The irony was lost on no one. Senator Russ Feingold, a liberal with a fierce streak of independence who crusaded against the influence of money in politics, was toppled Tuesday in a campaign awash in the kind of unregulated cash he had struggled to keep out of the system.It's not the same kind of independence. Feingold's independence was to the left of the Democrats in Congress. The independents who determined the outcome were voters — including me — whose politics lie in between Republicans and Democrats. Feingold made no effort to get in that zone.
And in a poignant twist, the loss came, in part, because independents flocked to his opponent, despite Mr. Feingold’s record of one maverick vote after another.
He was the sole senator to oppose the Patriot Act after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He also broke with President Obama on several occasions, opposing the expansion of the war in Afghanistan, the bailing out of financial institutions in 2008 and the regulation of Wall Street this year, saying the restrictions did not go far enough.See? That's my point.
Most prominently, he battled his colleagues to overhaul the campaign finance system...A few paragraphs separate that from this:
...Mr. Feingold raised and spent more money than Mr. Johnson...Feingold's campaign finance law wasn't a limit on a candidate spending his own money. In any case, Feingold spent much more money than Johnson.
Mr. Feingold had raised $18.2 million and spent $16.2 million by the middle of last month, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Mr. Johnson raised $12.8 million, and spent $10.5 million, pumping in more than $8.2 million of his own money.
It is not clear what he will do next. In a brief speech Tuesday night, he told the 300 supporters gathered in a hotel here in his hometown, “It’s on to the next fight, it’s on to the next battle, it’s on to 2012 and it is on to our next adventure, forward.”"Forward" is the state motto and the informal name of the 15-foot sculpture on top of the state Capitol building and the official name of another statue at the east entrance to the Capitol. I've watched the video of Feingold's concession speech, and his hand is a little off-screen at this point, but I bet that's not a fist but an outreaching hand meant to invoke the "Forward" statues.
He then raised his fist in the air and left the stage.
ADDED: Here's a photo of the "Forward" gesture:
AND: Ron Johnson ran a pretty effective ad saying that Feingold is not the "maverick" he claims to be.
I guess swiming a river of piss is not as big a deal as it used to be. Just sayn'
He may have been to the left of the Democrats, but he was still to the right of the NYT.
One of the burdens that his campaign finance law placed on third parties required them to register with the FEC, create separate bank accounts for that sole purpose, and report any time they sent money to a national party. As a former treasurer of the Maryland Libertarian party, he is now cordially invited to kiss my ass.
Don't worry, Kathryn, old Russ will land a nice cushy job at an [allegedly] non-partisan non-profit. Good riddance to senators like him who believe in bigger govt.
I agree Althouse, this analysis seems a bit off at least from my reading of the many folks whom I have talked with since Tuesday. Feingold's progressive stance has always had a small margin of support, which is why he spent so much time visiting with the voters in an attempt to keep that support. But I think more folks, like yourself, focused on a few of his votes they strongly disagreed with-- a mistake in my estimation.
@roesch-voltaire, the Professor is too nice to say it, so I will. You are one pompous, sanctimonious jackass.
This Foward statue must pre-date Dur Fuhrer's demands to use this as the salute for his Forward Operations using Tiger Tanks defending Germany from menacing Poland. But the NYT just could not show Feingold using it. If Obama gets another chance, he may appoint Feingold to the SCOTUS where he can vote to over-rule Citizens United for over-ruling McCain-Feingold. But Barry seems to like the wise women more than he likes the maverick men.
We could get money circlulating bigtime if you pay Russ to kiss your ass cause Garage Mahal would pay good money to kiss Russ's ass. Isn't that what they call the multiplier effect?
a liberal with a fierce streak of independence
The delusion by these leftists is funny, but disturbing.
I thought Feingold's campaign started too late. Too much of the beginning of it -- in August and September -- was reacting to Johnson's campaign, rather than telling people why Feingold deserved to be re-elected. When he finally got around to running good ads -- I'm thinking of the ones with veterans, for example, describing what he does for them -- it was too little too late.
Why should independents -- or anyone? -- let someone just stay in the Senate, anyway? 18 years is a long time. If Feingold is considering running for Kohl's seat -- he's up for reelection in 2012 and is getting up there -- I'd tell him to forget about it.
Wisconsin loves a contrarian Senator. I wonder who the next one will be.
I'm seeing the word "forward" a lot lately. There's the new MSNBC slogan, "Lean Forward." Think for a moment, when do you always lean forward.....that's correct, when you take a shit, fart, or that dreaded, shart!
In any case, Feingold spent much more money than Johnson
Of course he did.
The rules are for everyone else, not him.
The maverick part was fine. It was the liberal democrat part that got him fired.
Although I might be willing to pay Feingold to kiss my ass, there might be something in the law that would require me to file a 1099 or take out social security taxes or otherwise open me up to incarceration. I have a family to support and can't risk the jeopardy.
"Balrogs Turn on One of Their Own: Alan Grayson."
Big Mike...roeschie does write a lot like an 18th Century aristocrat. My guess is that he is John Stuart Mill re-incarnated. Poor roeschie will have to do some catching up to modern thought. He is like a RIP VAN WINKLE awakening after falling asleep in 1806. His wig shot is the give away, and since he is not writing in French we are left with either a Female impersonator or John Stuart Mill.
Ha - very good point.
The narrative I'm beginning to detect from the Democrat-left is that "independents" are just flip-flopping from one party to the other and will flip back next time.
That's certainly one way to read it, and it gives that much-needed HOPE to the Democrats that the independents will flock back to them.
But the Democrats demonized everyone who didn't vote for them -- independent and conservative alike. And most sane people, once demonized, won't come running back at the sign of the first fake mea culpa
Feingold lost (IMHO) the same reason a lot of others did; government spending. Johnson ran an ad late in the campaign that I think resonated this year. It had Feingold, when he entered the Senate in 1992, declaring the primacy of shrinking the deficit. Of course, it never happened.
That reminds me, what ever happened to Sir Archie. I miss the old boy.
From what Ann says, he wasn't entirely bad (opposing TARP), even for a Demo from WI, but it would be interesting to know how many Conservatives (as opposed to the difference between Greenies and Demos) were aching for a shot at him because of McCain-Feingold.
(Assuming there are that Conservatives many besides Meade in WI)
Sixty Grit said...
James Garner - now there's a Maverick.
No, more like Jack Kelly.
WV "orpsyrry" What the first words out of The Zero should have been Wednesday morning.
In my opinion Garage Mahal's endorsement cost Feingold the election.
I mean, Althouse is probably the most widely read and most influencial blog in Wisconsin. If you read Althouse and cast a Wisconsin-flavored ballot on Tuesday, what would you have done?
In any case, Feingold spent much more money than Johnson.
But was outspent 5-1 when you include outside groups like American Action Network. And Feingold has been outspent in every campaign he's run. Ironically, the same people who received hundreds of billion of taxpayer money, poured in millions attacking Feingold for the debt, which they helped cause. Feingold voted against TARP and the bank bailouts.
And the gall of McChinless is going around saying people are upset about the bank bailouts - something he personally sat down and helped draft himself.
Here's a photo of the "Forward" gesture
James Lileks calls that gesture "The Great Leader Hails a Cab".
That and the absence of an Althouse endorsement.
Absence is the highest form of presence.
--James Joyce
Feingold did vote with his party three times.
Remember, voters are too stupid to protect themselves against the hypnotic power of corporations and their political messages
Except voters listen to corporations pitch things all the time and discriminate or resist them routinely.
Which kinda undermines the premises of the left's panic on this issue.
The narrative I'm beginning to detect from the Democrat-left is that "independents" are just flip-flopping from one party to the other and will flip back next time.
Independents *are* likely to vote for either party, but I don't think it's quite as simple as switching every other vote. I do know many who like to mix it up so that no one party gets too comfortable or powerful. Althouse voted for Obama last time. This time she voted for Ron Johnson.
But was outspent 5-1 when you include outside groups like American Action Network.
Has the professor explained the benefits of patriots anonymously exercising their free speech rights, and using their hard-earned dollars to do so? Thirty-second attack ads are nothing more than the Federalist Papers, reformatted for modern times.
Except voters listen to corporations pitch things all the time and discriminate or resist them routinely.
Yes, corporations spend vast sums advertising products and services because such ads are completely ineffective, but they want to subsidize television and radio for the masses.
The same reason they run political ads, which demonstrably have no effect on the electorate.
I just found out that Ron Johnson's plant uses prison labor. I hope he doesn't try to export any products to China, because we don't allow their prisoner-made goods to enter the country (18 U.S.C Section 1761)
Believe it or not I don't follow politics that much=it bores me.
I did read the State Journal though today and the new republican majorities priorities in Wisconsin are Voter ID, Abortion, Stem Cells and Gays....o and something about the economy.
Meade must be so excited he is spraying all over his grocery list.
Also, something about the UW professors not working much and being paid too much-now that sounds right!
Progressives think that progress means everyone becomes more liberal. That is probably true for a lot of social issues.
It is no longer true for fiscal and economic issues. Most people know gay marriage will be allowed in most states over the next 25 years. People are starting to have serious qualms about the fiscal future of the U.S. And when people look at California, New York, and Illinois (not to mention Europe), spending so much on social welfare (and military) is not forward. It is backward.
Stem Cells, Gays, Abortion, and UW Professors salaries=now that is the kind of freedom I want.
Thank God for the Wisconsin Republicans and their priorities.
I just want to live in freedom and these issues will allow my personal not work, have my health benefits from a state worker, so I can shop and cook and garden, and bike in public parks.
Meade the biggest republican hack around. Get a job bagger, NOW
Why are you always so mean to Meade Titus?
It's stale.
That Titus mask slips every once in awhile.
The he gets all twee again.
Or mebbe he's jes' feeling "not so fresh" today.
@Titus He's just doing a job Wisconsinites are unwilling to do.
"He was the sole senator to oppose the Patriot Act after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He also broke with President Obama on several occasions, opposing the expansion of the war in Afghanistan, the bailing out of financial institutions in 2008 and the regulation of Wall Street this year, saying the restrictions did not go far enough."
This is the stance all the Democrats in Congress (and in the White House) should have taken throughout the last decade, rather than happily collude with the Republicans in their march of criminal folly.
Feingold and Grayson...among the few members of Congress worthy of respect or admiration.
Oh they may be willing.
Just not able.
@Titus He's just doing a job Wisconsinites are unwilling to do.
He even migrated there, leaving behind his native culture.
Oh they may be willing.
Just not able.
[::rimshot::] ;)
I thought Titus was kidding, but no. The state GOP wants to roll back domestic partner benefits and protections for same-sex couples. That's priority 4, after Voter ID, banning abortion and embryonic stem cells. And oh of course, some vague notions about helping the economy.
I'd actually offer an apology for being a dick the other day. He didn't deserve it. So, sorry Meade.
But seriously, Titus, email me and I'll arrange to give you a personal tour of the place where I work so you can make an accurate critique of my job performance.
That's a dictator hailing a cab statue.
By the way, between the Wisconsin legislature and the Iowa Supreme Court recall, the people have spoken -- they want to keep gay couples second class citizens.
Maverick is McCain's.
In McCain's case, it's a strong sense of personal honor coupled with complete randomness as to what it applies to.
a liberal with a fierce streak of independence
Gotta love how liberals are all alike in their nonconformity.
chickelit said...
"He even migrated there, leaving behind his native culture."
I also send a portion of my income back to some of those who've allowed me the opportunity to be here, to work, and to be free. They're my people.
... and, speaking of perpetually clueless pols:
Alan Grayson: We lost because we tried to appease Republicans or something
Just knowing that this loathsome bolus in (roughly) humanoid form has been forcibly ejected from the body politic brings a wide, serene smile to my face, every time I think about it.
What's for next week's memorial?
Feingold "spoke Truth to Power" ?
Apology accepted. Natch.
" Chip Ahoy said...
That reminds me, what ever happened to Sir Archie. I miss the old boy."
The fella that wrote it couldn't stand the way the comments were going and it affected him a great deal. I don't want to speak for him but he was one of the most talented and wise people to post here. But the Texas cage match atmosphere that is fostered in the most popular legal blog lead him to follow his own pursuits. I miss his subtle wit and wise counsel. Like several other valued commenters who no longer appear here.
I guess he didn't want to follow the Presidents lead and hate his enemies.
God Bless Sir Archy in his celestrial pursuits.
And in view of Titus's remarks....I would venture to suggest that we could all be a little more civil to each other. Busting chops is fine in a humerous way but the rancor seems to be pretty bad these days. Maybe we can take this election as a signal to regroup little and be just a little kinder to each other.
Especially that MadisonMan. What a nasty prick? Always cursing everyone out. Get with it dude!
Garage made a great first step.
So I want to appolgize for implying that he would swim a river a piss to eat any old road kill.
I will admit that it has to be quality road kill.
No armadillo's.
I would also like apologize when I implied that Meade and the blogger lady would make a sex tape.
Obviously it would be a podcast.
My sincere apologies.
And I miss Lem in the overnight.
Bill W has a lot to answer for!
Just sayn'
speaking of things missed around here -- why did troop stop describing movies?
I know Titus is upset but it is just because he is a little insecure. You see he is in India with his Indian husband and he is kind of scared that Barry is going there because as we all know he is on the down low and he does have a bunch of hotel rooms and stuff.
But I don't think you have anything to worry about Titus.
troop -- you mean audio only? Like this?
"He was the sole senator to oppose the Patriot Act after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. He also broke with President Obama on several occasions, opposing the expansion of the war in Afghanistan, the bailing out of financial institutions in 2008 and the regulation of Wall Street this year, saying the restrictions did not go far enough."
i just don't get how you can support obama over hillary. then obama over mccain. but vote for the other guy over feingold? as a law professor you must see an immense merit in the patriot act. or perhaps you just like being wrong 3 times.
that he was the sole senator who voted against the patriot act defines how independent he is. but you supported a nominee and now your senator who will be one of mitch mcconell's lemming. how disappointing.
That's a high price to pay....
Sergeant Suspended For Harvesting Deer Carcass
By Tom Murray
MILWAUKEE - Sergeant Phil Wentzel told the Milwaukee County Personnel Review Board that he made a mistake.
"I acknowledge that I broke the rules on this particular day, but I don't have any history of breaking the rules," Wentzel testified on Tuesday.
Wentzel admits he left his post at the airport on January 20, drove to northwest Milwaukee to pick up a deer carcass and then took the animal home.
"From a harvesting perspective, it's a lot of food," Wentzel said. "When it was all butchered, we ended up with, I believe it was 60 pounds of hamburger."
Wentzel did this on the clock and even put in for overtime that day.
"The overtime that was generated that day had nothing to do with the deer incident," Wentzel said.
The Milwaukee Police Department was already handling the deer when a MCSO dispatcher asked officers to hold off and wait for Wentzel.
"We've actually got an avid sergeant who is a hunter," the dispatcher is heard saying on a recording released to TODAY'S TMJ4. "He would like to take it."
Making this worse, an internal affairs investigation found that Wentzel neglected responsibilities at the airport to get that carcass.
"He made the decision to keep the deer for his own personal gain prior to leaving the airport," Lt. James Cox told the board. "When he went to respond to this deer, the TSA was left in limbo."
TSA Officer Kimberly Ferrie testified that Wentzel downplayed their request to check out a suspicious traveler taking pictures around the airport.
"We watched him from across the street and we noticed that Sheriff Wentzel did not go up and talk to him," Ferrie told the Personnel Review Board.
Sheriff David Clarke recommended that Wentzel face 25 days unpaid suspension. The Personnel Review Board agreed with Clarke's recommendation on Tuesday. The penalty amounts to about a month without pay.
"He was the sole senator to oppose the Patriot Act after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
That just makes him stupid.
I haven't been watching many. Although stranely enough I have been getting a lot of promotional material because I am part of a focus group. So they test market stuff. And man do they have a lot of bad ideas.
Especailly since Mel Gibson got fired from Hangover 2 and is searching for a comeback vechile.
that he was the sole senator who voted against the patriot act defines how independent he is.
Or, it just defines how vacuous he is.
His vote had zero consequences.
And of course you're clapping...
that he was the sole senator who voted against the patriot act defines how independent he is. but you supported a nominee and now your senator who will be one of mitch mcconell's lemming. how disappointing.
Senator Russ Feingold, a liberal with a fierce streak of independence..
That is a myth. Feingold votes with the Democrats in the Senate >85% of the time, and has never voted against a bill in circumstances where his vote would have caused the bill to fail passage.
Feingold will seek public office again in one of two ways:
1. He will run for the senate seat now held by Sen Herb Kohl (D-Gazillionaire)who is believed to be ready to retire at the end of his current term.
2. He will make a run at president in 2012 by positioning himself to the left of Barack Obama.
What Trooper said, especially about Sir Archy.
blogfather said: and is searching for a comeback vechile.
Voodoo Chile!
Michael Haz is another big reason why Feingold lost Wisconsin.
He destroyed him.
Hey I am having a bad speelllllinnnggg day!
It is what's known as a Tori Spelling day.
Sixty Grit said...
edutcher - what, no love for brother Beau?
He was cousin Beau. The one everybody forgets is brother Brent.
Ann Althouse is the old cliche of being a liberal in her youth then turning in to a conservative in her old age. Common story. She got hers.
It is what's known as a Tori Spelling day.
Isn't that what vbspurs had?
Or was that Tory spelling?
I miss the real Victoria.
@Chickelit - It's the Haz ray gun.
Well she is that place where past old great commenters share their ideas without endless fighting and rancor…..I think it is called.........twitter.
I think it is called.........twitter.
Yes but she's been MIA over there lately too. Not even Ron can summon her.
Well she is that place where past old great commenters go.
I sincerely hope she didn't pull a Bissage.
What...change her name to American Politico?
Denver wrote: Ann Althouse is the old cliche of being a liberal in her youth then turning in to a conservative in her old age. Common story. She got hers.
You sure do sound like you could use some pal.
That is a myth. Feingold votes with the Democrats in the Senate >85% of the time, and has never voted against a bill in circumstances where his vote would have caused the bill to fail passage.
It's not a myth at all. He has bucked his party plenty of times,m including the sitting leader of his party. He seems to be the only one in congress that actually read the Patriot Act, something that people that go around waving the Constitution in their hands would respect. But of course they don't. Johnson will never say a peep, and will vote 100% with Republicans, along with the rest of the Republican herd animals that vote lock step with each other. Partly because seems to have no apparent grasp of any policy issues that concern the state, and that's how the Republican Borg rolls.
What...change her name to American Politico?
I'm not seeing the threads too clearly fogblather.
AP I could believe but Bissage? That's a stretch.
well, troop, ironrails would appreciate the amount of fur on display, that's for sure.
Time Tunnel was a good show. Also Voyage to See the Bottom, as Mad magazine put it.
Lest we forget the ADA rated Sen Feingold 95% on their rating scale (100% being a perfect score)in 2009 (that's the same score as Sen. Leahy, Jack Reed, Chuck Schumer and others)
The American Conservative Union gave him somewhat of a break in 2008 (latest available) of 24. (that's higher than Leahy, Reed and Schumer) but still not in the middle two quartiles where I would place a moderate.
It's not the same kind of independence. Feingold's independence was to the left of the Democrats in Congress. The independents who determined the outcome were voters — including me — whose politics lie in between Republicans and Democrats. Feingold made no effort to get in that zone.
Nice. That's where I am, too - somewhere between. I like some things about each party and dislike more. I really liked this from election night:
The good news is that the Democrats lost the House.
The bad news is that the Republicans won it.
- David Bernstein
Feingold was "collateral damage".
War and politics have become synonymous.
So, Feingold raised $18.2M and spent $16.2M. What happens to the rest? Does that become his own personal retirement bonus? Or does he have to give it to the DNC or something? I'm sure his campaign finance law made provision for this.
It's on to the next fight...sitting on the couch watching Law & Order reruns and eating Haagen Daaz.
It's not a myth at all. He has bucked his party plenty of times,m including the sitting leader of his party.
... but never when it would actually have any effect. That's not independence. That's posturing.
... but never when it would actually have any effect. That's not independence. That's posturing.
Being the sole congressman voting against the Patriot Act 13 days later after 9/11 took fucking balls. And all the feckless cowards in Congress just rolled over and said yes, without even reading it. he took a stand against the war effort in Afghanistan against his own party leader, showing some moxie that too few in Washington D.C. have. Johnson is such the type that says anything we say not in favor of the current policy "hurts the troops". Pathetic.
Big Mike, I didn't realize you spoke for Althouse. About my writing style, I admit that I am trying to fit into the discourse mode of this blog, but I am not comfortable taking the cheap shots at fellow bloggers, or advancing the facile slogans of the day. Like Mill, I believe eccentricity in society is a sign of strength; one reason I can embrace Rand Paul and Russ Feingold.
Roesch-Voltaire...That is very liberal ( as Mill used the word} of you accepting Rand Paul and Russ Feingold within the same thought. That is a mental gymnastic that I would find hard to do. I hope you realize that I love J.S. Mill's writing style. When I read him, I start writing like him until I recover. In a similar way, when I watch old Steve Martin stand up comedy I start cracking jokes like Steve Martin until I recover. A mind is a terrible thing to let others take over. Which is another good reason to read the Althouse Blog.
Feingold's been in office 18 years, the voters know exactly who he is and what he stands for, and they voted against him anyway. It is what it is. Only the NYT could make it seem more complicated than that.
Sixty-I don't want professors to make less money-I could care a less.
My total package doubles Althouse's and I am 20 years younger than her.
I was just mentioning what the republicans in Wisconsin's state senate were bitching about. UW Professors salaries and gays and abortion and stem cells and voter fraud-those are their priorities! Excellent.
I am very married to my Indian husband and he is much richer than me-he has old money. Heading there in 2 weeks for 6 months. Bangalore, Ooty, Darjeeling, Calcutta, Mansur, Mumbai, New Dehli. Staying at 6 and 7 star accomys-thanks. And he would never dump me-he is pussy whipped.
Also, my parents just set up a trust for me and I am sitting pretty. If there is one thing I do dislike it is poor people. I love the rich!
Love ya all!
Penny said...
Feingold was "collateral damage".
Oh please. Spare us the melodrama.
He was a politician.
Get a hold of yourselves.
Ann Althouse is the old cliche of being a liberal in her youth then turning in to a conservative in her old age. Common story. She got hers.
And you didn't get yours. Same old same old.
Spend your energy trying to leach, and when that doesn't work, you attack those who never saw that as an option.
Denver, how far underwater are you?
It doesn't seem "off" at all! It's the same condescending crap that our supposed elites spew all of the time.
"My total package doubles Althouse's and I am 20 years younger than her. "
Althouse doesn't have to bend over to get hers.
Feingold is a self-described democrat. Calling him an independent, saying 'independents turned on one of their own' is disingenuous at best.
Some of the exit polling is coming in now and it looks like it wasn't so much an anti-incumbent year as an anti-democrat year, see this analysis for example. Feingold put a "D" after his name and you get the good with the bad when you make a party choice. And Feingold helped elect Reid leader so, just like dems in the house that voted against the health care bill, he paid his democratic party dues and now he's paying the price for that.
So, Feingold raised $18.2M and spent $16.2M. What happens to the rest? Does that become his own personal retirement bonus?
They used to be able to keep that money for themselves but in the aftermath of the Rostenkowski scandals the law was changed and they can't keep it anymore. Instead they have to donate it to other candidates or the national party or a charity.
Or they can use it to run for another office or they can even pay themselves a salary (must be "reasonable" as defined by the FEC) while setting up to run.
I thought that was Lady Rennebohm. . . .
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