2. "... Rand Paul projected by CNN to win his Senate race in Kentucky and another conservative, Dan Coats, projected to win the Senate race in Indiana."
3. "I'm more comfortable with Fox," say I, after watching CNN for a while and then switching.
4. Oh, CNN is better. Better graphics. Lots of people saying things. Annoying much of the time, but more detail. Mary Matalin enthusing about Portman winning in Ohio, a state Obama won.
5. DeMint already making his victory speech. Kitty Dukakis in trouble for seeming like "a walking billboard."
6. CNN says Coons wins. We won't have Christine O'Donnell to kick around anymore.
7. Rubio! David Gergen enthuses about "a Republican Latino with star power."
8. "Wow, the first time one of the fictional Althouse characters actually had a complete story arc! Bravo!" (Scroll up.)
9. It's so sad for the Democrats. They gave us so many things. Gifts. Expensive gifts. That we didn't want. That they bought with our money.
10. Tim Kaine blabs on and on, making a happy face. Eventually, Wolf Blitzer cuts hims off with "It's going to be a long night for you.
11. CNN's music for tonight is the same (or just close) to what was used in the HBO John Adams series. It's about the Framers, no? As the Tea Party clinches it.
12. Drudge says: "REPUBLICANS WIN SENATE SEATS: AL, FL, GA, IN, OH, KY, MO, NH, SC... DEMS WIN: CT, DE, MD... TOO CLOSE TO CALL: PA, IL..." Hey, what happened to California? Earlier he was calling it for Boxer.
13. Manchin. "Huge win" for the Democrats, says Wolf Blitzer, about the hot West Virginia race.
14. The GOP takes the House. It's outside of the margin of error, says NBC. Pelosi is gone. Ding dong. [UPDATE: Now MSNBC is calling that "a mistake." MSNBC is awful.]
15. NBC says Wisconsin is "too close to call," as the polls close.
16. Rand Paul victory speech: "I have a message! A message from the people of Kentucky! A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words! We've come to take our government back!"
17. MSNBC is hilarious. They're near meltdown. Rand Paul will destroy America. The Republicans "salivate at the thought" of worldwide economic collapse.
18. O'Donnell conceding. Very cheerful. Chirpy. I listened to Marco Rubio's victory speech a few minutes ago, which was, by contrast, very mellow.
19. Scott Walker has, it seems, won the Governorship here in Wisconsin. That's supposed to mean — that must mean — no to the high-speed train boondoggle. Also in Wisconsin, Russ Feingold is way behind.
20. Feingold has lost, quite decisively. I'm sorry to see him go. He's a good man. But I should admit that I voted against him. I had to vote for the Party of No.
21. Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin appear side-by-side on Fox News, analyzing the elections, denouncing sexism, and then ending on this adorable, ultra-girlie note:
22. Screen shot:

23. I just thought that was amusing, the way YouTube inserted my face into the Fox News. By the way, did you notice, at the end of the clip, when Geraldine said she wanted to go on "Dancing with the Stars," Sarah said "I'll hook you up"?
24. John Boehner tears up talking about American values, which he's chased all his life. Then, talking about his business, he sobs. Keep it together, Boehnsy!
25. That got a little... weird. I hope Boehnsy is ready to lead. Anyway, here in Dane County, Feingold's campaign manager George Aldrich is not giving up: "Russ is down by 80,000 votes, but...up to 1.4 million votes haven’t been counted." None of the Madison votes were in when he said that: "We are confident that this race is going to tighten, it is going to tighten quickly, and we may be in for a long night here."
25. Over at Drudge, it's the 3 Rs:

Rubio, Rand, and Ron.
26. Charles Krauthammer on Fox News: "The Obama agenda is dead." The Democrats have retained the Senate, apparently, but, looking forward to 2012, they will, self-defensively, distance themselves from Obama — says the Kraut.
27. Feingold has conceded. NYT:
Quoting Bob Dylan, he said, "My heart is not weary, it's light and free, and I've got nothing but affection for those who have sailed with me."The Times misses that "Forward" is the state motto. And maybe that "fist in the air" was posing as the Wisconsin "Forward" statue.
It is not clear what he will do next, but Mr. Feingold, 57, told the crowd: "It's on to the next fight, it's on to the next battle, it's on to 2012 and it is on to our next adventure, forward." He raised his fist in the air and left the stage.
28. Karl Rove exclaims that he's "exhausted." I was just saying he looked tired.
29. Speaking of tired, it's interesting that Harry Reid will be sticking around. There's something so dreary about him. Does his victory cheer Democrats? Or would they have had more fun kicking Sharron Angle around?
30. I'm tired too. See you in the morning.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 632 of 632We've been living in a Republican landscape for 30 years...the ruins of America we see around us is the manifestation of Republican ideaology and practice
Yes, because having a government guarantee of bad mortgage loans (Fannie & Freddie) is a "Republican" idea.
Yes, because having successive 1.3 trillion dollar deficits is a Republican idea.
You are typical of a modern "progressive"
Not getting 50 in the Senate = FAIL for the GOP.
Um,the Republicans wiped out the sitting Budget, Transportation, and Armed Services Committee Chairmen.
Additionally, It looks like the GOP has picked up an astounding 20 chambers, including both houses in Alabama, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin and additional chambers in Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
Ditto what Jay said. Plus, the results lay us up to the green nicely for 2012.
All in all, despite Boxer, Frank, and Reid not being ousted, it went well...as long as the GOP remember that this is a date, not a marriage.
Got to hand it to President Obama's administration. They certainly got a lot of people involved in the process.
The wailings and lamentations proceed apace at KOS, DU, etc. this A.M.... particularly over the oh-so-tragic loss of "Uncle Fester" Grayson in FL.
It's like waking up to birdsong. Really.
Dont suppose that spinning will accomplish anything. the good news for me is that the house in in Republican hands (assuming they don't screw it up which remains problematic)--and since money bills originate in the house, they have the administration by the short and curlies.
The Senate remains in democratic hands which is good because mr O cannot blame republicans (although he will). So we have grid lock, which as our favorite poster DBQ has often pointed out, grid lock means that the government cant fuck things up.
It will be most interesting to see Mr O's presser today--he can make things better or make things worse. I am suspecting the latter because he is an unmitigated dipshit. But we shall see.
Bottom line for me: Republicans control money bills, and republicans made great gains in states when redistricting is forthcoming. That bit of news flew under the radar of the MSM. And there are a lot of democratic senate seats up for grabs in 2012.
With the democrats maintaining one branch of congress, the zero cannot lay all the blame on Rs
He will of course,because he is a petulant, ignorant fool.
I suspect all the honorable members in both houses have taken a lesson from last nite--Interesting times ahead
Famous Original Mike wrote:
One of the world's biggest scumbags and biggest cancers in American politics just got fired tonight. Popping the first bottle.
Fuck you Alan Grayson. Seriously. FUCK YOU!
Even if it wasn't a republican rout, the fact that Grayson was taken out was a reward all by itself. Seriously the lowest of the low amongst all the democrats and most deserving of a (metaphoric) punch in the balls.
Normally I wouldn't engage in shaudenfreud, but since the left was so ungracious about to George Bush on his exit, I will only repeat what they said to him to all the outgoing dems:
"Nah nah nah na, nah nah nah nah Hey Goodbye!"
While I do hope Rossi prevails against the idiot murray in my home state, regretably King county controls the state.
Grayson was one of the most egregious bastards that ever came down the pike--He made Bull Conner look like a liberal--absolute fucking scum. And he's gone. Great
And with dems in control of the Senate, the magic negro cannot even use the veto as a weapon. Mr O has been emasculated, not that here was a lot to start with. He's in for a very rough two years.
"Yes, because having a government guarantee of bad mortgage loans (Fannie & Freddie) is a "Republican" idea."
Yes, because the financial fraud committed by the banks, mortgage lenders and resellers, and financial institutions that has helped bring about our present financial collapse was made possible by the Republican-driven slackening of tight regulations on those industries. Even when Dems have been in office, public policy is defined and driven by Republican thinking.
The Dems have been trying to "triangulate," i.e., talk like timid progressives but govern like timid Republicans, since Clinton proved himself a master of it.
We have one and a half parties in this country: the Republicans and the Republicrats.
Or, put another way, we have the party of the vested interests, of the wealthy who pay to get what they want...and they get it. This party goes by two names but is one in practice.
I do find myself in agreement with Mr Cook, at least in terms of his suggestion we have only one party in this country: politicians, Ds or Rs and there isnt a dime's worth of difference beween the two.
The Rs have been given another chance at the brass ring--it remains to be seen if they are up to the task--and I am skeptical
But time will tell.
"Yes, because having successive 1.3 trillion dollar deficits is a Republican idea."
Well, yes, of course. Dick Cheney said, "Reagan showed us deficits don't matter."
When waging two wars--and counting--while continuing to cut taxes, what else do you expect to happen but egregious deficits? It's like buying new cars every week after quitting your good job to work as a paper boy...money going out and less and less money coming in inevitably results in a dive into the red.
k*thy, no I screwed up. It's D->R. I did vote for JB yesterday -- the lone Republican Incumbent I voted for -- only one I could have voted for, too. I think he's done an okay job with a Democratic Gov/House/Senate. I'll be interested to see if he change to Republican influences his job performance. I hope not.
Robert Cook wrote:
When waging two wars--and counting--while continuing to cut taxes, what else do you expect to happen but egregious deficits
Despite all the talk about the wars that have bankrupted us we all know that it's really entitlements that have done so. Over the course of 8 years, Iraq and Afghanistan and military spending has been a small sliver of the overall budget.
Cookie is a pussy who hates war, except when Americans are being killed. Cut him some slack, his diaper was red.
I will say regarding Harry REid winning - Other than Grayson he's one of the most obnoxious dems out there. He's a vicious little twerp, but he has a face that always looks like he's crying. His lips quiver, and he has this milquetoast voice.
Even if I didn't disagree with him or felt he was a demagoging jerk, he has a face that just turns my stomach. Listening to him just gets my hackles up.
So, I'm of two minds about him winning. On the positive side, he's going to be there to be the democratic punching bag and we'll get to hear him whine ineffectually while his power slowly slips away. ON the negative side, we're going to get to hear him whine ineffectually while his power slips away. And tnat is torture in itself.
I would pay good money if someone could get Pelosi in an interview this morning and ask the blatantly obvious question instead of softballs. Did she flee the country and go back to California?
BJM - as CA goes, the rest of the country goes. at least now they've got all branches of government. Let them wall in their own shit.
The unions are already sending Obama veiled threats re 2012, so expect enough of Obama's TARP/Small Business slush fund to find it's way to CA as a down payment on union support in 2012 and fend off a possible primary challenge from Brown.
Um, the Republicans tried to rein in Fannie Mae 3 times. Guess who stood in the way?
You are clearly an idiot.
Dick Cheney said, "Reagan showed us deficits don't matter."
And then what?
So are you saying you agree with Cheney?
Or are you saying Obama does?
OOPS, you beclowned yourself again.
When waging two wars--and counting--while continuing to cut taxes, what else do you expect to happen but egregious deficits?
Er, here is how things were just before the Democrats took control of Congress:
An unexpectedly steep rise in tax revenues from corporations and the wealthy is driving down the projected budget deficit this year, even though spending has climbed sharply because of the war in Iraq and the cost of hurricane relief.
On Tuesday, White House officials are expected to announce that the tax receipts will be about $250 billion above last year's levels and that the deficit will be about $100 billion less than what they projected six months ago.
So, once again, you're wrong.
Yes, because the financial fraud committed by the banks, mortgage lenders and resellers, and financial institutions that has helped bring about our present financial collapse
You can't produce one piece of evidence demonstrating this to be true.
Not one.
It's like buying new cars every week after quitting your good job to work as a paper boy...money going out and less and less money coming in inevitably results in a dive into the red.
The monthly deficit under Obama is the same as the yearly deficit under President Bush.
You vote for fiscally irresponsible imbeciles.
"Cookie is a pussy who hates war, except when Americans are being killed. Cut him some slack, his diaper was red."
Your first sentence doesn't make any sense. Your second sentence is incorrect: I come from rock-ribbed Republican stock.
"Dick Cheney said, 'Reagan showed us deficits don't matter.'
And then what?
So are you saying you agree with Cheney?
Or are you saying Obama does?
OOPS, you beclowned yourself again."
Um...you obviously don't read for comprehension.
Go back and try again.
9. It's so sad for the Democrats. They gave us so many things. Gifts. Expensive gifts. That we didn't want. That they bought with our money.
Close. They are gifts that they charged to our credit card....the card they got without our consent, with the high APR...
Um...you obviously don't read for comprehension.
I only read for the rabble-rabble-rabble quotient.
"The monthly deficit under Obama is the same as the yearly deficit under President Bush."
"You vote for fiscally irresponsible imbeciles."
Shit, I didn't vote for that putz Obama.
Here's a great diagnosis, by the way, at today's COUNTERPUNCH, of the true rot undoing our society:
The true rot, RC, is simply these two things. Lack of both personal responsibility and shame. Everything else stems from those two.
Hartford Courant is showing Republican Gov candidate Foley with more votes than Democrat Malloy, and counting is still going on, but Dem Sec of State has declared Malloy the winner. Confusing.
Scott M.
I'd say you need to grow up. Our country is not collapsing because some of our citizens lack impulse control or shame. It's collapsing due to the crimes of those who wield the power to turn our government to their wishes, namely, the corporate powers and financial institutions, and the wealthy individuals--in government and out--who rob and kill to enrich themselves on our treasure.
I'd say you need to grow up.
Ah, personal insult. Truly the stuff of the truly grown up. Maybe if all those supposed villains you listed had some modicum of responsibility and shame, they wouldn't do the awful things you say they do. What, pray, do you suppose the root causes, not the symptoms, of that behavior come from? I'd say amorality should rank pretty high on your answer list, but far be it for me to assume I know what you're thinking or how old, chronologically or otherwise, you would view yourself as.
Shorter Robert Cook: "... but the next Five Year Plan is absolutely gonna RAWWWWWK!!!"
So the Democrats are going to be entering 2012's House election with a bunch of states newly stacked against them and California freshly unstacked to their disadvantage.
Actually the effective of ungerrymandering California will probably be that the Republicans LOSE seats. The improvement will be that Democrats will actually have to appeal to non-Democrats. Right now, they really only have to appeal to their base. Once they win the primary, winning the actual House seat is easy.
As I say, we have had this conversation before. My household income far exceeds yours. I am rich relative to you. I made you look stupid. Again. And also I made you feel bad because you don't have as much money as you would like to have.
Translation: I suck my own dick with gusto! I am the best damn auto-fellatrix in the entire Republican party! I love the taste of my own semen in my mouth, I had a few vertebrae removed in order to facilitate this act, and dogs have something (else) on which they can relate to me.
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