November 27, 2010

Remember "Sorry Everybody"?

It was all the rage just about exactly 6 years ago. Americans were apologizing to the world for reelecting George Bush. Remember these people, displaying their sweet faces in an adorable attempt to let the world know that lots of us Americans are so sorry.


Beta Rube said...

Is electing an apologist to the world (particularly those who hate us) sweet revenge for the idiotic, juvenile, self-indulgent morons who came up with this crap?

Anonymous said...

The message today would possibly include:

- Thank you, America.

- We are happy.

- We have the best POTUS.

- Victory 2012!

- The GOP, Why?

The Crack Emcee said...

The new message would be:

"Thanks for endorsing us putting this loser in place. You guys were great.


The American Left AKA The U.S.'s Insufferable Little Pricks"

Peter V. Bella said...

So, the new rage is the current President continually apologizing to the world for America being America.

It is time for viral video apologizing for electing a naive tyro.

Meade said...

Sorry asses who elected sorry ass Apologizer in Chief.

Who's sorry now.

MadisonMan said...

The Democratic Party should have been apologizing for putting forth such a loser as a candidate.

john said...

I like the one that said:

"I'm Sorry
I Voted for Kerry".

I didn't see anyone apologizing for voting for Edwards, tho.

There was a series of very attractive breast shots, and I'm not sorry about those.

bagoh20 said...

It says: "You're an idiot" - preserved for posterity.

We need more of this, so we can know who to pay attention to in the future.

The Crack Emcee said...

Another thought that came to mind:

Those were/are the same people who'll never apologize when they actually do something wrong. You can beg them and they'll refuse. Or they'll give you the Left's invention - the non-apology apology - but they'll never come clean in a manner that'll ever clearly say, "I was wrong and I feel bad because it harmed or bothered others greatly."

In other words, they need their asses kicked.

garage mahal said...

Wow. Smells pretty bitter in here again.


AllenS said...


Are you back home? Are you going to the game this afternoon?

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure everyone in this video feels very stupid right now. They were always stupid, of course, but now they're aware.

I'm Full of Soup said...

My brother had Kerry/ Edwards stickers on his truck for almost 4 years.

garage mahal said...

Got back yesterday evening. Dang chilly up north. I'll watching the Badgers in the Mancave.

Unknown said...

These are the people who still say the Living Redwood won in 2000 and that 9/11 was a plot.

AJ Lynch said...

My brother had Kerry/ Edwards stickers on his truck for almost 4 years.

You still see them here in NE OH. Of course, it's the poorest large metropolitan area in the country.

Just a coinkydink.

AllenS said...


Ain't no tropical paradise here at Fort AllenS.

Go Badgers!

Psota said...

If just one of those doofuses is now looking back and cringing with embarrassment, it will have all been worth it.

Mick said...

PETER V. BELLA said...
"So, the new rage is the current President continually apologizing to the world for America being America.

It is time for viral video apologizing for electing a naive tyro".

Obama is not "naive", and knows exactly what he is doing. He is a non Natural Born (father was never a citizen), non allegiant Usurper. He was installed by the World Debt masters and World government proponents to put the final nails in the coffin of the sovereignty of We the People, and to overload the American system by Cloward- Piven, bringing it's collapse.

All while supposed Scholars of the constitution look on and say nothing.

SteveR said...

Eliminate the ones living off daddy's money and it lasts about 30 seconds.

madAsHell said...

Where do you find so many sorry people?

I like the "visit my website" at the end of the video........yes, I wasted that much time.

bagoh20 said...


I second that. It literally beats the hell out of a Sorry America.

garage mahal said...

Visited my Ma, she's not getting around as good as she used to, but still plenty sassy at 85 yrs old. She gave me all my Dad's WWII things - his pictures, letters home, his logbook, his Lucky Bastard Club Certificate- and I'm going to make a tribute website soon. Turns out members in his squadron [including my the Dad, the Navigator] were all eerily talking about getting a reunion together in Bury St Edmunds, England. Then they all passed away, almost all in the same year. There's still one member of his squadron, the co-pilot, alive. The co-pilot's son is a lawyer in California, and he produced a video series about the squadron that I'm about to watch. As my Mom said "All great men are dead. And I'm not feeling that well".

Clyde said...

I was one of the "I'm Not Sorry" people. Like I was gonna vote for Lurch? Shyeah, I think not.

kent said...


"If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention."
/any leftard, 2000 - 2008

Tim said...

A virtual "Hall of Fame of Fools." Excellent!

wv: pilisht - indeed, what a pile of sh't.

ricpic said...

America is a work in progress as opposed to the smug self-satisfied rest of the world which never apologizes for anything no matter how egregious or even downright disgusting. Do the women of India squatting beside the road in their magnificently hued saris DEFECATING apologize? Not on your life. The rest of the world is complete. Complete in its cacatude.

Big Mike said...

A note to those people holding up "I'm sorry" signs. To paraphrase Admiral Yamamoto, all you've done since the election of Barack Obama is awaken a sleeping giant and fill us with a terrible resolve.

That election is the Left's Pearl Harbor. A tactical victory leading ultimately to a total repudiation and defeat.

dbp said...

I think it is safe to presume that none of the hipster douschebags actually voted for Bush. So how does it make any sense for them to apologize? I hope they are not doing it on my behalf--I'm glad I voted for bush.

Robert Cook said...

I never saw that or heard about it. I take it the point you're making--and it is a valid point that should be made--is, if all those people were "sorry" that we elected George Bush because he was pressing his brutal campaigns of imperial mass murder and torture abroad, then aren't they also sorry now?

Where are all those "sorry" people today? Are they still "sorry," but too dispirited or disorganized to say it? Do they assume it's apparent? Are they not "sorry," because, of course, Obama means well and although the killing and destruction is still going on, Obama "feels" the suffering his bombs and bullets are causing, and he's "trying" to find a way out--that is, "an honorable peace," as Nixon kept promising us while he kept the Viet Nam war going another several years past his first election.

Obama: the other mass murderer.

WF: borat (for reals)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Smells pretty bitter in here again.


Emptiness, thy name is garage.

Our King of Empty has done it again.

I've been around the left long enough to know that the left prides itself on outrage and anger.

Somehow, outrage and anger on the other side is symptomatic of psychological problems.

Don't know if this is the point of our King of Empty. I can never tell what his point is, or even whether he has one.

Anonymous said...


You're such a fucking sanctimonious nutjob.

Can't you shut up about your obsession with calling American presidents war criminals?

What is it about you, I'll ask you again, that makes you yearn to be dragged out in the public square by an angry mob for a tarring and feathering?

Jesus, I wish the mob would grant you your wish.

Would you shut the fuck up then?

What a dreary, sanctimonious crackpot you are!

Chip Ahoy said...

About staying angry, here is my take on what little I've seen of the Tea Party movement. They appeared to me to be people who would much rather be doing something else, probably shopping at Walmart. But then, quite out of character, they were compelled to protest. (TARP bailouts, at the time) They say as much. Presently, having seen how much fun it all is, being in the presence of kindred spirits, their mailing lists and connectivity established, the awareness of how easy politics is when contrasted with genuine work, and all that fueled by success, there will be no turning back to their slothful ways, carefree and uninvolved in political matters, leaving things to elected officials. They have found their voice and there will be no shutting them up. Speaking generally here, I do believe they are addicted. They will be every bit as obnoxious as their noisome counterparts. This monster that has been created, it's aliiiive!

AlphaLiberal said...

I got the t-shirt, actually.

I guess con's don't like this because they think America and conservatives are perfect. Conservatives never apologize for nuthin.

As it turned out, George Bush was a disaster for the world and tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of people died as a result of his elective invasion and occupation of Iraq.

George Bush was also a disaster for the world's largest economy. The Bush tax cuts and deregulation, especially of finance, were disastrous policies that amounted to little more than looting.

Grownups apologize when they do wrong. We apologized to the world for our nation's turn.

After all, we were the majority.

Anonymous said...

Grownups apologize when they do wrong. We apologized to the world for our nation's turn.

So, Omega, when is your mother going to apologize to the world for giving birth to you?

AlphaLiberal said...

Hey, Ann Althouse! Remember all those posts where you were accusing all liberals everywhere and in all time of calling other people they disagree with dumb?

Why do you ignore the same damn thing happening HOURLY from the conservatives on your blog?

Peter Bella:
It says: "You're an idiot" - preserved for posterity.


ricpic said...

And as opposed to the obnoxious Tea Partiers you would have what? the eventual 24/7 watching you, scanning you, probing you by Big Caring Brother?

Alex said...

Obama: the other mass murderer.

Obama - the other white meat.

/jiggity jiggity

AlphaLiberal said...

Hey, Ann Althouse!

You've been engaging in a lot of stereotyping against liberals on one comment using "dumb" by one UW professor.

Do you ever read your own fucking blog, Althouse?

So, Omega, when is your mother going to apologize to the world for giving birth to you?

Ann Althouse: Why don't you post a comment on the vile and uncivil language in your own fucking blog?

It's OK when conservative do it!

Assholes. All.

Alex said...


Why do you ignore the same damn thing happening HOURLY from the conservatives on your blog?

Hey look tool, your side started it back in the 2000s with Daily Kos. Remember about the American contractors what he said - 'screw em'. Yeah that's YOUR side advocating jihadis murder OUR guys. Fuck you AL and the high horse you rode in on.

bagoh20 said...

ricpic said "cacatude".

I love that! It's a common human trait in need of a noun. You can't refudiate its appropriateness.

Alex said...

t's OK when conservative do it!

Assholes. All.

It's ok when the left wing blogs do it. Assholes all right?

Anonymous said...

Look, Omega, it's the Thanksgiving weekend.

Pull your panties out of your buttcheeks and watch a football game on TV.

Big Mike said...

After all, we were the majority. (Emphasis mine.)

Yes, you were. Your side was hired to fix a problem. A large problem, though nowhere near as large as you paint it.

You have made it worse.

Last time I had a contractor in my house who made things worse instead of better, I threw him out. Looks to me as though a majority of Americans had pretty much the same reaction 3 weeks ago.

There's a reason why the jackass symbolizes the Democrats.

Alex said...

Hey I'm willing to call a truce on the insults if Alpha is. So will he be a BIGGER man and offer it?

michaele said...

Ahhh, those times were so innocent. All those haters and none of them accused of being racist...amazing.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann Althouse: Why don't you post a comment on the vile and uncivil language in your own fucking blog?"

Uh... quit saying "fucking."

Alex said...

The idea that Beta Liberal goes on and on about "hateful and vile speech" while every single post of his drips of it is the HEIGHT if irony, no?

Fen said...

AlphaLibtard: Why don't you post a comment on the vile and uncivil language in your own fucking blog?

Awwww. Poor baby. After years of calling us "rednecks" and "teabaggers", Alpha whines about civility.

Go fuck yourself, Libtard.

Big Mike said...

Be civil, Fen.

Merely invite him to engage in auto-copulation.

Drew said...

Oh, yeah. That vid takes me back. Back to a time when the left was all-angry all-the-time! Not like today when the left is . . . wait, why are they still so angry all the time? They got their messiah! Shouldn't they be happy now?

JAL said...

@ garage

So glad you've got your dad's WWII stuff.

Did you ever take a look at the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum site? If you ever get down to Savannah / north Florida area, go. A must see.

This is an amazing place. (I think I mentioned it in early November, right after we stopped there the second time. We're going to stop again our next trip thataway.)

We have no idea what it was like. These guys (B-17 and B-24 crew) ---- well, their stories and what they did and how they did it are awe inspiring.

Nothing to apologize for. "...the sacrifice of all these heroes that freed us from Hell."

And they are us, everyday Americans.

Peter V. Bella said...

Hey Alpha, you're still an idiot and your head is up your posterior.

Preserve this for posterity too.

holdfast said...

OpenID shoutingthomas said...

"Pull your panties out of your buttcheeks and watch a football game on TV."

HEY! - that's the TSA's job. No poaching on their patch.

Cedarford said...

That Obama is lame does not make Bush unlame. Or redeem Jimmy Carter somehow.

I don't "miss" any of them. Though other than his bad wars, cluelessness on the economy, and growth of government and unfunded mandates...Bush was the most personally palatable of 3 bad Presidents.

Clyde said...

@ Alpha Liberal

Dude, you need to either up your dosage or grow a thicker skin. Your thin-skinned reaction was almost Obamesque. People are mean. Life sucks. Get a helmet.

Greg Hlatky said...

Alpha Liberal said:
I guess con's don't like this because they think America and conservatives are perfect. Conservatives never apologize for nuthin.

Oh, no. There's a difference between us. We acknowledge America can be criticized for failing to live up to the high standards set by its founding documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution yet we know that with time and patience America can truly become "a shining city on a hill."

You and Mr. Cook, however, see America as a fundamentally evil society that can only be redeemed by the dictates of unaccountable Tranzi cadres. How else can you explain the Left's fulminating hatred for middle America and its cringing apologies to America's enemies?

Robert Cook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

"You and Mr. Cook, however, see America as a fundamentally evil society...."

I can't speak for anyone else, but this shows how poorly you comprehend criticisms of American policies and behavior in the world.

I don't think America is a "fundamentally evil society" as that would mean I think we are evil by nature, that our fundament--the Constitution--is evil or was designed to create an evil society.

To the contrary, the evil that we do arises from our betrayal of first principles, our treason to the Constitutional limits on Presidential power, to the prohibitions on government power (only partially) enumerated in the Bill of Rights, and to our evisceration of due process.

We do evil when we speak of our reverence for "freedom" and "democracy" yet invade other countries in imperial aggressive wars and murder their citizens by the thousands, and imprison them and torture them, and destroy their homes forcing them to become refugees, and shatter their physical and social infrastructures, and despoil their air and land and water with our poisons.

We do evil when we cheer our government when it violates the rule of law and behaves as do those we have always considered "evil." John McCain put it well when he spoke against our doing torture, saying, "It's not about who they are; it's about who we are." Sadly, we have become as they are and we seem damned satisfied about that.

I am an advocate for our fundamental "goodness," and you who applaud our predations in the world and against our own citizens are the ones who believe we are essentially evil, and you agree with and are happy in that evil.

Alex said...

I am an advocate for our fundamental "goodness," and you who applaud our predations in the world and against our own citizens are the ones who believe we are essentially evil, and you agree with and are happy in that evil.

Thus Robert Cook puts himself up as the the ONE Good, decent, moral American. The rest of us are predatory ghouls.

Robert Cook said...

"Thus Robert Cook puts himself up as the the ONE Good, decent, moral American. The rest of us are predatory ghouls."


There are many Americans who are appalled by and who oppose the policies I briefly described.

Greg Hlatky said...

To the contrary, the evil that we do arises from our betrayal of first principles, our treason to the Constitutional limits on Presidential power, to the prohibitions on government power (only partially) enumerated in the Bill of Rights, and to our evisceration of due process.

The limits on Presidential power burst by those liberal icons Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt? The elimination of limitations on government power like the 16th Amendment and over-expansive interpretation of the Commerce Clause? Why, sir, by those criteria you should erect a shrine to Calvin Coolidge!

AllenS said...


I'm glad you have your father's military stuff. You sound proud of his service record, and I'm happy for you.

Harry said...

If you go to you can get a busty girl to write a message on her cleavage and photograph it for you, as in the video. Costs $5, of which the website gets $1 and PayPal gets 20 cents, so someone goes to some trouble for $3.80.

Personally, I haven't thought of any message that's cleavage worthy, but the service is available.

Anonymous said...

The Bush tax cuts and deregulation, especially of finance, were disastrous policies that amounted to little more than looting.

You can't name a single executive order, regulation, or piece of legislation, that took place during the Bush Presidency that amounted to "deregulation"

Not one.

Anonymous said...

deregulation, especially of finance,

Sarbanes-Oxley was signed by President Bush (enacted July 30, 2002).


Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving weekend 2009, Tiger Woods gets into an accident.

Thanksgiving weekend 2010, Obama gets 12 stitches.

Is someone trying to tell us something?

SGT Ted said...

Cook merely parrots the leftwing line. Its all they have.

UN Sanctioned take down of Saddam Hussein also authorized repeatedly by Congresses controlled by both houses since 2003 for violating the terms of the 1991 cease fire equals "Imperial war of Aggression".

Calling the US Armed Forces "Murderers" is the typical neo-Commie/Islamist propaganda put forth by ANSWER and the International Solidarity Movement and other America haters about US involvement in Iraq. That you parrot it says more about you than George Bush. From my brothers and sisters who served honorably; Go fuck yourself.

3 cases of waterboarding actual war criminals that we could have summarily shot on capture under the Laws of Land Warfare and we're a "nation of torturers". Don't even trot out Abu Ghraib: I was there and the reality is no where near Dan Rathers torture fantasies and the leftwing mythology that sprang up around the incident.

As far as displaced populations go, while it isn't pleasant, it is normal for war and it certainely isn't a war crime, you idiot.

If you are so concerned with war crimes why aren't you demanding that the non-uniformed fighters who use Mosques and civilian shields be tried as same? Why arene't you demanding that the UN condemn the serial war crimes committed by Muslim daily?

The rest is the usual leftwing twaddle that is only deployed when a Republican does it.

You are a useful idiot for those who hate America, Cook.

Robert Cook said...

The takedown of Hussein was not UN sanctioned.

The soldiers are merely the guns and bullets; the politicians and generals are the murderers who pull the triggers. Soldiers who serve under hardship and are killed or grievously injured are to be commended for their service, but they are as much victims of the murderers as are those we deem "the enemy." The mission is a lie, all the deaths and injuries and destruction (on both sides) serving nothing at all except the ends of politicians trying to steal more land and resources and impose their will around the world, and garnering greater wealth for the arms merchants and connected corporations who steal our tax dollars in the service of mass murder. This is true of the politicians and generals and arms merchants in every country who prosecute wars. America is not unique in this regard, and we are not "the exceptional nation," and cannot be exempted from blame for the evil we do.

"Loving" America has nothing to do with being a mindless cheer leader for whatever we do, and criticizing America when it goes wrong does not equate with hating America. That you seem to think so simply shows how misguided you are, how conned you have been by the lies and propaganda of those who are destroying America. The Vietnam war era slogan of "America: Love it or Leave It" is a slogan of treason to America.

Longer said...

it's been 10 years since I watched this ...

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