২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১০

From hiccups...

... to murder. Allegedly. Did she really commit murder? Did she really have the hiccups?

১২টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Does the driver of the get away car get the same charge as the robbers who gun down the teller?

She friggin' took him there to be robbed at gunpoint.

coketown বলেছেন...

Can't wait for her family's Christmas card: "Following up last year's spell of hiccups, Jennifer this year was an accessory to murder. She also made the dean's list." Makes my accomplishments seem adequate by comparison. Thanks, Jenny. xoxoxo

ricpic বলেছেন...

Wow, a crew straight out of Deliverance.

Unknown বলেছেন...

$50 or $60? What were they going to split it on? Fritos?

And I believe Olgonicella is correct. It's called accessory before and during the fact, IIRC.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Another reason to avoid Florida except for short vacations. The State is an insane asylum. There is only so much money you can make fishing and raising citrus fruit...the rest of their money must be stolen from strangers.

AllenS বলেছেন...

She should have called it quits when her first 15 minutes of fame was up.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

That mugshot looks like a two face.. two people spliced together.

You all might remember this.

"Cover half the face and each side looks like it belongs to a different person, one appearing downcast and uncertain, the other determined. A person speaking with him would in a sense face two Lincolns, one soft and exhausted, the other fiercely alert."

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Hiccups were once blamed on elves (ælfsogoða, Old English).

'Murder' is OE morðor, from the Viking word morð for "secret slaughter," a heinous crime.

Both of her tales appeared to show one practiced in deceit (from L. decipere "to ensnare, take in, beguile, cheat").

'Jail' comes from L. cavea meaning "cage".

Palladian বলেছেন...

Florida is a vast wasteland of black & white trash, pornographers, drug runners and dealers, dough-ball tourists, the Walt Disney company, geriatric retirees, douche-bag college students and co-ed whores.

Oh, and Rush Limbaugh.

But worse than all that is the repulsive heat and humidity.

What a terrible place.

How is Wal-Mart ever going to find a replacement for this girl?

KCFleming বলেছেন...

'Wal-Mart' comes from the MO (Middle Ozark) word 'varmint', derived from 'vermin'.

Palladian বলেছেন...

I thought it was from a Chinese root meaning "You bought your country with beads and sold it for crappy plastic merchandise, how ironic, haha".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

There's a surefire way women can cure themselves of chronic hiccups.

Let it grow back.
