November 2, 2010

What media characters are repositioning out in front of today's elections?

Well, there's Chris Matthews, who suddenly finds Obama to be a big old "elitist"....

... and Bill "Proud Westerner" Maher:

("[I'm] someone who believes in the values that Western people believe in that a lot of the Muslim world does not.")


Fen said...

Not so much. Chrissy Tingle Matthews is still clinging to the narrative that Obama didn't communicate with us rubes.

Scott M said...

I will admit that my knowledge of Maher's true nature is limited to what I've seen him say over the years. That being said, a few layers of the onion seem to be peeling away here for both of them.

Anonymous said...

Setting-up a media narrative for a primary challenge to Barry? Won't happen but it sure would be fun to watch.

ricpic said...


Fen said...

I will admit that my knowledge of Maher's true nature is limited

Bill Maher called us all Teabagging Racists.

Bill Maher can go fuck himself. If he was drowning, I'd jump in to make sure it was a slow death.

Scott M said...

Listen carefully toward the end of his comments there and correct me if I'm wrong. He says that Obama should have sold this as an economic boon..."even if it's not". WTF? Did he really just admit that he prefers the president abjectly lie to the citizenry if the payoff is, as he said earlier in the comment, something we can all base our lives on, guaranteed health care?

As if his ilk needed another reason to be despised or yet another opportunity to see under their sheep's clothing.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I will admit that my knowledge of Maher's true nature is limited to what I've seen him say over the years.

Maher has no love for religion in general so his comment about Muslims doesn't come as much surprise. Then again Maher sees Muslims as followers of the religion of Islam and not a racial or ethnic group so in his mind being critical of a religious mindset isn't tantamount to a thought crime.

kent said...

Awwwwww. Chrissy and Barry are breaking up, then...?

traditionalguy said...

Interesting. Matthews is all of a sudden noticing what Obama has done for two years now. Great news coverage! Yes Chris, there is a minor problem with a Marxist King of a Kenyan Mau Mau Fifth Column ignoring what American's want and hiding out behind lying to us every day with the Hard Ball program's blessing.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Rats. Ship. Sinking.

Ann Althouse said...

"Chrissy Tingle Matthews is still clinging to the narrative that Obama didn't communicate with us rubes."

Yes, of course. Obama is still smart and we're dumb. Obama's flaw was not to realize we can't be spoken to at a "grad school" level.

But I only said "repositioning." That can be something like a shift from one buttock to the other. Just trying to get a little more comfortable.

traditionalguy said...

As I watched Maher on his clip suddenly pulling off his mask and becoming Mark Steyn (about 7 years too late}, I was reminded why Mohammedians despise weak infidels. I noticed that Maher's neck looked exactly like Danny Pearl's neck did before the Mohammedans slowly sawed off Pearl's head with a dull knife screaming Allah Akbar in triumph, just for Pearl's being a Jew. So welcome to the real fight Maher.

Rialby said...

Ann - shifting...

You typically do that when you're expelling something noxious.

garage mahal said...

Yes, of course. Obama is still smart and we're dumb. Obama's flaw was not to realize we can't be spoken to at a "grad school" level.

Sorry, you are dumb if you believe in things like death panels, or that your federal taxes went up, or Obama is intruding in your life. In your case it always hard to tell if it's dumbness, just being disingenuous though.

Scott M said...

Sorry, garage, but I don't know what else to call an individual mandate (that your boy was against as a candidate, no less) than intrusion into my life.

garage mahal said...

Or just.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Obama's flaw was not to realize we can't be spoken to at a "grad school" level.

Yes. I picked up on that as well. Not just anybody can go to 'graduate school'....oooh you are so smart Mr. Matthews. So in order to pass this boondoggle past the stupid public, Obama really needed to 'splain the lies in at a elementary school level so that the rubes can pretend to puzzle out.

Still elitists and bigots all, even though they are repositioning their butt save their own asses.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Sorry, garage, but I don't know what else to call an individual mandate (that your boy was against as a candidate, no less) than intrusion into my life.

That's because you just don't know what's good for you.

Commodus: I think I understand my own people.
Gracchus: Then perhaps Caesar will be so good as to teach us, out of his own extensive experience?
Commodus: I call it love, Gracchus. The people are my children, I am their father. I shall hold them to my bosom and embrace them tightly...

Gladiator, 2000

Brian said...

.. or that your federal taxes went up ..

On Jan. 1, they will go up, unless the Bush tax cuts are extended. Obama is on record as saying he'd raise capital gains taxes, even if tax revenues fall as a result, out of "fairness."

The individual mandate requires the notorious "fine" if you don't go get health insurance. Even if you're young and healthy and figure you can pay out of pocket if you need to see the doctor. The administration is claiming in court that this "fine" is legal under the authority of congress to raise taxes:

They've abandoned the premise that the health care mandate is not a tax, in order for it to survive a court challenge.

Fen said...

I don't understand what happened to Chris Matthews. I turned to him during the Clinton Impeachment because he was the only MSM host who gave both sides fair play. I don't think he agreed with me, but at least he took on the "its just about sex" nonsense parroted by his guests. Made you realize why he was so effective working for Tip O'Neil.

He's not the same man he was back then.

garage mahal said...

Even if you're young and healthy and figure you can pay out of pocket if you need to see the doctor.

Problem is you and me end up paying out of pocket for those people without insurance.

kjbe said...

Matthews has always been a big sail that blows with the wind. No one the left that I know, takes him seriously. As for Maher, he's a crank on this one.

Elitist? Maybe, but certainly tone-deaf. The Democratic leadership (not just Obama) was outplayed. Big time. The right brought their A game. The left, no-shows.

Kovacs said...

This is absolutely not a reposition on Bill Maher's part. You all hate him because he rags on the Tea Party, but he's equally venomous toward Muslim extremists. If you weren't so thin-skinned, you'd probably find a lot of common ground with him.

Anonymous said...

How is that a reposition by Bill Maher? What has he said in the past that contradicts that?

Bruce Hayden said...

Problem is you and me end up paying out of pocket for those people without insurance.

Yes, somewhat. But in many instances, their care is inferior, which, IMHO, is they way it should be. Nobody dies because they were denied treatment at the ER, but non-emergency care is reduced, and those who don't pay get to wait in lines, while those who do pay, go to work. That's my idea of fair.

Fen said...

If you weren't so thin-skinned, you'd probably find a lot of common ground with him.

The only common ground I'll ever have will Bill Maher is on the day I piss on his grave.

Brian said...
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Brian said...

Problem is you and me end up paying out of pocket for those people without insurance.

We're all going to pay for them anyway. Poor people who need help buying the insurance will get subsidized. Try the link, there's a calculator there where you can see how much the government is going to subsidize an individual's insurance premium:

The health care bill was sold as reducing costs, therefore we'd save money in the long run. Actually, our insurance is going up to cover the cost of complying with the new health care law. The law didn't address the price problem:

Which means a 2000 page bill doesn't do the whole job. We're eventually going to get single-payer health care and congress will have to mandate price controls, or we will be paying more for less coverage.

David said...

Anyone who thinks that separation of church and state is a core value we inherited from the English is ignorant.

Automatic_Wing said...

You all hate him because he rags on the Tea Party, but he's equally venomous toward Muslim extremists.

The notion that the Tea Party and Muslim extremists are equivalent is what's noxious and unbelievably stupid. When was the last time the Tea Party attempted to blow up a bunch passenger planes in mid-flight? Muslim extremists were doing that last week.

FedkaTheConvict said...

How is that a reposition by Bill Maher? What has he said in the past that contradicts that?

Obviously you missed the entire Ground Zero mosque debate.

Kovacs said...

The notion that the Tea Party and Muslim extremists are equivalent is what's noxious and unbelievably stupid.

It would be; Maher doesn't believe that, though. Here's a "New Rules" clip that demonstrates pretty convincingly that the clip Althouse posted is not anything new for him.

"The Western world needs to make it clear that some things about our culture are not negotiable and can't change. One of them is freedom of speech; separation of church and state is another--not negotiable. Women are allowed to work here, and you can't beat them--not negotiable. This is how we roll, and this is why our system is better. And if you don't get that, and still want to kill people over a stupid cartoon, please make it Garfield." He said that in April of this past year. And again, that wasn't a new sentiment for him.

Fen said...

/pj media via Insty

With several clips of the Bill Maher wretch:

"They've spent the past 18 months calling you names and questioning your sanity and patriotism. But today you get to vote, and that's all that matters."

Fen said...

Bill Maher says you are too stupid to be governed...

Unknown said...

Any attempt Maher makes to bend with the wind died after 9/11. He's a smug, second-rate comedian.

Chrissy, OTOH, has always been a Demo hack, starting with Tony Coelho - another one of the Danny Rostenkowski belly-up-to-the-bars club. He's going to spout what the Party tells him.

The media, in general, have tied themselves to The Zero, and now they're going to sink with him.

The Dude said...
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Chennaul said...

He actually tried to position himself to run for the PA senate seat-that's what happened to him.

Chennaul said...

That and malaria.

Alex said...

Obama's brilliance just doesn't get through to lizard brains.

Alex said...

garage - you're leftist filth. Fortunately today is stomping day.

traditionalguy said...

@ Jaltcoh...Was not total silence on the Muslims Religious Culture war against Jews and Christians a position taken to date by Maher? He was riding out the old "enemy of my enemies is my friend" easy position until something awakened him like Ichabod Crane.

Alex said...

If Palin is the nominee what are the chances Ann is gonna go running back into Obama's warm embrace?

prairie wind said...

Great question, Alex. There will be many who love the idea of being "intellectual" more than they love the idea of our nation surviving with our freedoms intact. They fear being ridiculed the way Palin is ridiculed.

The Dude said...
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Scott M said...

Were you thinking of the protagonist in another Washington Irving story, Rip Van Winkle?

I tend to tact antitagonist, myself.

AFG said...

Bill Maher has always been more libertarian leaning than people give him credit for. He voted for Dole in 96 and supported McCain in 2000. Certainly the current incarnation of the Rrepublican party has flipped him to the left, but read his book:

published after 911 and I'm sure many of you will sympathize with the things he's saying.

Michael Haz said...

Matthews, parsed:

"My job! My freaking job! I got no ratings and it's going to get worse. I got two kids in college. OMG! I could get canned, and who'd hire me now that Tip's dead and gone? Crap, I need to change the tone, change the message, make it look like I'm changing sides, sort of."

Scott M said...

Matthews, parsed:

"My job! My freaking job! I got no ratings and it's going to get worse. I got two kids in college. OMG! I could get canned, and who'd hire me now that Tip's dead and gone? Crap, I need to change the tone, change the message, make it look like I'm changing sides, sort of."

Does that dovetail with Olberman stopping the "worst person" bit? Rumor has it that it has more to do with corporate machinations in the background than come-to-Jesus moments from either pundit.

traditionalguy said...

Sixty Grit...You are correct as usual. Ichabod was in the headless horseman story. Rip was the sleeper.

virgil xenophon said...

If she wasn't, and I wasn't, I'd propose marriage to DBQ! LOL re todays "pity" commentary.

virgil xenophon said...

*"PITHY" Too much Barbancourt 5-Star in the coffee!

Quaestor said...

Here's what the self-identified elite think of us. (kudos Glenn Reynolds for the link)

As if there was any doubt who the bigots are in this republic of ours, it's nice to have solid evidence.

Do you agree, garage mahal?

jamboree said...

Bill Maher wants freedom so he can be a skeeve. That's his basic nature. Not a problem until he starts calling everyone who guards it for another reason a racist as he has for the past 10 years or so.

I don't know why that "Mohammed" in the UK thing got to him. I think it was the most popular name last year. Maybe it broke through his whitey whitey world - which is the issue with many liberals who call everyone else a racist. Their world isn't remotely as diverse as the world of the people they denounce. Their culture rules its milieu; diversity is an aesthetic only; they aren't in competition for anything real - jobs, street survival, their kids, etc.

ndspinelli said...

"You've been hoodwinked, you've been bamboozled"

"The chickens have come home to roost."

Malcolm X..two different speeches, but both apply w/ these 2 video clips.

Eric said...

Wait, what? Bill Maher said something that's actually politically incorrect?

Eric said...

Bill Maher wants freedom so he can be a skeeve. That's his basic nature. Not a problem until he starts calling everyone who guards it for another reason a racist as he has for the past 10 years or so.

Somebody probably told him Muslims frown on coke use.

madAsHell said...

Andrea Mitchell's face says it all:

"Man up, or adjust your meds?"

She even appears to be looking to see if his equipment has displaced.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Wait, Maher did cocaine? Was it the amount of cocaine that George W. Bush did or less than that?

But I guess when Republicans do cocaine it's ok because they make sure to tell the kids they'll go to the slammer for doing what they did.

Talk about pretenders to a nanny state.

The Dude said...
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Fen said...

[Maher]published after 911 and I'm sure many of you will sympathize with the things he's saying.

Still going to piss on his grave.

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