What pagan creeps these murderous people demonstrate they are. They cut out her womb that threatens to multiply human beings on the earth. Real Evil is just this personal. It personally attacks persons.
Isn't this really about GWAR -- a very marginal hardcore metal band made up of people who must be 50 years old by now -- being caught up in a hilarious Spinal Tap-esque struggle to remain remotely relevant?
I cannot imagine anyone among my conservative friends and acquaintances enjoying something this vile. As for my liberal friends and acquaintances, the most vile thing they have done is to vote for Obama.
Thanks again Ann for your one sided fanning of partisan hate. This crappy band according to Wikipedia has trashed on stage every president since Reagan, also John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But don't let the facts get in the way of throwing more red meat to your Althouse Hillbillies. They might just buy a toaster on Amazon for you!
Violence against women amuses everybody sometimes. Smacking some smug bitch who thinks she can get away with anything is hilarious. And I'll never forget how I howled when I heard John Wayne in some movie say, "I ain't gonna hit a woman - the hell I ain't!" and then wallop some deserving bleeder.
The idea that, because they're weaker, women should be spared their just deserts is crazy. Small guys fight bigger, stronger men all the time. (I once fought a 300 lb. guy when I had a serious back injury. Do you think he cut me any slack? Hell no, he threw me around the room like a rag doll.) Whenever this shit started, saying you can't hit a woman no matter what they do, it should end now - we, men, everybody, would be putting up with less of their insanity. They only pull the shit they do because the laws protect them - and they're bad laws. 100% completely wrong. Let the bitches stand on their own two feet for once.
As far as Sarah Palin and GWAR - it's fucking GWAR:
I don't see this really as violence against women in general, but rather, against one particular woman, Sarah Palin.
If they had done this with George W. Bush, I don't see anyone calling it violence against men. And, while this group may not have done such, he was burned in effigy, etc. plenty by those here and abroad.
wow, GWAR still around? I saw a show about 20 years ago. This is kind of their thing. I would imagine they do this to about everyone. In their own twisted way, they are treating Palin just like any male politician. I dont think you can find any deep meaning to anything GWAR does.
Well Jeff, it is people like Ann Althouse who takes crap like this and throws it to gullible readers of her blog who then eat it up. No doubt there are Ann Althouses on the left who do the same thing. They count on suckers being born every minute.
If they had done this with George W. Bush, I don't see anyone calling it violence against men. And, while this group may not have done such, he was burned in effigy, etc. plenty by those here and abroad.
Now goddamnit, Bruce, don't go dealing with the reality of the feminist double-standard. Ann's in a fit of pique after her Rush sissy fit and won't stand for it. You must recognize the exalted status of the brainlessly overheated labia. (BROOO-BROOO-BROOO!) Men will die. That's a fact. And if they're not sissies, then they don't die (nor have they lived) as men who matter as men. They die as soldiers. They die as jobs. They die as some one who did some thing, somehow, somewhere. Only the deaths of women and children matter. Only the lives of women and children matter. Unless the woman wants to make children, then she needs a man (BROOO-BROOO-BROOO!) Only if a woman gets her face slapped - which. she. can. not. com. pre. hend. when. it. hap. pens. - or some gay guy gets offended for something, anything, pick one or another, are you to feel outrage of any kind.
George W. Bush. That "cowboy"? They could tell any lie, pull any indignity, and no one - not even his supposed male supporters - would dare be brave enough to say, "Look what they're doing to that good, decent man."
For years, it has been believed that electric bulbs emit light, but recent information has proved otherwise. Electric bulbs don't emit light; they suck dark. We should call light bulbs dark suckers.
What do you get when you cross a rooster and a lollipop? A cocksucker.
"Well Jeff, it is people like Ann Althouse who takes crap like this and throws it to gullible readers of her blog who then eat it up. No doubt there are Ann Althouses on the left who do the same thing. They count on suckers being born every minute."
This is assuming she and anyone else on here know anything about Gwar. They may have been around forever, but they are at best a niche band. One that you go see when you are in your early 20's and drink a lot of beer. Based on that video, with no other context, what assumption would the average person make?
Wow, people sure are mad and I really can't figure out why. The band being repulsive isn't particularly note-worthy. Publicizing it can only make Palin more popular. And I was sort of looking for the part where whoever re-posted the clip was pointing and saying, "Har, har, look at this."
But I suppose that's it in any case. Someone on blogging-heads figured a band being stupid was, if not funny, at least interesting enough to share.
HDHouse claims outrage and I'm willing to figure that we can take him at his word that if he stumbled across the video he wouldn't be trying to get more exposure to it by posting it on his blog or emailing all of his liberal friends.
But someone did. I suppose the tittering that goes along with the "Hey, look what they're doing to Sarah Palin," might only exist in our heads... but why else post it?
Jeff, the average FAIR minded person would assume that this was not some liberal political rally but instead a heavy metal concert by some untalented band and their mostly young inane male fans.
@Larissa: You suggest that we of a Conservative bent over react to this strange parody! Well, I'll give you that.
However, please be honest and tell us all what your reaction would be, plus that of other fair-minded people, if the parody were of disemboweling Michelle Obama or another such Progressive woman? Would Progressives merely shrug and twitter at the laughs that would generate? I wonder!
Well, cheers and back to imagining other such wonders of the mind!
some untalented band and their mostly young inane male fans
Have you ever tried to play hardcore metal in a goddamn suit of armor with a steel rhinoceros mask over your head, tough guy?
Also, I would venture to say that the average GWAR fan (and, by the way, it's G.W.A.R.) is a 36-year-old with some drug problems and a sketchy employment history.
please be honest and tell us all what your reaction would be, plus that of other fair-minded people, if the parody were of disemboweling Michelle Obama or another such Progressive woman?
I don't know if GWAR fans are necessarily liberal . . . although with album titles like "America Must Be Destroyed" maybe I should rethink that one.
But still, don't think GWAR is being overly hard on Sarah Palin. At the GWAR shows I've been to, they skewered Hilary Clinton and George Bush Sr. And I do mean skewered - complete with blood shooting out of severed limbs and drenching the audience.
My friends and I always wear old t-shirts to GWAR shows and then save them as souveniers, because the blood washes out if you wash the shirt. The goal is to get as blood-drenched as possible. It's tough as a girl - you want to wear a big t-shirt to be competitive at blood-getting, but you also have to dress a little provocatively if you want to get thrown into the slutty chick-eating machine.
GWAR shows are a good time, as is GWAR music. Taking GWAR seriously is like taking my preschoolers trick-or-treat lane Halloween party to be a Satanic cult.
Dang, this post is making me want to go listen to some Sexecutioner.
My husband came in because he heard me play the video and wanted to know why I was listening to a live version of Vlad the Impaler. He thinks it would be fun to have GWAR chop him apart and volunteered to let their Sarah Palin wear a Mr. d-day mask.
Odorus Urungus of GWAR is a semi-regular on Fox News' "Red Eye".
If Althouse is gonna back this one up, she's gonna need to show some liberal reaction.
Every year, when Knott's hangs the worst person in the world (no relation) on Halloween (Justin Beiber this year), there are appearances by political figures.
There's a slight leftward tilt, by my reckoning, but I could be wrong. It could be much more than slight. On the other hand, it's a silly stage show where they hang Justin Beiber. So, you know....
Synova said... "HDHouse claims outrage and I'm willing to figure that we can take him at his word that if he stumbled across the video he wouldn't be trying to get more exposure to it by posting it on his blog or emailing all of his liberal friends."
Almost all videos I post on my blog deal with music and artistic matters. No wonder you don't recognize them.
Videos are quick examples and particularly useful in discussing things with people who have either little time, or, in some cases, can't read very well.
GWAR offers a satire of Sarah Palin, of a somewhat extreme sort--it's not inherently "liberal". You don't like it, change the channel--that is, while you can. Were a Palin or Romney to come into power, the CIA'd probably have GWAR and GWAR-like performers arrested, and that sort of satire banned (along with SNL))--that is, assuming WW III hasn't yet destroyed civilization as we know it.
Thanks again Ann for your one sided fanning of partisan hate.
She really has become a hardcore partisan in the last two years.
This crappy band according to Wikipedia has trashed on stage every president since Reagan, also John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But don't let the facts get in the way of throwing more red meat to your Althouse Hillbillies.
The only reason I know that GWAR still exists is because one of the members is a regular guest on Fox News Channel's "Red Eye" program.
Oh, I see what they did there -- the woman was in the box the whole time. Hahahaha. Then they pretended they were disemboweling her, the whole time she's smiling and waving her arms around and not being tortured at all, and the guy with the gigantic barbed cock of Satan is walking around the stage ginning up the audience for an indulgence of their id.
It reminds me of Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol except more exaggerated and juvenile, prepubescent, actually. Whenever Greg Gutfeld has Oderus Urungus on Red Eye I think, "poop, there's that again." Although he is sort of interesting in a boy-that-irony-sure-is-ironic-sometimes kind of way.
HD's outrage is unbelievably revealing. Liberals, including him, constantly generalize in a much more insulting way. But he's ok with that, because standards don't apply to the Annointed.
The Prof's clearly off base here. I think GWAR's intentions are to try to shock/offend everyone. They've been at it so long, however, it really has no import anymore.
@CrackEmcee: The John Wayne ref is from the movie McLintock - and JW directed it against a man, not a woman, in the famous mud scene fight. Somebody ought to belt you in the mouth. But I won't. But I won't. The hell I won't!" Great scene though.
The horror of fecundity has been a staple of theatrical rock bands for as long as I can remember.
I don't know if this is so much political as it is that oldest of rock ideas: "Don't sell out and become a grownup!"
Having a child is the ultimate dividing line between carefree adolescence and adulthood, and has thus always been regarded as a horror in rock culture.
This stupidity does seep into the political culture. A lot of the anger aimed at Palin is precisely the result of her fecundity.
Good people, according to liberal dogma, don't screw to produce children. The liberal moral imperative has over 50 years produced an exact upending of traditional morality. Screw only for the sake of getting off, or you aren't cool. Only stupid people treasure the functional utility of sex.
I think that fecundity is the bottom line reason for the left's hatred of Palin.
She's stupid because she screws for the sake of producing children. (Never mind that she's probably screwing for the sake of screwing, too.)
Smart people separate screwing from function. This has become an article of faith for the left. Homosexuals are at the top of the left's list, because they have completely separated screwing from function.
Its a rare thing but I mostly agree with HD at 9:44 (except for point #3 and the "screw you"'s)
Using the stage schtick of a metal band as an example of political philosophy is a big mistake. It's supposed to outrage. Looking back in time I would not assume the band "The Dead Kennedys" were conservative.
And Crack, why don't you just say:
She deserved it
If she hadn't ______________ I wouldn't have hit her
Misogyny dressed up as a socio-political philosophy is still misogyny.
Missed your condemnation of FLS saying conservatives support apartheid. Some generalizations are more equal than others, right?
It's interesting how you generalize here with "if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all." Thsi of course defends generalizing in a comment condemning generalization.
So yes, I get that you hate anyone generalizing about liberalism while routinely both ignoring it from other liberals and engaging in it yourself. We call this hypocrisy. But when you grow up and apply your standards to your side and yourself be sure to let us know.
GWAR's hardly more sacriligious than a Nugent concert, the Palin-heads' favorite entertainment--or a Klondike Hells Angels' rally---(Miss Palin's a scooter babe as well). Who can forget when the Noog posted up some pics of liberal yuppies who dared to suggest gun control--as targets for Ted and his buddies' semi-autos.
Miss Palin's a moron either way, probably slightly ...retarded (given her speech problems) as well. Some conservatives have said as much. Which is to say, anyone who thinks Palin's presidential material's most likely a 'tard too. Republotards!
Their womyn will be clitoridectomized with broken glass shards, infibulated and then bagged from head to toes. Their men will be de-prepuced, made to grow bear and obliged to lift their asses up in the air five times a day ...
Also, they'll be thoroughly caressed by overweight uniformed TAS agents wearing blue latex gloves ...
HDHouse said... 1. amuses liberals? screw you. i'm a liberal and there is nothing amusing about any of this nor do i know any liberal who would think there is.
2. to the clods who generalize agreement with the threads stupidity, screw you too.
if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all. ______________________________ Here's your original post. Where's the irony?
So your attempt to distract from the issue proves yet again there is no level of honesty or introspection you can apply to yourself or liberalism generally. But you keep telling yourself you're the reasonable side and ignore the overwhelming evidence that not only is this untrue of your side it is untrue of you personally.
Seeing how they know her in Russia, as the Huntress, and she kills and dresses her own food, a true representation would be very bloody on the part of the GWAR
This is not violence against women. This is an attempt political commentary or comedy from a rather sad, costumed metal band. Childish? Yes. Dangerous? No. Satanic? Satan is fictitious, as you may have heard.
Violence against women is about real violence that happens to real women in real life. Domestic abuse, date rape, workplace harassment, etc. You demean the issue by equating this silly-ass entertainment as representative of anything or anyone serious. No one is really going to take a chainsaw to your precious Palin because of this, nor does anyone want to.
Nor does this represent liberals or liberalism in any way.
I've actually been to the GWAR dungeon HQ years ago in Richmond. Interesting, creative guys. If they knew this schtick would shock a lot of people, of course they would still do it. This is just GWAR being GWAR.
This Althouse post and the conservative comments display yet again what a hypocritically hypersensitive and humorless herd conservatives are.
Here we have at least the second person in this thread to write essentially the exact same, goofy thing. Is it the world's most unoriginal sock puppet?
My guess is that there is some leftist hothouse where someone is asking people to go to this thread and post this very thing. As if volume of the same lame comment is going to mean something. My God. So lame.
Congratulations, tools. You accomplished exactly nothing except giving Althouse more Internet traffic. Maybe you should buy a toaster through her Amazon link, too.
Seven Machos, I only skimmed the comments, but if there's another one accusing you right-wingers of hypocrisy regarding hypersensitivity, I didn't see it. Would you like to copy and paste it? That's what my main point was and you obviously can’t handle it. You conservatives constantly whine about our political correctness and here’s a stage show depicting a freshly disemboweled Sarah Palin fighting back by smacking one of the band members with her fetus and you’re complaining about that too. There’s no pleasing you.
Misogyny dressed up as a socio-political philosophy is still misogyny.
Many of you will label anything misogyny. I don't think you even understand the meaning of the word. I've met men who hate women and it ain't got shit to do with how they talk.
It's like with you guys and racism. Somebody says the "wrong word" and y'all scream racism. Shit. When I was in Europe, I could spot the racist from across the room. he didn't have to say a word. his hatred radiated at me, if he he could stand to stay in the same room with a black man at all.
Y'all's pussies, and ignorant ones at that, trying to turn everybody else into something as pussy as you've become. As I've had to say too many times, I don't hate women, I just don't worship them. And if they can make small dick jokes or whatever, without penalty, then I can talk about them bleeding once a month.
Mikio: This Althouse post and the conservative comments display yet again what a hypocritically hypersensitive and humorless herd conservatives are.
Jay Retread: Thanks again Ann for your one sided fanning of partisan hate. This crappy band according to Wikipedia has trashed on stage every president since Reagan, also John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But don't let the facts get in the way of throwing more red meat to your Althouse Hillbillies.
Seven Machos, Uh, no. His comment isn’t referring to hypocrisy or hypersensitivity much less specifically hypocritical hypersensitivity (and don't forget hypocritical humorlessness too since Althouse has frequently accused the Left of lacking a sense of humor), but is instead emphasizing her bias and lying by omission, which are both true too.
But I’m sure your conservatosis will shield you from the pain of this realization.
Gwar's shtick is that they come from outer space. The leader "Oderus Urungus" is a guest on Red Eye a couple of times a year. In costume, pretending to be an alien. The jokes are dumb, but that's the most you can say.
Everyone here working themselves into a froth over nothing. This is like going ballistic over video games.
They aren't even a serious metal band - they're a parody of a metal band!
I just have to wonder if anyone in the audience had anything like the following conversation:
"Why are we exulting and cheering at the sight of Sarah Palin being bloodily disembowled again?"
"Because she's such an illiterate barbarian."
I don't know if this is intentional by GWAR, but such a level of unintentional, unaware, self-parody is certainly worthy of being called "high art."
Oh, and this is not "violence against women" nor do I see any overt "liberal amusement".
I am developing a new theory about the internet. I believe the internet has become basically a worldwide, always on, virtual Rorschach test. Reading the posts from both sides it is clear that people pretty much only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.
It's funny how right Paul Simon was back in the 60s... "All lies and jests, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Not one of Ann's best posts for sure, but with all the Palin hate that is on display 24x7, it's easy to see how she came to post this.
It's GWAR. Their whole act revolves around being revolting to the point of absurdity. They spray hoses of "bodily fluids" (of ALL KINDS) on the audience who show up specifically to be drenched. If they have a song that isn't absurd and intensely offensive on purpose I don't know it.
One of their best known songs was "have you seen me" about missing kids and what really happens to them at the bands castle. Don't use your imagination, because their lyrics do the work for you!
It's a gag band.
As a few others have pointed out, if you're citing this as an example of liberal mysogyny, you haven't seen Dexter.
i've always kind of enjoyed gwar's over-the-top comic book rock..and odorus' appearances on 'red eye' have generally been fun..i can even accept this vid in the alice cooper tradition of biting off bat's heads...BUT..i am sooooo weary of the incessant palin-bashing. maher, behar, and their ilk can't talk for five minutes without taking a nasty hit on her. i thought the snipes against hillary from the lefties were bad until this palin derangement got going full-steam. i dunno..the vile comments about women, the anti-gay jabs against people the left doesn't like..does kinda make ya wonder how interested they really are in the rights of women and gays or if they just, cynically, use them to stir up the troops.
The video can be summed up with one word: pablum. I can only imagine that liberals have been dragged into this because a Palin character was used as a theatrical prop. I don't make this leap. I file this under the same heading as the ants displayed crawling on a crucifix/Christ, that is, some naredowell's attempt to shock. If its true that they have used Bush, Clinton, et al in their performances then at least they have been equal opportunity 'offenders'...the comments to this one are certainly more entertaining than the video. Now, where is that Amazon order link, my toaster turned my bagel into a diamond yesterday...
It is a know fact in psychiatric circles that violence against women is a form of sexual gratification. A very infantile, woefully underdeveloped form, yet a form nevertheless. So, it would seem those cretins who "disemboweled" Sarah Palin in effigy in fact "have a thing" for her.
Come on man. The GWAR guys are most likely late-40s. Also too, I'd like to see Ted Nugent try to play Wang Dang Sweet Poon Tang in a 50 lb. rubber monster suit.
They are East Coast (Richmond VA) Liberal Elitists though, so I'm sure they really do hate women.
I always loved GWAR ever since seeing and meeting them in Montreal years ago. This particular schtick of theirs would have gone over much better if it was chain-saw death match between ladies Palin and Pelosi.
Their shows, seen in context, are wonderfully silly and fun. And yes, covered in gore and bodily fluids.
Their 'politics' has always been the very predictable standard 1980's punk ethos of Evil Corporations and Ronald Reagan Is The Devil and so on, so disembowling Mrs. Palin doesn't come as a suprise.
They're modern mummers, happy to offend and entertain. It's a show, though, and if you see them live the silliness that is their prime motivator shines through very clearly.
I honestly think I could take my 81-y-o Republican mom to one of their shows (with comfortable seating out of 'fluid' range and a good pair of ear-plugs) and she would get it and laugh along.
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What pagan creeps these murderous people demonstrate they are. They cut out her womb that threatens to multiply human beings on the earth. Real Evil is just this personal. It personally attacks persons.
Until I am outrageously, simple.
Isn't this really about GWAR -- a very marginal hardcore metal band made up of people who must be 50 years old by now -- being caught up in a hilarious Spinal Tap-esque struggle to remain remotely relevant?
Yeah, I'm surprised that GWAR is still around,
If I had to be anywhere near that noise, I would consider being disemboweled a merciful end.
Our hatred goes to 11.
I cannot imagine anyone among my conservative friends and acquaintances enjoying something this vile. As for my liberal friends and acquaintances, the most vile thing they have done is to vote for Obama.
This country needs a fucking vacation.
"Violence against women... amuses liberals sometimes."
Huh. "Sometimes," she says.
"This country needs a fucking vacation."
We do, fls! ha ha
But after we fuck...we gotta eat, or talk turkey...or have a cigarette...or... something.
This: "Our hatred goes to 11."
Made me snort.
As for this: "Violence against women... amuses liberals sometimes."
My answer is: Only the faux sort. And she didn't seem too much the worse for wear, what with bludgeoning the guy over the head with her entrails.
Parody is not the enemy, people.
As always, the Lefties are the biggest haters.
That is just sick and proves once again why Democrats can not be compromised with but need to be destroyed. They are godless heathens.
Destroyed? That's a strong verb there, Chad.
1. amuses liberals? screw you. i'm a liberal and there is nothing amusing about any of this nor do i know any liberal who would think there is.
2. to the clods who generalize agreement with the threads stupidity, screw you too.
if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all.
Thanks again Ann for your one sided fanning of partisan hate. This crappy band according to Wikipedia has trashed on stage every president since Reagan, also John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But don't let the facts get in the way of throwing more red meat to your Althouse Hillbillies. They might just buy a toaster on Amazon for you!
They might just buy a toaster on Amazon for you!
No, goofball. They buy a toaster and Althouse gets 7.5 percent of the purchase price. Why can't leftists understand basic economic situations?
I would think this band would be one of Ann's favs. After all according to allmusic.com GWAR is an acronym for "God What an Awful Racket".
Jay will be here at the Silver Trout Lounge of the Adirondacks all week, folks. Shows at 6p and 8:30p.
Violence against women amuses everybody sometimes. Smacking some smug bitch who thinks she can get away with anything is hilarious. And I'll never forget how I howled when I heard John Wayne in some movie say, "I ain't gonna hit a woman - the hell I ain't!" and then wallop some deserving bleeder.
The idea that, because they're weaker, women should be spared their just deserts is crazy. Small guys fight bigger, stronger men all the time. (I once fought a 300 lb. guy when I had a serious back injury. Do you think he cut me any slack? Hell no, he threw me around the room like a rag doll.) Whenever this shit started, saying you can't hit a woman no matter what they do, it should end now - we, men, everybody, would be putting up with less of their insanity. They only pull the shit they do because the laws protect them - and they're bad laws. 100% completely wrong. Let the bitches stand on their own two feet for once.
As far as Sarah Palin and GWAR - it's fucking GWAR:
Get over it.
I don't see this really as violence against women in general, but rather, against one particular woman, Sarah Palin.
If they had done this with George W. Bush, I don't see anyone calling it violence against men. And, while this group may not have done such, he was burned in effigy, etc. plenty by those here and abroad.
Our resident libtards will be getting off to bed early tonight.
Violence against women and African Americans...
amuses conservatives sometime.
See Ann, everybody can play your cheap game.
HDHouse wrote: if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all
Note studious avoidance of the word hate.
Remember to capitalize and punctuate. Do we need to up your donepezil again?
wv: anbqvfon - no fun here.
This is Althouse's new theme song now that she has made hawking appliances an explicit part of her blog. After all "we gotta move these color TV's"
wow, GWAR still around? I saw a show about 20 years ago. This is kind of their thing. I would imagine they do this to about everyone. In their own twisted way, they are treating Palin just like any male politician. I dont think you can find any deep meaning to anything GWAR does.
"This country needs a fucking vacation."
I would have said it needs an enema.
You guys missed the part in Jay Retread's act where he took a moment to praise MSNBC for never having ads.
Sit tight! The schtick about how Lake Placid ain't very placid is coming up. That's my favorite.
Well Jeff, it is people like Ann Althouse who takes crap like this and throws it to gullible readers of her blog who then eat it up. No doubt there are Ann Althouses on the left who do the same thing. They count on suckers being born every minute.
I've got to click on that, Jay, just because it really is an awesome song.
Bruce Hayden,
If they had done this with George W. Bush, I don't see anyone calling it violence against men. And, while this group may not have done such, he was burned in effigy, etc. plenty by those here and abroad.
Now goddamnit, Bruce, don't go dealing with the reality of the feminist double-standard. Ann's in a fit of pique after her Rush sissy fit and won't stand for it. You must recognize the exalted status of the brainlessly overheated labia. (BROOO-BROOO-BROOO!) Men will die. That's a fact. And if they're not sissies, then they don't die (nor have they lived) as men who matter as men. They die as soldiers. They die as jobs. They die as some one who did some thing, somehow, somewhere. Only the deaths of women and children matter. Only the lives of women and children matter. Unless the woman wants to make children, then she needs a man (BROOO-BROOO-BROOO!) Only if a woman gets her face slapped - which. she. can. not. com. pre. hend. when. it. hap. pens. - or some gay guy gets offended for something, anything, pick one or another, are you to feel outrage of any kind.
George W. Bush. That "cowboy"? They could tell any lie, pull any indignity, and no one - not even his supposed male supporters - would dare be brave enough to say, "Look what they're doing to that good, decent man."
As they say in France, "This is not done."
What is "it"? Thinking, Dear Boy, mere thinking.
In The Age of Feminism, it's just not allowed.
And speaking of suckers, ladies and gentlemen,
For years, it has been believed that electric bulbs emit light, but recent information has proved otherwise. Electric bulbs don't emit light; they suck dark. We should call light bulbs dark suckers.
What do you get when you cross a rooster and a lollipop? A cocksucker.
"Well Jeff, it is people like Ann Althouse who takes crap like this and throws it to gullible readers of her blog who then eat it up. No doubt there are Ann Althouses on the left who do the same thing. They count on suckers being born every minute."
This is assuming she and anyone else on here know anything about Gwar. They may have been around forever, but they are at best a niche band. One that you go see when you are in your early 20's and drink a lot of beer. Based on that video, with no other context, what assumption would the average person make?
This post of Ann's amply demonstrates that she is the conservative equivalent of Daily Kos. (Except much smaller.)
It is all shtick boys and girls. All Althouse shtick.
Wow, people sure are mad and I really can't figure out why. The band being repulsive isn't particularly note-worthy. Publicizing it can only make Palin more popular. And I was sort of looking for the part where whoever re-posted the clip was pointing and saying, "Har, har, look at this."
But I suppose that's it in any case. Someone on blogging-heads figured a band being stupid was, if not funny, at least interesting enough to share.
HDHouse claims outrage and I'm willing to figure that we can take him at his word that if he stumbled across the video he wouldn't be trying to get more exposure to it by posting it on his blog or emailing all of his liberal friends.
But someone did. I suppose the tittering that goes along with the "Hey, look what they're doing to Sarah Palin," might only exist in our heads... but why else post it?
Take my wife, please!
With about 19% of the posts here authored by jay Retread I think it's clear what variety of rube Althouse has baited.
Jeff, the average FAIR minded person would assume that this was not some liberal political rally but instead a heavy metal concert by some untalented band and their mostly young inane male fans.
@Larissa: You suggest that we of a Conservative bent over react to this strange parody! Well, I'll give you that.
However, please be honest and tell us all what your reaction would be, plus that of other fair-minded people, if the parody were of disemboweling Michelle Obama or another such Progressive woman? Would Progressives merely shrug and twitter at the laughs that would generate? I wonder!
Well, cheers and back to imagining other such wonders of the mind!
Oh, lastly, what is the "enemy?"
some untalented band and their mostly young inane male fans
Have you ever tried to play hardcore metal in a goddamn suit of armor with a steel rhinoceros mask over your head, tough guy?
Also, I would venture to say that the average GWAR fan (and, by the way, it's G.W.A.R.) is a 36-year-old with some drug problems and a sketchy employment history.
please be honest and tell us all what your reaction would be, plus that of other fair-minded people, if the parody were of disemboweling Michelle Obama or another such Progressive woman?
Doug -- Please check Jay Retread's link.
"Take my wife, please!"
Give her to Jay, he likes retreads.
I don't know if GWAR fans are necessarily liberal . . . although with album titles like "America Must Be Destroyed" maybe I should rethink that one.
But still, don't think GWAR is being overly hard on Sarah Palin. At the GWAR shows I've been to, they skewered Hilary Clinton and George Bush Sr. And I do mean skewered - complete with blood shooting out of severed limbs and drenching the audience.
My friends and I always wear old t-shirts to GWAR shows and then save them as souveniers, because the blood washes out if you wash the shirt. The goal is to get as blood-drenched as possible. It's tough as a girl - you want to wear a big t-shirt to be competitive at blood-getting, but you also have to dress a little provocatively if you want to get thrown into the slutty chick-eating machine.
GWAR shows are a good time, as is GWAR music. Taking GWAR seriously is like taking my preschoolers trick-or-treat lane Halloween party to be a Satanic cult.
Dang, this post is making me want to go listen to some Sexecutioner.
My husband came in because he heard me play the video and wanted to know why I was listening to a live version of Vlad the Impaler. He thinks it would be fun to have GWAR chop him apart and volunteered to let their Sarah Palin wear a Mr. d-day mask.
Will you go out with me, D-Day?
amuses liberals sometimes.
I never knew Beavis and Butthead were liberals -- I thought they were apolitical wankers. But they were GWAR fans, so they must be leftists.
FLS -- I assumed that there was some sort of commentary to the video that was the part where liberals were amused.
I'm not your type - 35, drug-addled, and sketchily employed.
I am 31.
This post also demonstrates that Ann does not want liberals being part of the conversation on her blog.
Odorus Urungus of GWAR is a semi-regular on Fox News' "Red Eye".
If Althouse is gonna back this one up, she's gonna need to show some liberal reaction.
Every year, when Knott's hangs the worst person in the world (no relation) on Halloween (Justin Beiber this year), there are appearances by political figures.
There's a slight leftward tilt, by my reckoning, but I could be wrong. It could be much more than slight. On the other hand, it's a silly stage show where they hang Justin Beiber. So, you know....
Yeah, Jay. Althouse really has laid into your sorry ass in this thread. Just look at all the shit she wrote here about you and all your leftist pals.
D-Day -- I was only estimating!
Synova said...
"HDHouse claims outrage and I'm willing to figure that we can take him at his word that if he stumbled across the video he wouldn't be trying to get more exposure to it by posting it on his blog or emailing all of his liberal friends."
Almost all videos I post on my blog deal with music and artistic matters. No wonder you don't recognize them.
Videos are quick examples and particularly useful in discussing things with people who have either little time, or, in some cases, can't read very well.
That was actually pretty mild for GWAR. I do like the fetus on the umbilical cord though (that's what she was hitting that guy with).
if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all.
If you wonder why liberals are easily identified as unserious, unthinking, hypocrites, your comments say it all.
really? I never found much use for right wing mongers but if that is your preference in life, hey, DADT.
GWAR offers a satire of Sarah Palin, of a somewhat extreme sort--it's not inherently "liberal". You don't like it, change the channel--that is, while you can. Were a Palin or Romney to come into power, the CIA'd probably have GWAR and GWAR-like performers arrested, and that sort of satire banned (along with SNL))--that is, assuming WW III hasn't yet destroyed civilization as we know it.
Thanks again Ann for your one sided fanning of partisan hate.
She really has become a hardcore partisan in the last two years.
This crappy band according to Wikipedia has trashed on stage every president since Reagan, also John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But don't let the facts get in the way of throwing more red meat to your Althouse Hillbillies.
The only reason I know that GWAR still exists is because one of the members is a regular guest on Fox News Channel's "Red Eye" program.
They might just buy a toaster on Amazon for you!
Oh, I see what they did there -- the woman was in the box the whole time. Hahahaha. Then they pretended they were disemboweling her, the whole time she's smiling and waving her arms around and not being tortured at all, and the guy with the gigantic barbed cock of Satan is walking around the stage ginning up the audience for an indulgence of their id.
It reminds me of Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol except more exaggerated and juvenile, prepubescent, actually. Whenever Greg Gutfeld has Oderus Urungus on Red Eye I think, "poop, there's that again." Although he is sort of interesting in a boy-that-irony-sure-is-ironic-sometimes kind of way.
@Larissa, would you still regard the act as being cute if it had been Nancy Pelosi instead?
@garage, or you could take a vacation. Preferably out of the country, and preferably for about 30 or 30 years.
@Loafing, or, alternative hypothesis, perhaps the Professor is starting to wake up.
20 or 30.
HD's outrage is unbelievably revealing. Liberals, including him, constantly generalize in a much more insulting way. But he's ok with that, because standards don't apply to the Annointed.
The Prof's clearly off base here. I think GWAR's intentions are to try to shock/offend everyone. They've been at it so long, however, it really has no import anymore.
Both clips are really quite boring.
@CrackEmcee: The John Wayne ref is from the movie McLintock - and JW directed it against a man, not a woman, in the famous mud scene fight. Somebody ought to belt you in the mouth. But I won't. But I won't. The hell I won't!" Great scene though.
If a musical act really wanted to be shocking, they would come out dressed in three-piece suits and sing hardcore songs about chastity and virtue.
Now that would be shocking!
If a musical act really wanted to be shocking, they would come out dressed in three-piece suits and sing hardcore songs about chastity and virtue.
Now that would be shocking!
Have you seen the commercial where the hardcore punk/grunge band is raging and the singer improvises:
"I love my bank!"
The sound guy immediately stops the session to tell the singer that ain't cool. Kind of the same idea.
The horror of fecundity has been a staple of theatrical rock bands for as long as I can remember.
I don't know if this is so much political as it is that oldest of rock ideas: "Don't sell out and become a grownup!"
Having a child is the ultimate dividing line between carefree adolescence and adulthood, and has thus always been regarded as a horror in rock culture.
This stupidity does seep into the political culture. A lot of the anger aimed at Palin is precisely the result of her fecundity.
Good people, according to liberal dogma, don't screw to produce children. The liberal moral imperative has over 50 years produced an exact upending of traditional morality. Screw only for the sake of getting off, or you aren't cool. Only stupid people treasure the functional utility of sex.
Sorry for the repetitive posts.
I think that fecundity is the bottom line reason for the left's hatred of Palin.
She's stupid because she screws for the sake of producing children. (Never mind that she's probably screwing for the sake of screwing, too.)
Smart people separate screwing from function. This has become an article of faith for the left. Homosexuals are at the top of the left's list, because they have completely separated screwing from function.
Parody is not the enemy, people.
However, it DOES reveal the inner workings, twists, morality and sick seceret desires of the mentally deranged liberals.
So. Parody is not THE enemy.
Its a rare thing but I mostly agree with HD at 9:44 (except for point #3 and the "screw you"'s)
Using the stage schtick of a metal band as an example of political philosophy is a big mistake. It's supposed to outrage. Looking back in time I would not assume the band "The Dead Kennedys" were conservative.
And Crack, why don't you just say:
She deserved it
If she hadn't ______________ I wouldn't have hit her
Misogyny dressed up as a socio-political philosophy is still misogyny.
Interesting to note that at one point GWAR was "decapitating" Obama as part of their stage show.
Doesn't look like it generated anywhere near the buzz that their "disemboweling" of Sarah Palin has.
Funny, that......
Of course, it's all easily explainable when you realize that the Left has a secret crush on Palin. But she only goes out with jocks and stuff....
Marshal said...
HD's outrage is unbelievably revealing. Liberals, including him, constantly generalize in a much more insulting way."
All generalizations aren't worth a tinker's damn - including yours.
get it?
I am also surprised that GWAR is still around. And that's they've been nominated for Grammys twice!
Missed your condemnation of FLS saying conservatives support apartheid. Some generalizations are more equal than others, right?
It's interesting how you generalize here with "if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all." Thsi of course defends generalizing in a comment condemning generalization.
So yes, I get that you hate anyone generalizing about liberalism while routinely both ignoring it from other liberals and engaging in it yourself. We call this hypocrisy. But when you grow up and apply your standards to your side and yourself be sure to let us know.
GWAR's hardly more sacriligious than a Nugent concert, the Palin-heads' favorite entertainment--or a Klondike Hells Angels' rally---(Miss Palin's a scooter babe as well). Who can forget when the Noog posted up some pics of liberal yuppies who dared to suggest gun control--as targets for Ted and his buddies' semi-autos.
Miss Palin's a moron either way, probably slightly ...retarded (given her speech problems) as well. Some conservatives have said as much. Which is to say, anyone who thinks Palin's presidential material's most likely a 'tard too. Republotards!
Replace Palin with Michelle on stage, and see what happens!
Their womyn will be clitoridectomized with broken glass shards, infibulated and then bagged from head to toes. Their men will be de-prepuced, made to grow bear and obliged to lift their asses up in the air five times a day ...
Also, they'll be thoroughly caressed by overweight uniformed TAS agents wearing blue latex gloves ...
obliged to lift their asses up in the air five times a day ...
I forgot to say: in public
Marshal said...
"We call this hypocrisy."
others call it "tongue in cheek" while a teacher at Ferris's High School called it the use of irony.
No matter. Pow. Whiz. Zip. right past ya' on that one ya' betcha.
HDHouse said...
1. amuses liberals? screw you. i'm a liberal and there is nothing amusing about any of this nor do i know any liberal who would think there is.
2. to the clods who generalize agreement with the threads stupidity, screw you too.
if you wonder why liberals have intense dislike for conservatives, this thread says it all.
Here's your original post. Where's the irony?
So your attempt to distract from the issue proves yet again there is no level of honesty or introspection you can apply to yourself or liberalism generally. But you keep telling yourself you're the reasonable side and ignore the overwhelming evidence that not only is this untrue of your side it is untrue of you personally.
Seeing how they know her in Russia, as the Huntress, and she kills and dresses her own food, a true representation would be very bloody
on the part of the GWAR
one of the members is a regular guest on Fox News Channel's "Red Eye" program
This is not violence against women. This is an attempt political commentary or comedy from a rather sad, costumed metal band. Childish? Yes. Dangerous? No. Satanic? Satan is fictitious, as you may have heard.
Violence against women is about real violence that happens to real women in real life. Domestic abuse, date rape, workplace harassment, etc. You demean the issue by equating this silly-ass entertainment as representative of anything or anyone serious. No one is really going to take a chainsaw to your precious Palin because of this, nor does anyone want to.
Nor does this represent liberals or liberalism in any way.
To extend that logic, Ted Bundy was a Republican! Connect the dots, people! or do I have to get my chalkboard and Vicks Vap-O-Rub?
I've actually been to the GWAR dungeon HQ years ago in Richmond. Interesting, creative guys.
If they knew this schtick would shock a lot of people, of course they would still do it.
This is just GWAR being GWAR.
This Althouse post and the conservative comments display yet again what a hypocritically hypersensitive and humorless herd conservatives are.
This Althouse post and the conservative comments display yet again what a hypocritically hypersensitive and humorless herd conservatives are.
Here we have at least the second person in this thread to write essentially the exact same, goofy thing. Is it the world's most unoriginal sock puppet?
My guess is that there is some leftist hothouse where someone is asking people to go to this thread and post this very thing. As if volume of the same lame comment is going to mean something. My God. So lame.
Congratulations, tools. You accomplished exactly nothing except giving Althouse more Internet traffic. Maybe you should buy a toaster through her Amazon link, too.
Seven Machos,
I only skimmed the comments, but if there's another one accusing you right-wingers of hypocrisy regarding hypersensitivity, I didn't see it. Would you like to copy and paste it? That's what my main point was and you obviously can’t handle it. You conservatives constantly whine about our political correctness and here’s a stage show depicting a freshly disemboweled Sarah Palin fighting back by smacking one of the band members with her fetus and you’re complaining about that too. There’s no pleasing you.
Thanks for the correction. Wow. I knew I hadn't seen that since I was a kid, but I'm amazed I had it so wrong.
Misogyny dressed up as a socio-political philosophy is still misogyny.
Many of you will label anything misogyny. I don't think you even understand the meaning of the word. I've met men who hate women and it ain't got shit to do with how they talk.
It's like with you guys and racism. Somebody says the "wrong word" and y'all scream racism. Shit. When I was in Europe, I could spot the racist from across the room. he didn't have to say a word. his hatred radiated at me, if he he could stand to stay in the same room with a black man at all.
Y'all's pussies, and ignorant ones at that, trying to turn everybody else into something as pussy as you've become. As I've had to say too many times, I don't hate women, I just don't worship them. And if they can make small dick jokes or whatever, without penalty, then I can talk about them bleeding once a month.
It doesn't amount to hate.
Mikio: This Althouse post and the conservative comments display yet again what a hypocritically hypersensitive and humorless herd conservatives are.
Jay Retread: Thanks again Ann for your one sided fanning of partisan hate. This crappy band according to Wikipedia has trashed on stage every president since Reagan, also John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore. But don't let the facts get in the way of throwing more red meat to your Althouse Hillbillies.
Seven Machos,
Uh, no. His comment isn’t referring to hypocrisy or hypersensitivity much less specifically hypocritical hypersensitivity (and don't forget hypocritical humorlessness too since Althouse has frequently accused the Left of lacking a sense of humor), but is instead emphasizing her bias and lying by omission, which are both true too.
But I’m sure your conservatosis will shield you from the pain of this realization.
How many whiny leftist bitchers can dance on the head of a pin? Does Barrack Obama own his own clothes?
Just as I predicted. Dance, puppet, dance!
"....Parody is not the enemy, people....."
Gwar's shtick is that they come from outer space. The leader "Oderus Urungus" is a guest on Red Eye a couple of times a year. In costume, pretending to be an alien. The jokes are dumb, but that's the most you can say.
Everyone here working themselves into a froth over nothing. This is like going ballistic over video games.
They aren't even a serious metal band - they're a parody of a metal band!
I just have to wonder if anyone in the audience had anything like the following conversation:
"Why are we exulting and cheering at the sight of Sarah Palin being bloodily disembowled again?"
"Because she's such an illiterate barbarian."
I don't know if this is intentional by GWAR, but such a level of unintentional, unaware, self-parody is certainly worthy of being called "high art."
Oh, and this is not "violence against women" nor do I see any overt "liberal amusement".
I am developing a new theory about the internet. I believe the internet has become basically a worldwide, always on, virtual Rorschach test. Reading the posts from both sides it is clear that people pretty much only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.
It's funny how right Paul Simon was back in the 60s... "All lies and jests, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest."
Not one of Ann's best posts for sure, but with all the Palin hate that is on display 24x7, it's easy to see how she came to post this.
It's GWAR. Their whole act revolves around being revolting to the point of absurdity. They spray hoses of "bodily fluids" (of ALL KINDS) on the audience who show up specifically to be drenched. If they have a song that isn't absurd and intensely offensive on purpose I don't know it.
One of their best known songs was "have you seen me" about missing kids and what really happens to them at the bands castle. Don't use your imagination, because their lyrics do the work for you!
It's a gag band.
As a few others have pointed out, if you're citing this as an example of liberal mysogyny, you haven't seen Dexter.
GWAR's semiotics are tricky.
The frontman, "Oderus Urungus", has shown up on Red Eye.
With album names like "Scumdogs of the Universe" or "Lust in Space" you need to be a bit careful about taking them too seriously.
i've always kind of enjoyed gwar's over-the-top comic book rock..and odorus' appearances on 'red eye' have generally been fun..i can even accept this vid in the alice cooper tradition of biting off bat's heads...BUT..i am sooooo weary of the incessant palin-bashing. maher, behar, and their ilk can't talk for five minutes without taking a nasty hit on her. i thought the snipes against hillary from the lefties were bad until this palin derangement got going full-steam.
i dunno..the vile comments about women, the anti-gay jabs against people the left doesn't like..does kinda make ya wonder how interested they really are in the rights of women and gays or if they just, cynically, use them to stir up the troops.
The video can be summed up with one word: pablum. I can only imagine that liberals have been dragged into this because a Palin character was used as a theatrical prop. I don't make this leap. I file this under the same heading as the ants displayed crawling on a crucifix/Christ, that is, some naredowell's attempt to shock. If its true that they have used Bush, Clinton, et al in their performances then at least they have been equal opportunity 'offenders'...the comments to this one are certainly more entertaining than the video. Now, where is that Amazon order link, my toaster turned my bagel into a diamond yesterday...
It is a know fact in psychiatric circles that violence against women is a form of sexual gratification. A very infantile, woefully underdeveloped form, yet a form nevertheless. So, it would seem those cretins who "disemboweled" Sarah Palin in effigy in fact "have a thing" for her.
Is a depiction of violence against women actual violence against women?
I'm so angry with Tolstoy for throwing Anna under the train.
It's not really "disembowelment", disembowelment.
- Whoopi Goldberg
Come on man. The GWAR guys are most likely late-40s. Also too, I'd like to see Ted Nugent try to play Wang Dang Sweet Poon Tang in a 50 lb. rubber monster suit.
They are East Coast (Richmond VA) Liberal Elitists though, so I'm sure they really do hate women.
Damn. There goes the Orc vote.
I always loved GWAR ever since seeing and meeting them in Montreal years ago. This particular schtick of theirs would have gone over much better if it was chain-saw death match between ladies Palin and Pelosi.
Their shows, seen in context, are wonderfully silly and fun. And yes, covered in gore and bodily fluids.
Their 'politics' has always been the very predictable standard 1980's punk ethos of Evil Corporations and Ronald Reagan Is The Devil and so on, so disembowling Mrs. Palin doesn't come as a suprise.
They're modern mummers, happy to offend and entertain. It's a show, though, and if you see them live the silliness that is their prime motivator shines through very clearly.
I honestly think I could take my 81-y-o Republican mom to one of their shows (with comfortable seating out of 'fluid' range and a good pair of ear-plugs) and she would get it and laugh along.
Laika pegs it for the win!
Try a google video search for
GWAR Obama
and report back.
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