Her pregnant pause? Realizing the federal government is your ENEMY does that to squares like Brewer and me, folks who were brought up believing in the essential decency of their government.
Yeah, I was disappointed Buz Mills dropped out. I mean, he wasn't perfect, and has some shady parts, but I think I would have preferred his policies. Brewer's a nice lady, but we need someone more.
I don't see what the big deal is, she got lost in her notes for a moment. What does that have to do with her qualities as Governor? Oh yeah, I'm reading someone who picked their president by his ability to read a teleprompter smoothly. From that point of view, yes, I can see where this would be scary.
Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a debate with three other candidates. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an index card with bullet points you should have been studying. Look again, the bullet points are now declining poll numbers. You wish you were on a horse.
In Latin class, we always counted the boys seated ahead of us, and the sentences in the previous nights assigned homework, and worked on the sentence that would be ours when our turn came, to avoid just such nasty surprises when called on.
Overconfidence, based on a huge lead in the polls. She didn't bother to prepare and it shows. If she expects to keep her lead in the polls, she'd be well advised not to take the voters for granted.
Maybe the friendly folks at National Review can come to her defense and provide some details about all these beheadings that are taking place in Arizona?
Oh wait...
They already did. They don't mention the fabricated beheadings directly, but the story about some hypothetical Mexican gangsters shooting a whole family dead just for being at a highway rest stop too late in the afternoon... well, that's close enough.
Brewer might be an incompetent ditz with no working mental faculties and a propensity to lie, but she's on the Right side so the cowboys are gonna circle the wagons and fight for her.
If Wisconsin's Sec'y of State became Governor through some bizarro twist of fate -- as happened to Jan Brewer in AZ, we'd be treated to equally bizarre statements.
"Seriously, what is wrong with this woman? That is scary."
Richard Dolan feels it's related to: "Overconfidence, based on a huge lead in the polls. She didn't bother to prepare and it shows."
According to her statement, she's been Governor for 600 days...but was so "unprepared" she couldn't articulate a simple sentence?
Ohhhh, well, then what do you suppose her reason was for not answering the questions relating to her unfounded statement regarding headless bodies?
How about this:
She's dumb as a bag of rocks, and the fact that she's actually serving as the Governor of a state with the 14th largest population in the country and a GSP of about 250 billion dollars...is downright embarrassing.
edutcher said..."We all have our little meltdowns, although she has come through when it was needed. Give her a pass this time."
Oh, come on. The only thing she's "come through" with is stirring up bullshit that is not related to actual facts.
FBI Data: Arizona’s falling crime rates, together with a century’s worth of evidence indicates that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than the native-born.
1. The total number of violent crimes in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
2. The number of murders in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
3. The total number of violent crimes in Tucson fell from 2005 to 2007, rose slightly in 2008, and then dropped significantly in 2009
She's the Governor...and can't string a sentence together or answer a straight forward question relating to an unfounded statement that makes her own state look like some kind of killing field?
Man--classic unpreparedness anxiety. I had a terrible stutter as a kid. Overcame it with great difficulty. It came back one time in spades at a public presentation for which I was badly prepared. I never let that happen again.
After watching the NewsHour last night, this came on. Before it started I said to my wife "I don't want to watch another debate" so I clicked it off.
What I knew already: -Jan Brewer is NOT the greatest speaker and she does less well extemporaneosly. So not surprised. -Prior to SB 1070 she was a moderate to conservative who got a lot of heat from her right flank regarding her push for a ballot initiative to raise sales taxes for three years to help balance the budget -She really hadn't said much about SB 1070 prior to its passage. Since then its been a gift. And like all politicians in AZ (including Terry Goddard) she's made statements that she wishes she hadn't made. The irony is she's already suggested modifying it. -She has a long history in local and state government. She has good experience. She's not stupid. but again she doesn't speak well. I wouldn't vote for her for her speaking ability. (Napolitano wasn't the greatest speaker either.) -I respect Terry Goddard, he's a moderate Democrat, but his politics aren't mine.
we'll see if there's any lasting damage. I doubt it.
Brewer has gotten a lot of lift in the polls due to her tough stance on illegals and her standing up to Prez Obama. So no matter what Jeremy thinks, Brewer would have to get caught in bed with a dead young boy to lose this election.
David - That's nice, but what does it have to do with someone who's been serving as Governor for 600 days? Are you actually implying, that over that period of time, she's never had to articulate her views, proposals or opinions in an open forum before this?
I realize you must support her and her politics, but this was way beyond the pale and exposed her as an empty vessel.
AJ Lynch said..."Brewer would have to get caught in bed with a dead young boy to lose this election."
You're probably right, but I didn't say anything relating to her electability in Arizona.
The fact that you think her performance in the debate is irrelevant (because of her stance on illegals and standing up to our president) tells me you're no smarter than she is.
Once again:
FBI Data: Arizona’s falling crime rates, together with a century’s worth of evidence indicates that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than the native-born.
1. The total number of violent crimes in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
2. The number of murders in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
3. The total number of violent crimes in Tucson fell from 2005 to 2007, rose slightly in 2008, and then dropped significantly in 2009
She's the Governor...and can't string a sentence together or answer a straight forward question relating to an unfounded statement that makes her own state look like some kind of killing field?
This is the best I can transcribe of Carly Fiorina's opener:
Barbara Boxer has been in the Senate for 28 long years, and though she may say many things tonight, her track record, her long track record is consistent and clear. The results of her policies are devastating for this state.
In the last 20 months alone, our unemployment rate has grown from 10.2 to 12.3 percent.
Our debt went from 8 trillion to 13 trillion and is on it's way to 20 trillion.
Barbara Boxer may say she is fighting hard for Californians but the truth is she is fighting hardest for another six years in Washington D.C.
Devastating you can see why all the media is on this one minute hiccup by Brewer instead.
A local state debate vs. California's Barbar Boxer going down.
It's *shocking* isn't it that a long term Democrat Senator in perhaps our most Liberal state is fighting this hard for the first time in her career-and Fiorina is right-for this she is finally having to work.
AJ Lynch said..."Jeremy, crime on the moon has decreased since no one goes there anymore. But hasn't the number of serious crimes per capita increased in Arizona?"
Great analogy: If people stop going to Arizona, crime will decrease. (Along with the economy.)
As for increased crime, I think any time a state has an influx of new citizens, over time of course, the crime rates will increase to a degree.
According to Governor Brewer, headless bodies are being found in the desert, which is a flat out lie.
She also says violent crime has increased, but according to these figures via the FBI, that is also a flat out lie.
1. The total number of violent crimes in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
2. The number of murders in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
El Pollo Real said..."Exactly who is killing whom in Arizona and why do you liken it to a Cambodian nightmare?"
Well, once again: According to the FBI, the violent crime rate is actually decreasing in Arizona, and it's not me who is likening it to a killing field, it's the Governor herself. (And Cambodia isn't the only are of the world where one might find a "killing field.)
Did you miss this?
Governor Brewer: "Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded."
AJ Lynch said..."I am pretty sure they found a least one headless body that supported her claim."
Here's her claim: Governor Brewer: "Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded." (Not a "body"..."bodies.")
The mass murders committed by the Mexican cartels have so far happened South of the border, so Arizona has nothing to worry about. After all, the murderers have probably all repented and gone home to grow pinto beans.
Richard Dolan said: "Overconfidence, based on a huge lead in the polls. She didn't bother to prepare and it shows."
Makes sense. I've been teaching and giving public lectures for close to 30 years. I know the material cold. Yet I know from experience that if I don't prepare beforehand; if I don't fix in my mind that I want to make points A, B, C, ..., and that the logical progression is from point A to point B to point C,... I run the risk of looking like what Brewer looked like on that clip.
The stuff that's going on in your head seems to make great sense to you until you have to express it to others in a coherent stream. It's the human condition.
In effect, AZ has ceded control over parts of its territory to Mexico..
he federal government has posted signs along a major interstate highway in Arizona, more than 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, warning travelers the area is unsafe because of drug and alien smugglers, and a local sheriff says Mexican drug cartels now control some parts of the state.
The signs were posted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, a major east-west corridor linking Tucson and Phoenix with San Diego.
They warn travelers that they are entering an “active drug and human smuggling area” and they may encounter “armed criminals and smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed.” Beginning less than 50 miles south of Phoenix, the signs encourage travelers to “use public lands north of Interstate 8″ and to call 911 if they “see suspicious activity.”
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, whose county lies at the center of major drug and alien smuggling routes to Phoenix and cities east and west, attests to the violence. He said his deputies are outmanned and outgunned by drug traffickers in the rough-hewn desert stretches of his own county.
“Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona,” he said. “They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has.
The Field Poll which is the poll to follow in Cali has the Senate race essentially tied with Fiorina having the momentum. She has come from a 30% deficit to within the margin of error.
The latest Field Poll also has Brown at 44% and Whitman at 43%.
You had better hope Whitman doesn't win because if she does and she turns the Cali economy around-Whitman will be better Presidential or VP material than Brown could ever hope to be.
"Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona," he said. "They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has.
"This is going on here in Arizona," he said. "This is 70 to 80 miles from the border - 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States."
He said he asked the Obama administration for 3,000 National Guard soldiers to patrol the border, but what he got were 15 signs. "
-Wash Times
Trying to fight a paramilitary force that has taken over swaths of sovereign U.S. territory with road signs is an idea that only a Liberal could love.
Original Mike said..."I've been teaching and giving public lectures for close to 30 years..."
Well, if that's true, it's difficult to believe you feel the Governor of a state, who's obviously been in from of a microphone and audiences on hundreds of occasions, could be so unprepared that she would have a tough time choking out a simple sentence in a debate for office.
I myself have spent many years giving presentations to a wide variety of audiences and have certainly been nervous on occasion, but I've never experienced what we saw in the video of this twit. She was not only unprepared, she appears to be downright dense.
And it still doesn't explain her refusal to answer the questions posed to her regarding her unfounded statement relating to headless bodies...was she unprepared for that, too?
c3 - What are your feelings about her lies and distortions of the truth?
Do YOU also believe her story about headless bodies in the desert?
Do YOU think such comments help bring people to Arizona?
As I've said before I'm pretty liberal when it comes to immigration and I'm not a supporter of SB 1070. Yes crime has gone down in AZ. No, I'm not aware of any headless bodies.
At the same time I can certainly understand the public's anxiety about crime when its clear AZ is a major smuggling route for drugs, when Mexico drug-related crime is horrible and when we watch periodic criminal activity by Mexican (i.e. coyote) against Mexican (i.e. illegal in a drop house)
And the continued outrageous charges of racism against the majority of Arizonans does not endear me to the Democratic political posturing.
Now I would wager I've heard Jan Brewer speak a helluva lot more than you have. So I would suggest my ability to judge her speaking ability, her intelligience and her abilities within government are much greater than yours.
I've never been crazy for Brewer but her politics were the closest approximation to mine in the Republican primary. And frankly by then it was a moot point; she had an insurmontable lead.
As I stated above, I don't agree with Terry Goddard's politics. They aren't awfult (I'm a centrist) but they're not mine.
The governor of AZ has less power than other states. The legislature will drive the agenda. That Brewer was able to get the tax increase ballot initiative approved after two previous failures suggest she has the ability to move the State House and Senate. That's a positive in my book.
But hey, the polls were horrible for Goddard prior to yesterday say he and the Dems will take any bone thrown their way.
(Unfortunately, he's not a particularly electrifying speaker either.)
As I've said before I'm pretty liberal when it comes to immigration
So am I. we have a pretty straightforward immigration process set forth in the statutes. I don't think its unreasonable to ask those on our southern border to seek citizenship through the same process that someone from Poland, Zimbabwe or China is required to go through.
If those south of the border are to be provided special exemptions to those established immigration laws then they should simply admit it and acknowledge your ethnic preferences for who should be allowed to live here.
edutcher said..."We all have our little meltdowns, although she has come through when it was needed. Give her a pass this time."
Oh, come on. The only thing she's "come through" with is stirring up bullshit that is not related to actual facts.
FBI Data: Arizona’s falling crime rates, together with a century’s worth of evidence indicates that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than the native-born.
Phoenix is the kidnap capital of the US. That Arizona isn't safe is recognized even by The Zero, who has put up signs telling Americans to stay way from their own border.
WV "blessbea" What the UUs used to say to Mrs. Gene Saks.
Dust Bunny - If you can't Google the crime statistics via the FBI you need more than a link.
Start with this:
Cato Institute Daniel Griswold at Cato's blog looks at some numbers, and some suppositions:
One of the clinching arguments for Arizona’s tough new law aimed at illegal immigration has been the perception in that state that crime has been rising, and that undocumented workers are largely to blame. Yet...the incidence of violent crime in Phoenix last year plunged 16.6 percent compared to 2008, a rate of decline that was three times the national average.
According to the Phoenix Police Department, the downward trend in crime has continued into 2010 even as the “illegal immigrant crime wave” story reverberates on cable TV and talk radio.
How many crimes are being committed in the areas of Arizona that are under the direct control of the Mexican drug cartels? I'm guessing those fellers don't file timely crime stat reports. It's hard to type while you're busy raping and brutalizing the unfortunates who entrusted you with their safe passage. Never mind how time consuming it is getting all that cocaine to the inner cities where it does so much good for minority communities.
madawaskan said..."Hey listen Jeremy here's one thing if you get Moonbeam, then you'll most likely get your pot. Then the whole state can go up in smoke."
Brown's always done a pretty good job, he's trusted by Californians, and Whitman doesn't have an ounce of experience in government.
As for pot, I like it and think it should be legalized, not just because it's an innocuous drug, but it would probably prove to be a good revenue base.
Last year 50,000 people died via booze (25,000 in car accidents."
1,000 people die every week from tobacco products.
I'll take reefer over either on any day of the week.
No. Inserting asinine red herrings into a debate that you have no chance of winning probably works like a charm at your Community College lunch table, but here you are expected to do a bit better. Good luck, and remember to wipe.
Da Wittle Tea Bagger Bunny - "I have better things to do than to go chasing down YOUR facts and supporting documentation."
They're not MY facts, dipstick. What I posted has been reported by every news source in the country for months on end. YOU just need to turn off Fox and actually READ something relevant to the facts. (A book now and then would be good, too.)
And I don't have to prove anything to people like you, who never want to hear anything they don't already believe.
I have known women who freeze up in a public speech in front of a live audience of strangers. They cannot help it. It is a fear of being shamed and really is quite a common problem...but it sure does shame them like the feared it would. Have mercy.
Jeremy says that Gov. Brewer is dumb as rocks, which is probably what he thinks about anyone who disagrees with him.
OK. Hope it makes you feel good. But the reality is that, whether she's dumb as rocks or not, if she'd just prepare a little (and [probably even if she doesn't), she'll be the governor of Arizona for the next four years. And the reason is that many of the Dem powers-that-be in DC are just as contemptuous of any disagreement as Jeremy.
Study: Number of illegal immigrants in US drops to 11.1 million, first decline in 20 years
WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. has dropped for the first time in two decades — decreasing by 8 percent since 2007, a new study finds.
According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),[24] alcohol related deaths per year have declined from 26,173 in 1982 to 16,885 in 2005. (13,868 in 2008)
Jeremiad: You need to stop conflating the crime and drug violence problem with the illegal immigration problem. Show us a reliable statistic showing that drug-related violence has tapered off in the recession or that demand for illegal drugs has decreased because people can't afford "a little blow"
Richard Dolan said..."Jeremy says that Gov. Brewer is dumb as rocks, which is probably what he thinks about anyone who disagrees with him."
Not true at all.
I enjoy a reasonable discussion and debate, but you're not going to find it here.
90% of the regulars who post here agree on 99% of each others postings.
At least 90% are far right conservatives who never want to hear anything they don't already believe...you know...like the headless bodies Brewer throws out as if true.
Or that Obama is a Muslim or wasn't born in Hawaii...little things like that.
Oh, and yes, you are right about one thing; I do think Brewer is as dumb as a bag of rocks.
El Pollo Moron - "Jeremiad: You need to stop conflating the crime and drug violence problem with the illegal immigration problem."
I've never conflated any of it.
I've said that illegal immigration in Arizona, and the rest of country for that matter, has decreased year after year and that is absolutely true.
You're just stuck with Brewer and can't get away from her bullshit lies and distortions.
Show me any statistics that are counter to what I've provided.
Take your time.
But keep this in mind:
Cato Institute Daniel Griswold at Cato's blog looks at some numbers, and some suppositions:
"...the incidence of violent crime in Phoenix last year plunged 16.6 percent compared to 2008, a rate of decline that was three times the national average."
According to the Phoenix Police Department, the downward trend in crime has continued into 2010 even as the “illegal immigrant crime wave” story reverberates on cable TV and talk radio.
Richard Dolan said..."But the reality is that, whether she's dumb as rocks or not, if she'd just prepare a little (and [probably even if she doesn't), she'll be the governor of Arizona for the next four years."
I have no doubt she'll win, and it's embarrassing for the citizens of Arizona...but...
What is your excuse for her not answering questions related to her lies about headless bodies is...??
Do you feel it's okay for her to throw out such outlandish garbage when, at the same time, trying to shore up the state's economy?
The number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. has dropped for the first time in two decades — decreasing by 8 percent since 2007, a new study finds.
Really? How do they know how much the percentage change is? 8%? 10%? Compared to what? Are they keeping records of exactly how many illegal aliens there are in the country? Illegal alien registry?
I doubt it.
If we know how many illegals are in the country and are keeping statistical records, why the hell can't we do something about them breaking the laws?
This is a bullshit study and they are just guessing.
She got over-excited and had a brain fart. I've been in meetings where I prepared for a couple of days only to walk in and go blank when it came my time to present. It happens to all of us.
Jeremy: Yep, your man Obama has done a great job of cutting down the illegal problem. The economy he has presided over has gotten so bad even the illegals want to get the hell out of here. Nice job, Barry.
A bigger question is why does a so-called charitable trust like the PEW decide it should have a "PEW Hispanic Center" which conducts all their probably bogus Hispanic studies and surveys?
"90% of the regulars who post here agree on 99% of each others postings."
No, its 78.94% with 89% in agreement.
"At least 90% are far right conservatives who never want to hear anything they don't already believe...you know...like the headless bodies Brewer throws out as if true."
43% are far right with the balance right of center. 100% of the headless bodies have no heads.
Dust Bunny Tea Bagger - "Really? How do they know how much the percentage change is? 8%? 10%? Compared to what? Are they keeping records of exactly how many illegal aliens there are in the country? Illegal alien registry?"
Oh, I see. If they numbers aren't what you want them to be, they must not be correct, huh?
Do you apply the same criterion to the stock market or mutual fund rates of return?
Try providing actual studies or credible statistics to refute this from the same study...unless of course you also think Homeland Security is in on the "fix":
- The study released Wednesday estimates that 11.1 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2009. That represents a decrease of roughly 1 million, or 8 percent, from a peak of 12 million in 2007.
The study puts the number of illegal immigrants down to about where it was in 2005. They still make up roughly 4 percent of the U.S. population.
The Homeland Security Department's own estimate of illegal immigrants is slightly lower, at 10.8 million. The government uses a different census survey that makes some year-to-year comparisons difficult.
An increase in unauthorized immigrants leaving the U.S., by deportation or for economic reasons, may have played a factor in the falling number.
In recent years, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported an increasing number of illegal immigrants, reaching a high last year of more than 389,000 people, according to government figures.
Michael said..."Jeremy: Yep, your man Obama has done a great job of cutting down the illegal problem."
Are all you this dumb?
In a bid to remake the enforcement of federal immigration laws, the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency expects to deport about 400,000 people this fiscal year, nearly 10 percent above the Bush administration's 2008 total and 25 percent more than were deported in 2007. The pace of company audits has roughly quadrupled since President George W. Bush's final year in office.
Last week Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released new figures about the volume of people it has deported so far during Fiscal Year 2010. Now TRAC has crunched the numbers. Here are their key findings:
* ICE deported 279,035 immigrants compared to 254,763 at this same point last year. * The number of non-citizens deported in the first nine months of FY 2010 is up 10 percent from 2008, the last comparable year under the Bush administration. * The pace of deportation for immigrants convicted of crimes is an an all time high: 60 percent more than the last year of the Bush administration, and 37 percent above Obama’s first year in office. * Still, more than half of those deported so far in FY 2010 – 51 percent – had no criminal record.
Have Dust Bunny Tea Bagger look it up for you...or...just Google:
Brewer says there are headless bodies in the desert and I say there are brainless bodies posting here on a regular basis.
None of you can ever actually refute anything I post, only whine and bitch about it.
You never admit to being wrong or making a mistake, only rely on your fellow tea baggers to bail you out with some new wing nut drivel.
Once again: Brewer is dumb, she was lying about headless bodies, violent crime is indeed decreasing in Arizona, and none of you have the guts to admit any of it is true.
Oh, I see. If they numbers aren't what you want them to be, they must not be correct, huh?
No. I want to know their methodology.
How do they get their numbers and how do they verify that their statistical comparisons are correct. If they are going to throw out a number like 8%, I want to know how they got that number.
Where does their data come from and who is compiling it. How are they keeping track of illegal aliens who are generally not really anxious to go public about being illegal.
Until they can positively and absolutely show where their data is coming from and show that it is accurate and not guess work.....the study is a piece of shit.
Do you apply the same criterion to the stock market or mutual fund rates of return?
The study released Wednesday estimates that 11.1 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2009. That represents a decrease of roughly 1 million, or 8 percent, from a peak of 12 million in 2007.
DBQ; Well, once again: According to the FBI, the violent crime rate is actually decreasing in Arizona
So you say. How about a link to your data?
I hate to do Jeremy's leg work (let alone find myself on the same side of an argument as hime) but here's the info for the border communities. Here's some info for Maricopa County (Phx metro). There are other stats out there.
Hey, there are legitimate reasons to support SB 1070 (not the least which is how it parallels federal law) but using an "increase" in violent crime in AZ will get you support but its not particularly truthful.
Your statement does not necessarily mean what you claim it does. The crimes in Tucson and Phoenix may be going down but the question is what percent of the crimes in the state are committed by the illegals. Your statement does not respond to that at all. It could be that the regular residents of the state have stopped committing crimes and what crimes are committed are being committed by illegals. That is just as likely as your statement that is being repeated over and over and still says nothing.
I would much rather have a governor who cannot speak well but can make good decisions that a governor like Zero who speaks well and couldn't make a valid decision if his life depended on it.
Jeremy is correct her. Deportations are up. But the Obama admin has taken a different approach than right wingers like. Right wingers want cops pulling illegals off the streets, piling them in trucks [getting good photo ops] and taking them south of the boarder. The Obama admin chooses a different less flashy tactic. They have cracked down on employers who hire illegals and they get the illegals that way.
That said, I don't think Brewer is a fascist. I just think she is reactionary who is not too articulate.
Actually what I find scary is seeing the intelligentsia once again making decisions based on how well someone speaks rather than on what someone does in office and what actions they take and whether they make good decisions. That is how we got this POS we have for a president now. I had hoped that the academics would learn their lesson from the disaster they wrought on us already but evidently not.
Jeremy is correct her. Deportations are up. But the Obama admin has taken a different approach than right wingers like. Right wingers want cops pulling illegals off the streets, piling them in trucks [getting good photo ops] and taking them south of the boarder. The Obama admin chooses a different less flashy tactic. They have cracked down on employers who hire illegals and they get the illegals that way.
Is that really true? I know at the end (the end) of Bush's last term, the employer crackdowns began. I remember because I was thinking about time. I also thought, ok, he's leaving office, how convenient. If therefore Obama is doing this at the beginning of his term that is a horse of a different color. If true, that to me speaks well of Obama. I'm questioning it because of the admin's strong stance against Arizona.
So, is that really true that O is cracking down on employers?
Here's a WPo article on Obama's immigration polcies. He chooses this deportation method over border security [although Bush didn't put many on the border either].
Sorry, but I didn't think it was that bad. Its obvious she had some kind of "killer" opening spiel that was written for her and then couldn't remember it.
I'm more interested in what Politicians do then in their debating skills.
I've thought for a long time that she has a word-finding deficit. She has been on Fox News several times when I noticed her stammering a bit, looking for a word, and obviously choosing one that is close-but-not-quite. I think she just had the Mother Of All Brain Farts at the beginning of this debate. It happens.
But she's showing huevos, and I'd rather see huevos than silver-tongued lying and deceit. We have that in ample quantities in the White House. Brewer may have stumbled upon her principles, but at least she's holding strong.
Now that I've nosed around a bit more, the data seems very preliminary indeed. There's far more information included in the full reports of previous years. I don't know if the stats will change with the final report, but I have trouble putting much stock in the current numbers.
And Jeremy, not that it will make any difference for you, but this from yesterday Arizona Republic:
Asked again Thursday whether she stood by the beheading statements, which she first made on Fox News in June, Brewer said she was merely trying to convey concerns about violence spilling over from Mexico into Arizona.
"We know that there have been reports of beheadings in the Mexico region," Brewer said. "I meant, at that time, that it was the border region."
If her statements were misleading, she said, "I apologize for that and I am sorry."
Not trying to shill for Brewer here but I have to agree with her on this:
in response to the State Department’s Human Rights report that named Arizona as a violator of human rights for its passage of S.B. 1070, Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer wrote Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a scathing letter calling the reference “downright offensive” as well as “unconstitutional.”
Brewer wrote, “The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional.”
"Brewer wrote, “The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional.” "
It's incredibly insulting, degrading, and disloyal. The insolent bastards.
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Someone missed out on their sex at dawn . . .
You want a lifeline Governor?
Her pregnant pause? Realizing the federal government is your ENEMY does that to squares like Brewer and me, folks who were brought up believing in the essential decency of their government.
Memo to Palin..
Show me some of that handwriting mojo sister.. I'm dying here.
Yeah, I was disappointed Buz Mills dropped out. I mean, he wasn't perfect, and has some shady parts, but I think I would have preferred his policies.
Brewer's a nice lady, but we need someone more.
But Goddard would be less. So we're stuck.
I think some of the local press has gotten to her.
Look what judging on smooth oratory and appearance got us in 2008.
How did the rest of the debate go?
I don't see what the big deal is, she got lost in her notes for a moment. What does that have to do with her qualities as Governor? Oh yeah, I'm reading someone who picked their president by his ability to read a teleprompter smoothly. From that point of view, yes, I can see where this would be scary.
Uhm, where are the teleprompter jokes????
(hey, fair is fair)
I watched only the 1st 20 seconds. Was she doing an impersonation of Obama blaming his predecessor for everything?
(channeling Sarah Palin) "Tim, you shouldn't really need notes for that, dontcha think?"
Ver Word: Outch
Its probable she was expecting a grilling like this one.
Look down, back up, where are you? You’re in a debate with three other candidates. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an index card with bullet points you should have been studying. Look again, the bullet points are now declining poll numbers. You wish you were on a horse.
In Latin class, we always counted the boys seated ahead of us, and the sentences in the previous nights assigned homework, and worked on the sentence that would be ours when our turn came, to avoid just such nasty surprises when called on.
"You want a lifeline Governor?"
"Show me some of that handwriting mojo sister.. I'm dying here."
Hee hee...Lem's bangin' on all eight cylinders today.
Sister Sarah's latest, coolest nickname:
Mojo Sister
Or should that be Sister Mojo? Althouse, a poll, and don't spare the horses!
Re Brewer, that was me in college speech class, minus the brilliant smile.
It's already been mentioned, but seriously...why didn't she take the opportunity to blame the audio crew?
Seriously, what is wrong with this woman? That is scary.
What are you complaining about?- she gives you blogfodder.
BTW - this is the Executive/buggy-man from Arizona the left is telling the world is the worst thing since jack the ripper.
Something wrong with this picture.
What's wrong with that woman?
Overconfidence, based on a huge lead in the polls. She didn't bother to prepare and it shows. If she expects to keep her lead in the polls, she'd be well advised not to take the voters for granted.
There are over 300 million people in this country. Why are our politicians so inadequate?
Oh it gets better...
Maybe the friendly folks at National Review can come to her defense and provide some details about all these beheadings that are taking place in Arizona?
Oh wait...
They already did. They don't mention the fabricated beheadings directly, but the story about some hypothetical Mexican gangsters shooting a whole family dead just for being at a highway rest stop too late in the afternoon... well, that's close enough.
Brewer might be an incompetent ditz with no working mental faculties and a propensity to lie, but she's on the Right side so the cowboys are gonna circle the wagons and fight for her.
El Pollo Real said...
"What are you complaining about?- she gives you blogfodder."
What does Trooper have to do with this?
She had notes to read.
But someone switched them out with the notes written in Spanish.
"Governor, what about the headless bodies?"
Damn it!
I missed the Barbara Boxer/Carly Fiorina debate.
Anyone catch it?
Dead Julius have you learned nothing? If you are going to lie about something don't include a link that proves the lie.
Dead Julius have you learned nothing? If you are going to lie about something don't include a link that proves the lie.
If you keep it up people will no longer believe that you are dead. We are totally down with the Ceasar part though.
But someone switched them out with the notes written in Spanish.
Democrat dirty tricks.. I knew it ;)
What does Trooper have to do with this?
Nothing. I swear I wasn't blurring my sleech, ehr, spurring my bleach, I mean spurring my sleech... Oh, you know what I mean!
We all have our little meltdowns, although she has come through when it was needed. Give her a pass this time.
After all, The Zero said when life begins was above his pay grade.
Trooper is busy pretesting the Ground Zero Mosque.
If Wisconsin's Sec'y of State became Governor through some bizarro twist of fate -- as happened to Jan Brewer in AZ, we'd be treated to equally bizarre statements.
lol, EPR
Good point MM
Paterson did not start out as the elected Governor of NY.. he has provided the media here with much fodder indeed.
"Seriously, what is wrong with this woman? That is scary."
Richard Dolan feels it's related to: "Overconfidence, based on a huge lead in the polls. She didn't bother to prepare and it shows."
According to her statement, she's been Governor for 600 days...but was so "unprepared" she couldn't articulate a simple sentence?
Ohhhh, well, then what do you suppose her reason was for not answering the questions relating to her unfounded statement regarding headless bodies?
How about this:
She's dumb as a bag of rocks, and the fact that she's actually serving as the Governor of a state with the 14th largest population in the country and a GSP of about 250 billion dollars...is downright embarrassing.
You only have to watch about a minute of this from the Associated Press to see why the Boxer/Fiorina debate-is not making the news-
edutcher said..."We all have our little meltdowns, although she has come through when it was needed. Give her a pass this time."
Oh, come on. The only thing she's "come through" with is stirring up bullshit that is not related to actual facts.
FBI Data: Arizona’s falling crime rates, together with a century’s worth of evidence indicates that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than the native-born.
1. The total number of violent crimes in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
2. The number of murders in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
3. The total number of violent crimes in Tucson fell from 2005 to 2007, rose slightly in 2008, and then dropped significantly in 2009
She's the Governor...and can't string a sentence together or answer a straight forward question relating to an unfounded statement that makes her own state look like some kind of killing field?
And you defend her?
Man--classic unpreparedness anxiety. I had a terrible stutter as a kid. Overcame it with great difficulty. It came back one time in spades at a public presentation for which I was badly prepared. I never let that happen again.
madawaskan - Your point being?
Thanks for the link madawaskan!
At least she's no Deval Patrick (MA Governor and Obama's official Mini-Me).
“It’s a free country. I wish it weren’t, but . . . it’s a free country,” (Deval) Patrick said on the “Jim & Margery Show” on WTKK-FM.
He said this yesterday in regard to Beck's rally.
After watching the NewsHour last night, this came on. Before it started I said to my wife "I don't want to watch another debate" so I clicked it off.
What I knew already:
-Jan Brewer is NOT the greatest speaker and she does less well extemporaneosly. So not surprised.
-Prior to SB 1070 she was a moderate to conservative who got a lot of heat from her right flank regarding her push for a ballot initiative to raise sales taxes for three years to help balance the budget
-She really hadn't said much about SB 1070 prior to its passage. Since then its been a gift. And like all politicians in AZ (including Terry Goddard) she's made statements that she wishes she hadn't made. The irony is she's already suggested modifying it.
-She has a long history in local and state government. She has good experience. She's not stupid. but again she doesn't speak well. I wouldn't vote for her for her speaking ability. (Napolitano wasn't the greatest speaker either.)
-I respect Terry Goddard, he's a moderate Democrat, but his politics aren't mine.
we'll see if there's any lasting damage. I doubt it.
Brewer has gotten a lot of lift in the polls due to her tough stance on illegals and her standing up to Prez Obama. So no matter what Jeremy thinks, Brewer would have to get caught in bed with a dead young boy to lose this election.
David - That's nice, but what does it have to do with someone who's been serving as Governor for 600 days? Are you actually implying, that over that period of time, she's never had to articulate her views, proposals or opinions in an open forum before this?
I realize you must support her and her politics, but this was way beyond the pale and exposed her as an empty vessel.
AJ Lynch said..."Brewer would have to get caught in bed with a dead young boy to lose this election."
You're probably right, but I didn't say anything relating to her electability in Arizona.
The fact that you think her performance in the debate is irrelevant (because of her stance on illegals and standing up to our president) tells me you're no smarter than she is.
Once again:
FBI Data: Arizona’s falling crime rates, together with a century’s worth of evidence indicates that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than the native-born.
1. The total number of violent crimes in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
2. The number of murders in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
3. The total number of violent crimes in Tucson fell from 2005 to 2007, rose slightly in 2008, and then dropped significantly in 2009
She's the Governor...and can't string a sentence together or answer a straight forward question relating to an unfounded statement that makes her own state look like some kind of killing field?
Jeremy, crime on the moon has decreased since no one goes there anymore.
But hasn't the number of serious crimes per capita increased in Arizona?
c3 - What are your feelings about her lies and distortions of the truth?
Do YOU also believe her story about headless bodies in the desert?
Do YOU think such comments help bring people to Arizona?
This is the best I can transcribe of Carly Fiorina's opener:
Barbara Boxer has been in the Senate for 28 long years, and though she may say many things tonight, her track record, her long track record is consistent and clear. The results of her policies are devastating for this state.
In the last 20 months alone, our unemployment rate has grown from 10.2 to 12.3 percent.
Our debt went from 8 trillion to 13 trillion and is on it's way to 20 trillion.
Barbara Boxer may say she is fighting hard for Californians but the truth is she is fighting hardest for another six years in Washington D.C.
Devastating you can see why all the media is on this one minute hiccup by Brewer instead.
A local state debate vs. California's Barbar Boxer going down.
It's *shocking* isn't it that a long term Democrat Senator in perhaps our most Liberal state is fighting this hard for the first time in her career-and Fiorina is right-for this she is finally having to work.
Jeremiad wrote: ...that makes her own state look like some kind of killing field?
Exactly who is killing whom in Arizona and why do you liken it to a Cambodian nightmare?
AJ Lynch said..."Jeremy, crime on the moon has decreased since no one goes there anymore. But hasn't the number of serious crimes per capita increased in Arizona?"
Great analogy: If people stop going to Arizona, crime will decrease. (Along with the economy.)
As for increased crime, I think any time a state has an influx of new citizens, over time of course, the crime rates will increase to a degree.
According to Governor Brewer, headless bodies are being found in the desert, which is a flat out lie.
She also says violent crime has increased, but according to these figures via the FBI, that is also a flat out lie.
1. The total number of violent crimes in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
2. The number of murders in Phoenix has fallen every year since 2006
So what is your point?
Madawaskan: Shocking about Boxer's precarious poll position?
No I'd say it's more like delicious, wonderful, gratifying, stupendous, exhilarating and about f-ing time! Heh.
Hot damn do I second that emotion.
I am pretty sure they found a least one headless body that supported her claim.
BTW do you understand what "per capita" means?
El Pollo Real said..."Exactly who is killing whom in Arizona and why do you liken it to a Cambodian nightmare?"
Well, once again: According to the FBI, the violent crime rate is actually decreasing in Arizona, and it's not me who is likening it to a killing field, it's the Governor herself. (And Cambodia isn't the only are of the world where one might find a "killing field.)
Did you miss this?
Governor Brewer: "Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded."
Jeremiad wrote David - That's nice, but what does it have to do with someone who's been serving as Governor for 600 days?
You've been gone from this blog for about 336 hrs by my count. Care to account for so little time?
AJ Lynch said..."I am pretty sure they found a least one headless body that supported her claim."
Here's her claim: Governor Brewer: "Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert either buried or just lying out there that have been beheaded." (Not a "body"..."bodies.")
Provide evidence to support what she said.
The mass murders committed by the Mexican cartels have so far happened South of the border, so Arizona has nothing to worry about. After all, the murderers have probably all repented and gone home to grow pinto beans.
El Pollo Moron - Resorting to inane drivel because you don't have the facts to support your opinions won't win you many arguments.
Try posting something that makes sense or fuck off.
Jeremiad: Your denial of what Brewer says would seem more plausible if it weren't for what's happening in Mexico.
But don't count on your little Mr "Blow when I could afford it" to help out, or even to understand--he might lose some crucial votes.
wv= "elidabl" wh'd'a'say?
"Shocking about Boxer's precarious poll position?"
And yet she'll still win big.
Isn't it grand?
Oh, and so will Brown.
Jeremiad wrote: Try posting something that makes sense or fuck off.
Just trying to point out how moronic it was of you to count something in utterly inappropriate units.
But we already know that math is not your forte.
Pollo Moron - What does what's going on in Mexico have to do with Brewer lying through her teeth?
And where exactly does my "denial" of anything fit into this?
That doesn't even make sense.
And "Blow when I could afford it???"
Are you drunk?
Pollo - Give up the meds.
You make absolutely no sense.
Jeremiad wrote: Oh, and so will Brown.
According to whom?
Pollo - Give up the meds.
Well that's a first for me. I must have arrived.
Richard Dolan said: "Overconfidence, based on a huge lead in the polls. She didn't bother to prepare and it shows."
Makes sense. I've been teaching and giving public lectures for close to 30 years. I know the material cold. Yet I know from experience that if I don't prepare beforehand; if I don't fix in my mind that I want to make points A, B, C, ..., and that the logical progression is from point A to point B to point C,... I run the risk of looking like what Brewer looked like on that clip.
The stuff that's going on in your head seems to make great sense to you until you have to express it to others in a coherent stream. It's the human condition.
Just look at Jeremy.
I watched some of that Boxer Fiorina debate..
Fiorina cleaned Boxers clock..
Fiorina looked calm and yet stern, precise, resolute.. while Boxer flailed about like she was drowning and needed to come up for air.
wv cables: Fiorinas were fiber optic.. coming in crystal clear.
In effect, AZ has ceded control over parts of its territory to Mexico..
he federal government has posted signs along a major interstate highway in Arizona, more than 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, warning travelers the area is unsafe because of drug and alien smugglers, and a local sheriff says Mexican drug cartels now control some parts of the state.
The signs were posted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend, a major east-west corridor linking Tucson and Phoenix with San Diego.
They warn travelers that they are entering an “active drug and human smuggling area” and they may encounter “armed criminals and smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed.” Beginning less than 50 miles south of Phoenix, the signs encourage travelers to “use public lands north of Interstate 8″ and to call 911 if they “see suspicious activity.”
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu, whose county lies at the center of major drug and alien smuggling routes to Phoenix and cities east and west, attests to the violence. He said his deputies are outmanned and outgunned by drug traffickers in the rough-hewn desert stretches of his own county.
“Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona,” he said. “They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has.
The Field Poll which is the poll to follow in Cali has the Senate race essentially tied with Fiorina having the momentum. She has come from a 30% deficit to within the margin of error.
The latest Field Poll also has Brown at 44% and Whitman at 43%.
You had better hope Whitman doesn't win because if she does and she turns the Cali economy around-Whitman will be better Presidential or VP material than Brown could ever hope to be.
Thanks for the assessment.
Per the local officials on the ground:
"Mexican drug cartels literally do control parts of Arizona," he said. "They literally have scouts on the high points in the mountains and in the hills and they literally control movement. They have radios, they have optics, they have night-vision goggles as good as anything law enforcement has.
"This is going on here in Arizona," he said. "This is 70 to 80 miles from the border - 30 miles from the fifth-largest city in the United States."
He said he asked the Obama administration for 3,000 National Guard soldiers to patrol the border, but what he got were 15 signs. "
-Wash Times
Trying to fight a paramilitary force that has taken over swaths of sovereign U.S. territory with road signs is an idea that only a Liberal could love.
And yet she'll still win big.
Isn't it grand?
She got felons and illegals voting.. her chances are good.. throw in some dead voters and shes a lock.
Boxer is going for the steal.. fare and square.
Original Mike said..."I've been teaching and giving public lectures for close to 30 years..."
Well, if that's true, it's difficult to believe you feel the Governor of a state, who's obviously been in from of a microphone and audiences on hundreds of occasions, could be so unprepared that she would have a tough time choking out a simple sentence in a debate for office.
I myself have spent many years giving presentations to a wide variety of audiences and have certainly been nervous on occasion, but I've never experienced what we saw in the video of this twit. She was not only unprepared, she appears to be downright dense.
And it still doesn't explain her refusal to answer the questions posed to her regarding her unfounded statement relating to headless bodies...was she unprepared for that, too?
I realize this is basically a tea bagger convention, and most of you are delusional, but anybody who thinks Fiorina or Whitman will win is dreaming.
Brown hasn't even begun to run and he's tied in the polling, and Boxer will pull away once the real campaigning begins.
She should have prepared. I'm not making excuses for her. Her bad performance is her fault.
c3 - What are your feelings about her lies and distortions of the truth?
Do YOU also believe her story about headless bodies in the desert?
Do YOU think such comments help bring people to Arizona?
As I've said before I'm pretty liberal when it comes to immigration and I'm not a supporter of SB 1070. Yes crime has gone down in AZ. No, I'm not aware of any headless bodies.
At the same time I can certainly understand the public's anxiety about crime when its clear AZ is a major smuggling route for drugs, when Mexico drug-related crime is horrible and when we watch periodic criminal activity by Mexican (i.e. coyote) against Mexican (i.e. illegal in a drop house)
And the continued outrageous charges of racism against the majority of Arizonans does not endear me to the Democratic political posturing.
Now I would wager I've heard Jan Brewer speak a helluva lot more than you have. So I would suggest my ability to judge her speaking ability, her intelligience and her abilities within government are much greater than yours.
I've never been crazy for Brewer but her politics were the closest approximation to mine in the Republican primary. And frankly by then it was a moot point; she had an insurmontable lead.
As I stated above, I don't agree with Terry Goddard's politics. They aren't awfult (I'm a centrist) but they're not mine.
The governor of AZ has less power than other states. The legislature will drive the agenda. That Brewer was able to get the tax increase ballot initiative approved after two previous failures suggest she has the ability to move the State House and Senate. That's a positive in my book.
But hey, the polls were horrible for Goddard prior to yesterday say he and the Dems will take any bone thrown their way.
(Unfortunately, he's not a particularly electrifying speaker either.)
Hey listen Jeremy here's one thing if you get Moonbeam , then you'll most likely get your pot.
Then the whole state can go up in smoke.
Next time there's a fire-and your one and only cash crop is smoldering it'll be as close to good times as Cali will get.
Pathetic. G.H.W. Bush thought he had the election locked up until he got so visibly bored and looked at his watch during his debate.
No one should ever take votes for granted. That's one of the quickest ways to piss off the electorate.
Well, once again: According to the FBI, the violent crime rate is actually decreasing in Arizona
So you say. How about a link to your data?
As I've said before I'm pretty liberal when it comes to immigration
So am I. we have a pretty straightforward immigration process set forth in the statutes. I don't think its unreasonable to ask those on our southern border to seek citizenship through the same process that someone from Poland, Zimbabwe or China is required to go through.
If those south of the border are to be provided special exemptions to those established immigration laws then they should simply admit it and acknowledge your ethnic preferences for who should be allowed to live here.
Jeremy said...
edutcher said..."We all have our little meltdowns, although she has come through when it was needed. Give her a pass this time."
Oh, come on. The only thing she's "come through" with is stirring up bullshit that is not related to actual facts.
FBI Data: Arizona’s falling crime rates, together with a century’s worth of evidence indicates that immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes than the native-born.
Phoenix is the kidnap capital of the US. That Arizona isn't safe is recognized even by The Zero, who has put up signs telling Americans to stay way from their own border.
WV "blessbea" What the UUs used to say to Mrs. Gene Saks.
If I was Fiorina, I give Boxer a rematch..
She earned it.. what is it? 25 years in the senate?
Has Boxer ever heard of giving somebody else a chance?
Dust Bunny - If you can't Google the crime statistics via the FBI you need more than a link.
Start with this:
Cato Institute
Daniel Griswold at Cato's blog looks at some numbers, and some suppositions:
One of the clinching arguments for Arizona’s tough new law aimed at illegal immigration has been the perception in that state that crime has been rising, and that undocumented workers are largely to blame. Yet...the incidence of violent crime in Phoenix last year plunged 16.6 percent compared to 2008, a rate of decline that was three times the national average.
According to the Phoenix Police Department, the downward trend in crime has continued into 2010 even as the “illegal immigrant crime wave” story reverberates on cable TV and talk radio.
How many crimes are being committed in the areas of Arizona that are under the direct control of the Mexican drug cartels? I'm guessing those fellers don't file timely crime stat reports. It's hard to type while you're busy raping and brutalizing the unfortunates who entrusted you with their safe passage. Never mind how time consuming it is getting all that cocaine to the inner cities where it does so much good for minority communities.
madawaskan said..."Hey listen Jeremy here's one thing if you get Moonbeam, then you'll most likely get your pot. Then the whole state can go up in smoke."
Brown's always done a pretty good job, he's trusted by Californians, and Whitman doesn't have an ounce of experience in government.
As for pot, I like it and think it should be legalized, not just because it's an innocuous drug, but it would probably prove to be a good revenue base.
Last year 50,000 people died via booze (25,000 in car accidents."
1,000 people die every week from tobacco products.
I'll take reefer over either on any day of the week.
Lincolntf said..."How many crimes are being committed in the areas of Arizona that are under the direct control of the Mexican drug cartels?"
I don't know, do you?
How many crimes are committed by organized crime in major cities across the country?
Check it out and get back to us.
If you live in Arizona, you learn to accept that you will have a goofy governor.
Dust Bunny - If you can't Google the crime statistics via the FBI you need more than a link.
I don't have to Google anything. It is YOUR responsibility to provide supporting evidence for your claims.
I have better things to do than to go chasing down YOUR facts and supporting documentation.
If you can't do that....then the suspicion is that you are just talking out of your ass.....as usual.
"Check it out and get back to us."
Inserting asinine red herrings into a debate that you have no chance of winning probably works like a charm at your Community College lunch table, but here you are expected to do a bit better. Good luck, and remember to wipe.
What's *wrong* with her? It's called a pause. Maybe she was going to say something and then decided not to say it.
Whereas there's nothing at all wrong with, say, Joe Biden, who never, ever pauses but just says whatever shit happens to come out of his mouth. Right?
Anyway, interesting question, Ann, especially since it says more about you than it does about Brewer.
Da Wittle Tea Bagger Bunny - "I have better things to do than to go chasing down YOUR facts and supporting documentation."
They're not MY facts, dipstick. What I posted has been reported by every news source in the country for months on end. YOU just need to turn off Fox and actually READ something relevant to the facts. (A book now and then would be good, too.)
And I don't have to prove anything to people like you, who never want to hear anything they don't already believe.
kathleen said..."What's *wrong* with her? It's called a pause. Maybe she was going to say something and then decided not to say it."
A "pause?"
She couldn't articulate a thought for almost 12 seconds.
And she had notes right in her hand and evidently couldn't even muster the intelligence to read what she had prepared.
I realize most of you are just tea bagging suck ups, but good lord...just watch the video.
The woman is a dunce.
Lincolntf - Indicating that the crime rate has decreased, versus increased in Arizona isn't a "red herring."
It's "fact."
Do you even know what the term "red herring" means?
Lincolntf - Speaking of red herrings...where does the community college silliness come from?
What does that even mean?
She could always run for Miss South Carolina.
jimspice - That video has become almost too embarrassing to watch. Thank God she looks the way she does.
I have known women who freeze up in a public speech in front of a live audience of strangers. They cannot help it. It is a fear of being shamed and really is quite a common problem...but it sure does shame them like the feared it would. Have mercy.
Jeremy says that Gov. Brewer is dumb as rocks, which is probably what he thinks about anyone who disagrees with him.
OK. Hope it makes you feel good. But the reality is that, whether she's dumb as rocks or not, if she'd just prepare a little (and [probably even if she doesn't), she'll be the governor of Arizona for the next four years. And the reason is that many of the Dem powers-that-be in DC are just as contemptuous of any disagreement as Jeremy.
In 2007, about 13,000 people died in alcohol related motor vehicle accidents.
So your 25,000 figure is almost twice the correct figure Jeremy. Where do you get your "facts" anyway?
Richard Dolan wrote: Jeremy says that Gov. Brewer is dumb as rocks, which is probably what he thinks about anyone who disagrees with him.
It's not just that he thinks it--which is OK--he loves saying it too-which is why so many people love him.
Pew Hispanic Center
Study: Number of illegal immigrants in US drops to 11.1 million, first decline in 20 years
WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. has dropped for the first time in two decades — decreasing by 8 percent since 2007, a new study finds.
AJ Lynch - So sorry.
I was wrong.
According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA),[24] alcohol related deaths per year have declined from 26,173 in 1982 to 16,885 in 2005. (13,868 in 2008)
Do you feel better now?
Does this make you want to drink and drive?
Jeremiad: You need to stop conflating the crime and drug violence problem with the illegal immigration problem. Show us a reliable statistic showing that drug-related violence has tapered off in the recession or that demand for illegal drugs has decreased because people can't afford "a little blow"
Richard Dolan said..."Jeremy says that Gov. Brewer is dumb as rocks, which is probably what he thinks about anyone who disagrees with him."
Not true at all.
I enjoy a reasonable discussion and debate, but you're not going to find it here.
90% of the regulars who post here agree on 99% of each others postings.
At least 90% are far right conservatives who never want to hear anything they don't already believe...you know...like the headless bodies Brewer throws out as if true.
Or that Obama is a Muslim or wasn't born in Hawaii...little things like that.
Oh, and yes, you are right about one thing; I do think Brewer is as dumb as a bag of rocks.
El Pollo Moron - "Jeremiad: You need to stop conflating the crime and drug violence problem with the illegal immigration problem."
I've never conflated any of it.
I've said that illegal immigration in Arizona, and the rest of country for that matter, has decreased year after year and that is absolutely true.
You're just stuck with Brewer and can't get away from her bullshit lies and distortions.
Show me any statistics that are counter to what I've provided.
Take your time.
But keep this in mind:
Cato Institute
Daniel Griswold at Cato's blog looks at some numbers, and some suppositions:
"...the incidence of violent crime in Phoenix last year plunged 16.6 percent compared to 2008, a rate of decline that was three times the national average."
According to the Phoenix Police Department, the downward trend in crime has continued into 2010 even as the “illegal immigrant crime wave” story reverberates on cable TV and talk radio.
So your 25,000 figure is almost twice the correct figure Jeremy. Where do you get your "facts" anyway?
Didn't you hear? We are supposed to look his fact up for him. Or just take it at face value that every word he utters is gospel.
Personally, I think he is pulling them out of his nether region.
Richard Dolan said..."But the reality is that, whether she's dumb as rocks or not, if she'd just prepare a little (and [probably even if she doesn't), she'll be the governor of Arizona for the next four years."
I have no doubt she'll win, and it's embarrassing for the citizens of Arizona...but...
What is your excuse for her not answering questions related to her lies about headless bodies is...??
Do you feel it's okay for her to throw out such outlandish garbage when, at the same time, trying to shore up the state's economy?
Wittle Tea Bagging Tea Bagger - I admitted to my mistake.
Why not try it sometime?
And does it make you feel better that the number is ONLY 13,000?
I also notice you haven't provided any credibly counter to my postings related to the decreasing violent crime rates in Arizona...have you?
Whining and bitching is all you ever do.
Try providing something of relevance.
"Seriously, what is wrong with this woman? That is scary"
Oh, come on! The woman has a brain fart and a temporary case of the shpilkes, and you're taking cover under the blankets?
This is no big deal.
The number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. has dropped for the first time in two decades — decreasing by 8 percent since 2007, a new study finds.
Really? How do they know how much the percentage change is? 8%? 10%? Compared to what? Are they keeping records of exactly how many illegal aliens there are in the country? Illegal alien registry?
I doubt it.
If we know how many illegals are in the country and are keeping statistical records, why the hell can't we do something about them breaking the laws?
This is a bullshit study and they are just guessing.
She got over-excited and had a brain fart. I've been in meetings where I prepared for a couple of days only to walk in and go blank when it came my time to present. It happens to all of us.
Jeremy: Yep, your man Obama has done a great job of cutting down the illegal problem. The economy he has presided over has gotten so bad even the illegals want to get the hell out of here. Nice job, Barry.
A bigger question is why does a so-called charitable trust like the PEW decide it should have a "PEW Hispanic Center" which conducts all their probably bogus Hispanic studies and surveys?
Jeremy wrote:
"90% of the regulars who post here agree on 99% of each others postings."
No, its 78.94% with 89% in agreement.
"At least 90% are far right conservatives who never want to hear anything they don't already believe...you know...like the headless bodies Brewer throws out as if true."
43% are far right with the balance right of center. 100% of the headless bodies have no heads.
Dust Bunny Tea Bagger - "Really? How do they know how much the percentage change is? 8%? 10%? Compared to what? Are they keeping records of exactly how many illegal aliens there are in the country? Illegal alien registry?"
Oh, I see. If they numbers aren't what you want them to be, they must not be correct, huh?
Do you apply the same criterion to the stock market or mutual fund rates of return?
Try providing actual studies or credible statistics to refute this from the same study...unless of course you also think Homeland Security is in on the "fix":
- The study released Wednesday estimates that 11.1 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2009. That represents a decrease of roughly 1 million, or 8 percent, from a peak of 12 million in 2007.
The study puts the number of illegal immigrants down to about where it was in 2005. They still make up roughly 4 percent of the U.S. population.
The Homeland Security Department's own estimate of illegal immigrants is slightly lower, at 10.8 million. The government uses a different census survey that makes some year-to-year comparisons difficult.
An increase in unauthorized immigrants leaving the U.S., by deportation or for economic reasons, may have played a factor in the falling number.
In recent years, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported an increasing number of illegal immigrants, reaching a high last year of more than 389,000 people, according to government figures.
Like I said...all you do is whine and bitch.
Michael said..."Jeremy: Yep, your man Obama has done a great job of cutting down the illegal problem."
Are all you this dumb?
In a bid to remake the enforcement of federal immigration laws, the Obama administration is deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants and auditing hundreds of businesses that blithely hire undocumented workers.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency expects to deport about 400,000 people this fiscal year, nearly 10 percent above the Bush administration's 2008 total and 25 percent more than were deported in 2007. The pace of company audits has roughly quadrupled since President George W. Bush's final year in office.
Last week Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released new figures about the volume of people it has deported so far during Fiscal Year 2010. Now TRAC has crunched the numbers. Here are their key findings:
* ICE deported 279,035 immigrants compared to 254,763 at this same point last year.
* The number of non-citizens deported in the first nine months of FY 2010 is up 10 percent from 2008, the last comparable year under the Bush administration.
* The pace of deportation for immigrants convicted of crimes is an an all time high: 60 percent more than the last year of the Bush administration, and 37 percent above Obama’s first year in office.
* Still, more than half of those deported so far in FY 2010 – 51 percent – had no criminal record.
Have Dust Bunny Tea Bagger look it up for you...or...just Google:
"deportation up with obama"
Brewer says there are headless bodies in the desert and I say there are brainless bodies posting here on a regular basis.
None of you can ever actually refute anything I post, only whine and bitch about it.
You never admit to being wrong or making a mistake, only rely on your fellow tea baggers to bail you out with some new wing nut drivel.
Once again: Brewer is dumb, she was lying about headless bodies, violent crime is indeed decreasing in Arizona, and none of you have the guts to admit any of it is true.
You're letting your racial bigotry guide the way.
Oh, I see. If they numbers aren't what you want them to be, they must not be correct, huh?
No. I want to know their methodology.
How do they get their numbers and how do they verify that their statistical comparisons are correct. If they are going to throw out a number like 8%, I want to know how they got that number.
Where does their data come from and who is compiling it. How are they keeping track of illegal aliens who are generally not really anxious to go public about being illegal.
Until they can positively and absolutely show where their data is coming from and show that it is accurate and not guess work.....the study is a piece of shit.
Do you apply the same criterion to the stock market or mutual fund rates of return?
The study released Wednesday estimates that 11.1 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2009. That represents a decrease of roughly 1 million, or 8 percent, from a peak of 12 million in 2007.
So you admit it then.
Estimates. They are guessing.
Well, once again: According to the FBI, the violent crime rate is actually decreasing in Arizona
So you say. How about a link to your data?
I hate to do Jeremy's leg work (let alone find myself on the same side of an argument as hime) but here's the info for the border communities. Here's some info for Maricopa County (Phx metro). There are other stats out there.
Hey, there are legitimate reasons to support SB 1070 (not the least which is how it parallels federal law) but using an "increase" in violent crime in AZ will get you support but its not particularly truthful.
I see that our resident Libtard is back begging to suck everyone's balls.
Your statement does not necessarily mean what you claim it does. The crimes in Tucson and Phoenix may be going down but the question is what percent of the crimes in the state are committed by the illegals. Your statement does not respond to that at all. It could be that the regular residents of the state have stopped committing crimes and what crimes are committed are being committed by illegals. That is just as likely as your statement that is being repeated over and over and still says nothing.
I would much rather have a governor who cannot speak well but can make good decisions that a governor like Zero who speaks well and couldn't make a valid decision if his life depended on it.
Dust Bunny Queen
Jeremy is correct her. Deportations are up. But the Obama admin has taken a different approach than right wingers like. Right wingers want cops pulling illegals off the streets, piling them in trucks [getting good photo ops] and taking them south of the boarder. The Obama admin chooses a different less flashy tactic. They have cracked down on employers who hire illegals and they get the illegals that way.
That said, I don't think Brewer is a fascist. I just think she is reactionary who is not too articulate.
"Whitman doesn't have an ounce of experience in government."
Feature, not a bug. Try again.
(And I actually like Jerry Brown, but his policies will not help California dig out of the massive shithole they're in.)
Actually what I find scary is seeing the intelligentsia once again making decisions based on how well someone speaks rather than on what someone does in office and what actions they take and whether they make good decisions. That is how we got this POS we have for a president now. I had hoped that the academics would learn their lesson from the disaster they wrought on us already but evidently not.
Blogger Matt said...
Dust Bunny Queen
Jeremy is correct her. Deportations are up. But the Obama admin has taken a different approach than right wingers like. Right wingers want cops pulling illegals off the streets, piling them in trucks [getting good photo ops] and taking them south of the boarder. The Obama admin chooses a different less flashy tactic. They have cracked down on employers who hire illegals and they get the illegals that way.
Is that really true? I know at the end (the end) of Bush's last term, the employer crackdowns began. I remember because I was thinking about time. I also thought, ok, he's leaving office, how convenient. If therefore Obama is doing this at the beginning of his term that is a horse of a different color. If true, that to me speaks well of Obama. I'm questioning it because of the admin's strong stance against Arizona.
So, is that really true that O is cracking down on employers?
Here's a WPo article on Obama's immigration polcies. He chooses this deportation method over border security [although Bush didn't put many on the border either].
Sorry, but I didn't think it was that bad. Its obvious she had some kind of "killer" opening spiel that was written for her and then couldn't remember it.
I'm more interested in what Politicians do then in their debating skills.
I've thought for a long time that she has a word-finding deficit. She has been on Fox News several times when I noticed her stammering a bit, looking for a word, and obviously choosing one that is close-but-not-quite. I think she just had the Mother Of All Brain Farts at the beginning of this debate. It happens.
But she's showing huevos, and I'd rather see huevos than silver-tongued lying and deceit. We have that in ample quantities in the White House. Brewer may have stumbled upon her principles, but at least she's holding strong.
Hope the rest of the debate went well for her.
Regarding the FBI Arizona crime stats for 2009:
All data in this Report are preliminary.
What does that mean? How solid are the preliminary numbers generally?
Now that I've nosed around a bit more, the data seems very preliminary indeed. There's far more information included in the full reports of previous years. I don't know if the stats will change with the final report, but I have trouble putting much stock in the current numbers.
Ah, or it may just mean preliminary as in not yet analyzed.
And Jeremy, not that it will make any difference for you, but this from yesterday Arizona Republic:
Asked again Thursday whether she stood by the beheading statements, which she first made on Fox News in June, Brewer said she was merely trying to convey concerns about violence spilling over from Mexico into Arizona.
"We know that there have been reports of beheadings in the Mexico region," Brewer said. "I meant, at that time, that it was the border region."
If her statements were misleading, she said, "I apologize for that and I am sorry."
Not trying to shill for Brewer here but I have to agree with her on this:
in response to the State Department’s Human Rights report that named Arizona as a violator of human rights for its passage of S.B. 1070, Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer wrote Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a scathing letter calling the reference “downright offensive” as well as “unconstitutional.”
Brewer wrote, “The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional.”
c3 said...
"Brewer wrote, “The idea of our own American government submitting the duly enacted laws of a state of the United States to ‘review’ by the United Nations is internationalism run amok and unconstitutional.” "
It's incredibly insulting, degrading, and disloyal. The insolent bastards.
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