August 27, 2010

Let's take a closer look at those 310 million tits.

I love the Simpson "tit" flap. Even as the "Ground Zero Mosque" saved us from having to talk about the economy, that giant udder with 310 million tits has saved us from further discussion of that damned mosque. This is good, from Jacob Sullum:
The mention of outraged feminists suggests that Simpson stands accused of sexist vulgarity. I have to admit that I was shocked the first time I saw my mother use tit in a Scrabble game, but I was about 12 at the time, and she explained that the word is a perfectly acceptable variation of teat. Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary backs her up, saying tit is deemed "vulgar" only when it refers to a woman's breast. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary likewise lists "teat" as the first definition for tit, although it notes that the usage is "now obscure" except in certain dialects (such as Alan Simpson's, evidently). So even by the arbitrary standards that make certain words unacceptable in polite company, in  family newspapers, and on broadcast television between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m (though that last rule may be a thing of of the past), Simpson need not apologize for his use of tit.
Ha. That reminds me of this part of one of George Carlin's "7 Dirty Words" routines:
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, and Tits, wow. Tits doesn't even belong on the list, you know. It's such a friendly sounding word. It sounds like a nickname. 'Hey, Tits, come here. Tits, meet Toots, Toots, Tits, Tits, Toots.' It sounds like a snack doesn't it? Yes, I know, it is, right. But I don't mean the sexist snack, I mean, New Nabisco Tits. The new Cheese Tits, and Corn Tits and Pizza Tits, Sesame Tits Onion Tits, Tater Tits, Yeah. Betcha can't eat just one. That's true I usually switch off. But I mean that word does not belong on the list.
Or this — not about "tits," but conceptually more apt:
[C]ocksucker is a compound word and neither half of that is really dirty. The word - the half suckercock is a half-way dirty word, 50% dirty - dirty half the time, depending on what you mean by it. Uh, remember when you first heard it, like in 6th grade, you used to giggle. And the cock crowed three times, heh, the cock - three times. It's in the Bible, cock in the Bible. ...
Now the word twat is an interesting word. Twat! Yeh, right in the twat. Twat is an interesting word because it's the only one I know of, the only slang word applying to the, a part of the sexual anatomy that doesn't have another meaning to it. Like, ah, snatch, box and pussy all have other meanings, man. Even in a Walt Disney movie, you can say, We're going to snatch that pussy and put him in a box and bring him on the airplane.
AND: Could someone digitally alter this scene and replace Woody Allen with Alan Simpson?


Scott said...

"I love the Simpson 'tit' flap."

These dances you kids do nowadays. One can only imagine what it looks like.

Scott said...

310 million tits
400 Motels
96 Tears
16 candles


wv: frefulin

Happy Friday

Scott said...

Does a nipple equal a tit?

Jennifer said...

On a side note, I get an immature kick out of working as many vaguely dirty words as I can into any given Scrabble game.

David said...

Worst part of it, about 155 million of those flappers are man boobs.

Scott said...

Correction: 200 Motels, not 400.

chuck b. said...

I've never understood why "piss" is offensive. I was surprised the day when I learned that it was.

I used to find cunt incredibly offensive until I heard women friends use it somewhat freely. Now it's just another strong word to me.

Whenever I think of "tits" I can't help think of "sugar tits" and that makes me smile.

Scott said...

@Jennifer: I get a cheap thrill going to the Merriam-Webster dictionary site, where you can click on an icon and have the site say the words that you look, and then make my computer say "motherfucker" a few times.

I live a sheltered life.

Scott said...

@chuck b.: I think of "piss" is onomotopoea. Like "hiss".

Scott said...

is = as

I need to go to lunch. Ta.

David said...

Like most vulgar slang, "twat" has a rather creative genesis.

–noun Slang: Vulgar.

1650–60; perh. orig. dial. var. of *thwat, *thwot, presumed mod. E outcome of OE *thwat, akin to ON thveit cut, slit, forest clearing (> E dial. (N England) thwaite forest clearing)

AllenS said...

Remove the word "tits" and insert n*gger. Geez, you can't even say/print that word, without using some kind of a device. WTF? Like it's double dirty word.

William said...

Simpson may have had a vocabulary malfunction, but it does seem that feminists are nursing a grievance that few share.

Skyler said...

I remember watching Saturday night live with Drew Barrymore. She was terrible. At one point she tried to ad lib and she used the idiom "shot his wad" and then turned bright red in embarrassment because she had no idea that it was not a dirty thing to say.

She really is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I thought Carlin was hilariously funny when I was in college.

Over the years, he became more and more stridently leftist.

By the time he died, he wasn't funny at all. His entire act was being as brutally vicious as possible.

Maybe he really was funny for a very short time.

traditionalguy said...

Lives there a man with soul so dead that never to himself hath said these are my own my wife's tits (except for Tiger Wood) whose heart hath never within him burn'd as home his footsteps he hath turned...?

blake said...


Yeah, there was a lot of brutality in his humor, but his delivery was masterful--he got better and better with worse and worse material over the years.

A great artist.

Joe said...

I don't give a rat's ass about using "tit". I am annoyed that I've been putting 7% of my gross income into Social Security for over 30 years and when I want a reasonable return, I'm accused of sucking at the government's tit.

And to slaughter the metaphor, the government's tit is one of those old saggy ones with a tiny nipple that produces sour milk or something like that.

Tank said...

I remember when he talked about "stuff" vs. "sh*t"

Ah, those innocent times.

Scott M said...

I don't give a rat's ass about using "tit". I am annoyed that I've been putting 7% of my gross income into Social Security for over 30 years and when I want a reasonable return, I'm accused of sucking at the government's tit.

Anyone want to hazard a guess where the age delineation lines sits between people who cannot be faulted for expecting social security and those who should be thought of as naive?


traditionalguy said...

Tits are the next thing the Obama health care czars will claim power to re-distribute. How fair is it for some to do without large breasts on their woman while others have way more than a mouthful?

DADvocate said...

"Let's take a closer look at those 310 million tits."

You got my attention.

Wince said...

Is it surprising that courts have ruled that public sector pensions confer a contractual property right in government workers, but as for Social Security...

One of the most enduring myths of Social Security is that a worker has a legal right to his Social Security benefits. Many workers assume that, if they pay social Security taxes into the system, they have some sort of legal guarantee to the system’s benefits. The truth is exactly the opposite. It has long been law that there is no legal right to Social Security. In two important cases, Helvering v. Davis and Flemming v. Nestor, the U.S. spreme Court ruled that Social Security taxes are simply taxes and convey no property or contractual rights to Social Security benefits.

Lady MacBeth: I have given suck, and know
How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me:
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.

Scott M said...

Tits are the next thing the Obama health care czars will claim power to re-distribute.

A couple of ad lib quotes from the upcoming War Against Mammary Tyranny:

"Give me a D-cup or give me death"

"Don't Slobber On Me"

"You can have my tits when you pry them from my husbands cold, dead fingers"

"Two if by land, four if by threesome"

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of large busts, must, like women, undergo the fatigues of supporting them."

By all means, don't let me stop you...

quilbill said...

Anyone want to hazard a guess where the age delineation lines sits between people who cannot be faulted for expecting social security and those who should be thought of as naive?

50 is my guess. Once the baby boomers get through wiping us out, younger generations should expect to made into soylent green at 65 by their grandkids.

Joe said...

Scott, I'm in my late forties. I've long figured I'd get a few years of social security before the payments declined to a pittance. My coworkers in their thirties don't expect to see anything more than a token amount and those in their twenties just laugh at the prospect of seeing anything at all.

(Since I was self employed and/or my own employee several times in my career, I've often put in both sides. In the late 80s I remember it being 15%, though it's now just above 14%. However, add in the medicare and all the hidden payroll taxes employers pay and in the late 90s it was very close to 15%.

I have an offer for the government; deposit into my IRA the amount of all the money I've put into Social Security along with the matching amount. No interest, just the amount put into SS "in my name." Then exempt me from adding any more and I'll happily forgo receiving social security.)

Joe said...

We need to encourage more smoking amongst those over 55. A lot more. They should also be very active in their older years doing rock climbing without ropes and endurance running with no water and things like that.

AST said...

The Ephesians were pikers.

Our government has become the Great Sow of the 310,000,000 teats. Try to build a statue of that monstrosity.

Patrick said...

Great title to the post. Ahhh... mammaries, I mean memories of the Ms. Valenti dustup.

Wince said...

The mention of outraged feminists suggests that Simpson stands accused of sexist vulgarity.

Jerry: What? So what? It's a nipple. A little brown circular protuberance. What's the big deal? See everybody's got them. See I got them. (lifts up shirt)

Kramer: I got them too. (lifts up shirt also)

Jerry: See? Everybody's got them.

AlphaLiberal said...

Sigh. I love talking about tits as much as the next guy, but come on.

The real issue is that Alan Simpson has been trying to dismantle Social Security for decades. And he is, often quite rudely, continuing to abuse the post Obama gave him, which was not to reform Social Security, to seek to, wait for it, dismantle Social Security.

He also openly insulted the person he sent the email to.

He won't even engage in respectful dialog on the issue, preferring to insult people who disagree with him.

Which is par for the course for conservatives.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

In a few years I'll be eligible for Social Security. If I wait for 8 years I can draw the maximum. Screw that.....I'm gonna start sucking off of the government teat/tit as soon as possible.

I'm with Joe. Give me back all the money you took from me and from my employer on my behalf and I'll forego Social Security. Same thing for Medicare. Either give me my money or pay up.

I figured out one time that if I had taken the money that the government has squandered from my wages, and put it into even a bank savings account, with compounded interest and time value of money calculations, I would have over half a million dollars right now for retirement and to purchase my own insurance or pay for routine medical stuff. SO would my husband. A million dollars just in social security money.

We could purchase an annuity of our own and have a monthly pay out.
(ordinary annuity calculation)
growth rate of 3%
30 year pay out = 51,019.26annually.

Plus if we die early, the family/beneficaries get the continued pay out or remaining principle.

That doesn't count extra savings that I might have put aside.
Gimmee my money with an average of 3% interest!!

They won't do that of course, because they want us to be impoverished and dependent on the government.....AND they want to redistribute wealth to those who don't work.

BJK said...

I hope Ann will go back to one of her old posting themes, and show us the search terms that drive people to this blog post (sometime in the next few weeks).

Scott M said...

He won't even engage in respectful dialog on the issue, preferring to insult people who disagree with him.

Which is par for the course for conservatives.

My God. The irony almost knocked me out of my seat.

Rich B said...

Those nags got their tits in a ringer.

Anonymous said...

He won't even engage in respectful dialog on the issue, preferring to insult people who disagree with him.

Well, Scott M, with all due respect to you, OmegaLiberal has a duty to rebuke the stupid bigots!

After all, they're stupid bigots!

That's not really the same as "insulting people," because the stupid bigots aren't really people.

Rich B said...

The Older Women's League? I wonder how many members they have.

I guess I mistyped - nags should have been owls.

AlphaLiberal said...

So, Ann, with all your posts on various breast, tit, teat and other issues, why do you never take the time to criticize Pam Geller's use of her rack? It's pretty blatant!

Are you just a hypocrite?

I mean, you went after that poor young woman who had the gall to have tits while standing in front of Bill Clinton.


AlphaLiberal said...

Scott, thing is, so you think liberals should be respectful but not conservatives. Got it.

I know the audience here fairly well and know they expect this double standard. I do not extend it.

Plus, I'm not running a Presidential Commission where I am expected to listen to all sides, am I?

Spewingthomas, they have a cure for puberty - it's called time. Take some.

chickelit said...

POTUS is titular head of State.

Such a boob job.

Anonymous said...


You don't like Pam's tits!

She's got great tits!

I don't get the hypocrisy! What is it?

And, you forgot to open your diatribe with your usual witty rejoinder: "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF..."

Not feeling so good today?

Who's today's Muslim martyr? Find one yet?

Anonymous said...

Spewingthomas, they have a cure for puberty - it's called time. Take some.

What's with your spewing obsession, OmegaLiberal?

I've reared two daughter and buried two wives, Omega, so I'm pretty far on the other side of puberty.

How's the fund raising for Hamas going?

Unknown said...

I seem to remember Eve Ensler and Jane Fonda and NOW trying to put cunt in our standard lexicon a couple of years ago. I guess it's only outrageous if it isn't Lefty-approved.

AlphaLiberal said...

Sigh. I love talking about tits as much as the next guy, but come on.

The real issue is that Alan Simpson has been trying to dismantle Social Security for decades. And he is, often quite rudely, continuing to abuse the post Obama gave him, which was not to reform Social Security, to seek to, wait for it, dismantle Social Security.

Considering it takes a bigger bite out of the paycheck than income tax and about 90% goes for administration, It's one of the few things Simpson has on his resume with which I agree. It's always been a scam.

Truth in advertising: I'm eligible for it, and I still think the money would be better spent almost anywhere else.

AlphaLiberal said...


"about 90% goes for administration"

Oh, bullshit! Proof of the bullshit!

More like 5.x%.

Such liars.

how about Pam Geller's breasts, Ann?

Scott M said...


I'd promised myself I wasn't going to feed the troll anymore, but, in spite of that, this one is too easy to let pass.

Scott, thing is, so you think liberals should be respectful but not conservatives.

I'm trying to guess from the context of your garbled text above that you claim I think liberals should be respectful while conservatives are exempt. Please point to any statement I've ever made here (or anywhere) that proves what you say. I regularly make entreaties for a higher level of discourse and to stop leveling meaningless hyperbole from both sides. The last time I did it to you, I was labeled a "whiner". The last time I did it to a self-proclaimed conservative, I was labeled a closet liberal.'re incredibly wrong.

I know the audience here fairly well and know they expect this double standard. I do not extend it.

So accuse conservatives (all conservatives apparently, as you didn't qualify your remarks any further) to be respectful, but you don't wish to participate in that respectfulness? That smacks of elitism. Do as I say, not as I do, in other words.'re wrong on this count because there are many, many commentators here that don't dive into the name-calling, troll feeding that seems to sustain you.

Earlier you said, He won't even engage in respectful dialog on the issue, preferring to insult people who disagree with him.

Which is par for the course for conservatives

then you said Plus, I'm not running a Presidential Commission where I am expected to listen to all sides, am I? your logic (and the standards you appear to have for yourself), any conservative that isn't running a Presidential Commission is exempt from respectful dialog.

Thus the irony I knew would ensue once you started down this road.

The political spectrum is replete with instances on both sides of disrespect. Neither side has any claim to high-mindedness.

Methadras said...

What about the Tit bird?

wv = untate = lol

AlphaLiberal said...

I am actually glad that more conservatives and Republicans, like Paul Ryan and Alan Simpson, are more open and less sneaky about their efforts to end Social Security.

It's a step towards honesty.

they want to privatize it, raid it, cut it, kill it. Republicans have been trying to kill Social Security since it was started.


To be clear, I am not saying Pam Geller lacks an attractive set of breasts. She does not.

however, she does wave those girls around in front of all the conservative boys and use her assets to attract traffic and attention.

The hypocritical Ann Althouse would flog a liberal for that. But she pretends not to notice for Geller!

garage mahal said...

"about 90% goes for administration"


David said...

"shot his wad" and then turned bright red in embarrassment because she had no idea that it was not a dirty thing to say.

It's dirty to say that you fired your musket?

Eyes of the beholder, Skyler.

Scott M said...

Careful, Garage-stone-thrower. You once claimed 1/2 the stimulus was tax cuts/breaks.

AlphaLiberal said...

Scott, I've never once seen you criticize conservatives here who constantly - constantly - engage in atrocious insults to reasoned and insult-free debate. Maybe I missed you doing that, but I very much doubt it.

In my experience you only care when a lib responds with testy language. And most liberals are respectful in their dialog - to a fault.

MOST conservatives are rude, snotty and incapable of an intelligent response. Just like Alan Simpson and 90% of the conservative commenters here, they respond to arguments with insults.

Fuck that. Enough. It's just one more double standard your ilk practices and which I reject -- with great aplomb.

AlphaLiberal said...

A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.

AlphaLiberal said...

"Careful, Garage-stone-thrower. You once claimed 1/2 the stimulus was tax cuts/breaks."

It's 1/3. Obama gave that up to Republicans to try to get their votes. He got NOTHING in return.

Even though tax cuts have far less job-creation ability than stimulus spending.

Repubs have really punked Obama on his obsessive pursuit of bipartisanship. Like trying to reason with a goat.

garage mahal said...

Careful, Garage-stone-thrower. You once claimed 1/2 the stimulus was tax cuts/breaks.

I was off by 13 points, [37%] still the largest single component of the stimulus. We regret the error!

Michael said...

Alpha: I scanned a few of your posts and a few of HD House's posts and a few of a couple of other liberals and I have found far more insults and outright name calling and cursing on yours and Hds than on the sum of the conservatives combined. One of the amazing things about the internet is that all you write is there to read.

Anonymous said...

OmegaLiberal, I hadn't noticed that Ann had any bitch with flashing tits. You've got me on that one.

You are by far the crudest, rudest, nastiest commenter on this blog.

So, really, what the fuck are you talking about?

Not to mention that twice in one day recently you lectured the host of this blog with your ever witty "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF... " lecture.

You behave like a complete asshole on this blog.

But, of course, you're fighting against the stupid bigots. Right?

Scott said...

The Althousian Corrolary to Godwin's law of Nazi Analogies:

As an Althouse comment thread grows longer, the probability of a leftist troll accusing someone of lying approaches 1.

Scott M said...

In my experience you only care when a lib responds with testy language. And most liberals are respectful in their dialog - to a fault.

Absolutely hysterical. I could sneeze and knock over a legion of disrespectful individual liberal comments on this blog.

You are by far the crudest, rudest, nastiest commenter on this blog.

That's not true at all. MIA-Titus has that title.

AlphaLiberal said...

SpewingThomas, coming from a guy who reposts the same vapid childish rants during debates, that's pretty rich. Seriously, you sound like a teen, spewing nonsense.

I do fight back hard against conservative bigotry, lies, insults and distortion. I understand most con's would prefer liberals to be doormats and take offense when libs push back hard. That's your double standard and your problem.

Ann had a famous and embarrassing imbloglio with some young woman who was in a photo with Clinton. She ripped the poor young lady, who had a sweater on and breasts.

She gives conservative women who use their breasts as marketing tools a complete pass. that's hypocrisy.

Suggest you use the Google.

lemondog said...


Great tit

Scott said...

Honest to God, AlphaStooge, you are the only person who ever really cares about anything you write. Your comments are boring and tendentious; the drivel of one who believes that reciting talking points from In These Times counts as erudition. You're dull and nasty, and a narcissistic political cultist.

Perhaps in God's eyes there is some redeeming aspect to your life, but it is never in evidence here. Ever.

Please leave.

AC245 said...

I was off by 13 points, [37%] still the largest single component of the stimulus. We regret the error!

You were off by (13% * $787 billion) = ~$102 billion dollars.

And there were two components to the stimulus, tax cuts and extra government spending. The tax cuts were the smaller of the two components, making the extra government spending the largest single component - not tax cuts.

Other than being off by over $100 billion and getting your main claim completely backward, heckuva job! You're well qualified to write for any Journolist outfit.

AlphaLiberal said...

Another conservative double standard.

Sarah Palin calls for Rahm Emmanuel to be fired for saying "fucking retards" (yes, that was bad.)

Then, Sarah Palin leaps to Laura Schlessinger's defense in using the N-word on the radio and hurling various other racist remarks. Palin even claims that Dr Laura has a constitutional guarantee to have a radio show and is, one guess - A VICTIM!.

Most conservatives probably don't think Laura Schlessinger was wrong any more than Alan Simpson.

Bottom line: It's okay when conservatives do it. It's terrible, awful and wrong if libs do it.

(And does anyone know why Glenn Beck thinks America lost her honor, for his "Restoring Honor" rally? When and why, exactly? )

Skyler said...

David, you misread my post. Barrymore was the idiot because she didn't know what the idiom meant.

AlphaLiberal said...

"making the extra government spending the largest single component "

thank God for that. Without the stimulus, the unemployment rate wold be much higher. the stimulus should have been much larger, but conservatives won out and now unemployment is still high and not coming down fast enough.

The same Bush/Republican policies that got us into this mess will not get us out.

AlphaLiberal said...

Scott the Vegetable, I provide dthe proof to show that EDutcher's claim of 90% overhead for Social Security was false.

A false claim can fairly be described as a lie.

This is where you post a non-sequiter. (a.k.a. "run away")

lemondog said...

Repubs have really punked Obama on his obsessive pursuit of bipartisanship. Like trying to reason with a goat.

Ha, ha, ha. O is a real bipartisan trooper.

Obama blames GOP for lack of bipartisanship

Obama Blames GOP for Weak Recovery

Obama Blames GOP for Failure of Senate Jobs Bill

Obama blames GOP on small business lending bill

Obama: GOP to blame for spill, because if I had tried to prevent it, which I didn't, they would have stopped me

Obama Blames Bush and GOP

AlphaLiberal said...

Michael, you are entitled to your own delusions, I guess. If you want out be wrong, knock yourself out.

Bear in mind, this is on a thread about an insulting comment, which conservatives are pretending is not insulting.

By that I mean Alan Simpson describing Social Security recipients as parasites.

Or when conservatives claim the very presence of Muslims is appalling --- but that's not an insult or offensive or bigotry or anything.

Or when conservatives say Muslims only should be prevented from practicing their religion with dozens of mosques opposed, and some stopped, around the country. That's not bigotry, no.

Or when Obama is depicted in thousands of conservative posters as a witch doctor with a bone in his nose -- that's not racist, no.

In sum, "bullshit."

Skyler said...

Alpha, you mention that Simpson is in favor of social security being eliminated and yet at the same time you seem to think ill of him. I'm confused. Is he a good guy or a bad guy?

Michael said...

Alpha: Delusions? Scroll through any number of topics on Althouse and you will see that categorically you are one of the least polite, most crude, and often vile commenters. That is not a matter of delusion, it is a matter of simply reading hundreds of posts. You may think that one or two of your less insanely offensive posts make up for all the rest. But you would be wrong.

Anonymous said...

In sum, "bullshit."

You've summarized your posts quite nicely. It's all bullshit.

Boring, too.

Fuck your bigotry fetish, idiot.

Do you think you'll ever have a thought in your fucking little dick brain that isn't some form of bigotry fetish?

LordSomber said...

Tits McGee is still on vacation.

Anonymous said...

Let me repeat myself for emphasis, OmegaLiberal:

Fuck your fucking dickhead bigotry fetish!

Every time you start on it, I just write you off as an imbecile.

Scott said...


AlphaLiberal said...

Thanks for those posts, lemondog. I really hope Obama is over his bipartisanship obsession after the historic Republican obstruction.

Pretty much every Obama nominee has been stopped cold by Republicans. But, no, no foul there, right? Republicans are very bipartisan!!

Republicans have a saying:
"bipartisanship is another word for date rape." (you can look it up)

They really don't practice it or believe in it. But they sure do pretend to!

Salamandyr said...

So did Simpson write it or say it? Because if he said it, then the media is attempting to smear him by using the more vulgar spelling, rather than "teat".

If he wrote it, then it's his fault.

WV: tardic-an asshole Time Lord.

Opus One Media said...

errr wouldn't it be 620 everyone has 2...well except some republicans...but roughly speaking...

not to be a nudge.

Scott said...

So pathetic.

Anonymous said...


You are one brain dead motherfucker.

Stupidest asshole on the internet.

And Hamas supporter to boot.

Scott said...

The sailboats are beautiful on the Hudson River this afternoon.

AlphaLiberal said...

"Every time you start on it, I just write you off as an imbecile."

Except you have yet to make a coherent argument why. I make the case, as in Sarah Palin defending the clear racism broadcast by Laura Schlesinger, that there is bigotry.

Or the opposition from conservatives across the country to the construction of Muslim Houses of worship. That strikes me as pretty clearcut dictionary bigotry - discriminating against people on the basis of their religion.

You simply deny, or call me names, etc. But nothing logical, no real defense. Do you honestly think the word "bigot" shouldn't be used even when people are being bigots? I don't see your point at all.

But your insults, got it. Must mean I'm a terrible person.

Unknown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

"about 90% goes for administration"

Oh, bullshit! Proof of the bullshit!

More like 5.x%.

Nice try. Admin of the trust funds is not admin of the program. Divide outgo by income on each sub-fund and you get 81% alone on that, let alone overall admin of the whole SSA.

5% is what the Red Cross, Salvation Army, and Catholic Relief Services spend on Admin. The Feds are nowhere near that thrifty.

PS You expect anybody to take a report signed by Geithner, Sebelius and Solis as fact????

Scott said...

September 11, 2001 was a beautiful clear nice day like today is.

It isn't rational to fear beautiful days.

AlphaLiberal said...

"So did Simpson write it or say it?"

He wrote it. The email is avaialbe on the internets.

HDHouse, that's what I thought. But is he saying all the American people are parasites? Or only those Americans on Social Security.


Oh, Scott, still waiting for your brave opposition to conservative incivility:
"You are one brain dead motherfucker."

chirp, chirp!

Scott said...

Excuse me, Stooge, that was shoutingthomas.

Anonymous said...

"You are one brain dead motherfucker."

Yes, you are, OmegaLiberal.

Your pinhead bigotry fetish is worn out.

You're an absolute, embarrassing idiot.

This has nothing to do with politics, conservative or liberal.

You're just a plain, complete, exasperating idiot.

Scott said...

The dick can never get his facts straight.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't even begin to characterize liberals by pointing to you, OmegaLiberal.

This really has nothing to do with politics.

You're just a complete piece of shit.

Personally, I mean.

And, you're a completely fucking dead brained idiot.

Quit embarrassing yourself and shut up. Quit using politics to act out your dementia.

AlphaLiberal said...

"PS You expect anybody to take a report signed by Geithner, Sebelius and Solis as fact????"

Honestly, I expected you would reject any facts that don't agree with your opinion.

Par for the course with conservatives these days, what with their own separate reality.

"You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."

-D.P. Moynihan

Scott said...


Understand that AlphaLiberal comes from the more wing-nutty wing of the progressives. He's part of a cult. He feels that "Beating back the right wing lies" is his special calling in life.

I called him on his factual error @3:11. Did he apologize or correct himself? No. That's not the rhetorical style of progressives. For as much as he accuses others of lying, he doesn't have a particular affection for facts himself. To progressives, facts are not as important as putting out a firehose of purple invective to gainsay anyone they're engaging. It's just bullying. They live for it.

This was a silly thread over something of little consequence to begin with; and it ended up in the usual dull back alley, being driven there by dull leftists and their violent rhetoric.

Chill, brother. When they finally succeed in killing these comment threads, they'll go off for other targets.

AlphaLiberal said...

shoutingthomas, try to write a post that actually makes sense.

You, a representative of American conservatism, think the word "bigot" should not be used. Why?

Do you, as a typical American conservative, think that racism and bigotry should be ignored? Or just that there is nothing wrong with the practice?

Do you think it's not bigoted to prevent one faith from the free exercise of their religion? Can you explain why?

How about Antisemitism? Is that bigotry? The KKK or CCC? Bigots?

Do you, as a typical American conservative, think it was not racist and bigoted of Dr Laura Schlesinger to use the N-word gleefully, to be resentful she couldn't use it more often and to insult that African-American caller?

You see, you have posted dozens of times in response to me on this, I've read your posts and I still have no idea why you say that.

The only reason I can imagine is I've struck a nerve. But maybe that's not it.

Give it your best shot. What is so bad, anyway, about using the word "bigotry?"

The Scythian said...

"Except you have yet to make a coherent argument why."

Anyone can plainly see that you are an imbecile, though. A coherent argument to that effect is as necessary as a coherent argument that water is wet or the sky is blue.

AlphaLiberal said...

Anyway, Here is the Alan Simpson email at the heart of the scandal.

As you can see, he disagrees with this woman and, so, engages in a tirade and string of insults.

He doesn't just address the substance of the disagreement, no, he lambastes her for disagreeing with him.

And he displays the bullying nature of modern conservatives. They can't just debate they seek to win debate by attacking people personally, being insulting, arrogant, haughty, etc.

How to handle bullies? Fight back!

Anonymous said...

I love all the "give me my money back!!!" people.

Have you guys got ANY idea what the unfunded liabilities are for SS and Medicare? It's something like $110 TRILLION.

The money's not there. There is perhaps literally not enough money in the entire world.

Which is exactly what you get when you plan your retirement around a pyramid scheme -- a pyramid scheme that doesn't even enjoy the benefit of being pyramidal, since the number of people paying into it is DECLINING with time.

Next time you want to pretend someone has a contractual obligation with you for payments, do the smart thing -- GET IT IN WRITING.

Scott said...

You see? All gainsaying. Verbal diarrhea dressed up as virtue. It's what passes for conversation around these parts.

AlphaLiberal said...

Youngblood, with your vapid and nasty post, you do understand you have made my point for me, right?

That's the hilarious part.

AlphaLiberal said...

Scott, I'm part of the PLP? Really? I did not know that!

I still don't see what's so bad about using the word "bigot" to describe people who are objectively bigots. Can you explain?

"I called him on his factual error @3:11."

What are you talking about, man (or vegetable)? You said at 3:11:
"Excuse me, Stooge, that was shoutingthomas."

Look at the time! Happy hour is coming!

ShoutingThomas, I'll check back in later for your coherent explanation of why the term "bigot" must not be used.

The Scythian said...


Your point was that you're an imbecile? Fine by me.

Scott said...

Me and my partner are going to be heading up to the theater district tonight to catch a show. Managed to find something that looked interesting for only $49/ticket. :)

Anonymous said...

Have a good time, Scott.

I'll be attending an EMS convention in the city this weekend.

Dinner out, and perhaps a show, too.

Scott said...

Oh, you're not a PLP stooge? The way you fetishize "racism" you certainly act like an InCAR dead-ender. What cult do you belong to?

traditionalguy said...

Alpha...The use of bigot to mean a rascist or a racialist is not proper. A rascist announces that it is always automatic that a member of his race is superior to another race. That is a stupid assertion on its face. But a bigot simply holds to his opinions no matter what anyone else tells him. The bigot says "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts." The rascist is a stupid bigot, but there are also intelligent bigots such as yourself and many left wingers. And by my definition, Muslims are in the Guinness Book of World Records for Bigotry.

Scott said...

@shoutingthomas: You're in NYC? Maybe Bone and I can meet up with you before/after the show for a libation. Drop me a line.

Anonymous said...


Will be in the city tomorrow night.

Have a good time out on the time.

Maybe next time.

Scott said...

@shoutingthomas: Cheers

Unknown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

"PS You expect anybody to take a report signed by Geithner, Sebelius and Solis as fact????"

Honestly, I expected you would reject any facts that don't agree with your opinion.

I'd want something from a disinterested source. Asking Geithner about the integrity of any Federal fund is like asking the madam if any of the girls in the house have syphilis.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I love all the "give me my money back!!!" people.

Have you guys got ANY idea what the unfunded liabilities are for SS and Medicare? It's something like $110 TRILLION.

The money's not there. There is perhaps literally not enough money in the entire world.


Duh. No shit Sherlock.

I know the money isn't there. However, since I don't recall being given a CHOICE in participating in this particular Ponzi scheme......I plan to get some of my money back by applying as soon as possible.

Sorry for you younger people. Maybe you can stick a poker up the asses of Congress and get them to make some sort of a decision.

Let you keep your future contributions in a self directed program that you can pass onto your heirs.

Force them to quit spending and spending. God knows, I've tried.

Next time you want to pretend someone has a contractual obligation with you for payments, do the smart thing -- GET IT IN WRITING

Good advice. Next time I'm transported back in time by my flux capacator fueled 72 Blazer and am able to speak with Roosevelt, I'll be sure to do that.


AlphaLiberal said...

TraditionalGuy, your point is well put. Wrong, but well-put.

So, lots of differences and anger over simple differences in word definitions. Boring.

I may play rough, but I don't hate conservatives. Just what they do to our country, the people and people around the world.

I was looking up some words and concepts and saw this oldie but goodie:
A man told his grandson: "A terrible fight is going on inside me -- a fight between two wolves. One is evil, and represents hate, anger, arrogance, intolerance, and superiority . The other is good, and represents joy, peace, love, tolerance, understanding, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, and compassion. This same fight is going on inside you, inside every other person too."

The grandson then asked: "Which wolf will win?" The old man replied simply: "The one you feed." Anon.



Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago, I was helping my father-in-law milk cows. They built a new "free-style" milking parlor which makes the milking process much more efficient and reduces the manual labor.

Of the roughly 100 cows that are milked, he knows them individually by site, even if all he is looking at is the "business district" as they stand above him in the parlor.

He was telling me how this cow only has "three tits" and that one has an "infected tit", etc. There were "short tits" and "fat tits" as I recall.

It wasn't awkward or strange because I knew he was referring to the "teats". Perfectly natural and non-sexist use of the word "tit".

But in the back of my mind, I was having a Beavis & Butthead moment..."Heh, heh. He said "tits"

(and yes, I did write this with the goal of using the "t-word" as much as possible)

GMay said...

BetaLib projected: "Just what they do to our country, the people and people around the world."

What, like slaughter 100 million people like your side did last century?

You're so deranged.

Revenant said...

There's something sort of cute about AlphaLiberal lecturing people on the evils of "hate, anger, arrogance, intolerance, and superiority".

AST said...

@AlphaLiberal: The real issue is that Alan Simpson has been trying to dismantle Social Security for decades.

As opposed to just continuing to raise payroll taxes until the economy seizes up? Social Security was a welfare program from its inception, but framed and sold as a savings plan for one's retirement. Essentially, it's a Ponzi scheme. Add to that the Medicare system which is bankrupt and the large number of defined benefit pension plans which are threatening to overwhelm state and local governments.

Make Social Security honest by replacing it gradually with a means-tested program for poor seniors and shifting it to what most people already think it is, a savings plan. Of course, then you run into the problem that crops up with Obamacare, is it really a tax, which is allowed by the Commerce Clause or a mandate on individuals to save for retirement, which is more problematic.

The number of working people for each retiree is getting closer to three. It can't be sustained beyond that. Remember that each of those 310 million tits has a suckling attached and as they keep coming, more tits are created.

My dad had an expression, "as useless as tits on a boar." Governments shouldn't have tits or at least useless ones.

Matt said...

Simpson has been in government so long he would know about tits. He's been sucking on them since 1964. He has never had to really work his entire life. This is was happens with many career politicians. They have no clue what regular working folks have to deal with in the real world. They think that an 80 year-old earning social security is taking every last drop when in fact, no, they are getting money back that they paid into a system that was designed to keep people from destitution when they grow old. Simpson would have 80 year old people living in the street or bankrupting their own children.

I have no kind words for this man....

Moose said...

Good lord - I don't believe it. I'm the only one that got this one in?

I thought the first time I saw that quote it was "310 million zits"! I was wondering why Simpson had it out for teenagers...

chickelit said...

revenant wrote: There's something sort of cute about AlphaLiberal lecturing people on the evils of "hate, anger, arrogance, intolerance, and superiority".

Cute like La Rochefoucauld was cute.

traditionalguy said...

The Liberal has always wanted to see freedom for men and women to work and get ahead by keeping the fruits of their labor in a fairly administered social order. So far so good. The liberal loses touch with his own goals when he wants to punish the Rich, who probably deserve it for being cold hearted and arrogant, but in fact simply turns upon the working men and women like Joe the Plumber. This is the result of simple math of all social re-distribution programs. When all of the Rich people's property is taken overnight, then the working people all get $10 apiece and are no better off, but the government middle men who suddenly got rich off the scheme also suddenly make their riches off limits from that confiscation with some story du jour about a new cause. How's that poisonous CO2 hoax working out for Gore and Soros's wealth creation by adding $4,000 per year to working people's utility and gasolene bills?

Vic Shoup said...

Am I the only one who feels misled by this post's headline? Thought there'd be pictures.

Jen Bradford said...

I can't hear the word 'tit' without flashing on this great scene from
Paper Moon

Sharc 65 said...

And don't forget this Harrison Ford quip from "Witness":

Grandpa Amish: "You've never had your hands on a tit before."

John Book: "Not one this big."

Grandpa Amish: "HaHaHaHa."

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