November 17, 2010

Neil Young's hybrid car emits some serious carbon.

It bursts into flames and destroys a million dollars worth of his memorabilia.

This is like that story about the reusable shopping bags that turn out to contain lead. You try so hard to do what's right and that's the very thing that takes you into the wrong.


Trooper York said...

"Don't Let It Bring You Down, It's only Pruis Burning."

Methadras said...

That's because accidents happen. Unfortunately when you try to do the right thing from the wrong point of view, stupid shit like this costs you big. Just glad no one was hurt. Bummer about the stuff though.

Trooper York said...

Prius. Sorry.

The Crack Emcee said...

You try so hard to do what's right and that's the very thing that takes you into the wrong.

Sigh. Ann, you're not reading my blog today, are you?


traditionalguy said...

Reality therapy for a Baby Boomer.Men's treasures on this earth are passing away where rust and thieves get them all in the end.

Trooper York said...

Rust never sleeps.

Trooper York said...

At least when your electric car turns your house on fire.

Anonymous said...

You know, when Young stays out of politics, he's such a great musician.

When he starts singing about politics, he's one of the world's most annoying assholes.

Joe said...

I tried finding out more about how good this car really is, but all I could find were projections and spin. Couldn't find anything on the cost either. Anyone have any links (that aren't bullshit)?

Wince said...

I dunno, the mental image of "Nixon coming" always kind of freaked me out.

KCFleming said...

The road to eco-hell is paved with good intentions.

MadisonMan said...

I don't get it -- where's the link to Palin?

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - The Macho Response today is dealing exclusively with the concept of fraud. How we've lived with it, have accepted this evil as part of the American landscape, and how it's slowly falling apart as my kind of ruthless conservatism is kicking in.

I'm inspired by our conversation, yesterday, about Arianna Huffington - one of the biggest frauds walking the planet - and how others would prefer she be spared rather than (doing as she does and) bending the rules to apprehend her. Ann said how I would use the law is "evil" - more evil than NewAge she said - I'm making the point that she's wrong, she's letting a sterile view of the law trump the reality of what it's done to normal people's lives (including killing people) and it's how she's been using the law/viewing the law that's evil and Americans (figuratively) becoming Dirty Harry or Charles Bronson to fight it is what's right, good, and decent.

She voted for Obama. That was a fraud committed against the country.

But I refuse to be trapped in your version of my Hell any longer.

Fraud in America must - and will - be stopped.

That's The Macho Response.

X said...

I'll take a wheel in the ditch over a burning car.

BJM said...


Doncha see, Young was sitting at a red light when the Palin entourage, en route to a TEA party meeting, suddenly blared through the intersection. Young was so startled that he dropped the hot bong between the seats.

Big Mike said...

At least one, and probably more, of the EV-1 electric cars that GM built and distributed in California back in the late 1990's caused a garage fire. Apparently there's some non-obvious (except in retrospect) safety engineering that needs to be done to prevent this from happening very regularly.

Automatic_Wing said...

Dessicated rock and roller attempts to self-install enormously powerful battery system into a 59 Lincoln. What could go wrong?

Freddy Hill said...

Ann, I find that I like the Sarcastic Althouse much better than the Hope-Changey one.

I'm not sure what says about you, me, and humankind in general.

SteveR said...

"Now your hybrids are burning fast"

Wince said...

I predict these cars will be hot sellers among households with attached garages and a mortgage that's underwater.

k said...

Hm. I just now saw a Prius tooling down the highway, trailing a huge plume of blue smoke all the way.

I admit, it made me LOL.

I'm Full of Soup said...

As a kid, we learned to never ever leave the model train transformer plugged in. Young must be a dumb shit.

Trooper York said...

"THe Crack Emcee said....
TW - The Macho Response today is dealing exclusively with the concept of fraud."

Wow what a conikeydink. I am doing the same thing!

Sometimes things are not as they seem.

Penny said...

This story is also a little lesson in the blame game.

Neil wants everyone to know it was not the car's fault.

Whoa, baby, you don't say?

No, it was the fault of the person who didn't adequately test the charger.

And it was also the fault of the person who left it all unattended.

No mention of any fault on the part of the owner who thought his prized possession could be improved upon... to make a more "current" statement.

Got that? Not the car's fault, and not Neil's fault either.

Now THAT'S a "current" statement!

Irony and pun day at Althouse.

Mary Beth said...

1959 Lincoln Continental chooses to self-immolate rather than be a hybrid.

John Stodder said...

Now, waitaminute!

If it was the charger's fault, it was the charger's fault. Do you have some reason to doubt this assessment? The process he's going through is pretty rigorous and he is being advised by people who know what they are doing. Shit happens. The reason he emphasized that it was the charger not the car is to address legitimate concerns by drivers of cars made the same way. What possible point could you be making in saying such information should not be released.

You can believe that global warming is overhyped and that government is subsidizing hopeless alternative technologies and still believe that a) we need to pursue potential alternatives to oil and b) it's actually admirable that a cranky old millionaire like Neil Young would fund this kind of research as opposed to your tax dollars.

By the way, Neil Young is ranked (by me) as the third-greatest singer-songwriter after Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell.

Lincolntf said...

"Neil Young: Killing polar bears through poor maintenance."

I'm almost ready to feel bad for the Gore-bots. Their scam is literally blowing up around them.

Phil 314 said...

Gaia will not be mocked

Trooper York said...

He should have know to stay away from electricty.

I mean Transformer Man was his worst freakin album by far.

Methadras said...

My My, Hey Hey, Fucking hybrid made me lose all my shit... that i've been saving for years... GOD DAMMIT!!!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Mary Beth said

1959 Lincoln Continental chooses to self-immolate rather than be a hybrid.

Mary Beth wins the thread.

Penny said...

John Stodder is making way too much SENSE on "Irony and Pun Day".

Can someone outfit this man with a SENSE of humor, please?

Michael said...

At least ti wasn't a high speed choo choo train.

Penny said...

Apologies, John Stodder. Hanging my own head in shame for saying that even.

I was "bullying" you only in the spirit of the moment.

It was a joke!

Hopefully you have enough sense to know that?

MadisonMan said...

Depending on exactly what burned, there may not have been much carbon emitted at all.

Methadras said...

Mary Beth said...

1959 Lincoln Continental chooses to self-immolate rather than be a hybrid.

LOL!!! Hey Mary Beth. Have you ever been told that you look like an older Drew Barrymore? Well, at least from your picture anyway. If that is you.

John Cunningham said...

Too hilarious....the big Greenie undone by his hybrid. Rush put it well today, the battery vehicles are actually coal-burners, given that coal accounts for about 60% of electrical power.

virgil xenophon said...

Cosmic Justice...the ultimate in "Bad Karma" as Neil baby might phrase it...bwahahahah!