September 28, 2010

Sarah Palin on "Dancing With the Stars" — and allegedly booed.

She looked beautiful, and the crowd is ready to cheer her when the camera is on her, so we can only guess what caused the booing that was heard from backstage. Whoever uploaded this video asserts that the audience booed Sarah. I don't think so. The smarter opinion says it was about the scores the judges gave to Jennifer Grey.

Bristol danced last and, again the song was a "mama" song. Last week, you may remember, she danced to "Mama Told Me Not to Come." This week it was... ugh!... I can't remember. Something about not having sex at too early an age. It wasn't "Mama Said"... which is the only other "mama" song that comes to mind at the moment. Bristol's not very good, but she's perfectly nice and has no attitude of entitlement whatsoever and she's taking the dancing perfectly seriously, which — I think I can tell after watching the show twice — is the way to win the support of the judges and the viewers who vote.


Humperdink said...

Was Sully in the audience?

Anonymous said...

Eh, it's believable that some members of the audience would boo her since most of them are probably liberals and liberals rarely have any class at all.

Scott M said...

All respect that's typically due from one adult human to another, but I just...don't...get reality TV. Everyone's got different tickles to their pleasure centers, sure, but passive entertainment is so industrial age.

Speaking of which, inasmuch as I can't understand reality tv fans, I doubt they could understand how a 40-year-old father of four can be excited at the fact that Civilization V just came out.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Jennifer Grey got my vote.

Kevin said...


"Democratic Party Chairman Timothy Kaine says he sees no slight in Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold skipping a campaign rally tonight where President Barack Obama is appearing on his behalf."

Russ? Where are you Russ? LOL - I can only imagine what Russ' focus' groups are saying about The One.

What political party do you belong to, again, Russ? You don't seem to be mentioning it...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

not that I'm watching.. I just happened to be changing channels when I came upon her dancing her guts out.

al said...

I watch DWTS with my wife and daughter. I didn't hear any boos. OTOH the guy that was behind Sarah and to the right looked disgusted at being that close to Sarah.

Bristol isn't the best but she also isn't the worse. She appears to be working hard and, according to my wife, has a partner who has won before. I think she'll do ok in the competition.

I think that Jennifer Gray will end up winning.

lemondog said...

....but I just...don't...get reality TV



The Internet has history podcasts online. Currently listening to The History of Rome.

traditionalguy said...

I bet Russ Feingold would gladly switch dance partners to get another 6 years as a part of our noble ruling elite down in DC. He could say that he is Dancing with a new partner and win himself more high praise for his principles. Sorry Russ, you have to dance with the one who brung you.

Opus One Media said...

Oh by God I'm goint to rush out and vote for Caribou Airhead because her daughter didn't act pretentious and danced ok.

Reason enough for me!

KCFleming said...

They're booing her uterus, despite the fact that Palin did everything Obama did, but backwards and in high heels.

Scott M said...

I bet Russ Feingold would gladly switch dance partners to get another 6 years as a part of our noble ruling elite down in DC.

It worked for Arlen Specter, didn't it? Didn't it...?

HD, don't you have something you can go patent?

Anonymous said...

"Caribou Airhead"

That airhead has made herself one of the most influential and talked about people in America.

And what did you do in the last 2 years HD?

Anonymous said...

"..Speaking of which, inasmuch as I can't understand reality tv fans, I doubt they could understand how a 40-year-old father of four can be excited at the fact that Civilization V just came out. .."

Yeah, Ive got it (Civ V) but so far it's as dull as dishwater compared to Civ 4 . I must be missing some of the subtleties ....

Ann Althouse said...

"All respect that's typically due from one adult human to another, but I just...don't...get reality TV. Everyone's got different tickles to their pleasure centers, sure, but passive entertainment is so industrial age."

I hope you don't watch sports then. Sports on TV is reality TV, you know. Also musical performance shows. Get out there and play sports. And play your own instruments. Stop being so passive and industrial age!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Bristol the pistol..

That's lovable.. to me.

madAsHell said...

Why would Sarah Palin participate in Dancing with the Stars?

Does she not want to be taken seriously?

DWTS is for "has beens" on the downward trajectory.

I think she jumped the shark!!

Hoosier Daddy said...

Speaking of which, inasmuch as I can't understand reality tv fans, I doubt they could understand how a 40-year-old father of four can be excited at the fact that Civilization V just came out.


ROMA VITA! I of course can appreciate your excitment as Civ was my PC crack back in the day but as you know, I progressed to the Total War series and had a ball with the Rome version (using the Europa Barbarum mod).

I just don't buy into 'reality' tv because I don't believe for a NY second that its 'reality'. Its scripted, every one of them from Survivor down to American Idol. Nothing but mental cheesewhiz all of it.

Anonymous said...

That airhead has made herself one of the most influential and talked about people in America.

Welcome to the GOP.

Bob_R said...

My wife watched the show a few years ago. I agree that starting off bad, working hard and getting good is the way to score a lot of points. It's one reason the athletes often do well. They start off looking bad but know how to apply themselves and get much better.

(And I definitely agree about sports being the real "reality TV.")

Scott M said...

I hope you don't watch sports then. Sports on TV is reality TV, you know. Also musical performance shows. Get out there and play sports. And play your own instruments. Stop being so passive and industrial age!

I'm not a die-hard sports fan like the rest of the fantasy football league I felt politically obligated to participate in here at work, but I played football all the way through college. Watching sports on TV has about as much relevance to the contemporary "reality tv" genre as white water rapids do to boiling water on your stove. For the most part, reality TV is contrived drama and vacuous in 99% of the examples that I've seen.

And I do play guitar, but I seldom watch concerts on TV. There's simply no substitute for live music.

GMay said...

HD observed: "Its scripted, every one of them from Survivor down to American Idol. Nothing but mental cheesewhiz all of it."


Hoosier Daddy said...

I hope you don't watch sports then. Sports on TV is reality TV, you know.

I think the point is all the faux drama in these so called 'reality shows'. Sorry but its crap. All the 'controversey' is manufactured. Same reason why American Idol allows obvious no talent people to 'audition' because the mental cheesewhiz types that follow that crap obviously have some need to see people embarras themselves on national tv and be humiliated by some British twit who probably can't hold a note to save his life.

When you see pansy quarterbacks like Drew Brees getting piled drived into the ground, that's REAL baby!

(screaming from Beth in 3...2...1....)

Scott M said...

Yeah, Ive got it (Civ V) but so far it's as dull as dishwater compared to Civ 4 . I must be missing some of the subtleties ....

For starters, the organic look of a spreading civ is far better accomplished in V. No more "two squares out and one over" crap and a cookie-cutter spread of cities across the map. Aside from that, I'm still getting over the loss of stacks o' doom.

KCFleming said...

And lordy lordy, Cyrus is back.
Didja finally find your password under the stack of The Nation in the basement?

Or are you Alpha liberal? Ritmo? Jeremy?
Hard to tell, but similar MOs.

John Burgess said...

Hoosier Daddy: RE: Scripting of reality TV.

Yes, but not in the way you might think. In fact, it's the opposite of the way most people think of 'scripting'.

My son, who's a reality TV producer, notes that reality TV does it backwards: they shoot film (okay, digital film), lots of it. Then the 'writers' look at what they have and, through cutting and editing decisions, create a storyline. They don't have a storyline to start with; they don't have the heroes/heroines pre-selected. Often, they wish they could, but they go with what they've got on tape.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Oh by God I'm goint to rush out and vote for Caribou Airhead because her daughter didn't act pretentious and danced ok.

Oh come now house, your guy Joe O'Biden didn't even know the Constitutinal role of the Vice President.

But during the Depression he did stay in a Holiday Inn Express when he watched FDR on TV.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"For starters, the organic look of a spreading civ is far better accomplished in V. No more "two squares out and one over" crap and a cookie-cutter spread of cities across the map. Aside from that, I'm still getting over the loss of stacks o' doom. "

I'll get back to it this weekend and give it a closer look.
Just one more turrrrnnnnnnnnn;-)

Anonymous said...

seattleWa said...

"Why would Sarah Palin participate in Dancing with the Stars?"

She isn't. Her daughter is. Keep up.

joewxman said...

watched the show last night. she did not get booed.

Anonymous said...

That was a very witty comment about the three judges by Palin. Usually she's not that...crafty. Good for her. The judges liked it too.

Known Unknown said...

"Mama Told Me Not to Come."

Wait, that song's not about teenage sex, too?

GMay said...

Stop the talk about the TW series and Civ. Oh, and Scott, you mentioned SimCity the other night.

You people are evil.



Known Unknown said...

"pansy quarterbacks like Drew Brees"

I cannot let this stand. Drew Brees is awesome, and I'm not even a Saints fan.

Christopher in MA said...

"Oh by God I'm goint to rush out and vote for Caribou Airhead because her daughter didn't act pretentious and danced ok. Reason enough for me!"

Well, House, since your Chicago Airhead's qualifications seemed to be nothing beyond that he was a pretty shade of brown and read a teleprompter ok, I can't imagine your voting bar being set all that high in ther first place.

traditionalguy said...

I often think that dancing is the most intimate of courtship rituals for heterosexual couples...and that is one great reason for watching the action.

Scott M said...

I often think that dancing is the most intimate of courtship rituals for heterosexual couples...and that is one great reason for watching the action.

Playing Civ V gets me out of the tv room where my wife insists on watching the likes of Golden Girls marathons...thus enabling our continued intimate rituals because I'm not forced to watch.

Bruce Hayden said...

Speaking of which, inasmuch as I can't understand reality tv fans, I doubt they could understand how a 40-year-old father of four can be excited at the fact that Civilization V just came out.

Reality TV doesn't do anything for me either, but contrary to most men, neither does sports. Maybe skiing, because I know enough to appreciate the athleticism. And, something similar is probably why my great-aunt loved watching horse shows (she married the riding instructor at the school they taught at, and later they raised horses).

Darrell said...

The audience was booing the judges after for the low scores they gave to Jennifer Grey's amazing performance. The fact that Lefties put a different spin on things shouldn't surprise anyone. I was watching and I booed the scores, too.

Wikitorix said...

ROMA VITA! I of course can appreciate your excitment as Civ was my PC crack back in the day but as you know, I progressed to the Total War series and had a ball with the Rome version (using the Europa Barbarum mod).

Now it's time for you to move on to Europa Universalis: Rome. The battles are abstracted, but everything else about the game is way more detailed.

Bruce Hayden said...

Oh by God I'm goint to rush out and vote for Caribou Airhead because her daughter didn't act pretentious and danced ok.

This is, of course, why HD is considered one of the class clowns here.

But changing direction, just a little, I saw this last night: Is Television Fueling a New Class System in America?. And, in relation to Ann's post here, got me thinking.

Does this make Sarah Palin look good or bad, and does it help sell her or not? And, I would think that it is good for her and helps sell her.

Why? Because a lot of people would love to be on that show, or, indeed, any "reality" show. And, esp. from Middle America. So, what does Sarah do with her new found fame and money? She takes her daughter to be a contestant in one of these shows - and, the one that really has a lot more class than most of the others.

I think that this screams out to all those mothers who would do just this for/with their kids if given the opportunity. The kid is being given the opportunity of a lifetime, and mama's the one making sure she get's there for it.

If Sarah Palin were as much of an airhead as HD is claiming, she would be taking her kids to Aspen, or maybe Martha's Vineyard.

Humperdink said...

HDH.."Caribou Airhead"

You just can't give it up, can you? This from a guy whose party is being lead by the Corpseman-In-Chief.

HDH, you have no shame, nor any class.

Scott M said...

You just can't give it up, can you? This from a guy whose party is being lead by the Corpseman-In-Chief.

That being said, Doonesbury was uncharacteristically funny today.

exhelodrvr1 said...

57 states!!

Anonymous said...

I like Civ V. The nation-building is different from previous iterations, and I really like the combat changes. The fact cities can defend themselves seems a lot more realistic than requiring them to have a unit stationed there, and having them surrender to ANYTHING which moves into their square. I like the units not being able to share a hex, but I wouldn't object to them allowing an artillery unit to occupy the same square as an engaging unit. Maybe even develop a specific unit to augment artillery pieces and give them a defense.

Chennaul said...

I'm addicted to reality tv.

It's really bad. It's also the same reason I come here.

The group dynamic thing-I find it fascinating.

Oh and I'll watch just about anything too-I have absolutely no standards.

Like C-Span just to see which Senator is getting shunned-whatever.

Scott M said...

The fact cities can defend themselves seems a lot more realistic than requiring them to have a unit stationed there, and having them surrender to ANYTHING which moves into their square.

Definitely this. My only gimmie-now is facing. Slamming into archers from behind with heavy cavalry should turn them into goo, not allow the same defense value.

They've still got some kinks to work out, but the much more organic feel of territory control has won me over and I've been playing Civ since '91.

Humperdink said...

HDH What did you call President Reagan? Hollywood Airhead?

Was that before or after he dismantled the nuclear submarine officer from Plains, Ga?

former law student said...

It wasn't "Mama Said"

Wasn't it "I remember Mama said"

You can't hurry love
No, you just have to wait
She said love don't come easy
It's a game of give and take.

R.L. Hunter said...

Scott M said...

...HD, don't you have something you can go patent?

Sorry overblown "moral" outrage is in the public domain.

blake said...

Speaking of which, inasmuch as I can't understand reality tv fans, I doubt they could understand how a 40-year-old father of four can be excited at the fact that Civilization V just came out.



blake said...

Yeah, Ive got it (Civ V) but so far it's as dull as dishwater compared to Civ 4 . I must be missing some of the subtleties ....

That's funny. I loved Civ 3 and never could quite get into Civ 4 as much. I've been lobbying for the less rigid city layout since Civ 3.

Dunno if V is as addictive or not since it overheats my laptop, dammit.

blake said...

I hope you don't watch sports then. Sports on TV is reality TV, you know.

No, it's not. Reality TV is a very specific genre distinct from sports.

Also musical performance shows. Get out there and play sports. And play your own instruments. Stop being so passive and industrial age!

I do. I'd rather play (music or sports) badly than watch.

Having said that, there's educative value in watching pros. This is not entirely untrue of some reality shows.

Anonymous said...

"You Can't Hurry Love" by the Supremes.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I think this event and this blog entry greatly enriched the collective intelligence of the body politic.

mariner said...

I think this event and this blog entry greatly enriched the collective intelligence of the body politic.

It did, until you got here.

Anonymous said...

Pogo drooled:
"And lordy lordy, Cyrus is back.

Or are you Alpha liberal? Ritmo? Jeremy?
Hard to tell, but similar MOs."

Hey, Pogo's still here and still dumb and delusional.

That's right, Pogo. I'm all of the commenters who aren't ignorant, reactionary right wing blowhards.

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