November 17, 2010

As Bristol Palin makes the DWTS finals, the anti-Palin forces say look over here: It's Willow Palin's "homophobic rant."

The 16-year-old Palin was hanging out on Facebook:
Willow's target, a person named Tre who goes to school with the Palin kids, wrote a status update on the night of the show's premiere, which read "Sarah Palin's Alaska is failing so hard right now."

Willow quipped back, "Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are, But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting ... My sister had a kid and is still hot," referring to her 20-year-old sibling, Bristol.

She later added, "Tre stfu. You such a f*ggot," and "I'm sticking up for my family," TMZ reported.

Bristol then came to her family's defense, writing to Tre, "You're running your mouth just to talk sh*t."
Do decent people read a 16-year-old girl's Facebook page? But we've read it, so let's at least be decent enough to be fair to teenagers. It's common and casual speech to use the words "gay" and "faggot" like that. It upsets upright people, and it would better if the kids didn't do it — or so it seems, as we look down on the young from our lofty adulthood.

We might say that anyone who cares about gay people should strike those words from their vocabulary. But not everyone who hasn't already laundered their speech of those offensive words is "homophobic." (And not everyone who has, isn't.) You're "homophobic" if you actually feel antagonism toward gay people. There's absolutely zero indication that Willow has any negativity at all toward gay people. She's just pissed at Tre and talking like a teenager (or a "South Park" character). To tar her as homophobic is like saying if you call someone an "idiot," you hate persons with Down Syndrome.

So leave Willow alone, you creeps. And in saying "creeps," I mean no antagonism toward arthropods.

If we should be talking about the Palin kids at all today, we should be talking about Bristol. A complete underdog, Bristol Palin made it to the finals of "Dancing With the Stars." She had no experience as a performer, certainly not as a dancer, and it's incredible that she kept going at all, as the judges and others either tore her down or — when they saw the votes flowing in? — were modestly supportive. Week after week, she landed at the bottom of the judges' scores, but she made it up time and again as regular people called in enough votes to overcome the disadvantage the judges had imposed.

This week, the people bumped her ahead of the judges' darling Brandy:
Last night, Bristol Palin made the finals of Dancing with the Stars, and I think nobody was more shocked than Brandy, who got eliminated. Brandy was so shocked she didn’t even congratulate Bristol! Brandy really wanted that spot; in face earlier in the show, they had shown us a video tape of her saying how much she wants it, and that she “humbly” thinks she deserves it. Most people would agree with her, but Bristol beat her out anyway.

So whatever the reason: Tea Party Conspiracy, Brandy’s arrogance, Bristol getting all the teen votes, Bristol working her “butt off,” or Mark Ballas’ incredibly good teaching…the question remains: Can Bristol win DWTS season 11?
Maybe she will! Congratulations to the shy, unassuming teenager who didn't particularly ask to be thrust into the spotlight 2 years ago, who went through an accidental pregnancy in front of millions of people (many of whom didn't mind insulting her in any manner they found amusing), who didn't hide herself away in shame, and who tried, again, in front of all of us, to dance. How many of the people who snipe at her, are too big of a pussy to dance anywhere, including on crowded dance floor at a local club?

Yeah, I said "pussy." Does that make me a misogynist?


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BJM said...


The "anti-Palin forces" include the vast majority of the American people. Her unfavorability ratings are at an all-time high.

Go figure, the MSM has been 100% negative on Palin for 2-1/2 years, she's been ridiculed by the cultural elites for her personal appearance, education, accent, her vagina plumbed online, her children stalked and the target of nuisance lawsuits by political zealots to drive her from office and personally bankrupt her with the attendant negative why am I not surprised?

A bit after Tom Brokaw retired from the NBC anchor chair Tim Russert did an in-depth interview with him.

Russert asked was if there was anything in his long career he regretted. Brokaw replied that in retrospect he shouldn't have gone 100% negative on Gingrich after the '94 mid-terms, that the negative coverage became the story and that was not responsible journalism.

Too late, the die is cast and here we are discussing a 16 yr old's temper tantrums.

Big Mike said...

@Darcy, may I ask how old your kids are? Because I caught one of my sons using "gay" as a slang synonym for "lame" (which is a slang synonym for ...)

I explained why the word was hateful and why he shouldn't be using it, and my reward was the look every parent of every teenager has seen numerous times: "how could a cool person like me be born to two such clueless people"?

Hopefully Willow will understand that as the daughter of highly visible Republican politician she needs to cool it -- a lot. I also hope Sarah, in her role as a mother, will think of the impact on her children (and grandchildren) as she contemplates running in 2012.

Question: How many people on this thread remember the Bush twins for getting caught for underage drinking (as if Chelsea and Amy Carter never did any of that) and how many remember that Jenna taught school in the inner city and Barbara's work to help alleviate suffering in Africa?

Trooper York said...

This was actually coverd on an episode of "The Good Wife" where the young daughter of the candidate was caught on video at a rivals campaign rally. Kids can't be kids if they are a politicians kid.

Sorry that's just the way it is.

LordSomber said...

Some folks just don't understand the purpose (and art) of the insult.

If I want to insult a straight man, I'll call him "fag."

If I want to insult a gay man, I'll call him a "bitch."

If I want to insult a bitch, I'll call her a "dick."

Known Unknown said...

But is Bristol willing to go this far to win?

Warning: It's the Argentine version of DWTS, and may be NSFW depending on where you work.

Ankur said...

Not sure if I should admit this - but the thing that is MOST jarring to me in that entire facebook rant is the use of "your" when she means "you're".

And it isn't only teenagers. I've seen people my age do the same thing over and over again, and every time I wince.

Ah well - english is a living language. Maybe one of these days it will become "accepted usage".

Darcy said...

Good points, Big Mike. My son is 17. I would have a talk with him, at minimum. ;-)

Glad you mentioned the Bush twins and the ridiculous treatment of them by the media. Children of conservatives/Republicans are to be hated as irrationally and as much as their parents, apparently.
The left is pretty consistent on it, and it's pretty disgusting.

They become media darlings, however, when they criticize their parents or their parents' party.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any atrocity stories newer than 2006?

Um, you mean other than the elected Democrat President calling tea partiers, tea baggers?

and then what?

We all get to pretend you don't gin up selective outrage based on political circumstance and you're not an ignorant hypocrite?

Matt said...

Something tells me you never made this kind of spirited defense of Chelsea and will never do it for Malia and Sasha. I mean, politics are not supposed to matter when talking about politicians kids, right?

So that said, nice work Bristol. Although I would say Willow could have used wiser words - but she's a kid.

And BTW if calling someone gay or a faggot is okay and has a traditional use among teens then the same can be said about 'retarded'. It's not literal.

Ankur said...

Matt, interesting and very valid point regarding faggot vs retarded.

Darcy said...

And thanks chickelit, Anita and bagoh20!

Original Mike said...

Why do people think that beginning their statement with "Something tells me" will hide the fact that they're just making shit up?

former law student said...

Um, you mean other than the elected Democrat President calling tea partiers, tea baggers?

Did he?

Perhaps the exhortations of the Chicago Tea Party to "Send a Tea Bag to the White House" bore fruit last Spring.

Ankur said...

Original Mike, did conservatives spiritedly defend Chelsea when she was called the "White House Dog"?

I didn't live in America at the time, so I don't know how the various groups reacted.

Anonymous said...

Did he?

Er, yeah, yes he did.

a new book by Jonathan Alter, The Promise: President Obama, Year One, Mr. Obama is quoted as saying that House Republicans' unanimous vote against the stimulus package "helped to create the tea-baggers and empowered that whole wing of the Republican Party to where it now controls the agenda for the Republicans."

By keep pretending that since they sent tea bags, it is all ok.

After all, if someone called Barney Frank a tea bagger you wouldn't care, I'm sure.

Original Mike said...

Ankur: I do not remember attacks on Chelsea.

chickelit said...

Ankur wrote: Original Mike, did conservatives spiritedly defend Chelsea when she was called the "White House Dog"?

Ankur, I think the decent and appropriate response at the time would have been for conservatives not to have chimed in at the time. It really is the flip side of asking liberals not to chime in and pile onto Bristol at this time.

Thanks for your input.

Kakashi said...

"You're "homophobic" if you actually feel antagonism toward gay people."

Which is why the term is intentionally misleading. Antagonism doesn't imply fear or irrationality.

Ankur said...

Original Mike, rush limbaugh called her "the white house dog". Plenty of links on google.

And chickenlit - in one case a prominent media figure is insulting a child for saying/doing...nothing.

In another case, a bunch of (inconsequential) bloggers are insulting a child for saying something rather stupid. And both acts are equally despicable, regardless of the prominence of the person.

As much as I disagree with some of her politics, I am sure Sarah is a good mother, and will probably have a long discussion with Willow about this.

And I agree that that is the only response that is necessary. No one else needs to pile on, or snicker.

sarainitaly said...

Why is it that all those people who are so offended over her use of the term *f*ggot* have no problem with the terms slut, whore, teabagger, fat, dumb redneck, c*nt, and retard when used against the Palin family (and many in that FB post)?

As for DWTS - way to go Palin! I am rooting for Bristol and Kyle Massey.

Ankur said...

of course "good mother" is a subjective idea. Someone's idea of good mother might not be the same as mine. When I use the phrase "good mother" to describe Palin, I mean it to be applicable within her (equally valid) world view, but not necessarily in mine.

sarainitaly said...

"Original Mike, rush limbaugh called her "the white house dog". Plenty of links on google."

I recommend you read this:

Rush commented that most of the other things on the days’ list were not funny, but that “one of them in particular” was. Rush quoted from the David Hinckley article

“In: A cute kid in the White House. Out: Cute dog in the White House.”

Could– could we see the cute kid? Let’s take a look at– see who is the cute kid in the White House.

A picture of the “cute dog” (Millie) appeared on the screen instead of the “cute kid” (Chelsea).

Rush immediately said

No, no, no. That’s not the kid.

Then a picture of Chelsea Clinton came on the screen and Rush said

That’s– that’s the kid.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry. Let me tell you very quickly what happened last Friday night. There was a new in list and new out list that was published in the newspaper. The writer said in, cute kid in the White House; out, cute dog in the White House. Could we show the cute dog in the White House who’s out, and they put up a picture of Chelsea Clinton back in the crew. And many of you people think that we did it on purpose to make a cheap comment on her appearance. And I’m terribly sorry. I don’t–look, that takes no talent whatsoever and I have a lot of talent. I don’t need to get laughs by commenting on people’s looks, especially a young child who’s done nothing wrong. I mean, she can’t control the way she looks. And we really–we do not–we do not do that on this kind of show. So put a picture up of her now and so we can square this.

Roger J. said...

Tom Lehrer (harvard mathematician and satirist) is still alive (had to google to check)--perhaps he could reprise "merry minuet" in current jargon: "I dont like fags, kikes, spotheads, ragheads, crackers, rednecks, goombahs, spics/greasers libards, or teabaggers..." very much...or words to that effect. He could do it very well I am sure. It would be gay.

sarainitaly said...

"Original Mike, rush limbaugh called her "the white house dog". Plenty of links on google."

I recommend you read this, and get your facts right:

former law student said...

February 27, 2009:

"Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You!!"

Mr. Obama is quoted as saying that House Republicans' unanimous vote against the stimulus package "helped to create the tea-baggers...

A little research shows that Mr. Alter quotes from his interview with Mr. Obama on Nov. 30, 2009. Probably a slip of the tongue -- you know how Obama is without his teleprompter.

Ankur said...

That's an interesting read about "he said, she said" commentary, AMIL. Apparently, at some point, Limbaugh claimed that the gag happened unintentionally, and that a technician put that picture up.

Is the "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno." gag, attributed to McCain, also made up?

Original Mike said...

American Girl: My facts are right; I carefully stated "I don't remember attacks on Chelsea." Not to be clever, but to be accurate. I was pretty apolitical before 9/11.

Trapper Townshend said...

You probably will not see this comment amongst over 200 others, Ann, but I'm curious - is the point of this post that the people who hate Sarah Palin are just like Sarah Palin? Since, after all, you make the point about "idiots" and those with Down syndrome, and Palin herself objected to people using the word "retarded."

I'm not sure if that's the point you're subtly making, but if it is, I agree. Both sides are the same, they feed off each other, and need each other.

Trooper York said...

I don't know Ankur. I mean you are way too sensititive dude. I mean why post this video the differance between 7-11 Indians and casino Indians?

You got to lighten up guy.

Trooper York said...

If Mort was awake he would say telling someone to lighten up is racist.

Matt said...

>Original Mike
So since you don't 'remember' any attacks on Chelsea then they must not have happened? Nice way to consider history.

>american girl in italy
Your link is simply claiming that Franken is a liar. Fine. But the incident of the dog picture showing up when Chelsea's name was mentioned still happened. Rush claims it was an honest mistake. Sure it was. If Keith Olbermann did the same with one of the Palin kids and then claimed it was a mistake you would not believe him. That's pretty much where I stand with Rush.

chickelit said...

Roger J: wrote: Tom Lehrer (harvard mathematician and satirist) is still alive (had to google to check)--perhaps he could reprise "merry minuet" in current jargon:..

Merry Little Minuet was actually penned by Sheldon Harnick and is frequently misattributed to Lehrer. The Kingston Trio actually popularized the timeless classic. Here it is: link

X said...

hmmm, apparently Bristol has good messaging.

Original Mike said...

Don't put words in my mouth, Matt.

Ankur said...

Look - the point is - no matter which child is attached, we should all look at OUR responses and ask ourselves if WE are being fair and consistent. And we should spiritedly defend any kid, regardless of whose kid it is.

And that is why I have NO problem stating that the attacks on Willow are unfair and wrong. Just like the attacks on Bristol were wrong. Just like the attacks on Chelsea, or the attack on Amy Carter, or the recent mocking of Sasha and Malia on talk radio.

Her parents are the ones who should be having a talk with her (if that is their style of parenting), and everyone else should just back off.

Roger J. said...

Chickelit: THANKS for clearing up a misconception I have had for 50 years! much appeciated--it was good then and its still apropos.

Ann Althouse said...

deborah said..."For the first time I watched a clip of Bristol dancing. The one where the over dress gets ripped off. She's great for a rookie. Lacks fluidity. Was she better than Brandy, 'cause I didn't see Brandy's routine."

That was the first dance she did in the first episode, and the stress at this point is on her "journey" -- how much she's improved.

Brandy probably was a better dancer. The judges sure thought so. But the fan vote counts. On American Idol, after the initial selection of 20 contestants (or so) only the fan vote counts. DWTS keeps a judge score in the calculation and Brandy always had a better score, so Bristol had to make up the difference to get ahead of her.

I think voters identified with Bristol as the complete amateur and the young girl who stepped up and worked hard. Brandy is a pretty cool and aloof character, with a bit of an attitude of entitlement. She was a child star. Also, when they told their tales of real-life hardship on this week's show, Brandy's was all about how much she suffered after she hit a car that killed a woman. She talked about how difficult it was to be called a murderer and didn't say one thing about how she felt for the family of the woman who died. I think that hurt her.

Matt said...

Original Mike

Why do people think that beginning their statement with "Don't put words in my mouth" will hide the fact that they're just making shit up?


Original Mike said...



Ankur said...

Original Mike, I think he means that your insistence that your words be taken at face value is amusing when you consider what you said a few posts earlier : "Why do people think that beginning their statement with "Something tells me" will hide the fact that they're just making shit up?" - wherein, you were the one reading more into someone's words than they intended.

Ankur said...

And, of course, you will insist that you did no such thing. Which is fine - its your viewpoint.

traditionalguy said...

The issue today is whether the Progressive hit piece authors can restrain themselves from going after the children and raise themselves to the level of Mafia morality. But their total lack of rules of engagement where Palin's kids are involved signals that like any hated sub-group they must be seen as less than full humans. That is why Palin whines about the treatment being given her family by the media. She has a great point that will appeal to ALL hated sub-group members that have been similarly treated as sub-human by the media Dons. It's Populism 101 (See, Jackson, Andrew and the way his wife was treated).

Original Mike said...

"Something tells me you never made this kind of spirited defense of Chelsea and will never do it for Malia and Sasha."

Ankur: I wasn't commenting that he was making up the existence of attacks on the kids. I was commenting on his "something tells me" (i.e. making shit up) that Althouse had not and will not come to their defense. And I continue to believe that is was an unfounded slur on Althouse.

And with that, I'm going to go find me a beer.

AllenS said...

If anyone thinks for one minute, that the Obama kids are going to get the same treatment as the Palin kids, you're fucking dilusional.

Skyler said...

Ann Althouse claimed, You're "homophobic" if you actually feel antagonism toward gay people.

I don't know where you get that definition. Homophobic means someone who is afraid of homosexuals.

Matt said...

Original Mike

Indeed. I simply inserted your words into your assertion. I am not sure why starting a sentence with: "something tells me' would lead one to believe the person writing it is 'making shit up'?

It's merely an opinion not a slur and not 'making shit up'. For the most part right wing blogs will always defend their own and not defend the left. The same can be said for left wing blogs.

Ultimately I find it too bad that the media [in this case the gossip sites mainly] go after Willow. I do think they would go after Obama's kids too. And I would gladly take back my words if Althouse criticized the media if they did. However you will note that Glenn Beck criticized Malia and I don't recall the right wing slapping down Beck. But then they wouldn't.

Trooper York said...

I was one of the more vigerous defenders of the Palin children the last few months. But the fact that they are part of a new reality show sort of changes things. Well it changes it a lot.

It is the same deal as the daugher of Jacquline of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey." She started facebooking stuff about Danielle Staub another "character" on the show. If you a a "character" on a reality show you kind of signed away your right to keep anything private. It is part of the deal. Although her parents signed away her rights it still holds true.

I will not be defending them from hits about this stuff anymore.

truckers mom said...

personally i'm sick of hearing about Sarah Palin and her brood. Lady get over yourself. I have lost faith in the TV channel which is currently running a series about her life.
I can't believe people would actually consider her as a candidate for anything even more than cat catcher

Fen said...

Matt: It's merely an opinion not a slur and not 'making shit up'. For the most part right wing blogs will always defend their own and not defend the left. The same can be said for left wing blogs.

Thats simply not true.

Conservatives here routinely throw our own people under the bus for actions the Dems would ignore from their own. I even called to take Rep Foley out back and shoot him.

Same on this blog re Chelsea and the Obama kids. Conservatives here routinely tell people those kids are out of play.

I think you're just trying to invent equivalence to justify going after Palin's kids.

Fen said...

I have lost faith in the TV channel which is currently running a series about her life.

You've lost faith in a TV channel?

I can't believe people would actually consider her as a candidate for anything even more than cat catcher

Well, its not like you're known for your judgement...

jungatheart said...

Althouse, thanks. I'm amazed that was the first competition.

It's interesting that such a large part of winning comes from behavior outside the actual dance competition. Kind of like Miss America...not just for beauty alone.

I guess I'll have to take a look at the latest clips on youtube for Bristol and Brandy. :)

Matt said...


1) I have never gone after the Palin kids. I don't care either way about them. Politicians' kids are off limits.

2) You infer that somehow Conservatives do things differently than Liberals with regards to criticizing their own. That is kooky. If you think the left doesn't take on their leadership you must not visit many left leaning blogs because right now Obama is not much liked due to his weak moderate stances.

3) The right hates Pelosi and Obama and the left hates Palin and Bush with equal passion. Trust me, the same things I read here are in the exact same spirit on the left blogs - only the politicians / pundits names are different. It's fill in the blank hate and sort of crazy, really.

chickelit said...

Should people who have lost faith in a particular TV channel preach about it?

chickelit said...

@Trooper: you see no distinction between Bristol and Willow?

What about potshots at Trig?

Sullivan has gone there.

Trooper York said...

Well they are all participants on a TV show. If you are on such a show you have to take the hits that you are going to get. Trust me I have been telling that to everyone I know. But they don't believe me.

It you are gonna go on TV and expose your family you can't cry about it later. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

The Palins should have thought long and hard about that before they signed up. I know I would have. So to speak.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Wow - Sorry I missed this.. this morning.

Althouse fires dead on target.

This post has to be in the top 10..
Please let us know if anybody (of blog renoun) picks up/dare to criticize this post.

Synova said...

"Your link is simply claiming that Franken is a liar. Fine. But the incident of the dog picture showing up when Chelsea's name was mentioned still happened. Rush claims it was an honest mistake. Sure it was."

But he did apologize pretty much immediately.

"If Keith Olbermann did the same with one of the Palin kids and then claimed it was a mistake you would not believe him. That's pretty much where I stand with Rush."

If David Letterman did the same...

Oh, never-mind. He did.

Took a week to say he was sorry.

Mick said...

I must say, this post is awesome!

lucid said...

@Ann--What a lovely, deeply humane and decent post--one of the lovliest things you've written (and I am not a fan of Sarah Palin, and I am certainly not homophobic).

Peter Hoh said...

Don't have time to properly participate in the thread, but just wanted to answer the question posed in the 4th paragraph:

Decent people shouldn't read a 16 year old's Facebook page -- but if they can't help themselves, they can at least refrain from commenting on it.

Anonymous said...

Pussy misogynist? Nah, it just means you been hanging with the guys and watching Spike.

former law student said...

I think you're just trying to invent equivalence to justify going after Palin's kids.

People -- even conservatives -- love the scent of hypocrisy. To find that socially conservative parents have raised an unwed teen mother pleases certain people.

Lem says:

Althouse fires dead on target.

This post has to be in the top 10..
Please let us know if anybody (of blog renoun) picks up/dare to criticize this post.

OK, let's analyze the salient part:

You're "homophobic" if you actually feel antagonism toward gay people. There's absolutely zero indication that Willow has any negativity at all toward gay people. She's just pissed at Tre and talking like a teenager

This assumes that the intent of the speaker matters to the gay person who hears it. The remark can be offensive even if that was not the speaker's intent. The test is subjective, not objective. But not being a person of gayness, my opinion is meaningless. I can neither take vicarious offense or grant vicarious absolution.

LoafingOaf said...

@Downtownlad I will give you one hour to find the URL for one post of mine where I defend calling Barney Frank "faggot." Eh. No, I won't. It's a lie. I never did it and you know it. I'm deleting every comment of yours that contains that lie. You can repost your accusation if you provide the link and quote of mine that supports your position. I know it will be impossible. Consider apologizing.

I don't recall Althouse defending the Tea Partiers hurling homophobic hate speech at Barney Frank. It just seemed to me that she didn't give a shit that they did that. She had numerous posts where she declared all accusations of hate speech at that Tea Party event to be a lie, and I was left wondering why she dismissed the stuff about Barney Frank and seemed to pretend that that story never existed.

I didn't see Downtownlad's post becase apparently it's been censored. But I know I got the feeling that Althouse was cool with Tea Partiers surrounding a gay politician and screaming "faggot" at him, because she had so many posts and comments about hate speech accusations at that Tea Party event and she didn't seem at all concerned about the homophobic hate speech stories. I know I asked in her comments several times why she won't address the Barney Frank incident, and she still did not care.

It seemed she was intentionally brushing the Barney Frank incident under the rug because there was beter evidence that that hate speech assault occurred. So, she preferred not to address it. This was the Tea Party event her husband attended and it was very important to her to present it in the best light possible, and she wanted people to forget about the Barney Frank incident while she used her lawyer skills to try and con people into thinking she had "proved" no racial hate speech had occurred.

But I can see how some people could interpret it as Althouse simply being okay with Tea Partiers calling someone a "faggot". She didn't overtly defend Tea PArtiers screaming "faggot" at Barney Frank, but given all the posts and comments she made about hate speech incidents at that rally, her strange silence on the homophobic hate speech directed at Barney Frank did make me wonder if she was okay with it.

However, since then I've come to the realization that Althouse is simply "in the tank" with the Tea Party. What was once an indepenent cultural blog is now a hardcore partisan propaganda blog. And it didn't serve the propaganda to properly address the Barney Frank incident at that Tea Party rally. The propagandist, Althouse, made a conscious choice to brush it under the rug because she knows the incident happened and she didn't want others to know it happened.

jamboree said...

@Allen Oh way more than 20 years. I was big on the phrase in 5/6th grade - that's 30 years ago. My older sister said it as well - 35 years back.

I really was sorry to later learn that it brings back traumatic junior high school or elementary school memories for so many gay people, but there is something perfect about it.

Back when Queer Eye For a Straight Guy was big, there just wasn't a better phrase to describe Carson's British flag, boot cut, tailor-hemmed, tight denims than "those are so gay".

It's a kind of goony overreach - way past fabulous into wince territory- at which gay guys excel.

However, I gotta say, Willow is getting a *bit old* for it. "You're gay" stuff didn't go past junior high. "Faggot" meanwhile was for guys to call other guys only. Very butch. Interesting to see a girl using it. I pictured a boyfriend in the background, but that's sexist assumption isn't it? Guys seem to never outgrow that one using it well into middle age.

sarainitaly said...

"I don't recall Althouse defending the Tea Partiers hurling homophobic hate speech at Barney Frank. But I know I got the feeling that Althouse was cool with Tea Partiers surrounding a gay politician and screaming "faggot" at him, because she had so many posts and comments about hate speech accusations at that Tea Party event and she didn't seem at all concerned about the homophobic hate speech stories."

ONE person said something derogatory to Barney, and was IMMEDIATELY admonished by tea partiers who were there. ONE guy.

I don't see anyone on the left condemning all the hate speech lobbed at the Palins.

sarainitaly said...

Regarding the slur yelled at Barney Frank, no one but Politico reported the truth on what followed that event.

It was a tense scene outside a meeting of Democratic lawmakers as a 100 or so protesters chanted "kill the bill," and one man launching a homophobic slur at Rep. Barney Frank.

Frank, who is gay, was leaving the Longworth House Office Building when a man yelled a charged homophobic slur at the Massachusetts lawmaker.

Other protesters quickly admonished the shouter, with one woman yelling back, "We don't need that."

Why didn't anyone else report that the guy was admonished for yelling out that ugly comment?

Pastafarian said...

Hey ScottM -- what do I win? I'm within your plus/minus 10 on the comments, even without this one.

Do I get a pony? I've wanted one ever since Freeman Hunt lied to me and said President Obama would give me one.

Beth said...

I've let this one sit overnight. I hadn't heard about it until I read this on Althouse, and I don't use Facebook so I have no real idea of the whole exchange. But "STFU, you faggot" is hostile, not casual, and I can't imagine seeing it as anything but base and trashy.

Anonymous said...

She was insensitive, but she is 16...I am far more horrified by her terrible grammar. She is old enough to know the difference between your and you're, you and your, etc. Oy.

Oh, I also do not care about DWTS. At all.

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