৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১০

Glenn Beck has a medical condition involving "small fibers"?

"We don’t even know what all of the symptoms are at this point."

Is it Morgellons disease? Which I'm pretty sure is a flat-out delusion. What are the chances that Glenn Beck is delusional?

He says it's been "very strange."

I've told you also that I have been diagnosed with macular dystrophy... And if you're a long time listener, you might be even be able to tell it I can just by listening to my voice now. There is something wrong with my voice, and we're not sure what it is.... I've seen five different doctors and I've got an incredible group of doctors who are, I think only one of them really hates me, and I have the other four watching that one. But they're looking one of them said to me the other night, we have to do all of these blood tests because we have to look for toxins and poisons, and that word stuck out to me. And it's not poison like you know...

The last 24 hours as I've been thinking about the doctors saying we're looking for toxins, we're looking for poisons in your body, I know what they are. For four years I have tried to understand the mind of what I believe are monsters. It started with Walter Lippmann....

I believe in the American experiment. But I also believe there are very misguided people, and I have been drinking that poison, which others may not find poison, but I do because it is exact opposite of me. And I have been "That which you gaze upon, you become."
So... studying politics has injected him with toxin, making him a monster... and he might be going blind... there's something wrong with his voice...


IN THE COMMENTS: Pogo (a doctor) says:
Yes, he's describing a neuropathy, hence the talk about poisins/toxins.

He ain't the Morgellon's type, IMO...

Small fiber neuropathy: A burning problem

৫০টি মন্তব্য:

Andy বলেছেন...

Crazy person is crazy.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Beck has caught whatever Michelle O'Donnell has. The unusual symptoms are identical. They both sincerely tell us more than we want to know. We will have to await the National Inquirer's next headlines on this to know the truth.

Unknown বলেছেন...

He needs a vacation.

Although, The Blonde was saying that there are diseases out there that are forever morphing and can't be catalogued, so he may just be telling it straight.

I still don't care for him, but, if he does have something, I hope he can get some help.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

What are the chances that Glenn Beck is delusional?

Never liked him.. the evangelist pitch, the insincere over the top bs.

Hes no good for conservatism.. if anything he has hurt.

EnigmatiCore বলেছেন...

Who the heck is Michelle O'Donnell?

The Scythian বলেছেন...

"Is it Morgellons disease?"

Beck is pretty nutty, but there's nothing at that link to suggest that he thinks he has Morgellons. In fact, the article points to the possibility of small fiber neuropathy, which is a legitimate and uncontroversial diagnosis. (Alcoholics are more prone to developing some forms of small fiber neuropathy than the rest of us, so it's not surprising that his doctors have discussed this possibility with him.)

SteveR বলেছেন...

As someone with Multiple Sclerosis, I know its a disease with many varied and odd symptoms and it can be a difficult disease to diagnose. (MS involves "big fibers")

I heard some of his radio speech this morning and like a lot of his stuff its hard to get past the drama. Perhaps he's got a real disease but come on, keep to the facts until you've exhausted all the conventional tests, etc. before turning it into a strange theory. The boy who cried wolf and all that.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Enigmaticore... Michelle O'Donnell is a plant seeking to siphon off votes from Christine O'Donnell, or maybe I was wrong again.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Would it be elitist to say IF someone has to die I would rather Glenn Beck and not Christopher Hitchens.

Its probably sinfull to say that.. not to mention unkind.. (they could both be saved I supposed)

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Did folks read Milbank's theory that Beck is talking in code about Mormon theology that says the Mormons will save the US Constitution?

Dana's piece seemed like a stretch. And, why bother filtering through his comments to come up w/ such a theory? I regularly listen to the guy (e.g. today I caught part of the radio and TV shows) so I know that he is constantly being nutty--no need to put together bits and pieces to support some grand motivational theory based on theology.

My theory (which is probably completely wrong) is that he's driven by three motivations:
-money for himself
-religion in ways that are positive for society
-religion in ways that are not positive, e.g. (seemingly) eager End Times anticipation, religion v religion stuff, and spreading the political reach of Mormons by softening the ground (by ingratiating himself) for Romney w/ the hard core Christians who can't stand Mormons (among many other groups).

Steve M. Galbraith বলেছেন...

Pedantic post: He really has no idea who Walter Lippmann actually was.

He thinks the younger Lippmann was the real one. He reads one book and thinks, "Well, that's it."

In any event, he's a strange, strange person. Not maliciously strange like an Olbermann or Limbaugh.

But a strange person nevertheless.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

That would be some poll..

If you could save one which one would you save.

Glenn Beck or Chris Hitchens?

NOTE; Hitchens needs more time to find God whereas Glenn is very sure he found it ;)

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Yes, he's describing a neuropathy, hence the talk about poisins/toxins.

He ain't the Morgellon's type, IMO.

Steve M. Galbraith বলেছেন...

I'd like to think he was being metaphorical but, y'know, he probably wasn't.

Or not entirely.

EnigmatiCore বলেছেন...

Traditionalguy- mine was a sincere "who the heck is that."

Name does not ring a bell. Also know nothing about the Del senate race.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Small fiber neuropathy: A burning problem

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Yea he's crazy, but what views of his are outside mainstream conservatism?

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Arroyo is on the mound for the Reds.. you got to like the Reds chances tonight.

We won with him.. he's been there.

Palladian বলেছেন...

When people start talking about poisons and toxins it's an immediate signal to politely back away.

Is Beck going to end up in a hermetically sealed igloo, looking in a mirror saying "I love you".

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

There is a "legendary" RINO behind the plate.. the seats behind the plate.

HD is a beautifull thing.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

RINOs, toxins...

they are both no good.

The Scythian বলেছেন...

Thinking about it more, if he does have macular dystrophy, that really sucks. (There's a history of this in my dad's side of the family.)

Also, I'm not clear how his having problems with his voice is in any way delusional -- he does radio and television shows daily, he speaks at rallies, he jets around the country, and runs an infotainment empire. So it's not like he really has time to rest his voice.

There's nothing particularly nutty there.

AST বলেছেন...

You'd think he'd know better than to discuss stuff like this on the radio. TMI.

Janis Gore বলেছেন...

Cue Crack Emcee.

His disease may be real, but his explanation is pure "New Age."

Methadras বলেছেন...

I've told you guys that Beck is a self-promotion machine. I'm sure he has his sincerity quotient, but his shows both TV and Radio are so overproduced as to be laughable. The syrupy affirmations of goodness and light and how the whole world seems to be funneling it's evil towards him which has now made him have talks about toxins. Fuck, where is George Noory when you need him.

Methadras বলেছেন...

SMGalbraith said...

Not maliciously strange like an Olbermann or Limbaugh.

Olbermann is just an off the rails leftard with no redeeming qualities at all, but how is Limbaugh maliciously strange? Not getting that at all.

Steve M. Galbraith বলেছেন...

but how is Limbaugh maliciously strange? Not getting that at all.

Limbaugh goes after people as people. Makes fun of their physical appearance, sexual orientation (his attacks on Barney Frank are just mean). Ridiculing and degrading people.

Malicious stuff. He gets a strange pleasure in doing so. It's clear.

So does Olbermann.

One from the right, one from the left.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"So does Olbermann.

One from the right, one from the left."

Except Limbaugh is actually sometimes entertaining.

ricpic বলেছেন...

The utter lack of compassion (isn't that what all right thinking beautiful people pride themselves on?) or even concern for a man facing some form of physical deterioration that may include blindness is striking.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

The utter lack of compassion (isn't that what all right thinking beautiful people pride themselves on?) or even concern for a man facing some form of physical deterioration that may include blindness is striking.

But....since Beck is a Conservative and doesn't march in lock step with the liberal agenda....it is perfectly ok to revel in his pain and possible permanent disability.

Same thing for Palin and her 'retarded' child that she should have, (according to the bleeding heart liberals) aborted.

Liberals only care about the bleeding crowd, never about the individuals in reality. (How can people be so heartless, how can you ignore a friend)

The people on the left are such disgusting hypocrites.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Even if it isn't real ... it's rather morbid to joke about somebody who might actually have a serious medical disorder.

All Beck does it put on bad TV shows and weird theories. It's not like he passed a bill that has utterly screwed over the health insurance system in this country beyond repair while saddling my kids with trillions on debt.

If Olbermann had cancer, I wouldn't applaud it.

...now if, say, Charles Schumer had it, I likely would applaud. But that's because Schumer has screwed me and my family over with terrible legislation while Olbermann is just an idiot with a show nobody watches

Palladian বলেছেন...

I'm plumb out of compassion at the moment, especially for weepy, ranty celebrities that I don't even know or care about.

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

Rush Limbaugh is at least aware that his on-air persona is an act. By all accounts, the radio personality "Rush Limbaugh" is not who he is off the air. Olberman, on the other hand, seems to sincerely believe he is the reincarnation of Edward R. Murrow, and that people should care what he thinks.

DocInKY বলেছেন...

FWIW - As a doc I have seen patients with small fiber neuorpathy syndromes with documented agent orange exposure (real immersion exposure) and agricultural industry workers with significant herbicide/pesticide exposures. Have to agree with Pogo

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

I have been in the car listening to the Phils game. Who is the RINO behind the plate? Arlen Specter is who'd I guess.

HT বলেছেন...

Had a big long comment that did not go through.

What do the fibers have to do with it? Is that a description of the supposed sensation? or what?

Listening/streaming it now. This is interesting. I do think it's partly mental and spiritual without doubt.

He is a bit messianic in his delivery if that is not stating the obvious.

I like the way he mainstream certain ideas even about prayers and what to pray for. It's weird, but different, and therefore maybe capable of shining light on some things. Saying that, I am aware that he is probably a very strange person and it's all a big manipulation. Who knows.

Also, what meds is he on now? Do we know that?

Andrew বলেছেন...

I like how one jackass's first thought thought on the subject is to hope Beck dies--but he phrases it coyly so you know he's just being cute, the dickens.

And Althouse diagnoses Morgellon's based on nothing more than...what? Her desire to show her disdain for this crazy Beck fellow? A weird compulsion to overanalyze? Or maybe she just wanted to mention Morgellon's so that she could immediately dismiss it as a delusion (no shit), thus stunning us all with her uncanny perceptiveness.

And then in her very next post she brags about spending $100 at Whole Foods. She's so "with it"!

Blogging is fun if you combine a preening ego and elitism-informed guesswork.

David বলেছেন...

Neuropathy is associated with alcohol abuse, which Beck did for many years.

Palladian বলেছেন...

"Blogging is fun if you combine a preening ego and elitism-informed guesswork."

Yes, Glenn Beck is a working-class man of the people.

Queezy Malanga বলেছেন...

I have small fiber neuropathy... fortunately at a tolerable level.

I tried neurontin and Lyrica; the latter did nothing and the former worked a bit, but made me feel “spacy”... and since I work with dangerous power tools all day I cannot abide the vacuity. I mostly just ignore it now; I've gotten used to not really feeling my feet. Any evening it gets to be too much I'll just pop a Percocet (approx. 2 -4 times per month).

IMO the biggest difficulty with the syndrome is in its diagnosis -- it's often mistaken for other things. In my case, Tarsal Tunnel. In fact one of the few specialists I saw wanted to cut, but fortunately my GP figured out it wasn't Tarsal Tunnel before I went under a pointless knife.

So the good news is if it's small fiber neuropathy it is often just an annoyance more than anything, and it doesn't appear to “spread” to other parts of the body.

reader_iam বলেছেন...

Jesus Christ.

Skeptical বলেছেন...

I hope the toxins don't make trouble for his precious bodily fluids, and contaminate the purity of his essence.

Ritmo Re-Animated বলেছেন...

Ed Schultz has sympathy for GB:

"I think it's a travesty he's not going to see the country he's trying to destroy."

michaele বলেছেন...

I'm going to out myself...I prayed for him last night.

HT বলেছেন...

Do the fibers have to do with the sensation? Is it referencing a part of the actual nerve? Or are fibers growing out of the body? Sorry, but I honestly don't know. When people talk about fibers, what are they talking about??

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Enigmaticore... Michelle O'Donnell is a plant seeking to siphon off votes from Christine O'Donnell, or maybe I was wrong again.

You are wrong Michell O'Donnell is a commentator on MSNBC. Comes on at 10:00PM M-F

Shanna বলেছেন...

But....since Beck is a Conservative and doesn't march in lock step with the liberal agenda....it is perfectly ok to revel in his pain and possible permanent disability.

Which is why I want none of those people in charge of anything healthcare related.

(I actually thought Glen's comment about the other doctors watching the one that hates him was kind of funny! and I'm not really a fan because he does read loony to me).

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Do the fibers have to do with the sensation? Is it referencing a part of the actual nerve? Or are fibers growing out of the body? Sorry, but I honestly don't know. When people talk about fibers, what are they talking about??

Can't you read? Pogo explained it. You can Google can't you?

lemondog বলেছেন...

Doc Maher suggests diabetes diagnosis.

What IS a diabetic mall-walker?

@ Pogo, thanks for the Clevelnad Clinic link. Sent to a diabetic neighbor.

amba বলেছেন...

"Macular dystrophy"?? Or does he mean "muscular degeneration"?