November 13, 2010

"President Obama is coming home from his overseas trip pretty much empty-handed."

"After watching his party take a beating in the midterm elections, Obama wasn't able to secure even a symbolic victory on a trip that was expected to give him plenty of opportunities to claim a win.... Obama's inauspicious 10-day, four-nation trip included a failure to land an anticipated slam dunk free trade agreement with South Korea."


David said...

Yeah, Barack blew a layup (nobody expects him to dunk) with the whole world watching.

He's the Indiana football team of the political world.

Badgers: 83
Hoosiers: 20

Fen said...

Diversity Hire

Fen said...

I guess we should be satisfied he found his flight back home...

"Nice work Barak! We're SO proud of you"

Clyde said...

Well, it could have been worse. I didn't hear anything about him puking on anyone.

Anonymous said...

Didn't he live in Indonesia as a child? That should have made the world his oyster. I've heard tell that it's a much more significant qualification than having actual foreign policy experience and executive experience in running a large organization.

SteveR said...

I guess he did some good touristy stuff. That's cool.

cubanbob said...

Was anyone expecting him to actually accomplish something? One second thought all of his presidential accomplishments to date run from the awful to the disastrous so perhaps its for the best that he accomplished nothing.

DaveW said...

It almost seems like Obama hasn't got a clue what he's doing.

Indigo Red said...

Obama met with America's banker, Chinese President Hu Jintao. He gave Obama a toaster.

Unknown said...

After the domestic policy disaster of the election, he thought he could retreat into the world of foreign affairs, where he would be accepted, but, aside from inking a deal with India, the groundwork of which that cowboy Dubya laid over the last decade, he was basically told by almost every country that matters that he doesn't know what he's doing and needs to listen to the grownups.

In retrospect, the sybaritic excess of yet another vaca for Michelle is just another level on which this jaunt is a failure.

kcom said...

Didn't he live in Indonesia as a child?

Sarah Palin got laughed at because she used a fishing agreement she'd negotiated with the Russians as proof she had a little foreign policy cred, but The Zero tells us how he's going to be great at foreign policy because he lived in Indonesia for 4 years (downplaying the fact he was between 6 and 10).

PS Just to twist the knife for AP, the WaPo doesn't think he should go for a second term.

madAsHell said...

aaahhh....Aren't these things supposed to be negotiated, and finalized, BEFORE the heads of state show up for the photo ops??

Can we conclude that the administration is incompetent?

This reminds me of the trip to Copenhagen. He figured he could just show up, and the Olympic committee would automatically select Chicago.

Fen said...

Was anyone expecting him to actually accomplish something?


"an anticipated slam dunk free trade agreement with South Korea."

This was vital to our economic recovery plan. The QE2 will now be opposed by the G-20. If you look at Global Economics like Foreign Policy, America is now diplomatically isolated and on the precipice of a Trade War.

Nice Job Obama!

Well, it could have been worse. I didn't hear anything about him puking on anyone.

I'll take Bush puking on Kiichi over the Obama clusterfuck trip we just endured. Waste of time and money and only made things WORSE.

No more Diversity Hires please

DaveW said...

"Aren't these things supposed to be negotiated, and finalized, BEFORE the heads of state show up for the photo ops?"

That's what they do when they have some slue about what they're doing. Presidents don't just show up and hope things will fall into place. Normally the whole thing is done and they just show up, smile, shake hands (or kneel, bow and scrape in Obama's case) and pose for the cameras.

Well, that's what competent presidents do anyway.

Fen said...

Presidents don't just show up and hope things will fall into place.

But thats what DHOTUS is accustomed to. Can't blame the Diversity Hire who's used to always meeting low expectations.

cubanbob said...

"Fen said...
Was anyone expecting him to actually accomplish something?


"an anticipated slam dunk free trade agreement with South Korea."

This was vital to our economic recovery plan. The QE2 will now be opposed by the G-20. If you look at Global Economics like Foreign Policy, America is now diplomatically isolated and on the precipice of a Trade War. "

A broken clock is right twice a day so theoretically it is possible Obama by accident instead of intent get something right on occasion. But expecting him to do something right purposefully is like the adage that states doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome each time is a definition of madness. He is what he is just like the scorpion in the parable. He can't help himself, its in his nature.

Of couse the G-20 are angry, they all have been guilty of devaluing their currencies in the past to promote exports and import substitution so they know the scam QE2 represents. Expect 4% inflation next year (if not more) along with negative interest rates on savings from the current DC brain trust.

Roger J. said...

looks Mr Obama does not understand the role of the fed chairman (chairperson for the feminists). Otherwise, he might have thought about discussing Bernanke's QEII prior to his trip abroad to discuss global financial issues. The man is much like the cartoonist Jules Feiffer depicted Jimmy Carter: shrinking every day and becoming less relevant. c

MDIJim said...

Been away from Althouse for a while. It is shocking to see how the comments are dominated by racists.

G. W. Bush of all people preferred O over McCain. We all got fooled. We got fooled not because O is a "diversity hire" - apparently something that the racists mutter at the water cooler when the recently hired African American makes a rookie mistake on the job, not that the racists at the water cooler could have done any better given the problems that the new guy is dealing with.

If O is fouling up because he is young and inexperienced, we have the testimony of W and millions of voters that McCain was a senile old coot who had not a clue about the economy.

traditionalguy said...

Famous truism in Foreign Policy states that all countries respond to love for you or to fear of you. Nothing else matters. And they add that love is fickle. Only fear succeeds. The amazing Mr Obama has diligently removed all fear of the USA. The love for the USA has disappeared like a mist. Obama has screwed us up...and it is no accident. The first act for all Marxists is to destroy the power of the successful Capitalist nations.

Roger J. said...

cokaygne: take your racist shit and stuff it.

Mr Obama is incompent: not because he is black; if he were white he would still be incompetent. It isnt about his color, its about his incompetence.

Your racist schtick is pathetic and the last refuge of a scoundrel who cannot mount any kind of argument except ad hominem bullshit.

Michael said...

cokaygne: I take your point with the "diversity hire" language, but I believe it is indisputable that Obama would not have been nominated or elected, given his resume, had he been a white politician. Granted he was pitted against a stunningly weak candidate, he nevertheless was given very little scrutiny and was embraced by many many people of good will precisely because he presented an opportunity to prove our belief that we have moved beyond race. He has disappointed profoundly and has many people using unfortunately harsh terms to describe their frustration.

Conserve Liberty said...

@Roger J: Well, then.

President Obama and his Myrmidons seem to have all the right credentials.

Now they're getting their educations while they turn America into an anthill.

Roger J. said...

Conserve Liberty: precisely. and kudos to your use of Myrmidons. And you know, I am sure, that the myrmidons in the trojan war carried the day. Not so with Mr Obama and his Myrmidons.

Fen said...

Libtard: We got fooled not because O is a "diversity hire" - apparently something that the racists mutter at the water cooler when the recently hired African American makes a rookie mistake on the job

You're saying its racist to point out that people like you chose Obama because of his skin color.

And you can't deny Obama follows the same pattern we all see from Affirmative Action Admits and Diversity Hires:

1) admitted or chosen because of his skin color, otherwise unqualified

2) can't handle course load or work load. Needs constant breaks and distractions to "recharge"

3) constant failure because he is on over his head, leading to frustration and bitterness.

4) blaming all his own problems on someone else. Its the system, or whitey, or Bush's fault. Not his.

Its hardly racist to point out that Obama fits the same pattern all of us have encountered in school and at work.

So you know what you can do with your desperate and lame ass charge of racism.

Fen said...

cokaygne: Been away from Althouse for a while. It is shocking to see -

And btw, no one believes that - you're just another sock puppet of the Libtards we've been kicking all over this forum.

Unknown said...

cokaygne said...

Been away from Althouse for a while. It is shocking to see how the comments are dominated by racists.

G. W. Bush of all people preferred O over McCain. We all got fooled. We got fooled not because O is a "diversity hire" - apparently something that the racists mutter at the water cooler when the recently hired African American makes a rookie mistake on the job, not that the racists at the water cooler could have done any better given the problems that the new guy is dealing with.

If O is fouling up because he is young and inexperienced, we have the testimony of W and millions of voters that McCain was a senile old coot who had not a clue about the economy.

Actually Dubya said nothing of the kind - he was indicating that he he was being a good soldier, regardless of who was the nominee, but cockamamie and his friends need to console themselves however they can.

The real issue is that Presidents are supposed to be vetted and experienced enough that they don't "make rookie mistakes on the job". That's why the world is falling in on The Zero. He was and is unfit for the job and all the Alinskyizing in the world can't hide or misdirect it.

Trooper York said...

Well at least Michelle did good.

She got a sari with the printed slogan "I went all the way to India and all I got was this stupid Sari."

And on the back it said "And it smells like dog shit."

Trooper York said...

If Ankur was awake he would say that was racist.

Trooper York said...

Anyhoo, Barry was glad he bought her that sari.

Normally she just wears her t-shirt that says "I'm with Stupid."

Sokmnkee said...

Have you ever noticed the parallels of O's presidency to an episode of The Office. The "boss" is a geek and everyone laughs at his delusional asshattery once he's left the room. The G20 attendees probably had a knee-slapping guffaw once he left the room.

Fen said...

The G20 attendees probably had a knee-slapping guffaw once he left the room.

Actually, the mood was one of worry. Obama's incompetence threatens their economies too.

Trooper York said...

Actually the Obama administration is the Bizzaro Benson.

With Rahm Emanuel in the Robert Guillaume part.

Just sayn'

jr565 said...

This is that smart diplomacy the dems were telling us about. I could have sworn that the whole world hated America because of Bush being a cowboy and that once a dem was in office overseas politics would be a We Are The World Affair.
Obama is starting to make Carter seem appealing.

Fen said...

Robert Kaplan, NYTs: China’s goal of dominating the islands of the Western Pacific is in each case a matter of warships, not ground troops.

No. Its now a matter of missiles, not warships.

Greg Hlatky said...

Jules Feiffer depicted Jimmy Carter: shrinking every day and becoming less relevant.

Actually it was Jeff MacNelly that drew Carter that way. Feiffer is the guy who's so hip and SWPC that no one notices later that he was wrong about everything.

ThreeSheets said...

He held out an open palm to the world and they bitched slapped him.

Jason (the commenter) said...

It will be interesting to see how Obama's popularity fares now that the press isn't always covering for him.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

As anyone who's read my comments on this and other fora for the nearly the last three years knows, I really do not care for Mr. Obama, and I especially detest most of his ideologically-driven policies.

He does, however, deserve credit in two particular areas. On his direct orders we are toasting tangos in northern Pakistan. Lots of 'em. And we're working closely with the French all across northern Africa to trash a bunch more of the bad guys.

In both cases he has had the sense to take a Bush policy and build on it.

Ditto for India, and that's where I disagree with other commenters here and elsewhere.ds

Bush's greatest legacy will be that he courted India into the Anglosphere. Obama has continued to build on Bush's beginning, and he (or his advisers) deserve considerable credit for that.

I only wish that whilst in Mumbai he had made a gift to the Indian Navy of our recently decommissioned last conventionally-powered aircraft carrier, Kitty Hawk.

The Obamas did just fine in India, and I do not like them one bit. Still, they advanced the strategic partnership that will eventually come to define the early 21st Century.

His visit to Indonesia, given his background, also could not possibly be spun as damaging America's interests.

At the G-20, however, I agree, the man was desperately outclassed.

Anonymous said...

Where are garage and kookie to tell us about those 60,000 jobs Obama was creating?

Anonymous said...

By the way, I think that deep down inside even these militant leftists can see how incompetent and ignorant Obama is.

garage mahal said...

Where are garage and kookie to tell us about those 60,000 jobs Obama was creating?

What about it? How many jobs are Republicans creating? Scott Walker is down 5000 jobs before he even got started. He promised 250,000. Where are they?

Anonymous said...

How many jobs are Republicans creating?

All of the productive ones. But the Obama administration regards jobs in the bureaucracy that are supported by taxes as being superior to jobs in which people produce goods and services that citizens actually want and are willing to pay for.

The right hand giveth, and the left hand taketh away.

Anonymous said...

I"m with Bart Hall. Obama gets an A in India, maybe a B in Afghanistan, and an is genuinely trying to ease pressure on the rift between Islam and the West.

I think this is very important, and much better than old McCain could have even approached.

Now as for economic policy, Israel (maybe a C), Arizona immigration, Cap'n trade, health care (I give Obama credit for trying to do something), the DOJ, experience, competence...way too far left for me.

Oh for a time when the leftists who drive us toward big gov't, crony capitalism, less individual freedoms, huge deficits, tax and spend, trains to nowhere...

aren't anywhere near the mainstream

Methadras said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

A chi-com in the hand is worth 2 indians in the bush.

Jim said...

Scott Walker is down 5000 jobs before he even got started.

After 2 years of telling us how all those jobs lost on Obama's watch are REALLY George Bush's fault, NOW you're going to blame Walker for jobs lost before he's even taken the oath of office?

Really? You do understand that people actually REMEMBER your last desperate spin attempt before you set to typing your next one, right?

Chalk up another self-discrediting post for you.

AllenS said...

Empty suit, empty-handed.

Anonymous said...

We all got fooled.

Er, no "we" didn't.

There were plenty of people pointing out how dangerous it would be to have Obama elected prior to the election.

Your emotions (it felt good to vote for a black guy) came before facts.

As they always do with the left.

Anonymous said...

What about it?

Um, you were asserting Obama created these jobs prior to the trip, that's what.

Scott Walker is down 5000 jobs before he even got started.


Again, "accountability" is something ignorant people like you shout at elected Republicans.

Anonymous said...

It is shocking to see how the comments are dominated by racists.

Obama is not that smart and he clearly benefited from affirmative action.

Call me a racist. As if your opinion matters.

G. W. Bush of all people preferred O over McCain

First, Bush said no such thing. And you can provide no evidence that he did.

Secondly, I find it heart-warming that people like you who referred to Bush as a "nazi" and a "war criminal" for 6+ years now are using his opinion as validation.

Touching, really.

former law student said...

I agree the South Korea treaty is Copenhagen all over again. Obama needs a tough negotiator to make these deals, oh I don't know, maybe a hard-nosed Secretary of State? Nixon was smart enough to get Kissinger. We got Chelsea's mother.

The Presidential pickings were slim as they usually are. Hillary's experience boiled down to being present when big things were happening. And of course, landing under enemy fire.

McCain was all about the Hail Mary. Picking Caribou Barbie to excite the base, suggesting suspending the campaign to deal with economic collapse, then merely sitting around the big boy table staring and blinking -- none of those gave much hope for a McCain presidency.

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