October 31, 2010

Is it fair for Bush (and Bush, elder) to be on camera in such a glowing light, for hours on end?

We're watching the World Series, and I'm wondering if the Bushes are making a profound subliminal impression on American minds, drawing us toward the stability of the past. Bush and baseball — is that a political argument against which the mind cannot defend?


chickelit said...

Are they subliminally campaigning for Jeb in 2012? They'll have to quell Palin first. Let them try! The 9/11 independents will not follow them.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rialby said...

That pitch almost made me cry.

Yeah, it's not fair.

tjl said...

is that a political argument against which the mind cannot defend?

Just as in 2008 there were all too many minds who couldn't defend against media coverage of Obama so glowing it rivalled a Vatican canonization.

Known Unknown said...

He owned the Rangers. They are in the World Series. If John Kerry was a former part owner of the Red Sox, and they were in the World Series, wouldn't we be seeing John Kerry.

Perhaps a little less than the Bushes — since Kerry nor his father were never President.

tree hugging sister said...

As I wrote when I posted it, the classy triple play made me weepy. And the obvious abiding love father and son have for each other makes it even more so.

No Bush will EVER wind up under a family bus like Obama's poor grandmother did.

john said...

Maybe if Obama didn't throw like a girl;

Maybe if Obama's aunt could keep a box score;

Maybe if Obama would even stick around for the whole game (or even a half inning);

Maybe if the Cubs or Sox didn't suck this year.

john said...

As Big Mike says, Dubya threw some heat tonight.

Lawler Walken said...

I think it's safe to say that neither man was trying to do anything political here. They're Texans, Bush 43 used to own the Rangers, they're both lifelong baseball fans (Bush 41 played baseball at Yale) and they came out and the son threw the first pitch to another revered Texan Nolan Ryan while the frail hobbled father and their wives sitting in the stands looked on.

It's really just a Texas thing. And a baseball thing. So yes, it's completely fair. Neither the dad nor the son has tried to push himself into the public eye after leaving office. It's part of the family code. So let them have this moment. Let's not pollute it with politics. They're old and gray and seem to be very content to let someone else be the one in charge.

Michael said...

A great American family and tonight an historic event with two former presidents, father and son, and their wives enjoying the great American game. Barbara Bush is keeping score, an arcane and splendid way to be deeply involved in the game. I wonder if Mrs. Obama knows how to keep a box score going. And GWB threw another strike, although he gave himself an eight or ten foot advantage over his Yankee Stadium performance in 2001. Our current president throws like a girl and can neither reach the plate or the strike zone. These are wonderful people and we are lucky as a nation to have had their service.

Anonymous said...

Oh how the SF viewers must have chaffed.

"Oh no, the Bushes are driving a golf cart and a giant American flag is unabashedly being unfurled. Time for another bowl of weed."

Bob_R said...

Putting Kerry and Gore on the screen - now that would be unfair.

Anonymous said...

A living "Miss me yet?" billboard.

Alex said...

Miss me yet?

amba said...


(vw: metic. The virtual version is e-metic.)

Cedarford said...

El Pollo Real said...
Are they subliminally campaigning for Jeb in 2012? They'll have to quell Palin first. Let them try! The 9/11 independents will not follow them.

Unlike Palin, Jeb Bush is educated and never quit his elected office. Nor is he that divisive.

Jeb Bush probably would have been a better President than either Herbert or Dubya....but is presently cursed with that last name. And likely to never be President.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Bush is the one person (other than himself), who Obama can't help but mention, can't help but reference. And Bush doesn't fight back, so Obama is seen fighting someone who isn't there, punching at the wind.

Bush is doing the exact opposite of Obama. He's refused to overexpose himself, and now he can use one of his rare public appearances for maximum impact.

It's the most most powerful refutation of Obama's attacks possible. Who is Bush? Some guy who keeps to himself and likes baseball. Someone millions of Americans can identify with.

Punch away, Mr. Obama.

David said...

Is it fair that Bush can throw a baseball like a decent minor league pitcher and Obama throws like a girl?

No, it's not fair.

It's also not fair that Obama spends tens of millions of taxpayer dollars month after month on trips whose man purpose is political.

Election is Tuesday. Finally.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Ah, yes, the "stability" of the Bush era:

* Letting 5 million new illegal aliens enter the U.S. (about 14% of Mexico's working-age pop lives here, in good part due to GWB).

* Lying us into war and spending three trillion dollars in the process. Thousands dead for no real good reason, once you actually think about it.

* Waving a Mexican flag while uttering "reconquista"-style comments.

* Promising to push amnesty in a pledge to the Mexican government.

* Pushing what might be the most anti- and un-American plan from someone who wasn't an explicit enemy of this country.

"Stability", Althouse-style!

Note: since 'partiers are absolute idiots, I have to point out that I almost dislike Obama as much as Bush. It's called principles, something that 'partiers don't have.

Jason (the commenter) said...

Cedarford: Jeb Bush probably would have been a better President than either Herbert or Dubya....but is presently cursed with that last name. And likely to never be President.

Well, from what I see in Florida, he's got Rubio behind him. Rubio being the Hispanic Obama is trying desperately to keep from being elected. Perhaps they can run together in 2012.

Michael said...

Lonewack: But at least we now have Gitmo closed and gays in the military and a balanced budget and our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. We have that and a president that wears mom jeans, can't throw a baseball and appears to be losing his composure.

Trooper York said...

Jeez that Lonewacko is one fuckin racist motherfucker.

He must hate Jeb since he married a Mexican.

Wait wasn't that a Mike Myers movie?

Big Mike said...

@Lonelywackoff, if you're going to comment on this blog you absolutely must hate Obama much more than you hate Bush.

It's in the fine print.

Trooper York said...

I just saw all four of the Bushes standing and singing God Bless America with the four soldiers who sang it at the stadium.

Did Barry ever bless America?

Trooper York said...

Wait he did.

After he got elected. Never mind.

victoria said...

Threw up a little in my mouth at seeing the Bush's. Gag me.

Go Giants!!!

Vicki from Pasadena

Michael said...

Barbara has her glasses on and is scoring this game. I have a feeling she would clean out Obama in a poker game.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's fair. With Hollywood in the pocket of the leftists and leftist-wannabes they get hours of that sort of coverage every week. A few hours in October going to the other side isn't going to upset the great cosmic balance.

victoria said...

Yes, the reason that the Bush autobiography is being held until after the election is that Bush was such a inefficient and ineffectual president that he would have ruined the chances of all his party members in the November elections. Better to wait until they are over for the rest of the country to laugh at his lameness.

Do I pine for the "Good old Days"? Yes, for the good old days of Clinton.


The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

A catastrophic terrorist attack, two neverending wars, financial institution wreckage.....who isn't longing for that kind of stability.

Michael said...

No,Viki, Bush is just a class act. Something rarely seen in sunny southern ca.

traditionalguy said...

Obama has a point that Bush drove the Nation's car into a deep ditch. Then Obama has dumped load after load of rock and concrete down on top of our ditched car. Sure we need to stop Obama before it is too late. But to then put the next hereditary Bush back behind the wheel out of fear of that Crazy, Ignorant, Reagan thinking, Mere Woman (as Karl Rove and C-4 spout off about every day) would require weakened minds. We refuse to be seduced into kicking at that Lucy held football again. Sorry about that Mexico.

Michael said...

Garage: Given the administration's admission this weekend that they have no idea of the number of mail bombs that have or could be sent, undetected, you might consider refraining from the insinuation that Bush was somehow behind the 9-11 attacks. Plus it makes you appear insane.

le Douanier said...

Maybe he can get Ridge to raise the terror alert color. Oh wait...I guess he can't do that any more.

How ironic is it that BHO actually has the perfect, legitimate excuse to milk the rally around the POTUS feeling, but he let's it go.

Where's that 'Obama is not like Bush' tag when you need it.

Michael said...

1jpb: You aren't up on the terror news are you? Or I guess we don't call it terrorism any more.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LonewackoDotCom said...

Trooper York apparently didn't learn its lesson the last time I caught it lying about me. In fact, Trooper York even posted a bit of a correction.

And, of course, Trooper York is saying that it's racist to enforce our laws. Trooper York is saying it's racist to not pledge to push amnesty to a foreign government (in Trooper York's mind Obama must be a racist because he hasn't yet done what Bush did).

In case you're new around here, Althouse and her blog slide several steps to the left in past months. That is, to the left on the bell curve.

le Douanier said...

BTW, 'Four Troops' performed at the Stewart rally, too.

victoria said...

You consider him a class act, Michael, ok. Not me.Snarky, dishonest and worthy of impeachment, yes.

Got us in to 2 wars that were unnecessary, overextended his powers under the guise of "War Powers", responsible for the deaths of over 4000 Americans and countless afghani's and iragui's in order to solidify his reputation as a "war president. Having the sleaziest man on the planet, Karl Rove, rise above the station he should have had in life to become a power broker for the sleazy low lifes he supports. Oh yes, not to mention using torture.

Can I go on and on. You bet.


Michael said...

AP: Well you have convinced me! I am out for mom jeans first thing in the morning. I want the kind the president wears with the real high waist. muy cool. If we all dress like that after the triumph on tuesday the republicans will be forever banished. Your polling is absolutely the best yet.

Lawler Walken said...

"Vicki misses Clinton, throws up in her mouth. Hmm..."

Bada Bing! funny, funny.

chickelit said...


It doesn't matter how many times you try to chop down the totem pole, it will spring back- resurrected. The vigor Palin inspires springs from values I've never seen you express and so I don't expect you to understand or even to gloss them. Rove understands this (I think) and it will be very interesting to see how the next 2 years unfold.

ricpic said...

The thing that got me was the way Dubya threw that strike. One minute he's standing next to his dad the next minute, second really, the ball's in Ryan's glove. No windup, no production, no show at all. Completely unselfconscious and natural. Gosh. I think I'm in love.

Trooper York said...

I am as conservative as Ann Coutlers tampons but I don't hate Mexicans like you do Wacko. Most of the ones I know are fine people and would make great Americans.

And I would never appologize to you. Wel wait, I do appolgize if I ever took you seriously.

What I said was that you are not a Moby. You are a dick.

I stand by that statement jerky.

Michael said...

Viki, the guy is enjoying the World Series with his father and mother and wife. His mother is keeping a box score, a complicated process. He pretty much did what he said he was going to do while president. He didn't make promises he didn't intend to keep. You might not have liked the two wars but he was returned to office after they were begun. His "lies" were convincing enough to have the western world in agreement. I know its difficult to be hip in Pasadena but it is time, as they say, to move on.

garage mahal said...

I want a Real Daddy like Putin! I'd go whale hunting with him *anytime*!

Trooper York said...

W loves Mom, apple pie and Chevrolet. And baseball. That's why he is with his mom eating apple pie at the game.

Barry is disappointed that his mom dumped with his granny to hook up with some new dude, loves bean pie and destroyed Cheverolet and wants everyone to buy a Pruis.

Barry is as all American as a Kenyan Marathon runner.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Trooper York: read what I wrote, you little cowardly liar.

I didn't ask for an apology; I said you posted a correction after being caught lying about me.

Unlike what the lying coward Trooper York says, I don't hate on groups. But, unlike Trooper York, I'm not a liar.

That's why I report on things like this. Being politically correct is not in any way a conservative position, but cowardly liars like Trooper York would have you ignore facts and instead live a far-left fiction.

garage mahal said...

Given the administration's admission this weekend that they have no idea of the number of mail bombs that have or could be sent, undetected, you might consider refraining from the insinuation that Bush was somehow behind the 9-11 attacks.

Pointing out who's watch it was is nothing more than that. Not stability is all I'm saying.

Bush 1
Obama 0

Just saying

Trooper York said...

Hey Wacko. I didn't read what you linked to. Nobody reads what you link to. Nobody cares dude.

Michael said...

Garage: Bush 1 Obama 0. I hope and pray that it stays this way. Were the numbers reversed I am not sure you would feel the same way. We might consider the number of attempts in the last two years and ponder the way in which they were "foiled" before we keep a grizzly score that is intended only to reflect poorly on Bush. You surely have read The Looming Tower.

Trooper York said...

You know what?

I figured out who Lonewacko is.

Angelia from the Jersey Shore.

That explains so much.

LonewackoDotCom said...

garage mahal says: I want a Real Daddy like Putin! I'd go whale hunting with him *anytime*!

Indeed. A lot of conservatives are more accurately authoritarians and the types that would have done just fine in East Germany.

Trooper York said...

That's Angelina. Sorry.

I am watching the game while posting.

When is Willie McCovey going to get up?

Michael said...

Lonewack: The east germans were lefties you stupid fuck. You have no enemies to your left. Think about that. Ponder that. Liberals have no problem with communism or what it wrought. Why would you?

LonewackoDotCom said...

Trooper York: stop wasting everyone's time with your nonsense. You've already shown everyone you're a liar. You've already shown everyone that you smear people without even paying attention to their arguments.

Give it a rest, and give us a break.

If you have an actual valid argument against anything I've written, spell it out. Otherwise, give everyone a break and keep quiet.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I wish my Dad had lived long enough for me to take him to a World Series game in 2008.

Michael said...

Lonewack: I looked at the link you provided. I will never do so again. If you consider that argumentation I consider you insane.

Michael said...

AJ Lynch: Understand completely.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Michael: pretty much everyone who knows anything realizes that there are both leftwing and rightwing authoritarians. Bush fans are rightwing authoritarians, in the same way that actual Commies are leftwing authoritarians. If that's not clear, ask a kindergarten teacher to explain it to you.

Anonymous said...

Awesome analysis, Althouse. Bush took a lot of grief for that dipshit fighter pilot outfit, but he was generally very adept with the sublime/subconscious symbolism. Obama -- the world's smartest man and best communicator ever in history -- routinely pulls out dopey shit like fake Greek columns.

But is anybody watching this World Series?

Trooper York said...

Wacko, baby please.

How can I make it any clearer. I don't care. About what you think. About what you post. About you. Just like everyone else on this blog.

Why don't you just take your little green football and go home. Nobody is going to pick you for the team.

Seriously dude. Get a grip. It's getting embarassing.

Rialby said...

Someone once said to me, isn't it remarkable that the East Germans were able to transition from Nazism all the way to Communism that quickly?

Uhh, no. Not remarkable at all.

Anonymous said...

Bush fans are rightwing authoritarians

I am a Bush fan, and just about as far from authoritarian as a person can be.

Shouldn't you be spouting senselessly about those wetbacks you despise, Wacko?

somefeller said...

Liberals have no problem with communism or what it wrought.

That's a statement that is as false as it is stupid. Grow up.

Are they subliminally campaigning for Jeb in 2012?

I wouldn't be surprised if Jeb Bush made a successful run for the GOP nomination in 2012. A lot of Republicans who were distancing themselves from George W. Bush in 2008 have discovered a Strange New Respect for him, and the network that the Bush family has is second to none. Plus, Jeb can appeal to Latino voters in a way that no other top-shelf GOP candidate can, which is helpful in the general election.

ricpic said...

Watching the Rangers fail is a preview of the Yanks 2011 season when they stick with the core four. Or should I say the core sore? Bwa ha ha ha ha.

Michael said...

Bush shaved a few feet from the 60.5 but he fired it pretty nonchalantly and very accurately. I didn't notice his pants but I am pretty sure they weren't mom jeans.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, man. Wacko, Garage, Cedarford, and Vicki in the same thread.

Bad, bad omen.

Trooper York said...

I am watching the game. I can't believe that Texas is going to let down the American league like this.

I think they might come back when they get deeper in the Giant's bullpen. Hoyt Wilhelm just can't cut it anymore.

Michael said...

Lonewack: If you meant the make that point you should have considered some place other than East Germany as a metric. So your genius observation is that authoritarians are of all stripes?

LonewackoDotCom said...

Trooper York: you're a good example of why everyone should oppose the tea parties:

* You're a liar.
* You're a Bush fan.
* You support massive illegal activity (something that a vast majority of Americans don't support).
* You've admitted that you haven't even read my arguments, and smear me nonetheless. No one who expects to be taken seriously does that.
* You're a coward, not revealing your name or your website.

Like I've been saying for months: the teaparty types are the lowest of the low.

Anonymous said...

Trooper -- I love watching the Junior Circuit lose. What game-ruining fundamental change will your league think up next? How about aluminum bats?

Clyde said...

I'm sure that the Dems could have persuaded the Giants to let Nancy Pelosi throw out a first pitch in San Francisco if they really wanted equal time, but she's more of a wine-and-cheeser than a baseball fan type. And frankly, having her haggard countenance on television would probably have cost them at the polls.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sevn said:

"Is anyone watching this Series"

Nah- tuned in instead to Dexter, Weeds and the Big C on Showtime.

wv = mprob = a surprise lay?

Anonymous said...

Why don't people listen to you, Wacko? Why won't these tea partiers follow you?

I just can't think of a reason. Your siren song is so sweet.

Trooper York said...

Hey Seven Machos, the National League hasn't had a new idea since Jackie Robinson.

And Lonewacko hated that idea. If you don't believe me just check out his website.

Trooper York said...

Crap. The San Fransisco Liberals won.

Well we can make for that on Tuesday. Hee.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LonewackoDotCom said...

Oh, well, Bush spent $3 trillion on an elective war, so hopefully this loss won't sting so bad.

P.S. I suspect that some of the "people" above are the same person; one notes the similarities between Trooper York and Seven Machos.

P.P.S. For visitors to this site who are disgusted by Althouse's declining commentary and her drooling teaparty commenters, here's a categorized list of the topics I've covered in thousands of posts since 2002. In all that time, very (very!) few people have ever tried to provide a valid counter-argument to anything I've ever written. Instead, all they can do is lie and smear like you can see above. Come by and check out my site. I guarantee you'll learn things you'll never hear about from Althouse.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Trooper York/Seven Machos: stop lying already, and stop hiding behind a blogspot blog like a little girl.

Anonymous said...

one notes the similarities between Trooper York and Seven Machos

Absolutely fucking hilarious. I take that as an obscenely awesome compliment, but it is hilarious nonetheless.

You are batshit cuckoo, dude. Unhinged. You keep waiting for people to care about the things you care about, and they never do, and they never will. I suggest violent revolution. It's the only way, for a person such as yourself.

Anonymous said...

One more thing: I have never, ever associated myself with the Tea Party movement. I don't know about Trooper, other than to say that his commentary is usually brilliant.

yashu said...

Post-presidency, W has really been a class act. A model of discretion.

Even as president, he always maintained an extraordinary level of presidential decorum, almost freakishly so. (Especially compared to O, whose behavior as president is at the opposite end of the spectrum.) To an extent that, at the time (and even now), really frustrated me: I always felt W (or his staff) didn't defend his policies well enough, make enough of an effort to refute his most despicable critics in the MSM and culture at large. But then again, maybe there was some wisdom & realism in the way he chose his battles.

(Yes, there was a lot to criticize Bush for; but he was subjected to a constant barrage of lies and slander and the most extreme vitriol, which he never really bothered to address-- too busy being president, perhaps Stoically resigned to the constant bullshit from the MSM, and blessedly not obsessed with his "image"-- which is a good thing I guess, don't see how else he could have maintained his sanity. Comically, tragically, Obama is the exact opposite: so thin-skinned, contantly lashing out at his critics (demonizing American citizens who disagree with his policies-- something Bush never did), in the most un-presidential manner possible. But in the end, the result is the same or worse: after Obama (& by comparison), many of Bush's actions are in various ways vindicated or at least mitigated. Obama's displays of narcissism, pettiness, vindictiveness, and mendacity will always remain as markers of his character and his presidency.

But here's an amusing surprise: I recently caught an ad informing me that W-- and his parents-- will appear on an upcoming episode of Oprah. (Publicity for his book?) Given the presence of the parents (aw Barbara), I imagine a downplaying of current politics, more of an emphasis on feel-good family/ personal stuff. Still-- I have to admit I am at once surprised, confused, amused, and interested at the prospect of W on Oprah. Seems like a bloggable event, no?

Clyde said...

And to reinforce my point about poisonous Pelosi, I just saw an ad for the the Florida CFO race, saying that "Pelosi has a partner in Tallahassee in Ausley!" Much as Rick Scott's ads show Alex Sink with Obama, it shows that the Republican strategy for this election is to nationalize all of the races, right down to dogcatcher, by saying that if you like what Obama and Pelosi have done, you should vote for their Democrat opponents. And there are a lot of people who won't vote for ANY Democrat this year for that reason (me among them).

LonewackoDotCom said...

"yashu" signed up in October 2008, certainly an interesting date. I'd suspect it of being a sockpuppet, except most sockpuppets don't write must certainly be a satire of a Powerline post.

P.S. If anyone gets a chance, ask the teaparty "patriots" why they almost completely ignored immigration for over a year.

Anonymous said...

Wacko -- Everybody here is actually only three people and they, like thousands of others, are out to get you.

Also, the entire Althouse Project is dedicated to one thing and one thing only: fucking you over. Meade and Althouse sit around listening to Dylan and thinking up ways to derail your political program, whatever the hell it is.

John Burgess said...

Seven Machos: All the weird ones come out on Halloween! As dawn breaks over Bald Mountain, they get chased away again. Dawn's coming on 11/3. Just be patient.

Anonymous said...

My polling is done. I am on target (224 in House and 54 in Senate). I am done for tonight.

I urge all to support the Democrats, especially in NV, IL, and WI.

Also, I urge all to be civil here. This is a blog of a distinguish professor in WI.

Okay, be good and keep in touch everyone.

N.B.: For those who are in pain after the GOP loses, I am still offering web political therapy. Save yourself by voting for the Democrats in all offices.

yashu said...

Haha! I'm actually really tickled by this-- so whose sockpuppet am I supposed to be? And what's the relevant significance of October 2008? Heh, I'm not being sarcastic in my interest here-- there is a pleasure to being a hermeneutic puzzle (a part of the compulsion to troll, I imagine), and a curiosity to finding oneself an object of unexpected projection.

Hey, it's cool, and there's some appropriate irony in this. I admit I sometimes feel embarrassed at acting like a "moby cop" around here-- speaking of metaphysically distinguishing witches & ducks, or getting caught up in the hermeneutics of suspicion. So to be accused of being a sockpuppet myself (really, for who? I'd love to know)-- at least right now, I have to say, it makes me laugh.

Penny said...

"Is it fair for Bush (and Bush, elder) to be on camera in such a glowing light, for hours on end?"


Am I the only person here who wonders why our nation has come to see ANY President in less than glowing light?

There are few, beyond soldiers, who give so much to the citizens of our country.

Fortunately, we have finally figured out how to say to our soldiers...THANK YOU!

"Didn't agree with the war, but I understand your personal sacrifice, and I respect you."

How long will it take us to say the same about our Presidents?

dick said...


Check the Zombietime signs from the liberal rallies with all the Communist tables and signs and protesters wearing their Communist insignia and rallying right there. You won't see that at the Tea Party rallies.

christopher marc said...

nothing wrong with two former presidents participating in their home state's team big moment. this is the first time the rangers have been in/housted the world series. and george w. before he was 43 and before he was governor, did own the texas rangers. it's appropriate.

former law student said...

GHW Bush looked simultaneously good and not-so-good. A good man, if perhaps too doting a father, he fought the Japanese heroically. Had he not said "Read my lips" Clinton might never have become President.

Obama's displays of narcissism, pettiness, vindictiveness, and mendacity...

So basically you're saying Obama is Sarah Palin in mom jeans?


Ralph L said...

Win one for the Gimpy!

Mr. Forward said...

My sock puppets don't match.

WV: Birkster=one who has done the Birkebeiner

Anonymous said...

... here's a categorized list of the topics I've covered in thousands of posts since 2002. In all that time, very (very!) few people have ever tried to provide a valid counter-argument to anything I've ever written.

Here's a clue: Very, very few people give a shit about you or your website -- for good reason. You are obsessive, tedious, and utterly self-convinced, and you seem to think that the best way to persuade people of the rightness of your cause is to insult them for being so stupid as to not already agree with you.

Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Vicki from Pasadena tells us what the real difference between Leftists and Conservatives is.

Conservatives give even the Clintons a few props - deserved or not.

Lefties see a couple of Republican former Presidents and their First Ladies and throw up in their moths.

Which is why they've worn out their welcome in two years.

Michael said...

American Politico: Well you sold me, that's for sure. I am in line at the Target store for the mom jeans but there are hundreds ahead of me. The blue of these jeans is like nothing in nature or expensive clothing. Most in the line have read your polls and are directly from here at Target to the voting stations. There is something about these jeans that makes one look stupid but that is the price we will have to pay.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DaveW said...

Down here the Bush's are pretty much staples at baseball games. They are almost always behind home plate at Astros games and Barbara is always keeping the box score. GHWB is usually chatting with people around him, 2 secret service guys usually sit behind him. They sit in the first row behind home plate on the right side (viewed from behind the pitcher), so you see them when right handed batters are taking their warm-up swings.

On rare occasion you'll see Barbara with one of her lady friends instead of GHWB, or GHWB without Barbara. I've always thought they were a good model for marriage if nothing else.

For those that don't know keeping a box score is pretty complex, my guess is she learned it taking her kids to little league decades ago. That's where I learned to do it, volunteering as a scorekeeper.

GHWB has just now started looking pretty frail. I think he's 87 years old now.

Anyway, it's perfectly normal to see them at baseball games in Texas. It takes a big stretch to see it as unfair to anyone, though I can see why someone on the left might see it that way. Considering how jarring it is to compare that set of values to the current bunch in D.C. is quite a contrast.

ndspinelli said...

Again, while I'm no fan of W, and I have always liked his old man, both have dignity. A few hours before this first pitch, Jimmy Carter was on Howard Kurtz show blaming Fox for all of Obama's failings.

Dignity v Desperation.

Opus One Media said...

Oh brother.

Stability and Bush in one sentence.

When I think of baseball and Bush I laughingly remember his stint with the Rangers.

.....Who's on first?....

Tank said...

Was there a game last night?

Could not watch any more tv after watching most of the Jets game.


Fred4Pres said...

Hey, let Obama buy his own baseball team.

X said...

it's no puzzler why Obama isn't throwing out a first pitch. must be afeared of the crowd reaction.

former law student said...

what the real difference between Leftists and Conservatives is...

Conservatives give even the Clintons a few props - deserved or not.

No, there's no difference. I remember when liberals were trying to impeach the Bushes, pere et fils. And when liberal TV stations ran ads for books and videos hinting that the suicide of a White House staffer was actually a Bush-linked homicide.

Aurelian said...

Fairness is an illusion.

Anonymous said...

Bush took a lot of grief for that dipshit fighter pilot outfit

Even though he actually was a fighter pilot.

Anonymous said...

As a woman who almost always keeps a scorecard, I loved it when they showed Barbara filling in hers. Let the men have fun - we ladies have work to do!

former law student said...

Even though he actually was a fighter pilot.

How many kills did he have?

W. was also a cheerleader -- I'm still waiting to see him in his cheerleader's outfit.

FormerTucsonan said...

Careful, careful. You may eat these words, Prof.

Obama will be out in 2012. I'm expecting to see shenanigans from him that will make Jimmy Carter look the very picture of restraint.

Anonymous said...

FLS -- Lazily...



former law student said...

7M, I meant now, in Bush's middle age.

FWBuff said...

I was at Game 4 last night. Both Bushes were greeted with loud cheers and standing ovations by the entire ballpark (50,000+). The game was dedicated to injured veterans, and there were also several armed forces representatives there (including Adm. Mike Mullen), who were also cheered enthusiastically. But when Michelle Obama and Jill Biden appeared later in a video message for veterans' families, the reception by the crowd was noticeably cool.

The outcome was disappointing for us Rangers fans, but we'll take 'em in Games 5, 6 & 7!

Carl said...

drawing us toward the stability of the past.

Now, is this "stability" you refer to, is that before or after the Bush Recession?

Either of the three, makes no matter. Please answer.

Terrye said...

Fair? If the Rangers had not been in the series they would not be on TV. As far as that is concerned, you could even blame the media for showing them at all, they don't have to. They could just ignore them.

But all in all, they have kept a low profile for a long time. So what if they show up at a ball game?

Blue@9 said...

I think it's safe to say that neither man was trying to do anything political here. They're Texans, Bush 43 used to own the Rangers, they're both lifelong baseball fans (Bush 41 played baseball at Yale) and they came out and the son threw the first pitch to another revered Texan Nolan Ryan while the frail hobbled father and their wives sitting in the stands looked on.

Yeah, no kidding, why is there a need to politicize this or engage in modern day Kremlinology to determine what it all means?

Some people will look back at Bush with nostalgia, but c'mon. There's no chance in hell he'll be lionized like Reagan--it's just a momentary reaction because of dislike for Obama.

Unknown said...

Letting 5 million new illegal aliens enter the U.S. (about 14% of Mexico's working-age pop lives here, in good part due to GWB).Julien Simon would have approved that
and the latinos are GOP enemies? Who added a n amnesty to the immigration law in 1984?

Ralph L said...

I believe GHWB was born in 1925.

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