September 28, 2010

"Democratic Party Chairman Timothy Kaine says he sees no slight in Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold skipping a campaign rally tonight where President Barack Obama is appearing on his behalf."

I see a slight: To the intelligence of the American people, if Kaine thinks we might believe that.


Original Mike said...

Scheduling conflict. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

Big Mike said...

Well if "your Russ" is skipping then I guess you will, too, Professor?

John Burgess said...

So, De Nile runs through Wisconsin as well? Who knew?

FedkaTheConvict said...

Now we need someone with a chicken suit to follow Russ around.

Kevin said...

This is going to be an EPIC election!

Betson when Obama gets his first serious primary challenger for 2012?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Obama's standing in public opinion polls has been falling in recent months, and some Democratic candidates have been reluctant to appear with him.

..and water still boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

Alex said...

Scheduling conflict. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.

LOL - riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

The Drill SGT said...

So if Russ cant make it, are your Dem Guv and Congressionals going to be there?

if not, why would Obama think he is helping in WI?

clearly Russ doesnt think it's going to help

MadisonMan said...

I'm vaguely reminded of McConnell in 2008's Kentucky Senatorial race.

MadisonMan said...

Drill, I believe Barrett and Tammy Baldwin are both supposed to be there.

Everyone should feel fortunate that Doyle will be absent, even though Doyle has always introduced Obama in Madison before. Perhaps having two toxic candidates in one spot violates Clean Air standards or something.

Scott M said...

I always find it curious how so few candidates include the moniker "liberal" in their campaign ads.

jungatheart said...

"if not, why would Obama think he is helping in WI?"

It gives Feingold a chance to distance himself.

GMay said...

I guess Russ didn't get The Memo:

"Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me." - Obama

KCFleming said...

""People need to shake off this lethargy. People need to buck up," Obama told Rolling Stone in an interview to be published Friday."

It'a Obama's 'malaise' speech!

It's officially 1978.
Dibs on the white disco suit.

Scott M said...

"Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me." - Obama

The first time I heard that soundbite I knew it was going to come back to haunt him. Each time I hear about a candidate running away from the President, it rings.

jungatheart said...

"Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me." - Obama

Amazing, ain't it?

Richard Dolan said...

Kaine insults the voters' intelligence, but so in his way does Feingold. If F didn't want the benefit of O's visit -- all those dollars that a presidential visit can shake loose, and maybe a little energizing of the base at the same time -- he could have asked O to skip Wisconsin and O would have complied. Instead he offers a (no-)show intended as a portrait of independence. How the voters view him -- whether he's the maverick he claims, or the 90% down-the-line guy who's reliably there for the big lefty vote -- is not going to change if F attends the rally or not. He'd look better and stronger if he just bucked it up and greeted the President, who is (after all) coming to help him.

It's just amazing that politicos don't see that common courtesy is not a negative, and that any voter who could possibly be persuaded to vote for F would not change his/her vote because F shared a stage with O.

DADvocate said...

Of course it's not a slight. Obama doesn't want to suffer the presence of a lowly senator.

alan markus said...

On October 13th, Michelle Obama will appear in Milwaukee at a fundraiser with Russ Feingold:
First Lady to attend Feingold event

Wonder if Oprah Winfrey will appear too - she lived in Milwaukee for awhile, as a child.

DADvocate said...

why would Obama think he is helping in WI?

You guys don't get it. It's Obama who is avoiding Feingold. The Chosen One is traveling to Wisconsin to do his divine duty as the figurehead of the Democratic Party, but he doesn't want to lower himself to actually interacting with a lowly senator.

Plus, Obama's terribly upset he couldn't give his speech across the street on Bascom Hill which would have resembled the Sermon on the Mount much more closely.

Unknown said...

This is the scene in "Rising Sun" where the security chief is revealed to have covered up the murder and all the directors move to the other side of the room.

(If there was a ledge, they'd go out the window)

Michael Haz said...

Tom Barrett will be the guy whose facial expressions say "I'm so totally screwed...."

traditionalguy said...
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traditionalguy said...

I blame Palin's respecting our intelligence for creating this sharp contrast between lies and truth. What Kaine and Obama want is more mushy sounds so right lies about CO2 poisoning the air like Obama's EPA is using to destroy the USA as we speak.

Shanna said...

"Well, the big difference here and in ’94 was you’ve got me." – Obama

Also, in 94 we just tried to pass a health care bill…

Original Mike said...

Feingold voted for the health care bill, right?

Feingold voted for the stimulus, right?

Who's he think he's kidding?

Original Mike said...

Where's garage to berate us for jumping to conclusions?

AllenS said...


I believe that garage is in South Dakota, counting buffaloes.

garage mahal said...
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AllenS said...
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garage mahal said...

Anything north of the mason Dixon line would be a pretty good rule of thumb

garage mahal said...

In Bozeman mt. Off to yellowstone tomorrow

Original Mike said...

Even garage is running for the hills!

Anonymous said...

Whether he admits it now or not, Feingold supported Obama's policies in the past, and he will support Obama's policies in the future. He just doesn't want voters to realize that.

Hey, he's not Obama's fellow traveler, he's Our Russ!

Althouse, do Feingold's cowardice and attempted duplicity touch the part of you that would find it very hard to vote against Russ?

Word verification: remental (Really!)