November 23, 2010

"He's a scourge on the whole profession of political science."


Look what I started. (Limbaugh doesn't name me but reads from the Byron York piece that plays off of a blog post of mine.)


AlphaLiberal said...

Ann Althouse, Dittohead.

AlphaLiberal said...

How many offensive and false things must a person say before Ann Althouse stops praising them and promoting them?

Rush Limbaugh is a racist. A scurrilous liar:

Fen said...

I just love how Rush makes the AlphaLibtards whine.

Unknown said...

Frankly, I'm beginning to think the whole 'voters are suddenly stupid' thing is a weird offshoot of what Adolf wanted to do to the German people in '45. (Here goes Godwin's Law...)

The ubermenschen of the Hollyweird-Ivy League-Lefty ruling class feel the voters, having abandoned them, are no longer worthy of their solicitude and should thus be Alinskyized in the same way as Conservatives, Libertarians, non-RINO Republicans, and Tea Partiers. All the talk of Republicans sabotaging the economy is merely projection; the Left, seeing their stimulus, health care, and bailouts going unappreciated, undertake a program of economic sabotage to destroy the greatest free-market economy in history (see QE, QE2, etc.).

I'm so verklempt. Discuss amongst yourselves...

AlphaLiberal said...

Ann Althouse, Dittohead.

Clearly, an intelligent woman and a discerning mind.

The Crack Emcee said...

O.K., now I'm getting jealous. But in a good way.


Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Wow Alpha Little Green Footballs AND Excitable Andy! And this “proves” racism, eh? Dood/doodette you’re killing me, I’m laughing so hard at you!

Fen said...

Still trying to see it.

Is it "race baiting" because AlphaLibtard and Andrew Sullivan think graffiti is a "black thing"?

Joe said...

(The Crypto Jew)

Being the WV for the entry…I contemplated making some joke but decided against it…OH well…I guess “pusylit” could be a view of the screeching, weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth from those like Alpha, Chuckles Johnson and Andy “The Beagle“ Sullivan or it will be like “Queer Studies” or “Queer Ntion” and become the study of Feminist Literature at Harvard/Yale/Cornell…

Triangle Man said...

Wisconsin voters are suddenly stupid. According to comments on this blog, the people who voted for Obama were stupid too. So, it's just stupid all around.

Triangle Man said...

I mean to say Wisconsin voters *are not* suddenly stupid. Sheesh. Way to prove my own point.

Anonymous said...

What a fit Omega is having today!

Of course, he has a fit most every day.

This guy is a prime candidate for a heart attack by the age of 45.

Take an aspirin (81 mg) a day, Omega. Thins the blood and lessens the possibility of heart attack and stroke.

Exercise to the point of breaking a sweat every day. This will lessen the hysteria and give your heart a much needed break from the agonizing and teeth gnashing.

Anonymous said...

shoutingthomas -

I imagine that AL's teeth gnashing is strenuous enough that he does break a sweat every day.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

In Liberal land (quite similar to Candyland in delusional aspect, except not as sweet):

You are smart if you agree with them and march in lock step.

Your are a stupid knuckledragging hillbilly if you don't agree with them.

Agree with the uber smart liberals who are annointed from upon high to pass down decrees and tell you what to think, how to live your lives and who you should hate.

Or, think for yourself, remark that the Emperor has no clothes, point out the inconsisitancies in logic or economics.....and you are immediately moved into the "those we can hate and vilify, without worrying about political incorrectness, category".

Gah...I wish the sixties hippie mentality would just die along with all the new age crap that they bring along with them (as Crack has often pointed out).

Alex said...

AL better stop clenching the buttocks so hard, he's liable to get a stroke.

jason said...

So wait, who got Franklin to say this on record and then reported it? The blogger taking credit, or someone else? Just checkin'.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

AL better stop clenching the buttocks so hard, he's liable to get a stroke..

On the other hand, if we misplace the nut cracker this holiday season, we know who to call.

Original Mike said...

Hmmm. Wisconsin did vote for Obama, after all. I'm beginning to see Franklin's point.

Scott M said...

I've been through the gauntlet of political science and the scourge on the profession is two-fold. First, claiming that it's a science when it's anything but and, second, the myopic ideological makeup of the departments.

ricpic said...

A glass or two of red wine per day is a nice way of putting off the inevitable heart attack or stroke.

test said...

"Ann Althouse, Dittohead"

Dittoheads are following Limbaugh's lead. Here Limbaugh is following Althouse.

So all AL has done is prove his political and social commentary is completely reliant on substanceless slogans he doesn't even understand.

He's the perfect poster child for Liberalism.

garage mahal said...

Perfect Dittohead caller.

It's an honor Rush.

I can picture him nodding his head up and down. "uh huh uh huh uh huh".

Trooper York said...

Listen to ricpic. It is called the red wine paradox and it is what is keeping me going.

A glass of a good red wine at the end of the day with dinner will help with your digestion and has many positive health benefits. Try it you will like it.

The Crack Emcee said...

Garage is the only person who's surprised dittoheads like Rush - or that Rush (pretends he) really likes himself.


Anonymous said...

A glass of a good red wine at the end of the day with dinner will help with your digestion and has many positive health benefits. Try it you will like it.

Shit, I believe in drinking the entire bottle.

But, Trooper, in my old age, I'm struggling with rosacea. When I drink, my nose turns into a bright red lightbulb.

Thanksgiving, I'll drink, but that's because I've got four days for my nose to calm down before I go back out in public.

Ah, the indignities of age!

About all I can do these days, when it comes to drinking, is to look at the bottle. And the same is true for sex. Mostly, I'm just looking.

Trooper York said...

A bright red nose is a positive durning the holiday season.

Just tell them that you name is Rudolph.

But you won't get to play in any of their reindeer games. Just sayn.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Trooper York said...

But you won't get to play in any of their reindeer games. Just sayn.

I thought he just said that: And the same is true for sex. Mostly, I'm just looking.

Original Mike said...


Don't feel bad, Althouse. In the circles in which Franklin operates, being attacked by Limbaugh is a badge of honor. I bet his colleagues are jealous.

garage mahal said...

But Althouse gets pummeled in these comments every day about being stupid for voting for Obama. I don't get it. That doesn't seem to bother her. For some reason. You would think reading that every day would bother her. Hmmph.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Shouting Thomas:
Have you tried this?

Put your dick on a table, hit it with a hammer, wait for it to swell up and then shellack it.

Meade said...

jason said...
So wait, who got Franklin to say this on record and then reported it? The blogger taking credit, or someone else? Just checkin'.

jason, The blogger gets credit/blame for starting it out on the blogosphere. The local Madison alternative newspaper journalist gets credit/blame for asking the specious question of the political science professor who (part jokingly) gave the journalist the answer the alternative journalist was humorlessly looking for.

I for one give Professor Franklin a lot of credit for going to the trouble of composing a thoughtful comment here in which he concluded:

[...] I do not agree with the conclusion that voter's were "stupid" to pick Johnson over Feingold. In fact I believe a majority got the Senator they wanted, and that is always good for a republic.

Absolutely! -- A most exceptional democratic republic.

Scott M said...

Speaking of pummeling, garage, you have to admit that the whole Gore/Bush house thing yesterday was pretty good-natured, in general. At least before I checked out at around 4pm.

It just proves how much we care about our resident libs.

Anonymous said...

Put your dick on a table, hit it with a hammer, wait for it to swell up and then shellack it.

Sound advice, I'm sure.

But, that's not exactly what I'm looking for in a sex life.

Wouldn't viagra be easier?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Its interesting that the majority of voters can be said to be stupid for voting against a senator in a given election.. stupid (or some derivation) for voting for Bristol in a popularity contest on a TV show.. dangerously stupid (or some derivation) for not amiably submitting to invasive groping and radiation doses at airports..

I was making a point yesterday in the Professor's Epstin's about post.. on the use of words and how they can lead to misunderstandings and problems.

In the rush to 'fit it in a napkin' people say stupid things sometimes.

In fairness - the professor did say he was "Too hyperbolic" and that "he could have said it differently".. he gave some sort of apology I suppose.

Lets remember, we might need to defend our hostess someday for whatever reason.

We also have bigger fishes to fry..

Phil 314 said...

I'd call it the "Butterfly effect" but surely your posts, Professor, are more than just the gentle beat of a butterfly's wings.

DaddyO said...

But, Trooper, in my old age, I'm struggling with rosacea. When I drink, my nose turns into a bright red lightbulb.

If you drink in a dark room, no one will notice.

AlphaLiberal said...

It's also rank hypocrisy how Ann Althouse gets the vapors when a liberal accuses someone of stupidity over a disagreement (bad practice) but Althouse has absolutely no problem with right wingers insulting liberals every time they disagree, in histrionic terms.

It happens here on her own website, every day. And she is silent on that.


AlphaLiberal said...


Dittoheads are following Limbaugh's lead. Here Limbaugh is following Althouse.

The conceited Althouse would like to believe that. The fact is, she is just repeating and old, old, old smear about arrogant smarty pants liberals that Rush has voiced time and time again.

She is just using this UW professor's comments to do it. And, let's remember, she is taking a comment from one person and blaming an entire class of people for it.

She really has degenerated.

So, she repeats a Limbaugh line

test said...

"And, let's remember, she is taking a comment from one person and blaming an entire class of people for it."

Why do you say this like it's wrong? It's your oeuvre.

test said...

"Althouse has absolutely no problem with right wingers insulting liberals every time they disagree, in histrionic terms."

We're treating you like you deserve. If you don't want to be treated like an asshole, don't be one.

Trooper York said...

You have to forgive AlphaLiberal. He is a little out of sorts. He has misplaced his copy of Mao's Little Red Book and his bong.

How can he celebrate Thanksgiving without them?

MadisonMan said...

give Professor Franklin a lot of credit for going to the trouble of composing a thoughtful comment here in which he concluded:

Total agreement. That followup has gotten kind of lost in the clamor, however.

Scott M said...

Please list the reasons why someone self-identified as a liberal would celebrate Thanksgiving? A secular holiday combined with white opression...not quite a trifecta, but close.

Original Mike said...

Well, there's the turkey, Scott.

Sofa King said...

The lesson for professors should be obvious: never talk to a journalist, ever.

Trooper York said...

Please list the reasons why someone self-identified as a liberal would celebrate Thanksgiving?

It's the only holiday where the Indians gave us something instead the old white men taking it from them.

Liberals are all on the "All orange Diet" so with pumpkins, squash and yams they have a lot to choose from.

Priscilla Alden never shaved her underarms.

I could go on but you get the idea.

Triangle Man said...

Please list the reasons why someone self-identified as a liberal would celebrate Thanksgiving?

Elite liberals? Mayflower descendants. Thanksgiving is a family celebration.

Joe said...

Laying claim to obvious jokes is pretty lame. The moment this alleged study came out, I was seeing this joke.

Anonymous said...

Priscilla Alden never shaved her underarms.

Yes, but did she shave her.... uh... you know what?

Is it true that the Pilgrims screwed through a hole in the blanket?

Chennaul said...

Don't worry about Alpha-I hear he's a master baster.

The turkey will survive.

Trooper York said...

No. That was what that big buckle on their hats was for.

jason said...

Meade, you're pretty cute.

Specious is a lawyer word, not a journalist's. A question is a question and an answer is an answer. Also, the reporter and writer gets credit for starting this, not the linker.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Hey Trooper, did I ever tell how the lousy Giants (6-4) are doing ;)

Unknown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Althouse has absolutely no problem with right wingers insulting liberals every time they disagree, in histrionic terms.

Get a life. The Lefties have been calling everybody they hate any dirty name they could think of since '65. The histrionics are on your side.

Witness Mrs Palin Johnston.

shoutingthomas said...

Priscilla Alden never shaved her underarms.

Yes, but did she shave her.... uh... you know what?

Is it true that the Pilgrims screwed through a hole in the blanket?

No, a hole in the board.

PS Not shaving was to help keep her warm.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I think that was the only method available prior to Viagra being invented.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw those Pilgrims were some deadly mofos. According to today's history books, a couple hundred thousand Pilgrims aka New Americans murdered and/or contaminated 10-20 million Indians in less than 200 years.

I bet those sneaky Pilgrims hid the germs and diseases in the women's underarm hair.

Beevalo Bill said...

What eludes Professor Franklin and so many of his ideological colleagues is that it is not "against" one's interests to reject governmental paternalism and support. One's interest, both short and long term, is self-reliance, not dependence. Our current policy path is not now nor ever will be sustainable. What governmental "kindness" (meddling) that is bestowed today not only must be paid for out of debt, but may well degrade the recipients ability to provide for themselves in the future

Fred Drinkwater said...

The lesson is never talk to a journalist unless you are prepared to be quoted, misquoted, paraphrased, misunderstood, or any combination of the above.

The prof's reply, as others have noted, was quite reasonable. The shocking (in the 'Casablanca' sense) thing was the journalist's immediate follow-line after the prof's 'stupid' comment.
Nice, however, to see him beclown himself so publicly.

WV: altram - Squaw Valley has renamed the Gondola this year to honor Al Gore's contribution to the recent record snowfall.

d-day said...

Political science? Made me think the link would be about Al Gore.

Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse has absolutely no problem with right wingers insulting liberals every time they disagree, in histrionic terms."

Why do you say that? How do you read this post? What do you think "yikes" means? I don't approve of Limbaugh's comment.

Ann Althouse said...

"Also, the reporter and writer gets credit for starting this, not the linker."

What does "this" refer to. I launched the quotation into the blogosphere. Byron York would never have read it in the Isthmus and Limbaugh saw it in York's piece.

I don't think Lueders would even want credit for putting that quote out there where it was exposed to conservatives. Lueders writes as if he's in a comfortable community of liberals, which is why he ends up saying things that hurt liberals. I make it my business to expose things like that.

And I'm not taking "credit" in this post anyway. I'm sorry that Franklin became the target and I don't like the way the quote is taken out of context and used against him.

York deserves credit/blame for focusing the attention on Franklin and trying to make the point that mainstream media uses Franklin for neutral-sounding quotes and that (in York's view) he isn't in fact neutral.

Anyway, Jason, you need to think through all this much more carefully. You really don't comprehend the scenario.

Ann Althouse said...

But I do agree with you Jason about one thing: Meade is cute.

SGT Ted said...

AlphaLiberal, Intellectual Bigot.

SGT Ted said...

On the other hand, if we misplace the nut cracker this holiday season, we know who to call.

I'll pass on the nuts, thank you. I'm trying to quit.

buster said...

"Is it 'race baiting' because AlphaLibtard and Andrew Sullivan think graffiti is a 'black thing'?"

Graffiti are an Italian thing.

Beth said...

You are smart if you agree with them and march in lock step.

It's an honor Rush.

Beth said...

That transcript of the call reminds me of an SNL skit that used to crack me up, of Johnny Carson with Ed McMahon, drunk and distracted, every once in awhile perking up to yell, "You are CORRECT, sir!"

Fen said...

That transcript of the call reminds me of -

Sound more like an Obama press conference.

Triangle Man said...

You really don't comprehend the scenario.

Wow. Add me to the lost of those who missed the boat. I did not originally read your "yikes" as a sign of dismay. Oops.

William said...

I don't know Prof Franklin from a $100 bill, but I would bet that his graceful apology/explanation of the remark is more revelatory of his character than the remark. He seems a decent sort. Everyone makes offhand remarks that, in retrospect, look pretty stupid. Limbaugh does back flips on the high wire every day, and it would behoove him to be more tolerant of those who fall.

Big Mike said...

I would keep as much of Bascom Hill between you and the North Hall where the political scientists have their offices. There's not much real estate between your offices and a raging mob of Poli Sci students and professors.

(Meade, have you taught her how to use an assault rifle yet? She may need it!)

Mr. Forward said...

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'Yikes!' is. If the--if he--if 'Yikes!' means Yikes! and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of Yikes! with Professor Franklin, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."

Anonymous said...

The elitist left only make their world smaller than it is. Their attitude and ideology is one that shelters them.

test said...

"Limbaugh does back flips on the high wire every day, and it would behoove him to be more tolerant of those who fall."

Maybe he decided he would offer others as much tolerance as they offer him.

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