September 20, 2010

"We need to get out the message that it’s now really dangerous to re-empower the Republican Party."

The Democrats are trying to figure out the best way to scare the bejeezus out of you.

Really, where did the Tea Party come from? Suddenly, it's everywhere. It's all these people congregating at rallies. No leaders. Just spontaneous comings-together. How could that happen? Then, the leaders emerge. Who are these people? They came out of nowhere. And one of them... is a witch!


chickelit said...

Annoying ploy.

Anonymous said...

Far leftist politics are a requirement for employment in the arts.

Occasionally, I watch shows like SNL, and I'm astounded that the creatives think they're ballsy rebels. They're complete conformists to the leftist orthodoxy of Manhattan.

Read a letter from a "videographer" in the Woodstock Times last week... the usual condemnation of Republicans as bigots and servants of the rich. This is just the sort of political statement that will advance your application to the Woodstock Film Festival, which is literally a propaganda and indoctrination weekend for the left wing of the Democratic Party.

Time to recognize this tripe for what it is... expressing far left politics is a career necessity if you want to advance in the creative arts.

AllenS said...

Who created the Tea Party? The New York Times and the MSM. Also, the Republican Party.

WV: ackurged

Opus One Media said...

Let's see...Paladino in New York, Ms. Hissifit from Alaska, The felon of the future in Delaware, Ms. Scrinchy-face in Arizona, Newt, The Huckster...Romney looking "moderate in comparison"...

and we aren't scared enough as it is?

Oh thank you...ya' big elephant lug ya'

MadisonMan said...

Is it more dangerous to re-empower the Republicans, or to leave the Democrats in Power?

That is the real question.

prairie wind said...

Don't forget Barack Obama, Allen. He's the main reason the Tea Party is so big.

Thank you, Barack!

Anonymous said...

If you're afraid, HenHouse, then the Tea Party is a good thing.

You're disdain is about as powerful an endorsement as I can think of.

After all, you're the dope who actually was stupid enough to claim that Muslims are the new Jews.

You don't have a functioning cerebral cortex.

Chase said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chase said...

Best analysis of the country's mood and the TEA PARTY influence:

George Will yesterday on ABC's "This Week":

It is the sense that no one voted for this. That no one voted for government ownership of General Motors. That no one voted for 8.5 TRILLION Dollars of debt to be piled up in the next decade.
It's frightening. It's less anger than shock and awe statism that is turning people off.

Good luck to the Democrats on their efforts to re-arrange the deck chairs. They got nuthin'

Lincolntf said...

It's a great time to be a conservative. The Dems are in full panic mode, and when that happens they do some crazy shit. I can't wait to see some of the scare ads they come up with. Guaranteed to parody themselves.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Congress critters and pundits are getting nervous for their jobs. How refreshing it would be to turn on a Sunday morning news show and the panelists include Joe and Jane Average - maybe a cop, or a plumber or a college professor or a small business owner instead of the incestuous MSM bootlickers we get today.

garage mahal said...

Their leaders are everywhere excerpt in front of media microphones. Weird. Maybe they're just shy.

Anonymous said...

Their leaders are everywhere excerpt in front of media microphones. Weird. Maybe they're just shy.

Don't be impatient. Those leaders will be in front of plenty of media microphones soon.

And you won't be so happy about it when it happens.

I think that I can guarantee you'll be hearing plenty.

michaele said...

I was initially a little dismayed at some of the material the press was digging up about O'Donnell. However, I'll take minor witchcraft dabbling over Obama's interest in Marxism as he shared in Dreams From My Father.

Hagar said...

The Republican Party is in the process of turning over; the Democrats are still the same old, same old, and holding on for dear life.

dbp said...

MadisonMan said...
Is it more dangerous to re-empower the Republicans, or to leave the Democrats in Power?
That is the real question.

The answer is very simple: Obama will still be President and wield his veto-pen when/if the Republicans gain control of Congress. They will check each other and the winner will be the people.

Fred4Pres said...

That curly 80's hair.
That virginal seductive stare
that strips my conscience bare
it's witchcraft.

Castle had no defense for it.
The tea is too intense for it.
What good would commonsense for it do?

'Cause it's witchcraft!
Wicked witchcraft.
And although I know it'a strictly taboo

when you arouse the need in me
my heart says "yes indeed" in me
Proceed with what you're lead in 'me to!

It's such an ancient pitch
but one I wouldn't switch
'Cause there's no nicer witch than you!

Anonymous said...

The answer is very simple: Obama will still be President and wield his veto-pen when/if the Republicans gain control of Congress. They will check each other and the winner will be the people.


Divided government is a good thing.

Keeps the morons on both sides from "doing something about it."

garage mahal said...

If I didn't know better I would think TP'ers like O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, and Rand Paul were deliberately avoiding the media.

bagoh20 said...

I think many, if not most, Tea Partiers would agree that it's dangerous to empower the Republicans. Just like chemotherapy is dangerous. They would love another choice, but winning is mandatory to cause any change.

Clyde said...

As opposed to the placid tranquility we've achieved by hyper-empowering the Democrats in the last election? They just don't get it! The problem right now is not the Republicans, it's the Democrats as locusts upon the land, devouring everything in their fiscal path. There is nothing that they are going to be able to say about the Republicans that will be as scary as two more years of the Obama-Reid-Pelosi axis power-diving our economy into the ground as the federal government's tentacles writhe into every nook and cranny of our lives, like some bad Japanese hentai. The Republicans aren't the problem this time, they're the solution.

Paddy O said...

Althouse, any way you can get a share on facebook button or somehow link to your posts on your facebook page? I tried to share this link using the URL, but it posted over there with your picture, your post title, but oddly enough, shoutingthomas's text.

Amexpat said...

Christine O'Donnell is too pretty to be a witch. An affable nutcase is more like it.

sonicfrog said...

I do find it interesting that, as the political crisis builds today, the constant theme in the press is that the Dems must find a way to reunite, gather strength against the political foe, and reignite the passions that led to the Obama / Democrat victory in 2008. Two and four years ago, when the press was writing about Republicans, the ruling party at the time facing a similar voter revolt against them, the headlines were heralding the demise of the GOP. How many times did we read "The GOP brand is dying", or "The Republicans MUST CHANGE if they ever expect to be relevant in todays society". Well, guess what, they changed, but it wasn't the change you were expecting or hoping for.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that the candidate that you refused to vet, to turn a critical eye toward, is now President, and his flaws, the ones you so convenient avoided during the campaign, are clear for the world to see. This is what happens WHEN YOU DON'T DO YOUR JOB!

Trooper York said...

Well when you see what happened to Joe the Plumber I can understand why some Tea Party people don't want to be out front and get savaged by the main stream media and democrats in the government who will try to destroy them.

Many of the Tea Party people are just regular citizens who don't want to be smeared and destroyed.

sonicfrog said...

Paddy O, just copy the link of the blog post (ring-click on the title) and paste it into the dialog of the Facebook page.. FB is good at clearly showing the link for all to see.

Trooper York said...

"garage mahal said...
If I didn't know better I would think TP'ers like O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, and Rand Paul were deliberately avoiding the media."

As far as professional politicians go, it is a great idea to avoid the mainstream media as they are an arm of the Democratic political operation.

The mainstream media is the enemy of regular normal Americans and should be put out of business. And it will be soon.

The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.

Paddy O said...

sonicfrog, I did that, and I got the blog title, Ann's face as a picture, and shoutingthomas's text.

Sometimes Facebook is weird about what text it takes, and there's no adjusting it.

garage mahal said...

As far as professional politicians go, it is a great idea to avoid the mainstream media as they are an arm of the Democratic political operation.

If they can't handle an interview with a wimpy Democrat on TV, how can they possibly handle Ahmadinejad??? It just strikes me as odd that they can't go on national TV and tell Americans where they stand.

Anonymous said...

It just strikes me as odd that they can't go on national TV and tell Americans where they stand.

Don't worry, garage, they'll be there.

And, I suspect they'll do it on terms that give them a strategic advantage.

Your desire to urge Republican candidates on to self-destruction is duly noted.

But, you're the enemy. Of course you want Republican candidates to self-destruct. I don't think they ought to look to you for advice.

This is sort of reminiscent of the constant parade of Democrats who like to tell Republicans how they should honor the tradition of Reagan.

Take care of your own business, garage. Your opposition isn't interested in consulting you on tactics.

Surprising, huh?

Big Mike said...

Since the mid-1960's -- a span of 45 years! -- the dominant mode of getting demonstrations going has been for a small handful of like-minded people to grab a bullhorn and organize one. Sometimes their message would resonate, and sometimes the organizers were charismatic and the demonstration would be large and would accomplish something. People looking back at the 60's and 70's think of the big, successful demonstrations. They forget the hundreds of small, unsuccessful ones.

But everything was always top down. When and where and against whom to march came down from the leaders. The tea party is something totally different. It really is spontaneous, and the people are not Sarah Palin's or Glenn Beck's to lead. Palin and Beck are two people they trust to advise them, but no one is leading them (except locally, at the city and neighborhood levels). Insofar as the people respond to Palin and Beck, it's more because of who hates them (as in if HDHouse, AlphaLibrul, garage mahal, and he-who-must-not-be-named-but-his-moniker-starts-with-J hates them, then they must be pretty good people).

Chris Matthews gets it, and so does Palin herself. The movement is an expression of disgust with the entire political establishment. So far the people sent off the political stage have been Republicans in primaries, and Murkowski and Castle were only the latest ones to depart unwillingly from the banks of the Potomac.

The reason why this movement is taking over the Republicans is simple. The barriers to forming a third party are too high, and after the thumpings in 2006 and 2008 the Republicans are too weak to resist. And a few of the losing Republicans have been stupid, e.g., Castle thinking he didn't have to work for his nomination.

garage mahal said...

Your desire to urge Republican candidates on to self-destruction is duly noted.

So if a tea partier goes in front of a camera they automatically self destruct?

Trooper York said...

Its not a matter of not being able to handle it, it is a matter of not making it easy for your enemies to attack you.

You see they control the editing and they will edit it to destroy you if you are a Republican or conservative.

They only time they should be interviewed is live and that is problematic because they will replay and distort it later.

Better to blow them off and talk directly to the people.

garage mahal said...

But plenty of Republicans are in front of the cameras every single day. Just the not the tea party candidates. That can't be it.

traditionalguy said...

AlGore can do another hoax movie for the Democrat Conspiracy complete with the sky falling and the cartoon of spanish Inqusition torture scenes of people by Christian conservatives.

Anonymous said...

So if a tea partier goes in front of a camera they automatically self destruct?

Nice try, garage.

I'm not looking to you for strategic advice. Nor, I suspect are the Tea Party people.

You aren't going to vote for them.

Why should I or they give a shit about your demands?

You're irrelevant. The Tea Party people are going to focus on voters who might vote for them, I suspect.

And that's not you.

Good try, though. Dishonest and slimy, but clever.

Anonymous said...

garage, what's with the pretense?

Do you think anybody buys that act?

Your only interest, obviously, is in defeating Tea Party candidates.

Butt out and mind your own business.

roesch-voltaire said...

Well as someone once said, it is not right vs left as much as top vs bottom and the Tea Party has come out against the elites, or the top, so that has everybody in a blur, but the problem maybe that they have not figured out just which elites have the power and it seems like carry water for the top 2% as they wish to do away with unemployment compensation, or insurance for pre-existing conditions, along with tax increases for the very rich.

Trooper York said...

The reason why Republican go in front of the camera every day is because they are part of the Washington Establishment. The other side of the coin.

The Tea Party people are throwing the Mike Castle and Rick Lazio types over the side of the boat.

That is the problem for the media. They refuse to play the game. They are not buying into the Washington Power game where you have to kowtow to the unelected media elite and let them bless you. Let them anoint you as having "gravitas".

Fuck them. Don't go on Katie Couric's show. And if she askes why, just say "look bitch you are a failure and a joke and I don't care what you think, just go back to kissing Obama's ass twenty four seven and see how that works out for you."

Don't give Katie Couric the chance to submarine you. Screw the mainstream media. Talk to the people. Go on alternative media and buy commercials. The liberal mainstream media is your enemy and the enemy of normal everyday Americans. Fuck them.

Ann Althouse said...

I tried enabling the share buttons, but they don't show up. Not sure why not.

Anyway, click on the title and you get the URL for the post.

Calypso Facto said...

garage said: "If they can't handle an interview with a wimpy Democrat on TV, how can they possibly handle Ahmadinejad???"

Which has been admirably proven by President Obama: Because he couldn't handle any non-fawning interview on TV, he hasn't been able to handle Ahmadinejad. It just strikes me as odd that he can't go on national TV (without a teleprompter!) and tell Americans where he stands with any conviction.

wv: untealip. What garage is plying here.

Trooper York said...

Oh and that goes for liberal commie professor's at prestigious universities too!!!!!

Ann Althouse said...

"Christine O'Donnell is too pretty to be a witch."

Cue Glinda giggle.

Richard Dolan said...

To figure out whether the Dems' message makes any sense, you need to focus on the intended audience. The real anger brewing in the electorate, and especially among Tea Partiers, is all about the economic meltdown, which those folks believe will be exacerbated by the O-team's policy of wild spending, huge deficits and rapidly expanding Gov't. If that's the focus, the target will inevitably be, first and foremost, the workforce living off of all that Gov't spending -- the public employee unions most directly, but also the huge workforce in, e.g., the health services industry that depends on Medicare/Medicaid spending. 'Cut the spending/deficits' becomes code for 'reduce the workforce and its compensation,' which would certainly involve outsourcing as much of the work as possible to non-unionized contractors.

The Dems' idea behind an ad campaign demonizing the Reps and particularly the Tea Party as "extremists" is to convince those union members that a Rep win is a direct loss for them. It's the narrowest possible "energize the base" strategy, but it's what the Dems are now reduced to. It's a high risk strategy in that the Dems could convince voters that they are, first and foremost, the party of the public employee unions, at a time when inflated public employee pensions and compensation are getting lots of unfavorable attention by voters everwhere. That's not working out too well for the Dems in NJ, where Gov Christie has very effectively turned the tables on the leaders of the teachers' union.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trooper is right. Technology enables people to bypass the MSM.

Only old people watch the nightly news shows and the MSM will alter video to belittle and denigrate the non-liberal candidates.

For example if was John Boehner, when the fossil, Bob Schiefer, asked why he smoked, Boehner should have asked "jeez Bob, you knew nothing about the New Black Panter case but you took the time to attack my legal smoking habit. Why is that?"

wv = skiven =what the MSM has become

Michael said...

Garage :"If they can't handle an interview with a wimpy Democrat on TV, how can they possibly handle Ahmadinejad???"
I don't think a junior Senator has to "handle" the A-man. That, my poor man, is the president's job. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Unknown said...

It's interesting to note The Zero's big appeal to blacks to get out the vote over the weekend was, "guard the change". They're that scared.

And, yes, the Tea Party is all about tossing out the Establishment (ironically, what the Lefties said they were all about once). This is how the Left empowered itself, by infiltrating all the centers of leadership - churches, academia, courts, professions, etc. That's the real revolution - the Hollywood/Haavahd Hates America crowd understand they're next. You're already seeing people going to online universities to escape the indoctrination and, as Victor Davis Hanson once observed, increasing numbers are dropping out of pop culture.

HDHouse said...

Let's see...Paladino in New York, Ms. Hissifit from Alaska, The felon of the future in Delaware, Ms. Scrinchy-face in Arizona

Too bad HD doesn't have anything but invective to rebut these people.

PS I've seen some winsome witches in my time, so Ms Christine fits right in.

PPS Love the lyric, Fred.

Trooper York said...

The mainstream media is part of the elite in this country that the Tea Party is revolted by and revolting against.

And it is exactly right that the public employee union and government workers who are the base of the Democratic party and the people they have to energize.

Or they can just find some some votes in the trunk of someone's car.

garage mahal said...

The mainstream media is part of the elite in this country that the Tea Party is revolted by and revolting against.

They're hiding because their handlers know the crazy won't sell to the masses outside the Republican primaries.

James said...

"Well as someone once said, it is not right vs left as much as top vs bottom and the Tea Party has come out against the elites, or the top, so that has everybody in a blur, but the problem maybe that they have not figured out just which elites have the power and it seems like carry water for the top 2% as they wish to do away with unemployment compensation, or insurance for pre-existing conditions, along with tax increases for the very rich. "

If you think that's what the Tea Party stands for then you really haven't been paying attention.

Hagar said...


The scandal is not that the media are in the tank for the Democratic Party, but that the Party is in the tank for the media.

And the reason that you see the "establishment" Republicans so much on TV, is that they are whom the media have on speed dial for comment.

Trooper York said...

It is the prespective of the media and liberals that Tea Partiers are crazy.

I mean saying that people should keep more of their money and not be taxed out of business to pay for more government programs controlled by government employees and their unions. I mean it is crazy to have charter schools where teachers have to produce or be fired and not be paid for two years because of union rules in the "rubber room." It's crazy to say lets stop business as usual.

It's crazy man.

Trooper York said...

And even the same old same old handlers are scared.

That's why Karl Rove had his knickers in a twist about our favorite little witch.

This could be a game changer.

Anonymous said...

They're hiding because their handlers know the crazy won't sell to the masses outside the Republican primaries.

That's what you're hoping, garage.

See, I told you that you are the enemy.

So, let's quit pretending.

I'm betting you're wrong and that the "crazy" will sell to the masses.

I'm ready to take a chance, instead of just more of the same.

Trooper York said...

This is just like another time in American History. Where an established party was exhausted and a new and vibrant one was on the rise.

Their standard bearer was a low class man who never went to school and was self taught and came from the frontier. Who came from the lower classes and not the elite. He was often depressed and before his marriage slept in a bed with his (male) law partner. The elites laughed at him and called him a baboon and a hick and a lowlife. He went on to be our greatest president.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Sarah Palin could be our Abraham Lincoln.

And ironrailsironweight will be happy to know thar her clam is bearded. Just sayn'

garage mahal said...

Hehe. thanks for the laugh, shoutingthomas.

Trooper York said...

Sarah Palin would never be part of the Whigs.

At least down there.

So rest easy Peter.

Anonymous said...

Hehe. thanks for the laugh, shoutingthomas.

Laugh all you want.

Let's see if you're still laughing in a couple of months.

I'll bet you're not.

Trooper York said...

It's a well know fact that the members of the Whig party wore toupee's over their genitals. That was one of the major reasons why they went out of favor. Especially when they wore those powdered wigs. It was like they had donuts in their breeches.

Bruce Hayden said...

If you think that's what the Tea Party stands for then you really haven't been paying attention.

I am not sure which part of the message you are complaining about. But I do agree that anti-elitism is part of the driving force. Think Palin and Beck. O'Donnell having been in financial trouble and Scott Brown with his pickup.

The problem with the elites is that they try to sell us that they are so much smarter than the rest of us with their Ivy League degrees, and so we should allow them to make our decisions for us. And, this works for the dependency class - they just say, keep sending us money so we don't have to work very hard and we will vote for you. But it doesn't work for the middle class that sees itself paying for this largess.

The anti-elitism is attractive right now because it is now obvious to so many in this country that these elites may have a lot of book learning, but they have no common sense, combined with a lot of greed.

Common sense would have told them that trying to buy our way out of a recession will, in the end, just make it worse, while endebting our grandchildren at a rate of better than a trillion dollars a year until the scoundrels are run out of town.

Common sense would have also told them that the government could not increase the number of people covered by health insurance, increase benefits, while reducing costs for all, just with 2,000 pages of legislation that no one understood, and likely 10,000 pages of regulations by the time the dust settles.

It was the elites acting in their own self interest that got us where we are now, and that is why they have to go.

MadisonMan said...

The difficulty as I see it if the Republicans take control is that the Republicans already in DC -- people like Boehner -- are likely to claim credit for electoral victory and are not likely to cede control to those elected because of the Tea Party. So in addition to gridlock because of the Republican/Democratic schism, there will be an inter-party Republican war ongoing as well. I think the Democrats could then use that to campaign against Republicans as the do-nothing party.

Doing nothing isn't a bad recipe for Government. 90+% of what Government does these days is pretty worthless -- but I don't think the public stands easily by while politicians in DC do nothing. It worked against the Republicans while Clinton was in power. If it does again, then we're stuck with the creaky old Democrats.

I could be surprised. Republicans might actually understand the movement behind the election -- if it plays out that Republicans re-take the House and/or Senate -- and elect a slate of leaders who are new-ish. I doubt I'll be surprised.

Bruce Hayden said...

I agree with all those who think that Garage is being his normal egregious self with his assertion that the Tea Party type candidates should fully avail themselves to the fully paid up members of the liberal elite known by many as the MSM.

We all watched how they handled McCain during the last election, fawning over him until he got the nomination. And then just savaging Palin for everything from which kid was hers to her underwear. And, yes, any tape that is filmed by them will be edited heavily to get out the anti-TP, anti-Republican message.

Meanwhile, the MSM ignored that Obama never, to this day, has faced a truly probing interview by them. Instead we had "journalists" so taken with him that one got a chill up his leg. Obama was never vetted by these gatekeepers, and neither was Biden. His bloopers, mis-truths, lies, and downright fabulous statements are still being hidden from the public to this day.

So, why should anyone not part of that elite trust the MSM, a major partner in the cabal that runs this country. They are in bed with the enemy because they are the enemy.

GMay said...

garage mahal said: "They're hiding because their handlers know the crazy won't sell to the masses outside the Republican primaries."

I dunno, Dems buy lots of crazy.

GMay said...


I think you're the only Liberal on here capable of making a well-reasoned and coherent point. You actually give me hope for humanity.

garage mahal said...

I am not sure which part of the message you are complaining about. But I do agree that anti-elitism is part of the driving force. Think Palin and Beck.

Palin and Beck make over 50 million dollars per year between them. Complete with entourage, private jets, plush hotel rooms. A real American can't even get a picture with Palin without forking over some dough. How is that in any way anti-elitist?

Chase said...

Bruce Hayden, you are on fire today.

Unknown said...

Trooper York said...

It's a well know fact that the members of the Whig party wore toupee's over their genitals.

Yes, but they had dough on their faces.

That's why they weren't called WINOs.

Chase said...

How is that in any way anti-elitist?

Nice Try. Diversion your plan here?

The "elite" is already established. Start with Arthur Sulzberger, Jr, the avowed anti-American publisher of the New York Times. You know who the elite are, garage, and they don't ever want to let in the Palins, Becks, or anyone without the approved values.

You know it, and everyone else here knows it. Do you actually believe there are people stupid enough to think, "Well garsh, that there Sarah Palin is an elite, too!"

But again, nice try.

Hoosier Daddy said...


I think you're the only Liberal on here capable of making a well-reasoned and coherent point. You actually give me hope for humanity.

I don't consider anyone a liberal who thinks that 90% of what governement does is pretty worthless. I'd call that a free thinking person ;-)

Hoosier Daddy said...

Hey garage, I heard your girl Hillary say that right now the biggest threat to national security is the Federal debt. I think you need to get on the horn and esplain to her how monetary policy works.

Hoosier Daddy said...

A real American can't even get a picture with Palin without forking over some dough. How is that in any way anti-elitist?

Heh...garage is an old school elitist. He just hates those 'new money' folk.

GMay said...

Hoosier observed: "I don't consider anyone a liberal who thinks that 90% of what governement does is pretty worthless. I'd call that a free thinking person ;-)"

Ahhh, so you're saying he's a throwback to the classical liberal. I think you may be right.

Calypso Facto said...

trooper said: "Especially when they wore those powdered wigs. It was like they had donuts in their breeches."

Gives a whole new spin to the saying "keep your powder dry".

roesch-voltaire said...

Oh I have been paying attention to the Tea Party-- after all it is Joe Miller who wants to eliminate unemployment insurance, the Department of Education, and get us all on private health insurance which so far has been reluctant to accept pre-existening conditions. And I suspect he and O'Donnel are more than willing to legislate my morality while trashing "big Government." To confuse this as being against the elites does involve some kind of witch craft.

Hoosier Daddy said...

eliminate unemployment insurance, the Department of Education, and get us all on private health insurance

I'm all for getting rid of the Dept. of Education unless someone can show any benefit for continuing to spend $60 billion a year on it.

former law student said...

this report on how Coons harassed other liberals who had the termerity to disagree with him.

Where do you get the plural form from? The linked blogger alleges that Chris Coons used the power of his office to harass him. How Palinesque! Was Alam Muller ever married to a member of Coons' family, I wonder.

Republican said...

The Tea Party in St. Louis has a storefront headquarters.

Dana "douchebags are stalking me" Loesch is identified on every FOX program as "Co-founder of STL Tea Party".

She has been handed an afternoon radio program which often hosts Tea Party supporters, activists, fundraisers, and candidates.

She's built a career from the "grassroots" up, often inserting herself into campgaigns in other areas-but ironically not her own.

Dana is Breitbart's protege-if not for him hosting her blogs and giving her mega exposure, she'd still be playing second fiddle on a morning show. Dana signed on early as a cofounder, and has been instrumental in building the brand.

It's profitable to her-unless you think she's doing it all for free.
Also: As her star has risen, her old incriminating commentary has disappeared! Her blogs have been wiped clean (including wayback).

I reject the idea that the Tea Party has no leadership.

Of course it does, as evidenced by the likes of Dana Loesch and her cronies.

Republican said...

The Tea Party are mostly perpetually disgruntled libertarians and wannabe power-players who are looking for their piece of the Limbaugh-Hannity-Beck financial pie.

former law student said...

Party discipline two years into Clinton's first term enabled Newt, et al., to come up with the Contract with America, a defined agenda clearly stating where the GOP candidates stood, right about this time in the fall campaign. I would assert that the CoA helped the GOP retake Congress; it certainly stopped any momentum Clinton's ideas had had.

But now, with the GOP split between establishment figures and Tea Party insurgents, will the Repubs be able to present a unified, coherent message this fall?

chickelit said...

I can already see a stupendous night of live blogging in November from here.

Lincolntf said...

The grossly overfunded public education system in this country is a disaster precisely because of the idiotic Dept. of Education. It has singlehandedly dragged our schools down to the lowest possible depths. Dismantling it would be cause for a national holiday.

wv: noglu

A complaint in the Arts and Crafts Dept. of the public school that gets $12,000+ per student per 9 months of education (storage/teen daycare)?

X said...

fls, Clinton's broken promise on the middle class tax cut and his attempt to socialize medicine were the main reasons the Dems lost the house for the first time in 40+ years and the second time in 60+ years. The contract helped though.

Hoosier Daddy said...

But now, with the GOP split between establishment figures and Tea Party insurgents, will the Repubs be able to present a unified, coherent message this fall?

Probably not. Then again I won't be happy until there is a complete cleansing of the GOP that spent like sailors on leave in Subic Bay during the Bush years. If that means people like O'Donnell ensure a Dem Senate that's ok by me. Sooner or later they'll either get the message or the party gets transformed. Until then I remain an independent conservative.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

will the Repubs be able to present a unified, coherent message this fall?

It won't really matter. The elections this fall will be a referendum on Obama and the Democrats. If Republicans really want to promote a message, maybe they should come up with a theme as deep and thought provoking as 'hope and change'.

prairie wind said...

I'm all for getting rid of the Dept. of Education unless someone can show any benefit for continuing to spend $60 billion a year on it.

Even if there is a benefit, the Constitution leaves no room for this bureaucracy. We must be willing to jetison programs and departments that benefit someone. They all benefit someone.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin outpolling Obama 52-40

Ya' betcha'!

former law student said...

We must be willing to jetison programs and departments that benefit someone.

How long did it take to jettison the Board of Tea Examiners (RIP 1996)? The board (really only the expense of one Federal Tea Taster and an office in Brooklyn) only cost $120K a year.

Trooper York said...

The last viable candidate of the Whig party was General Winfield Scott, the John McCain of his day. A war hero, he had a querulous and testy attitude and was at odds with most of the mainstream of his party. This of course was not the reason why he was not elected. It was the fact that he insisted as a Whig to wear a genital toupee which was a wig dating from the Revolution. Light Horse Harry Lee had wore this hairpiece throughout most of the last year of the Revolution and his son Robert E. Lee was a young suck up who presented it to the corpulent general to cover his generous pubic area. The resultant bunching disgust the populace frightened the horses. Thus General Scott went down to an inglorious defeat.
(How the Whigs Went Askew, The Death of a Political Party by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Rogaine Press 1998)

hombre said...

"Republican" at 1:04 giving credibility to Dana Loesch's concern that: "douchebags are stalking me".

Phil 314 said...

Ms. Scrinchy-face in Arizona,

You might try and dig a little deeper than just physical appearance and a couple of sound bites (or should it be "silence bites")

You'll find that she doesn't quite fit the "Tea Party" mode. Ironic that Sarah Palin endorsed her when Gov. Brewer actually RAISED TAXES (to "save" health care and education, no less)

But stick with the narrative if its working for you

Phil 314 said...

f I didn't know better I would think TP'ers like O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, and Rand Paul were deliberately avoiding the media.

Maybe they don't have time for serious questions like this

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