১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১০

Sunrise from the 12th floor.





UPDATE: This explains where we were and what we were up to this weekend.

১৯টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Silos and barns, barns and silos. That's not Colorado.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Is that a silo or are you just glad to see me.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I looked at top photo before reading the title, and thought it was a sunset. I've always thought that sunrise and sunset had a different look somehow, that could be explained scientifically. Now I'm not sure. Can we consistently tell the difference between a photo of a sunset and a sunrise?

ricpic বলেছেন...

It had been another hard night riding herd on undergrads and downing cheddar cheese malteds. Wearily he climbed the stairs to his 12th floor aerie only to be stunned and chastened by another awe inspiring midwestern sunrise. He knew then why he had languished in Madison all these years. Something about fluffy clouds...

--Passage from the recently discovered manuscript Kiss Me Badger by Raymond Chandler.

ricpic বলেছেন...

That should be Kiss Me Badger by Mickey Spillane. My bad.

sonicfrog বলেছেন...

Looks like I'm not the only one who's "up" at the break of dawn.

David বলেছেন...

Just a nice little ag school at heart, eh?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"cheddar cheese malteds"


MaggotAtBroad&Wall বলেছেন...

Note the straight lines in your photo. The road is straight and appears to run parallel with the wall of the barn. The cars are parked dutifully in a straight line. The sidewalk or whatever that is in the foreground is a series of neat, gray rectangles. The lot across the street is laid out in rectangular form.

Earlier this week, I came across this aerial photo of a Danish suburn outside of Copenhagen, where the property developers have taken a completely opposite approach.


Rialby বলেছেন...

Pheasant Run Resort

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

Just looking at the small photo on the blog, I knew there was something wrong with the roof line of the barn. The large size on Flickr helped me figure it out, and then Rialby's solution made it all make sense.

Golf is on the day's schedule, I assume?

lemondog বলেছেন...

Very nice 2nd photo.

Shapes- triangles, squares, circles, cylinders, half cylinders.

Neat, clean, orderly.

Could see it as Morning in a Small Town in a watercolor.

lemondog বলেছেন...

BTW, just ran into some good luck and will shortly be receiving $100 trillion dollars so if any one is needing a loan.......

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Rialby said...Pheasant Run Resort


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Could see it as Morning in a Small Town in a watercolor."

It's not really a small town. It's a resort complex. The funny thing is the old barn and silo embedded in the convention center/hotel/theater/etc. complex.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Click through to the enlargement. You might think you're seeing little houses when you're looking at big air conditioners.

Moose বলেছেন...

Figured that was St. Charles in the photos. You confirmed it in the next post. Used to live there.

former law student বলেছেন...

While I was gone, the commenting instructions changed. This leaves me wondering if there was sudden turmoil in the serene world of the Althouse blog.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"While I was gone, the commenting instructions changed. "

Are the rules cumulative or does each iteration wipe out the last set? If not, then we may need a law professor in here to make sense out it soon.