Good thing John Kerry is talking to these people... These are the "moderate" Taliban, they are only using pesticides, the "Radical" Taliban would ahve used VX.
That's the Mohammedan Men's Club in action. Sharia is the choice we are given by the Saudi sponsored Wahabbi Mosques everywhere. American women had better chose a side in that fight while the are still legal persons.
Julian Assange has assured us that any Afghan who opposes the Taliban (or who the Taliban just don't much like) is guilty of treason, so we have to accept this. The Taliban are just "crushing bastards".
How unPC of you to point out the cultural differences between us and the Taliban. Don't you know that all cultures are equal? Besides, if western feminists aren't decrying Taliban atrocities against Moslem women and girls, what right do we have to point out their barbarity?
"There are some people who are always intimidating girls from going to school."
There are some people who are always saying "So what? To hell with them. U.S. out of Afghanistan! Bring the troops home! Not in my name! No blood for oil!"
This is exactly the type of story that someone who is on the Pentagon or CIA payroll would want published.
Rod Nordland admits that there is no certainty to his assertion about the gas attacks:
How the gas was delivered — and even whether the poisonings were deliberate — remained a mystery, the officials stressed.
...but he asserts it anyway, and the reader is left with a heartbreaking emotional reaction that leads to increased political support for the war in Afghanistan.
The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste.
Attacks on schools in Afghanistan, particularly girls’ schools, have been rife in recent years, with most of them carried out by insurgents. A spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Gul Agha Ahmadi, said 60 schools had been burned down or destroyed so far this year. Cases where acid is thrown on girl students take place frequently in the south, and occasionally even in Kabul.
Obviously 60 schools being burnt to the ground-all girl schools-and acid being thrown in the faces of school girls....makes you want to spin that-how exactly?
Ya let me do my best Dead Julius/Liberal Wanker/Frank Rich imitation-
If Bush hadn't of built all those schools with our tax dollars than those girls would be safe at home...
But now their being forced to go to school and are being used as human shields for the legitimate target-our war mongering troops. Make that Bush's warmongering troops, because no Democrat politician I know actually supports the war anymore.
Obama you say?
Listen Obama's support has been negligible to the point that all the decent Euros saw that he was giving them a graceful exit point, which will give us more of an excuse to leave. Besides, Obama is just "cleaning up".
The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste.
Well, Dead Julius, I suggest you go and sit in the school with the girls for a few months and see what is just what. Better yet. Go undercover and wear a burka and get a real taste of political convenience.
Report back to us once you get your head out of your ass.
Obviously 60 schools being burnt to the ground-all girl schools-and acid being thrown in the faces of school girls....makes you want to spin that-how exactly?
Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether. It is very politically convenient for the American establishment to be able to claim that the Taliban are resorting to attacks with chemical weapons on schoolgirls.
Apparently the shooting gallery in the Afghan Mountain valleys is now filling with Obama's surge of new human targets in the valleys just in time for the attack by Taliban Raiders who need more training on their ambushes and sniping skills down into ambushed and IED'd human targets. What is it that we wanted to win there again? We need permanent troops on the Mountains as well as in the valleys, or we lose. Putting 30,000 more men into the valleys for 12 months is egregious stupidity. We need 600,000 more men over there permanently, or we need to withdraw to a better terrain.
Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether.
Given that acid attacks are an old and settled tactic around there, what's so "different" about poisons?
See, if the Taliban were noted for their restraint and human decency in their murderous intimidation tactics, one might say that poison gas was out of character and thus worth being skeptical about.
But they aren't, so the sudden skepticism that they'd use poison, as opposed to acid, fire, and bullets... it doesn't make a lot of sense.
(the Crypto-Jew) I'm suspicious of these "poison gas" reports, too. After all, the Taliban were always a supportive, community-oriented, kite-flying people…just because they execute people, and throw acid in the face of young girls, or beat their mothers, I mean who could IMAGINE that they’d use harsher methods?
Or Julius, you’re ok with retail mayhem, a fist here, a bullet there, some acid in the face some other place, but to use poison gas, well hey ho that’s just out of bounds?!?!
WV; "butfor" but for the likes of the ACLU and John Edwards and Markos Moulitsas, we'd have the Amrican Taliban here.
(the Crypto-Jew) How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?
How many of you think it is fine for someone else's son or daughter to die?
As only 105 of the US populace fought WII and even fewer fought the Civil War, I guess those wars were pretty suspect, too, eh?
I guess unless I’m willing to be a firefighter or police officer, I shouldn’t presume to sue their services?
However, if the firefighter/soldier/sailor/Marine isn’t willing to go to law school can they use a lawyer? And if they won’t be a fry cook, can they eat at McDonald’s? Or does this sort of “argumentation” only go one way?
How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?
Considering that we have an ALL VOLUNTEER military that is comprised of adult men and women who have free will and the ability to chose other career paths, I would say none of us.
There goes that short half-life for liberal memories again.
Actually thanks for this, it actually confirms my belief that many, if not a majority of the so called Bushitler slurs are uttered by righties. Nice own goal, as they say.
FYI The regular all volunteer services are being used, but many National Guard units are also over their for their third tour in 5 years. Those citizens expected to be called up in a war, but did not volunteer to be thrown away in a political gamesmanship to appear tough by dying in the Afghan nowhere for no reason forever.
g-m continued: "Actually thanks for this, it actually confirms my belief that many, if not a majority of the so called Bushitler slurs are uttered by righties. Nice own goal, as they say."
And here we have a fresh example of a half-brained liberal conclusion.
Here's a hint Sport: Lefites believe the Bushitler thing (see comment section from that link), righties make fun of it. But you keep tallyin' up that score Champ, you're doing great!
FYI The regular all volunteer services are being used, but many National Guard units are also over their for their third tour in 5 years. Those citizens expected to be called up in a war, but did not volunteer to be thrown away in a political gamesmanship to appear tough by dying in the Afghan nowhere for no reason forever.
Bullshit. Anyone who signed up for the National Guard after 9/12/2001 understands that there's a lot more to being in the Guard than showing up one weekend a month and a 2-week summer camp every year. They're not stupid.
Here's a hint Sport: Lefites believe the Bushitler thing (see comment section from that link), righties make fun of it. But you keep tallyin' up that score Champ, you're doing great!
So you give me page full of links that go to rightie blogs using Bushitler. Do you know what tallying means? Thanks for the laugh, again.
garage is a perfect example of why a good bike helmet will mitigate serious head injuries. And why doing drugs when you're young is a very bad thing....
Flexo - "There are some people who are always saying "So what? To hell with them. U.S. out of Afghanistan! "
And those people are right. The US can no longer economically afford to be the world's 9/11 service and nation-builder to win the hearts and minds of natives who hate us and have no intent of changing their barbaric ways.
We need to get out.
They gas girls and pull full-frontal Sharia? There are ways to make them leper nations like Israel, Somalia, and N Korea currently are.
Unless these barbaric shitholes directly threaten the United States and it's vital interests, stay clear. If they mess with us, bomb the hell out of them with our full power until adequate punishment is meted out - and leave not a cent for them to rebuild their rubbled buildings or a single wheatsack to feed "hungry women and children whose husband is off on Jihad".
If they mess with us again, blast the snot out of them again.
Yea, in my head trauma world, citing evidence that directly contradicts a point I was trying to make, is well, pretty fucking dumb.
garage, if you want to believe that it was the right who was calling Bush=Hitler for the 8 years of his tenure then by all means don't let me get in the way of your alternate universe creation.
I suppose if my party was polling a historic 10 points down from the GOP in Gallup I too would be trying to find some alternate universe to inhabit.
Maguro...Afghanistan has been a 9 year war. We are wearing out the regular military and the National Guard. The point is that volunteers will stop volunteering and that our armed forces will wither away unless we re-start a Draft Lottery. Draft has never worked out well in wars without a cogent reason and without a possibility for a victory. What do you recommend we do other than say gotcha to the National Guardsmen and their families.
garage, if you want to believe that it was the right who was calling Bush=Hitler for the 8 years of his tenure then by all means don't let me get in the way of your alternate universe creation.
No, if you had read, I asked why YOU guys keep calling him Bushitler. If I were trying to make the case that it was the left using the term though, I wouldn't link to right wing blogs using the term. You would think that would go without saying.
(the Crypto-Jew) Maguro...Afghanistan has been a 9 year war. We are wearing out the regular military and the National Guard. The point is that volunteers will stop volunteering and that our armed forces will wither away unless we re-start a Draft Lottery. Draft has never worked out well in wars without a cogent reason and without a possibility for a victory. What do you recommend we do other than say gotcha to the National Guardsmen and their families.
If you had some recruiting numbers to back that assertion up I might buy into it more. We need a draft, really Representative Rangel, shouldn’t be with your lawyer preparing your testimony for the Ethics Panel?
Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether. It is very politically convenient for the American establishment to be able to claim that the Taliban are resorting to attacks with chemical weapons on schoolgirls.
Are you honestly going to proclaim that the 'poison attack on schoolgirls' is nothing more than a US enabled propaganda tool? Well, then I guess Saddam sending Chemical Ali to gas Kurds was kabuki theater? Look, I understand not wanting to take things at face value, but the Taliban are nothing more than barbarians in night shirts. They need to be eradicated. Are you down for that or not?
Joe... I have a relationship with the Commanding officer of the 48th Infantry Brigade based in Macon Georgia that has now been activated for the last 5 years with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are wearing out the endurance of these men. If we love the American Military and the real men's men serving in the units, then we cannot continue to ignore these realities. Ask Ann Coulter if it is politically Conservative to keep ignoring these realities.
Who would you draft? All 18 year olds? All 19 year olds? All 20 year olds? What would you do when some of them said no? Would you draft women? If not, wouldn't that be unfair?
I look at your avatar and think, how the Armed Forces improved you! I bet you that you didn’t use the word “F#ck” nearly as much prior to being invited to serve as after and your world view, I can only imagine what it did to your world view…I bet you were happy before you were drafted….it made a man of you. If you’re a man, otherwise it made a womon of you…unless of course you reject the oppressive hetero-normal gender stereotypes, that place us in iron-bound heuristic categories!
Joe...What Ann Coulter and myself are pointing out lately is that we need to be loyal to our own citizen soldiers' situation more than we are loyal to the Northern Alliance's situation in Afghanistan. Continual war is not an answer. And pretending that we are winning something we can defend without a continual war in Afghanistan is not an answer.
"The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste."
Oh, gawd, really?
I thought the bit about everyone assuming that the sickness was mass hysteria (because girls have that don't ya' know) on account of harassment and acid attacks was particularly politically convenient. Didn't you?
Joe - "IF we come home and the Taliban come to power, they’re going to KILL those folks who helped us.
And then the next time the Taliban cause us trouble, there won’t be anyone for the Special Forces Troops to ally with, to defeat the Taliban"
We have no obligation give a lifetime of defense and help to one faction in a barbarous land that allied with us to kill a mutual enemy.
Nor will there ever be a lack of willingness by any tribal barbarian to cooperate with American agents who come in and say "We are here to help you kill your old enemy quick and easy and you barely have to lift a finger - because they attacked us in America - Just point at the best enemy shit shit you think we should blow up."
...the Taliban are nothing more than barbarians in night shirts. They need to be eradicated. Are you down for that or not?
It don't matter whether I am down for that or not.
I don't make the decisions about these things. Our professional leaders do, and they are supposed to have more information and more knowledge about the situation than folks like you and me.
Besides, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem to be particularly interested in eliminating the Taliban. Bush sent in far too few troops from the beginning, and the apparent (and politically helpful!) initial victories have been shown to be meaninglessly superficial. We've been losing and we continue to lose. Our defeat thus far has prompted Obama to send in more troops, but they are still far too few in number; I think traditionalguy's 600K is an appropriate ballpark figure for the number of troops we ought to commit if we actually want to succeed.
But Republicans and Democrats don't seem to want to succeed. Why not? Because it doesn't matter to them. For the American establishment, victory is defined as winning the next round of elections here in America. As far as they are concerned, the Afgans and our troops there can go ahead and die.
I had a job, apartment, car and a couple of girls I was dating. I lost it all, and had to start all over again once I got out. I don't think young people of this current generation would put up with it. Let alone their sissy-assed parents.
(the Crypto-Jew) Joe...What Ann Coulter and myself are pointing out lately is that we need to be loyal to our own citizen soldiers' situation more than we are loyal to the Northern Alliance's situation in Afghanistan. Continual war is not an answer. And pretending that we are winning something we can defend without a continual war in Afghanistan is not an answer.
And how are we NOT being true, Trad? I mean is or was the evilllll Booosh kidnapping the members of the GANG’s family’s, holding them hostage, forcing the GANG members to re-enlist, or have their daughters sold into chattel slavery as Republican “Hand Maidens?” You don’t want an all expense paid trip to Southwest Asia, for service in a reasonably rat-free camp, a chance to meet exotic people and kill them…just don’t sign the papers!
And the Taliban what did they do to us? Sure they trained 20,000 Al-Qaida “fighters” and provided the home port for Usama and the base for 9/11 but beyond that what? I think they’ve learned their lesson. They certainly are more modern, before they used stones and clubs on womyn they disagreed with. Now poison gas, I’m SURE that things will work out just peachy for all the folks of Afghanistan, Tel Aviv, New York and Boston if we just come home.
I look at your avatar and think, how the Armed Forces improved you!
Gee Joe. I look at the avatar and recognize that 1966 was quite some time ago and imagine that the years inbetween may have something to do with how Allen looks now.
I can only imagine what it did to your world view…
I imagine that imagining is all you CAN do. People who live in insular bubbles protected by those people that they find 'icky' and 'inbred' have the leisure time to imagine instead of living.
DustBunnyQueen: whose boyfriend/fiance was drafted and killed in 1968.
"Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether. It is very politically convenient for the American establishment to be able to claim that the Taliban are resorting to attacks with chemical weapons on schoolgirls."
Oh bull SHIT Julius.
I could poison gas people just as easy as poison gassing gophers, or termites, or fumigating nematodes. There's any number of additional things people combine by accident and poison gas themselves.
(the Crypto-Jew) I had a job, apartment, car and a couple of girls I was dating. I lost it all, and had to start all over again once I got out.
But you had a stylin’ hair-cut…a rock-hard physique…and the Hippy Chic’s must have thrown themselves at you. Plus don’t forget the GI Bill and the money that Uncle Sugar so generously gave you! You came out much the better I’m sure, and with a Marketable Job Skill…at a minimum the ability to kill people with the M-14, the M-79, the M-60 GPMG (My favourite implement of destruction) and a working knowledge of the M-18 Claymore. And that’s just assuming you were a Combat MOS…you might have learned Chartered Accountancy or something. And that’s’ almost completely ignoring the word “F#ck” which is an invaluable addition to any young man’s vocabulary.
(the Crypto-Jew) I DustBunnyQueen: whose boyfriend/fiance was drafted and killed in 1968..
My deepest condolences…
You know I could have served too, dearie…Certainly all my friends have humped a ruck for Uncle Sugar, some several times…in combat. So I think I might have some small glimpse of the cost of service to the US Armed Forces and its service members.
garage mahal tried: "So you give me page full of links that go to rightie blogs using Bushitler. Do you know what tallying means? Thanks for the laugh, again."
Here, since you didn't get it the first time even after you copied and pasted, read it again.
Slow down this time.
"Here's a hint Sport: Lefties believe the Bushitler thing (see comment section from that link), righties make fun of it. But you keep tallyin' up that score Champ, you're doing great!"
'You know I could have served too, dearie…Certainly all my friends have humped a ruck for Uncle Sugar, some several times…in combat. So I think I might have some small glimpse of the cost of service to the US Armed Forces and its service members.'
It don't matter whether I am down for that or not.
Actually it does. According to Libtard standards, you're not even allowed to talk about the war unless you've served in the military.
Cant have it both ways.
You know I could have served too, dearie… So I think I might have some small glimpse of the cost of service to the US Armed Forces and its service members.
How lame. You dont have the first clue what its like being in a victor unit on the FEBA.
And I know you. You're the guy at the bar state-side, telling any bimbo who will listen that you were Spec Ops.
If you want to understand why there will be no draft, read what Joe said in response to me and DBQ. Read it a couple of times. Read his responses over and over. Then you might understand why.
Here, since you didn't get it the first time even after you copied and pasted, read it again.
Dude, my point if you were not so goddam stubborn to realize is, that the right uses Bushitler way more than the left ever did. YOUR LINKS PROVE THAT. 3 dumbfucks in the comments at DU versus a page of links to righties using the term. It's classic right wing warfare. Construct humongous strawman and attack from it.
Everyone that disagrees with this strawman has a derangement symdrome!
"I don't like my phone tapped."
Yeah!? You mean you don't want to wiretap terrorists who behead people?????
(Yeah the Crypto Jew) Deborah Joe, you are one dumb fuck.
Well reasoned. I didn't realize that only fawning and syrupy "love and pathos" for the young men and womyn of our Armed Services were acceptable.
How lame. You dont have the first clue what its like being in a victor unit on the FEBA.
And I know you. You're the guy at the bar state-side, telling any bimbo who will listen that you were Spec Ops.
Go fuck yourself.
And what's your fucking problem ass-wipe!?!?! Did I ever claim to be a bad-ass Ranger like Miccah Wright or Jesse MacBeth?
So fuck want to be a professional victim/veteran?
If you served thank you for your service, but beyond that get off my ass!
I've never heard of a"Victor" unit, want to fill me in or was that when you were in SOG-V going "over the fence" and if you told me, you'd have to kill me and put my head in a safe?
Sorry I'm not buying "Broken Army/Broken Soldiers" mayhap that's HOW YOU relate but it ain't how I relate. They're all big girlz and boys, who know, by now-and if they don't they're too fucking stupid to live, then-what they are in for, when they sign on the dotted line and raise their right hands. And many of them have raised their right hands once or twice SINCE 2001. They have my RESPECT, not my PITY...
But if there is some confuion..GANG= Georgia (GA) National Guard...the 48th Brigade is the 48th GANG...not a reference to their socio-economic status.
Allan S...I understand you, and I agree that a draft is not going to work today. That means we have to retain our trained regular forces at re-enlistment year, or at the least convince them to stay on retirement pay track by committing to continue to serve in the combat units of the National Guard. The family men in the Guard require occasional years time off here in the USA. You ask too much. WW II men were in 3 1/2 years or less and many suffered terribly from that long a sacrifice. What the hell do we expect from men who know what we don't know which is that Afghanistan is a lost cause?
Garage: I think you would have to scan the zillions of comments in lefty blogs to fully comprehend the use of the bushitler moniker from the left. If you didn't notice it then, then good for you. If you think the right made it up you are mistaken. If you think the right over uses it now you are probably right, but they have adopted it as a bit of an ironic phraseology during the dark days of lefty ascendancy. Trust me on this, it was a very widely used phrase amongst the more juvenile and anti war bunch.
'Well reasoned. I didn't realize that only fawning and syrupy "love and pathos" for the young men and womyn of our Armed Services were acceptable.
One of my problems is that you would make a disparaging remark about a nice-looking guy like Allen. Here's a clue: looking good doesn't have to mean color-coordinating with your life partner.
Another problem is your blatant dissing of Allen's service. You 'could have' served. Yeah, baby.
Finally, I have a problem with people who spell women 'womyn.' WTF?
One of my problems is that you would make a disparaging remark about a nice-looking guy like Allen. Here's a clue: looking good doesn't have to mean color-coordinating with your life partner.
Another problem is your blatant dissing of Allen's service. You 'could have' served. Yeah, baby.
Did I blatantly "Diss" Allens'service, Debbie? Allen didn't get so angry, and it was his service.
You might want to investigate the idea of "tongue-in-cheek"...
And did you miss the portion where I EXPLICITLY THANKED ALLEN FOR HIS SERVICE?
So back off B!tch When I diss what you do, you can get all bent out of shape.
Honor, service, dedication. If only the fighting mattered anywhere near as much as giving people something to fight for. Unfortunately, only Dead Julius gets this little part (as shown @ 2:22). And of course, everyone predictably lambastes him for that.
If I was the left I wouldn't like to be reminded incessantly about BusHitler either.
If nothing else it sort of harshes the mellow when calm and reasonable voices try to gently chide us into being respectful to the office of the President of the United States.
Meanwhile, back in Afghanistan, Ritmo would like us to ignore the plight of girls and women on account of it might be used as a rally cry for war.
Silly girls! You must not be propaganda! If you can't live peacefully, have access to doctors and go to school, then please die quietly so it doesn't get anyone all worked up.
This has been going on for much longer than the morning you woke up and decided to blame terrorism, Islamic extremism, $1 trillion in missing funds to fight wars and be the world's policeman on the left, Synova.
But now you have something to care about. Bully for you. I'm glad.
Now go figure out how to finance it, how to measure success and how many years we have to remain invested in empty outposts until they are populated by feminists who just can't stand to find their way to a real city -- like all those prissy women.
You won't, of course. You just want something to fight for and your coddlers are more than happy to provide it to you.
But I'm sure flights to Afghanistan are still available for volunteers, Synova. If you want to be respected for lacking hypocrisy, I'd have no problem with you deciding to take one.
If you can't... have access to doctors... then please die quietly so it doesn't get anyone all worked up.
How about access to emergency rooms as makeshift primary care centers? Would that count, Synova? How about homegrown ways of removing salmonella from the eggs? How about bankruptcy (or, of course, death) for getting the unprofitable medical condition?
g-m tried this one: "Dude, my point if you were not so goddam stubborn to realize is, that the right uses Bushitler way more than the left ever did."
Dude, it was my point and you completely fucking missed it in your effort to hijack it.
As I and a few others have also pointed out to you a few times - the right does it sarcastically, satirically, ironically, facetiously, and any other term that denotes a lack of sincerity. The left, like the fucking clowns at the bottom of what I cited, fucking believes the Bushitler meme.
And spare your bullshit strawman projection, you lefties have the market cornered on that.
Why some people here can stomach you is beyond me.
Ritmo: But I'm sure flights to Afghanistan are still available for volunteers, Synova. If you want to be respected for lacking hypocrisy, I'd have no problem with you deciding to take one.
No Libtard. If you're going to employ the chickenhawk fallacy, then you have to abide by your own standard - anyone who hasn't served cant have an opinion on the war. So STFU little keyboard commando.
For people who are too ignorant of English to know the meaning of the word "volunteer", I've put together this nice little civilian shortcut.
Of course, when burgeoning young homosexuals like "Fen" arrive in Kabul, who knows what they would do to him? They might cut off his little dicky wicky. Awwww....
Ritmo seems to be unaware and uncaring that women in Afghanistan under the Taliban were prohibited from education and also prohibited from seeing male doctors or nurses. Please explain how one gets a female doctor or nurse or even rudimentary pre-natal care when women can't be trained to provide these services. Oh wait... quaint brown people have native medicine and old ladies to birth babies, so that's all ethnic and shit and thus even *better* than what we do.
Comparing access for women to medicine in Afghanistan to the "horror" of American health care is not just hypocritical but obscene.
"This has been going on for much longer than the morning you woke up and decided to blame terrorism, Islamic extremism, $1 trillion in missing funds to fight wars and be the world's policeman on the left, Synova.'
And prior to 9-11 it was a rally cry for liberals and feminists across the world.
Funny how that works.
The horrors of life for women in Afghanistan were a great feminist cause and we were supposed to do something about it. Back then, before our distasteful military involvement and the influx of aid workers, the horror stories weren't seen as propaganda but a call to action, a call to social justice and human dignity.
So what happened Ritmo? Why was it, back then, a story about some poor woman jumping from her upper story apartment window and smashing herself to death on the sidewalk below was a *legitimate* news item to raise awareness in us about how soul killing the rules restricting women were in that country? Barred from school and education, from any sort of outside work or even from leaving a small apartment without the escort of a male family member was something we were supposed to care deeply about.
Now, on the other hand, news reports about the oppression of girls and the continuing attitudes that could well remove the right to education for them once again are seen as manipulative efforts rather than important awareness raising efforts?
A cynical person would conclude that the value of soccer stadium executions was to infuse a sense of purpose and worth to the liberal and feminist activists. It had value to them for this oppression and horror to continue because they'd continue to have purpose and self-value as they demonstrated their caring in a non-hypocritical way of doing jack shit about it.
If you want hypocrisy, Ritmo, you've got it right there. Calls to action and self-serving righteousness that lasts just so long as no one is doing anything about it.
The count is 2-2. Synova at bat. RitmoLibtard winds up and tosses a curveball to the inside. Synova swings...
A cynical person would conclude that the value of soccer stadium executions was to infuse a sense of purpose and worth to the liberal and feminist activists. It had value to them for this oppression and horror to continue because they'd continue to have purpose and self-value as they demonstrated their caring in a non-hypocritical way of doing jack shit about it.
Deep long drive to center field! Its going! Its going! Its GONE! Synova nails one out of the park.
Here's your ready-made society to reform, Synova. Maybe something Fin can even relate to.
Western forces fighting in southern Afghanistan had a problem. Too often, soldiers on patrol passed an older man walking hand-in-hand with a pretty young boy. Their behavior suggested he was not the boy's father. Then, British soldiers found that young Afghan men were actually trying to "touch and fondle them," military investigator AnnaMaria Cardinalli told me. "The soldiers didn't understand."
All of this was so disconcerting that the Defense Department hired Cardinalli, a social scientist, to examine this mystery. Her report, "Pashtun Sexuality," startled not even one Afghan. But Western forces were shocked - and repulsed. For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it. "Having a boy has become a custom for us," Enayatullah, a 42-year-old in Baghlan province, told a Reuters reporter. "Whoever wants to show off should have a boy."
...As for Karzai, an American who worked in and around his palace in an official capacity for many months told me that homosexual behavior "was rampant" among "soldiers and guys on the security detail. They talked about boys all the time." He added, "I didn't see Karzai with anyone. He was in his palace most of the time." He, too, declined to be identified.
In Kandahar, population about 500,000, and other towns, dance parties are a popular, often weekly, pastime. Young boys dress up as girls, wearing makeup and bells on their feet, and dance for a dozen or more leering middle-aged men who throw money at them and then take them home. A recent State Department report called "dancing boys" a "widespread, culturally sanctioned form of male rape."
Some people learn after 9 years and some don't. Let me know how much progress you're willing to make on the little boys after you've somehow educated all the poor little girls.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Is it hypocrisy that's preventing you from getting on that plane to Kabul or do you lose something when going from going from armchair activism to the real thing? How educated were you an Afghan culture and society to begin with?
Do let me know, Synova. There's a whole country just crying out for... YOU!
Armchair activist. The situation in South Asia is making the arms on your armchair a little less comfortable. How horrifying.
I love a hearing a woman uneducated on the first thing when it comes to knowledge of a country crying out about how unjust it is that the women there are uneducated.
Educate thyself first, O Armchair Activist. Or replace the fabric on your Lazy-Boy.
How obvious is it that Synova would never actually go to Afghanistan, and instead just goad others into doing the never-ending dirty work for her?
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Good thing John Kerry is talking to these people...
These are the "moderate" Taliban, they are only using pesticides, the "Radical" Taliban would ahve used VX.
That's the Mohammedan Men's Club in action. Sharia is the choice we are given by the Saudi sponsored Wahabbi Mosques everywhere. American women had better chose a side in that fight while the are still legal persons.
If the Taliban wins, the concentration camps will be filled with literate Afghan women. Gendercide will become a reality.
Julian Assange has assured us that any Afghan who opposes the Taliban (or who the Taliban just don't much like) is guilty of treason, so we have to accept this. The Taliban are just "crushing bastards".
I wonder if we could get Maureen Dowd sent to Afghanistan on assignment for 6 months, wear a burka and report back on how tolerance has changed Islam.
How unPC of you to point out the cultural differences between us and the Taliban. Don't you know that all cultures are equal? Besides, if western feminists aren't decrying Taliban atrocities against Moslem women and girls, what right do we have to point out their barbarity?
"There are some people who are always intimidating girls from going to school."
There are some people who are always saying "So what? To hell with them. U.S. out of Afghanistan! Bring the troops home! Not in my name! No blood for oil!"
GAWD dammit.
This is exactly the type of story that someone who is on the Pentagon or CIA payroll would want published.
Rod Nordland admits that there is no certainty to his assertion about the gas attacks:
How the gas was delivered — and even whether the poisonings were deliberate — remained a mystery, the officials stressed.
...but he asserts it anyway, and the reader is left with a heartbreaking emotional reaction that leads to increased political support for the war in Afghanistan.
The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste.
Attacks on schools in Afghanistan, particularly girls’ schools, have been rife in recent years, with most of them carried out by insurgents. A spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Gul Agha Ahmadi, said 60 schools had been burned down or destroyed so far this year. Cases where acid is thrown on girl students take place frequently in the south, and occasionally even in Kabul.
I blame Bush.
Dead Julius-
Obviously 60 schools being burnt to the ground-all girl schools-and acid being thrown in the faces of school girls....makes you want to spin that-how exactly?
We cannot fool Dead Julius anymore. All our CIA secret secrets seem to be open to his gift of discernment.
Twenty-one American troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Friday in one of the bloodiest periods of the summer.
Ya let me do my best Dead Julius/Liberal Wanker/Frank Rich imitation-
If Bush hadn't of built all those schools with our tax dollars than those girls would be safe at home...
But now their being forced to go to school and are being used as human shields for the legitimate target-our war mongering troops. Make that Bush's warmongering troops, because no Democrat politician I know actually supports the war anymore.
Obama you say?
Listen Obama's support has been negligible to the point that all the decent Euros saw that he was giving them a graceful exit point, which will give us more of an excuse to leave. Besides, Obama is just "cleaning up".
Obama's heart really isn't in it-because it wasn't his idea.
This is what Bush called the religion of peace?
Twenty-one American troops have been killed in Afghanistan since Friday in one of the bloodiest periods of the summer.
One of them was from Sauk Prarie, just up the road from Madison.
The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste.
How unfortunate that the truth might be convenient to the other side. Do you really think this doesn't take place?
The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste.
Well, Dead Julius, I suggest you go and sit in the school with the girls for a few months and see what is just what. Better yet. Go undercover and wear a burka and get a real taste of political convenience.
Report back to us once you get your head out of your ass.
Obviously 60 schools being burnt to the ground-all girl schools-and acid being thrown in the faces of school girls....makes you want to spin that-how exactly?
Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether. It is very politically convenient for the American establishment to be able to claim that the Taliban are resorting to attacks with chemical weapons on schoolgirls.
This is what Bush called the religion of peace?
Yep. It's also the same one whose call to prayer was what Obama called the sweetest sound on earth.
Don't understand all the Islam outreach from the last administration. Oh well.
This is not an approved part of "Three Cups of Tea."
I guess we should run away like little girls and leave little girls to face the return of the Taliban.
Becuase nothing confirms you are a real man than being intimidated by a girl who can read.
"This is what Bush called the religion of peace?"
Yep, and of course Chimpy McBushitler was wrong about everything wasn't he?
DJ said: "Those are things that any bad person can pull off."
Odd how it seems to be mainly the Islamic types doing it as of late though isn't it?
Apparently the shooting gallery in the Afghan Mountain valleys is now filling with Obama's surge of new human targets in the valleys just in time for the attack by Taliban Raiders who need more training on their ambushes and sniping skills down into ambushed and IED'd human targets. What is it that we wanted to win there again? We need permanent troops on the Mountains as well as in the valleys, or we lose. Putting 30,000 more men into the valleys for 12 months is egregious stupidity. We need 600,000 more men over there permanently, or we need to withdraw to a better terrain.
Neverr got why you guys always call Bush McBushitler.
Something tells me that Obama's rules of engagement is going to get a lot more of our boys killed.
Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether.
Given that acid attacks are an old and settled tactic around there, what's so "different" about poisons?
See, if the Taliban were noted for their restraint and human decency in their murderous intimidation tactics, one might say that poison gas was out of character and thus worth being skeptical about.
But they aren't, so the sudden skepticism that they'd use poison, as opposed to acid, fire, and bullets... it doesn't make a lot of sense.
How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?
How many of you think it is fine for someone else's son or daughter to die?
It's those damned Mormons named Ahmed again.
Imagine if they were Mormons....the horror....
wow Pogo...
(the Crypto-Jew)
I'm suspicious of these "poison gas" reports, too. After all, the Taliban were always a supportive, community-oriented, kite-flying people…just because they execute people, and throw acid in the face of young girls, or beat their mothers, I mean who could IMAGINE that they’d use harsher methods?
Or Julius, you’re ok with retail mayhem, a fist here, a bullet there, some acid in the face some other place, but to use poison gas, well hey ho that’s just out of bounds?!?!
WV; "butfor" but for the likes of the ACLU and John Edwards and Markos Moulitsas, we'd have the Amrican Taliban here.
"How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?"
I thought we only had adult volunteers in the armed service?
So are parents actually sending 10-year old girls to the Army against their will?
How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?
Specifically, what is the problem?
This is a big part of the war we fight. If you don't do it their way, you die.
Islam is in bad need of a Reformation and only the Lefties, cowering in their dhimmitude, object to the idea.
WV "metabus" What happens when you don't look before crossing the street in center city Philadelphia.
It's those damned Mormons named Ahmed again.
Wonder what religion the mosque fire-bombers in TN were. They don't seem very reasonable.
(the Crypto-Jew)
How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?
How many of you think it is fine for someone else's son or daughter to die?
As only 105 of the US populace fought WII and even fewer fought the Civil War, I guess those wars were pretty suspect, too, eh?
I guess unless I’m willing to be a firefighter or police officer, I shouldn’t presume to sue their services?
However, if the firefighter/soldier/sailor/Marine isn’t willing to go to law school can they use a lawyer? And if they won’t be a fry cook, can they eat at McDonald’s? Or does this sort of “argumentation” only go one way?
Reasonable firebombers will wait until the establishment is empty before burning it to the ground.
"Wonder what religion the mosque fire-bombers in TN were. "
I am learning that violence in the name of religion garners quite a lot of respect and fear from the left.
Playing tit for tat with Muslims should be on the PC Full Support list.
that shuold read:
As only 10% of the US populace fought WII and even fewer fought the Civil War, I guess those wars were pretty suspect, too, eh?
Again Dead Julius-the commonality that you cannot spin is that-
it's only happening at girl's schools.
If you want to say it's an "accident"-then you have a lot more to explain.
Accidents have this inconvenient way of being more-random.
g-m forgot: "Neverr got why you guys always call Bush McBushitler."
There goes that short half-life for liberal memories again.
How many of you will send your sons and daughters to die in order to fix the problem?
Considering that we have an ALL VOLUNTEER military that is comprised of adult men and women who have free will and the ability to chose other career paths, I would say none of us.
There goes that short half-life for liberal memories again.
Actually thanks for this, it actually confirms my belief that many, if not a majority of the so called Bushitler slurs are uttered by righties. Nice own goal, as they say.
FYI The regular all volunteer services are being used, but many National Guard units are also over their for their third tour in 5 years. Those citizens expected to be called up in a war, but did not volunteer to be thrown away in a political gamesmanship to appear tough by dying in the Afghan nowhere for no reason forever.
Poison gas?
Mebbe them Taliban types could get ahold of some Zyklon B.
g-m continued: "Actually thanks for this, it actually confirms my belief that many, if not a majority of the so called Bushitler slurs are uttered by righties. Nice own goal, as they say."
And here we have a fresh example of a half-brained liberal conclusion.
Here's a hint Sport: Lefites believe the Bushitler thing (see comment section from that link), righties make fun of it. But you keep tallyin' up that score Champ, you're doing great!
FYI The regular all volunteer services are being used, but many National Guard units are also over their for their third tour in 5 years. Those citizens expected to be called up in a war, but did not volunteer to be thrown away in a political gamesmanship to appear tough by dying in the Afghan nowhere for no reason forever.
Bullshit. Anyone who signed up for the National Guard after 9/12/2001 understands that there's a lot more to being in the Guard than showing up one weekend a month and a 2-week summer camp every year. They're not stupid.
Here's a hint Sport: Lefites believe the Bushitler thing (see comment section from that link), righties make fun of it. But you keep tallyin' up that score Champ, you're doing great!
So you give me page full of links that go to rightie blogs using Bushitler. Do you know what tallying means? Thanks for the laugh, again.
garage is a perfect example of why a good bike helmet will mitigate serious head injuries.
garage is a perfect example of why a good bike helmet will mitigate serious head injuries.
And why doing drugs when you're young is a very bad thing....
Flexo - "There are some people who are always saying "So what? To hell with them. U.S. out of Afghanistan! "
And those people are right. The US can no longer economically afford to be the world's 9/11 service and nation-builder to win the hearts and minds of natives who hate us and have no intent of changing their barbaric ways.
We need to get out.
They gas girls and pull full-frontal Sharia? There are ways to make them leper nations like Israel, Somalia, and N Korea currently are.
Unless these barbaric shitholes directly threaten the United States and it's vital interests, stay clear.
If they mess with us, bomb the hell out of them with our full power until adequate punishment is meted out - and leave not a cent for them to rebuild their rubbled buildings or a single wheatsack to feed "hungry women and children whose husband is off on Jihad".
If they mess with us again, blast the snot out of them again.
Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether.
You can make poison gas by mixing ammonia and bleach. It isn't in "a different category altogether".
Well, different category as in 'Lethal, non-solid, non-explosive'.
garage is a perfect example of why a good bike helmet will mitigate serious head injuries.
Yea, in my head trauma world, citing evidence that directly contradicts a point I was trying to make, is well, pretty fucking dumb.
Yea, in my head trauma world, citing evidence that directly contradicts a point I was trying to make, is well, pretty fucking dumb.
garage, if you want to believe that it was the right who was calling Bush=Hitler for the 8 years of his tenure then by all means don't let me get in the way of your alternate universe creation.
I suppose if my party was polling a historic 10 points down from the GOP in Gallup I too would be trying to find some alternate universe to inhabit.
Maguro...Afghanistan has been a 9 year war. We are wearing out the regular military and the National Guard. The point is that volunteers will stop volunteering and that our armed forces will wither away unless we re-start a Draft Lottery. Draft has never worked out well in wars without a cogent reason and without a possibility for a victory. What do you recommend we do other than say gotcha to the National Guardsmen and their families.
garage, if you want to believe that it was the right who was calling Bush=Hitler for the 8 years of his tenure then by all means don't let me get in the way of your alternate universe creation.
No, if you had read, I asked why YOU guys keep calling him Bushitler. If I were trying to make the case that it was the left using the term though, I wouldn't link to right wing blogs using the term. You would think that would go without saying.
(the Crypto-Jew)
Maguro...Afghanistan has been a 9 year war. We are wearing out the regular military and the National Guard. The point is that volunteers will stop volunteering and that our armed forces will wither away unless we re-start a Draft Lottery. Draft has never worked out well in wars without a cogent reason and without a possibility for a victory. What do you recommend we do other than say gotcha to the National Guardsmen and their families.
If you had some recruiting numbers to back that assertion up I might buy into it more. We need a draft, really Representative Rangel, shouldn’t be with your lawyer preparing your testimony for the Ethics Panel?
People do it because it's a joke. A joke on the left, who called Bush those names. You know that. You're not foolin me.
No, if you had read, I asked why YOU guys keep calling him Bushitler.
Here I'll try and explain.
par·o·dy /ˈpærÉ™di/ Show Spelled [par-uh-dee] Show IPA noun, plural -dies, verb, -died, -dy·ing. –noun
1. a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
2. the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.
3. a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.
4. any humorous, satirical, or burlesque imitation, as of a person, event, etc.
5. the use in the 16th century of borrowed material in a musical setting of the Mass (parody Mass).
6. a poor or feeble imitation or semblance; travesty:
We don't need a draft. Period. End of Story. There are enough volunteers.
Hey AlphaLiar, et. al., want to tell me again about how you are going to defend the religion of peace?
Dead Julius said...
Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether. It is very politically convenient for the American establishment to be able to claim that the Taliban are resorting to attacks with chemical weapons on schoolgirls.
Are you honestly going to proclaim that the 'poison attack on schoolgirls' is nothing more than a US enabled propaganda tool? Well, then I guess Saddam sending Chemical Ali to gas Kurds was kabuki theater? Look, I understand not wanting to take things at face value, but the Taliban are nothing more than barbarians in night shirts. They need to be eradicated. Are you down for that or not?
Joe... I have a relationship with the Commanding officer of the 48th Infantry Brigade based in Macon Georgia that has now been activated for the last 5 years with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are wearing out the endurance of these men. If we love the American Military and the real men's men serving in the units, then we cannot continue to ignore these realities. Ask Ann Coulter if it is politically Conservative to keep ignoring these realities.
(the Crypto-Jew)
Well Trad, all those poor, put-upon national Guardspersons, can NOT RE-UP if they are so hard-pressed....
And when they do, in sufficient numbers, get back to me.
(the Crypto-Jew)
And Cedarford we didn’t whack the snot out of them…we backed the Northern Alliance and bought the alliance of various tribal leaders.
IF we come home and the Taliban come to power, they’re going to KILL those folks who helped us.
And then the next time the Taliban cause us trouble, there won’t be anyone for the Special Forces Troops to ally with, to defeat the Taliban.
It wasn’t firepower, alone that defeated the Taliban. We could have bombed them for a decade to no avail.
Who would you draft? All 18 year olds? All 19 year olds? All 20 year olds? What would you do when some of them said no? Would you draft women? If not, wouldn't that be unfair?
AllenS--1966 draftee.
(the Crypto-Jew)
AllenS--1966 draftee.
I look at your avatar and think, how the Armed Forces improved you! I bet you that you didn’t use the word “F#ck” nearly as much prior to being invited to serve as after and your world view, I can only imagine what it did to your world view…I bet you were happy before you were drafted….it made a man of you. If you’re a man, otherwise it made a womon of you…unless of course you reject the oppressive hetero-normal gender stereotypes, that place us in iron-bound heuristic categories!
"War Is Not The Answer"
Fairy dust is the answer. Fairy dust and unicorn farts.
Joe...What Ann Coulter and myself are pointing out lately is that we need to be loyal to our own citizen soldiers' situation more than we are loyal to the Northern Alliance's situation in Afghanistan. Continual war is not an answer. And pretending that we are winning something we can defend without a continual war in Afghanistan is not an answer.
"The piece seems a little too politically convenient for my taste."
Oh, gawd, really?
I thought the bit about everyone assuming that the sickness was mass hysteria (because girls have that don't ya' know) on account of harassment and acid attacks was particularly politically convenient. Didn't you?
Joe - "IF we come home and the Taliban come to power, they’re going to KILL those folks who helped us.
And then the next time the Taliban cause us trouble, there won’t be anyone for the Special Forces Troops to ally with, to defeat the Taliban"
We have no obligation give a lifetime of defense and help to one faction in a barbarous land that allied with us to kill a mutual enemy.
Nor will there ever be a lack of willingness by any tribal barbarian to cooperate with American agents who come in and say "We are here to help you kill your old enemy quick and easy and you barely have to lift a finger - because they attacked us in America - Just point at the best enemy shit shit you think we should blow up."
...the Taliban are nothing more than barbarians in night shirts. They need to be eradicated. Are you down for that or not?
It don't matter whether I am down for that or not.
I don't make the decisions about these things. Our professional leaders do, and they are supposed to have more information and more knowledge about the situation than folks like you and me.
Besides, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats seem to be particularly interested in eliminating the Taliban. Bush sent in far too few troops from the beginning, and the apparent (and politically helpful!) initial victories have been shown to be meaninglessly superficial. We've been losing and we continue to lose. Our defeat thus far has prompted Obama to send in more troops, but they are still far too few in number; I think traditionalguy's 600K is an appropriate ballpark figure for the number of troops we ought to commit if we actually want to succeed.
But Republicans and Democrats don't seem to want to succeed. Why not? Because it doesn't matter to them. For the American establishment, victory is defined as winning the next round of elections here in America. As far as they are concerned, the Afgans and our troops there can go ahead and die.
I had a job, apartment, car and a couple of girls I was dating. I lost it all, and had to start all over again once I got out. I don't think young people of this current generation would put up with it. Let alone their sissy-assed parents.
I forgot to use the word, fuck.
"So are parents actually sending 10-year old girls to the Army against their will?"
Just 10 year old girls who want to go to school.
But they're "over there" and quaintly "other."
(the Crypto-Jew)
Joe...What Ann Coulter and myself are pointing out lately is that we need to be loyal to our own citizen soldiers' situation more than we are loyal to the Northern Alliance's situation in Afghanistan. Continual war is not an answer. And pretending that we are winning something we can defend without a continual war in Afghanistan is not an answer.
And how are we NOT being true, Trad? I mean is or was the evilllll Booosh kidnapping the members of the GANG’s family’s, holding them hostage, forcing the GANG members to re-enlist, or have their daughters sold into chattel slavery as Republican “Hand Maidens?” You don’t want an all expense paid trip to Southwest Asia, for service in a reasonably rat-free camp, a chance to meet exotic people and kill them…just don’t sign the papers!
And the Taliban what did they do to us? Sure they trained 20,000 Al-Qaida “fighters” and provided the home port for Usama and the base for 9/11 but beyond that what? I think they’ve learned their lesson. They certainly are more modern, before they used stones and clubs on womyn they disagreed with. Now poison gas, I’m SURE that things will work out just peachy for all the folks of Afghanistan, Tel Aviv, New York and Boston if we just come home.
I look at your avatar and think, how the Armed Forces improved you!
Gee Joe. I look at the avatar and recognize that 1966 was quite some time ago and imagine that the years inbetween may have something to do with how Allen looks now.
I can only imagine what it did to your world view…
I imagine that imagining is all you CAN do. People who live in insular bubbles protected by those people that they find 'icky' and 'inbred' have the leisure time to imagine instead of living.
DustBunnyQueen: whose boyfriend/fiance was drafted and killed in 1968.
I'm so sorry to hear that, DBQ. I left in June of 1968.
"Those are things that any bad person can pull off. Poison gas is chemical warfare-- a different category altogether. It is very politically convenient for the American establishment to be able to claim that the Taliban are resorting to attacks with chemical weapons on schoolgirls."
Oh bull SHIT Julius.
I could poison gas people just as easy as poison gassing gophers, or termites, or fumigating nematodes. There's any number of additional things people combine by accident and poison gas themselves.
(the Crypto-Jew)
I had a job, apartment, car and a couple of girls I was dating. I lost it all, and had to start all over again once I got out.
But you had a stylin’ hair-cut…a rock-hard physique…and the Hippy Chic’s must have thrown themselves at you. Plus don’t forget the GI Bill and the money that Uncle Sugar so generously gave you! You came out much the better I’m sure, and with a Marketable Job Skill…at a minimum the ability to kill people with the M-14, the M-79, the M-60 GPMG (My favourite implement of destruction) and a working knowledge of the M-18 Claymore. And that’s just assuming you were a Combat MOS…you might have learned Chartered Accountancy or something. And that’s’ almost completely ignoring the word “F#ck” which is an invaluable addition to any young man’s vocabulary.
S'ok. Several lifetimes ago it seems.
Also the reason I have no patience for anti-war bleeding heart ignorant self centered protestors then and NOW.
(the Crypto-Jew)
I DustBunnyQueen: whose boyfriend/fiance was drafted and killed in 1968..
My deepest condolences…
You know I could have served too, dearie…Certainly all my friends have humped a ruck for Uncle Sugar, some several times…in combat. So I think I might have some small glimpse of the cost of service to the US Armed Forces and its service members.
Shove it up your ass, Joe.
In my toungue-in-cheek comments I did forget to add, an honest and heart-felt, "Thank you for your service to our country."
Whether you were a LRRP or a REMF, thank you for serving.
Shouldn't that be my "F#cking @ss?"
Poison gas? The TallyBan have the ability to manage, and dispense poison gas. I hope not.
I dunno. Something here doesn't seem quite right. I think the report is suspect.
wv = doccin - "We be doccin the girls school"
The TallyBan have the ability to manage, and dispense poison gas.
The wasp spray I buy at True Value Hardware is poison gas.
Amonia and bleach combined makes poison gas.
This isn't rocket science.
However, spelling ammonia correctly seems to be pretty difficult.
This is a classic rejoinder as to why COEXIST bumper sticker owners should reeducate themselves.
garage mahal tried: "So you give me page full of links that go to rightie blogs using Bushitler. Do you know what tallying means? Thanks for the laugh, again."
Here, since you didn't get it the first time even after you copied and pasted, read it again.
Slow down this time.
"Here's a hint Sport: Lefties believe the Bushitler thing (see comment section from that link), righties make fun of it. But you keep tallyin' up that score Champ, you're doing great!"
Dead Julius said,
"I don't make the decisions about these things.".
And we are very thankful you don't given your viewpoint.
'You know I could have served too, dearie…Certainly all my friends have humped a ruck for Uncle Sugar, some several times…in combat. So I think I might have some small glimpse of the cost of service to the US Armed Forces and its service members.'
Joe, you are one dumb fuck.
It don't matter whether I am down for that or not.
Actually it does. According to Libtard standards, you're not even allowed to talk about the war unless you've served in the military.
Cant have it both ways.
You know I could have served too, dearie… So I think I might have some small glimpse of the cost of service to the US Armed Forces and its service members.
How lame. You dont have the first clue what its like being in a victor unit on the FEBA.
And I know you. You're the guy at the bar state-side, telling any bimbo who will listen that you were Spec Ops.
Go fuck yourself.
If you want to understand why there will be no draft, read what Joe said in response to me and DBQ. Read it a couple of times. Read his responses over and over. Then you might understand why.
Here, since you didn't get it the first time even after you copied and pasted, read it again.
Dude, my point if you were not so goddam stubborn to realize is, that the right uses Bushitler way more than the left ever did. YOUR LINKS PROVE THAT. 3 dumbfucks in the comments at DU versus a page of links to righties using the term. It's classic right wing warfare. Construct humongous strawman and attack from it.
Everyone that disagrees with this strawman has a derangement symdrome!
"I don't like my phone tapped."
Yeah!? You mean you don't want to wiretap terrorists who behead people?????
(Yeah the Crypto Jew)
Joe, you are one dumb fuck.
Well reasoned. I didn't realize that only fawning and syrupy "love and pathos" for the young men and womyn of our Armed Services were acceptable.
How lame. You dont have the first clue what its like being in a victor unit on the FEBA.
And I know you. You're the guy at the bar state-side, telling any bimbo who will listen that you were Spec Ops.
Go fuck yourself.
And what's your fucking problem ass-wipe!?!?! Did I ever claim to be a bad-ass Ranger like Miccah Wright or Jesse MacBeth?
So fuck want to be a professional victim/veteran?
If you served thank you for your service, but beyond that get off my ass!
I've never heard of a"Victor" unit, want to fill me in or was that when you were in SOG-V going "over the fence" and if you told me, you'd have to kill me and put my head in a safe?
Sorry I'm not buying "Broken Army/Broken Soldiers" mayhap that's HOW YOU relate but it ain't how I relate. They're all big girlz and boys, who know, by now-and if they don't they're too fucking stupid to live, then-what they are in for, when they sign on the dotted line and raise their right hands. And many of them have raised their right hands once or twice SINCE 2001. They have my RESPECT, not my PITY...
But if there is some confuion..GANG= Georgia (GA) National Guard...the 48th Brigade is the 48th GANG...not a reference to their socio-economic status.
Allan S...I understand you, and I agree that a draft is not going to work today. That means we have to retain our trained regular forces at re-enlistment year, or at the least convince them to stay on retirement pay track by committing to continue to serve in the combat units of the National Guard. The family men in the Guard require occasional years time off here in the USA. You ask too much. WW II men were in 3 1/2 years or less and many suffered terribly from that long a sacrifice. What the hell do we expect from men who know what we don't know which is that Afghanistan is a lost cause?
Garage: I think you would have to scan the zillions of comments in lefty blogs to fully comprehend the use of the bushitler moniker from the left. If you didn't notice it then, then good for you. If you think the right made it up you are mistaken. If you think the right over uses it now you are probably right, but they have adopted it as a bit of an ironic phraseology during the dark days of lefty ascendancy. Trust me on this, it was a very widely used phrase amongst the more juvenile and anti war bunch.
Like you care.
'Well reasoned. I didn't realize that only fawning and syrupy "love and pathos" for the young men and womyn of our Armed Services were acceptable.
One of my problems is that you would make a disparaging remark about a nice-looking guy like Allen. Here's a clue: looking good doesn't have to mean color-coordinating with your life partner.
Another problem is your blatant dissing of Allen's service. You 'could have' served. Yeah, baby.
Finally, I have a problem with people who spell women 'womyn.' WTF?
One of my problems is that you would make a disparaging remark about a nice-looking guy like Allen. Here's a clue: looking good doesn't have to mean color-coordinating with your life partner.
Another problem is your blatant dissing of Allen's service. You 'could have' served. Yeah, baby.
Did I blatantly "Diss" Allens'service, Debbie?
Allen didn't get so angry, and it was his service.
You might want to investigate the idea of "tongue-in-cheek"...
And did you miss the portion where I EXPLICITLY THANKED ALLEN FOR HIS SERVICE?
So back off B!tch When I diss what you do, you can get all bent out of shape.
Honor, service, dedication. If only the fighting mattered anywhere near as much as giving people something to fight for. Unfortunately, only Dead Julius gets this little part (as shown @ 2:22). And of course, everyone predictably lambastes him for that.
If I was the left I wouldn't like to be reminded incessantly about BusHitler either.
If nothing else it sort of harshes the mellow when calm and reasonable voices try to gently chide us into being respectful to the office of the President of the United States.
Meanwhile, back in Afghanistan, Ritmo would like us to ignore the plight of girls and women on account of it might be used as a rally cry for war.
Silly girls! You must not be propaganda! If you can't live peacefully, have access to doctors and go to school, then please die quietly so it doesn't get anyone all worked up.
Thank you.
'You might want to investigate the idea of "tongue-in-cheek"...'
Right, tongue-in-cheek. You were going for the jugular. And then, 'I thank you for your service.' Smarmy jerk.
This has been going on for much longer than the morning you woke up and decided to blame terrorism, Islamic extremism, $1 trillion in missing funds to fight wars and be the world's policeman on the left, Synova.
But now you have something to care about. Bully for you. I'm glad.
Now go figure out how to finance it, how to measure success and how many years we have to remain invested in empty outposts until they are populated by feminists who just can't stand to find their way to a real city -- like all those prissy women.
You won't, of course. You just want something to fight for and your coddlers are more than happy to provide it to you.
But I'm sure flights to Afghanistan are still available for volunteers, Synova. If you want to be respected for lacking hypocrisy, I'd have no problem with you deciding to take one.
If you can't... have access to doctors... then please die quietly so it doesn't get anyone all worked up.
How about access to emergency rooms as makeshift primary care centers? Would that count, Synova? How about homegrown ways of removing salmonella from the eggs? How about bankruptcy (or, of course, death) for getting the unprofitable medical condition?
Hahahahaaha.. Hahahahha...
How about access to emergency rooms as makeshift primary care centers?
Yep, Michelle Obama recommends this method. Good call.
g-m tried this one: "Dude, my point if you were not so goddam stubborn to realize is, that the right uses Bushitler way more than the left ever did."
Dude, it was my point and you completely fucking missed it in your effort to hijack it.
As I and a few others have also pointed out to you a few times - the right does it sarcastically, satirically, ironically, facetiously, and any other term that denotes a lack of sincerity. The left, like the fucking clowns at the bottom of what I cited, fucking believes the Bushitler meme.
And spare your bullshit strawman projection, you lefties have the market cornered on that.
Why some people here can stomach you is beyond me.
What elected office does Michelle Obama hold, Magoo Ro? The same one that W. held?
Good call. Almost.
Ritmo: But I'm sure flights to Afghanistan are still available for volunteers, Synova. If you want to be respected for lacking hypocrisy, I'd have no problem with you deciding to take one.
No Libtard. If you're going to employ the chickenhawk fallacy, then you have to abide by your own standard - anyone who hasn't served cant have an opinion on the war. So STFU little keyboard commando.
For people who are too ignorant of English to know the meaning of the word "volunteer", I've put together this nice little civilian shortcut.
Of course, when burgeoning young homosexuals like "Fen" arrive in Kabul, who knows what they would do to him? They might cut off his little dicky wicky. Awwww....
This is what Bush called the religion of peace?
Uh huh. Nobody believed it then, either.
Ritmo seems to be unaware and uncaring that women in Afghanistan under the Taliban were prohibited from education and also prohibited from seeing male doctors or nurses. Please explain how one gets a female doctor or nurse or even rudimentary pre-natal care when women can't be trained to provide these services. Oh wait... quaint brown people have native medicine and old ladies to birth babies, so that's all ethnic and shit and thus even *better* than what we do.
Comparing access for women to medicine in Afghanistan to the "horror" of American health care is not just hypocritical but obscene.
"This has been going on for much longer than the morning you woke up and decided to blame terrorism, Islamic extremism, $1 trillion in missing funds to fight wars and be the world's policeman on the left, Synova.'
And prior to 9-11 it was a rally cry for liberals and feminists across the world.
Funny how that works.
The horrors of life for women in Afghanistan were a great feminist cause and we were supposed to do something about it. Back then, before our distasteful military involvement and the influx of aid workers, the horror stories weren't seen as propaganda but a call to action, a call to social justice and human dignity.
So what happened Ritmo? Why was it, back then, a story about some poor woman jumping from her upper story apartment window and smashing herself to death on the sidewalk below was a *legitimate* news item to raise awareness in us about how soul killing the rules restricting women were in that country? Barred from school and education, from any sort of outside work or even from leaving a small apartment without the escort of a male family member was something we were supposed to care deeply about.
Now, on the other hand, news reports about the oppression of girls and the continuing attitudes that could well remove the right to education for them once again are seen as manipulative efforts rather than important awareness raising efforts?
A cynical person would conclude that the value of soccer stadium executions was to infuse a sense of purpose and worth to the liberal and feminist activists. It had value to them for this oppression and horror to continue because they'd continue to have purpose and self-value as they demonstrated their caring in a non-hypocritical way of doing jack shit about it.
If you want hypocrisy, Ritmo, you've got it right there. Calls to action and self-serving righteousness that lasts just so long as no one is doing anything about it.
Welcome back fans.
The count is 2-2. Synova at bat. RitmoLibtard winds up and tosses a curveball to the inside. Synova swings...
A cynical person would conclude that the value of soccer stadium executions was to infuse a sense of purpose and worth to the liberal and feminist activists. It had value to them for this oppression and horror to continue because they'd continue to have purpose and self-value as they demonstrated their caring in a non-hypocritical way of doing jack shit about it.
Deep long drive to center field! Its going! Its going! Its GONE! Synova nails one out of the park.
Joe --
"In my toungue-in-cheek comments..."
Here's your ready-made society to reform, Synova. Maybe something Fin can even relate to.
Western forces fighting in southern Afghanistan had a problem. Too often, soldiers on patrol passed an older man walking hand-in-hand with a pretty young boy. Their behavior suggested he was not the boy's father. Then, British soldiers found that young Afghan men were actually trying to "touch and fondle them," military investigator AnnaMaria Cardinalli told me. "The soldiers didn't understand."
All of this was so disconcerting that the Defense Department hired Cardinalli, a social scientist, to examine this mystery. Her report, "Pashtun Sexuality," startled not even one Afghan. But Western forces were shocked - and repulsed. For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it. "Having a boy has become a custom for us," Enayatullah, a 42-year-old in Baghlan province, told a Reuters reporter. "Whoever wants to show off should have a boy."
...As for Karzai, an American who worked in and around his palace in an official capacity for many months told me that homosexual behavior "was rampant" among "soldiers and guys on the security detail. They talked about boys all the time." He added, "I didn't see Karzai with anyone. He was in his palace most of the time." He, too, declined to be identified.
In Kandahar, population about 500,000, and other towns, dance parties are a popular, often weekly, pastime. Young boys dress up as girls, wearing makeup and bells on their feet, and dance for a dozen or more leering middle-aged men who throw money at them and then take them home. A recent State Department report called "dancing boys" a "widespread, culturally sanctioned form of male rape."
Some people learn after 9 years and some don't. Let me know how much progress you're willing to make on the little boys after you've somehow educated all the poor little girls.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Is it hypocrisy that's preventing you from getting on that plane to Kabul or do you lose something when going from going from armchair activism to the real thing? How educated were you an Afghan culture and society to begin with?
Do let me know, Synova. There's a whole country just crying out for... YOU!
Armchair activist. The situation in South Asia is making the arms on your armchair a little less comfortable. How horrifying.
I love a hearing a woman uneducated on the first thing when it comes to knowledge of a country crying out about how unjust it is that the women there are uneducated.
Educate thyself first, O Armchair Activist. Or replace the fabric on your Lazy-Boy.
How obvious is it that Synova would never actually go to Afghanistan, and instead just goad others into doing the never-ending dirty work for her?
I'm sure the role of cheerleader always suited Fin, myself.
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