১৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১০

Carl Paladino's "Cuomo Land" ads.

There's this spoof of the children's game:

What is he accusing Cuomo of there? The Daily News says:
Paladino, who staunchly opposes gay nuptials, accused Cuomo of being a hypocrite for touting his support for same-sex weddings now - but being "all but invisible" when the issue was before the Legislature last year.

"He was asked by those pushing for the measure to call three wavering senators," the Paladino campaign said in the first of what it promises will be daily "Cuomo Land" attacks.

Political pros were puzzled that Paladino would attack Cuomo on gays, given that the Tea Party darling's campaign unraveled this week after he delivered an anti-gay diatribe.

Veteran Democratic operative Hank Sheinkopf called it a "bad choice of a first issue" for the "Cuomo Land" attacks.
Well, look at the illustration. The whole "Cuomo Land" idea seems to be some crazy fantasy about luring children into homosexuality.

২০টি মন্তব্য:

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

Deep into "WTF?!?" territory.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Again, it may resonate upstate, but he needs downstate votes and this will just make the Lefties dig in their heels.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I'm registered to vote here in NY. I was excited about Palodino when he won the primary; I was going to campaign for him and of course vote for him.

But then... WTF??! He starts attacking gays by saying that New York "must stop pandering to the pornographers and the perverts"...

Being tangentially involved in the porno biz myself, I felt a little shafted. But the real fucking outrageous thang is that of all the issues he could use to try to win the election, he chooses this. I think it reflects his own personal fascination with gayness and sexuality. He put all substantive issues on the back burner so he can focus on his own psychofetishes.

Dude could just sign up for one of the many gay websites that are out there and get his jollies off, and then he wouldn't have to bring them to his campaign. Lots of straight, married guys do that-- it helps keep them sane and functional.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Cuomo is the winner here. I have only focussed in House and Senate races (224 and 54) as you all know. But, my colleagues work in the State House races. Cuomo is expected to win over 15 points.

This race (NY) is our least concern. We are doubling our efforts in CA, WA, CT, and IL.

NB: Our fifth day poll has shown that we will go higher than our targets (see above). But, we will keep those as bench-marks as we promised that to our clients.

Banshee বলেছেন...

Obviously, the ad is about Cuomo treating the voters like they're toddlers, thinking that giveaways will satisfy them. Candyland is a game designed for illiterates; and that's what the elite think we all are.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Obviously, the ad is about Cuomo treating the voters like they're toddlers, thinking that giveaways will satisfy them."

I could see that if he unleashed the image with material that said that. Instead, it was accompanied by this weird gay-bashing stuff. It's flat-out creepy!

Irene বলেছেন...

There's also a unicorn in the image.

The Tea Party/right paints the Left as politicians who live in fantasyland.

The Left builds it into a meme: crazies use unicorns to make fun of their opposition.

Irene বলেছেন...

Here's a Milton Bradley image of the game.

No unicorn.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"It's flat-out creepy!"

I'll tell you what's creepy, Ann: Being molested as a child by homosexuals. That's flat out creepy.

Obviously, you had a normal childhood. You weren't exposed to homosexual abuse and indoctrination.

But many others have been victims of them, Ann. It's a shame that you have no compassion for those innocent victims.

Shame on you, Ann. Shame on you.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Is Mr. Paladino getting political advise from ex-rep Massa? (They do look like they could be related.)

Methadras বলেছেন...

The whole "Cuomo Land" idea seems to be some crazy fantasy about luring children into homosexuality.

How did you come to this seeming conclusion? I don't see that at all. Of course the rainbow steps might be some kind of trigger, but if you are worried about the crazy fantasy of Cuomo luring your children into homosexuality, then maybe if the leftards like Cuomo weren't trying to fuck them, like he/they do to the rest of us, then you wouldn't be seeing it this way.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Irene said...

Here's a Milton Bradley image of the game.

No unicorn.

It should be renamed Leftard-Land.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

New "Hussein" Ham,

I'll tell you what's creepy, Ann: Being molested as a child by homosexuals. That's flat out creepy.

Obviously, you had a normal childhood. You weren't exposed to homosexual abuse and indoctrination.

But many others have been victims of them, Ann. It's a shame that you have no compassion for those innocent victims.

I've tried to explain this, Ham, but nobody cares - if you aren't kissing gay butt (now that they're attempting to wipe it clean) you're the weird one.

I'm not even against gays - I just want an honest conversation - but that's taboo in this current environment. It's as bad as saying women are the prime movers behind the problems and spread of NewAge:

It's just not done.

And, yes, Ann's made it clear - through her silence - she doesn't care.

ricpic বলেছেন...

The issue for New York is not the state of the darling gays, it is whether New York and upstate in particular will be permanently consigned to West Virginia's economic status. That's why it is so tragic that Paladino has gone so badly off message. Four more years of killing taxes, pure corruption and enslavement to government worker unions under Dem hack Andrew.

David বলেছেন...

I gotta say that I don't see everything Althouse sees in the picture. Although the big candy cane phallus rising by Cuomo's left ear does make me wonder.

In spite of the polls, I still think Paladino can lick him.

Craig Howard বলেছেন...

Methinks his comments about the seamier side of gay life (PRIDE parade in Toronto, for example) polled well.

Now, don't get me wrong, I think he's running a loopy campaign. That said, I'll vote for him happily (and I'm gay! -- don't feel threatened by his comments a single bit). Cuomo will do nothing but plunge the state further into the economic abyss.

Alex বলেছেন...

Gotta love crazy Carl. He knew he never had a chance to win this race, so he went whole hog on teh CRAZY. Gotta admire his cojones.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

This is going to be a much closer election than you think. The polls and the mainstream liberal press will bash and bash and predict that Crazy Carl has no chance. That Dandy Andy can't lose. Much like they did for Nanny Bloomberg.

Who barely got in by a couple of percentage points.

Low turnout. Anything can happen.

Alex বলেছেন...

But many others have been victims of them, Ann. It's a shame that you have no compassion for those innocent victims.

Pedophiles are a special brand of sick. It has nothing to do with natural, healthy adult ass-bangin' homosexuality. Titus can tell you all about it.

Alex বলেছেন...

Conservative Feminists blast Crazy Carl for his homophobia:

Spare us your sexual sermons Crazy Carl

Since most pedophiles molest young girls, can we conclude that heterosexuality is a deviant sickness?