১৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১০

"Oh, jeez, oh, jeez, what a great first call of the day. I'm glad you said it and not me."

Is it okay to say a woman is getting fat if she's made America's fat kids her cause? Maybe not, so better put through the caller who'll say it for you.

And then play that issue with other callers. Stuff like this:
CALLER: Hi, Rush. If I sound shaky, I apologize, I'm nervous. I'm so honored to talk to you.

RUSH: You don't sound shaky and you don't sound nervous at all. You don't sound like you're jiggling in the slightest.

CALLER: Oh, not jiggling like Michelle Obama, but anyway, that's another story.

RUSH: I knew she was going to say that, that's why, see, Pavlov's here, all I had to say was jiggling and I knew that you were gonna mention Michelle Obama. Do you think she's gaining weight, too?

CALLER: Yeah, but I'll tell you exactly where it is, it's right around her rear end and her thighs but, you know, that's exactly where it went, but some women gain weight there. It's okay. It's obvious she has put on a few pounds. The reason I'm calling, though, I'm so excited for November 2nd. I'm so excited, you know, my father-in-law refers to it as flushing out the pipes in a clogged toilet. I think it's great. I'm so excited. But as you've said just a few minutes ago in the blame game and Obama blaming other people and blaming Bush, now the American people, I'm just really afraid that this is going to get him reelected in two years.
Notice how he avoided saying it himself, but he couldn't resist bragging about how he knew he could make the caller say that. 

(Both callers were female, by the way. It helps to get women to go after the women on the sensitive female stuff.)

৩৩টি মন্তব্য:

Scott M বলেছেন...

None of this matters if the President is a badonkadonk kinda guy. I would have no trouble believing that one bit.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

No one would be making such a big deal about Michelle's enormous butt and her obvious weight gain if she wasn't running around telling us all what to eat, how to exercise and going off about fat kids.

Ok. I'm wrong. Some people would still make remarks about her enormous butt.

Its so huge it has its own field of gravity.

It has its own zip code.

If you told her to haul ass it would take TWO trips. Yes I am some of those people.

What is WRONG with these Leftist that they want to control the smallest details of our lives. Next they want to control the temprature in our showers and remotely control the temperature in our homes.

BUTT OUT. (hee hee)

Shanna বলেছেন...

Its so huge it has its own field of gravity.

When yo momma sits around the house, she really sits around the house!

I think this is one of those people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones things. Not that i think MO is fat, because I don't. But if you start running around telling people not to eat cheeseburgers, somebody is going to bitch at you if you eat one. Which is why people need to stop trying to control everyone else. Especially when they are hypocrites.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Or, if you tell people to eat seafood from the "safe" Gulf, but then order everything than lives on land....

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I don't see how fat is sensitive female stuff.

It's the delicate flower school of women again.

Unknown বলেছেন...

If Mrs. Obama's ass gets any bigger, she'll have to fly around in a C17....

Scott M বলেছেন...

If Mrs. Obama's ass gets any bigger, she'll have to fly around in a C17....

A point of order, sir. It would require at least a C5.

Roux বলেছেন...

The FOTUS should just shut up about now but more than likely she'll have her Oprah moment. The one where she goes on Oprah's couch to cry about her own struggles with weight and about how hard it is to diet when you have a personal chef.

But in the spirit of the thread.... you could throw some ping-pong balls at her and watch them orbit.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

We all are crusaders against our own weaknesses. How do you think we got all of that knowledge about them. Michelle is doing what she knows how to do. Her affirmative action career was not a good training ground for any other greatness, but so what.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Speaking of delicate things only women should say...what's going on here with the armpit?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

So the poor woman suffers from steatopygia. Can't you leave the poor woman alone? So what if you could use her butt for an aircraft carrier?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

What shocked me the most was that she went to General Foods and threw her (expanding) weight around like Evita or something!

Who the heck is she to dictate how they make their food?!

Unknown বলেছেন...

Considering how her husband is doing his dead level best to wreck this country in the name of the Glorious World Socialist Workers Revolution, it's not terribly surprising that the super-sanctimonious and rather unlikable Michelle is going to take some collateral hits.

I imagine the French probably said similar things about Marie Antoinette.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

No one would be making such a big deal about Michelle's enormous butt and her obvious weight gain if she wasn't running around telling us all what to eat, how to exercise and going off about fat kids.


What is WRONG with these Leftist that they want to control the smallest details of our lives. Next they want to control the temprature in our showers and remotely control the temperature in our homes?

OK, who told you?

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

what's going on here with the armpit?


Here is a tip from my previous days as a singer/performer. Use a waterproof paste type make up in the armpits. Will, hide that 5 o'clock underarm shadow.

She can also wax the area (painful) or bleach.

OR.....how about wearing a dress that has sleeves for a change. Keep those pits under cover.

Does this woman have NO one to advise her about fashion or appearances? Or does she just do like Obama and ignore everyone and go on her merry way?

GMay বলেছেন...

AA said: "It helps to get women to go after the women on the sensitive female stuff."

Nobody does it better.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Big Mike...LOL. And Edutcher is onto a great meme for Michelle "Antoinette" Obama: Let them eat cake, but they first must lose 30 pounds and 3 dress sizes like I say, but not like I do.

MayBee বলেছেন...

OR.....how about wearing a dress that has sleeves for a change. Keep those pits under cover.

Exactly. Except she is trying to relive the excitement of the 2008 election, when everyone was talking about her toned arms. Back when her arms were super toned.

She's becoming Norma Desmond.

hombre বলেছেন...

Disrespectful, unnecessary and probably untrue.

Righties are sounding more and more like lefties.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Disrespectful, unnecessary and probably untrue.

What is?

Respect is a two way street, you know. If Michelle or Obama had shown some respect for the voters instead of dissing them as being bitter, gun and religion clingers. Labeling the voters as being basically too stupid to understand the lofty plans of the Obamas. Attacking everyone from the Chamber of Commerce to the Girl Scouts. Saying that they are not be proud of this country while wanting to lead it. Spending like there is no tomorrow on lavish parties and vacations while the unemployment levels keep rising and more people than ever are falling into poverty and collecting food stamps

They have to EARN respect. So far they have done NOTHING at all to earn any respect. NOTHING.

Second, what part of Michelle has a huge rear end, is gaing weight, is a food hypocrite is untrue?

It IS necessary to poke holes in both of their inflated egos. This is what keeps people like them (the self annointed elites) down to earth and keeps the rest of us sane.

BJM বলেছেন...


What's going on the with the creepy FLOTUS cult?

Beth বলেছেন...

I'm I'm I'm shaking as I write this. Sorry! It's just such an honor to by typing here.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

That dress is a great color on her.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

That dress is a great color on her.

Yes it is. Michelle looks very good in clear bright colors: not muddy tones or pastels very much.

Bright reds, purples, emerald green, royal blue, stark white (not yellow tinged ivory) and black.

Alec Plumb বলেছেন...

She's become a champion of the low-fat high-carb conventional-wisdom Standard American Diet (SAD) and it's doing the same thing to her that it's been doing to the rest of us.

prairie wind বলেছেন...

I have always thought that the weight/diet/vegetable idea was pushed on Michelle. No woman in her right mind would choose to lecture the country on those topics. (Of course, "in her right mind" might be the key there.)

Choosing that topic as her First Lady "cause" indicates that she is small-minded and unaware of the world outside the Obama orbit. It is as if she had no idea of the power her voice could have...which makes sense because her husband had no idea what he was getting into, either. If she chose it herself, she's an idiot; if someone else suggested she take on that cause, she's still an idiot. Seriously...nothing else came to mind?

Eric বলেছেন...

Notice how he avoided saying it himself, but he couldn't resist bragging about how he knew he could make the caller say that.

Yeah, except for the part where he says "Do you think she's gaining weight, too?". I grant that can be taken a few ways. It could mean "do you think she's gaining weight like other people have". It could mean "do you think she's gaining weight like some people other than me think".

But the way I read it was "do you thing she's gaining weight like I think".

Alex বলেছেন...

There's nothing wrong with the Standard American Diet(SAD) of burgers, fries, shakes. We used to eat that in the 1950s at the local diner. We were only slightly pudgy back then, not bovine.

Scott M বলেছেন...


'xactly. Plus, their amount of exercise vs ours leaves us with one foot in the grave even sans the shitty diet.

Alex বলেছেন...

heck I didn't even live in the 1950s, but I know that kids were only slightly pudgy back then from watching "Back to the Future".

The Dude বলেছেন...

Hombre - you sure loves you some big-assed mean broads. I for one, will allow you to make a fetish of that horrible, hypocritical, ugly, enormous, anti-American lard-butted harpy, but please allow the rest of us to see her for what she is.

WV: spred - seriously, what is up with this thing?

MayBee বলেছেন...

This is especially for DBQ, and for the person who said we were being disrespectful.

I'm sorry, but the First Lady of the United States flashing her armpit and showing stubble and deodorant is disrespectful.

Will nobody tell her?

blake বলেছেন...

What I wonder is whoever talked this issue over with the FLOTUS--I wonder if the whole topic of making her the target of exactly these criticisms came up?

Did they learn nothing from Sally Struthers?