The hostage-takers manifesto.
ADDED: The guy seems pretty clearly crazy, and I hope no one dies and he gets the help he needs, because this manifesto — PDF — is hilarious, but if anyone dies, it might be wrong to laugh.
Saving the environment and the remaning species diversity of the planet is now your mindset. Nothing is more important than saving them. The Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Elephants, Froggies, Turtles, Apes, Raccoons, Beetles, Ants, Sharks, Bears, and, of course, the Squirrels.Of course, the Squirrels. That's such a childish list of animals, and not just because of "Froggies." These are the animals in a children's picture book or Noah's Ark toy.
The humans? The planet does not need humans. You MUST KNOW the human population is behind all the pollution and problems in the world....I disagree. Around my city, geese are crapping everything up. I notice that no birds got on Lee's list of favored creatures.
These are the demands and sayings of Lee.How religion-y, and yet he hates religion:
Civilization must be exposed for the filth it is. That, and all its disgusting religious-cultural roots and greed. Broadcast this message until the pollution in the planet is reversed and the human population goes down!He hates everything that human beings have produced. It's all filth. Even the ideas. He gets his ideas from a gorilla:
The Discovery Channel and it's affiliate channels MUST have daily television programs at prime time slots based on Daniel Quinn's "My Ishmael" pages 207-212 where solutions to save the planet would be done in the same way as the Industrial Revolution was done, by people building on each other's inventive ideas.Here's the book. A gorilla tells us what to do. Example from the pages cited:
We could pension off our teachers, close schools, and open up the city to our children. Let them learn anything they want. We could take that risk....Quinn has been hyped by Oprah Winfrey: Here's an Oprah interview with Quinn:
WINFREY: You say that y--hundreds of years from now, children will look back on our society and call us monsters. Why?ADDED: The man was killed. The hostages all survived.
Mr. QUINN: I think so. Yeah, because we're g--we're--we continue to take and take and take and consume and consume and consume everything in sight. And in 100 years, if--if there are still people around to think about it, we're going to look back and say, `My God, these were terribly greedy people. What kind of people were they? They were hard to understand, who had no thought for us, for the future of--of the human race.'
WINFREY: How are we monsters? In what ways are we devouring the world?...
[T]he suspect had "metalic canisters" strapped to his chest and back. When Lee was struck by police bullets, one of the canisters "popped." Police have not confirmed if the canisters were a bomb, but Manger said the "device may have gone off" when he was shot.
No question now, the guy definitely qualifies as a moderate.
Tea Party
I, of course, blame Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin for their "eliminationalist rhetoric" and there fostering of a verbal climate that supports violence...I also blame the Tea Party.
I call upon John Boehner and Mitch McConnell to immediately denouce these individuals and groups and renounce any affiliation with them.
These Malthusian idiots, encouraged by hysterical zealots like Gore, are a natural outgrowth of the manufactured Green panic that has duped seemingly half the world.
At some point the reich wing in this country need to step up and start getting with the wave of extremist violence that Janet Neopolitan was warning us about. These lefties are making them look like really weenies.
Guess this guy was not a fan of the Bloodhound Gang.
No no TML, that's teabagger.
Racist Teabagging be precise.
Nothing like sending the SWAT team sharpshooters an engraved invitation. All in favor of exterminating human parasites please stand up.
Wouldn't it be easier -- and safer -- to start a cable channel dedicated to sterilizing the human race?
AHTV: Anti-Human TV.
Here's to a quick and bloodless end to the situation.
"Shit. Another domestic terrorist that's NOT a right-wing loon or a member of the tea party"
The Nazis are back and looking for their next Fuhrer. This Death Panels Gone Wild guy is telling us with free speech exactly what he wants done at gun point. Now if he will just pick a weak scapegoat group to start his mass murder upon, this guy will go far in the ranks of the Progressive Democrats Army of do gooders.
Wow I thought I was crazy.
Looks likely that he'll be the first "parasitic human" to go.
Hope that this ends safely for all the people at Discovery. Prayers for them and for the hostage taker that he might have a change of heart while he still has time.
I would just like to point out that the manifesto and the hostage taker are not necessarily linked. The end of that WaPo article says:
The manifesto was published on The site is registered to James Lee, who gave a post office box in Canada as his address. There is no confirmation from authorities that the Web site has anything to do with the current situation at Discovery.
traditionalguy: "Death Panels Gone Wild guy"
That right there's some funny
wv: dreath (can't make this stuff up) - dreading death, something this guy obviously doesn't do
So, is his eliminationist rhetoric right wing or left wing? Discuss...
WV: dulad - James Jay Lee was known as a dulad.
So, is his eliminationist rhetoric right wing or left wing? Discuss...
I'd say a smattering of both, although it seems to lean evirowacko. Yet another in a long and ever-growing list of reasons for concealed carry.
That propaganda piece may have been by a Dennis Kosinic type who is. crazy enough to get his mission some free publicity, or it is suicide by police.
I wonder how long it takes to feel comfortable again after spending a day as a hostage.
Good luck to the people there.
Agent Smith?
As some have already sarcastically alluded to, how long will it take before the Leftist talking heads try to associate this nutter with conservative talk radio and Christianity? Not long, I bet.
I know I'm being shallow and selfish but I hope this doesn't interfere with tonight's broadcast of "Surviving the Cut".
Wasn't this a Star Trek episode?
"...this nutter with conservative talk radio and Christianity? Not long, I bet."
They'll try, but this guy's primary goal seems to be universal abortion by force. Hard to make that a "Christian" thing, no matter how much one spins it.
"Ye shall know them by their fruitcakes"
"Ye shall know them by their fruitcakes"
I know I'm being shallow and selfish but I hope this doesn't interfere with tonight's broadcast of "Surviving the Cut".
You too, huh...looking forward to seeing Force Marines, I completely missed the PJ's last week.
Around my city, geese are crapping everything up
Could be worse. We have about 20 vultures roosting in a huge juniper tree at the end of our house. Vulture poop and vulture vomit everywhere under the tree.
I hope this crazy person doesn't take out innocent lives when he gets taken down.
Very scary. My prayers are with those poor hostages.
One of the cable channels already has a show called "Earth after Humans" or some such that depicts the earth after the human race has gone extinct.
And here is a news flash for this nut but the littlest dogs and cats miss the food & protection their human owners once provided.
His MySpace page says he's an atheist.
As an aid to any MSMfolk out there looking for a "Tea Party" hook to hang on this nutjob, let me point you to point number five in his manifesto:
5. Immigration: Programs must be developed to find solutions to stopping ALL immigration pollution and the anchor baby filth that follows that. Find solutions to stopping it. Call for people in the world to develop solutions to stop it completely and permanently. Find solutions FOR these countries so they stop sending their breeding populations to the US and the world to seek jobs and therefore breed more unwanted pollution babies. FIND SOLUTIONS FOR THEM TO STOP THEIR HUMAN GROWTH AND THE EXPORTATION OF THAT DISGUSTING FILTH! (The first world is feeding the population growth of the Third World and those human families are going to where the food is! They must stop procreating new humans looking for nonexistant jobs!)
There you go, he's not a crazed lefty enflamed by the anti-human rhetoric common amongst the fringe of enviro-nuts, he hates immigrants, thus he must be a teabagger!
Didn't Brazil open up their streets and let the little urchins run free like this guy is advocating? How did that work out for them?
Seriously, this guy could be one of Obama's czars if he were just a little crazier and had gone to better schools.
Humans are trained by religion to love and to discipline their children over 14+ years. That carries over into safe communities in Judeo-Christian cultures. This dude must have really been raised by Baboons. This is above my pay grade...SEND OUT THE CRACK SIGNAL...WE NEED A CONSULTATION BY THE EMCEE HIMSELF!
"I, of course, blame Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin for their "eliminationalist rhetoric" and there fostering of a verbal climate that supports violence...I also blame the Tea Party."
Heh. My thought as well.
Yes, the guy is crazy and you can't be responsible for all the crazy people in the world but *seriously*... how can decades of "humans are evil" rhetoric not have some sort of real world expression?
Since he hates human beings so much, I won't be too broken up if some SWAT member implements retroactive abortion on him sometime soon.
Oprah is a horror, actually. She can make anything warm and fuzzy, no matter how vile.
Of course, valuing nature is a human characteristic. Nature is pretty brutal by itself. No humans, no one cares.
We haven't heard from Alpha Liberal yet. You don't suppose???
Dollars to donuts he's wearing cargo shorts and an Ed Hardy shirt.
OMG ...demands to "stop human birth, not encouraging it"...
It's Jon Gosselin!!!
No, the leftist spin for this will be a need for some increase in State power. Universal, government-sponsored regular mental health screenings perhaps.
I say we let the guy go, and give him what he wants, let him live in the jungle with all his animals friends. Lets put him in the food chain and see how long he lives. That would be one less parasite on the planet, and he can add to the vulture poop and puke.
Or, if only we'd had Obamacare earlier, this would never have happened.
and yet he hates religion
Mmm. No. He hates competing religions.
wv: Prine
I got a deal
And so did John Prine
Steve Forbert and Springsteen
All in a line
How come the Malthusians are never the first volunteers to let loose this mortal coil and so decrease the surplus population?
Mebbe they just don't trust us to follow through. They're all "Let's commit mass suicide" and we're all "Sure, sure, dude first. We'll be right behind you."
So trust, but verify.
Let's hope that a police sniper helps him advance his program. One less weirdo-American.
Actually, it is the Bush tax cuts for the rich. Or is it global warming?
Seriously, let's hope this ends peacefully for the hostages and law enforcement and violently for this nutter.
These Malthusian idiots, encouraged by hysterical zealots like Gore, are a natural outgrowth of the manufactured Green panic that has duped seemingly half the world.
You've got it backwards.
The ostensibly environmentalist beliefs of people like Gore *caused* by an underlying conviction that humans are basically parasites -- that we do nothing but make things worse wherever we go. A large percentage of people, perhaps even most, buy into this belief to a greater or lesser extend.
In any event, this guy's just a nut. Blaming environmentalists for him is like blaming the Beatles for Charles Manson.
Well, I wondered why we hadn't seen Ritzy Brassiere (aka Montana Urban Legend) around here much lately.
Mystery solved. Apparently he was busy finalizing his manifesto and cooking up C4 in his kitchen.
Keep your head down, Ritzy! Don't dawdle in front of the windows. Those damned ATF snipers can be a real pain-in-the-ass.
I predict a big red itching rash of this sort of thing after November 2010, and a flaming outbreak after November 2012.
sounds a bit like General Jack Ripper - I hope those people get out of there.
According to Drudge, hostage taker has been shot. Hostages are okay.
Pogo said...
How come the Malthusians are never the first volunteers to let loose this mortal coil and so decrease the surplus population?
Don't you see, they think the world would be a paradise for people like them if the rest of us were dead. They don't want to die themselvs, they just want everyone else to die.
The ostensibly environmentalist beliefs of people like Gore *caused* by an underlying conviction that humans are basically parasites -- that we do nothing but make things worse wherever we go. A large percentage of people, perhaps even most, buy into this belief to a greater or lesser extend.
If you're talking about government, then you're close to correct. There's no problem so dire that Congress can't and won't make things worse. The more they try to help, the worse off we become.
Seriously, let's hope this ends peacefully for the hostages and law enforcement and violently for this nutter.
I'm not sure how it can end peacefully for law enforcement and violently for the nutter, as a violent end for the nutter likely means he's shot and killed by police. Which might be what he wants, but still -- that means an officer killed someone.
Yes, most police are trained for such an eventuality, but they will still have to deal with its ramifications.
wv: affed. So close. Change that a to an o.
I notice manifesto boy is alive.
Sounds like he's a hypocrite.
With his talk, he should lead by example and kill himself. I doubt he'd be missed.
NBC is reporting that Lee is now a former parasite.
"Police kill Discovery building gunman"
Local squirrels cheered until they realized that the human phrase 'He's nuts' did not mean what they had hoped .
One less Gore disciple - pity, really. Let us hope he inspires many more.
Yeah, he sounds like he was probably mentally ill.
"Programs must be developed to find solutions to stopping ALL immigration pollution and the anchor baby filth that follows that."
Yeah, just your typical lefty ranting about anchor babies and immigration.
Haha! AL arrives!
All in one piece, too.
And -as expected- he picked out the one single non-lefty item from the manifesto of the UnaGorer.
What did Ace (or one of his front page posters, I forgot to check) predict?
"You know how the media will report this, right?
That's right: Anti-immigration extremist."
Not that anyone has to be very smart to see that one coming.
Of course the guy hates brown human babies. He hates ALL human babies. Humans are monsters, destroying the world, killing the froggies and polar bears and squirrels.
Being a crazy person, this guy didn't realize that he was supposed to support a mutually conflicting belief system (which, crazy as it sounds, is something sane people can actually do) where people are parasites unless they're involved in some other political/ideological argument that takes precedence.
I guess its good that the loon got to die to make the world better.
Wait, hating brown babies is the hallmark of "liberals".
Margaret Sanger, anyone?
Abortion on demand?
Quinn wrote:
Example from the pages cited:
We could pension off our teachers, close schools, and open up the city to our children. Let them learn anything they want. We could take that risk....
I want to learn how to eat animals and consume more stuff. Thanks teacher.
It seems that Wolfe's observation that
the dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.
has another corollary:
the "eliminationist rhetoric" and threat of violent revolution is always rising on the Right and yet is only carried out by the Left.
Elimonationistic rhetoric.
The right should start using such language to describe the pro choice position and talk of population control. Either that or call it eugenic rhetoric. Either one. Truth in advertising.
Stand by for the ACLU and the Jewish progressive's Center of Constitutional Rights to demand the cops be tried for extrajudicial assassination. Much as they have sued to protect terrorists who are a direct threat to US citizens from being attacked by the US military without trial and due process of civilian law.
The dirtball, or should we say "alleged suspect" James Jay Lee - was never properly indicted, had no lawyer counseling him - and like fellow US Citizen Al-Alawi of Al Qaeda in Yemen - was only killed for what he "might do".
The ACLU and the progressive Jews no doubt consider this a case of "The US government playing judge jury and executioner".
My opinion? Nice shooting! The dirtball had his chance to surrender, he couldn't be captured without risking a lot of other people being killed - so it was a total righteous whacking.
Just as I will feel if Al-Alawi is dispatched w/o trial.
This guy is really a loon.
But if he goes after all those midget shows on TLC I might have to sign on.
Jeeez how many fucking shows about midgets do we have to see?
This guy was just guilty of taking the prevailing environmental dogma to its logical conclusion. Anyone who really believes in the primacy of the global warming threat has to be anti-immigration because an American's carbon footprint is many times that of a third world citizen's. Taking a Mexican or a Pakistani and turning him into an American or a Brit is just accellerating the arrival of AGW armageddon.
Being a pro-immigration global warming alarmist makes no sense whatsoever. You cannot square that circle.
Yeah, well it's easy for you people to discuss the hi-falutin' issues around this bozo, but I had to live with more concrete problems since I had to drive a cat to the vet in the traffic clusterf*ck caused by this clown.
I live 1/2 mile north of Discovery headquarters. The cops shut down Georgia Ave and Colesville Road, both major arteries for traffic going north/south from the MD suburbs for hours. Imagine rush hour traffic from two six lane roads forced onto back streets and you see the scope of the problem.
It's still a mess at 6:45 EDT.
When things calm down, I want to see what window the cops broke out to spring the kids out of the daycare center and into the nearby MCDonald's.
So, it's not a total bad day -- one eco-terrorist down, and a bunch of kids got an unexpected Happy Meal!
And those fucking stupid "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" shows!
Man they really suck. They are so predictable.
“Well I had gained a few pounds but didn’t think anything of it. But one night I got a really bad tummy ache and I was on the toilet for a long time while my boyfriend was eating cheeto’s on the couch and watching America’s Got Talent. I was straining and grunting and really hurting until one big grunt and strain….and then I shit out a baby right into the toilet.”
It’s always the same plot. Almost like a Cedarford post.
In one the baby always ends up in a toilet. In the other it’s the Jew’s.
Happy Rosh Hashanah dude!
Years ago, when I first discovered my ex was nutty, I turned to a friend of mine - a still-very-influential guy in the tech industry - and asked him what he thought I should do. He told me to relax - NewAge was harmless - and then he gave me a copy of that fucking gorrilla book to read. Our friendship didn't last too long after that. Well, not after he left his wife and kids for a heroin addict he met at Burning Man.
I'm telling you guys: you don't know the half of how I came to despise this crap, or how it's influence in the world looks to me, meandering violently from the personal to the public sphere.
And Oprah? She, and Al Gore, should be tarred and feathered for their role in all this.
And the rest of us should be ashamed for how long and far this has been allowed to go.
This tool is pretty much the epitome of the modern left, isn't he. Not that they're all that crazy, but he is 20-something liberal taken to their logical conclusion.
Happily only one person died - the right person.
As to the squirrels, my junior dog has some thoughts on the subject that I don't think Lee would have appreciated.
Hey ZetaDouchebag - 1 point out of 15 doesn't make him one of ours - the other 14 make him one of yours. Plus he wanted to end immigration through some sort of international wishy-washy program, so he's just another lib. Thanks for playing you git.
I don't know his age but if his parents are still alive I'm sure this was very painful.
I don't understand why either leftists or righties have to politicize an obviously delusional individual
I think it's safe to say we can draw a straight line from this guy directly to Algore.
Al Gore---->Global Warming---->environmentalist----->liberal---->environmentalist = ELF---->liberal terrorists
The cops did well today.
Well don't worry. The SWAT team capped his ass.
Now he can rest with all those 'parasitic' babies h Well don't worry. The SWAT team capped his ass.
Now he can rest with all those 'parasitic' babies he wanted killed.
He was not only a nut, but a very dangerous nut. He will not be missed.
Actually, garage, you can.
Slaughtering children, whether pre-natally or not, is a mainstay of Leftism. Children are potential individuals, and the Left cannot abide individuals. They need groups, classes and castes in order to generate the kind of hatred that allows them to advance their backward agenda. The fact that the Democrat Party has taken Sanger as a Saint and deliberately diverted billions of dollars away from feeding people and towards "bio-fuel" is one example of how this insanity effects current politics.
Al Gore---->Global Warming---->environmentalist----->liberal---->environmentalist = ELF---->liberal terrorists---->Kevin Bacon
Al Gore->Johnny Cash's America with Jon Langford->Cavedweller with Kevin Bacon
Do you really believe the stuff you write? Crazy.
If this guy had a Glenn Beck sticker on his car, Tea Partiers around the country would already have been rounded up as part of "a vast right-wing conspiracy".
Eric Shabazz Holder has been dying for the chance to do it.
What did I tell you about leftards, hmmm?
Apologists in 3... 2... 1...
blake said...
Al Gore->Johnny Cash's America with Jon Langford->Cavedweller with Kevin Bacon
Well played, sir.
One of his demands was to stop illegal immigration and "anchor babies". That is not a left wing demand.
So the guy is a nut. But not of the variety anyone should blame one side or the other.
I hope no one dies and he gets the help he needs ...
Scratch one parasitic human. I'm sorry, Professor, but I suspect he was well beyond anyone's help.
Immigration to the United States (legal or illegal) is anathema to the Green fundamentalists. Immigration means prosperity, prosperity means consumption and freedom, consumption and freedom mean Western ideals prevail.
Using the flimsy mantle of "environmentalism" to control every aspect of every person's life is a Lefty ploy that has gone a lot further than anyone could have ever predicted.
just your typical lefty ranting about anchor babies and immigration.
Just your typical crazed, frothing right-wing teabagger, idolizing (and fixated upon receiving approval from) Al Gore.
Bitch, please.
The environmental movement is evidence that big brains are an evolutionary dead end.
But blaming it for James Lee's nuttiness isn't fair. If he hadn't latched onto this, it would have been something else.
Matt wrote:
"So the guy is a nut. But not of the variety anyone should blame one side or the other."
Lee was a nut, yes. But he was a radical environmentalist nut, not a Right Wing nut. His opposition to "anchor babies" stemmed from the basic principles of militant Zero Population Growth-style evironmentalism that was clearly his central interest.
Actually, garage, you can.
LOL. Ok then. It's hard to escape the central theme of liberals today - zero population growth and violent methods to control it. It's all over the place. They can barely get unemployment extension benefits passed with 10% unemployment.
"kent said...
just your typical lefty ranting about anchor babies and immigration."
No, it shows the divide opening up between the environmentalists and the liberal democrats and progressive Jews. This threatens to be a ruptured coalition. And it may soon be followed by the blacks kept on the plantation by Dem liberals and progressive Jews continuing to be faithful to the "Black-Brown coalition" they are told to vote to achieve.
One in nearly 10 live births in the US is to an anchor baby conceived on our soil by illegals. Environmentalists have seen the rapid degredation of Socal's environment by mass immigration, the loss of habitat, infrastructure gridlock. They know the US Census numbers - 363 million in America by 2030, 420 million by 2050, 786 million by 2100 - and it scares the heck out of environmentalists and others. You cannot have a sustainable environment with out a stable population. They know between people's needed space and wildlife habitat, wildlife loses. Overpopulation means just a few reserves left scattered in a sea of development. Empty oceans off places like Java, Haiti - vast pollution like in CHina.
They made a pact with the Left and the Jewish progressives that Dems would advance anticorporatism, place huge areas off limits to oil drilling...and in turn they would shut up about mass immigration - which they thought in the 70s was a minor, temporary issue. It wasn't/
The foolish blacks are even worse off. Turning a blind eye to illegals enabled their direct competitors to replace blacks in industry after industry. Black unemployment went to 40-50% for young black men. They became the predators on hispanics. Hispanics in turn, have gone on to achieve such majorities recently they are ethnically cleansing blacks from LA, Vegas, Phoenix, and Houston-Dallas neighborhoods and schools. And demanding that blacks go from holding 80% of municipal and school jobs to what the majority hispanics are willing to give them.
Clearly the guy took the concept of environmental concerns way off the charts. I don't think, however, that this guy is representative of anything other than his own odd view of environmentalism. In the same way I would not say someone who murders an abortion doctor is representative of Christians or pro-life Republicans.
Garage Mahal wrote:
"LOL. Ok then. It's hard to escape the central theme of liberals today - zero population growth and violent methods to control it. It's all over the place. They can barely get unemployment extension benefits passed with 10% unemployment."
The Liberals had no problem giving Population Connection over half of a billion dollars to Population Connection in FY2009.
Population Connection is the organization known, until 2002, as Zero Population Growth.
It may not be the driving force behind contemporary Liberalism, but it's hardly a spent force.
Lincolntf said...
These Malthusian idiots, encouraged by hysterical zealots like Gore, are a natural outgrowth of the manufactured Green panic that has duped seemingly half the world.
US Census - US population 363 million by 2030. 420 million by 2050. 786 million by 2100. Explosive growth fueled by mass immigration.
Water resources out West approaching sustainable limits and huge swaths of arable land being lost to immigrant settlement.
Anyone who has REALLY visited the 3rd World and been unfortunated enough to see the worst places with the most people amd rampant environmental destruction and cities full of "surplus people" not needed by the economy - knows the utter folly of saying Malthus was wrong.
All the Green Revolution did, as it's great reserch teams said - was by us one, single respite from a Malthusian trap - so we should use that respite well.
We didn't.
Well, this is a sad day for all of us, Althouse commenters. We have apparently lost one of our own: Ritzy Brassiere poked his head up over the windowsill to tell one of the snipers how stupid snipers are, and how their choice of profession probably stemmed from phallic insecurities; and alas, he is no more.
He is a dead parrot. (Or owl, I suppose).
I propose that we honor his memory, by carrying on his legacy of fair, honest, rational debate, in his unique style. Here, I'll start:
Cedarford, suck my dick, you feeble-minded fuck-monkey.
I...I'm sorry, I'm getting choked up...farewell, Ritzy.
One of his demands was to stop illegal immigration and "anchor babies". That is not a left wing demand.
So the guy is a nut. But not of the variety anyone should blame one side or the other.
I agree that it is silly to blame one side or the other when nuts do nutty things. Although I wish the Left would remember that when some nitwit torches a construction truck at a mosque.
But I find it hilarious that Lee can't be classified as left-wing because he had ONE "right-wing" belief. Where was this obsession with nuance when people like Timothy McVeigh, or movements like the Taliban and the Nazis, were being classified as "right-wing"?
Both sides of the political spectrum like to use tragedy as a way of labelling the other side. The fact is some people do terrible things. And those people invariably have a political view. So too often the political view gets more blame than the person who did the crime.
It's just so easy to attach political labels. It's like throwing red meat to a lion. So I agree with you, Timothy McVeigh was a nut. His politics should not really count because a lot of people hate the Federal government but no one in their right mind goes to that level.
The Liberals had no problem giving Population Connection over half of a billion dollars to Population Connection in FY2009.
Cites please.
Why am I not surprised to see a reference to Daniel Quinn's anti-civilization screed Ishmael in the list of demands. What a horrid little book that is. And to think that for a couple generations, school children have had that damned book on their required reading list.
This nutter's repeated reference to filthy humans and his calls to end agriculture is right out of Quinn.
In fact, we should probably hold Quinn (and his patron, Ted Turner) responsible for this incidenet.
For everyone who thinks that the terrorist was an environmental nutjob, well, he was, but only in his methods, not his doctrines.
This guy was par for the course for a believer in "deep ecology". Take a gander at these links:
In Europe, guys like Arne Naess are not considered wanna-be genociders who wish to reduce the polulation to Neolithic levels, but rather wise spirits worthy of endowed chairs at universities.
Oh, and Crack Emcee, for someone who nurses such a deserved hatred for all things at the intersection of New Age and bad science, buddy, the ecosophy (i.e. deep ecology) movement is just made to order! These folks are seriously whack, and, unlike some Sedona-vortexing fool, would gladly see us all composted to boot.
. . . and then he gave me a copy of that fucking gorilla book to read.
Someone once suggested I read that fucking gorilla book. I don't think this little comment box is big enough for me to explain how evil that book is. And I don't use the word "evil" lightly.
It is, as I mentioned above, against civilization itself. The whole thing is the wise gorilla telling the human how he's fucked up the planet, and never once does the human speak up on behalf of humanity and all the progress and developments we've made (to use one obvious example: MEDICINE!) It's all "gee, Mr. Gorilla, I guess you're right. Humans are filth!" A five-year-old could have taken that damn gorilla's arguments to pieces, but because the writer is the one in charge, he creates a human who just passively agrees with the anti-progress, anti-civilization nonsense ushering forth from that damned monkey.
I hate monkeys.
Damn. This is where the story should focus. On that damned book Ishmael and the generations of school children subtly indoctrinated by it.
Sometimes there's gotta be a human around who speaks truth to the simian power:
Thanks for asking for a cite. I stand corrected.
Population Control (which is still located at "", incidentally) is behind the "Double the Money" lobbying effort. $545 million for international planning was the starting point. They want US funding to reach $1 billion dollars.
They also sought the removal of the "global gag rule", which kept NGOs receiving such funding from performing abortions.
They won on the global gag rule fight. And they're on track to reach $1 billion dollars for family planning. We're looking at an increase to $735 million in 2011, even as our foreign spending will drop by $4 billion!
The money's not going to Population Connection, but it's going where they're asking for it to go under the terms that they suggested, so my point remains: The ZPG movement is hardly a spent force.
Of course, the left greatly fears potential violence from the right while the actual violence is done by the left...and in the holy name of Al Gore (peace be upon him). Sweet!
No need to apologize, I honestly never heard of these people. 735 million to international family planning is obscene.
Pretty much anybody who engages in an act of political violence like this is taking his or her concerns "off the charts".
The point that I was getting at was that the anti-immigration position is entirely consistent with environmentalism. Paul Ehrlich, the author of the seminal environmentalist work The Population Bomb was on the board of advisors of the Federation for American Immigration Reform until its connections with the Pioneer Foundation, a neo-Nazi group that supports eugenic policies, became public.
While he was on the board of advisors, he was receiving awards from mainstream environmentalist groups.
He hasn't taken his foot out of the anti-immigration pool just yet, either. He's now a patron of the Optimum Population Trust, a group which flat out opposes all immigration, not just illegal immigration.
His wife Anne Ehrlich was on the board of directors of the Sierra Club while she was on the board of advisors of FAIR!
One of the co-founders of ZPG, Charles L. Remington, is on the national board of advisors for the Carrying Capacity Network, an organization that (like the Optimum Population Trust) seeks to end all immigration.
Zero Population Growth is now the group Population Connection. The primary aim of this group is a reduction of population in the Third World, in part to reduce immigration.
In fact, Paul Ehrlich's seminal work The Population Bomb is explicitly anti-immigration -- environmental damage is the result not only of the size of a population, but also its affluence and technological sophistication.
In such a view, third worlders relegated to the developing world are not as damaging as those who emigrate to countries like the U.S. and Great Britain.
To suggest that Lee's deranged thinking is a muddled combination of environmentalist and right wing positions is objectively false. His anti-immigration stance is in keeping with one of the guiding philosophies of the ZPG arm of the environmentalist movement.
Malthus was about as scientifically astute as Rosie "fire doesn't melt steel" O'Donnell. He took a simple and obvious mathematical equation and applied it to human systems and called it proof.
I note, please, that C4 is talking 3rd World hell-holes and immigration. Why? Because fertility in the 1st world is in full free-fall. Why? Because people who are well off, who live comfortably chose to have fewer children, to delay child bearing into a woman's late 30's, essentially cutting out an entire generation of reproduction. And then they have one child, which is below replacement or perhaps two children. When there is a mini-trend to three children among this demographic the reproductive extravagance makes the NYTimes lifestyle pages. (I recall Althouse linking.)
So we talk about the third world where people still have children, not in spite of not being able to afford them but because they can't afford them. Once you have nothing you can't have less, after all. But you can have the future, which is at least hopeful. So people do that... no matter how many do-gooder NGO's try to keep those children from being born. It's not "Idiocracy", you know... where all the dumb people keep having kids and the smart people don't... it's all the Africans and Indonesians and Indians and Persians and Muslims in Europe and Mexicans in the US having kids and the Europeans who don't.
Which of course is why there is such a push, starting with Sanger and not slowing down ever since, to repress the reproduction of those "undesirable" people groups. It's worse than the most blatant white supremacist because at least some yahoo in a mountain compound is reproducing in between cleaning guns.
The most amazing thing to me is that we know very well what leads to lower fertility rates and we pretty much know what to do about it. Just like we know how to produce as much "green" energy as we could every possibly use. The problem is... those aren't the *right* answers.
Every time I take my car to the wash on North Druid Hills and 85, I think they put a target on the roof that's only visible to birds.
Because, sweartogod, next day my recently cleaned Pilot is kamikaze-bombed with bird shit. Man, there are *bones* in that shit.
No wonder the sonofabitch never mentioned birds. Let them be gone.
The right answers are the ones that see humanity and progress and even science and most certainly engineering as the problem rather than the solution.
People are the problem and whatever people produce must also be the problem.
Therefore the "solution" is to keep people in a state of "undeveloped" or "developing" in relationship to progress and technology while simultaneously convincing them to commit genetic suicide.
They had a science panel at the science fiction convention I was at this last weekend "why is science still scary" and one of the panelists who is a novelist bemoaned that people were afraid of science and mentioned the Christian sorts that opposed it (of course), but also mentioned the AGW deniers who oppose science. And I thought... but who presents progress and science and what humanity can *do* as frightening more than the AGW people?
Really. Who presents science and progress and technology as the problem rather than the solution and the people who drive it all as the problem rather than the solution?
All the "solutions" have to have in them two elements... that humans are the problem and that living primitively is the solution. And that is so entirely pervasive that it has become transparent to a whole lot of people who ought to know better.
I've been thinking about this now since it happened. Maybe it's cause it is/was my adopted home (DC is) that I see it almost exclusively as a story about police work, and how there were and are so many instances being there where we and I have felt let down by the cops. Personal, and citywide. At first I said it was great police work, and it was. But then I think, ok, but that was one man, and how many different varieties of police were involved? At least five, probably. Other jurisdictions can't count on that. The sniper terrorized us those many years ago, and the police couldn't stop them until they had killed 10 or 11 people. We do emergenices really badly too. So while earlier, I was all impressed, now I'm thinking, this was an emergency tailor made for them, they had BETTER effin work it out. And to their great credit, they did. I just wish that those 18 varieties of police in the DC area could usher us out of and back into the city during emergencies too. But alas ...
Civilization must be exposed for the filth it is.
I'm no philosopher, but I swear I detect the foul stench of Rousseau.
James said...
His MySpace page says he's an atheist.
An atheist, you say? I wonder which Episcopal Church he attended?
"kent said...
just your typical lefty ranting about anchor babies and immigration."
Kent said no such thing. Kent, however, did QUOTE someone making said asinine statement.
Infantilism; nothing more...nothing less.
Have we as a society forgotten that sources of information are just that and NOT delineators of our own personal morality. I thought that whole premise of personal morality was the ability to simultaneously maintain separate and often times opposing beliefs while allowing our ACTIONS to be be precipitated by some manner of internal moderation of such beliefs.
Perhaps I am too generous to the outer limits of the human psyche; but i believe that history would justify such belief.
HT, police fail these days because we have no commanders left. Today police have administrators instead. Commanders take risks. Administrators cover their backsides.
I hired on under pretty much the last of the commanders, retired and it was all administrators. When I hired on, if there was a group of people being held, the first LEOs on the scene went in and sorted it out. Today? The establish a perimeter. Then they set up a chain of command. Then they make sure they have proper comminications. They then wait for SWAT. Meanwhile, the bad guy(s) are killing all the girls and raping all the boys.
I regret not working when everyone got those rich pensions but I'm sure glad I got out when I did.
Interesting how zero population advocates haven't already offed themselves. They have no integrity.
And if they really, really believed their crap, wouldn't they be carrying out destruction on a massive scale?
(Of course a common theme in apocalyptic literature and film is that it's the OTHER people who die.)
Yes, most police are trained for such an eventuality, but they will still have to deal with its ramifications.
Oh come on. It's not that hard to clean a rifle.
This is your blog and I suppose you can post what you want, but when you start publishing refutations of arguments made by people who are clearly lunatics, one has to wonder what your motives are.
" has to wonder what your motives are."
The lunatic's arguments are indistinguishable from 'acceptable' arguments by darlings of the left.
The only difference is they want the state to do what he demands. He merely wanted to immanentize the eschaton.
"........The sniper terrorized us those many years ago, and the police couldn't stop them until they had killed 10 or 11 people....
You must mean John A. Muhammed and his jihad..COEXIST
While this could have ended badly, it's not the nutty-as-squirrel-poop guy with a gun and a few bombs that we really need to worry about. Seriously, this was Eco-terrorist FAIL! How big a body count could he really have racked up? Maybe 50-100 people if things had gone really badly. For an eco-terrorist who views humanity as a cancer and a scourge on the face of the earth, that's a drop in the bucket. It would have made no difference.
Far more scary would be someone who viewed humanity as a cancer an wanted to give it radical treatment. How do we deal with cancers? The same way a terrorist could rack up really high body counts: With radiation or chemical weapons. Nukes require a lot of really high technology and a nation-state to create. Chemical weapons are easier to make, but are generally not a very effective way to kill a lot of people.
There's a third way, though: Biological weapons. And that's the really scary threat: Some misanthropic nutcase who decides to come up with some genetically engineered disease, or even some almost extinct natural disease that few people have any resistance to (think "smallpox," for example). Looking at that Lee guy, I got the feeling that if he could have pushed a button and killed off 90% or 99% or 99.9% of the human race, he would have done it without any qualms.
"..There's a third way, though: Biological weapons. And that's the really scary threat: Some misanthropic nutcase who decides to come up with some genetically engineered disease,.."
The "12 Monkeys" scenario.
Revenant, your analogy doesn't work.
I don't recall in which lyrics the Beatles advocated carving up the dinner guests with a butcher knife.
Environmentalists push this guy's anti-human drivel all day long.
This guy Lee is Al Gore with his mask off.
This guy Lee is Al Gore with his mask off.
This guy Lee is Al Gore with his chakras released.
From MSNBC re: Lee's arrest in 2008
"Lee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.”
Now that this silly movie has been debunked, and all of its major contributors and conclusions have been proven fraudulent, can we please remove it from our public school curricula?
The Discovery Channel gunman (never thought I’d even have written that) posted an on-line manifesto that, according to the Washington Post:
lists several demands to the Discovery Channel, saying the station “MUST broadcast to the world their commitment to save the planet.” It lists 11 demands about airing shows that would promote curbing the planet’s population growth, finding solutions for global warming and dismantling “the dangerous US world economy.”
Come on guy, it’s not as if Obama wasn’t trying…..
Thanks Peter. Strong leadership is sorely lacking - I didn't know if affected our police forces too.
"But I find it hilarious that Lee can't be classified as left-wing because he had ONE "right-wing" belief. Where was this obsession with nuance when people like Timothy McVeigh, or movements like the Taliban and the Nazis, were being classified as "right-wing"?"
This rebuttal greatly understates the mendacity of this argument. Lee's immigration position simply was not right wing. Those to the right are against immigration mainly because they believe (a) they cost the rest of us money directly through jobs or indirectly through taxes and this is unfair to current Americans, (b) they aren't effectively screened for criminals, or (c) they have different cultural values than current Americans and are thus likely to change America in ways those on the right don't desire us to change.
This nut was against immigration because he believes people are parasites and he doesn't want more parasites in America (a patriot, whohoo!).
So while those liberals making this argument are clearly guilty of double standards, they're first and foremost guilty of asserting something factually incorrect in order to allow the double standard to be applied in the first place.
Of course, most of them are too ignorant and / or superficial to dig any deeper than anti-immigrant = right to know any better, but that's simply life in America. Liberals think they're the intelligent, nuanced group while others are ignorant. But they're wrong.
Peter, I thought Columbine put an end to that?
DBQ, can't you just shoot them? (And then shovel and shut up if it's not technically ok to do so?)
CLIFFORD, now that was darned funny!
Oh My Dear Sweet Lord: Rightwing Tea Party "Anti-Immigrant" Extremist Turns Out To Have Been Convicted For... Human Smuggling of Illegal Immigrants
Game. Set. Match.
ok, so nobody here has actually read the "gorilla book" or any other science book, apparently.
"This nutter's repeated reference to filthy humans and his calls to end agriculture is right out of Quinn."
You all missed the point.
Quinn has never called humans filthy. And he calls only for reorganization of agriculture and industry to a sustainable context.
The central point of the book is that We (humanity) belong to the Earth, and not the other way around.
A scary thought I know.
Grow up.
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