If I had my unwed teenage pregnancy dragged through the media with tacky jokes made on late night tv about me because my mom had the nerve to run for vp, I might have some pissed off feelings as well.
It would be classy of her to rise above it, but I don't blame her for her attitude if that's what she said. It doesn't make me want her to win, though.
ABC does not have the gonads to let Palin win and will do whatever is necessary to not let that happen.
ABC needs a steady stream of liberal celebrity contestants and won't have the liberals feel as though they will be voted voted down by the rest of the nation because of their liberal political views.
First time I am not by accident watching this stuff. When do we find out who is voted off? Tonight? Or some other time meaning never for me? In other news, Ann, did you hear about the trial of the Chandra Levy murder suspect? Convicted. No evidence. Thoughts? Do you ever comment on trials and their outcomes?
The MSNBC misfits already posted up their conspiracy theory.
MSNBC:ABC admits voting issues at 'Dancing' http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/40342866/ns/today-entertainment/
Of course, if you actually read the story, ABC "admits" nothing ... merely notes people have been jamming their phone lines and so they've been unable to allow everyone who wants to vote for Bristol the chance to do so.
The unfathomable sadness. Sigh ... it's fun drinking all these liberal tears.
"I'll know if Bristol wins by all the libtards falling from the sky tomorrow."
They're already holding hands with each other over at Sally Quinn's and experiencing crying jags every time Bristol advances. They can't imagine how she's winning. Nobody they know votes for Bristol.
This much schadenfreude just can't be good for a person.
As you say: feel the hate. I don't like the analogy all that much because I don't want to compare Bristol to OJ. But Sally Quinn is Mark Furman and the DWTS voters are the OJ Jury.
Now Sally Quinn will have to go and live in Idaho.
woof wrote: "shouldn't she be grateful for the reported $365,000 she made from DWTS." I'm LMAO cuz the libtards want redistribution of wealth. Well, we've been using Bristol to ram RoW down their throats. And you know what? They don't like it. Not one stinkin' bit. Totally, totally pricelessly funny!
Well now we know this tango is about personal politics as much as style and form. Gee now it is not PC to vote for who you think is the best dancer because that will look like a hate Palin vote-- time to bring back the waltz.
I understand her feelings, pretty much as Shanna noted.
What I can't understand is how the self-proclaimed sophisticates and intellectual elite can get this worked-up over a TV show. Talk about emotionally immature.
But, then, it seems to be a pattern. Willie, The Zero, etc.
Of course, they're losing all over the place these days.
woof said...
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you think she's a terrible dancer then you "hate" her.
The Lefties can't seem to talk about this without saying how terrible she is. And how they hate her.
I'm LMAO cuz the libtards want redistribution of wealth. Well, we've been using Bristol to ram RoW down their throats. And you know what? They don't like it. Not one stinkin' bit. Totally, totally pricelessly funny!
I'm LMAO cuz the libtards want redistribution of wealth. Well, we've been using Bristol to ram RoW down their throats. And you know what? They don't like it. Not one stinkin' bit. Totally, totally pricelessly funny!
Anyone have a wing nut to English translator ?
Unfortunately, all the English speakers understand woof all too well.
Jennifer was a bit too smug in her triumph and still whined about all the pain/injuries she endured up to and through the last dance. But she was clearly the very best dancer.
"Because only those who don't love all things Palin engage in off-point, cheap shots.
LOL, man, my cheap shot had nothing to do with loving "all things Palin." It was all about Grey's whining through the entire season (oh my back, I knew Patrick). Plus, when I first saw her on some TV show a few years back, after her nose job, I really didn't recognize her. So it was only half a cheap shot in the first place.
"TRO: You, for one, are just so full of it. Hypocrisy absolutely is an overused term, yet it still has its appropriate applications, amazingly enough."
I'm sorry, what exactly was I being a hypocrite about?
I think terroristic threats ought be pursued to the extent of the law. Those who threatened Bristol ought to be brought to account. Can I get a witness?
My understanding of tonight's competition was that, unlike last night, there was no public voting. Only the judge's voting counted. That was added (by %) to the judges + public voting from last night. So tonight, the public didn't speak, just the judges.
It is interesting how the left got it's collective panties in a knot over people voting multiple times for Bristol, but have nothing to say about things like this:
This silly lefty outrage does provide an occasion to bring up all of the election fraud the Dems are willing to perpetrate/tolerate.
Several of my lefty friends have expressed the usual whiny anger about Bristol, and I get to laugh at their concern about a television program and then I get to ask them if it's just as important to them that real elections be free of fraud and if so, let's talk about ACORN. Or the magic appearace of boxes of ballots when a Democrat needs them, etc.... FUN!
Jennifer Gray is on record as saying her nose job basically cost her her career. It changed her from 'slightly ugly duckling' to 'meh, very ordinary' and she couldn't get roles afterwards.
I'm sorry Garage...are you trying to tell us that the death threats against Bristol and Mark were coming from the right? Or did you mean that the outrage from the right was not serious, and that outrage from the left is deathly serious.....
I'm saying you're retards for paying attention and caring.
And pray tell what do you have to say about your lefty fellow travelers who are shooting their TVs and sending envelopes of white powder to BP? As well as the Sally Quinns and Huffpo lunatics apoplectic over BP's progression to the finals?
Classy answer, garage, but it appears that it was the left wing that was threating people, and putting more attention on a reality dancing show than the right wing. Did you ever consider that it might have been the vote for the worst crowd that was keeping Bristol on the show? And you know how right wing they are....
It was a Democrat who blasted his TV and then turned his shotgun on his wife. It's a safe bet that the death threats and white powder sent to Bristol were sent not by her fans (or her mother's fans) but by those who see her or her mother as the enemy.
And, really, it has been lefty pundits like Sally Quinn and the left-wing twitterati whose panties have been in a bunch about the whole thing.
I haven't seen righties getting all crazy about this silly show -- they've mostly been having fun with the whole thing.
The funny thing is, Bristol is the real life of 'Dirty Dancing' - a true amateur who works hard, learns, improves, and shines in her performance. Brought to life - and Jennifer Grey can't see it.
The juxtaposition, and the irony - it's really something.
She may not have won the competition, but she is a winner nonetheless - and like her Mom, she is able to take all the shit that has been slung at her and still stand, proud and unscathed. She has a right to make a snarky comment. It's another thing she hares with her Mom, that ability to tell it like it is. The truth. Pure and simple.
Does anyone else notice the irony of repeating ad nauseam the "libtard" slur in a discussion of the Palin family, who so passionately campaigned against such insensitivity?
"What a friggin' hoot that what she needed coincided with what she deserved."
Still unconvinced. Not that she wasn't better than Bristol - she was considering her prior dancing training if for no other reason - but that it was more about feeling sorry for her physical issues and "don't put baby in the corner" sentiment than her dancing ability.
I am amazed that anyone even watches such a contrived show--it isnt about dancing--its about who did the best coreographed routine--I doubt any of these dancers could do a decent job in a dance hall with a partner they had never met before and didnt have weeks to work out a routine.
It's a shame that ABC crossed the line into making this show about all the political madness that swirls around us. There are so very few things left that are free of all that craziness. Yes, it got ABC some high ratings, but the cost is too high. They destroyed an interesting show about dancing.
That sound you didn't hear last night was all of the shotguns blasting TV sets. FWIW, we should probably all take a shotgun to our TV sets, and that has nothing to do with politics.
"Well. They did. How long you going to stick with a Randy Moss?"
Maybe longer than you'll stick with a Vince Young (says Crimso, who watches the Titans on a TV).
Does anyone else notice the irony of repeating ad nauseam the "libtard" slur in a discussion of the Palin family, who so passionately campaigned against such insensitivity?
We've had this discussion. Palin's admonition is not relevant for my purpose. I use Libtard as pushback for all the "redneck" and "teabaggger" slurs from the Left. You don't like the lack of civility, take it up with the Libtards.
It's a shame that ABC crossed the line into making this show about all the political madness that swirls around us.
*rolls eyes*
Conservatives have been dealing with this for decades. Everything from Die Hard to Gilmore Girls has been soiled with libtard propaganda. They never miss a chance to proselytize.
Can't enjoy a movie or play or symphony without some Libtard trying to convert us.
I use Libtard as pushback for all the "redneck" and "teabaggger" slurs from the Left. You don't like the lack of civility, take it up with the Libtards.
Fen- I saw an episode of CSI a week or so ago and the topic was how the "fracking technique" used to extract natural gas was ruining the environment. I could have sworn the script was written by The Natural Resources Defense Council or another of those far left tree hugging groups.
" woof said... The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you think she's a terrible dancer then you "hate" her."
I wonder why people keep making this silly claim. Apparently David Hasselhoff sucked, but I didn't see multiple articles in Slate plus more in WAPO and numerous others with liberals attacking him. The popularity vs excellence issue occurs every year on both DWTS and Idol, but never has it drawn this level of criticism focused on teh individual rather than the issue.
Then again, being liberal in America requires the ability to not understand the obvious, so on that level garage and woof are consistent.
The articles written said she was a shitty dancer. By all accounts I've heard, this is true. If you don't want to be criticized for being a shitty dancer, don't be shitty, or don't go on a dance show.
Apparently David Hasselhoff sucked, but I didn't see multiple articles in Slate plus more in WAPO and numerous others with liberals attacking him.
I've seen some articles. (And really -- Apparently he sucked? Hellooo?) The difference is that multitudes of people did not leap to his defense, creating a blogstorm. Never got that critical nucleus. Not so with the teenaged* Ms Palin.
See, thats what is wrong with you, MadisonMan. If it was the Obama kids, you'd be the first comment advising to leave the kids out of it.
Instead, you take up common cause with the haters and then pretend you are detached from it all.
Thats how I remember who you are here. You're the villager in Treblinka staring down at his shoelaces when the trains pull up. "I had no idea what they did over there, but I love the free soap!"
Fen, you do see a difference, I hope, between two underage kids -- like Obama's -- and a legal adult -- like Bristol Palin -- who puts herself on a reality TV show?
garage mahal said... The articles written said she was a shitty dancer. By all accounts I've heard, this is true. If you don't want to be criticized for being a shitty dancer, don't be shitty, or don't go on a dance show.
Again, your inability to focus on reality comes through clearly. Hasselhoff sucked, yet drew no articles. Bristol attracted this ire because she's Sarah Palin's daughter. There's nothing else different about her and countless other talentless contestants.
Yes, we know you have to pretend this isn't true in order to maintain your fantasy that only conservatives are overreacting. That doesn't prevent us from pointing out that yet again you are wrong.
Hey, I'm as much a fan of sticking my head in my ass and burying both in the sand but how can anyone give two shits about DWTFS when the Korean peninsula and the Sea of Japan are about to go Defcon 1?
Fen, you do see a difference, I hope, between two underage kids -- like Obama's -- and a legal adult -- like Bristol Palin -- who puts herself on a reality TV show?
Yes, she’s on a tv show now. She wasn’t when they originally dragged her name through the mud. She wasn’t a legal adult either. Girl’s already been through the ringer, to say now it’s ok is to ignore that this didn’t just start, it’s a continuation of the same bullshit that’s been going on for years.
(hope this didnt' dp. conflicting edits is a bitch)
I don't watch the show so I wouldn't want to assert something I have no personal knowledge of.
"I've seen some articles."
I saw no articles in the non-entertainment media about Hasselhoff or other lousy contestants. An article in Entertainment Weekly talking about the show is not comparable to Slate or WAPO writing an attack article against her.
MadisonMan, I really am interested in your position here. I'm certain the Obama kids will be put up on stage in the next 2 years. Lets get you on the record now - when is it okay to attack a politician's kids? What age?
I really am interested in your position here. I'm certain the Obama kids will be put up on stage in the next 2 years. Lets get you on the record now - when is it okay to attack a politician's kids? What age?
This may or may not answer your question, as it requires you to read between the lines. My opinion -- and I think it's consistent with my posts, although who knows, I'm not a consistent person in general -- is that I am free to attack a politician for putting their child on the National Stage -- or even local -- in a misguided effort to get votes. Children are going to want to please their parents, and it's pretty easy, even with a teen, I've found, to get them to do what you want (Exception: My son won't clean his room). But I don't think it's good parenting to put them on stage like that. I know it's time-honored, and a logical extension of kissing the baby pictures, but it is divorced from most policies that should influence votes, IMO. (And why are we always seeing political spouses? Do I care about them? No.) In addition, Mr.* Politician: If your kid does something that runs counter to your political views, I will point it out. Get your own house in order before you try to control mine.
I don't think attacking a politician for using their kids as props is the same as attacking the kid. I don't think I've attacked kids but who knows? I have extra-snarky days just like the rest of you.
Apparently, my short answer is never. But kids stop being kids at some point -- age 18 or so.
Interesting locally because while Bristol was dancing for the prize, Mom was signing her new book at my local Barnes and Noble. I would have thought she would be watching?
The conservatives so excited,voted for BP on DWTS as if it was a vote for SP in 2012. Yes, I am a LIBERAL. I did not, nor will EVER vote on DWTS, I care more about the financial situation on Mars then who wins DWTS. However, wild horses couldn’t keep me from voting in 2012. Kudos to Bristol she can walk away with her head high as SHE followed through with her commitment. (note to mom)
This is what I'd call attitude, I think that's what we have to do all time in order to impose authority, actually I'd like to get soemthing related to safemeds because that's also courage.
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Oh, I think in a way the Palins have already won this one, too... No matter who wins the Dance-off.
So did she say that? Not watching, but I'd like to comment.
She absolutely did say that. Here's what was in the ellipsis: "would mean a lot. It"
If I had my unwed teenage pregnancy dragged through the media with tacky jokes made on late night tv about me because my mom had the nerve to run for vp, I might have some pissed off feelings as well.
It would be classy of her to rise above it, but I don't blame her for her attitude if that's what she said. It doesn't make me want her to win, though.
Wait... "big middle finger"... correction added.
"Not watching, but I'd like to comment."
Hater's gonna hate.
Leave it to Bristol Palin to bring Garage from under his rock.
Garage = Andrew Sullivan, Jr.
if bristol wins dancing w/ the stars, does that mean mama palin can also win the 2012 election vs obama???
ABC does not have the gonads to let Palin win and will do whatever is necessary to not let that happen.
ABC needs a steady stream of liberal celebrity contestants and won't have the liberals feel as though they will be voted voted down by the rest of the nation because of their liberal political views.
If I'm wrong, I'll be happy but....
She absolutely did say that.
Thanks. Just got back from the tavern.
At first glance, this will undoubtedly be good news for John McCain.
And the Palins stay classy. She'll probably win, but if she doesn't, can't wait for the conspiracy theories...
I'll know if Bristol wins by all the libtards falling from the sky tomorrow.
Not that I think she will. The producers will decide that vote rigging had "finally" gotten out of hand and step in to make a "correction".
OTOH, letting Bristol win will generate alot of attention for them.
First time I am not by accident watching this stuff. When do we find out who is voted off? Tonight? Or some other time meaning never for me? In other news, Ann, did you hear about the trial of the Chandra Levy murder suspect? Convicted. No evidence. Thoughts? Do you ever comment on trials and their outcomes?
"... can't wait for the conspiracy theories..."
The MSNBC misfits already posted up their conspiracy theory.
MSNBC: ABC admits voting issues at 'Dancing'
Of course, if you actually read the story, ABC "admits" nothing ... merely notes people have been jamming their phone lines and so they've been unable to allow everyone who wants to vote for Bristol the chance to do so.
The unfathomable sadness. Sigh ... it's fun drinking all these liberal tears.
"I'll know if Bristol wins by all the libtards falling from the sky tomorrow."
They're already holding hands with each other over at Sally Quinn's and experiencing crying jags every time Bristol advances. They can't imagine how she's winning. Nobody they know votes for Bristol.
This much schadenfreude just can't be good for a person.
Does anybody know the number for Bristol?
Yawn, stretch, scratch. Who really cares?
So far (8:59) she's in third place.
Hey.. I just saw two male sports stars dancing with each other on national television.
Don't ask don't tell.
wv - domen
One more waltz for Patrick Swayze.
"Does anybody know the number for Bristol?"
Internet says its: 800-868-3407
And you can always believe what you read on the internet.
Mrs Brady is missing the bananas..
that is an awesome quote.
Thats the same number from last night.
I thought they changed the numbers from episode to episode.
Still busy all the time.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you think she's a terrible dancer then you "hate" her.
Public life is not really worth pursuing any more. It's not even worth watching either.
The world is going to hell, and we're being catty about Bristol Palin.
As you say: feel the hate. I don't like the analogy all that much because I don't want to compare Bristol to OJ. But Sally Quinn is Mark Furman and the DWTS voters are the OJ Jury.
Now Sally Quinn will have to go and live in Idaho.
Is that "the situation" pretending to sing?
I hope Bristol Palin wins this. It'll give Palin fans one less thing to feel all victimized and resentful about.
Feel the hate of all those votes not going to a Palin. Why. Just why?
Somefeller: It'll give Palin fans one less thing to feel all victimized and resentful about
More projection. Its the libtards whining about this - they are furious that, despite all their smears, Americans still approve of Sarah Palin.
Sorry Brandy but you look like you are afraid of falling with those high heel shoes!
Poor poor Bristol, this Thanksgiving week, shouldn't she be grateful for the reported $365,000 she made from DWTS.
"This much schadenfreude just can't be good for a person.
11/23/10 8:56 PM". Priceless!
I tried voting for Bristol and couldn't get through not even on the web.
I seem to remember Cristina Aguilera having a hard time early on in her career.. being misunderestimated.. or something.
A Palin parallel there?
woof wrote: "shouldn't she be grateful for the reported $365,000 she made from DWTS." I'm LMAO cuz the libtards want redistribution of wealth. Well, we've been using Bristol to ram RoW down their throats. And you know what? They don't like it. Not one stinkin' bit. Totally, totally pricelessly funny!
Its in the stars..
Being last, Bristol gets a chance to see what shes up against.
My understanding is that the rules have now been changed - scaling for the judges has been increased so that they outweigh the viewer vote.
Well now we know this tango is about personal politics as much as style and form. Gee now it is not PC to vote for who you think is the best dancer because that will look like a hate Palin vote-- time to bring back the waltz.
I understand her feelings, pretty much as Shanna noted.
What I can't understand is how the self-proclaimed sophisticates and intellectual elite can get this worked-up over a TV show. Talk about emotionally immature.
But, then, it seems to be a pattern. Willie, The Zero, etc.
Of course, they're losing all over the place these days.
woof said...
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you think she's a terrible dancer then you "hate" her.
The Lefties can't seem to talk about this without saying how terrible she is. And how they hate her.
And her mother.
the votes WILL carry Bristol over the top!
My understanding is that the rules have now been changed - scaling for the judges has been increased so that they outweigh the viewer vote.
Its the only way they could secure a loss for Bristol.
Bristol and Mark came in third. Libtards all over the world can breathe a sigh of relief and sleep well in their beds tonight.
The rules were changed? Why, it's Florida in 2000 all over again!!!! haahahaaaahahahahahaha!
ACORN at it again?
BTW - Where is future president Palin ?
Huge celebration over at Sally Quinn's place - Norman Lear's got lampshade on his head now!
awww. And I wanted to see Alpha's head explode.
Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
I'm happy for Jennifer.. she deserved the win.
easy garage.. its just a tv show ;)
So the Palins 0-2. The people have spoken. By all means try out next year.
In the end, Bristol actually was pretty classy. Good job Jennifer, she did deserve it.
Ha. How typical.
[Palin wins] Libtard: "the people are cheaters!"
[Palin loses] Libtard: "the people have spoken!"
I'm LMAO cuz the libtards want redistribution of wealth. Well, we've been using Bristol to ram RoW down their throats. And you know what? They don't like it. Not one stinkin' bit. Totally, totally pricelessly funny!
Anyone have a wing nut to English translator ?
I tried to text in "Lisa Murkowski" but I couldn't get through.
Given the quote, I have to ask: What would losing be like?
This is nonsense. She's basically saying the vote isn't about her.
I'm confused . . . I thought the fix was in for Bristol?
BTW, if losing is making a couple hundred grand in three months give me some agony of defeat please.
[Palin loses] Libtard: "the people have spoken!"
Well. They did. How long you going to stick with a Randy Moss?
woof said...
I'm LMAO cuz the libtards want redistribution of wealth. Well, we've been using Bristol to ram RoW down their throats. And you know what? They don't like it. Not one stinkin' bit. Totally, totally pricelessly funny!
Anyone have a wing nut to English translator ?
Unfortunately, all the English speakers understand woof all too well.
Irene said...
One more waltz for Patrick Swayze.
Very classy of you to remember, Ma'am.
"I'll know if Bristol wins by all the libtards falling from the sky tomorrow."
"Bristol and Mark came in third. Libtards all over the world can breathe a sigh of relief and sleep well in their beds tonight."
Thank Holy Satan/Stalin! I'd have had an aneurism if that bitch Bristol had won! Now I can sleep the sweet sleep of victory!
Mitt Romney is going to pay for this.
I don't know about her dancing, but she's prettier than Cameron Diaz.
That's something to be proud of, no?
How about a nice game of chess?
wv: dovetram (I kid you not; oh, sheesh)
After You're Gone. Then we can all play like Django.
Bristol was gracious in defeat.
Jennifer was a bit too smug in her triumph and still whined about all the pain/injuries she endured up to and through the last dance. But she was clearly the very best dancer.
BTW again, was that really Jennifer Grey who won cause with that bad nose job and the halfway decent boob job I couldn't tell?
She did say she knew Patrick Swayze though (several times), so maybe it was her.
BTW again, was that really Jennifer Grey who won cause with that bad nose job and the halfway decent boob job I couldn't tell?
Because only those who don't love all things Palin engage in off-point, cheap shots.
Bristol apparently received many death threats during the competition. What the middle finger is to Palin, the peace sign is to the left.
TRO: You, for one, are just so full of it. Hypocrisy absolutely is an overused term, yet it still has its appropriate applications, amazingly enough.
"Because only those who don't love all things Palin engage in off-point, cheap shots.
LOL, man, my cheap shot had nothing to do with loving "all things Palin." It was all about Grey's whining through the entire season (oh my back, I knew Patrick). Plus, when I first saw her on some TV show a few years back, after her nose job, I really didn't recognize her. So it was only half a cheap shot in the first place.
"TRO: You, for one, are just so full of it. Hypocrisy absolutely is an overused term, yet it still has its appropriate applications, amazingly enough."
I'm sorry, what exactly was I being a hypocrite about?
I think terroristic threats ought be pursued to the extent of the law. Those who threatened Bristol ought to be brought to account. Can I get a witness?
My understanding of tonight's competition was that, unlike last night, there was no public voting. Only the judge's voting counted. That was added (by %) to the judges + public voting from last night. So tonight, the public didn't speak, just the judges.
It is interesting how the left got it's collective panties in a knot over people voting multiple times for Bristol, but have nothing to say about things like this:
This silly lefty outrage does provide an occasion to bring up all of the election fraud the Dems are willing to perpetrate/tolerate.
Several of my lefty friends have expressed the usual whiny anger about Bristol, and I get to laugh at their concern about a television program and then I get to ask them if it's just as important to them that real elections be free of fraud and if so, let's talk about ACORN. Or the magic appearace of boxes of ballots when a Democrat needs them, etc.... FUN!
This silly lefty outrage
The silly outrage is not coming from the left.
"Can I get a witness?"
Oh....at least one!
And so it begins for most of us....who feel we need a "witness".
Jennifer Gray is on record as saying her nose job basically cost her her career. It changed her from 'slightly ugly duckling' to 'meh, very ordinary' and she couldn't get roles afterwards.
I'm sorry Garage...are you trying to tell us that the death threats against Bristol and Mark were coming from the right? Or did you mean that the outrage from the right was not serious, and that outrage from the left is deathly serious.....
I'm saying you're retards for paying attention and caring.
garage mahal said...
I'm saying you're retards for paying attention and caring.
And pray tell what do you have to say about your lefty fellow travelers who are shooting their TVs and sending envelopes of white powder to BP? As well as the Sally Quinns and Huffpo lunatics apoplectic over BP's progression to the finals?
Nothing? Yeah we thought so.
Classy answer, garage, but it appears that it was the left wing that was threating people, and putting more attention on a reality dancing show than the right wing. Did you ever consider that it might have been the vote for the worst crowd that was keeping Bristol on the show? And you know how right wing they are....
According to my wife, the results were a good reflection of the three finalists' performances.
But the best part about Bristol making it all this way: Levi who?
Did you ever consider that it might have been the vote for the worst crowd that was keeping Bristol on the show?
Not until you brought it up, no.
"Levi who?"
Rejoice the smallest things, for they might disappear before so many of us get our place in line.
"The silly outrage is not coming from the left."
Sure it is!
It was a Democrat who blasted his TV and then turned his shotgun on his wife. It's a safe bet that the death threats and white powder sent to Bristol were sent not by her fans (or her mother's fans) but by those who see her or her mother as the enemy.
And, really, it has been lefty pundits like Sally Quinn and the left-wing twitterati whose panties have been in a bunch about the whole thing.
I haven't seen righties getting all crazy about this silly show -- they've mostly been having fun with the whole thing.
The funny thing is, Bristol is the real life of 'Dirty Dancing' - a true amateur who works hard, learns, improves, and shines in her performance. Brought to life - and Jennifer Grey can't see it.
The juxtaposition, and the irony - it's really something.
She may not have won the competition, but she is a winner nonetheless - and like her Mom, she is able to take all the shit that has been slung at her and still stand, proud and unscathed. She has a right to make a snarky comment. It's another thing she hares with her Mom, that ability to tell it like it is. The truth. Pure and simple.
I like them.
If I repeat myself, it's only because I do laundry.
In the meattime, it appears that Jennifer Grey got exactly what she needed.
What a friggin' hoot that what she needed coincided with what she deserved.
The universe wants in on this whole middle finger deal.
Does anyone else notice the irony of repeating ad nauseam the "libtard" slur in a discussion of the Palin family, who so passionately campaigned against such insensitivity?
"What a friggin' hoot that what she needed coincided with what she deserved."
Still unconvinced. Not that she wasn't better than Bristol - she was considering her prior dancing training if for no other reason - but that it was more about feeling sorry for her physical issues and "don't put baby in the corner" sentiment than her dancing ability.
Either way, on to Skating with the Stars . . .
Watch like nobody's dancing, hurt like you've never been loved, listen like nobody's singing, loaf like it's heaven on earth.
I am amazed that anyone even watches such a contrived show--it isnt about dancing--its about who did the best coreographed routine--I doubt any of these dancers could do a decent job in a dance hall with a partner they had never met before and didnt have weeks to work out a routine.
It's a shame that ABC crossed the line into making this show about all the political madness that swirls around us. There are so very few things left that are free of all that craziness. Yes, it got ABC some high ratings, but the cost is too high. They destroyed an interesting show about dancing.
That sound you didn't hear last night was all of the shotguns blasting TV sets. FWIW, we should probably all take a shotgun to our TV sets, and that has nothing to do with politics.
"Well. They did. How long you going to stick with a Randy Moss?"
Maybe longer than you'll stick with a Vince Young (says Crimso, who watches the Titans on a TV).
Does anyone else notice the irony of repeating ad nauseam the "libtard" slur in a discussion of the Palin family, who so passionately campaigned against such insensitivity?
We've had this discussion. Palin's admonition is not relevant for my purpose. I use Libtard as pushback for all the "redneck" and "teabaggger" slurs from the Left. You don't like the lack of civility, take it up with the Libtards.
It's a shame that ABC crossed the line into making this show about all the political madness that swirls around us.
*rolls eyes*
Conservatives have been dealing with this for decades. Everything from Die Hard to Gilmore Girls has been soiled with libtard propaganda. They never miss a chance to proselytize.
Can't enjoy a movie or play or symphony without some Libtard trying to convert us.
I use Libtard as pushback for all the "redneck" and "teabaggger" slurs from the Left. You don't like the lack of civility, take it up with the Libtards.
Shorter Fen: I know you are, but what am I?
wv: rehab (heh)
Fen- I saw an episode of CSI a week or so ago and the topic was how the "fracking technique" used to extract natural gas was ruining the environment. I could have sworn the script was written by The Natural Resources Defense Council or another of those far left tree hugging groups.
Needless to say CSI has now lost me as a viewer.
MadisonMan: Shorter Fen: I know you are, but what am I?
Well, if it really bothers you that much, you should have spoken up sooner.
Instead of staring at your shoelaces while everyone around you was slurred as "teabagging rednecks".
I really love the irony of Libtard enablers attempting to take the high ground here.
Shorter Fen: I know you are, but what am I?
Thread winner!
AJ: Needless to say CSI has now lost me as a viewer.
Law & Order for similar reasons.
So many strawmen that the set should have been declared a fire hazard.
Yes, Bristol, you are a victim. That seems to be the lesson from your mother.
I love how Palin runs around bashing other people constantly and then pretends like she's a martyr when she gets criticized.
I guess the only acceptable response to Palin is adoration, a la Althouse.
More Palin news:
Sarah Palin less popular than zombie horde.
I think the problem with the Palins is they heard "public service" and thought that meant the public would serve them.
Are we done w/ this horseshit topic now? SpongeBob would be more interesting.
Here it is. A case study in Palin hypocrisy, speaking about Tea Party:
"These people aren't an angry mob — they're Americans," she writes. "Why do some feel the need to demonize them?"
This coming from the Queen Demonizer herself.
Hey, Sara Palin, liberals are Americans so why do you demonize us?
Instead of staring at your shoelaces while everyone around you was slurred as "teabagging rednecks".
It only hurts if you let it.
Are we done w/ this horseshit topic now?
Not yet. Alpha needs to have another meltdown re Palin.
" woof said...
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. If you think she's a terrible dancer then you "hate" her."
I wonder why people keep making this silly claim. Apparently David Hasselhoff sucked, but I didn't see multiple articles in Slate plus more in WAPO and numerous others with liberals attacking him. The popularity vs excellence issue occurs every year on both DWTS and Idol, but never has it drawn this level of criticism focused on teh individual rather than the issue.
Then again, being liberal in America requires the ability to not understand the obvious, so on that level garage and woof are consistent.
The articles written said she was a shitty dancer. By all accounts I've heard, this is true. If you don't want to be criticized for being a shitty dancer, don't be shitty, or don't go on a dance show.
Damn you Ear Worm!
Apparently David Hasselhoff sucked, but I didn't see multiple articles in Slate plus more in WAPO and numerous others with liberals attacking him.
I've seen some articles. (And really -- Apparently he sucked? Hellooo?) The difference is that multitudes of people did not leap to his defense, creating a blogstorm. Never got that critical nucleus. Not so with the teenaged* Ms Palin.
?The articles written said she was a shitty dancer.
Which would have been fine if they started and ended with that.
They couldn't resist attacking Bristol over her mother's politics.
blogstorm. Never got that critical nucleus. Not so with the teenaged* Ms Palin.
You hate a teenage girl you don't even know, because of her mother.
Hence the blogstorm.
You hate a teenage girl you don't even know, because of her mother.
See, thats what is wrong with you, MadisonMan. If it was the Obama kids, you'd be the first comment advising to leave the kids out of it.
Instead, you take up common cause with the haters and then pretend you are detached from it all.
Thats how I remember who you are here. You're the villager in Treblinka staring down at his shoelaces when the trains pull up. "I had no idea what they did over there, but I love the free soap!"
I enjoy the mystery dance.
Why don't you tell me 'bout the mystery dance?
I wanna know 'cause I've tried and I've tried, and I'm still mystified.
Fen, you do see a difference, I hope, between two underage kids -- like Obama's -- and a legal adult -- like Bristol Palin -- who puts herself on a reality TV show?
Why don't you explain it to me.
And since you want to be techinical, be honest by acknowledging that Bristol was a teenager when the show started.
garage mahal said...
The articles written said she was a shitty dancer. By all accounts I've heard, this is true. If you don't want to be criticized for being a shitty dancer, don't be shitty, or don't go on a dance show.
Again, your inability to focus on reality comes through clearly. Hasselhoff sucked, yet drew no articles. Bristol attracted this ire because she's Sarah Palin's daughter. There's nothing else different about her and countless other talentless contestants.
Yes, we know you have to pretend this isn't true in order to maintain your fantasy that only conservatives are overreacting. That doesn't prevent us from pointing out that yet again you are wrong.
Hey, I'm as much a fan of sticking my head in my ass and burying both in the sand but how can anyone give two shits about DWTFS when the Korean peninsula and the Sea of Japan are about to go Defcon 1?
WV: Silly. Speaks for itself.
Fen, you do see a difference, I hope, between two underage kids -- like Obama's -- and a legal adult -- like Bristol Palin -- who puts herself on a reality TV show?
Yes, she’s on a tv show now. She wasn’t when they originally dragged her name through the mud. She wasn’t a legal adult either. Girl’s already been through the ringer, to say now it’s ok is to ignore that this didn’t just start, it’s a continuation of the same bullshit that’s been going on for years.
(hope this didnt' dp. conflicting edits is a bitch)
be honest by acknowledging that Bristol was a teenager when the show started.
She was an adult. (Still is). Do you agree?
"(And really -- Apparently he sucked? Hellooo?)"
I don't watch the show so I wouldn't want to assert something I have no personal knowledge of.
"I've seen some articles."
I saw no articles in the non-entertainment media about Hasselhoff or other lousy contestants. An article in Entertainment Weekly talking about the show is not comparable to Slate or WAPO writing an attack article against her.
Over 125 comments....about DWTS?
MM: She was an adult. (Still is). Do you agree?
Althouse: "ADDED: Bristol was a teenager when the season began. She turned 20 in October."
You were about to explain how attacking the Obama kids would somehow be "different"...
how can anyone give two shits about DWTFS when the Korean peninsula and the Sea of Japan are about to go Defcon 1?
Project Runway was a good escape when I was searching around for lost Paki nukes, so...
MadisonMan, I really am interested in your position here. I'm certain the Obama kids will be put up on stage in the next 2 years. Lets get you on the record now - when is it okay to attack a politician's kids? What age?
I really am interested in your position here. I'm certain the Obama kids will be put up on stage in the next 2 years. Lets get you on the record now - when is it okay to attack a politician's kids? What age?
This may or may not answer your question, as it requires you to read between the lines. My opinion -- and I think it's consistent with my posts, although who knows, I'm not a consistent person in general -- is that I am free to attack a politician for putting their child on the National Stage -- or even local -- in a misguided effort to get votes. Children are going to want to please their parents, and it's pretty easy, even with a teen, I've found, to get them to do what you want (Exception: My son won't clean his room). But I don't think it's good parenting to put them on stage like that. I know it's time-honored, and a logical extension of kissing the baby pictures, but it is divorced from most policies that should influence votes, IMO. (And why are we always seeing political spouses? Do I care about them? No.) In addition, Mr.* Politician: If your kid does something that runs counter to your political views, I will point it out. Get your own house in order before you try to control mine.
I don't think attacking a politician for using their kids as props is the same as attacking the kid. I don't think I've attacked kids but who knows? I have extra-snarky days just like the rest of you.
Apparently, my short answer is never. But kids stop being kids at some point -- age 18 or so.
(Mr.* -- a generic that includes females)
Well, we disagree [see Shanna @ 9:34] but thank you for taking the time to respond so politely.
Interesting locally because while Bristol was dancing for the prize, Mom was signing her new book at my local Barnes and Noble. I would have thought she would be watching?
Mom was signing her new book at my local Barnes and Noble. I would have thought she would be watching?
My first thought? Congrats to your Mom on her book!
I'm thinking DVR for the Palins -- and during scheduling for the Book, they weren't thinking Bristol would be in the finals.
oh brother....the victim redux
The question in the end is does she like to dance?
The conservatives so excited,voted for BP on DWTS as if it was a vote for SP in 2012. Yes, I am a LIBERAL. I did not, nor will EVER vote on DWTS, I care more about the financial situation on Mars then who wins DWTS. However, wild horses couldn’t keep me from voting in 2012. Kudos to Bristol she can walk away with her head high as SHE followed through with her commitment. (note to mom)
This is what I'd call attitude, I think that's what we have to do all time in order to impose authority, actually I'd like to get soemthing related to safemeds because that's also courage.
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