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"President Obama's picture book for kids, Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters (Knopf, $17.99), pays tribute to 13 Americans whose traits he sees in his own children. The 31-page book, for kids ages 3 and up, is filled with lyrical questions for Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9, opening with, 'Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?'"
Is he fucking serious?
When the fuck did he have time to write a book.
Doesn't he have a day job.
I just threw up a little in my mouth. Yuk.
At $1.50 a page, how much would War and Peace cost? Way over $2000. One more Obama rip off.
The story says he wrote the book while campaigning for president..
He wrote this after the election, before the inauguration, probably with the help of an editor and ghostwriter. "His royalties are to go to a scholarship fund for children of soldiers killed or disabled."
Worthy cause. I give him a pass.
Before you cons go too nuts, you should know that he had to produce another book for his publisher, as part of a much earlier deal.
Obviously, this is his best bet for satisfying the contract w/o much fuss.
He should have called it, It Takes a Child.
What a phony crock! His own wife said he had no time for his family and often left them alone. Instead of writing something depicting virtues he wants his kids to have, he makes it all about them and, by extension, all about him. It's more feel good, self-esteem bullshit.
On second thought, Bo should have written the book. Like Millie did.
Not to worry. Bill Ayers refused to ghost-write this book, so Michelle-My-Belle had one of her 30,000 handmaiden assistants do the heavy lifting.
I apologise to Obama so long as he donates the money to that charity. Good job Barry.
Why not? It's apparently a good cause, and it's not as if he had something better to do.
I predict a book on dog ownership.
Joe wrote: "Worthy cause. I give him a pass.
11/15/10 5:22 PM"
Joe, I want to see the check. This is the guy who has constantly dissed the military; he blew off Veterans Day and didn't even bother to mention the first anniversary of the islamic jihad in Fort Hood.
The word verification is "imimam". How apropos!
Okay, there were nine Scottsboro boys, the Menendez twins and Leopold and Loeb. That makes thirteen model Americans.
It's a 31 page children's book, not "The International Jew." He probably didn't spend much energy on it, and he did so before the inauguration. Plus all proceeds go to a fund for giving scholarships to the children of fallen soldiers.
This is one instance where the man deserves some credit for lending his celebrity to a good cause, and the nay-sayers need to shut up.
In the Last's Weekly Standard article, American Narcissus, it is noted that he wrote one chapter a week on his second book to meet the deadline, 'Audacity of Obama' while he was US senator. So tax-payer funded book writing exercise. Now another tax-payer funded book writing exercise while being president. The only question is where did he find the time to do this away from golfing, partying, mega-vacation blitzing,..yes, all on tax-payer monies. With two wars going on, and an economy in the doldrums, we find your president writing Children's books. Is he trying to brainwash them to vote for him in 2012?
Hey wait a minute. Mr. Bush read them! Doesn't that count for something?
ijpb - Did you just say "before you coons go nuts?" Oh sorry you typed "cons" Thought I was going to get to call you out. Perhaps President Obama should consider writing children's books full time and leave the business of the nation to grown ups.
This is one instance where the man deserves some credit for lending his celebrity to a good cause...
Look on the bright side; if we can get Obama to do nothing but write books, the country will be much better off. If we can get congress to join him, that will be even better!
"Have I told you lately how wonderful you are"
Isn't that what all White House aides are required to say upon encountering the President?
Doesn't he have a day job.
Hey, Meghan McCain found time to write a children's book through the peak of her campaign efforts. Who could forget "McCain Blogette"?
If he wrote it before the inauguration, why did it take two frickin' years to publish? It would have taken a professional book doctor a week to tighten/re-write a 31 page book.
Nope. Not buying the cover story.
But what I can't get is why publish now, either. Does he think this is going to help him re-connect with people who thought they were electing some kind of messianic leader? Seems pretty lame if so, and I don't think many people voted for him because he was so damned humble and family-oriented.
Just doesn't make sense, except of course 43 just published a book, and maybe this is some hare-brained effort to cut down on the mostly positive press W. is getting from it. If that's the reason, I can't imagine anything more petty, no matter who's getting the royalties. (Let's face it, the Obama's don't need money now, and Barak should be able to rake it in much like Clinton does after his four are up. I can't imagine Obama retiring to self-inflicted obscurity.)
Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?
No, Daddy, you're too busy saying that to the mirror.
Heh. Sitting Bull. The man who slaughtered scores of American cavalrymen at Little Bighorn.
I realize Sitting Bull's relationship with the U.S. was complex, but what's next? The Kaiser? Ho Chih Minh?
Complaint: Obama's too out of touch, and he's spending way too much time on other things and not enough on job creation & the economy.
Response: Here's my children's book to my daughters.
Even Oprah's gotta be rolling her eyes over this one.
Mark asked:
"But what I can't get is why publish now.."?
They must be targeting Christmas gift shoppers. But I agree timing is odd - why not wait til he was out of office?
When the fuck did he have time to write a book.
Maybe between the 12th and 18th hole? I mean it is a children's book.
Hey, Meghan McCain found time to write a children's book through the peak of her campaign efforts. Who could forget "McCain Blogette"?
Good point. The state of the nation is going in the same direction as McCain's campaign.
Oh, you mean he's written ANOTHER children's go along with the first two. After all, only a child could possibly believe what he believes.
1jpb said...
Before you cons go too nuts, you should know that he had to produce another book for his publisher, as part of a much earlier deal.
Well, there was all 2700 pages of ZeroCare.
Oh, that's right, he didn't have a hand in writing that.
How about the stimu...?
Nope, AWOL on that one, too.
So, I guess Bernardine Dohrn wrote it?
PS When did a contract ever mean anything to a Democrat?
PPS "His most controversial choice may be Sitting Bull, who defeated Custer at Little Bighorn: ('A Sioux medicine man who healed broken hearts and broken promises.')"
Does this guy ever root for America?
[Obama] blew off Veterans Day
Meeting with veterans and speaking with our troops is "blowing off" Veterans Day?
President Barack Obama spoke with Korean War veteran Private Hector Cafferata at a Veterans Day Troop Rally in Seoul, South Korea. (Pete Souza / White House)
It is an enormous honor to be here at Yongsan Garrison. As President of the United States, I have no greater privilege than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the finest military that the world has ever known. (Hoaa!) And on this Veterans Day, there's no place I'd rather be than right here with U.S. Forces Korea. (Hoaa!)
We've got the 8th Army in the house. (Hoaa!) We've got members of the 7th Air Force. (Hoaa!) We've got U.S. Navy Forces Korea. (Hoaa!) We've got just about every Marine in South Korea here today. (Oorah!) (Laughter.) Happy birthday, Marines, by the way. (Oorah!) And we've got a whole lot of DOD civilians, too. So we are very proud of you. (Applause.)
It's good to see some spouses and family members in the audience. You bear the burden of your loved one's service in ways that are often immeasurable -- an empty chair at the dinner table or another holiday where mom and dad are someplace far away. So I want you to know that this nation recognizes the sacrifices of families, as well. And we are grateful for your service, as well.
Now, on this day, we honor every man and woman who has ever worn the uniform of the United States of America. We salute fallen heroes, and keep in our prayers those who are still in harm's way -- like the men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Hoaa!)
We recall acts of uncommon bravery and selflessness. But we also remember that honoring those who've served is about more than the words we say on Veterans Day or Memorial Day. It's about how we treat our veterans every single day of the year. It's about making sure they have the care they need and the benefits that they've earned when they come home. It's about serving all of you as well as you've served the United States of America.
Michelle Goldberg just called to say that Obama's new book is one of the most moving works of literature she's ever experienced. Heartbreakingly beautiful.
former law student said...
[Obama] blew off Veterans Day
Meeting with veterans and speaking with our troops is "blowing off" Veterans Day?
The plane was refueling.
"Is he fucking serious?"
It's $17.99 (plus tax bitch).
So you betchur ass he's serious. He wants his fucking money before you can read about the props he uses to support his political career when he's not golfing and or fucking Vera Baker.
Come to think of it, Sasha does look a lot like Vera.
"Michelle Goldberg just called to say that Obama's new book is one of the most moving works of literature she's ever experienced. Heartbreakingly beautiful."
Then she took her tongue out of his asshole long enough to get a breath before plunging her entire head into his colon.
when he's not golfing and or fucking Vera Baker.
Vera Baker's suing the Globe for libel per se, because they published she spent the night with Obama. She could just as easily add "New Ham" to the list of defendants.
The man's ego knows no bounds.
His children are an amalgamation of other great people. His praise of his daughters is what all children should be reading about.
I wonder if he gives his daughters iPods with his speeches for christmas presents.
Great - so his kids will be as narcissistic as he is, with no ability to self-reflect or accept criticism.
Does this guy ever root for America?
Sitting Bull's as American as they come. Do we despise Robert E. Lee and Longstreet because of the Battle of Fredericksburg?
Meeting with veterans and speaking with our troops is "blowing off" Veterans Day?
In related news, apparently it's no longer treason to vote against a defense spending bill.
He wrote this after the election, before the inauguration, probably with the help of an editor and ghostwriter. "His royalties are to go to a scholarship fund for children of soldiers killed or disabled."
Worthy cause. I give him a pass.
I don't.
His job is running this country, and not writing children's books. And his job between the election and inauguration was to figure out how to run the country and to have a cabinet in place when he took office. I think that many here would think that he didn't spend enough time on learning at least foreign relations, given how poorly he has done in that realm since being elected.
If he wants to give up the fancy house, fancy plane, fancy helicopters, encourtage of armored vehicles, all the servants, etc., then fine, he can write all the books he wants. And, indeed, when he finally does leave office, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he did just that. He is the book-writing kind of guy - just not the run-the-country type.
In related news, apparently it's no longer treason to vote against a defense spending bill.
Well, I would guess it depends on what is in the bill, wouldn't you?
"She could just as easily add "New Ham" to the list of defendants."
Do you think that threat scares me you fucking little prick?
Barack Obama cheated on his wife with Vera Baker and she is his concubine and I dare that bitch to fucking sue me. Please do.
She's too afraid to come out of hiding to sue an American in the United States because we have actual laws here that state that the truth is a defense against libel, something they do not enjoy where the Globe is published.
So fuck that bitch.
And fuck you too.
I bet Putin doesn't write fucking children books. Christ!
Hey Puty Baby, I'll go whale hunting with you anytime! *wink*
She's too afraid to come out of hiding to sue an American in the United States because we have actual laws here that state that the truth is a defense against libel, something they do not enjoy where the Globe is published.
Boca Raton, Florida is not part of the United States?
and I dare that bitch to fucking sue me.
If she does, I wonder if the professor will give you the "lawsuits I hope will fail" tag.
Hey, Meghan McCain found time to write a children's book through the peak of her campaign efforts. Who could forget "McCain Blogette"?
You're not seriously comparing Meghan McCain to the President of the United States
(and as I write this I'm sure someone will write a snarky response about how insulting that is to...
Meghan McClain)
Jeez, he sucks. I mean, I'm not going to go off on him for writing a book where the profits go to charity.
What bothers me is that, from pretty much everything I've read (and experienced as the father of a couple young kids), this is textbook terrible parenting.
Of course you want to build your kid's self-esteem, but you want to tie it to their actions and efforts.
* You did a great job on your homework.
* You've really learned your numbers quickly.
* I love that drawing!
* You are so wonderful.
* You are so smart.
* You are so creative.
I know it's just a silly book, and I hope the President's are raised well and don't become self-absorbent fools. But really, couldn't he have just run it by a freaking psychologist before he wrote the damn thing. Even though they rarely agree on anything, they pretty much universally agree on this point.
It's like some Bizarro world Profiles in Courage. Kennedy wrote about great qualities we might see in others and aspire to himself.
Obama begins with seeing greatness in his kids and then says "look, these great people have your traits too".
It's so wrong it makes my eyes bleed.
"Boca Raton, Florida is not part of the United States?"
Of course it is ... but I notice that, as a former law student, you chose your words very carefully.
You chose them to suggest that Vera Baker is actually located in Boca Raton, Florida, without actually saying so. And you did so deliberately.
Very cagey. But ultimately also very transparent.
Vera Baker isn't IN Boca Raton, Florida (which, of course, you know). She isn't in the United States at all. And she hasn't sued anyone in the United States for saying that she sucks Barack Obama's cock because she knows she would lose such a case.
And that's why you chose your words so deliberately.
And that's why I've chosen my words so deliberately: Barack Obama has cheated on his wife with Vera Baker and continues to do so.
And given the chance, I'd happily prove it in any court in OUR land.
"... look, these great people have your traits too".
They don't even see that part of it.
Besides, it's just a way the intelligensia can stuff Barack Obama's wallet. All it is.
It's the kind of transparent bribery of the type that the Kwame Kilpatricks and the Jack Johnson's and the Charlie Rangel's haven't figured out yet.
You don't stuff the cash in your bra. You don't get taped. You don't cheat your taxes.
You have someone write a book and the sycophants will stuff the cash legal in your pocket baby! Bada bing!
If you have to pimp your kids to do it ... well it's not like they'll be around much longer any way.
After Michelle divorces him, Barack will hook up with Vera on the beach where he's kept her and live happily ever after. Then it's pussy and golf heaven.
Like all books end.
And she hasn't sued anyone in the United States for saying that she sucks Barack Obama's cock because she knows she would lose such a case.
You gotta keep up with the news. Last week, Vera Baker filed suit for defamation against American Media and Globe Communications in Dade County Court. And if you think anonymous posters can't be sued for libel, you should ask Colon Dee, who posted on AutoAdmit.
"And if you think anonymous posters can't be sued for libel, you should ask Colon Dee, who posted on AutoAdmit."
I don't give a fuck. Have I not made that clear? Or do you need it spelled out - you ignorant fuck.
I WANT Vera Baker and/or Barack Obama to sue me. I DARE either one of them to sue me.
Because they won't. Because what I've written is true. And truth is an absolute defense.
Which you would know, except that you got kicked out of law school because you're such a dumb ass.
former law student said...
Does this guy ever root for America?
Sitting Bull's as American as they come.
He didn't think so. He made war on the United States, didn't he?
Do we despise Robert E. Lee and Longstreet because of the Battle of Fredericksburg?
As a matter of fact, it's very fashionable in your circles.
The point is, The Zero, if he had to have a token Indian (and I'm sure whoever wrote the book for him thought it necessary), could have picked somebody who hadn't massacred American Soldiers by the hundred.
It's that this is the sort of thing he always does. Tokyo Bay makes him feel all icky because the Japanese, after making aggressive war on the nations of the Pacific, had to surrender to us. He has to kowtow to foreign potentates and apologize because western civilization has continually outshone them. And, of course, he always has to spit on America's best friends.
"You gotta keep up with the news."
Not a single reputable news agency has reported any lawsuit filed by Vera Baker in the United States ... because there hasn't been one filed. She isn't IN the United States.
And you know it.
You gotta get better spin, dude.
Nobody is scared of saying Vera Baker's name ... and telling the American people exactly what they need to know about their President when they walk into the voting booth in November of 2012.
Barack Obama had an affair with another woman named Vera Baker. And he's covering it up. And she's participating in the cover-up with him. Because she loves him.
Americans need this information when they go into the voting booth so they can decide whether their President is worthy of the unquestioned love of his daughters; whether he's worthy of the continued loyalty of his abused wife; and whether he deserves four more years as the most powerful person on Earth.
I don't think he deserves any of it. And I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure pf it.
Boca Raton, Florida is not part of the United States?
It exists! I lived there for 4 yrs. Right on A1A, the beach road. Man I miss the fishing.
Meghan McCain obviously wrote her 32-page biography for children, My Dad, John McCain, as part of the campaign. Without it she would not have been on so many television and radio programs talking about why her father should be president. And she had no other job at the time. So how that compares with Obama writing his latest masterpiece, I don't know...
PPS "His most controversial choice may be Sitting Bull, who defeated Custer at Little Bighorn: ('A Sioux medicine man who healed broken hearts and broken promises.')"
And scalped a lot of rednecks.
Michelle Obama is definitely an abused wife. At the Dem convention, after she praised Teh Glorious Won to the high heavens, he came onstage and pretty much ignored her. No thanks, no kiss, no nothing. I saw it, and Rush reminded us of it the other day.
Shut up you h8rz. Does the book pop up? Because that would be really cool if it did.
1jpb said...
Before you cons go too nuts, you should know that he had to produce another book for his publisher, as part of a much earlier deal.
Obviously, this is his best bet for satisfying the contract w/o much fuss.
That's right douche. So he could get his big payout before he became POTUS.
More ephemera in a nation needing something stalwart, substantial.
Since his last two were plain fiction...
Yeah, worthy cause.
Yeah, worthy cause.
A picture book on great Americans for ages 3 and up does not sound like the abridgment of Dreams from My Father for middle schoolers mentioned in the Washington Times article.
Whether the WashTimes got it wrong or the deal simply changed, I would not expect the actual payment arrangements to be per the article.
Mark wrote: If he wrote it before the inauguration, why did it take two frickin' years to publish? It would have taken a professional book doctor a week to tighten/re-write a 31 page book.
Ho there, take a deep breath, big fella. Apparently this little weekend project was a contractual obligation. The publisher usually dictates when a book goes to market. Undoubtedly the art took a lot longer to produce than the prose. Speaking of which the sample offered by Bob Minzesheimer in USA Today indicates a none too challenging style. Supposedly it's written for ages 3 and up, but judging from [Georgia O'Keefe] helped us see big beauty in what is small: the hardness of stone and the softness of feather I'd say the target demographic is a bit narrower, say age 3 to age 3 and a half. Even a 5 year old is going to find this drek intolerably trite. Mainly this is going to be a brand loyalty buy on the part of the true believers. Once home from the B. Daltons or wherever it'll go up on the shelf never again to be see the light of day.
Well, good luck in the stalls Mr. President. The cause is worthy of a much better effort than this, though when has that ever been a concern of yours, eh? Not much point in adopting better habits now that the WaPo has advised you to retire.
Hey FLS - you are arguing with a Troll/Moby/SockPuppet who is probably a lefty anyway.
No thanks, no kiss, no nothing. I saw it, and Rush reminded us of it the other day.
Not every Presidential nominee is Al Gore, slipping the missus some tongue on national TV:
Thx, holdfast.
Here is how Obama has spent some of his other time:
couldn't help noticing, when we sat down to talk in the dilapidated storefront that houses his Springfield campaign headquarters, that the blue-pen drawing he'd doodled on his newspaper during fundraising calls was a portrait of himself.
Publishing ghost written books could be a good alternative "career" for him come 2012.
This is his third book for kiddies.
I wonder if Obama gave himself giant ears.
A sketch the "narcissist" drew of three fellow Senators raised $2000 for research into neurofibromatosis and epilepsy.
The more books he writes, the less time he'll have to continue screwing things up. I say, write away!
Who the hell is Vera Baker?
And "Colon Dee"? Seriously, what the hell? Who's that, the fourth ("D") biggest asshole in whatever room he/she/it's in?
wv: "untesh" -- What Candy Dulcer tried to be.
He didn't write it and I seriously doubt he wrote much in either of his other books.
Teddy Roosevelt authored books for children, Carter for young people, JFK a children's version of Profiles In Courage, Hillary Cinton while she was first lady. Obama actually wrote this in 2008 before he had taken office.
On a lesser scale Gleen Beck and Lynn Cheney have also written children's books.
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