idiots that voted for the half black twit.
Just goes to show that idiocy is color blind.
is this a great country or what.
"This president has a clear and imperative historic mandate."
Yeah, those only extend to the next election. The people watched what was done with their mandate and rescinded it the first chance they were given.
Yeah, those only extend to the next election. The people watched what was done with their mandate and rescinded it the first chance they were given.
But why is the question. Did too much, or did too little.
Fellow Republicans, you know those features in newspapers that have the "Home of The Week".
Well I have done three from the NY Times in the past 10 years.
Isn't that weird?
Another one was just "highlighted" over the past week and I kept saying to myself I know that house, than they talked about the doctor who lived there and rehabed it and bingo...I did him.
I remember it vividly. We did it like 5 years ago right before my birthday which is in July. We had a date a couple of days after we first did it and I lived like 5 blocks from him. It was a really hot night and I walked to his house and he answered the door shirtless (you know because it was hot-and he didn't have any air). He purchased these beautiful flowers for me because it was my birthday which I left at his partially rehabed house. We went and had an "ice cream" low fat-natch. We went back to his house and tried to do it again but I couldn't get it up. That was the last I heard from him....until I was reading the Times, as I always do, and his rehabed condo was the home of the day or something-the improvements are divine natch. He was working on that place for over 5 years. Well you can now have it for 3.5 million.
This is the third time that a "house of the week" was a house i shot my load in.
He was really nice too...and a doctor, and he had his own plane that he flied to Ptown-oh well.
My Indian UK husband, who's grandparents hung out with Gandhi are more fab.
garage is just baffled that Obama refuses to act in his own self-interest and enact the incredibly popular progressive agenda. He's become just like those bitter clingers in Kansas and rural Pennsylvania.
What's the Matter With Obama?
What I just wrote is 100% true too.
Does that make me a little fab in some small way?
Did too much, or did too little.
lol, Garage. If you honestly need someone else to answer this question, you need to get up from the adult's table and go get some grape fruit juice.
I'm sure there's a way you can argue that the Tea Party-driven changing of the guard in the House was precipitated by their opinion that Obama wasn't doing enough with his federal power. Not quite sure how it will square with actual reality, but I'm sure you can make the argument some how.
By the way...what color is a clear sky in your world?
If you honestly need someone else to answer this question, you need to get up from the adult's table and go get some grape fruit juice.
So go ahead and answer it with some data.
I also remember that when he told me he was a doctor I kept thinking no way-you are latino-latino's aren't doctors, but this home of the week article proves to me that yes he really was a doctor-also the place was pretty impressive and your average run of the mill latino wouldn't of been able to afford it natch so I guess it makes sense that he was in fact a doctor.
I do remember he had a small dick too.
The rubes bought it hook line and sinker--hows it working out for you professor?
The GOP deserves half the credit for Obama's win. Unless you are saying that American voters are stupid? Because it turns out that that doesn't play well.
He kissed like a woman too-gross.
Most gays, not all, generally do it first and then maybe by a very slight chance actually have a date later on where they meet and have a conversation and get to know each other.
I didn't know my current husband's real name for the first three months-big admission just now-please don't judge. We went out on many dates and movies and did it and I didnt know his name. He would always ask me to spell it....and I couldn't and he would become furious. I introduced him to friends and family and just mumbled the name because I didn't know what it was.
It really depends on the issue, Garage.
Bailouts/Obamacare, etc - did too much
Unemployment/economy - did too little
This is just to frame the question, you understand. Do you agree so far?
In his press conference after the "shellacking", Obama said he heard the message from the American people, involving (IIRC) something about the "tone" of politics in Washington.
So today, at a press conference in which, presumably, Obama is to take responsibility for and justify *his own* decision re tax cuts-- a decision one might suppose a president makes because he thinks it the right thing to do-- O calls the GOP a bunch of "hostage takers." WTF?
Stuff like this shouldn't surprise me anymore (it's par for the O-rhetoric course), but it still shocks me a little, every time.
Our president is like a wax figure, who continues to melt under the lights. Under (non-adoring) questioning, sans teleprompter, the man seems incapable of keeping it together.
Garage: Your poll numbers are probably correct but their meaning would depend on the way the question was posed.
1. Do you support extending tax cuts to the rich
2. Do you support extending tax cuts to the rich if you also will get a tax cut in the bargain.
I would expect that the poll more closely resembled the first question.
Either way, higher earners are going to be spared a tax hike.
It appears that elections have consequences as a famous president once snidely said.
This is just to frame the question, you understand. Do you agree so far?
Partially. For different reasons.
Under (non-adoring) questioning, sans teleprompter, the man seems incapable of keeping it together.
Under those circumstances, it seems the glimpse of the man that said the cops were acting stupidly was more of a candid snapshot than we fully understood.
Partially. For different reasons.
So the question doesn't require a "why".
Zero, to his lefty critics during today's presser:
"We will be able to feel good about ourselves and sanctiminoious about how pure our intentions are [...] That cannot be the measure of what it is to be a Democrat."
FOX is reporting that Elizabeth Edwards has died.
The Wellstone funeral pep-rally where the Dems booed Republicans as they entered the room.
The Corretta Scott King funeral where Dems took cheap shots at Bush, who was only there to honor King.
The death of Ted Kennedy leveraged to pass Obamacare.
Clock is ticking. How long before the Democrats use Elizabeth's corpse as a political prop.
I'm betting within 24 hours, before she is even cold.
Hostage Takers? Obama really used that term? Well, maybe he now includes himself in the Victim Class aka the loyal Democrat constituencies.
Sorry for OT, but breaking news is that Elizabeth Edwards has died. /OT
"But why is the question. Did too much, or did too little."
Because he didn't do enough of the progressive agenda, they elected Republicans?
Just hitting the wires.. Elizabeth Edwards is dead.
AJ Lynch, here's the quote: “It’s tempting not to negotiate with hostage takers unless the hostage gets harmed. … In this case, the hostage was the American people, and I was not willing to see them get harmed.”
And Jesus H, did O really say (referring to Republicans-- those "hostage takers" of the American people): "You can't just stand on the sidelines and be a bomb-thrower"?!!
This coming from O, our transcendentally post-partisan president. This coming from O, friend of Ayers & Dohrn.
In other words, O is directly-- and with vivid imagery-- comparing Republicans to terrorists.
Unemployment/economy - did too little
To say the least.
By the way, the meltdowns at HuffPo and DailyKos in reaction to Obama's presser are epic...
And Jesus H, did O really say (referring to Republicans-- those "hostage takers" of the American people):
Slurpee-wielding hostage takers at that.
Hey, how did we manage to take hostages anyway? I thought we were told to sit in the back of the bus?
Obama refuses to call terrorists .....terrorists but he calls Republicans hostage takers.
He is melting away right before our eyes like Margaret Hamilton.
Link, please, Jay.
By the way, the meltdowns at HuffPo and DailyKos in reaction to Obama's presser are epic...
Cool. Just in time for my Diversity Hire spiel.
By the way, the meltdowns at HuffPo and DailyKos in reaction to Obama's presser are epic...
Don't miss the equally hysterical tantrums over at Democratic Underground or Firedoglake, either. ;)
In other words, O is directly-- and with vivid imagery-- comparing Republicans to terrorists.
Hostage takers aren't necessarily terrorists. But Republicans made it clear they wouldn't negotiate anything until tax cuts for the rich was settled. Not sure what else you can call them.
"Hey, how did we manage to take hostages anyway?"
Seems to me the "hostages" wandered in of their own volition. "Please save us from the authorities."
Hostage takers aren't necessarily terrorists. But Republicans made it clear they wouldn't negotiate anything until tax cuts for the rich was settled. Not sure what else you can call them.
121 pages of comments at HuffPo on the tax cuts.
link to another blog chronicling...
Kos kiddies go insane...almost 1,000 comments
You see all the stuff about "taz cuts for the rich" and "cutting taxes will not help the economy" and all the other favorite memes of youse guys have been exposed for what they always were:
A big bag of bullshit.
Enjoy your tax cuts baby.
Tax cuts for small businesses, garage. You want to get the economy moving you've gotta give up on the class warfare shtick. Unfortunately, 2 years is still welldect within the planning cycle for investment decisions.
Hostage takers aren't necessarily terrorists. But Republicans made it clear they wouldn't negotiate anything until tax cuts for the rich was settled. Not sure what else you can call them.
I refuse to take my wife and three small kids to the Santa's Village lightshow thingy (a drive through attraction here locally) without ample snacks, some juice boxes, and at least one pacify ready to go. If we don't have those things, I will not budge.
Am I holding Santa's Village hostage? Or am I just being stubborn about necessary things going forward to avoid easily predictable disaster intertwined with debacle?
Only Nixon could go to China
and only Obama could gut Social Security.
that is just the start...
"Kos kiddies go insane"
All of this for what, 2 or 3%. Insane is the right word.
I mean if all that stuff was so terrible and awfull the great anointed one would never propose them right...right....RIGHT!
On of those leftist "intellectuals" at the HuffPo telling you how it is...
CLASS WARFARE and some civil unrest , brewing in a neighborhood near you. Hey oligarchs how it turns out is anybody’s guess. I hope Wikileaks unleashes its info on the banks ASAP, I could care less if WS has to tank to stop this madness.
I love those dopes!
From Jay's second link, @4:26 PM:
1. You broke my heart and now I’m going to listen to Minus the Bear and stare at my Hope™ poster and have myself a good, long cry. Don’t bother calling me for money, or a ride to basketball practice. I loved you, gave you my virginity, and now I find out you’re texting Katelynn, that slutty bitch? I hate you!
2. Give me money!!!!! I want rich peoples money!!!!
Tax cuts for small businesses, garage. You want to get the economy moving you've gotta give up on the class warfare shtick
Republicans have blocked every single bill to help small businesses. That's why they were against them. Because they helped small businesses.
You honestly think keeping tax rates as they are is going to get the economy moving again?
You honestly think keeping tax rates as they are is going to get the economy moving again?
Yes, if for no other reason than the certainly it allows for at least two solars.
You see all the stuff about "taz cuts for the rich" and "cutting taxes will not help the economy"
And here is what some people who know a little bit about markets & incentives had to say:
According to our calculations, the Social Security tax reduction could add 0.7% to output next year, thereby taking Q4 over Q4 real GDP up to 4.1% versus our current 3.3% projection.
But what do they know, right? 3/4 of America are against it!!!
Obama has a mandate!!!
That's what I call negotiating savvy, diplomatic genius. If you want your enem-- I mean opponents to compromise with you in the future, be sure to call them hostage-takers and bomb-throwers in a press conference after you've just negotiated a deal with them.
Yes, if for no other reason than the certainly it allows for at least two solars.
What a load of manure. Companies hire people if they have demand.
You know I didn't think anything could look worse than Kathy Griffin ass being exposed like that but you know what.....but the President managed to do that.
Well done sir.
But actually, Bill Clinton, in 1997, signed legislation that dropped the capital gains tax to 20 percent.
OBAMA: Right.
GIBSON: And George Bush has taken it down to 15 percent.
OBAMA: Right.
GIBSON: And in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased; the government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down.
So why raise it at all, especially given the fact that 100 million people in this country own stock and would be affected?
OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.
save your propaganda about "helping small businesses"
The left has no interest in that.
Obama looked like he was gonna cry during most of his press conference. A sad shell of a small man.
OBAMA: "Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness."
"Mmmmmmm, Mmmmmmmm, Mmmmmmmm."
Lowering the FICA tax will result in more people in minimum wage jobs getting more of their money every week. That is a very good thing.
I sincerely congratulate the President on doing this.
I went to HuffPo but got side tracked by the badges...
"MountainMan is a Level 1 Networker!"
How stupid.
Badges...we don't need no stinkin badges!!!!!
Libtard: Companies hire people if they have demand.
Would it be too much to ask that Garage lecture us again on Economics?
I have a bag of popcorn to finish off.
I could care less if WS has to tank to stop this madness.
Is how the modern left views America.
"Republicans have blocked every single bill to help small businesses. That's why they were against them. Because they helped small businesses."
Republicans are actively against small businesses? What possible reason could they have for that?
Targeted tax cuts for a year or two to some small sliver of businesses who deign to do those things the Administration's economic genusis perscribe are worse than worthless. They are distorting. You think a payroll tax holiday for one year for new hires is going to get someone to hire a new worker?
"You honestly think keeping tax rates as they are is going to get the economy moving again?"
Actually, no. They are pretty pathetic (which makes all the strum and drang remarkable, at least if you believe this is about substance, which it is not). But it's all that's on the table right now, and at least we won't have the damage of tax increases.
What this gives you is some certainty that taxes won't go through the roof because Barry won't be able to get anything through Congress now. Hee.
Stop it. You're making a fool out of yourself.
Hey where is AlpaLiberal and HD and all the guys?
Poor garage looks like Mark Sanchez for crying out loud!
"1. Do you support extending tax cuts to the rich
2. Do you support extending tax cuts to the rich if you also will get a tax cut in the bargain."
I would prefer:
Do you support extending tax cuts for ALL Americans who pay taxes?
OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness.
In life, there is no such thing as fairness.
WV: equaral?
"What a load of manure. Companies hire people if they have demand."
YES! And where does demand come from? Not from giving everybody $400/year. Borrowed monet, at that. Not from giving people subsistence level wages for not working. It comes from people who think their future is secure.
You honestly think keeping tax rates as they are is going to get the economy moving again?
Good point, garage -- clearly the correct way to help the economy is for the government to take more of your money. Once people have less money to spend and invest, businesses will be sure to bounce back. Excellent plan you've got there.
I'm sure the government will handle the money wisely, such as by giving it to investment bankers and people who build unsellable cars.
Companies hire people if they have demand.
And when you raise taxes so that people have less money, what happens to demand for companies' goods and services? That's right. It drops. So companies don't hire new people, and lay off some of the ones they have.
Republicans are actively against small businesses? What possible reason could they have for that?
The same reason they just voted against tax cuts for anyone under 250k. 98% of all small business owners have less than $250,000 a year in adjusted gross income. Republicans do not give a shit about anyone making under 250k. And never have.
Aw c'mon. You guys could at least string him along a bit.
I'll share my popcorn with you.
That must be why most small businessmen are Democrats. They can trust the Dems to look out for them....oh wait a minute.
People aren't stupid, garage. How bright do they think their future is when they look at the federal budget for the next ten years? They know where that money is going to have to come from. The obvious response is to hunker dowm.
I mean it must be that small business are so stupid that they don't know that their interests will be best served by unending tax increases to pay for programs for the indolent until they die and then everything is confiscated by the estate tax.
Which will now have a five million dollar exclusion which might I dare say is "fair." Hee.
Libtard: The same reason they just voted against tax cuts for anyone under 250k.
Idiot. The Republicans voted against legislation capping the extension of tax cuts at $250,000
You're desperate.
"The same reason they just voted against tax cuts for anyone under 250k."
I know you are not this stupid, so I conclude you are dishonest.
They voted against it to force the question of no tax increases for everybody. That's their leverage. You know this.
OBAMA: "We will be able to feel good about ourselves and sanctiminoious about how pure our intentions are [...]"
GARAGE: "Republicans do not give a shit about anyone making under 250k. And never have."
Next shows at 6:00 and 10:00, folks.
You about done with that popcorn, Fen? I have to go home soon.
People aren't stupid, garage. How bright do they think their future is when they look at the federal budget for the next ten years? They know where that money is going to have to come from. The obvious response is to hunker dowm.
Asinine. If a business owner has a demand, he fills it, or some other business will for him. I would say if they are looking at federal budget outlays for the next 10 years instead, they are pretty fucking stupid. Not to mention the fact that extending all tax cuts will ADD 4 trillion to our debt in the next 10 years.
You about done with that popcorn, Fen? I have to go home soon.
*passes popcorn*
*pops open a beer*
I was talking about the consumers hunkering down, garage.
oh oh someone ask him where "demand" comes from again. This is good.
Poor guy is gonna start lookin' like Heather Nussbaum.
"Not to mention the fact that extending all tax cuts will ADD 4 trillion to our debt in the next 10 years."
Yep. Therefore, it's time to cut spending. We could start, for example, by rolling back spending to 2008 levels. I will be bitterly disappointed (though certainly not surprised, if the House doesn't act in this diraction. Will it get past the Senate and Obama? Don't know. But that would set up 2012.
Not to mention the fact that extending all tax cuts will ADD 4 trillion to our debt in the next 10 years.
Again, you are a terribly bad liar.
vw: magot
From Firdoglake's commenters, re: Zero's presser earlier today:
"Democrats must clean house and flush this turd of a President [...]"
"Boy, he’s sounding as petulant as Nixon."
"What a f’g moron."
"I’m beyond angry about Obama’s sleaziness [...]"
"What an insufferable pig this man is."
"Obama blows dead goats."
"this maggot is batty."
"We’re gonna get him for this."
Oh, dear. Now, what was that Janeane Garofolo said was THE ONLY CONCEIVABLE REASON for anyone to oppose any given dictate or whim of The Chosen One...?
Oh, right. Right. Now I remember:
"This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up."
As of 4:34 MST 12/7 the "Joe Biden" part is gone. Now Katrina vanden Heuvel is listed.
Flak received
Yep. Therefore, it's time to cut spending.
So would you agree they need to come up with the spending cuts needed before they pass the tax cut extensions? Like, on paper.
I was talking about the consumers hunkering down, garage.
Consumers got tax breaks last year. Most are too dumb to notice, but it's true. Look at the Clinton vs Bush presidencies vis a vis taxation. It doesn't add up.
"Not to mention the fact that extending all tax cuts will ADD 4 trillion to our debt in the next 10 years."
Just for you, garage: How to Balance the Budget Without Raising Taxes.
3.6% a year. That's all we ask.
"Consumers got tax breaks last year."
$400. Of borrowed money. That'll fill them with confidence in the future.
I want all of you guys smacking my friend garage around to remember that he is the only one man enough to come here to defend his fraud of a President and the fraudulent policies that have been pushed by his discredited party of knaves and malcontents. The rest of the liberal contigent have run for the hills.
Well done garage. You have to respect a man that stands by his team.
So would you agree they need to come up with the spending cuts needed before they pass the tax cut extensions? Like, on paper.
The expiration of the tax cuts, as well as AMT, had to be done now. Congress had all summer to do it. But they didn't.
I mean whats the big deal. Obama is all about surrendering to his enemies. And after all he thinks the Republicans are his enemy so of course he is gonna surrender.
As that great philospher Derrick Coleman once said "Whoopie-damn-do muterfucker!"
I agree with Trooper.
I expect nothing less from a fan of a bunch of losers like those stinkin Red Sox.
Well done Lem.
Garage: I doubt that extending the current tax rates will result in an economic boom. On the other hand an increase could well have tanked the market and pushed us back into official recession. No Republican wanted taxes raised on any American. Any.
You can tell him what it feels like to be a winner two years out of the last sixty or so. Just sayn'
I feel garages pain.. ;)
$400. Of borrowed money. That'll fill them with confidence in the future.
All tax cuts are borrowed money. Trooper is a small business owner (allegedly) and an accountant (allegedly), but couldn't seem to find the time to find any of the dozens of tax credits and incentives Obama and Democrats enacted, that all Republicans blocked. Wonder if he even knew he was allowed a 100% deduction of capital investments, or carry back of general business tax credits to offset tax burdens in previous years, or, well, you get the idea.
Garage don't be bitter dude. Your guy just gave up lock, stock and barrel. He knows he has been lying all this time. Just face it. The man is not worth your loyalty.
Start working for Hillary in the primary dude. You know you want too!
I've said Obama should have fired his entire economic team, and should be primaried. I'm honest. I'm not the one LIVING A LIE!
All tax cuts are borrowed money.
Epic fail.
"Tax cuts" are not a spending program, no matter how many times you assert it so.
hey need to come up with the spending cuts needed before they pass the tax cut extensions? Like, on paper.
How about this:
The government comes up with justification(s) for spending and does not exceed the current 2.2 trillion they are receiving in revenue?
Your views, that "tax cuts" are some giveaway, are pathetic and sad.
I think Jay is onto something here:
Tax cuts force the government to choose between increasing their borrowing or cutting their spending.
Tax increases allow government to increase spending without increasing borrowing.
If you are for smaller government, it is pretty obvious what the pathway to this goal entails.
Starve the beast!
Jay - to libtards tax cuts are a spending program because that money is already "sacred government stash" aka slush fund.
"I mean whats the big deal. Obama is all about surrendering to his enemies. And after all he thinks the Republicans are his enemy so of course he is gonna surrender."
As a nation we are way too much into our sports for you to really believe that, Troop.
It would be like your Giants surrendering BEFORE the game begins next Sunday.
Politics is not a sport.
Obama's decision was a well-reasoned political compromise, although it will be judged by a group of people wearing sweatshirts for their left or right "home team".
SJay - to libtards tax cuts are a spending program because that money is already "sacred government stash" aka slush fund.
1.2 trillion was added to our national debt from the two Bush tax cuts.
1.2 trillion was added to our national debt from the two Bush tax cuts.
Actually, 1.2 trillion was added by government spending.
Further, it is comical to watch you blather on that the "cost" is now 4 trillion. On the same tax rates.
1.2 trillion was added to our national debt from the two Bush tax cuts.
You, nor anyone reading, could possibly provide any data proving this.
And again, "tax cuts" are not a "cost" to the treasury.
Government programs are.
Look, very few people would disagree that the government has gotten too "big". Generally we decide that based on our "Personal Unhappiness Factor", and then we vote accordingly, or say we WON'T vote, because of the "BIGNESS of Government".
Americans seem to have a HEFTY, "Unhappiness Factor".
A bit sad that it's so "personal".
Trooper: I want all of you guys smacking my friend garage around to remember that he is the only one man enough to come here to defend his fraud of a President and the fraudulent policies that have been pushed by his discredited party of knaves and malcontents. The rest of the liberal contigent have run for the hills.
Well done garage. You have to respect a man that stands by his team.
Oh Gawd. You're right.
[hat tip to Garage]
and we will never speak of this again! :)
"...and we will never speak of this again! :)"
That's pretty funny, Fen.
We speak about this every damn time some new person comes into this room... two feet at a time... to lambaste Garage by name, and without getting our tacit approval first.
When that happens, all of a sudden, Garage is like our little brother who needs protection from the new bully on the block.
Garage must laugh his ass off when that happens.
The reason I know he's a man? Never once, at least to my knowledge, has he pointed out our collective "tribal" behavior to make his own "independent" behavior seem enlightened.
He's simply a man who doesn't agree with the majority in here. He knows that, and is patient enough for the rest of us to eventually "catch on" that that does not make him an enemy of the state of Althouse.
Well that, plus I think he likes us!
But what exactly is wrong with pointing out tribal behavior? From where I sit, one of the many main themes of this blog, from its inception, has been pointing out tribal behaviors. That, it has always done well. In more recent years, it's been far more dainty in dancing around calling out certain tribes as such. Nonetheless, even so, it's pretty much still, in good part, an ongoing anthropological experiment [/study].
Isn't it?
Joe Biden is Katrina vanden Heuvel.
In drag.
You know, in addition to (and in no small portion as part of) the living-freely-through-writing and performance-art components.
So, where's the issue?
I've said Obama [...] should be primaried.
"If the so-called progressive community is done with Obama, than the black community will most likely be done with you. We aren't that worried about Republicans, we have certainly dealt with worse.
"Now, you can take that shit however you want, but good luck with whatever you are planning because you will need it. Especially, since you haven't been able to sway a majority of white voters to your 'cause' in 30 years. Without us this party is nothing. Have fun planning your primary challenge and 'progressive uprising' without us."
Garage: 1.2 trillion was added by our spending. We do not have an income problem, we have a spending problem.
"...but couldn't seem to find the time to find any of the dozens of tax credits and incentives Obama and Democrats enacted, that all Republicans blocked. Wonder if he even knew he was allowed a 100% deduction of capital investments, or carry back of general business tax credits to offset tax burdens in previous years, or, well, you get the idea."
Liberals are such control freaks they think their little plans are helpful. But arcane tax rules are a big part of the problem.
Earth to garage: you (nor anybody else) are smart enough to micromanage the economy. Here's a plan: reduce spending to the level of achievable revenues (which appears to be about 19% of GDP) and get out of the way.
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