Here's the article that's annoying her: "Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin."
Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative activists by plunging so aggressively into this year’s midterm campaigns....
"There is a determined, focused establishment effort … to find a candidate we can coalesce around who can beat Sarah Palin," said one prominent and longtime Washington Republican. "We believe she could get the nomination, but Barack Obama would crush her."
I think Palin's making a mistake, attacking the reporters. She really doesn't need to respond to this kind of stuff at all or if she is going to it should be with some kind of positive spin, I get along great with my fellow Republicans and I'm eager to work with anyone who wants to help defeat Obama's radical agenda, blah blah. She comes across as way too thin-skinned here.
And whoever it was that said she could get the nomination and would be thumped by Obama is absolutely right. But that person needs to keep his mouth shut, too.
Any one who refuses to accept the GOP defeat tomorrow is totally clueless.
The GOP is finished. The end of the party tomorrow. The GOP is the party of living or walking dead.
To all GOP who wish to be known as winners, I urge you to vote for Democrats all the way in your ballot.
Remember: You don't want to tell your grand-kids you voted for losers (=GOP). No, you want to say you are the winners.
Vote for Reid if you are in NV.
Vote for Feingold if you are in WI.
Vote for Alexi if you are in IL.
With help from you, we will have 54 seats in Senate and 224 in the House.
Go vote. Reject the GOP: A very, very bad party.
Okay, if you help to defeat the GOP, then I will request that you join in me in any White House planning sessions for the 2012 re-election. Okay.
Help me defeat the GOP. You will make me rich, my girl friend will be happy. My in-laws will be impressed. Come on. Do me a favor.
She really is having something of a meltdown regarding being on the receiving end of the standard stories one reads about politicians, isn't she? I will give her credit, though, anyone who can insert the Seinfeldian term "anti-dentite" into an anti-press rant deserves some acclaim.
Don't be too hard on the poor, fuddled lefties tonight, Professor. They've had numerous nasty brushes with the cold, hard reality of their imminent date with onrushing electoral destiny with which to deal, over the last few days... such as this one, for instance:
Likelihood That Dems Will Retain Control of Senate Sinks to 43% on Intrade
I mean... it'd take a heart of stone not to point and laugh, really.
Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders
So...people who work for candidates who plan to run against her (if she runs) are trying to talk her down? No exactly a huge deal.
She was on something tonight and under her name they had her website listed as which cracked me up for some reason.
The RINOs really do belong with the Demos, whether this piece of pansiness from one of the most in-the-Obama-tank sites on the Web is true or not. They tried to destroy her and failed, just as they've tried to destroy Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell and failed. She's shown she can give it better than she gets and she's not gonna take their abuse for a second.
Good for her!!!
This is worst pack of girly-men this side of the President who throws like a girl and puts Grey Poupon on his hot dog.
somefeller said...
She really is having something of a meltdown regarding being on the receiving end of the standard stories one reads about politicians, isn't she?
If she's having such a meltdown, why is it that the Lefties are the ones melting?
The GOP is finished. The end of the party tomorrow.
No, no, do go on, by all means. What else are the voices telling you tonight, hon...?
Palin, Angle and other Tea Party women best use the "man up"! [castrating bitch] cracks about their political opponents sparingly.
Female taunts about the virility and masculinity of Dem or Republican political opponents (Martha Coakley tried it on Scott Brown insinuating he was a bit of a "fey" male model who ducked "being a hero who Served!" - showing it can backfire.)
With Palin, proxies might counter her castrating bitch role with sending out proxies telling her to "mother up!" and stop ignoring her kids dysfuctions and low educational achievement levels, her daughters unhappy slut role, and stop spending so much time away from her Down's infant.
Dirty Harry Reid - who was a boxer and a DC capital police officer before he got in politics - countered Sharron Angle's "man up" taunts with allusions to her being mildly psychotic and insinuating Harry felt bad for her spouse and how she would be as bad a lover for all Nevadans if elected.
Angle might win, but not on her "man up!" taunts - but Nevadans thinking Reid is even more unsavory and unfit for office than Angle.
As for Christine O'Donnell - her "man up!" routine is deflected by her lack of coming up with a BF not ashamed to say he dated the DItz.
Wow, the knives are coming out already for poor Sarah. Thanks Tea Party suckers, we'll take it from here.
Even if true, and I am certain that it is true with respect to those POS McCainiacs, this will only blow-up in their faces like a nuclear bomb, just as it is happening with Karl Rove, who has only showed himself to be a complete POS himself.
Pols should tell the MSM libs to fuck off. They don't need the standard channels of communication anymore. Who but us fossils watch the Sunday news shows?
Or if they do go on those shows, don't take their shit like when Bob Shiefer said he was unaware of the Black Panther poll issue or when he peppered Boejhner about his smoking. Turn it around and tell him to fuck off.
I.E. Is a bootlicking dweeb like Howe Kurtz deserving of anyone's respect? And WTF does Katie Couric know about anything?
Ari Fleischer confirmed that it's true on CNN. He claims to know exactly who Politico talked to.
Memo to Sarah Palin (or her supporters)
I urge you to run in 2012. I will help the Obama-Biden - the best team in White House since JFK-Johnson - defeat you in all 50 states. I am disappointed that the GOP know about my work.
But, you cannot run. Why? Because the GOP will be wiped out tomorrow. We will win the House and the Senate.
Thus, Ms. Palin, you can run and be defeated thoroughly, or you cannot run because you have no supporters.
Either way, you lose.
I am the best political analyst.
edutcher said...
The RINOs really do belong with the Demos, whether this piece of pansiness from one of the most in-the-Obama-tank sites on the Web is true or not. They tried to destroy her and failed, just as they've tried to destroy Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell and failed. She's shown she can give it better than she gets and she's not gonna take their abuse for a second.
By Dutchers logic:
1. The Tea Party supporting an awful RINO like Scott Brown was a terrible mistake. Electing Martha Coakley to 6 years in the Senate would have sent a more powerful message: That Democrats that vote 100% with Pelosi and Obama are preferred North of Virginia and East of the Rockies. Purity matters more than being able to stop Pelosi and Obama.
2. THey tried to destroy Palin - and got her to quit office and be a blathering talking head and person that touts very unqualified hard right wingers for office.
3. They tried to destroy Sharron Angle - And showed Angle to be so unfit and unsavory that she is now about the only person left in Nevada that the hated Harry Reid might beat in a popularity contest.
4. THey tried to destroy the "cute and perky and a little portly" pepperpot. Who has accomplished less in her life than Monica Lewinsky and doesn't even give BJs unless she is very drunk. O'Donnell, a Palin Goddess wannabe - lost Delaware the day voters saw what the Delaware dolts in the Republican Party delivered to voters through their Primary process.
Thanks Tea Party suckers, we'll take it from here.
Pfffftt. Do as canny and efficient a job on Palin as you simps have on your own collective (re-)election prospects this year, and she'll be Pope by the end of 2012.
The people she should be telling to "man up" are the un-named sources.
Although if she wants to rant about how ridiculous all these un named sources are in journalism she won't get any argument from me. I'm sure the story is true, though. It just doesn't matter.
Cedarford is already justifying his vote for Obama in 2012.
Attacking reporters first requires some reporters in the equation. Idea implanting mind control by secret sources suggesting a list of lies to create a false impression is the complete absence of a report by a reporter. The Big Lie is the ridiculous assumption that Palin has any problem at all in an election against the Obama whom she just destroyed over the past year. THE ONLY Palin problem is wrestling the GOP's nomination, that has suddenly become a golden prize, away from the carefully crafted image of that famous centrist maker of harmony named Jeb Bush, a/k/a The perfect Man. So far every hole Karl Rove and the NYT has dug for Palin has found themselves in it headfirst with their stupid RINO feet sticking out it.
Pfffftt. Do as canny and efficient a job on Palin as you simps have on your own collective (re-)election prospects this year, and she'll be Pope by the end of 2012.
hehe. You've been played. Obama is more popular in Alaska than Palin is for one thing. The MSM wouldn't report this hit job if they didn't get the go ahead from the GOP higherups. Did you think the GOP was going to give up all that power to a rag tag bunch of tea partiers? The ones that do make it through will be told to sit down and shut up, or be starved of money. Father time is working against Sarah, she'll be 50 soon, not good for if you're a spokes-model.
Dems looking at a bad day tomorrow. The voters are going to rebuke Obama-Pelosi-Reid.
This is what it's going to be like, with Zero in the Daltrey role.
"We forsake you,
"Gonna break you,
"Let's forget you better still."
America's Politico...Welcome back. You had a 12 hour sabbatical. Have your innate political instincts already recovered from their 2010 smash up? Should we believe you this time for your reputation for good predicting?
(the other kev)
First, there's nothing wrong with backing a candidate that you think is more qualified than another candidate, but tagging that person as 'Anybody But . . ." is a sure kiss of death. It reeks of desperation, never a good thing in a blood sport like politics.
At this stage, Palin is obviously the front-runner (but not favorite) for the GOP nomination, if only because she's been the face of the opposition to the Obama Administration. She was doing it when Obama'a favorables were high and is reaping the rewards now that said favorables have dropped. Nothing magical about that.
Just remember, about this time in 2006, the smart money was on a Clinton/Giuliani matchup in 2008. Things have a habit of changing quickly.
And what's up with Cedarford's misogyny? Anti-Semitism getting boring?
Wow, the knives are coming out already for poor Sarah. Thanks Tea Party suckers, we'll take it from here.
If you read the article you'd realize it wasn't at all about the Tea Party, it was about Palin. Lawler Walken nailed. She doesn't do criticism well. And that's the irony of her response; she needs to:
man up!
The Big Lie is the ridiculous assumption that Palin has any problem at all in an election against the Obama whom she just destroyed over the past year.
Exactly. And Rove's problem is that he knows he's going to have to take down a lot of very good honest people if he wants to install Jeb.
But I don't think that will stop him.
hehe. You've been played.
Hehe. Even Team Blue's most ardent and heavily knee-padded paid shills are now conceding that you'll already have well and truly booted the House, by this time tomorrow... and InTrade is taking cash money bets on the Senate now, too, any time you get to feeling bold enough. "Played," my ass.
Two solid years of screaming "simpletons!" and "raaaaaaaacisssssssts!" at anyone and everyone standing to oppose you in even the slightest measure... and, in the end, you sad, sorry, make-believe Machiavellis have proven yourselves to be nothing more than cheap, sloppily folded paper soldiers, once again.
*yawn*, kitten.
Not going to rebut Cedar point for point; he does that all by himself by ignoring what the three ladies I mentioned have done to the Demos and their image as defenders of women.
But I feel obliged to set the record straight about Monica Lewinsky, whom Cedar describes, "Who has accomplished less in her life than Monica Lewinsky and doesn't even give BJs unless she is very drunk.".
Four years ago, she graduated from the London School of Economics with a Master of Science degree in Social Psychology.
Have Babs Boxer or Patty Murray so distinguished themselves?
Obama is more popular in Alaska than Palin is for one thing.
Needs some numerical fact checking. Got link?
my girl friend will be happy. My in-laws will be impressed.
Are you saying you have a girlfriend and a wife?
Typical Democrat.
Kev...C-4 is so familiar an agent of hating Worshipers of Goddess Palin that we just ignore him. His need to see Jews murdered in Israel sneaks up on him like Dr Strangelove's Nazi salute. Ergo: He sees Sarah Palin as a Christian Zionist for her verbal support of Israel, no different than every other politician, but C-4 fears that she actually means it.
Minnesota AFSCME Drags Mentally Handicapped to Polling Station to Vote for Dems (Video)
Well, at least they're finally being open and honest about the true nature of their voting base.
Desperate... and more than a little sad.
traditionalguy said...
America's Politico...Welcome back. You had a 12 hour sabbatical
traditionalguy, you've been taken in by an imposter. America's Politico told us he was done posting here until after the election. And America's Politico would never lie to us, right?
(I was stuck on the proper spelling: "imposter" or "impostor"? tells me both are valid. I've decided that "imposter" works better online, for impostor posters. Like this fake America's Politico.)
bandmeeting -
Nice catch.
wv rement
Will there be a rement of the Democrat party in Congress?
Shoemaker...To me America's Politico is the court fool or jester that says things to amuse us without our having to attack him. And do most people call you Shoemaker rather than Martin? I have one of those last name preferred handles too.
Sarah Palin is an inspiration to women everywhere who feel it is beneath them to actually think about what they are going to say before they open their mouths.
Be men. Don't be mean to Squealy McPatriot by reporting stories that are less than adoring of her. Spoon feed her the praise she clearly deserves. If we don't make her feel good about herself then our nation is doomed. All good men of conscience must join Todd Palin in constructing the myths that will make this sweet little wolfhound feel that she is correct, decent, pure and praiseworthy - 110% of the time. No questions asked. No ifs, ands or buts!
She personifies the conservative spirit. Conservative men used to bemoan the downfall of their unquestioned, lord of the household status. But don't mourn the past! Because now they have a woman to become the Blundering Stumblebum in Chief! And ducking cowardly from the "lamestream" media while nagging the public through endlessly sniping Tweets on your Twitter feed is better done when your manhood can't be questioned for it.
Actually, Sullivan had this brilliant insight behind the roaring mice supporting Governor Half-Term:
The more Palin says "crap" on Fox, the wackier her Discovery Channel escapades, the sleazier Bristol's dance routines ... the more Karl Rove worries and her base rallies to her as "one of them". The worse Snooki behaves, the more famous she is, the more people decry her ... the bigger her audience.
That says it about right.
Thanks for the laughs guys. We'll see how the next two years go and hope for the best of it, as your implosion will certainly be a long and slow one.
I'll answer to either. Heck, I had a fencing instructor once who insisted on calling me Kevin, and I answered to that. You don't wanna argue with the guy with the sword!
Yeah, AP's a jester. Sometimes the comedy is obvious, sometimes lame. But "I'm leaving now" is pretty much an invitation to abuse when he comes back so soon.
I will say this, though... Stranger things have happened. In Michigan in 1990, the last polls pre-election showed Republican John Engler down 14 points in the Governor's race. One of my coworkers at the time was on the Republican County Committee. When he came into the office on election day, he had the biggest grin on his face. I asked how he could be so happy with polls like that. He said they had calibrated the press polls against their internals; and anything better than 15% down in the polls meant they would win.
That day, John Engler won the first of his three terms as Governor; and that day, I vowed not to be surprised when the polls were radically wrong.
Ritmo wrote: Yeay!!!
Your level of enthusiasm reminded me of the little turtle in Robin Hood: link
Sarah Palin is *SNIP*
For a solid year and a half now, you sad, silly sons of bitches have been frothing and gibbering like so many coked-up howler monkeys over a private citizen; baldly and clownishly attempting to demonize someone who hasn't even held elected office since July of 2009 (!!), in a pitiably transparent attempt to gin her up as a sort of portable, prefab boogiewoman capable of distracting the national electorate from your own increasingly dire and damning record of "accomplishments."
So... how's that working out for you this year, then?
Hey, didn't want my voice to crack.
That was a cool clip. Not as cool as what I remember from The Jungle Book or Song of the South, but cool. A lot of material for innuendo from those characters.
Damn. Just how many Disney movies were made of which I was never aware?
All she does is open her mouth, Kent, and women everywhere see something they want to have nothing to do with.
Can't wait for the death of Republicanism in the form of the ultimate modern-day fertility cult. You can get your Congress the same way the Dems did all the way through 1994: Hamstrung by a more popular and effective Chief Executive.
Maturity takes a while to appreciate Kent, but you'll get there. Kicking and screaming way behind the rest of the country. But you'll get there.
itmo...Are you suggesting that we form our own Corrupt Bastards Club? Membership would require trodding on the image of St. Sarah and taking oaths to publicly demean her every wait that already exists. How about the Corrupt Bastards Express? We can get us a logo made of three interlocking circles like The Olympics Logo, but ours will stand for the three Bush Presidents with two down and one to go, and we will need a coat of arms with Rovian Lions added to an old Skull and Bones crest. You can be the first Grand Inquisitor since your skills at that are unmatched.
Make that more popular and effective Chief Executives (plural).
Keep Palin as CommandoCon for as long as it takes for Hillary Clinton to get over the thrill of trouncing that little sparkler. Over and over again.
So... how's that working out for you this year, then?
Can't wait for the death of Republicanism *SNIP*
"Not at all well, then," in other words? Heh. Thought as much.
Given any thought yet as to just why, precisely, that might be so...?
History is history, TG. I can't stand in the way of it. If movement conservatism requires a fertility cult figurehead in order to accommodate a choice aspect of modernity (feminism), so be it. It doesn't mean they are in front of where the rest of the country is.
Hey, wouldn't you love to see the little one try her chops against Clinton? You guys didn't forget how much you love to hate her now, did you? Come on! It would be a heck of a contest to see Governor Half-Term go toe to toe with Hillary.
Kent keeps up that snipper tool and only reading what he wants to read and he might cut his dang pee-pee off.
Damn. Just how many Disney movies were made of which I was never aware?
I don't know. Did your parents inhibit your viewing or something?
I just returned from a weekend trip to the original Magic Kingdom and am pleased to report that Herr Disney still makes kids of every age and flavor happy.
Democrats kept control of the House of Representatives for 46 years, and with a two year gap, going all the way to 1933 (14 years more) before that. It didn't stop them from being irrelevant to the "Reagan/Republican Revolution" or whatever the fuck you call it now, did it?
Keep up that legislatin' victory, Kent. We all know how many insignificant scraps of leadership you long for.
What ignorant fucktards of history. Can you try talking some sense to this guy, TG?
Did your parents inhibit your viewing or something?
Nah. Not at all. Not every Disney movie was as popular as some, of course. And parents took their kids to the matinees they bothered to find - back in the days before VCRs.
Given any thought yet as to just why, precisely, that might be so...?
Kent keeps up that*SNIP*
"No," huh?
Ah, well. Then it'll most likely come as a brand new surprise to you all over again, two years from now.
Keep flailing. It's adorable.
"There is a determined, focused effort to find a candidate we can coalesce around who can beat the GOP insider... We know he could get the nomination, but Barack Obama would crush him. Because we would stay home."
Hey GOP, reform or perish!
It would be a heck of a contest to see Governor Half-Term go toe to toe with Hillary.
Considering how badly Clinton did in her debates against Obama and the rest of the Democratic field in 2008, I wouldn't be salivating over that potential match-up if I were you.
And remember the JFK vs. Nixon debate? You know the one where the people listening on the radio were sure that Nixon won, but the people watching on TV were sure that JFK won because JFK looked better?
How many people do you think would be listening to a Clinton v. Palin debate on radio?
Maybe Clinton could start off by offering Palin a "RESET" button or by regaling the crowd with her tales of arriving at the debate under sniper fire. Or by explaining all the foreign policy successes of the Obama administration like standing by and not even offering a word of support while Iranian women were getting shot in the streets.
The mind boggles at the possibilities....
For a solid year and a half now, you sad, silly sons of bitches have been frothing and gibbering like so many coked-up howler monkeys over a private citizen; baldly and clownishly attempting to demonize someone who hasn't even held elected office since July of 2009 (!!), in a pitiably transparent attempt to gin her up as a sort of portable, prefab boogiewoman capable of distracting the national electorate from your own increasingly dire and damning record of "accomplishments."
So... how's that working out for you this year, then?
...caused another RitmoLibtard Meltdown. Thanks Kent, nicely done.
The mind boggles at the possibilities....
Of female suffrage? I'm sure your mind does. But I don't think that as many of them are going to be as impressed with appearances and gimmicks as you assume they will be when it comes to contests between other women.
All she does is open her mouth, Kent, and women everywhere see something they want to have nothing to do with.
That must explain why - for the first time in a LOOOOONG time - Republicans are outpolling Democrats with women.
WHOOPS! What happened to your narrative? Did it just disappear in a cloud of reality? I think it did. You might want to go chase it down....
Yep...because women just HATE Palin and all those other conservative women.
WHOOPS! What happened to your narrative? Did it just disappear in a cloud of reality? I think it did. You might want to go chase it down....
Ssssh! Don't run Ritmo off just yet. Its like watching a train wreck.
Thanks Kent, nicely done.
Yes. Illiteracy needs a spokesperson like Kent.
...caused another RitmoLibtard Meltdown. Thanks Kent, nicely done.
Thanks, but I really can't take fill cred for that. Ritmo -- like most of the leftists halfwits hereabouts -- is still thrashing helplessly halfway between Stages One and Two in the grieving process. (They know perfectly well what's going to happen tomorrow, whether they willingly 'fess up to said knowledge or not.)
They'll be ramping up for one last full-bore, pyrotechnic Stage Two tantrum, post-election; and then skipping past Stage Three altogether and seguing directly into Stage Four, by and large.
You should have better luck coaxing (semi-)rational, (quasi-)coherent responses out of them by then. Maybe.
That must explain why - for the first time in a LOOOOONG time - Republicans are outpolling Democrats with women.
Except when their last name is "Palin".
What is it that you guys have against literacy? I seriously want to know. Did someone beat you with a book when you were a child? Did your parents discourage you from graduating?
Do tell.
But I don't think that as many of them are going to be as impressed with appearances and gimmicks as you assume they will be when it comes to contests between other women.
You mean being impressed with appearances and gimmicks as they were when they swooned over Obama?
You're right...Those appearances and gimmicks have certainly lost their luster barely 2 years into Obama's term, and now all we're left with is the utter failure of Democratic Party policies.
And we all know that the person for whom "HillaryCare" was named would probably do VERY well with an electorate that, at last polling, supports the repeal of ObamaCare by 58-36.
I still get a chuckle when I think of Kruschev angry because he couldn't visit Disneyland in 1959: link.
Ritmo... Now you are being real. Yes, Hillary could do it. Hillary would beat Palin, but Palin would beat Obama, but Bush Three would beat Hillary. But how can anyone get the genie of fertile women back into the bottle now? White male Patriarchy still has a bad reputation, except among Muslims like Obama.My suggested motto is from Milwaukee Braves old baseball pitching rotation saying: Palin and a Dem Insane, and then pray for rain (on Mrs Clinton's parade).
Does your fight with literacy leave you "thrashing", Kent?
You actually didn't pay for this microphone, Kent. You can't cut something off halfway and pretend it's not there, idiot.
Did someone beat you with a book when you were a child?
What is it with you and these recurring themes of child abuse? Were you beaten as a child? Is that what explains your bitter antipathy?
I'd be more than happy to put my literacy against your delusional view of reality any day of the week. Why is it that when you've lost an argument all you have left is to fantasize about inflicting violence?
Do tell.
Rasmussen's notoriously unreliable at getting rid of its right-wing bias, Jim, and Obama's reaganesque approval ratings don't concern me in the least.
I wasn't talking to you about books, Jim, but to that moron Kent who keeps cutting off half of what I say in the belief that he has somehow characterized my thoughts.
You actually didn't pay for this microphone, Kent. You can't cut something off halfway and pretend it's not there, idiot.
Half glossolaliac yodel, half Tourette splutter. Absolutely fascinating.
In a genuinely pitiable sort of way, I mean.
Rasmussen's notoriously unreliable at getting rid of its right-wing bias, Jim, and Obama's reaganesque approval ratings don't concern me in the least.
The last refuge of the loser: you don't like the answer, so you blame the messenger.
58-36 isn't a squeaker, nor within the margin of error. You can't suss a 22 point gap out of your imaginary partisan error.
Your talking points are invalid here. Tell Axelrod to buy you some new ones.
However, I did notice that you conflated Palin's polling with that of all Republicans. Yes, that was a big boo-boo on your part. Man up to it.
Still, you're not anywhere near as lost in the facts as Kent and Co. are.
Anything from Rasmussen can be discarded as an extreme outlier at best. Try looking at Nate Silver. It's not a talking point to require competent stats.
I thought you guys were proud of your extremism? Just accept the consequences of embracing a shitty polling outfit, ok?
who keeps cutting off half of what I say in the belief that he has somehow characterized my thoughts.
The inevitable end result of my surrendering to yet another stray charitable impulse. They scarcely merit even that much lukewarm consideration, frankly.
Thanks, but I really can't take fill cred for that.
No you can't.
BTW, what is "fill cred"? Is it Half glossolaliac yodel, half Tourette splutter?
You go ahead and take your meaningless playground victories any way you can get them, Kent. We know it's all you have.
The inevitable end result of my surrendering to yet another stray charitable impulse. They scarcely merit even that much lukewarm consideration, frankly.
You just go ahead and stick to your more reptilian nature, Kent.
TG? You still around? This boorish meat puppet "Kent" is boring me.
Or if Pollo wants to discuss Disney movies. They've got better plot-lines than The Adventures of Super-Fantastic Hockey Mom versus the Free Press.
Seriously. I'm not surprised the Green Lantern is the only one here mounting that defense.
Cedarford, even?
I guess Kent's covering nightshift at Redstate's basement commando post. I might as well turn in myself.
Keep watch, Kent. And keep the faith. It's a worthier cause than literacy.
You go ahead and*SNIP*
... said the monkey, jittering and chittering in dim exultion over its "victory" against a woman not running for any office, while simultaneously whizzing one (and possibly both) chambers of Congress down its leg.
You just go ahead and*SNIP*
Come back tomorrow. And bring your tears.
... said the*SNIP*
Two words too many for Kent.
Here's a link to Kent's hideout. That way he won't have to read what I've written. He can have fun with the pictures and costumes. And it'll get him out of his mother's basement and stop him from obsessively mouthing and sounding out the big words on political blog sites.
G'night Ritmo, the world will not end tomorrow. :)
More Half glossolaliac yodel, half Tourette splutter, I take it.
Who knew the King of the Congress dresses in green tights?!
G'night Ritmo, the world will not end tomorrow. :)
I'm not worried and I really don't care. I just find it bewitchingly curious that the Green superhero obsesses over his idea that I do.
Have a good one.
he won't have to read what I've written.
Well, who doesn't enjoy a good horselaugh every now and again, really?
Tomorrow night. I'll be the one over in the corner, quietly enjoying some real victories; while you, I imagine, will be whooping and mugging in triumph over having prevailed over... oh, good heavens... Cobra Commander, or the Hamburglar, or something like that. You can tell me all about it then, all right...?
I don't think that "man up" is directed at the reporters. Or maybe it is, but if so, it's inappropriately aimed. What would it mean for the reporters to "man up"?
It's the reporters' sources, the unnamed advisers and "other veteran Republican operatives" who need to "man up" start making their criticisms on the record.
I will say this for AP: if the Republicans fail to win the House and most of the gubernatorial races, then yes, the GOP is in really bad shape.
But the odds of the Dems keeping the House and winning most of the gubernatorial races are too slim to measure.
I will say this for AP: if the Republicans fail to win the House and most of the gubernatorial races, then yes, the GOP is in really bad shape.
Were AP genuinely as confident and cocksure as he claims to be, he'd be stumbling over himself in the frantic rush to wager the deed to his own house on the Democrats retaining the House of Representatives.
InTrade currently has the odds of such an occurance posted at 5%. He could make a freaking FORTUNE, winning at a margin like that. ;)
"We believe she could get the nomination, but Barack Obama would crush her."
They're probably right.
Will anybody else here miss America's Politico's comedy stylings after today?
Before you get too excited about that Intrade contract, Kent, note that it requires the Democrats to control the Senate without Lieberman and Sanders.
Maybe if Ritmo's mom didn't let him watch Robin Hood because they taxed the snot out of the populace and threw them all in jail. Even taking money from the poor box! But it had great songs. My nephews like it.
If movement conservatism requires a fertility cult figurehead in order to accommodate a choice aspect of modernity (feminism), so be it.
I'm really weirded out by the liberals who call Sarah Palin a "fertility cult" figurhead. A republican woman is not allowed to run if she has children? Or does she just have too many. It's creepy the way they focus on that.
I'm really weirded out by the liberals who call Sarah Palin a "fertility cult" figurhead. A republican woman is not allowed to run if she has children? Or does she just have too many. It's creepy the way they focus on that.
Well, as I mentioned, earlier: they're busy working their respective ways through the five stages of grief, right now -- some shrilly and publicly, heels drumming impotently on the linoleum all the while. They can't possibly focus, even for a single nanosecond, on the increasingly (and agonizingly) self-evident bevy of miscues, overreaches and outright bumblings that have led both them and their candidates to this shameful pass... so, therefore, they focus on such silly, snide minutiae as (in poor Ritmo's case, f'rinstance) typos, avatars and -- clutch the pearls! -- how many children one happens to have.
Best just to let them work their ways through the process themselves at their own chosen speeds, the poor dears.
If she runs, she will be running against Hillary, not Obama.
Patronize much? Who the hell are you to tell me, a woman, how I think and for whom I should vote?
Do not presume to speak for me.
Libs talk of equality and women's suffrage out of one side of their mouth while belittling women who dare to disagree with their political philosophy from the other.
Sounds like another winning strategy, you betcha.
Patronize much? Who the hell are you to tell me, a woman, how I think and for whom I should vote?
Do not presume to speak for me.
How about you don't presume to talk for an entire demographic of people. Egomaniac.
I'm really weirded out by the liberals who call Sarah Palin a "fertility cult" figurhead. A republican woman is not allowed to run if she has children? Or does she just have too many. It's creepy the way they focus on that.
Hey. She's the one who endlessly showcases and parades around the many products of her vagina as if they were political selling points. Not me. I could care less.
There seems to be a lot of easily confused people on this thread.
Ritmo finds "breeders" to be offensive. Maybe if they sat in back...
On Drudge, right now:
Arkansas: Boozman (R) defeats Lincoln (D)
Ohio: Portman (R) defeats Fisher (D)
North Dakota: Hoeven (R) defeats Potter (D)
Wisconsin: Johnson (R) defeats Feingold (D)
Once more, for all the slow kids seated way in back: For a solid year and a half now, you sad, silly sons of bitches have been frothing and gibbering like so many coked-up howler monkeys over a private citizen; baldly and clownishly attempting to demonize someone who hasn't even held elected office since July of 2009 (!!), in a pitiably transparent attempt to gin her up as a sort of portable, prefab boogiewoman capable of distracting the national electorate from your own increasingly dire and damning record of "accomplishments."
Pffft. Clown shoes.
A: "It surpassed the Republican sweep in 1994, when President Bill Clinton's Democrats lost 54 House seats, and was the biggest shift in power since Democrats lost 75 House seats in 1948."
... annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd: answer provided. ;)
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