November 12, 2010

Who should be TIME's Person of the Year?

Here's a list. They are taking votes. Inanely, Lady Gaga is in first place by a lot. I'm going to say Nancy Pelosi.


Alex said...

Nancy Pelosi should be the "Person of the Year" for destroying the Democrat Party. Huah!

Pete said...

The Tea Partiers

chickelit said...

Nancy Pelosi should be the "Person of the Year" for destroying the Democrat Party. Huah!

maybe "Poison of the Year"

EnigmatiCore said...

Time loves their non-single-person persons.

Ergo, The Unemployed American, or as we know him around here, Lonewackodotcom.

AST said...

Christine O'Donnell

She and Time deserve each other.

SBVOR said...

If I may offer a write-in vote -- Karl Marx.

In fact, Time Magazine would be far more honest to declare Karl Marx their person of the year every year.

traditionalguy said...

Gary Patterson should at least be allowed to play in the finals.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That list is very unremarkable.

There are more no names in that list than in a jehovah witness christmas shopping list.

(jehovah witnesses dont do christmas)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Will Time still be in business at the end of the year?

If so, Pete got it first and I agree: The Tea Partiers.

In 2nd place, I nominate "The Voters Who Had a Temper Tantrum" according to WAPO's Eugene Robinson.

coketown said...

This was just a bad year for people. Nobody was terribly influential or important. It's not like the 1930's, when every year was a cakewalk: Hitler, FDR, Hitler again. But if I had to choose--ooo, I simply detest when you put me in these situations, Miss Althouse!--my vote would go to Bernanke.

WHY THE FUCK ARE THE KOCH BROTHERS ON THAT LIST? Nobody would even know who they are if the Obama administration hadn't made his little Nixon-era faux pas. Time magazine is really starting to piss me off. And oh my, this soup's delicious, isn't it.

The Crack Emcee said...

I was going to say Sarah Palin, but the Tea Party is a better suggestion, I think.

Anyone who suggested Lady GaGa needs their head examined.

ContraMan said...

If they can make "The Computer" their "Person of The Year" as they did one year, then surely they can name "The Tea Party" their "Persons of the Year." But they won't, for they like to sell magazines as long as the archaic form still exists. You can get an idea of the sixties nostalgic political leanings of their readers from the fact that the excrable Wikileaker Julian Assange is ranked #2.

May "Time" go the way of "The Daily Beast" and "Newsweek", the combined steaming pile now aptly re-named "Newsbeast" that now this way slouches.

Now, it seems,we can but await eagerly the joyous announcement of the marriage between "Time" and "Daily Kos". While Henry Luce restlessly tosses and turns beneath our feet.

Mary Beth said...

Julian Assange. Does anyone outside of the US care about Pelosi?

I'm Full of Soup said...

So I could vote for Craig Venter [but I don't think I ever heard of him] but I can't vote for The Tea party? But I could vote for Stewart/ Colbert?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Coketown makes a good point - why no Bernanke? According to the experts, he is either ruining or saving the USA.

Or how about the drilling bit company & American know-how that saved the Chilean miners? Or the prez of Chile who kept it together?

garage mahal said...

Nancy busted balls. Still does. She didn't lose one fight as Madame Speaker. She passed over 400 pieces of liberal legislation in the House, and some even made it through this Senate! I say hell yea. Haha. Eat in wingers.

SteveR said...

Its gone downhill since the year I was the Person of the Year..

knox said...

Eat in wingers.

Come on, even us wingers like to go out to a restaurant every now and then.

Jason (the commenter) said...

The Chilean Miners are on the list but not Tea Partiers.

And no Rush Limbaugh.

Does Time not want to sell magazines?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Someone tell Time there's a heck of a lot more that just one unemployed American.

Robert Cook said...

Julian Assange.

The Koch Brothers are on there because they are the primary funders of the Tea know...the grass roots, spontaneous groups of "jes' folks" who are rising up to assail the ills of our government...which are the result of government serving the ends of rich the Koch Brothers.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

I'm voting for Lady Gaga...really the Whole Person of the Year is so stupid...I feel the sooner we put a stake in it the better.

The Crack Emcee said...

Julian Assange?

Why? Please, explain this to me. What was his major accomplishment/contribution?

I'm Full of Soup said...

You feel the Tea Party is Faux Noise. Can you name a grass roots group you consider legitimate?

Misty said...

I'm voting for Lady Gaga because that is about as much respect I can muster for the Times POTY list.

garage mahal said...

I like to call the online contingent soldiering endlessly on for the Koch Brothers, the "Koch-o-Shere". And I think we all know how that is pronounced! Fall on your swords, drones.

Automatic_Wing said...

Why? Please, explain this to me. What was his major accomplishment/contribution?

Published a bunch of classified documents that mostly told people what they already knew. People like Cook get a hard-on when someone publishes US Govt secrets. He's also a big fan of the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss, no doubt.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I'm not voting for anybody, because it's Time magazine. When was the last time Time was relevant? And how long before the magazine goes all online and issues only "person of the year" lists?

David said...

I was Time's Person of the Year once.

I got it for protesting the Vietnam War. Had to share it with a few others, but I did not hog all the glory like Al Gore.

Following this precedent, it should be the Tea Partiers. They got the most press.

But my year it really should have been shared by American infantry and North Vietnamese infantry.

This year I would give it to Chinese factory workers and the American unemployed.

Notice a trend?

BEK477 said...

Althouse Woman,

The Man of the Year should be altered to read: Machine of the Year.

And the machine in question is: Ben Bernanke's printing press. A machine with the ability to print and almost infinite amountof US dollar denominated currency before the Sun explodes. A machine whose employment has altered our economy and our history.

Next to Ben's machine of doom, Ms. Pelosi is of no historical import. h

Kirby Olson said...


The Musket said...

"SBVOR said...

If I may offer a write-in vote -- Karl Marx.

In fact, Time Magazine would be far more honest to declare Karl Marx their person of the year every year."

But Karl Marx has so many names: Obama, Coons, Holder, Van Jones, Castro . . .

Penny said...

"Who should be TIME's Person of the Year?"

Our good friend, Meme!

Robbie's had a turn at the wheel.

So tell us, Robbie? How did that go for you?

Ned said...

who cares...and why?

Hagar said...

It is probably a lost cause to remind you all - including the Time editors I regret to say - that Time's Person of the Year is supposed to be the person who most influenced the news during the past year. It is not supposed to have anything to do with who was the most important, or the most morally deserving, or whatever.

Chase said...

I'm in agreement with Jason (the commenter) on this one.

Penny said...

"This year I would give it to Chinese factory workers and the American unemployed."

David..."Patting a lot of backs."

jungatheart said...

I'll go with Pelosi, and Palin as a close second.

Penny said...

David..."Patting a lot of backs."

And calling it "WORK"!

Damon said...

The person or people of the year should be influential and important. That would put Nancy Pelosi, Sarah Palin, the Tea Partiers, and Mark Zuckerberg at the top of the list.

Nancy Pelosi was really only influential in her incompetence, so I think it is a race between the other 3.

Trooper York said...

I never knew Ed Koch had a brother.
What's the big deal?

I'm Full of Soup said...

So you are saying The Pied Piper who led the rats off the cliff would not get your vote? heh.

Trooper York said...

Holy crap, Johnny Damon is posting here!

He must really be desperate since the Yankees dropped his ass.

Unknown said...

From the list, I would say Miss Sarah, although I agree with those going off the list that the Tea Partiers would be best.

However, knowing what's become of Henry Luce's magazine, my money is on Stewart and Colbert.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Johnny Damon- one of the most overrated players in many years?

le Douanier said...

All you little people need to zip it.

Since I won the Person of the Year award in 2006, my opinion is the only one that matters.

Person of the year will be Bar Rafaeli!!!!!

Bar, please drop by my place asap to claim your prize.

P.S. Cedarford, don't worry, this isn't a conspiracy.

Lincolntf said...

It's a sick thing, this conflation of popular culture with global importance. I don't care if Baba GooGoo wins the thing or not, but TIME magazine is a shit shell of it's former self. I'm embarrassed for them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Embarrassed for them? Shoot, I rarely read the national mags and when I saw their writers on TV I was not impressed with their brainpower or insights. I.E. Joe Klein, Sullivan, Carney, where are the superstars?

wv= addle [maybe I am]

Anonymous said...

Palin, hands down. She was the catalyst.

Anonymous said...

the Transportation Security Agency

Paul said...

The left wing wackos get all bent out of shape over the Koch brothers (as if Tea partiers give a shit or are influenced by them) and yet the real man behind the scene, George Soros, is never even mentioned.

Mark said...

I like to call the online contingent soldiering endlessly on for the Koch Brothers, the "Koch-o-Shere". And I think we all know how that is pronounced! Fall on your swords, drones.

The tragic point here (actually two, the tragicomedy and the other kind) is that Progressives can't accept that they're losing the fight for hearts and minds fair-and-square.

The reason it isn't simply funny is that this kind of thinking leads directly to "by any means necessary" as a legitimate worldview. Not an immediate danger, but the more power central government accrues, the more likely it becomes that some moderate lefty (or righty, for that matter) Administration could turn very ugly very fast.

Unknown said...

Lady Gaga is the perfect choice. Lady Gaga perfectly represents the media, the president, the congress, and every level of overpsid bureaucracy. None of these groups loves America and neither does Lady Gaga. They are vampires sucking away America's life blood.

Lady Gaga can supply the steaks we use to eliminate these vampires that plague us all.

Mark said...

Seriously, I can't see how it can be anyone but Palin. Loved or hated, the news cycle lurched with every Facebook post she published.

I think Ross Perot was the only private citizen who had that kind of political effect in recent memory, and his shelf-life was minimal.

BJM said...

If TIME had balls (and an ounce of marketing sense) they'd name both Pelosi and Palin and do a morphed cover image.

They were/are the most discussed/reviled/admired women/Pols of the year.

It will probably be Assange.

Big Mike said...

I suppose that Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and the Koch brothers are meant as stand-ins for the Tea Party. The people at Time are so used to the idea that movements are organized and led that they can't get their head around the notion that ordinary people took to the streets, showed up for rallys, got behind candidates, and basically made "The World Turned Upside Down" the theme song for the Democrats in 2010 in a pretty much spontaneous effort.

For better or worse (and establishment Republicans are feeling pretty much the same as Democrats about it), the Tea Partiers are the People of the Year whether Time chooses to anoint them so or not.

Matthew Noto said...

I'd vote for "The Republican Woman".

Trooper York said...

"AJ Lynch said...
Johnny Damon- one of the most overrated players in many years?"

Ah no. That would be Cole Hammels.
Or maybe Ryan Howard.

Trooper York said...

I voted for America's Politico.

Fred4Pres said...

You Ann.

Fred4Pres said...

Dead Julius, this is for you.

BJM said...


but the more power central government accrues, the more likely it becomes that some moderate lefty (or righty, for that matter) Administration could turn very ugly very fast.

Well put.

An example is Obama retaining Bush's executive powers.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If it was for "worst speller" or NY diehard dickwad, you'd win easy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey Trooper have you heard how much the Yankees SUCK!!!!

Jim said...

TIME will NEVER name The Tea Party "Man of the Year" even if it managed to throw every single Democrat out of office in 2012.

Why? Because that would require them to admit that it's NOT AstroTurf.

There's no way that sea change in politics from 2008 until November 2010 when more than 60 Democrats got tossed out of the House isn't the "story" of the year. And there's no doubt, that it was the Tea Party that kept the fires burning all year long until things went all explode-y for the Democrats a week and a half ago.

Sarah Palin would be possible as a proxy, but if not for the Tea Party wind at her back there would be a lot less filling her sail. Hers is a symbiotic relationship with the Tea Party, but as I think the Tea Party could exist without her but she would have but a shadow of her current influence without IT, then I have to give the edge to The Tea Party.

BJM said...


but TIME magazine is a shit shell of it's former self

Yeah, it wasn't so long ago that we eagerly waited for TIME and Newsweek to arrive in the mail and immediately read them cover to cover to get their take on the week's events.

Now I'm almost embarrassed to admit such a thing.

Unknown said...

Matthew said...

I'd vote for "The Republican Woman".

Another good one.

Notice how the best ones are nowhere near the list?

tjl said...

"Julian Assange?
Why? Please, explain this to me. What was his major accomplishment/contribution?"

Well, he did manage to beat that rape charge in Sweden -- proving once again that feminism is easily trumped by higher cards in the PC pecking order.

Trooper York said...

"AJ Lynch said...
If it was for "worst speller" or NY diehard dickwad, you'd win easy."

Hey you try to spell when you're drunk. Jeeez.

Everybodies a critic.

Trooper York said...

And I do know how to spell the name of the Philly baseball team:


Just sayn'

Rose said...

The list shows just how far TIME has sunk. It might as well be PEOPLE - and Lady Gaga fits right in. KInda sad, really.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Cheers Trooper

I'm having Absolut with cranberry oj and peach schnaps..

garage mahal said...

They're not booing, they're saying "Trooooooooop".

Trooper York said...

Nice Lem. Some wine for me.

Here's something for you for the hot stove!

To get your juices flowing so to speak.

Irene said...


Fen said...

Julian Assange is #2.

When he should be swinging from a tree limb.

Screw Time and their readers.

NMBDC said...

Robert Cook writes: The Koch Brothers are on there because they are the primary funders of the Tea know...the grass roots, spontaneous groups of "jes' folks" who are rising up to assail the ills of our government...which are the result of government serving the ends of rich the Koch Brothers.

Indeed. And, the 'teapartiers look even more idiotic when you look at who else is part of the Kochtopus. For instance, Reason Magazine... which supports literal open borders. Or, CATO; one of their fellows was the inspiration for the 2004 Bush "guest" plan which would have sent middle-class wages to world levels. Now, they - and others who support mass/illegal immigration are pulling the strings on the 'partiers, and almost of the 'partiers don't even know it.

P.S. For another example of how stupid the partiers are, note that in many cases the partiers and I share opponents. Yet, instead of helping me - and thus helping them - all they can do is smear. They really are the lowest of the low. Any replies to the comment from teapartiers will almost assuredly be full of lies and smears just like all their other replies have been. None are capable of or willing to make a real argument.

Trooper York said...

And of course something for garage to warm up the frozen tundra.

So to speak.

Trooper York said...

Hey, I even have something for Lonewacko even though he changed his name to protect the incoherent.

Irene said...

Trooper, it's a new nom de doom.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey Trooper watsup with Jeter's contract?

A the Yankees nuts?

I would love to have him.

Penny said...

"who cares...and why?"

And who are YOU, info?

Pardon me if I raise an eyebrow.

If my brother, Robbie, and my sister, Meme, don't know you...

Are you "knowable"?

Matthew Noto said...

At this point in his career, Derek Jeter is more valuable to the Yankees off the field than he is on it (that new Gold Glove he got is absolutely ludicrous; the tarp covers more ground than he does at his age).

I wouldn't be surprised if they give him a lifetime contract, and keep him around as the new Yankee Ambassador, like DiMaggio used to be.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hey Trooper I want to get my Bush book signed by the former president.. you know if hes coming around NYC to sign books.. Google has no idea.

Peter V. Bella said...

I would vote for Joe Biden. He is the dumbest White Man- no the dumbest person in America. He is living proof that hair plugs, dental and pectoral implants, and plastic surgery do not make you smarter.

Have they ever elected a buffoon as the person of the year?

traditionalguy said...

Time should just rip the mask off and put George Soros on the cover as the Man of their year.

Penny said...

TIME has a "Person of the Year"?


Penny said...

TIME has a "Person of the Year"?


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trooper is Times Tester of the Teasons.

(teasons is a merge of tease and seasons)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know (I'm not saying this because I'm having a drink.. I'm saying this because I'm having a reink)..

For a Yankee fan.. Trooper is not a bad guy ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm watching Obama on CSPAN.. some huge press conference in South Korea..

I noticed that after the election whenever Obama is asked about about the Bush tax cut Obama pauses and start to try and talk as if it has nothing to do with him but a plethora of unforseen godlike acts that he has to carefully manouver.

The election has peeled back Obama's big curtaina.

Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote: "Nancy busted balls. Still does."

Au contraire, there are no balls to bust in CA-8.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There you have it.. South Korea.. a result of American intervention.. a real free press conference, as opposed to Pakistan.

Iraq will eventually become a south korea.. dont ask me how I just have a gut feeling.

Penny said...

"I just have a gut feeling."

Me too, Lem.

Now when we all rub our bellies and smile for the pleasure of having done that?

Should we move North or South?

Penny said...

Maybe East?

Penny said...

No damn way I will move west.

WEST, on the other hand?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

make all the fun you want Penny.. wath would the world do without us?

I wish you knew how impoertant you are and you been.

We.. the US didnt stop with WWII.

i'm afraid that the more we sell ourselves short for the sake of some selfish stupid fake humility reason the less we will be able to do good for others.

the world needs a mighty US.. weather your nimble stomach can take it or not.

Fen said...

NMBDC said... [snip]

Geez LoneWacko, at least change your style when you log in with your sock puppet.

We really need that Althouse Boot Camp for Trolls. These Soros-funded hacks are just mailing it in.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

James Cameron.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whether we like to admit it or not a Rawanda is only possible when the US is percived as impotent and weak..

over 800 thousand africans were massacred whiting earshot of the pentagon.. nearing the 20th century.. after we along with basically the rest of the world had said - Never Again.

Ken said...

Isn't it great? There are more voters for person of the year than readers of Time.

Clyde said...

What? No option for Katy Perry's cleavage?

I demand a recount!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Isn't it great? There are more voters for person of the year than readers of Time.

its a testament to the mediocraty of todays writing..

great indeed ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Who should be TIME's Person of the Year?"

how in havens name should i know?

jamboree said...

Does anyone even read TIME except for the Person of the Year?

Yeah, me neither.

So who cares?

rhhardin said...

Ann Coulter

Republicans ought to fight for their own electorate, which at a minimum ought to mean voters with fully functioning brains

lemondog said...

Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi should have been on the list.

And since my name wasn't listed then Hu Jintao.

China is on everyones radar.

Michael Haz said...

Time's Person of The Year should be their subscriber, whoever that person may be, just because of the loyalty he or she has shown Time over the past twelve months.

Unless it was one of those automatic renewal things.

AllenS said...

The award should be shared by the 3 people who still read TIME.

AllenS said...

I see Michael beat me to the winner(s).

Robert Cook said...

You feel the Tea Party is Faux Noise. Can you name a grass roots group you consider legitimate?"

That's not quite right. I do think those in the Tea Party movement are legitimately angry at the state of things in the country today--as everyone should be--and as far as I know these gatherings were essentially spontaneous and self-generating initially.

However, I see them as being a real-life analog to the "John Doe Clubs" in the Frank Capra film MEET JOHN DOE...well meaning citizens forming around the person and "be a good neighbor" homilies of media creation "John Doe" (Gary Cooper). A wealthy newspaper publisher, (a sort of ur-Rupert Murdoch) sees these clubs as a means to turn the political tide in the country to his favor, which is inimical to the actual interests of the working people who are the members of the Doe clubs.

The Teepers may be sincere but are ill-informed and misled, and the conditions today which are most harmful to them are the result of policies which serve the interests of the wealthy...such as the Koch Brothers.

In other words, the Teepers are being conned, gulled into supporting candidates and policies which have been and will be most damaging to them.

Of course, the Democratic Party today is a Tea Party for for the self-identified "left of center," and rank and file Dem voters are being taken for a ride no less than the Tea Party members. The Dems also promise to bring about beneficent change "for the people," yet in office they also betray their voters and continue to serve the wealthy special interests.

We're all being lied to by slavering wolves in blue or red sheep's clothing. (One might say we're all being fleeced.)

Lincolntf said...

You are of course completely wrong, Cook.
The Tea parties aren't being controlled or manipulated by anyone. What we are is a collection of moderates and conservatives who are sick and tired of a Government hell bent on running (very poorly) the minutiae of our lives. Anyone who attempts to "bigfoot" the movement will rapidly find himself outside of it.
The horror and panic that the Tea Partiers elicit from the Dems and the MSM is a great indicator that they know the truth. It took us only 18 months to beat the crap out of a political Party that has existed for centuries. Wait 'til 2012 when we've had a bit more practice.
The days of Leftist politicians criminalizing dietary and home furnishing choices are numbered.

AllenS said...

How about Jenna Jammeson for all the hard work she's been doing for PETA?

Anonymous said...

There is only one best person of the year this year.

It is:

Steve Jobs


- He brought back "innovation" into US marketplace (e.g., iPad, MAC 11.6)

- Apple is everywhere in the world. It represents: "excellence".

- Apple is pro-democratic beliefs (e.g, school discounts, iTunes U - open courseware)

Innovation + Excellence + Democracy principles: Time Person of the Year

lemondog said...

In other words, the Teepers are being conned, gulled into supporting candidates and policies which have been and will be most damaging to them.

Things move in cycles and a cycle might last for decades. With a dynamic post-war economy we became complacent and for the most part, unthinkingly allowed politicians to expand government programs and spending.

Under an increasing cloud of personal and national debt obligations, exploding economic bubbles, recession, unemployment, a declining dollar and most likely double digit inflation, Americans have been forced finally out of their cocoon of comfort realizing that nothing continues upward forever and wealth is finite.

The current working generation is learning a hard economic lesson that will resonate for decades. As a result the TeaParty or other small-government movements, I think, will strengthen and consolidate around the need for fiscal responsibility and look more towards Chris Christie types for fiscal leadership.

If these movements are being conned and gulled, they will wise up against it happening a second time.

Voters will be more impatient for results.

DaveW said...

Why is Lady GaGa even on the list? I truly do not get these people.

bagoh20 said...

The need to dump that mutli-person person thing and select one amazing person like the remaining Time reader.

Michael Haz said...

Steve Jobs? For having his company's electronic stuff built in what is essentially a slave-labor camp in China? No way.

Michael Haz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jr565 said...

Gay victimes of bullies should be persons of the year. They need all the support they can get so they don't commit suicide.

A.W. said...


I don't know, do they have a history of giving the award to flame outs?

OTOH, my inclination is to give it to the tea party, as a group. Or maybe Sarah Palin.

wv: mifterm

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