November 30, 2010

Rush Limbaugh just mentioned me.

I'm told (via email). I don't listen until the podcast comes out. Anyone know what he said?

UPDATE: I listen to the podcast here.


MadisonMan said...

He wants to co-host a big birthday bash with you.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Did not hear but would bet he put "the gorgeous, independent thinking" before your name.

TWM said...

No clue, but I bet he didn't call you a sissy . . .

SteveR said...

Something about UW football being overrated because the media wants a liberal school to succeed.

Toad Trend said...

He referred to you taking exception to his use of the word 'sissy' to describe Assange. He prefaced it by saying he likes you :)

Lincolntf said...

Yup, I heard it.
He's mentioned you and the site a couple times. He loved the graphic, he read a bit of your post regarding Assange/sissy/etc. and said he was eager to get back to the topic.
He did mention that his "rant" was part of his ongoing crusade against "chickification".
I'm looking forward to him getting back to it.

Tex said...

He said something about being criticized by a "fan". It's about your sissy Julian Assange post. I think he said you "gently" criticized him.

Dark Eden said...

Incoming Rushalanche?

The Crack Emcee said...

I've got him on, but must've missed it because I got a phone call.

Damn - that would've been cool

Scott M said...

"Rush Limbaugh just mentioned me"

Did your leg get all tingly? Pretty cool though, regardless of what one thinks of Rush. When someone gets mentioned on such a large stage by someone they admire, it's always going to be cool.

KCFleming said...

He mentioned me once on air.

Well, it was in code.

Ann Althouse said...

"He loved the graphic."

The graphic is from his website.

Scott M said...

That's hysterical, AA. Kinda fits with the Me attitude the guy has, doesn't it?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

I'm sorry, this topic is sounding sooooo junior high. "Rush just mentioned you!" "Oh, what did he say? Did he say he likes me?"

Trooper York said...

I guess Christmas came early for you this year. Congratulations.

Lincolntf said...

"The graphic is from his website."

That might explain his enthusiasm for it.

He made a definitively approving remark about you, but I can't recall exactly what it was. When I heard him say it I was assured that he wasn't about to go off on a not-so-nice rant about you, which is always a danger when he gets rolling.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe Althouse should call the show.

That would be a hoot.

Sokmnkee said...

He really likes you, Ann, and reads your blog regularly. He was commenting though on how you weren't too pleased with his disparaging Assange's masculinity. Actually, I agree with Rush. I think Assange looks like a pansy too. I'm an old school type who prefers my men to look and act "manly."

rhhardin said...

He said he likes your blog, quoted a tiny bit, said he'd say more later, and that chickification was his target.

My own opinion was that he has a visceral aversion to the effeminite man, but maybe he can target things better working it out.

He has a few things that he's not worth listening to on, and his show sucks until he gets past it for a while.

The form it used to take was the decline of society's moral standards in this or that way, though I haven't heard him in that swamp for a while.

I'm not surprised he likes the blog.

Tex said...

I'm probably not the first to mention this, but I'd love to see an Althouse and Limbaugh Bloggingheads match. Could that ever possibly happen?

Trooper York said...

I think acknowledgement by media figures like Rush or Howard Stern is one of the silliest and most overrated things to want in life. If you do want it which I doubt you do.

The guy is doing a show and maybe you don’t want to be one of the geeks.

It is fine to be counterintuitive and praise Rush now and then but to get pulled too closely into his web is not necessarily a good idea.

You could end up being like one of the retards on Howard Stern or Stalker Patty on Opie and Anthony and the next thing you know you will be walking blindfolded and barefoot across a floor covered in mouse traps. Sometimes it’s better to keep an appropriate distance from the limelight. Your wings could get all melty. Just sayn’

JAL said...

I think he comments here under another name.

Not Titus ... mmmm... who?

Maybe AL? To hone his skill?

Ann Althouse said...

"Actually, I agree with Rush. I think Assange looks like a pansy too."

But that underlines my point. There are many small, weak men of low masculinity. Don't take shots at them. What did they do? Many of them are fine people.

Ann Althouse said...

"I'm probably not the first to mention this, but I'd love to see an Althouse and Limbaugh Bloggingheads match. Could that ever possibly happen?"

He won't do it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I think Rush wants to be more mainstream.. put some distance btwg himself and the Glen Becks and Michael Savages of the radio... Althouse might be part of that.

Ann Althouse said...

I mean, I've asked and I think bhtv has tried.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I mean, I've asked and I think bhtv has tried.

This a good excuse to ask again.. (please) call the show.

a bhtv would be awesome.. it would be a chance to see him in a conversation format instead of interview/monologue.

Trooper York said...

"But that underlines my point. There are many small, weak men of low masculinity. Don't take shots at them. What did they do? Many of them are fine people."

Well you see that's why Rush won't do bloggingheads. You have to look far and wide to find a bigger sissy than Robert Wright.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Frazier's brother Niles is great actor and a funny guy. Just sayn'

AllenS said...

I read a lot of blogs, but most of them I never go into the comments section. Obviously, the ability to comment, and read comments from some pretty smart people is a reason to read this blog. I don't think that Rush would ever comment here, but wouldn't be surprised if he reads the comments.


Bender said...

Rush has frequently said he is opposed to the chickification of things, of the new castrati.

Meade said...

"There are many small, weak men of low masculinity. Don't take shots at them. What did they do?"

Entertained us at the Super Bowl .

Trooper York said...

I mean you know that Wright would have to be the one doing the divalog with Rush. He wouldn't give up that chance. And since Rush can't abide sissy's that won't work out very well don't ya think?

I mean good old Bob makes Charles Nelson Reilly look like Charles Bronson.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Freeman Hunt said...

I heard it in the car and emailed Althouse at a red light. That's why my email included no details.

rhhardin's account is accurate.

Meade said...

"An Althouse and Limbaugh Bloggingheads match. Could that ever possibly happen?"

Rush would be scared. He's too much of a sissy.

Trooper York said...

Maybe Rush could do a divalog with that Bella chick. They even kinka look alike.

She is definitely not a sissy lookin' chick. Just sayn'

Roux said...

BHTV would probably not work for Rush do to his hearing problems.

ricpic said...

I believe Rush said "Ann Althouse, who I like, etc. etc." I think that's a pretty big deal, though how it will go down with your colleagues is another matter.

Trooper York said...

Well then he could do a divalog with Garret Morris.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Meade said...

Rush would be scared. He's too much of a sissy.

If I understand correctly, the Professor frowns on people declaring a thread winner.

Ergo, there's nothing I can say to this comment.

Well, except I laughed twice as hard when I saw who wrote it.

Scott M said...

Entertained us at the Super Bowl

Perfect example. I think it's a stretch to call Prince masculine, at least in the Conan The Barbarian or lumberjack sense of the word, but the guy simply reeks of male sexuality. Proof that it comes (no pun) in many different flavors (definitely no pun).

I've always been at odds with my fandom with Prince's music if nothing else. Try squaring that with a guy that's seen Rush (the Canadians, not the American) every tour since '84.

jungatheart said...

"I heard it in the car and emailed Althouse at a red light. That's why my email included no details."

That's what friends are for. :)

Trooper York said...

I would never dis Prince's manhood. Just list all the cooze he has had;

Shelia E
Sheena Easton
Sinead O'Conner
Janet Jackson
Justin Beiber.

Well except for the last one but you know what I mean. That dude gets a lot of babes.

Freeman Hunt said...

There are many small, weak men of low masculinity. Don't take shots at them. What did they do? Many of them are fine people.

But are those the real issues? Is the visceral reaction to the smallness and weakness? Most small, weak men still seem very masculine.

Or is the reaction to that petulant, pouting face? Not only that, but a petulant, pouting face worn by a sociopathic spy? I think it more likely that the visceral reaction comes from that.

Tank said...

Rush is right not to do blogginheads.

He is at his weakest debating (even versus many callers).

He is at his best doing a monologue.

If he and Althouse debated an issue they disagreed on, my money would not be on Rush.

Unknown said...

After all, Ann is the Conservatives' Lovable Liberal.

Meade said...

"An Althouse and Limbaugh Bloggingheads match. Could that ever possibly happen?"

Rush would be scared. He's too much of a sissy.

Well, somebody's going to be getting a whole lot of snuggles tonight.

No matter how cold it gets.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rush would be scared. He's too much of a sissy.

I think you might be onto something there Meade..

Freeman Hunt said...

Also, people like men to look physically capable. You can be very small and very thin and still look just as physically capable as a huge, musclebound guy. I can't put my finger on the "sissy" quality, but I think it exists. "Waif" implies more than small and thin; weakly motivated and lethargic also come to mind.

WV: pooboot I am embarrassed to say that that made me laugh out loud.

Freeman Hunt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I mean is there any doubt that Rush would like the blogger lady.
He's like me and enjoys women that know how to party!

mesquito said...

He's talking about Althouse again.

rhhardin said...

Althouse mentioned at 12:22 (EST) and then extensively now 13:38 (EST)

Trooper York said...

Just wait for all the nasty comments from Jeremy when he gets out of school!

That's gonna be a lot of fun.

Tank said...

And....Trooper makes me spit up my coffee.

Thanks for that.

sonicfrog said...

Wow. You got Limbaugh-Lanched, I got Sully-Lanched...

Interesting day.

Michael Haz said...

Trooper, how many times to I have to ask you to not use that picture of Mrs. Haz with Rush?

She wasn't wearing her contacts, and from across the room thought Rush looked like me, only more sissy-ish.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is a perfect opportunity to invite Rush to the bhtv thing agian..

mesquito said...

Reading whole post.

He says he said something besides "sissy" but he had to bleep himself.

On to the "chickefication" of everything.

Now talking to Snerdly about it.

"Everyone knows what 'sissy' means, so it's effective.

Sequeing to where wikileaks is hosted, and why it isn't shut down.

Michael Haz said...

Plus, I heard Sarah Jessica Parker talking about buying shoes at your store.

The farrier was out for lunch, so she didn't buy any.

Trooper York said...

You know I bet Rush doesn't like farrier's either. Just sayn'

mesquito said...

"If you are offended by my calling Assange a 'sissy', would you want him in a foxhole with you?

LordSomber said...

When I hear "sissy" being used I don't automatically assume it's about masculinity -- I use the term myself.

"Sissy" is the opposite of "mensch."

Trooper York said...

Hey where is Sissy Willis when you need someone to defend the honor of sissy's.

I mean I have to jump in whenever the blogger lady knocks chubby people so it is only fair.

Triangle Man said...

Maybe Rush could do a divalog with that Bella chick

I'm not the only one who reads diavlog as divalog!

Peter Fee said...

RE: Rush, Assange, Ann & related blogs about "sissy."

“the left actively promotes sissification of men”

What shoutingthomas said in the quoted passage above, is correct, but I believe that it runs far deeper than merely being related to an antidote to war.

Actually, the Left and Marxism aim at displacing masculinity because it is a pillar of that which it seeks to destroy. Individuality, Rationality, Action and Resourcefulness are the hallmarks of masculinity. They are antithetical to the State having predominant control over people’s lives. The Human Being that the Left wishes to construct and see prevail is subject to the State and has needs towards the State as the Child has to the Parent.

Since it seeks to replace the Family and become the Parent, the State must displace Man and his traditional relationship to Woman; and to Children. Through this lens we can readily interpret a lot of relatively recent cultural and philosophical history in the West.

Related Notes: Sissification is not the same as Homosexual. Effeminate is lacking Masculine self-identity, while not having the Grace of a Woman.
This middle ground is an odious “no-man’s land” because it fails to be Man or to be Woman and is just feckless. That is the essence of the stigmatization of the sissy.

Trooper York said...

I always call it that because they all seem like diva's.

In fact I would love to see the blogger lady do a divalog with Nene Leaks. About Wikileaks. So to speak.

Opus One Media said...

I think he was talking in the context of narcissism but I was too busy admiring myself in the rear view mirror to catch it all.

Trooper York said...

I have to say this is all very exciting.

Almost as much fun as that time that they did a whole segment about AlphaLiberal on "To Catch a Predator."

The Crack Emcee said...


There are many small, weak men of low masculinity. Don't take shots at them. What did they do? Many of them are fine people.

They, like women, created a world of laws and political correctness that's made it almost impossible to be a normal male - that's what. You wanna talk shit? Then put up or shut up - don't hide behind the law and PC. You don't have to be a big man to get the respect of others, and to make a situation so you don't even have to earn your position is bullshit. They deserve our scorn until they recognize this and change the way things are done.

BTW - I heard Rush's talk about you and he was channeling TMR again.

Scott M said...

Almost as much fun as that time that they did a whole segment about AlphaLiberal on "To Catch a Predator."

I saw that episode. If it hadn't been for the crushing weight of his own self-worth, he might have gotten away.

Trooper York said...

Well that and the clown costume.

Kind of hard to blend in.

Well except at the Democratic National convention but it had been over for two weeks.

Scott M said...

Wasn't he carrying one of the columns?

rhhardin said...

An Althouse tweak at 2:08 (EST)

rhhardin said...

If you want a formula for Rush, his show's great humor is based on self-deprecation, which is what his larger-than-life persona is.

You can't do larger-than-life morality, which is why those segments all suck; or, better, why it doesn't fit the format.

AlphaLiberal said...

What is this a kindergarten playground? Rush Limbaugh calling people “sissy?” Really?

I guess if you’re not a drug-addicted fattie like Rush Limbaugh, then you’re a sissy. Who thinks like that?

Bull. A real man doesn’t need to bully people around to prove his manhood. A real man doesn’t judge people by their physical appearances, but by the content of their character.

And the racist, drug-addicted Rush Limbaugh is not much of man. He is a little boy who never grew up.

Althouse, lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas.

Trooper York said...

Schools out!

mesquito said...

You beat me to it, Trouper York.

AlphaLiberal said...


But that underlines my point. There are many small, weak men of low masculinity.

Uh, whatever anyone thinks of what Mr Assange has done, it took some major stones to stand up to the only remaining superpower. The guy now lives on the run.

Why do people think he is a sissy anyway? Because he is thin? His first name is Julian?

Good God I haven't been in a conversation like this since the 6th grade!

Trooper York said...

Nah, Alice had it first!

BillyTalley said...

To quote myself (narcissistically?) in a comment to a previous post:

"...there exists an abiding prejudicial trope within our cultural legacy that connects feyness with a lack of courage."

Rush tried "sissy" instead, an effort to placate Ms. Althouse.

Now to slice a line from the NYTimes article that Ms.Althouse mentioned just after this blogpost:
"It is one thing to call someone a neat and careful dresser. It is another to call that person a dandy, or a clotheshorse, or a boulevardier. Each of these terms has slightly different meanings and conjures up a type."

Instead of trope, I should have written type. Hasn't Rush conjured a type? And isn't a critique against him a refutation of this type?

What I think Ann is saying: Fey and brave are not incompatible.

AlphaLiberal said...

This whole "Assange is a sissy" business really explains a lot. Apparently, conservatism is just a case of mass arrested development.

Your basic conservative stopped maturing at around the age of 13.

That explains the playground taunts, the rudeness, the inability to grasp complex subjects.

It does not, however, explain the deep hatred for most Americans exhibited by the con's. That remains a mystery.

Trooper York said...

"What I think Ann is saying: Fey and brave are not incompatible"

That is absolutely true. I mean look at David Gest. He saw Liza Minnelli naked. That takes balls.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

AlphaLiberal said...
Your basic conservative stopped maturing at around the age of 13.

That explains the playground taunts, the rudeness, the inability to grasp complex subjects.

Sure. Now explain yourself.

BillyTalley said...

Quite correct. Trooper York. Thank you, sir.

To recycle material from a previous comment:

"Wasn't Lawrence of Arabia fey?"

AlphaLiberal said...

AllenS, it's a pretty simple concept.

But thanks for proving my point, nonetheless.

Automatic_Wing said...

Uh, whatever anyone thinks of what Mr Assange has done, it took some major stones to stand up to the only remaining superpower. The guy now lives on the run.

Bullshit. It would take major stones to pull a stunt like that on Russia or China. He's a poseur fighting against faux oppression. Just like you.

Fen said...

AlphaLiberal: A real man doesn’t need to bully people around to prove his manhood. A real man doesn’t judge people by their physical appearances

So how come you chose "Alpha" Liberal as your handle? Compensating?

Anonymous said...


This whole subject appears to be hitting a little close to home with you.

Are there some experiences you want to share with us? Did the older boys make you do things that made you feel uncomfortable? Could these episodes with people you perceived at the time to be “conservatives” explain your irrational hatred of people who don’t agree with you politically?

We can’t help you until you open up.

Trooper York said...

AlphaLiberal can't understand why he can't graspe thirteen year olds.
That's why he supports Obama's new rules for the TSA!

That's why he was starring on "To Catch a Predator."

le Douanier said...


Althouse needs to update the post.

Where is the missing link?

When the Rush flood comes, Althouse will need to crank up the obscene profit center stat!!

Really sloppy. And, from a law prof.

le Douanier said...

Well, at least we know know who bought that little knife.

garage mahal said...

I can't think of one thing Limbaugh could do that would be "beneath him". He's already said every racist and sexist thing that can be said. His personal life is nothing to brag about. What's left?

Trooper York said...

Well there is always emailing pictures of penis to Maureen Dowd.

le Douanier said...

Maybe it's time to change that text at the top of the blog (masthead?).

Althouse needs to lock-in the dittoheads so they'll stick around (and buy via the Amazon link).

I'm thinking:

Excellence In Blogging

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

He's already said every racist and sexist thing that can be said. His personal life is nothing to brag about. What's left?

It no doubt being all obvious you’d be able to whip two or three of these sexist/racist comments out, right?

traditionalguy said...

I blame Disney and his fantasy land starting with Ferdinand the Bull. A man's role is to protect people. Assange is only showing off his brilliance and his passive aggressiveness, but that doesn't make him a sissy. That makes him a creep.

Michael said...

Garage: Link to a racist comment by Rush if you would. Tks.

Anonymous said...

Don Corleone: "I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women, children and liberals can be careless. But not men."

le Douanier said...


I didn't even bother reading this, so I don't know if it answers your question. I'd already invested six seconds w/ the google, and that was more trouble than it was worth regarding this subject, imho.

garage mahal said...

Garage: Link to a racist comment by Rush if you would. Tks.

Any preference on what year, or what decade?

traditionalguy said...

It is only fair, since you have mentioned Rush Limbaugh many times.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Any preference on what year, or what decade?

I had no idea you are such an avid listener.

The things you learn about people.

William said...

It's always cool to have your parking ticket validated by the BMOC. I was absurdly flattered to hear that Vin Diesel based his characterization of The Hellfighter from Borneo on my nuanced performance of Pee Wee Herman in a high school production of Pee Wee's Big Adventure that was posted on You Tube. It was very generous and gracious of him to offer such attention.....As a general rule it is fair to say that the lone and palely loitering have as many misconceptions of the hairy chested as burly men do of girly men. A robust physique is not a manifestation of fascist longings.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Some aren’t even racist you know PB&J, they are knocks on LIBERALS, like the one about Negroes and Kennedy…making the point that, as usual, it’s the Liberals, who are the racists.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

And how th one entitlted Steinbrenner was a “Cracka” is racist, well you’ll just have to explain to me…so it’s racist if a WHITE guy uses the word “Cracka”? Or did Steinbrenner not make blacks millionaires? Or is making blacks millionaires racist? I’m really, really confused on this point, help a brother out will you?

Scott M said...

Point of order...I believe it's spelled, "brutha"

le Douanier said...


Now I had to read the link, so I'd know what you were describing.

Your defense that "some" of his comments aren't racist could be read as a confession that "some" of his comments are racist.

Looking at your specifics:

"I know the real reason that Teddy Kennedy was mad and offended when Bill Clinton said ‘Hey, come on man, this guy woulda been fetching us coffee a few years ago.’ what made Teddy Kennedy mad was it’s women get him coffee. It was Negroes that brought Ted Kennedy his booze. And that’s why he was all offended… We deal in the truth here…”

This was Rush claiming that Teddy was upset about a WJC comment because WJC had confused Teddy's servers, i.e. he uses women for his coffee, but black folks for his liquor.

Re Steinbrenner:

Presumably the black athletes made themselves millionaires, based on merit. Now, if Steinbrenner has walked up to some black folks and given them more than a million dollars each, that would be a different situation.

And, bigger picture, do you approve of Rush making a race based eulogy for Steinbrenner, where Steinbrenner's legacy is presented as a white guy giving handouts to black folks? Is that the conservative POV?

If you dittoheads approve of this sort of chit chat, you can continue to justify it. I don't care. And, I've wasted way too much time jabbering about this stuff.

Terry said...

Garage: Link to a racist comment by Rush if you would. Tks.

Any preference on what year, or what decade?

Please supply the special "dogwhistle" or "code book" to decipher Limabaugh's remarks, Mr Mahal. Only liberals seem to have them.

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

This was Rush claiming that Teddy was upset about a WJC comment because WJC had confused Teddy's servers, i.e. he uses women for his coffee, but black folks for his liquor.

Racist HOW? Clinton says, a few years ago Obama would have been bringing us coffee, but LIMBAUGH is racist…Uh yeah….

And, bigger picture, do you approve of Rush making a race based eulogy for Steinbrenner, where Steinbrenner's legacy is presented as a white guy giving handouts to black folks? Is that the conservative POV?

The bigger picture is that a white is thought of as a Cracka, even when this cracka made some blacks very rich….THAT’S the “bigger picture.”

Craig Howard said...

If Assange wore shorts, I bet you wouldn't be so magnanimous.

Meade said...

If I understand the Althouse Aesthetic, short pants don't feminize grown men, they infantilize them.

Cedarford said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Actually, I agree with Rush. I think Assange looks like a pansy too."

But that underlines my point. There are many small, weak men of low masculinity. Don't take shots at them. What did they do? Many of them are fine people

Yes, but girlie-men Assange and PFC Bradley Manning (i.e. "The Gay Howdy Doody") - are not among the "fine men".

One appears to be a sex predator with an Interpol international arrest warrant just issued, the other a traitor in the Army.
And they were the subject of Rush's conversation.

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