Although with soft lighting, the pair look like they were separated at birth, in fact, the baby-faced O'Donnell looks less like a twin than a daughter. Time is cruel to women, especially on HDTV. Your older man becomes a distinguished Old Lion and a woman just becomes old, aging in dog years. O'Donnell at 41 is five years younger than the 46-year-old Palin, who is a grandmother after all.Dogs, eh? Sounds more like cats!
Carlson is jealous.
I'll see your meow and raise you a woof.
Margaret was a sad little shrew when she was 18. The rest of her life has been payback.
I am sad that MC broke the rule here for us, the supporters of Obama-Biden. We want Palin to run. Even the GOP knows that Palin will insure our re-election in all 50-states and give us a great mandate.
Why is MC spoiling things for us by preventing a Palin run is beyond us?
Run Palin Run
Run Run
Don't you ever STOP
What is the point of her article?! Your Two Minutes Hate, from Margaret Carlson, Jealous Ugly Duckling.
It's very strange that anyone would cling to the stereotype that women are always jealous of each other.
Maybe, just maybe, there are political principles involved here. Maybe Palin is shrewd enough to know that she is more powerful out of office than in office. Hmm. Maybe that's why she quit being governor. In fact, that was precisely her claim.
Since her reason for resigning syncs with the results of her resigning, wouldn't it be reasonable to accept it?
Palin has become a lightning rod for reform and overturning the establishment that has treated her very badly. She would gain more from anyone succeeding who shares that goal than from some imagined cat fight.
She may not have been fully prepared for the national stage two years ago, but she is no dummy and she is driving a plan to bring sanity back to our republic. And she's winning so far. This hag is just projecting her own views onto someone who is succeeding at something she doesn't understand.
Why is MC spoiling things for us by preventing a Palin run is beyond us?
I didn't know Margaret Carlson was that powerful.
Word verification: sunte.
AP, this falls squarely within the "be careful what you wish for" category. They said the same thing about Reagan.
Sigmund, why the wig?
Why does she know so much about DOG years?
Why is MC spoiling things for us by preventing a Palin run is beyond us?
When I read these kind of idiot statements, I can't help but think that a Palin presidency is inevitable.
Her opponents keep trying to define her as crazy and un-electable.
Every time they do, Palin seems to emerge more powerful and in control.
Have you noticed that, Politico?
I'm not particularly interested in a political cult of personality. I don't expect any politician to save me.
But, I'm beginning to sense that a Palin presidency is inevitable. The left knows it, too. That's why the frenzied attempts to discredit and belittle her.
They wouldn't spend this much time and effort on an opponent unless they were terrified that she is going to succeed.
Youth can be preserved by avoiding stress. Look at how HRC has aged in the past year and a half, just from the stress of being Secretary of State. Having quit her management job to spend her time posting on Facebook, Palin has minimized the stress in her life and thus its deleterious effects on her looks.
that Margaret Carlson is remarkably ugly, I think. No wonder why she is a bitter, angry , shrivelled up leftist hag.
Her opponents keep trying to define her as crazy and un-electable.
Palin is not crazy and is far too electable. Remember how Nixon was written off for having committed political suicide after losing the California governorship? Yet six years later he was elected President?
Palin is Nixon in a skirt.
Margaret Carlson's only notoriety is that many people mistakenly think she's Tucker Carlson's mom.
Carlson is jealous.
Palin looks great. But I am going to say it again, it does not matter how good Sarah looks (well it matters but not politically). And let's face facts that nothing ages one more than being in the White House. If she actually won she would come out looking like Dick Cheney.
I do not believe Sarah Palin is running for President. And if I am wrong and she does run, she will not be the nominee.
Sarah is super gifted. I like her a lot. But that is the way it is.
As I argued in another thread a long time ago, looks is how women compete with each other.
The theme today is stories written by irrelevant beeeyaaatches?
Silly. But I will say that Margaret Carlson is doing an excellent job rockin' the Harry Potter glasses.
former law student --
"Palin is Nixon in a skirt."
Fuck you twice for putting that image in my head.
"Dogs, eh? Sounds more like cats!"
Sounds like Saul Alinsky.
This is a common tactic employed by the left. They find whatever small flaw they can in a person and then harp on that flaw (real or imagined). They're bullies all.
The best thing to do us punch them back twice as hard, and from the looks of it Carlson has been punched in the face a lot.
We need to unemploy these thugs.
All of them.
The best way to eliminate these people is to take away their jobs and power. To humiliate them.
Come November ... vote.
A woman can be substantial, beautiful, both or neither.
Carlson has a lot to be envious about. It must really gnaw at her.
It is not possible for me to compare the looks of Palin and O'Donnell because the only body part that counts is (obviously) not visible on either one.
Serious blunder for Carlson to make an issue of female looks, given that she clearly fell out of the top of the Ugly Tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Yes, unless you at least as good-looking as Palin it's probably not very savvy to criticize her looks or speculate on the future. But come on, she got where she is in the media partly by being so gorgeous (skin, highlights, eyes, eyeglasses).
It's interesting that the photo of herself that Carlson uses to accompany the article looks to be at least ten years old.
Some time back they were trying to gin up a fight between Marie Bartiromo and Erin Burnett. Both women denied any animosity, but both were good looking and appealed to the same demographic. It was therefore assumed that both women hated each other. It was further assumed that this assumption was based on the sexism of men....We can thank Margaret Carlson for demonstrating how sexist this assumption of sexism truly is.....For the record, I think Sarah Palin, despite her extra years, is a fine athlete in top fitness. I think if she and the somewhat pudgy O'D got in a mud wrestling match, Sarah would easily win.
Margaret, be careful about throwing the dog year analogy out there. If someone puts attempts to put you in the pet carrier for a trip...I would suggest you start running and never look back.
I was curious and wanted to compare Carlson to Palin based on age. Carlson seems to be doing a great job hiding her age. It's not in Wikipedia, her Time magazine bio or any other bio I can find in 10-15 minutes of googling.
One things for sure though, all Carlson's years look like dog years.
Isn't she really saying that Palin is only popular because she's pretty?
I don't remember Margaret Thatcher being a looker, but she still seemed popular with conservatives. I think the left really needs to be more realistic here.
"Your older man becomes a distinguished Old Lion and a woman just becomes old, aging in dog years."
Is this Carlson's subconscious reference to Obama and Hillary?
I am stunned that a leftist (and presumed feminist) would bring up looks and the aging process on another female. I am hoping she will be appropriately vilified.
Oh forget it.....I lost my head there.
Reminds me of the great Seinfeld episode, "Cat Fight."
Ann, you're correct about the double standard w/ aging men being "distinquished" and women simply being old. But, as my old man would say, "Life's unfair, and then you suck it up and never whine."
Speaking of dogs, Carlson has been uglier snd dumber than one for the past 20 years ...
They talk about her like a dog -- that's not in Palin's prepared remarks but it's true.
The spitting image of John Denver in a wig. No offense John.
@ Peter
I do hope that you were referring to their brains. :-)
ironrailsironweights said...
It is not possible for me to compare the looks of Palin and O'Donnell because the only body part that counts is (obviously) not visible on either one.
True, you cannot actually see their brains, but based on their statements and actions you can get a feel for how they work.
WV kingme - What the various GOP presidential candidates will be asking Sarah to do.
What's the point of this newest installment of drivel? To make fun of Carlson's looks with a pictorial comparison?
Carlson will have a brain and something that other people with brains will be interested in reading long after Sarah Palin has driven the right-wing into the ground.
Youth can be preserved by avoiding stress. Look at how HRC has aged in the past year and a half, just from the stress of being Secretary of State.
You're right, that "Reset Button" fiasco certainly took its toll on Hillary.
The poor dear.
"Carlson will have a brain..."
Yep, she sure proved it with this column.
Yes, the thought of Sarah Palin as president is frightening. Yes, O'Donnell seems like a nut
But, you've got to love the way they drive the media crazy. How come staunch feminists like Carlson attack women like Palin and O'Donnell on the basis of their dress, their looks, and their alleged lack of intelligence? How come these 'feminists' get away with it? It all reminds one of when 'feminists' supported a man who cheated on his wife, had an affair with a subordinate nearly the same age as his daughter, and lied about it. Where was the outrage?
O'Donnell had the temerity to say what she thinks on TV, even if it was not politically correct. She couldn't get her degree because she had difficulty with student loans. She had trouble paying her mortgage. The liberals, who cry crocodile tears for the masses burdened by student loans and underwater mortgages, are faced with an opponent who fits that description and they accuse her of some kind of moral turpitude.
O'Donnell apparently is using political contributions to pay her living expenses. What about the dozens of politicians who campaign full time for a higher office? How do they earn their living? What about the dozens of politicians who spend their careers in elective offices that pay not much more than median income and then spend their retirement in luxury? Where do they get the money? Do the media ever ask?
Say what you will about people like Palin and O'Donnell they push buttons that make the liberal elites very uncomfortable and drive them crazy. You've got to love them for that.
You go girls!
No one responding to it in The Daily Beast is yammering on about looks, Bag o' CH3COOH.
For whatever reason, people find the copy-catting of Palin's looks interesting. I don't know why O'Donnell goes to such lengths to mimic Palin's wardrobe so meticulously. Maybe it's because there never was any substance to either one of them.
Anyway, what's the slogan going to be for half-governor when she finally runs? Palin: 2012 - 2014 & 1/2?
Palin is not crazy and is far too electable. Remember how Nixon was written off for having committed political suicide after losing the California governorship? Yet six years later he was elected President?
Palin is Nixon in a skirt.
Nixon won a full Harvard Scholarship, couldn't take it because he lacked funds for living expenses and no jobs for non-local scholarship students were to be had in the Depression in Mass. Then finished 3rd at Duke Law while doing a 35 hour workweek as a working for room & board scholarship student.
Palin is no Nixon in a skirt.
PS - The media wrote Nixon off for simultaneously losing, and then for dissing them for helping to orchestrate his loss from NYC.
Nixon hated the media. Palin is paid by the media, basks in it, and worked very hard over 7 years to get her 4-year undergrad degree in sports broadcast journalism to hone her beauty pageant skills.
Being "Nixonian" as FLS should know, is like being Machiavellian. Or Sun Tsu or Lee Kwan Yew - like. It requires a modicum of intelligence. It requires recognition that enemies do exist within and without and are working hard to take the jobs, security, position, and resources away of yours and your own people...That threats must be confronted, outwitted. And from Sun Tsu to Nixon - knowing that morality and "sacred parchments" even "down home hockey mom wisdom" - are not magic armor against the enemies.
Palin: The best half-term governor (president?) that America never elected.
As Skyler said, she's just too shrewd for silly little things like commitments, follow-through or duration.
As a guy, I don't think other women see that as a selling point.
But perhaps you right-wing guys out there identify with premature conclusions.
Lesson: Men never needed to worry about feminism. Women eat their own. Always have, always will.
We win.
ritmo said: "Maybe it's because there never was any substance to either one of them."
Sort of like e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g you ever post here. You are the indisputable master of projection.
Though it's good to see you've learned how to use "drivel" correctly.
Bitch (in the dog sense, of course.)
Ritmo ..."Maybe it's because there never was any substance to either one of them."
For minute the Ritmo, I thought you were referring to the Corpseman-in Chief and his capable assistant Joe Biden......."Chuck, stand up, let the people see you," said Biden at the rally. He than noticed the wheelchair and added, "Oh, God love ya..
It is not possible for me to compare the looks of Palin and O'Donnell because the only body part that counts is (obviously) not visible on either one.
True, you cannot actually see their brains, but based on their statements and actions you can get a feel for how they work.
I wasn't actually thinking of their brains ... instead, I was thinking of something, the mere existence of which is a thing of great beauty. Tragically, it is entirely absent in at least 75% of women between the ages of 18 and 50, and in most of the remaining 25% exists only in vastly diminished form. God damn it.
Lord help me if I should e-v-e-r get into a debate with someone as skilled at making his case as GMay!
Remind me again, what does he stand for? What has he ever taken a stand in favor of?
this page says that Carlson was born c. 1944, and graduated from college in 1966. So Carlson is about 66, or 462 in dog years.
It's very strange that anyone would cling to the stereotype that women are always jealous of each other.
I agree, and it dismays me.
But Palin supporters will have to own their own use of that lousy old approach. Many times during the 2008 election, I saw commenters here and elsewhere toss out "You're just jealous!" to critiques of Palin. It was like being in junior high again.
I do have some hopes that maybe we'll move past this someday, even if it gets uglier before it gets better.
Isn't this Carlson beyootch the one that Fred Thompson banged a few times before he married his current very hot wife.
I don't think she ever got over it.
Maybe Fred4Pres has the scoop.
And ironrailsironwieghts should be a big Chris O'Donnell fan because I hear she sports the full Oscar Gamble.
All of those witchs do ya know.
@Trooper York:
(...)I hear she sports the full Oscar Gamble.
wv: barazirs - "Hairier than Achmed Barazir's beard!"
Hi Trooper - exciting game tonight. I'm rooting for Eli.
Beth: I saw commenters here and elsewhere toss out "You're just jealous!" to critiques of Palin.
I dont recall that ever being said here. Provide some examples.
Of course, the Tea Party may want to reconsider the appeal of "you're mortgaging our children's future" on people who would rather kill their own babies than risk a disruption in their selfish little life.
Party On! Right Beth? I mean, why would you care that someone else's kid will be picking up your tab.
Fen, what are you babbling about?
During the end of my second sojourn in Washington DC, just before I was heading off to Central Europe, I needed to sublet an apartment for just a few days. The place I wanted was actually Margaret Carlson's house. It was an old, impeccably furnished, utterly gorgeous little town home in Georgetown. I was so disappointed that she gave it to someone else who had apparently come before me.
Anyway, nice lady, Margaret Carlson. Just a picture of Beltway convention in every way -- wealthy but hot flaunty, charming but kind of nerdy, and leftist without a scintilla of understanding about how normal people live.
I fear that women who have grown old are more skeptical in the secret recesses of their hearts than any of the men; they believe in the superficiality of existence as in its essence, and all virtue and profundity is to them only the desguising of this "truth," the very desirable disguising of a pudendum, - an affair, therefore, of decency and modesty, and nothing more!
- Nietzsche.
(1) I think it's terrible that our culture often, along with many others, considers old women to be irrelevant. That is a real, cultural fault.
(2) I'm tired about hearing about every politician's looks, good or bad.
(3) I'm tired of every homely person who argues against an attractive person being accused of jealousy. The person may or may not be jealous, but that's not the point. It shouldn't be the default assumption, and it's needless besides. Wrong is wrong no matter what the motivation behind it.
(4) Definitely tired of this, "Oh, you crazy women just can't get along with each other," trope.
This explains the liberal female reaction to Palin in a nutshell, and now they're confused when they see someone who think differently than they do.
And she's wrong. Men feel competition acutely. What do you think Obama was? He was the young fresh guy on the block. Steve Jobs talks about now being the oldest guy in the room and having to get used to it. John Lennon was very open that he felt directly threatened by Paul McCartney, but took him on because he knew it would make the band better, even at his relative expense.
There's always going to be someone newer, edgier, hotter, fresher, you can either be confidant and generous for the better of the whole, of you can be small and stay small. It's not all about you, no matter how big or beautiful you are. You have to learn that, male or female.
Hi Freeman,
Well said. All four points.
(so this wouldn't be a good time to tease you about being awarded hot conservative blogger chick of the year, huh?)
(so this wouldn't be a good time to tease you about being awarded hot conservative blogger chick of the year, huh?)
Exactly. Wouldn't this false assumption of jealousy along with that list (regardless of whether or not it's true) make a more shyly inclined person less likely to point out when I'm wrong? Ideas ought to be argued on merit and not on which sides the Elephant Man and Adonis are each taking.
Carlson appears to be operative of the week in the current Media Attack tactic designed to prevent Palin's Presidency. It is clearly without any substance, other than to say over and over that Palin is a woman and therefore that Palin "is weak in all of the areas in which everyone knows that all women are weak ".
I just searched Carlson. She has a long history of Palin attacks. So now she's just being helpful, right?
I think the witch vote will come into play for Koo-Koo O'Donnell and the bitch vote plays well for Princess Sarah.
john said..."I just searched Carlson."
Was it a deep cavity search, Johnny?
traditionalguy said..."Carlson appears to be operative of the week in the current Media Attack tactic designed to prevent Palin's Presidency."
So you actually think Princess Sarah is qualified to be president of the United States?
Based on what?
This shriveled up socialist shrew has some business talking about the looks of a young middle aged woman.
Well, Carlson will certainly never have to worry about losing her looks.
Hey Beth...Eli is going to put Peyton in his to speak.
See you in the playoffs.
(Be sure to catch the recap on Frenchy Fuqua's shoe blog).
Jeremy said...So you actually think Princess Sarah is qualified to be president of the United States?
Based on what?
Jeremy, If qualifications were a qualifier, the Teleprompter-in-Chief would still be organizing the mean streets of Chicago or teaching constitutional (cough, gag, sputter) law at the U. of Chicago.
Jeremy...Palin is the epitome of good leadership skills, and you are smart enough to know that. But thank you for reading and commenting about her.
tradguy - how does quitting fit into leadership skills?
i think it's true that HDTV is no friend to anyone who is aging, a set that includes everyone.
I think the proper response is something along the lines of And your point is...?.
Alex, Palin is now THE force on conservative side of the political spectrum. The more you try to marginalize her, the stronger she becomes. You want try another tactic as this one has been proven to be an abject failure.
Keep plugging though, you may find out she didn't pay her income taxes or somethin'. Or carried someone's baby. Maybe you could move next door and write a book.
People have said SIgmund and John Denver.
I say George Burns.
Palin's a joke. Look at her negatives, her polling is worse then Obama. Democrats would LOVE it if she campaigned in close races. Victory every time for the Democrat whenever caribou Barbie shows up!
She was born in 1944 - so 66.
Alex....if that's the case, why are you and your ilk OBSESSED with her?
Is psychiatric care covered under Bambicare?
Alex...You are aware of the Ethics complaint blitzkrieg Palin was the target of from the Democrats. So she pivoted and took the fight right back at them. That is why she is no quitter. Remember, General Eisenhower quit England and took the fight into Normandy in June of 1944, and Eisenhower was never called a quitter. You must think everyone is stupid to fall for the quitter meme you like to use on your worst enemy, Palin.
@Madison Man
@Trad Guy
I think "Alex" is just the tip of the not niceberg trying to sink the RMS Palinic.
Just statin'
Victory every time for the Democrat whenever caribou Barbie shows up!
No, Caribou Barbie has emerged triumphant in 70% of the races in which she's endorsed a candidate.
How do you like your crow cooked?
Rick sez poll Democrats to know whether independents will vote for Palin or act on behalf of her endorsement.
And this guy sez...
Victory every time for the Democrat whenever caribou Barbie shows up!
No, Caribou Barbie has emerged triumphant in 70% of the races in which she's endorsed a candidate.
You're talking two different things, aren't you? The stat you want is for General or Special Elections, not Primaries.
STD can't tell a primary apart from a general election. Hahaha.
The crow just flew into his face and bellowed a "caw" into his gizzard.
Good points, but let us note that it's neither Palin nor O'Donnell who's stirring the shit here. It's a third party commenting on their looks, which (rightly, IMO) brings attention to her own.
If I go up to someone and say, "Hey, tubby, lose some weight!" I think they have every right to inquire into my BMI.
Anyway, who cares about Carlson's little piece? The big issue is O'Donnell, and BL, true to form, is just trying to shift attention onto something completely irrelevant, and meaningless.
I'm loving these comments in WaPo:
The Senate will need a broom landing pad if she wins.
Posted by: fudador | September 19, 2010 6:12 PM
A post criticizing someone for superficially calling someone else out for their looks leads commenters to...superficially call someone out for their looks. It's like clockwork.
I wonder if she and Ronald ever attended the same seance.
Posted by: fudador | September 19, 2010 6:10 PM
Would that be the seance with Hillary, Ritmo?
Seriously, this is what you're going to run with? She dated a witch?
A comment criticizing a post criticizing someone for superficially calling someone else out for their looks leading commenters to...superficially call someone out for their looks. It's like clockwork and my head spins!
Stupid Ritmo,
I thought you were gone.
What brings an idiot like you back to this board?
You embarrassed yourself so thoroughly last time, I thought you were gone for good.
I think her cup of tea had a little more than Darjeeling in it. This party is one bag full of nuts.
Posted by: meowomon | September 18, 2010 6:44 PM
And thank you, Delaware.
The rest of you can screw off and see you with a Democratic majority retained in the Senate come November, baggers.
(None of this commentary applies to the decent conservatives or libertarians here, such as Trooper, TG, Palladian, Pollo, Blake, Roger, or any others I've forgotten to mention. And yes, Blake, we can make fun of Hillary. I never liked her anyway - imagine that, I too have no respect even for those Democrats who lack any integrity or principles - and besides, SHE'S NOT RUNNING FOR ANYTHING).
I'm beginning to sense that a Palin presidency is inevitable. The left knows it, too. That's why the frenzied attempts to discredit and belittle her.
I'm still not persuaded. I think the world of her and hope you're right, but she's still damaged goods in the eyes of the public, and at least as scarey a boogeyman for the Left as Ted Kennedy ever was for the Right.
That said, all bets are off if she is the first female nominee for a major party. Obviously the Manhattan/Berkeley wing of the Democratic party, the women with three abortions and no children, won't go for her. But if the Democrats are counting on women in the ranks of the moderates, independents, libertarians, liberal Republicans and conservative Dems to derail her, they may well be bitterly disappointed.
Look at STD trying to regain his pride.
Dude, that's just sad. You can't even tell whether your side is running against another Republican or a Democrat.
Just give it up, man.
You're a musician, not a politician.
What does Carlson think/say about Chris Coons?
Neither is Palin.
There's gotta be even odds that either or both will run in 2012.
Yes, yes, O'Donnell is running for some insignificant office in some podunk state somewhere, but we should leave Delaware to the Delawarians, as I was recently scolded.
but we should leave Delaware to the Delawarians, as I was recently scolded.
I wasn't just scolded...I was unfollowed!
Ritmo when you arrive on the seen, it generally means the thread is cooked. It is a truism that has never been proven wrong.
Seriously, can't you present your point without labeling someone STD?
What does Carlson think/say about Chris Coons?
You mean, other than the fact that there's no first-hand evidence/admissions of him dabbling in Witchcraft or Satanism?
I'm sorry, man. I can't resist. This really is political gold.
Getting back to more serious stuff, I'm fine leaving Delaware to Delawareans. And who knows anything about her even more obscure contender? But this does change the whole equation of what's expected in November.
Anyways, I'll leave my gloating at that. Whether Palin runs in 2012 or not seems inconsequential to the point of seeing how or who she can energize in the meantime. I'm aware of the split with "the elders", but the establishment doesn't seem willing to challenge the base any time soon.
Stupid Ritmo,
You're a dumb fucking kid.
You don't have the sense to wipe you're own ass.
Your presence makes us all poorer and dumber.
You act and write as if you are 15 years old. You're a complete fucking idiot.
Rick, have you ever read the things that shooting thomas says about me/to me?
Try to be fair. The guy is a one-act show, and thinks that acting as unhinged as he can (although, who really knows if it's an act) in an effort to intimidate is the best he can do.
Really, Rick. I'll be just as circumspect as you ask others to be.
And as far as the quality of the thread goes, I'll take the temperature of the WaPo crowd as being more accurately reflective of that of the body politic than what goes on in this circus.
I'm the one detracting from the integrity of the blog?! Now, that's a laugh!!!
Really. The selective condemnations and selective ridicule has nothing to do with it. It's all just me.
Freeman's points are well taken, but the problem is, there are no merits to argue here. There is no merit in attacking a female politician for looking old. So, we wonder about the motivation of the person making the attack. I suspect jealousy, too. I'm not personally envious of Palin, but a lot of women seem very threatened of her. It strikes me as amusing because so many feminists accused men of feeling threatened by Hillary.
What is it about these Liberal Media Women that they attack the appearance of women who don't agree with their politics?
In other news, Obama attended a church today and had to leave prematurely, feeling dazed.
It seems that whenever the piest said "Now let us pray", Obama tried to, but kept banging his head on the pew bench in front of him.
Stupid Ritmo,
You would do us all a favor by leaving this board.
You are too stupid, and too childish to post here.
Your postings are crude, stupid and embarrassing.
You're an idiot, Ritmo. A complete idiot.
Ritmo...I do enjoy your prose, and often wish that you were on my side, politically speaking. Question: With the Harry Potter phenomena, main stream Disney films, the Psychics and the vampire shows on TV, how does the dabbling of a teenager into an apparently socially approved supernatural realm become a sign of irrationality?
Is shouting thomas commenting on my antics? Really? The guy who thinks shouting "RACIST!", just for effect, is an example of sober political commentary?
I mean, I'm sure his name alone reflect more maturity than Abe Vigoda.
Guys, he's a musician. Not a politician. Or anything else, really.
Ritmo Having just seen Shouting Thomas's response I guess civil discourse is a cooked also.
Stupid Ritmo
You are a dumb kid. You're not here for any serious reason.
You're just a stupid jackass.
There is not reason to engage in any kind of dialogue with a stupid jackass like you.
Got away. That's the best thing an idiot like you can do for his board.
We need a little respect for our wives from Carlson. By her standard my beautiful sexy wife is the same dog years age as The Professor: 421.
TradGuy, because people don't take that stuff seriously. They realize the difference between dressing up as a kid, (or even as a parent), and "dabbling" in something as an adolescent.
I'm not even judging O'Donnell. That just goes to show how objective I'm being here. But I do know it will convey unseriousness. That's what the Dems are trying to show (or expose) all along.
Witches are part of a childhood fantasy. If someone "dabbled" in believing they were slaying dragons, that would go over just as poorly as well.
Anyways, thanks for the compliment. It's good to have someone on board here who knows and appreciates that over-the-top rhetoric serves its purpose, but only in the right proportions. Unlike Shouting Thomas. But he just does it to be phony and for effect anyway.
The point is to be real. But some people just won't be able to convey that, as nice as they are, they have also have to have the seriousness and intellect to govern. The right is all about proving they have the guts right now. But what the country's looking for is about more than just guts, IMO.
Stupid Ritmo,
Go away. Quit dumbing down this board with your idiocy.
You're far too stupid to comment here, Stupid Ritmo.
Shorter ST:
"Waaahhhh... This is my playground and since I'm too stubborn to take my marbles and go home after losing a big one I'll tell you to you go away instead. Waaahhhh!!!!"
Dude, how's Sarah Palin's 70% average holding up?
You fucked up. No big deal. Except to someone who has nothing else to find important in life.
Stupid Ritmo,
You are too stupid and too childish to comment on this board.
Go away, Stupid Ritmo.
You are horrendously, ridiculously stupid.
Every time you show up here, you render the entire discussion stupid.
Go away, Stupid Ritmo.
Ritmo.... Oh no. Do you mean that St George did not slay the Dragon? I see your point. O'Donnell is a flake, as is well known. She completely flusters the super serious Carl Rove, Master of Manipulating votes. But as long as she wants to see the Dragon Obama's agenda slain, the voters can accept her as George Burns accepted Gracie. Good night, Ritmo.
Did you want to take a chalk board out and diagram Sarah Palin's 70% success rate at picking successful Republican nominees, ST?
You too, TG. Have a good one. The tears running down SHOUTING THOMAS' cheeks are starting to make me feel pity.
Stupid Ritmo,
There is no issue here, except your embarrassing stupidity.
You are too stupid to post on this board.
Stupid Ritmo, go away.
How many times do you have to be told, idiot?
Are you trying to parent me, ST? Really?
Well, you know what happens to senile parents, don't you? They have to be parented themselves.
Now please behave before we change our minds and decide to put you in the dingy nursing home with the aides who refuse to clean your poopy diapers for days on end.
Carlson is a three-bagger.
Ritmo said: "Remind me again, what does he stand for? What has he ever taken a stand in favor of?"
I take a stand for speaking in first person.
I also stand for substance. Since you represent neither, you're just low-hanging fruit to me.
Seriously, keep pushing the "serious" angle on O'Donnel though. That's rich.
She dabbled in Witchcraft, while you guys were championing a guy who more than "dabbled" in the KKK. You have guys currently serving who literally don't care about the constitution (Stark, Hare). You have a guy who thinks Guam might capsize due to overpopulation. You have your most prominent congresscritters up for major ethics violations. Your House leader "seriously" says of major legislation that we must pass it to find out what's in it. In the same vein, others in your party leadership say of major financial overhaul that we must pass it to find out how it works. You elected a President who thinks there are 57 states and a VP with more stupid remarks to his credit than will fit in this post.
So yeah Champ, you keep pushing that "serious" card in the face of those "serious" realities I mentioned and I'll keep waiting in vain for you to post something worth debating.
And the winner is!...
Cedarford (9/19/10 6:29 PM) said...
In other news, Obama attended a church today and had to leave prematurely, feeling dazed.
It seems that whenever the piest said "Now let us pray", Obama tried to, but kept banging his head on the pew bench in front of him.
I do wonder where the notion of being the washed up grandmother at 50 is coming up. Where does that legend come from? I read a book recently that pegged a woman in her mid fifties as stout with tightly permed gray hair.
TMI, I menstruate right as rain monthly at 53. I have about six gray hairs.
Ms. Palin has much better habits than I, is better looking, and has a long way to go.
And ironrailsironwieghts should be a big Chris O'Donnell fan because I hear she sports the full Oscar Gamble.
All of those witchs do ya know.
At this point, even a bit of razor stubble is a freakin' miracle.
Dunno about women into witchcraft, but hippie chicks are - or were - among the only women who still go natural (Asian women and lesbians are the other). Even this is changing, as my extensive research at Voyeurweb, Guess Her Muff and Imagefap has shown.
It seems that whenever the piest said "Now let us pray", Obama tried to, but kept banging his head on the pew bench in front of him.
He got confused. All his other Christian services typically included the phrase "Goddamn America"
It seems that whenever the piest said "Now let us pray", Obama tried to, but kept banging his head on the pew bench in front of him.
I've been there, with my first wife. Haven't been to church since!
It's a third party commenting on their looks, which (rightly, IMO) brings attention to her own.
If I go up to someone and say, "Hey, tubby, lose some weight!" I think they have every right to inquire into my BMI.
That's where I don't agree. Say there was some perfectly formed Aphrodite going around criticizing the looks of all her beauty's lessers. That would be just as bad. So the problem isn't that the speaker fails her own standard.
In this case, the problem isn't that Carlson is jealous; the problem is that she's saying childish things and making an ass of herself.
Well, GMay. There's no accounting for your abandonment of something called "context". Here it goes.
She dabbled in Witchcraft, while you guys were championing a guy who more than "dabbled" in the KKK.
Oh brother. I assume you're referring to a former senator (he's actually dead now) known as "Robert Byrd". Not aware that he ever ran against a witch, nor did he dabble in something that was uncommon in West Virginia at the time that he grew up.
Times change, conservative. Get used to it. Robert Byrd did. So long ago that he's dead now. May his long forgotten memory burn eternally in your furious mind.
Now, I don't remember ever defending Byrd's past in the context of an election against someone else. Nor am I aware that being in the Klan in West Virginia during the ancient history that comprised Byrd's childhood was a controversial thing. And further, you do know about "federalism", don't you? What is controversial in one state may not be in another.
What you should also learn about is the context of moving on. Did Robert Byrd defend the Klan all his life, or did he eventually R-E-P-U-D-I-A-T-E it and go on to have an accomplished legislative career that any American, klansman or not, might recognize as such?
The appropriate comparison is to Trent Lott, who regretted that a segregationist at the time, Strom Thurmond, didn't become president - and thereby, in his estimation, making the country worse off in the present - IN 2002. That's your comparison. And he rightly resigned because of it.
Times change, conservative. Get used to it. Robert Byrd, West Virginia, and the rest of the country did. Even if Trent Lott didn't.
Even Strom Thurmond had the integrity to renounce the past that Trent stubbornly admitted to remaining proud of. That's the integrity your side could use more of, but sorely lacks.
You have guys currently serving who literally don't care about the constitution (Stark, Hare).
No one knows what you mean by any of this except for the fact that their constituents don't seem to mind.
Whatever happened to federalism and respect for local representation, Mr Conservative?
You have a guy who thinks Guam might capsize due to overpopulation. You have your most prominent congresscritters up for major ethics violations. Your House leader "seriously" says of major legislation that we must pass it to find out what's in it. In the same vein, others in your party leadership say of major financial overhaul that we must pass it to find out how it works.
Oh My. What a long and petty laundry list you weave. Does it keep you up at night?
You elected a President who thinks there are 57 states
I'm sure you believe that's really what Obama "thinks" rather than what he just blunderingly said after days straight of campaigning.
Actually, I'm sure you probably don't but instead lack the integrity to assert as much.
After GWB it must be nice to have someone else who can insert the odd malapropism into their remarks, even if they don't do it as reflexively or God awfully frequently as W. (a former and perhaps permanent drunk) did.
and a VP with more stupid remarks to his credit than will fit in this post.
And the ladies still love him. Wouldn't you know it? Being a nice, decent and honest guy still counts for something in this world. Imagine that. Something your side could stand to learn about.
Margaret needs to hook up with Franken and then the two should elope. To Europe. And stay there.
GMay :"
She dabbled in Witchcraft, while you guys were championing a guy who more than "dabbled" in the KKK. You have guys currently serving who literally don't care about the constitution (Stark, Hare). You have a guy who thinks Guam might capsize due to overpopulation. You have your most prominent congresscritters up for major ethics violations. Your House leader "seriously" says of major legislation that we must pass it to find out what's in it. In the same vein, others in your party leadership say of major financial overhaul that we must pass it to find out how it works. You elected a President who thinks there are 57 states and a VP with more stupid remarks to his credit than will fit in this post. "
Don't forget Denis Kuchinich, who was kidnapped by aliens;lunatic Alan Grayson; dumb as a post Maxine Waters; Pete "Stark Raving Mad" who threatened to pee on a constituent; crazy Cynthia McKinney, who belted a Capital cop. Why do we let them portray our side as kooks? They have no end of idiots and nuts.
Ok, and Coons in Delaware was a " bearded Marxist" in his youth. I'd rather have a witch.
Joe Biden told KKKatie Couric that , when the stock market crashed, FDR went on tv to reassure the American people. Only, TV was in it's experimental stage then, and Hoover was president, not FDR. Katie nodded sagely. Dumb and dumber.
Carlson's face looks odd. Plastic surgery gone awry?
Don't forget Denis Kuchinich, who was kidnapped by aliens;lunatic Alan Grayson; dumb as a post Maxine Waters; Pete "Stark Raving Mad" who threatened to pee on a constituent; crazy Cynthia McKinney, who belted a Capital cop. Why do we let them portray our side as kooks? They have no end of idiots and nuts.
None of whom are running against former witch and Satanist Christine O'Donnell.
God Damn! It's like none of you understand the purpose of elections or how they work.
Good luck taking back the country.
And Ritmo, Sarah Palin endorsed Scott Brown Chris Christie, and McDonnell in Virginia. So her winning record is not all in primaries.
It's interesting how you ignored my point Rhitmo. Which is that your side, with the complicity of the media, likes to portray people on the right as kooky. There are more kooks and nuts on the left. And reprobates.
As I said, I would take the witch over the bearded Marxist.
It's interesting how you ignored my point Rhitmo. Which is that your side, with the complicity of the media, likes to portray people on the right as kooky. There are more kooks and nuts on the left. And reprobates.
I'm not here to defend Democrats, let alone every one of them. Nor am I here to pick on every single Republican. I'm here to defend against the excesses and blunders of the right generally and in particular by their supporters on this site.
I don't have a problem with every conservative politician. But I do have a problem with how shortsighted they have been, and how one-sided they have been. They think that anything that is good for their party is good for the country, and they never give enough thought to realize that, in this, they are obviously and horrendously wrong. That's how obsessive they've become.
As I said, I would take the witch over the bearded Marxist.
You must be one of those nice carpetbaggers who pretends to live in Delaware when you're not busy doing other things. I'm sure people that actually live there really appreciate you telling them what you would do, right?
And Ritmo, Sarah Palin endorsed Scott Brown Chris Christie, and McDonnell in Virginia. So her winning record is not all in primaries.
The context of this was an insane lunatic claiming that Sarah Palin had a 70% average in picking who won elections against Democrats.
I'm not sure what number 3 is 70% of. But I have a sneaking suspicion it isn't the number of general elections that Republicans have won in the time since Roger Ailes appointed Palin Umpire in Chief.
Ms. Carlson looks like the picture of Dorian Gray, very late in the story.
Ritty said: "Oh brother. I assume you're referring to a former senator (he's actually dead now) known as "Robert Byrd"."
Hence my use of past tense. God you're good! Nice apologetics you oozed for him after that too.
Oh, wait, serving the KKK is so contextual right? Is that that vaunted nuance you lefties are supposedly capable of thinking in?
Times change, conservative. Get used to it.
Yes they do, idiot. Realize it.
Now I'm not going to quote all that nuancy contexty apologetics stuff because my point clearly sailed right over your tiny little head. Allow me to break it down for you:
Times change. O'Donnell dabbled in witchcraft a long time ago. Times change. Can you undertand that leftist?
Can you wrap your big ol' brain around that?
But ya know what, you gave me so much time in your response, I'm going to keep on going. Let's see what else you wrought for me in your lengthy response. Ah yes:
"The appropriate comparison is to Trent Lott, who regretted that a segregationist at the time, Strom Thurmond, didn't become president - and thereby, in his estimation, making the country worse off in the present - IN 2002. That's your comparison. And he rightly resigned because of it."
No, that was your estimation, not Lott's. You see, one must infer racism from his comment. There was nothing explicit there. But he had the decency to step down, unlike Democrats who feel so inclined to commend Obama on how "clean and articulate" he is, or is ability to speak without a "negro dialect".
Is that the integrity you're talking about? Or is that the nuance?
See, this is why I call you "low-hanging fruit". Your inability to see the a hole in your rhetorical offerings that I can drive a space shuttle though.
"No one knows what you mean by any of this except for the fact that their constituents don't seem to mind.
Whatever happened to federalism and respect for local representation, Mr Conservative?"
Well Mr. Leftist, just because you're ignorant of the anti-constitutional stances held by guys like Hare and Stark, that doesn't mean others are.
But then again, you're an equal opportunity projector - be it your own substance-free posts or your own ignorance.
Say the word champ and I'll link you some knowledge about those two Demmy guys. Chock full of integrity they are! Loaded with nuanced understanding!
And I respect local representation that respects the Constitution which grants them power. Are you making an argument otherwise? Oh, that's right, you are a leftist.
"Oh My. What a long and petty laundry list you weave. Does it keep you up at night?"
No more petty than rambling about a candidate who dabbled in witchcraft when she was a teenager.
Does it keep you up at night that you were making some half-assed argument about the seriousness of Republican candidates when your side has been electing clowns for decades?
It should.
"Being a nice, decent and honest guy still counts for something in this world. Imagine that. Something your side could stand to learn about."
Yeah, the Kopechne family has first hand experience with all that honest decency from someone you guys called "The Lion of the Senate".
But hey, at least you can spell and properly use "repudiate" now. Think Sarah had the same problems you had with "dribble"?
When I was at the gym tonight the flat screens were all carrying Palin subtitled "Palin Power".
I don't really watch TV, so it was an interesting counterpoint to this thread.
C4: Let's compare Nixon and Palin, even only one of them was a crackerjack law student.
Between 1962 and 1968,
Nixon wrote a memoir;
Nixon worked to help Republican congressional candidates get elected, indebting them to him;
Nixon appealed to social conservatives;
Nixon practiced law; and
Nixon wrote an article for Foreign Affairs about "Asia After Vietnam," showing his mastery of international affairs.
Between 2008 and 2012,
Palin wrote a memoir;
Palin worked to help Republican congressional candidates get elected, indebting them to her;
Palin appealed to social conservatives; and
Well, three out of five isn't bad.
Oh boy. All of G-Unit's huffing and puffing and hyperventilating and he still doesn't get that membership in the Klan in West Virginia before segregation ended (not much different from Strom Thurmond's run on the Dixiecrat ticket in the same era, for context) was still not as kooky and unacceptable as being a Satanic witch in Delaware in the 1990s.
Anyways, here's what Trent Lott said, in 2002:
"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."
See the difference between 1944, 1948 and 2002? Most people would. Strom Thurmond did. Robert Byrd did. But because time and space do not register with G-Unit, he pretends not to see the difference that the idiotic Trent Lott was forced to see when retrospectively endorsing segregation - NEARLY FORTY YEARS AFTER IT HAD BEEN DEEMED UNCONSTITIONAL. And racist.
So G-Unit, as usual, is a sore loser who can't admit the truth when it's staring him right in the face.
People change. Mores change. Except for G-Unit. It's all just one big, context-free continuum for him and the other subatomic particles.
And, oh yeah. I remember the 1990s. Being a satanic witch was not looked well upon for people aspiring to public office, G-Unit. Anywhere. Not in Delaware, not in West Virginia. Not in South Carolina.
O'Donnell reaps the ridicule for being a kook and G-Unit fumigates over his inability to accept that.
Anyways, what does all this matter? The point is that O'Donnell won't get elected in 2010, even though Robert Byrd or Strom Thurmond could in the 1940s. I'm just explaining the reason why to G-Unit, but he misunderstands the point of the lesson.
I could care less that he doesn't get it. He thinks that by arguing vociferously enough with me he will change reality.
Hey, for a quitter, she sure seems to be pounding the living crap out of establishment pros of late.
One of General MacArthur's strategies was "hit 'em where they ain't." Those of you who think endorsing O'Donnell was a stupid move are forgetting a couple of things. One, no one inside the Beltway expected Delaware to be in play in the general; it was a safe Democratic Senate keeper. Two, the Republicans put up an inside-the-beltway guy as kind of a gold watch thing (he is 70, you know) and Republicans voted for someone who, if she doesn't win, at least represents something other than a tip on the pillow.
This is not a good cycle for business as usual. Palin is playing that. She gains more by bursting Republican kabuki gestures than she gains by playing by the rules.
Because she's owning that rogue thing, don'tcha know.
One of General MacArthur's strategies was "hit 'em where they ain't."
I don't believe General MacArthur used the word "ain't" ever in his life. I believe that quote is from baseball.
Alex wrote:
tradguy - how does quitting fit into leadership skills?
Er, last I checked Obama didn't serve a full term as senator.
Ritmo wrote:
The appropriate comparison is to Trent Lott, who regretted that a segregationist at the time, Strom Thurmond, didn't become president - and thereby, in his estimation, making the country worse off in the present - IN 2002. That's your comparison. And he rightly resigned because of it.
Lott was speaking with reverance of a senator who had long repudiated his klansman history. And he knew said sentaor in the context of his role as an elder statesman in the Senate and not as kliegel of the KKK. If you cut Lott no slack, then why are you suddenly talking about context when it comes to Byrd?
Ritmo wrote:
None of whom are running against former witch and Satanist Christine O'Donnell.
God Damn! It's like none of you understand the purpose of elections or how they work.
Good luck taking back the country.
Oh now she's a satanist too? (O'Donnell). Seriously, are you arguing that someone who dabbled in witchcraft in their 20's is a practicing witch and satanist now? Ok, so by that same standard, Obama acknowledged his coke habit. Once a coke head always a coke head. Obama spent 20 YEARS in a black liberation theology church that preached against the evils of AMERIKKKA! That is long period of time to dabble in racial theology no? Considering Obama is in his 50's that more than a third of his life in a church that hates AMERIKKKA! Very serious dabbling, I must say.
This just underlies the lberals complete lack of principles:
It's sexist to go after a woman's looks unless a liberal does it. It's wrong to go after what someone did in the past as a youth, unless Ritmo does it.
Liberals sexism and racism always have qualifiers and buts attached, and sometimes they don't even bother qualifying their bigotry. It's simply stated as a fact, and any pointing out of a double standard is swept under the rug, since of course liberal's shit doesn't stink.
What I like about Palin.
Given the choice between the establishement / hand picked / RINO / Smart Choice / Electable person AND the "other person" who actually espouses conservative positions, she almost always backs the "other person."
This is the only way to truly change course. It does us no good to elect Republicans who are going to vote for TARP, amnesty, stimuli, tax increases, cap and tax, federal education programs, etc.
We've compromised to the point of bankruptcy. It's time to actually DECREASE the size of gov't, or ... be Greece.
Obama said:
"Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. . . . I got high [to] push questions of who I was out of my mind."
So, Obama dabbled in drugs as a youngster right? He's a junkie.
Obama also acnkowledged:
"Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though,"
Ah so he was a pot head, a drunk AND a coke fiend. But at least he didnt' try smack though. He does have that. Would he have tried meth if it was out at the time? Who knows. Point beiing though, our current president was a junkie. And I bet he did more dabbling in his drug habit than O'Donnell ever did in her witchcraft phase.
To liberals though, someone who dabbles in witchcraft as a youth is unserious (unless of course it's a liberal doing the dabbling and then it's a youthful indiscretion that no one can judge), yet the president can snort coke as a youth (and be part of a black liberation theology church for 20 years) and it's irrelevant to his character or seriousness as a candidate. Unless of course it's George Bush, and then even rumors of a coke habit in his past, means he's a cokehead forever.
Ritty kept fucking that chicken: "All of G-Unit's huffing and puffing and hyperventilating and he still doesn't get that membership in the Klan in West Virginia before segregation ended (not much different from Strom Thurmond's run on the Dixiecrat ticket in the same era, for context) was still not as kooky and unacceptable as being a Satanic witch in Delaware in the 1990s."
Translation: I can't effectively rebut you, so I'm going to keep apologizing for Byrd.
You're a riot dude. I really do like you. Why? Because you take yourself so gosh darn seriously while making the most laughable non-arguments.
Regarding your absolutely imbecilic comparison involving Lott, read jr565's post at 9:28am. Sums up your flawed thinking quite nicely.
See also: definitions of "infer" and "fumigate". But again, at least you have repudiate and dribble down now, so you're catching Sarah, big guy!
Oh yeah, and I noticed you ignored several other valid points I made. How odd considering all the whining you do about me not making any arguments.
Ritmo wrote:
And, oh yeah. I remember the 1990s. Being a satanic witch was not looked well upon for people aspiring to public office, G-Unit. Anywhere. Not in Delaware, not in West Virginia. Not in South Carolina.
O'Donnell reaps the ridicule for being a kook and G-Unit fumigates over his inability to accept that.
Except she didn't run as a witch. Even on the Maher show she was talking about something she did in the past, and dabbling suggested she wasn't serious about it. As for satanism, she said her first date, which she didn't know at the time was a satanist (or more likely someone who dabbled, as teenagers are wont to do in). Not that SHE was a satanist, and it sounded like she wasn't that comfortorable with the situation. Not that she dabbled in satanism.
Obviously if she ran as a wiccan, she wouldn't get my vote, but even in the context of her appearance on Maher's show (which was now ten years ago) she was speaking as a christian (and so all her dabbling was in the past). Christianity allows for people who were formerly lost to become saved by accepting Christ. Paul the Apostle persecuted Christians till he had his conversion.
Now, at the same time OBama was drowning in his sorrows at school and snorting coke and smoking the herb. Not to mention drinking. Was coke snorting legal at the time? So, then in addition to being a junkie wasn't he also a lawbreaker.
Was wiccanism, as stupid as it is, illegal or just dumb? Which is worse? If for example you went on a job interview they probably wouldn't ask if you were a wiccan or whether you believed you could cast spells, but they would make you take a drug test.
"hit 'em where they ain't"
Hall of Famer, Willie Keeler. My husband has a postcard of his HOF plaque. I got it for him, as (when he played), he had the same philosophy - or ability. He was a chronic opposite field hitter.
Two, the Republicans put up an inside-the-beltway guy as kind of a gold watch thing (he is 70, you know)
And the professor had made this loaded remark about former Governor and current Congressman Castle: And I don't know much about Castle, but why was a 70-year-old man running for a first term in the Senate? That struck me as self-centered vanity at odds with the interests of his party — which was particularly suspect given his RINO record.
I hate to see so much ageism on this blog, especially because the Republicans put up a 72 year old inside-the-beltway guy -- whom many consider to be a RINO because of his long record of working with Democrats -- in 2008 to be President. Legislating is much less stressful than administering.
Now I'm curious if Althouse had thought that self-centered vanity had also motivated the 69-year-old Reagan's run for the Presidency. Picking an old man worked out fairly well for them, even though he likely suffered from Alzheimer's much earlier than when he was diagnosed, five years after he left office.
Er, last I checked Obama didn't serve a full term as senator.
Big difference between getting promoted to President and quitting to spend more time on Facebook.
Carlson never had the opportunity to look young and beautiful.
Lott was speaking with reverance of a senator who had long repudiated his klansman history. And he knew said sentaor in the context of his role as an elder statesman in the Senate and not as kliegel of the KKK. If you cut Lott no slack, then why are you suddenly talking about context when it comes to Byrd?
This is bullshit. Lott praised the principles of Thurmond's segregationist Dixiecrat run. To wit, he said exactly this:
"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We’re proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over the years, either."
Thurmond's run for president was based explicitly, and almost entirely, on the platform of opposing federal intervention in segregation.
The Republicans agreed that someone, who espoused such positive sentiments about the prospects segregation had for improving the country as Lott did, was completely unfit to lead the Senate.
OTOH, no one praising Byrd in 2002 was doing so on account of his history in the Klan.
It's really a very simple difference. Only a fool couldn't see it. No one is praising Thurmond's or Byrd's history. Except for Lott.
It's wrong to go after what someone did in the past as a youth, unless Ritmo does it.
I didn't publicize O'Donnell's kooky past, nor did I pass judgment on it. Several others did, and several hundred thousand voters will.
Sorry. Too bad.
The witchery is one thing. The other is all the completely fucked-up obsessions she has with re-virginizing America. This is like the only thing that motivates her.
I mean, I'm sure such stances make for great credentials. Really. But besides that, what does she have to offer as a candidate?
Dude. She's not a serious candidate. Get over it.
I know it's fun to poke your ideological enemies with a stick, Ritmo, but several people have already told you what she brings to the table.
High school oddities aren't really enough to make her "unserious" when the "serious" candidates are all statists.
Again Ritty, you obviously don't know what "infer" means and you conveniently leave out the overt racial remarks made by the sitting VP and Senate majority leader.
You may be a complete tool, but at least you're worth a good chuckle.
Ann, you do not have to explain your decision to anyone. You thought Obama was the right guy so you voted for him. Don't let some of these folks rub that in; it's not fair.
Disappointment with political leaders is an American tradition (stands up, head held high, hand over heart)
Its not that Palin looks old. She looks sort of mannish with her square jaw. She's not like she was. She's not as tranny with the adams apple going on, like Anne Coulter (Rabid Dog Coulter), but she does look a lot older than 44. Like mid 50s early 60s. The truth. Think she was beautiful once, not anymore.
Ya, she's aging fast. Her husband looks light years younger.
As far as O'Donnell. She has that stuff under the chin. Groddy. And she's . . .cellulite city. She's not in high school either.
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