September 15, 2010

"If we learned anything tonight it's that New Yorkers are as mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore."

Said Carl Paladino. And if they don't feel quite so mad, they can have good old Andrew Cuomo as their governor.
Regardless of whether Paladino can pull off another upset, his victory Tuesday night served as a wakeup call to the state's Republican establishment.

"The old party leaders can do one of two things," he told reporters after his victory speech. "They can do what the people want - or they can quit."
Meanwhile, in Delaware, Christine O'Donnell is hearing that the National Republican Senatorial Committee isn't going to fund her campaign, because she's not sufficiently competitive with the Democrat, even though she just smashed Republican Party regular Mike Castle.

The story today is the complacency of established Republicans who imagined they could waltz in and take over after people got horrifically sick of Democrats. As if there were nowhere else to go. And maybe there isn't. (Are Paladino and O'Donnell suitable heirs to the immense power Democrats have been abusing?) But that doesn't make the Republicans any more enticing.

When you have to break up with your abusive, hot boyfriend, it's not as if you want to go out with the dweeb you wouldn't be seen with before. Or... no. That's a terrible analogy, because politics should not be that emotional or that big a part of our lives. The Tea Party seems to embody anger at government, but its candidates need to be serious and competent now.


Anonymous said...

"Are Paladino and O'Donnell suitable heirs to the immense power Democrats have been abusing?"

Their message seems to indicate that that want to exercise less power, so I think yes. But we shall see. Paladino's story is more interesting to me. He was going to move he and his business out of NY but decided to stay and fight. Righteous!

"The times they are achangin.'" I have seen the pendulum swing back. Amazing times.

TMink said...

If there is nowhere else for conservatives to go today, a place will be prepared. And we will go.

I am sending money to O'Donnell today. I have never sent any money to a politician before. What is that I smell? It is strong coffee brewing. I wonder if the ruling elite in the Republican party will be able to rouse themselves to smell it.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If my choices for a date are:
1) Nerd
2) Big government socialist

I'll pick the nerd every time.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As I said in the other thread. The NSRC kept calling us and begging for money. We told them to eff off and pound sand becaus they don't support the candidates that WE want to support. Any money that we donate will be directly sent to the candidates.

We have been proven right.

They (the Republican old guard) are a bunch of weasles who don't give a crap about what the base wants. They only want to retain power.

I would rather see the Democrats retain the Senate than elect a bunch of McCain style RINOs who would continue with the same losing policies. At least then the Democrats will have to OWN the disaster instead of being helped by the RINOs

Hari said...

48 disciplined Republicans are worth more than 51 that can't all be counted on.

After this election, there will Democratic senators who will break ranks.

The Republicans almost defeated Obamacare with just 41 senators. Had they had 42 or more, the law would never have passed.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This may be that final, apocalyptic battle between the Goldwater and Rockefeller wings of the party. After '64, Rocky's guys had it pretty much their way, but it was the same way things had been going in the big cities of the East since V-J day - and that was the way of the RINO.

The big test is whether people like O'Donnell and Sharron Angle can win in a general election and, after that, how well, and effectively, they govern.

Ann Althouse said...

Or... no. That's a terrible analogy, because politics should not be that emotional or that big a part of our lives.

That's what the Bourbons said about Madame La Guillotine.

ndspinelli said...

This just shines a spotlight on the fatal flaw of our political system; having only 2 choices. Using your boyfriend analogy, presumably when you break up w/ your boyfriend you have a myriad of choices..not just "the dweeb". When you walk down the damn cereal aisle you have hundreds of choices. When you vote, you basically have 2 choices. And, the mantra from both parties has devolved into, "We may suck...but we don't suck as much as those other guys"

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Scott M said...

At least then the Democrats will have to OWN the disaster instead of being helped by the RINOs

This is the second-string of hopeful outcomes for anything but a GOP takeover with conservative (vs RINO's) senate seat winners.

It's a win-win. If the dems retain the senate, but things either continue like they are or get worse, they own it and we sweep in true conservatives next cycle (I'm looking at you, Claire McCaskill). If they retain the senate and things improve, some much the better for the country.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Trey

We just sent her some money too.

She probably won't win in such a 'blue' state full of brain dead leftists, but she deserves a fighting chance.

Republican good ole' boys better wake up.

I give up. I can't spell or read this morning. Must. have. more. coffee.

lemondog said...

Their message seems to indicate that that want to exercise less power,...

Highly questionable.

re: O'Donnell, according to Wiki indicates, if nothing else, she is tenacious given her fiscal situation.

Her stance on social issues sounds extremist, and for me, repellent.

The 41-year-old O'Donnell lived and worked in Washington for years in various capacities — as the founder of a conservative social issues organization, the Savior's Alliance for Lifting the Truth, and as spokeswoman for Concerned Women for America, an organization that works to bring biblical principles to public policy.

AllenS said...

Even if the Tea Party nominees get elected and make mistakes, it's better than what we've got now. Who hasn't made a mistake? If you're totally against amateur Tea Party nominees, vote for the Democrats. You must be ok with the deficits that we are presently running. Right?

Bart DePalma said...


I am an attorney who has been involved in the Tea Party movement from the beginning. Let me try to clarify our objectives.

The only way the Tea Party wins is to elect a truly libertarian conservative government.

There have been three conservative rebellions in my lifetime - 1980, 1992 and today. The lesson from the two prior rebellions is that you win landslides when you lead such a rebellion from the GOP and split the conservative vote and get left government when you go third party.

Thus, the Tea Party from the beginning has been engaged in a hostile takeover of the GOP by nominating libertarian conservatives and removing establishment RINOs across the board no matter how blue the district or state.

The election will tell, but the Tea Party calculation is that nominating libertarian conservatives across the board maintains our enormous enthusiasm to vote and gives us the best net chance of a libertarian conservative government because you can't achieve such a government without L/C candidates.

This is not your old oxymoronic "compassionate conservative" dweeb GOP boyfriend. He has been kicked to the curb. Think instead Charlton Heston.

Hagar said...

Our 2-party system is the worst - except for all those other systems that have been tried.

Actually it - including the Electoral College quirk - works just fine.

If you think about it, just about all proposed reforms, including those that passed and became law, have been aimed at allowing a determined and vociferous minority to overrule the majority, and they generally have not worked out all that well.

Anonymous said...

Don't look now, but we now have a three party system.

Meade said...

Following your analogy then - Tea Party is your best friend who, coincidentally, was also misused and abused by a former lover. You're both wiser now and you're ready to just help each other get your stuff back.

MadisonMan said...

Paladino is a familiar name, but I just can't place it.

Was there a different Paladino in government in the past 30 years?

Scott M said...

If you think about it, just about all proposed reforms, including those that passed and became law, have been aimed at allowing a determined and vociferous minority to overrule the majority, and they generally have not worked out all that well.

I know the pros and cons, but I'm still sorta leaning toward term limits, a single 6-year term for president and, possibly, a single 10-year term for SCOTUS judges.

Hari said...

Among the worst things that can be said about O'Donnell is that she apparently thinks masturbation is a sin. So what? Does anyone believe there is a chance she is going to get a bill through the senate outlawing masturbation?

On the other hand, at least we know she wont be voting for any other Obama disasters.

SteveR said...

The problem is the story is being told by insiders who are much closer to traditional republicans. So I'm not sure I know the full story yet.

Clearly established republicans will need to understand that they won't have an easy time getting a nomination if they are going to vote like Arlen Specter or Lincoln Chaffee.

So will the party take a step back to go forward?

garage mahal said...

Doesn't seem to be a lot of celebrating the day after a big big win.

Scott M said...

Doesn't seem to be a lot of celebrating the day after a big big win.

They didn't celebrate a lot after Little Round Top either, because they knew it was far from over.

AllenS said...


Are you ok with trillion dollar plus deficits?

Automatic_Wing said...

On the other hand, at least we know she wont be voting for any other Obama disasters.

No, Coons will be the one voting for Obama disasters. O'Donnell will be be "analyzing" said disasters on Fox News.

garage mahal said...

Are you ok with trillion dollar plus deficits?

Mcconnell just unveiled the GOP tax plan that will add 4 trillion to the deficit. You okay with that?

Chennaul said...

I don't actually blame the NRSC.

First, unlike Sharron Angle-O'Donnell played a dirty game.

First-there was Erik Erikson of Redstate-who is now a commentator at CNN spreading the rumor which he said he had solid "insider" information about-that Mike Castle was going to switch parties and become a Democrat once he was elected.

Then O'Donnell supporters accused Castle of voting to impeach President Bush. This in turn was spread by Mark Levin on his radio show.

The Powerilne guys-no Liberals btw-showed this to be patently false.

Then O'Donnell herself accused Castle of having his staffers break into her campaign office back in 2008 when it came time to get justice or independent verification-she couldn't even be bothered to file a police report. Yet she smeared Castel with that til the last minute.

Now I am hearing, first mentioned at Volokh that a video was made to infer that Mike Castle was cheating on his wife with a man. This was by a firm that she hired and then "unhired". wink, wink. O'Donnell used many opportunities to bring it up. MSNBC covered it. I didn't find out till this morning.

Then you have the fact that Delaware is 48% registered Democrat, 20+% registered "other" and only in the low 30s registered Republican and it would mean that O'Donnell would have to almost win every Mike Castle vote.

I sure as hellfire wouldn't vote for her-and I'm guessing there are plenty of Castle fans in Delaware still after all the smears.

Why in the hell should the RNSC throw in good money after bad.

They've made a fiscally conservative decision.

Stan25 said...

It has just been announced that John Cornyn has backed off his statement of last night and has endorsed O'Donnell's candidacy, by send her the max amount that the NRSC can send to any one candidate - $42,000.

Scott M said...

Mcconnell just unveiled the GOP tax plan that will add 4 trillion to the deficit. You okay with that?

That's not an answer, Garage. You're being purposefully obtuse.

garage mahal said...

That's not an answer, Garage. You're being purposefully obtuse.

Ok, I prefer lower deficits, in this case much lower deficits, and will vote Democratic.

AllenS said...

Mcconnell isn't in charge of anything. He can't pass anything.

Fred4Pres said...

Cornyn is walking back from the cliff and now pledging to fund Christine to the max.

Smart on the NRSC's part. They almost shot themselves in the head.

Anonymous said...

The only way the Tea Party wins is to elect a truly libertarian conservative government.

Did you get authorization from the FAA before posting that? Setting the bar that high poses a hazard to air navigation. The Tea Party wins by electing a less statist-liberal government than would have been elected without them.

AllenS said...

From the article:

Even as they hammer Democrats for running up record budget deficits, Senate Republicans are rolling out a plan to permanently extend an array of expiring tax breaks that would deprive the Treasury of more than $4 trillion over the NEXT DECADE

Caps added by me. And make sure that this is the Posts words not McConnells'

Hoosier Daddy said...

That's not an answer, Garage. You're being purposefully obtuse.

What else is new.

Bart DePalma said...

Paul Zrimsek said...

BD: The only way the Tea Party wins is to elect a truly libertarian conservative government.

Did you get authorization from the FAA before posting that? Setting the bar that high poses a hazard to air navigation. The Tea Party wins by electing a less statist-liberal government than would have been elected without them.

We tried that with the Bushes and no real libertarian conservative can consider those Administrations to be wins. No, it is time for a peaceful revolution.

ricpic said...

Andrew Cuomo is right up there with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd in culpability for the sub-prime mortgages that triggered the '08 financial meltdown. Which will make no difference when he trounces the Republican nominee for governor, be he Paladino or Lazio. Such is the frozen state of politics in The Vampire State. Too many parasitic untermenschen who understand the Dems are their ticket here in New York.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Senate Republicans are rolling out a plan to permanently extend an array of expiring tax breaks that would deprive the Treasury of more than $4 trillion over the next decade, nearly doubling projected deficits over that period unless dramatic spending cuts are made.

From the link provided by Mr. Obtuse. Emphasis mine.

So essentially garage is voting for the party that will increase our taxes and continue deficit spending.

I remember many years ago in my yout when my mommy was laid off from the steel mill for 9 months and we has a family had to drastically cut back on a whole lot of things. It was tough but we persevered and in the end came out ok.

That's what responsible people do. Too bad our government can't do the same thing.

Chennaul said...

Here's the other thing.

Supposedly you guys are for local rule?

State's rights?

Why the heck can't you accept that New England or Delaware is different from the South?

You want purity so you push compromisers out.

The thing is those people that compromise, get replaced by hard core pro-abortionists for example.

Say you are "pro-life" for example. That is your one issue above all else. And your mad at the squishes supposedly that run a luke warm campaign on that issue or who have a position of compromising on that.

You get rid of them-who are they replaced by?

A foaming at the mouth Democrat who's not only pro-abortion but would vote for late term, etc.

The compromiser probably would have compromised with you-but no!

You had to get rid of them and replace them w/Boxers and Sharptons.

And you'd probably get a lot further trying to support unwed mothers in your state.


Instead of sending your money to the O'Donnell campaign why don't you send it to a place that takes care of unwed mothers who want there babies to have the chance to be adopted?

Your money would probably go a lot further.

Chennaul said...

o any one candidate - $42,000.

Well that's not much, probably a good move to keep the Republican party from Malkinizing.

Hoosier Daddy said...

But in all honesty, I think this nation, fiscally speaking, is so far past the point of no return that we're never going to be able to balance the budget, much less ever get the debt under control. Hell you could eliminate the entire defense budget and cut the deficit in half which leaves us with a hair under $1 trillion deficit.

But somehow going after the top 1% income is gonna fix it.

Scott M said...

The thing is those people that compromise, get replaced by hard core pro-abortionists for example.

Say you are "pro-life" for example. That is your one issue above all else. And your mad at the squishes supposedly that run a luke warm campaign on that issue or who have a position of compromising on that.

You get rid of them-who are they replaced by?

A foaming at the mouth Democrat who's not only pro-abortion but would vote for late term, etc.

The compromiser probably would have compromised with you-but no!

You had to get rid of them and replace them w/Boxers and Sharptons.

And you'd probably get a lot further trying to support unwed mothers in your state.

The house is on fire, Mad. We can't argue about what paint to use AFTER it's fixed. The fire has to be put out and now. As important an issue as I think abortion is (even from a purely secular standpoint), there can be no debate if everything else is in shambles.

former law student said...

I would rather see the Democrats retain the Senate than elect a bunch of McCain style RINOs who would continue with the same losing policies.

Had people like dbq supported RINOs we would have Senator Bill Jones right now instead of Barbara Boxer, and we would have had Governor Richard Riordan instead of Governor Grey Davis (best governor money could buy). I don't understand why knee-jerk liberal Democrats are to be preferred to moderate Republicans.

Joe said...

Paul Zrimsek is right; the goal of the tea party movement is to first slow governments dash for the abyss of fascism. The prime point is to elect politicians who do NOT see government as the solution.

This is the evil of the GOP elite--they still see governmental institutions as the instrument of change, not the impediment of it.

Kirk Parker said...

"...politics should not be ... that big a part of our lives"

If only this could be so! That's certainly where I would be, if I could safely follow my natural inclinations.

But to paraphrase what's-his-name, you may not be interested in politics, but politics is certainly interested in you! And if you won't do politics, it will be done unto you, and on terms very unfavorable...

Hoosier Daddy said...

I don't understand why knee-jerk liberal Democrats are to be preferred to moderate Republicans.

Maybe because 'moderate Republicans' are indistinguishable from knee-jerk liberal Democrats.

O'Donnell won because a big chunk of registered Republican voters simply saw him as an example of the same GOP that went on a drunken spending spree during the last 8 years of Bush.

I'm not from Delaware so i don't know much about O'Donnell but I would rather see a Democrat win the seat than a GOP whose going to be just as reckless with spending. That is what makes me different than the typical party hack who simply votes based solely on the letter behind the candidate's name.

garage mahal said...

So essentially garage is voting for the party that will increase our taxes and continue deficit spending.

No, I'm not voting Republican. Democrats have been passing bills that are deficit neutral. [paid for].

I'll ask again, when was the last time a Republican passed a bill in Congress that was paid for? It's amazing they still get any votes at all, they are fiscal frauds of the highest order.

Hoosier Daddy said...

You want purity so you push compromisers out.

Well should these tea party candidates pull wins in November and go to DC trying to push social issue agendas I imagine they're going to become very unpopular real fast.

I'm not seeing a whole lot of right wing social issues being touted at these tea party rallies. See a whole lot of anger at runaway government spending.

If the RNC wanted to have a competitive candidate in DE, they should have listened to their constituency and picked someone who didn't represent the establishment. But as usual, the GOP thinks that dissatisfaction with the Dems means favorable leanings toward them.

Kinda funny how the GOP and the lefties completely misread the movement.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Democrats have been passing bills that are deficit neutral. [paid for].

Beard of the Prophet garage! You really do live in a fantasy world don't you?

garage mahal said...

Look the bills up.

Kirk Parker said...

madawaskan, what are you talking about. It was locals, and only locals, who had a vote in Delaware's primary.

lemondog said...

But in all honesty, I think this nation, fiscally speaking, is so far past the point of no return that we're never going to be able to balance the budget, much less ever get the debt under control.

U.S. Is Bankrupt and We Don't Even Know It:

Based on the CBO’s data, I calculate a fiscal gap of $202 trillion, which is more than 15 times the official debt. This gargantuan discrepancy between our “official” debt and our actual net indebtedness isn’t surprising. It reflects what economists call the labeling problem. Congress has been very careful over the years to label most of its liabilities “unofficial” to keep them off the books and far in the future.

Synova said...

Democrats have been passing bills they claimed were deficit neutral, were paid for, wouldn't increase the debt...

Doesn't mean it's true.

Sort of the way we were promised that we could all keep our present health insurance if we wanted to without bothering to ask the insurance companies and employers if they'd have it available to "keep" or not.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Look the bills up.

You're the one who made the charge, you back it up. Last time I checked, Democrats took over Congress in 2006. At least they did in the universe I reside in.

sakredkow said...

Don't look now, but we now have a three party system.

That's very interesting Almost Ali.

Synova said...

Although really garage... pointing out that the Republicans are skunks doesn't exactly work against the demonstrated drive to throw the skunks out, does it?

Anonymous said...

Look the bills up.

Which ones? Obamacare?

You believe that one?

Just a couple of days ago, Obama reversed course completely, and as if he had never said the exact opposite said (and I paraphrase):

"You didn't think we were going to insure 30 million more people for no cost, did you?"

Synova said...

Yesterday on the other thread the claim was made that Castle would have "lead" the effort to repeal Obamacare.

If so, then Castle should be on the record as leading the effort to keep it from passing to begin with.

Otherwise, what changed?

jamboree said...

I disagree. Once they have to be "serious and competent", it's only a short road until they turn into exactly what we hate about the established parties. They start listening to handlers instead of their people. They aren't "a people" themselves anymore.

This also is a peek into why the republican establishment reacted so badly to Palin.

I'm not a Tea Partier, but I would love to see the republican establishment out on its ass, and if the Tea Party can accomplish that, God, More Power To Them.

I'm Full of Soup said...


How can you not chuckle at the WAPO writer's writing "the GOP plan will deprive the govt of $4Trilion in revenue".

Haha the mean Republicans want to "deprive" the poor, destitute federal govt! The reporter, Lori Montgomery, is a propagandist as well as a lousy biased reporter. I suspect she knows that and is proud to be part of America's New Pravda.

I'm Full of Soup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
former law student said...

Maybe because 'moderate Republicans' are indistinguishable from knee-jerk liberal Democrats.

According to the American Conservative Union, in 2008 a moderate Republican like Indiana's Richard Lugar scored 63 on their scale from 1-100. Barbara Boxer scored zero.

I don't know about how people think in Hoosierland, but where I live it's easy to distinguish 63 from zero.

TMink said...

Yeah lemondog is right. Can't have Christians holding office or even voting. They cancel out the votes of the commies.


TMink said...

"You want purity so you push compromisers out."

That was the voters, not us.

It is a scarry bitch ain't it?


Cedarford said...

MJ said...
I would rather lose supporting a conservative than win with a status quo, squishy Republican.

Fine attitude!
Just be ready to accept the consequences of purity.
Goldwaterites had purity and were fond of saying that 20 years of Great Society, affirmative action, soft on crime judges were worth it. Worth it because it eventually paved the way for Saint Ronnie and 30 years on, the Rise of Newt - which affirmed all the stuff that happened and became permanently locked into society by LBJ laws and liberal-appointed judges- after "losing nobly". All so Goldwater purity could spread!

I think the argument goes that even if we lock in Obamaism for 20-30 years, it's worth it if we have purity and Goddess Sarah, "don't keep your hands to yourself!" O'Donnell, and Sharron "half-crazed" Angle ensconced on Fox Cable for the next 30 years as "loser-analysts" making millions screeching & preaching to the permanently angry former middle class.

Scott M said...

According to the American Conservative Union, in 2008 a moderate Republican like Indiana's Richard Lugar scored 63 on their scale from 1-100. Barbara Boxer scored zero.

I don't know about how people think in Hoosierland, but where I live it's easy to distinguish 63 from zero.

Yes, I've heard about that scale. Apparently, the higher your score, the less you think "Ma'am" is an insult and the more ridiculous it sounds to propose that what one black group thinks should dictate what another black group thinks.

Joe said...

Democrats have been passing bills that are deficit neutral.

Good lord, you're delusional. Not only haven't they done that, they've continually claimed that it doesn't matter.

In case you aren't aware, the democrats and a few turncoat republicans have added $1 trillion to the deficit (Strategas Research Partners pegs the increase at $1.5 trillion.) How is that remotely deficit neutral?

(And don't start the nonsense about Bush. I opposed Bush's fiscal policies. Moreover, as I and other clearly stated, Bush was a RINO. Bush IS the poster child for why we need genuine changes in how government functions and a return to a true federalist system, not a federal dominated system [no more handing money to the fed only to have them grant them back to state programs. If Ohio or whatever can't pay for their public education, tough.])

Hoosier Daddy said...

I don't know about how people think in Hoosierland, but where I live it's easy to distinguish 63 from zero.

Well I don't know about everyone in Hoosierland but I don't think they vote based upon what some conservative rating agency thinks.

Then again I could be wrong.

Hoosier Daddy said...

How is that remotely deficit neutral?

It is when you live in a land of pixie dust and everyone has free health care and a pony.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I don't understand why knee-jerk liberal Democrats are to be preferred to moderate Republicans.

Moderate Republicans like McCain, Graham etc are the reason that we are in this mess. They are the same brand as the Democrats. Compromise and bi-partisanship (aka caving into the Democrats and kicking your constituents in the teeth) ensures that the Republicans are only the party of weenies and wimps.

We are sick to death of double talk, double dealing and self serving career politicians.

If this ship is irreversibly sinking then I want to have the Democrats at the helm so we know (in the words of Teh Won) who's asses to kick.

I don't want a moderate Republican (RINO) in office. We need new people with new ideas and who will stick to their principles.

The fact that you don't understand any of this and probably never ever will, means that you are not a conservative, not a constitutionalists and are a liberal and are part of the problem.

Unknown said...

TMink said...

Yeah lemondog is right. Can't have Christians holding office or even voting. They cancel out the votes of the commies.

Good point. Everybody (i.e., Libertarians and Lefties) says the Religious Right scares Independents away from Conservative causes, but the same so-called Independents seem to have no problem voting for Leftists every bit as absolutist and dictatorial in their views (PC, feminism, enviro, etc.) as the Christians are supposed to be.

Robert Cook said...

"Compromise and bi-partisanship (aka caving into the Democrats and kicking your constituents in the teeth) ensures that the Republicans are only the party of weenies and wimps.

Politics is compromise. The alternative is tyranny.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Fine attitude!
Just be ready to accept the consequences of purity.

The definition of insanity is to keep trying the same things and expecting a different out come (or something like that)

We have had the Republicans (RINOs) and Democrats for years who are basically the same side of the coin. We have essentially a one party government. The party that is looking out for ITSELF and not for the people.

If we DON'T try something else, we might as well give up and give into socialism, big government controlling our entire lives from cradle to grave, and reconcile ourselves to becoming the largest debtor nation and a third world economy...... because THAT is the goal of both the 'parties' and the result of their actions.

The consequences of a Tea Party/ Libertarian / Conservative/ What-have-you win or lose can NOT be any worse than what we have now.

dick said...

Vote for Cuomo? WASH YOUR MOUTH!! The man is as incompetent as his dad was - and that is very incompetent. His dad was a great speaker and a terrible governor. The son is not even a great speaker.

November is going to be an interesting month.

lemondog said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...
If we DON'T try something else, we might as well give up and give into socialism, big government controlling our entire lives from cradle to grave, and reconcile ourselves to becoming the largest debtor nation and a third world economy...... because THAT is the goal of both the 'parties' and the result of their actions.

No man's life, liberty or fortune is safe while our legislature is in session.
Benjamin Franklin

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. "

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor and bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government."

"Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question."

"To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father's has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association--'the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it."

Thomas Jefferson

Along with not trusting expansionist government, we need also to heed Lincoln's message for new thinking:

"The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country."

Lincoln's Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

Nichevo said...

Did Pataki and Giuliani just cease to have ever existed? NY elects Republicans sometimes. Paladino, O'Donnell, et al could be riding a wave. Maybe it will be a yellow-dog year. If all or many of these 'losers' get in, what are we then to think?

traditionalguy said...

Let me add to this debate the fact that wiping out the States an alld real Congressional input into a new fascist economy is not a Lbertarian move. There is mega money to be made by the few friends of Bill and Barry doing bthings that way, but 95% of the working businesses today will be killed off and the few left will become monopolies beyond our complacent comprehension. For the sake of our children we must stop the RINOs and the Socialist Dems dead in their tracks , and then dismantle the mess they have set up using computers and thugs. That is the only intelligence we need...and Palin has shown that intelligence.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trad Guy:

I agree - the variety in the 50 states brings so much dynamic opportunity to our country. I hope to God our states don't get homogenized by the Dems and their federal bureaucrats. We really are in a battle to save our states.

X said...

Democrats have been passing bills that are deficit neutral.

pay no attention to the deficits behind the curtain.

Trooper York said...

Andrew Cuomo has a lot of skeletons in his closet. In fact he has more skeletons in his closet than Jeffrey Dahmer. But the lapdog mainstream media will never look into them and they will be gunning for Paladino with both barrels. He will be branded a racist, sexist and a cannibal by the New York Times each and every day.

On the other hand he is rich and can fund the opposition research that might leak into the blogosphere and talk radio enough to even it up.

It might be interesting in a low Democratic turn out year.

Scott M said...

Holy grass roots, Batman! O'Donnell raised over $500,000 today.

former law student said...

you are not a conservative, not a constitutionalists and are a liberal and are part of the problem.

If I wanted to live in a country that swung from hard left to hard right and back again every few years I'd move to England. I want to see moderates in control -- RINOs suit me just fine. Common sense has always been better than ideology in my book.

Fen said...

If the RNC wanted to have a competitive candidate in DE, they should have listened to their constituency and picked someone who didn't represent the establishment. But as usual, the GOP thinks that dissatisfaction with the Dems means favorable leanings toward them.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The Tea Party seems to embody anger at government, but its candidates need to be serious and competent now.

Like that was ever in their interest, let alone their aim!


They ain't nothing but a repackaging of the baser emotions in political wrap. Never were anything else.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Politics is compromise. The alternative is tyranny.


You are aware of how this audience thinks, aren't you?

I'm Full of Soup said...

I can't wait til the Tea Party takes over and libs and acivists go whining to them with "we need more of this or more of that" and they get an answer like "That is not the govt's job. I suggest you go back home and find a smooth talking community organizer like Barack Obama, get the old Acorn crew to stealsome elections and maybe in 50 years or so the welfare state will return".

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

A.J.'s dream is a nation of insurance salesmen with all the integrity that entails.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The country is clearly not dangerous enough to inspire the intensity of a broader revolution.

We must make it more dangerous.

We must coarsen the ridges of the republic and sharpen the divides. We require a country of jagged edges and steep inclines. Potholes and gravel for miles on end.

Do not stop until we have pummeled the nation into dust.

By then, the citizens will be lucky to scramble for a decent dirt road and thank the government for being so circumspect to find any gain in providing such a luxury.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Hey who dropped the Ritmo in the punch bowl?

ricpic said...

Poor Ritmo on November 3rd. I almost pity the schmuck. Almost being the operative word.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ritmo and Montagne are the same person right? And Montana Urban legend or some such too?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Don't pity me, ripcord. I'm not the one who hates everyone in my country who has less than I have.

That sort of contempt must be an incredible burden to carry.

Kev said...

I know the pros and cons, but I'm still sorta leaning toward term limits, a single 6-year term for president and, possibly, a single 10-year term for SCOTUS judges.

Agreed. And term limits for bureaucrats as well, so nobody feeds at the government trough for the entirety of a career.

(It would be even better if people were required to spend X-number of years as a member of the productive class before working in government at any level, so they'd have some sort of actual talent to contribute to true public service--rather than the self-service that runs rampant in government at the moment.)

WV: addectif. What some of these Althouse threads are to those of us who should've gone to bed an hour ago.

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