That's what I said, as I overhead this video (which Meade was playing over there). "It's a Hillary for President ad," he said. It doesn't make me feel angry while looking at the video...
... but that was a weird experience. The music is the most heavy-handed kind of movie music, the stuff you hear in trailers for very big-budget sci-fi. Perhaps Hillary is a big-budget sci-fi project. Ever thought of it/her that way?
In any case, it's not Hillary presenting herself as a candidate, of course. Not overtly anyway. But she is a 2012 candidate, isn't she?
Millions of Americans will pull the lever for Hillary simply because she's a name. So yes, tragically she still has a chance. But it's a very small chance for one and only one reason: black turnout for a Democrat who deprives their boy of a second term will be way low.
Yeah, blacks will boycott, but Independents will come back - contingent on what the GOP does when it wins the House and Senate in November.
With all of the Star Wars lasers flashing in the background, I half-expected the music to change to the Darth Vader theme when Hillary's pic spun around.
I dont know.
What would be worse, Corrupt Hillary VS Incompetent Obama?
Some of the music reminds me of Lord of the Rings. I don't get why they didn't use a more becoming picture. That one looks cadaverous.
This grandiose Cult of (new) Personality shtick is exactly what Americans are sick of right now.
Tone deaf.
It sounds like the Aurora Feint music.
I agree. Strange. I don't see it happening.
If Obama has had enough of being the POTUS after one term, you can count on Hillary running for the position. Seriously, does anyone think that Obama is enjoying his current job?
When I look at Hillary and think of music, I'm reminded on the music from Jaws right before the big fish is about to bite.
garage mahal was not available for comment.
When I look at Hillary and think of music, I'm reminded on the music from Jaws right before the big fish is about to bite.
Everytime Obama is about to give a speech I'm waiting for the Benny Hill theme song to cue.
Perhaps Hillary is a big-budget sci-fi project. Ever thought of it/her that way?
There are some people (wackos) who swear that we have reptilian shape shifters amongst us and that Hillary is one.
Evidently, Salt Lake City is a hot spot for Reptiloids. Hmmmm....Romney....this explains a lot. Especially his hair.
I for one welcome our new Reptilian overlords. Could they be worse than Obama?
To people who say Hillary is "great" and "admired", I say go back and watch the 60 Minutes interview from January 1992. She was scheming and lying to us before we even knew who she was.
I thought you didn't include an option for me. Then I realized that "Hillary wants it, she'll jump in if she can, and I hope she does. actually works pretty well. Anything resembling Clinton II could not (NOT) be anything but better than another term for Obama. At least the Clintons are competent.
Did you catch this?
She was one of the first national leaders to begin the fight for real health care reform...
Positioning to run at health care reform from the left.
Oh wait....I forgot to use the Outer Limits music.
do dee do do. do dee do dod.
"Did you catch this? 'She was one of the first national leaders to begin the fight for real health care reform...'"
Yes. As someone IM'd me a moment ago: ""begin the fight" -- good euphemism for "lose the fight""
To be serious.
Hillary was robbed of the nomination by the corrupt caucus process and by the MSM becoming Obama's butt boys.
If she does run in 2012, which I don't think she will, I think it can be a pretty close race depending on who the Republicans nominate.
HOWEVER, Hillary and Bill are smart enough to see that the political winds have changed with the advent of the Tea Parties and with the sour taste that the Democrats in the form of the extreme left and the Obama administratiobn have left with the voters.
I doubt there would be enough time for Hillary to reposition herself as the Anti-Obama and as a right of center Democrat.
People won't buy that shift of a real change. They will recognize it for what it is: a convenient and disengenous ploy to try to get elected.
There is no way she would ever run against our second black president.
If I ever considered her a President I would immediately ask myself
What about Bill?
(What would it mean to have a former President as "First Person"? Not good
or as Dana Carvey said:
Wouldn't be prudent )
Ugh-the music is sappy and overwrought.
There isn't a card on that which can't be turned against her. "Respected Lawyer", "more White House experience", "met with world leaders"?
And, if you look at the way she ran in '08, even with the help of the media, she barely got out of the starting gate.
Fen said...
I dont know.
What would be worse, Corrupt Hillary VS Incompetent Obama?
Corrupt & Incompetent Hillary
Fixed it for you.
Hilary is Frodo.. What happened was the night b4 the journey a hobbit from the land of democrats stole the ring while she slept.
Now that the hobbit from the land of democrat has failed in his quest to convert middle America (called them bitter clingers) Hilary is ready once again to claim the brass ring for herself.
She would definitely had a shot had she stayed in the Senate.
Obama, and his team, made a great move, and she made a very bad decision to join up with the administration.
Now, she is linked to the policies and approaches of this administration, and has no room to offer contrasting leadership.
She can run on her name, but is stuck with Obama's foreign policy as her only record. And by being so closely tied to the foreign policy she was entirely left out of all the immense amount of domestic policy development that is supposed to be her real strength.
Obama, in one move, pushed Hillary in a corner where her strengths were neutered and her weaknesses highlighted.
I'd even say that this was probably the most successful move of Obama's leadership thus far. He entirely undercut the competition. And Hillary made the absolute wrong move with this 3pm call.
"She would definitely had a shot had she stayed in the Senate."
I'm ejukated!
Hillary has been conspicuously quiet about the Ground Zero Mosque..
You think a Yankee fan would have something to say about it.
Well I will say this.
Somehow the other week I was watching Hillary on C-Span.
I think she was speaking at a UN Women's Health event.
She was speaking it seemed without a teleprompter and-I don't know if I've been watching Obama for too long-but she was amazing..
I never thought I would have ended up wishing Hillary was President.
She was also an early adopter of the "WMD's in Iraq" intelligence reports. In fact, she was talking about Saddam's WMD's before the country knew who GW Bush was.
I don't see how she can possibly win. The moderates are all in the Tea Party movement now, not that she's really a moderate, but that would be the base she'd have to try to appeal to.
She has zero accomplishments as either a Senator or as figurehead Sec State. No doubt Bill will be expected to do all the heavy lifting, and the general public isn't nearly as enamored of that old sleaze as the Dems are.
I hope she runs only because it means the Dems have fully imploded a la 1980. Can't see it happening though.
That video has so many wild claims, how could anyone take it seriously?
"She has been a respected lawyer and United States Senator"
And? You could say the same about at least 100 living people. BFD. We know why she won.
"She meets face to face with the world's most powerful leaders"
And? That's her job. We also know why she got that job.
"She was one of the first national leaders to begin the fight for real health care reform"
TR and FDR might both beg to differ with that assertion. So would Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Whatever.
"Her work as a leader in women's rights and equal rights is legendary"
Huh? What has she done? Point to one accomplishment.
"She has more experience working in and with the White House than most living presidents"
So do most of the WH maids, cooks and Secret Service staff. WTF did she do as FLOTUS that counts for anything? Her time as Senator was short-lived and accomplishment-free. Her time as SOS has been a disaster.
"She is one of the most admired women in our nation's history"
Says who? She's a pitiable person. That's why she was elected Senator. She was appointed SOS because Obama wanted to neutralize her.
We need a moratorium on nepotism in politics. You too, Jeb.
I thought the clip creator, William DeJean, was probably a Repeublican moby, but he gave more than $5,000 to to the Hillary presidential campaign, so I guess he's just a REALLY avid fan.
Paddy O-
On top of all that-Obama sends Biden, or Richard Holbrooke for the really important diplomacy.
He sends Biden....gawd...I think that makes Obama a super genius.
When that thing starts rotating in the 33-37 second range, my mind's eye sees high heels - or hooves - I just don't know. High heels = Sarah Palin? Hooves = Donkey?
I never thought I would have ended up wishing Hillary was President.
Bizarre isn't it?
Cue DBQ's Outer Limits music.
He forgot the footage of the 3am sniper fire.
That ad is just way overblown. And the picture makes her look about 128 years old. The whole thing makes me retch a little.
There are 2 or 3 Democrats this conservative could "live with" - as opposed to "live under" - if it has to be a Democrat, and Hillary is one.
I disagree with her take on many if not most social issues, but one thing is clear - she would not be afraid to use the United States military well and appropriately. I actually would expect her to kick some North Korean and Iranian ass in some form or another.
On defense, she seems like a Margaret Thatcher type to me. Every foreign leader would be asking their intelligence services to make damn sure she's completely on the other side of menopause.
"On defense, she seems like a Margaret Thatcher type to me. Every foreign leader would be asking their intelligence services to make damn sure she's completely on the other side of menopause."
What about her makes you think that? She was a hippy-dippy Lib long before Obama was on the scene. The only time her husband used military force was to distract from his impeachment, and she was supposedly his "right hand". The Bosnian/Kosovo deployments were a study in how not to use US forces.
I think that her contempt for the military/intelligence agencies would be just as intense as Obama's. It's the first thing these dimwits learn.
Citizen Kane 2012.
Why, exactly, is she legendary?
Citizen Kane 2012.
Why, exactly, is she legendary?
1) Boomer
2) Woman (allegedly)
3) Thinks it takes a village
4) Super-dexterity allowing her to dodge sniper fire and accusations of lying
5) Super ability to dump memory chanting the mantra, "I don't recall"
Obama may take one for the Marxist Team and refuse to run in 2012 since he cannot win against Palin anyway. Then the substitute Marxist Clinton can jump the line of being the first woman Presidential candidate to give educated feminists a place to go where they do not have to identify their vote with an inexperienced redneck.
madawaskan said..
She was speaking it seemed without a teleprompter and-I don't know if I've been watching Obama for too long-but she was amazing..
It does not take Obama to make her look good. She IS amazing. You saw the Hillary we see.. Thank you!
Then the substitute Marxist Clinton can jump the line of being the first woman Presidential candidate to give educated feminists a place to go where they do not have to identify their vote with an inexperienced redneck.
That's exceptionally unfair to Obama. He's only half-white and thus cannot be more than half-redneck at the most. You were talking about Obama, right? I saw the inexperienced thing and just assumed...
If this harridan runs, she will do so with the biggest pile of baggage know to mankind.
Her past coupled with her invisible stint as Obamas SoS should be enough to do her in.... and then there's Bill.
Benny Hill!
LOL- how about a link Hoosier? I'd do it but I am too dumb about computers.
I agree with DBQ. In 2012, the voters will want to hear a candidate say "Govt can not and should not be the solution to all problems".
No Democrat, including Hillary!, can say that and be believed.
If Hillary were to run, as NYTNY notes, she'd finally have to answer questions about her past shenanigans. I find it hard to believe that even a shameless politician like Clinton would dare to try to sell the "found the files on an end table" tale to a national audience. There's a reason she had to move all the way to NY to get her reward for being doormat of the century, it's because nowhere else would have her.
So why did the admaker use a picture of Olympia Dukakis?
She's running. She has started to grow her hair long. She'll be wearing a Palin-do by 2012. Betcha.
That makes me so sad. She was the person we should have elected and the asses in the Democratic party wanted a black candidate... even if he was completely unqualified and inexperienced and even if they had to use sexism to do it.
Obama is a terrible President... no better than Bush, no different really.
WV: mydrea ... as in my dream was to have a second Clinton presidency
Lincolntf said, "There's a reason she had to move all the way to NY to get her reward for being doormat of the century, it's because nowhere else would have her."
Unfortunately for me this is so and don't forget, when she ran for the senate here she never answered any questions insisting on a almost 2 year "listening tour" to hear residents concerns as she traveled the state....and the media let her get away with that the whole time.
Hillary could side step that devastating image Palin has painted painted for Obama as being impotent, limp and gutless. Hillary is not any of those. Palin vs Hillary could be portrayed by the media as a catfight among females. Then the White Conservative Woman versus the Muslim-American voter choice would be gone. Setting up the voter Choices strongly affects voter's thought processes, says this Old Trial Lawyer.
This proves we are in deep doo doo when Bush, Obama and Hillary! are the choices we get to elect.
Legendary? Most admired?
Hillary's dentist?
I never thought I would have ended up wishing Hillary was President.
At the very least Hillary would not have re-decorated the Oval Office to make the the desk face Medina ;)
At the very least Hillary would not have re-decorated the Oval Office to make the the desk face Medina ;)
Who but someone completely politically tone-deaf would use camel as a color in the Oval office when a significant chunk thinks he's a Muslim?
It is possible that the real reason why Guantanamo is not closed yet is because there is Mosque there.
By presidential executive order BO-X.. No Mosque shall be closed in government soil.
The lawyers must be ironing out the apparent conflict between executive orders.
Checking this at lunch time - heading into meetings rest of day - but will give examples of Hillary hawkishness later.
My question for you:
The Bosnian/Kosovo deployments were a study in how not to use US forces.
How so? Most conservatives in retrospect think Clinton deserves credit for how well it went without the loss of American lives.
Chase, for all intents and purposes we were there in the role of U.N. peacekeepers. Some of our troops were able to literally hear mass murders being committed without the authorization to do anything about it. My unit (field artillery) was originally tasked to go, but when it became clear that there was going to be no real battle, we stayed in Germany. Pretty much everyone who did go was transport, MPs, medics, etc.
My 2 cousins (both MPs) ended up there and basically provided day care for 6 months.
Obviously our air presence helped some, and just showing our level of commitment was good for Bosnian/Kosovar morale, but the U.S. Army was essentially doing the job of the Red Cross.
I say it's pure fantasy, but you'll know I'm wrong if she loses a lot of weight.
Intriguing...will she break out the "NIG" pajamas again if she runs against Barry O in 2012?
Looks like someone still has an Amiga Toaster.
It makes me angry on an aesthetic level, that's for sure.
We all know that both of the Clintons are as crooked as a dog's hind leg. But back in 2008, I said that I'd rather see Hillary as the nominee than Obama, because Obama had the most liberal voting record in the Senate. His presidency has continued in the same ideological vein.
You know that Hillary would have had at least some people in her cabinet who had been involved in business. Barack had none, and thus his people were clueless as to why the country continues to hemorrhage jobs (hint: uncertainty is bad, whether it is on increased taxes, increased regulation, whether contract law will be enforced, etc).
I don't think that Hillary would have been a good president, but then again, I didn't think that McCain would either; I was hoping for glorious mediocrity in his case. But I did think that Obama would be a bad president, and the current national malaise seems to bear that out.
A "willing suspension of disbelief"
The music has the magnificence that befits her. How many times do you think she's watched it? How funny do you think Bill finds it?
In fact, she was talking about Saddam's WMD's before the country knew who GW Bush was.
She brought it up before January 1996?
Because the "Two Bad Neighbors" episode of The Simpsons was broadcast way back in January 1996. And that had a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush in it (used to lure George H. W. Bush out of the house in order that Homer and Bart could glue a clown wig to his head).
For all that say Hillary wouldn't be SOo bad remember, she's as far-left as Obama... wrapped with a different bow, further left than her husband Bill.
I think that looking through our Obama prism would make even the devil look good right now.
Sheesh what a mess.
WV: prehyp... it certainly is!
DBQ - I think you were thinking of Twilight Zone music. The Outer Limits is difficult to write in words. Bill Murray can sing the Star Wars theme, however.
That ad blows - blah blah blah - her work on blah blah is legendary - what does that even mean? Billy the Kid is legendary, but not good.
WV: axita - she would run if Omongrel would axita.
Hillary will not and CAN NOT run against Obama in 2012 for one simple reason: 1/3 of all registered Democrats are African-American.
Go ahead and try to be the white person who tries to make Obama a one-term historical footnote in the Democratic primary, and see how the electoral math works out for you.
Pretty much every other constituency in the Democratic Party would have to be practically monolithic in their support of your candidacy, and that will NEVER happen with Obama being an incumbent.
Hillary's a lot of things, but she's not suicidal: she'll wait her turn to when she'll be hailed as the "SAVIOR" of the Democratic Party following the disastrous turn to the Left of the last 2 years. She'll run as a centrist and rebrand the Democrats in 2016 to try to get people to change their minds about the current electoral poison of the liberal label for Democrats.
(You know...kind of like her husband Bill did in 1992 after Carter, Mondale and Dukakis made the word "liberal" toxic....Ready for Clinton Redux?)
the music to change to the Darth Vader theme when Hillary's pic spun around.
The band played that several years ago when PM Tony Blair arrived for the State Opening of Parliament.
Jim is right. Hillary is patient, not suicidal...though sometimes she's stupid ("right-wing conspiracy"). She'll wait 'til 2016, since Biden will be no contest.
Sitting presidents do not get primaried. She'll run if Obama doesn't, but that's the only way.
Because you get kind of weird about Hillary?
It's cheaply done, I suppose. Probably an IP issue with getting music.
@ Eric
"Sitting presidents do not get primaried."
Perhaps you are too young to remember 1980. Ted Kennedy ran a primary campaign against incumbent President Jimmy Carter (and lost).
It might be more accurate to say that sitting presidents do not get primaried, unless their presidencies are viewed as complete disasters, which means almost certain defeat in November. That was Jimmy Carter in 1980, and it very well could be Barack Obama in 2012.
In 1976 Reagan ran against Ford in the primary and Ford wasn't considered a failure. Ford lost to Carter in the general.
And if I recall correctly Jesse Jackson ran against Carter in the 1980 primary as well as Kennedy. I still remember Jackson's floor speech.
It wasn't that long ago that all presidents got primaried from one side or the other. A primary run used to be the way they elevated their profiles for the next cycle.
@ DaveW
Ford was a special case. He never was elected at the national level; he was appointed by Nixon to replace Agnew, who had resigned in disgrace as vice-president. Plus there's the fact that he pardoned Nixon, which was probably the right thing to do in terms of allowing the nation to move on from Watergate, but also was electoral poison. The fact was that anyone with a D after their name could have been elected in 1976.
We paranoid few, we happy paranoid few, we band of paranoid five percenters.
Funny, not so long ago there was a trial balloon of Hillary as VP to take the place of Bumblefuck Biden. Now she is being pushed for President. No way she will run unless the affirmative action appointee quits.
Once again, you leave out the choice for those of us who think you're spending too much time thinking about what Hillary will do. In hind sight, though, her 3:00 a.m phone call ad looked prescient. She could refine it to say "Do you want someone who'll take three weeks to give an answer?"
@whimsy: By "cadaverous," do you mean pale and bloated, or pale and emaciated?
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