September 24, 2010

"For some reason I feel like Ann Althouse saying this..."

Oh, really? I'm stoked.


Fen said...

Yup. Poorly written.

Does not bode well for the GOP. Its the little things that tell you what level of competency to expect.

If your table at the restaurant is filthy, dont bother ordering food.

Alex said...

You have to walk before you can run. Rolling back spending to pre-TARP levels is a good start. Expecting a balanced budget in this political climate is impossible. If you purity-test Republican types don't like that - then you just ensured our doom.

Alex said...

So I read the Patterico blog post again and I noticed the words "feasible", "practical" didn't occur among any of the comments. You baggers really should get real.

traditionalguy said...

"Pulling an Althouse" has become slang for correcting the grammar and writing style of others. to me it is like the Professor who writes in red ink on the margins of our test papers. It is nice to know that she actually cared enough to read our feeble attempts.

Fen said...

Hey Alex, fuck you for your tea bagger comment. If you are the face of the Republican party, you deserve all the doom I can get you.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

The likelihood that the Los Angeles Times will survive to cover the 2012 elections is highly unlikely, unless Sydney Harman has another dollar.

Alex said...

Fen - if the baggers are gonna act like a bunch of idiot children because the GOP adult leadership has a realistic plan then they deserve to be called every name in the book. Leave the governing to adults please?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Fen said...

Does not bode well for the GOP.

Please explain.

Alex said...

I'm increasingly thinking that the teabagger movement started with fiscal libertarianism and then became the social cons. People were really disgusted by the Beck rally.

Tyrone Slothrop said...


Chris Coates thread!


Tyrone Slothrop said...


You shouldn't get your knickers in a twist about the social cons. Sure, they exist in the Tea Party movement, but I think if any generality can be applied to such an amorphous movement, it is that the core values are lower taxation, smaller government, and less regulation. The social cons have a voice, but it is far from the loudest one.

Chennaul said...

Man this-erh, vortex is going to be hard to navigate.


I think Patterico is criticizing the writer at LA Times.


The LA TIme's is saying that the Tea Party "stoked" this idea of The List, which is weird because some of the Tea Party are having a stroke over it.


Alex said...

Tyrone - wrong. Check this out:

Armey: A GOP Majority Will Fight to Ban Abortion

Once again a good political movement gets taken hostage by the theocons.

Anonymous said...

Oh, did the big bad news organizations fall down go bump?

Fen said...

Alex: Fen - if the baggers are gonna act like a bunch of idiot children because the GOP adult leadership has a realistic plan then they deserve to be called every name in the book. Leave the governing to adults please?

Again, fuck you for the tea-bagger slur.

And its the GOP "adult" leadership thats been acting like children because when their guys lose to Tea Party candidates. They demand unity but show none.

Leave the governing to adults please?

Don't lecture me about the GOP. We worked our tails off to give them control of Congress. They pissed it away. Couldn't keep their hands out of the cash box. Couldn't keep their pants zipped up.

Chennaul said...

And just to complete the conundrums Patterico gets smeared with the RINO label.

He should just do the more acceptable thing like Althouse and vote for Obama next time.


Alex said...

BTW anyone shouting RINO these days is automatically a bagger in my mind.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tyrone Slothrop said...


Who is Dick Armey? God?

Fen said...

Alex, you're not a RINO, you're a Moby. Now go back to filching little boys with your NAMBLA pals.

jungatheart said...

The social cons will be gone soon enough. Gay stuff has gone mainstream, Palin's girl had a kid out of wedlock. Everyone knows aborion is not going to be banned, especially Dick Armey.

Remember all the BS Bam spouted to the far left...what a bunch of push-overs.

rcocean said...

Patterico doesn't get "Smeared with the RINO" label he gets correctly identified as one.

He spends more time attacking Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Palin, Levin, Rhiel, Protein Wisdom, Beck, and other conservatives than he does liberals. He also likes to call other conservatives Raacciist.

Like "Captain Ed" he's been trying to get a MSM "reasonable conservative" spot for years - but he's too dull.

Chennaul said...

Well what we really need in the face of Obamaville is our own civil war-dammit!

Those are much more fun.

I think this is what happens when a party caters to Protestants. It's genetic in their DNA by now.

Don't agree with them 100% they are going to factionalize.

That's probably why when you are driving down those back roads in the South you'll see ten "places of worship" for a town of about 500 people.

The First True Conservative Church, The We Are the Original Conservative's Chapel, They All Suck We're the New and Improved Congregation...

Chennaul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jungatheart said...

"Supporters of U.S. Sen. Harry Reid and his GOP challenger Sharron Angle brawled at the end of a Senate race forum at a local Christian school.

A half-dozen bystanders tried to separate the combatants, one male Angle backer and two female Reid supporters, before security guards intervened."

-Las Vegas Review-Journal

Phil 314 said...

I suggest a new internet rule (a la Godwin's). Maybe we should call it
the Newman rule (not as in Seinfeld Newman, but this Newman.)

Similar to Godwin's Law, the Newman law states:

As an online discussion grows longer, when criticisms resort to grammatical correction, meaningful discussion has ended

Sixty Bricks said...

I really miss Edwin Newman.

Big Mike said...

@Fen, you can try sending doom my way, if you'd like. But I'm good at sending it back.

And if you'd actually followed the link and read the article you'd see that the writing that Patterico is criticizing is the analysis written by the LA Times, not the content of the Pledge.

Unknown said...

Given that people like the Toms - Paine and Jefferson - don't come along every century, this seems like nit-picking. Was the Contract With America written any better?

Kinda doubt it.

deborah said...

The social cons will be gone soon enough. Gay stuff has gone mainstream, Palin's girl had a kid out of wedlock. Everyone knows aborion is not going to be banned, especially Dick Armey.

Don't hold your breath. DADT and homosexual marriage are non-starters outside the coasts, Bristol has everyone's sympathy after Levi showed himself to be a sack of slime, and abortion mills are becoming as scarce as 33-1/3 rpm records. The social cons will always be there - if only to drive the libertarians and the Lefties nuts.

PS Read up on James Taranto's Roe Effect and ask yourself who's going to be around twenty years from now.

Big Mike said...

Professor, by “stoked” did you mean being sent up in flames?

kjbe said...

c3 - thank you.

rcocean said...

And we shouldn't attack Patterico for attacking other conservatives - it might split the Right.

jungatheart said...

lol rcocean.

Alex said...

You have to admit, liberals are astonishingly unified and don't air their dirty laundry in public like conservatives. they have their own omerta if you know what I mean.

GMay said...

"You have to admit, liberals are astonishingly unified and don't air their dirty laundry in public like conservatives."

What fucking universe are you posting from?

jungatheart said...

"PS Read up on James Taranto's Roe Effect and ask yourself who's going to be around twenty years from now."

Ah. Yes, but it remains to be seen what the ongoing effect mass culture will have on the young.

Alex said...

GMay - do you ever take a gander at Daily Kos, Huffington Post, Crooks & Liars - they are ALL on the same page. There is no disagreement between them - right wing Rethuglicans are teh ultimate evil and must be destroyed.

Phil 314 said...

iberals are astonishingly unified and don't air their dirty laundry in public like conservatives.


And after this post YESTERDAY!!

(Besides, I thought Dems always celebrated their "spirited" debates)

Fen said...

Big Mike: you can try sending doom my way, if you'd like. But I'm good at sending it back.

Hey Mike, stay out of this unless you're another idiot who thinks sliming people as "tea-baggers" is cool.

If you are, then you can go fuck yourself too.

Fen said...

And Alex is a Moby.

Fen said...

educator: Was the Contract With America written any better? Kinda doubt it.

You should compare them. Then you'll see what I'm talking about.

Big Mike said...

@Fen, I was a fiscal conservative before nearly everybody who is currently out at tea party rallies. Probably a fiscal conservative before you were.

I do not slime anybody, though I have been known to regard the phrase "stupid liberal" as a redundancy.


GMay said...

Alex, I do gander at those websites and I see them excoriating Democrats all the time. I see you buy into the MSM themes where the Democratic party can be in full self-immolation mode and they'll still pitch civil war in the Republican/conservative side when there's a disagreement.

The left is so fractured and granular that it's no wonder they have to steal from the rich to give to the poor because that, felons, zombies, and magic car trunks is the only way they can get votes.

So again, I don't know what universe you're operating in. Well, that and your bullshit lines attacking Tea partiers. So pat yourself on the back on the whole unity thing big guy.

Chennaul said...


You have it backwards.

It's you that takes umbrage at Conservative pundits being attacked.

Why are you always more defensive of sideline pundits?

What are they-deities?

Chennaul said...

The ultimate RINO's are the Tea Party people who hate the Republican label-you really have to come up with a new put down.

It looks like simple projection.

Chennaul said...

These people-

Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Palin, Levin, Rhiel, Protein Wisdom, Beck.

Are in charge of what exactly?

What responsibilities do they have?

GMay said...

madawaskan: "The ultimate RINO's are the Tea Party people who hate the Republican label-you really have to come up with a new put down.

It looks like simple projection."

No, I'd say it looks like you're playing the even-simpler "I know they are but what am I" line.

Chennaul said...


It's a conundrum isn't it?

Why is the Tea Party not calling themselves Republicans.

Why is their first put down-


Chennaul said...

If you look at the historical party splits-the splits almost always happen on the right-with a lot more frequency.

btw-they had to cancel the Tea Party Unity Convention.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Alex = 100% Moby.

And an inept one at that.

Alex said...

How am I moby for speaking truth about the 'baggers? First they say they're not Republicans, then they complain about RINOs and not being socially conservative enough. Yup 87K 'baggers at the Beck Rally. I'm sticking to that.

BTW I'm a hardcore fiscal/social libertarian, legalize pot now!

Fen said...

MOBY Alex MOBYHow am I moby for speaking truth about the 'baggers?

For starters, you refer to them as Tea Baggers.

No conservative who also loathes the expulsion of RINOs would call them that, no matter how much they disagreed with them.

The Tea Party is a grass-roots movement by the people who pay the bills around here. Only an elitist Leftist parasite would have such contempt for them.


And you can go fuck yourself again, Libtard. Time for you to bring out a new sock puppet.

Alex said...

Fen - why shouldn't I feel contempt for Beck and his social theocrats? I'm a fiscal/social libertarian and his constant emphasis on GOD GOD GOD is revolting to me.

The Crack Emcee said...


Gay stuff has gone mainstream, Palin's girl had a kid out of wedlock. Everyone knows aborion is not going to be banned,...


Gay stuff has gone mainstream - based on a series of lies, so it's current popularity, like Obama's, will fall.

Palin's girl had a kid out of wedlock - which means what exactly? (You libs do find the craziest shit to rally around.)

Everyone knows abortion is not going to be banned - and who's "everyone", Kemosabe?

Here - SMACK! - you're awake now.

Palladian said...

"Alex = 100% Moby."

um, I've been telling everyone this for a long time. He/she has even admitted it, but for some reason people don't seem to remember. Is it the ironic picture of Dubya that puts people in a stupor? Just do like I do, scroll over commenters you don't like to read! If you pollute threads with silly and pointless insults and arguments with the trolls, you become part of the problem, and all the people with something actually interesting to write don't bother.

Just ignore, doofuses!

"Gay stuff has gone mainstream - based on a series of lies, so it's current popularity, like Obama's, will fall."

Speaking of commenters to scroll past...

jungatheart said...

"Crack, before we go any further, know that I resent you taking the liberty of labeling me, and I am most definitely not a lib. Gay stuff has gone mainstream - based on a series of lies, so it's current popularity, like Obama's, will fall."

What does this even mean? It has gone mainstream in countless sitcoms and movies. Most everyone in their family has a gay member they either openly acknowledge or politely overlook. What 'lies' are you talking about? The same thing that happened with the slow introduction of blacks into mainstream society, starting with Louis Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, token blacks in 60s and 70s shows, black shows, etc., has led to our first black president. The same thing is happening with gays now. What's your complaint?

Palin's girl being overlooked by Republicans in the '08 race indicates a level of acceptance that would be unheard of in the 50s and 60s.

Everyone with an ounce of common sense. You can't put the geni back in the bottle. Even O'Connor voted no on some case revisiting abortion, that rested on her belief that to do so would withdraw established expectations on the part of the public.

Besides, by the time Obamacare is all sewn up, girls will be given abortifacients early in pregnancy and/or offered cash to become sterilized after so many children.

Now, Crack, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up to cold, hard reality...SNAP!

Palladian said...

"What does this even mean?"

It doesn't mean anything. I think the intention is to sound "provocative".

jungatheart said...

Or maybe he's not one of those black guys who approve of the down low... ;)

Crack, is this true?

Anonymous said...

I also thought of you when I read this essay by the Atlantic critic about garbled metaphors, and lots of other symptoms of bad writing.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Why is the Tea Party not calling themselves Republicans

Because many of them are not really Republicans. Most are independents or fiscally conservative and socially liberal libertarians. Some have registered as Republicans, as I have, so as to be able to vote in a primary. I'm certainly NOT going to vote for a Democrat in the primary, although I have been known to vote for Dems in the elections and am considering it now for my Representative's seat.

RINO is just an epithet to call someone out on their lack of principles. Running as a Republican and then voting as a Democrat. The same idea would apply to Democrats who ran as Dems and voted as Repblicans.

It is about having principles, sticking to them.

The Tea Party doesn't want to be a separate political party. They learned their lessons on that with Ross Perot. They want to take over and remake the Republican Party. After all, they aren't using it and it is a perfectly servicable vehicle. No need to completely recreate the wheel.
I don't understand why people on the left and in the MSM are confused about the Tea Party message. They have stated it quite plainly and quite often. Aren't you listening?

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