August 19, 2010

"In an act of shockingly retro, sexist stupidity, a local unit of the Republican Party of Minnesota..."

"... has broadcast a new reason you should vote Republican: GOP women are hot, and Democratic women are not."

My comments, in list form:

1. That's not just some guy's viral video, that's an official Republican group? Uh, speaking of "Who Let the Dogs Out," put a leash on those guys. They're not helping.

2. Did they pay royalties to appropriate "She's a Lady" and "Who Let the Dogs Out"?

3. There's a certain silliness to picking (what you think are) the prettiest pictures of one party's women and (what you think are) the ugliest pictures of the other party's women, which might be enjoyable if it was just some YouTube foolery.

4. I liked the natural look of some of the Democratic women who were supposed to be unattractive. Most of the ugliness had to do with making faces. Good for them if they can make faces. It means they aren't botoxed into expressionlessness. Too much of the supposed prettiness of the Republican women came in the form of glitzy TV makeup and hair. I got really tired of looking at them. Too much sameness.

5. The old cliché GOP argument that your women are better than your opponents' women is offputting and sad.

6.  Whoever made this video is ugly.


lucid said...

Oh, chill out Ann. The female chuvinism is getting old. Methinks you doth protest too much.

This is exactly the kind of theme or issue that women compete on with each other--who is more attractive.

Take a deep breath and have some fun with it.

Methadras said...

Ann, why so crotchety today?

wv = nokuddz = slow down a little and enjoy your kuddz

mesquito said...

Alright, alright.

But Republican women smile more, because being alternately sullen and outraged is not part of the doctrine.

Big Mike said...

You're right, in that the ad is tasteless.

But their thesis is perfectly correct -- Republican women are much hotter.

chickelit said...

(1) I deplore any photoshopped advantages/disadvantages.

(2) It seems to me that an equal opportunity exists to make an all male version of such a beauty contest, so it's not inherently a sexist effort.

(3) I've come to distrust The Atlantic as an objective news source (and my wife finally agreed, dumping her subscription).

(4) Some of the photos are, with respect to beauty, just objective.

(5) Since when does beauty correlate with intelligence or political effectiveness?

kent said...

"Wicket W. Warrick [R.-Endor] could not be reached for comment."

chickelit said...

I strongly suspect that anti-Michelle Bachmann forces are somehow behind this.

Martin Gale said...

Oh for heaven's sake Ann this pathetic video was produced by the local Republican Party for the 56th state senate district of Minnesota. And you think, what? It has national implications? If so, here's hoping your also keeping tabs on fire commissioner and school board elections -- wouldn't want any of that nasty sexism to slip in under the radar.

kjbe said...

Yes, agreed, it's very shallow and ugly. And Minnesotans, no less. Huh.

Anonymous said...

"Ann, why so crotchety today?"

She's clearly on her period.

As to Democrat women: A bunch of fat ugly trannies and hairly lesbos.

Tea Party babes are fucking hotties and should have no trouble procreating.

Harsh Pencil said...

I guess it would be inappropriate for me to form a list of which ones I would be willing to nut on.

Anonymous said...

BTW: This was not "broadcast."

It was uploaded to YouTube by an individual.

"Broadcasts" are televised on public airwaves.

At least get your facts straight, Ann.

traditionalguy said...

My guess is that the Minnesota voters need something to help their mood during long cold winters. Electing clowns as Governor and as Senator are a hoot, yet just not enough fun...they long for a smiling beautiful GOP woman.

AC245 said...

4. I liked the natural look of some of the Democratic women who were supposed to be unattractive. Most of the ugliness had to do with making faces. Good for them if they can make faces. It means they aren't botoxed into expressionlessness. Too much of the supposed prettiness of the Republican women came in the form of glitzy TV makeup and hair. I got really tired of looking at them. Too much sameness.

So the video is an "act of shockingly retro, sexist stupidity" because it implies that the women in one party were prettier than in the other, and your critique is... that the women in one party were prettier than in the other!


Anonymous said...

The image at 4:18 should go down as one of the funniest Photoshop jobs in 21st Century political history.

This parody is the funniest thing I've seen on the internet so far this year.

Anonymous said...

Look folks,

Democrat women are a bunch of fat ugly hags.

As with all good comedy, it's funny BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. If it wasn't true, it wouldn't be funny, it would be shockingly sexist and stupid.

But since it's true, it's just fucking hilarious.

If you're a fat ugly hairy hag, the Democrat Party is the party you will join.

Otherwise, you'll be a Republican.

Same as if when you get mugged the first time. You instantly become a Republican.

Automatic_Wing said...

Outrageously outrageous. I will never vote for the Republican candidate for the 56th state senate district of Minnesota after seeing this.

The Scythian said...

See, now that is sexist and obnoxious.

traditionalguy said...

What was Bob Dylan's song about telling my friend Jack how to get the country to grow again... get Anita Ekberg, Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Lauren...the country will grow.

MadisonMan said...

What an ugly series of comments.

Synova said...

It's way way WAY too long. The part with the "hot" Republican or conservative women is boring. The part with the ugly Democrat women is... more boring.

Is it sexist?

Frankly, I don't care. All my "care" took a permanent vacation in 2008 when Sarah Palin got criticized for the high crime of looking f*ckable but also looking like she wouldn't f*ck... the HORROR of it. OMG. See, she was a tease, refuting sexual liberation and feminism while playing with it's power. UNFAIR! She shouldn't get the *power* of sex without also the degradation of being thought easy.

Liberal women (some of them) are pretty sick puppies. It's not anti-woman to be attractive or to enjoy sex without the "sexual liberation" and abortion that go with it. Really, it's not.

Also please, lets not forget Hate F*ck Gate, hm?

kent said...

Frankly, I don't care. All my "care" took a permanent vacation in 2008 when Sarah Palin got criticized for the high crime of looking f*ckable but also looking like she wouldn't f*ck... the HORROR of it. OMG. See, she was a tease, refuting sexual liberation and feminism while playing with it's power. UNFAIR!

Insert Wild, Sustained Applause Here.

Anonymous said...

"What an ugly series of comments."

I've found them to be quite ironic and indicitive of a larger, much more nuanced narrative demonstrating that power corrupts and that absolute power seems to make Democrat women turn into horn toads you wouldn't fuck with a 10-foot pole.

rhhardin said...

There's the MSM news babes, a page of female anchors.

I can't tell them apart, meant seriously.

Show me a pic of one and I couldn't pick her out.

I claim it's the stylized competent female look.

EK said...

I had to register at the Atlantic and leave some feedback, but I'll make the same comment here. This video has actually been circulating around the web for ages. I very seriously doubt that it was an official party production. The first time I saw it was when my parents received it in an e-mail from a friend and showed it to me--they were enormously amused by it. Now, of course, it isn't at all fair. But when has the political world ever been fair? Still, it was impolitic--and not very bright--for a party organ to host or link to this video on its web site.

roesch-voltaire said...

Ah yes Republican women never get "crotchety when they have their period, just ask Cindy MacCain who always knows her place-- not. Sadly This is a shallow anti-feminist video period.

chickelit said...

Poor Tom Jones...and Jimmy Page: guilty by association too linkage. Serves Page right for never fessing up to playing that solo on "You Really Got Me" back in '64.

rhhardin said...

It's a stupid ad because it's boring.

Throwing some babes or anti-babes in isn't a bad idea, but something else has to be the message that it works on.

Making use of sex isn't sexist.

knox said...

That was a stupid video. Heavy-handed and too long, much like the grizzly political ad.

It's best not to try to be funny if you can't pull it off.

Anonymous said...

"What an ugly series of comments."

The problem with Democrats like you MadisonDouche is that you have no fucking sense of humor.

You're a bunch of concerned douches.

Lighten up, Francis.


(I shouldn't use that joke on you because it's probably fucking wasted because you're too much of a douchebag to get the reference.)

knox said...

I claim it's the stylized competent female look.

As soon as Contessa Brewer opens her mouth, the competent facade crumbles. She is truly the stupidest news person I've ever seen or heard.

Anonymous said...

BTW: This was not "broadcast."
It was uploaded to YouTube by an individual.
"Broadcasts" are televised on public airwaves.
At least get your facts straight, Ann.

Funny, whenever I upload stuff onto YouTube, it asks me to declare my "Broadcasting and Sharing Options."

Terminology can be funny that way. In this age of digital, did you know there are people who still talk about "taping" TV shows, even when there is no tape involved?

As for the term "public airwaves," that's arguably redundant. The Communications Act of 1934 says that the airwaves belong to the people.

Word verification: infelasp.

Bruce Hayden said...

Well, one of the problems that the Democrats have right now is that the women at the top of their party, notably Nancy Pelosi and Hillary! are not all that attractive. Hillary! was probably almost cute for a couple of years in college. Maybe. Not that she was ugly, but looks were never her thing.

Pelosi, I think was good looking when she was younger. But she is of an age that she should allow herself to age gracefully. Instead, likely due to the amount of money they have, she appears to be botoxed and face lifted to the max. Combine that with the fact that she comes across as a harpy, and it isn't that attractive of a package.

Anonymous said...

This silly little thing has been around quite a while with hardly anyone knowing about it, much less upset about it.

Besides, conservative women are prettier - on the inside, which is what counts.

Ned said...

dem = victim = ugly women = persecuted unfairly = pissed = dem

Methadras said...

Ask yourself this question? Would you jizz on the Republican, non ewok women or the Democrat ewok mama grizzly hagatha's?

wv = suppet = Alphaliars modus operandi

I'm Full of Soup said...

The truth hurts.

Anonymous said...

Let's look at this objectively; Liberalism is a disease, so it's obvious the video was produced by the CDC, and intended as a PSA.

Anonymous said...

"Let's look at this objectively; Liberalism is a disease ... "

I object to this comment. Liberalism is not a disease.

It's a veneral disease.

WV: flabbily "The View represents the Democrat Party flabbily."

Anonymous said...

"I object to this comment. Liberalism is not a disease."

Well, I object to your objection. Since venereal is a subset, and usually treatable.

But, have you ever tried to pull a liberal out of a sweat lodge, intact?

Or an abortionist out of a Liberal?

Anonymous said...

"Admiral Nelson had a brilliant strategy for the Trafalgar battle(1), one which he'd executed successfully in several prior battles - that being crash through the nicely ordered enemy ships of the line and rampage like a dervish on crack trusting his well trained and equipped captains and crews to seize and maintain initiative and brutally annihilate the enemy with better aim, greater rates of fire, and superior in close maneuver.

The Nelsonian strategy was simplicity itself, unlike a Montgomery during WWII who loved the set piece battle format; Nelson sought and thrived on the chaos of the conflict itself relying on that chaos to give his ships advantage. The French and Spanish enemies were, due to cultural and command structure differences more rigid and inflexible.

Seek and create chaos and confusion, and profit from it because you're better prepared for fighting in that situation than the opposition."

Cedarford said...

But Althouse, they were so much more ejaculation-worthy than the humorless femnazi hags dressed up as bears!!

Sponge worthy vs. ejaculation worthy.....

Of course Democrats obviously have 99% of the hot black women. But that is only because blacks are too dumb to know they only way you get real political power and results to advance broadly down to the most menial to be bait for both Parties. Versus blind allegiance to a small pack of Democrat black hustler overseers that have houses almost as good as the Plantation bosses do.

Bob Ellison said...

I guess I'm the only right-of-center heterosexual male who thinks Barbara Boxer is kinda pretty.

holdfast said...

Please. This is amateur hour and ancient, made by some dude in his basement. If this is the worst that the GOP ever does then we are light years ahead of the opposition with their eight years of assassination fantasy and extreme misogyny directed towards any conservative woman.

Silly and immature.

Jim said...

1) This isn't a Republican-produced ad. If it was it would have had some sort of "Paid for" or "Sponsored by" type of disclaimer - or at the very least the Republican logo SOMEWHERE in it.

2) It's also obviously OOOOLLLLDDD NEWS. Looking at the pictures, it was obviously produced somewhere around the beginning of 2009.

3) So the post in The Atlantic is a FLAT OUT LIE. This isn't "coming up with a new reason to vote Republican."

4) So the BIG NEWS here is that some local Republican site POSTED A LINK TO YOUTUBE. Oh dear God, the HUMANITY!

5) Is it sexist? Undeniably. Is it OFFENSIVE? Hardly. Some dude took a bunch of pictures he found on the internet - NONE of which were even REMOTELY NSFW - and he put together a YouTube video of it. WHOOPPEEE!!!

6) Should the local chapter have linked to it? Of course not. But let's not pretend that some local yahoo represents the entire party. If this had been at the STATE GOP or NATIONAL GOP, then maybe we could work up a little outrage. But some local chapter which is probably run on a shoestring? Please....

7) There DOES seem to be an EXTRAORDINARY degree of sensitivity to even the APPEARANCE of sexism which not evidenced itself before. I've no doubt there's an underlying personal issue which has created a sort of theme over the past day or two, but it be untoward to speculate on what it might be. I can only hope that our hostess resolves this issue and gets back to her formerly good spirits as quickly as possible.

Michael Haz said...

You're a bunch of concerned douches.

CDA - Concerned Douches of America - is this weeks liberal version of the Tea Party.

LonewackoDotCom said...

Lots of stupidity to go around:

1. I knew they'd have Janeane Garofalo on there despite the fact that at least before and in certain circumstances she was to a certain degree a classic beauty.

2. Althouse is giving a perfectly good link to the non-credible Nicole Allen at a site that banned me. That was by Ta-Nehisi Coates, someone with whom Althouse had a dust-up of some kind. It would be smart of Althouse to want to hurt him even if she had to help me in the process, and she could do that by making a link just like the preceding in her sidebar. Like I said, that would be the smart thing to do. Instead, she helps a major site that hosts someone who's gone after her.

Plenty of doh! to go around.

bagoh20 said...

Amazing what fires some up, and gets no quarter of nuanced complex justification.

rcocean said...

Hey it applies to men too.

Barney Frank
Billie Bob Clinton
Al Franken
Harry Reid
Chuckie Shumer
Dennis Kucinch

It even applies to Judges:


Lets face it, the Democrats are the party of ugly. (Although Diane Feinstein was a good looking babe back in the day). Good looking liberals go to Hollywood, the ugly ones into Politics.

Unknown said...

And this is all that different from the half dozen almost identical videos that have been floating around for the last 2 years how?

Bob Ellison said...

I guess I'm the only right-of-center heterosexual male who thinks Barbara Boxer is kinda pretty.

In that case, you need to seek professional help.

Spoken in a caring way.

rcocean said...

Dems even win the ugly contest among journalists. Did you see the liberals that were in Journ-o-List?

Erza Klein was the handsome one.

rcocean said...

"Good looking liberals go to Hollywood, the ugly ones into Politics."

Barbara Streisand and Rosie O Donnell excepted.

Mary Beth said...

Too long and too slow.

Skyler said...

I wonder if they had to pay the models or the photographers for some of those pictures.

chickelit said...

rcocean wrote: Lets face it, the Democrats are the party of ugly.

Albanians, under the orthodox leftist Enver Hoxha, worshiped the ugly in a cultish way. Body odor was glorified, while the scent of fragrances was condemned. The beautiful was shunned as a foreign influence. All this according to the newspaper of record: Birth of 'the Cult of the Ugly'

Jacq said...

Republican women look like women and Republican men look like men.

Democrat men look like women and vice versa.

Try it, you'll be able to identify party affiliation on sight, like I do.

It's because lefties don't believe in gender. But they are wrong, and they make themselves ugly.

It's sad, so sad. It's a sad, sad situation.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Living proof that liberal/democrat women have NO sense of humor..... or marketing skills.

A Democrat woman would respond with a counter video showing hot Dem women and unattractive photos of Rep women.

You know...fight fire with fire.

Instead they choose to whine.

AST said...

Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: That's not funny!

I have no idea why they authorized this "ad," since it's about as persuasive and issue-oriented as the Emily's List one with the "Grizzly Mama" therapist in a bear costume, but it made me laugh when "Who let the dogs out?" started, probably because that song usually makes me laugh.

Otherwise, all it accomplished was get me thinking about which Republican women who aren't very attractive could be used in a reversal video. I don't think most people would spend much time thinking how awful it was for objectifying women. Remember, Minnesota elected Jesse "The Body" Ventura before they let Al Franken into the Senate.

rcocean said...

"I wonder if they had to pay the models or the photographers for some of those pictures."

I wondered too. I mean where do you find a model as ugly as Boxer or Rosie?

rcocean said...

"A Democrat woman would respond with a counter video showing hot Dem women and unattractive photos of Rep women."

Good advice DBQ, but difficult to implement. Because the good looking Dems are who exactly?

Even when you look at the Women Pundits. Conservatives have Laura Ingraham, Malkin, Coulter, and lord help me, even Kathleen parker. And the LIberals have...well, Dowd?

john said...

Where was Freeman Hunt?

Woefully incomplete.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Because the good looking Dems are who exactly?

Well, I did say it would take some marketing skills.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Yeah, it's sexist. Sexism is alive and well in American politics. Republicans seem to have learned nothing from all the hate directed at their VP nominee. And Democrats had learned nothing from the hate directed at Hilary Clinton.

holdfast said...

The Dems have Helen Thomas, sort of planet-buster nuke of ugly. They could add every Victoria's Secret model for the last 20 years and it would not cancel out Helen Thomas.

rcocean said...

You're right John, Its all about "Sexism". 'Cause men are never judged on their looks. Which is why the Senate and Congress are dominated by short, bald guys with glasses. Oh wait, never mind.

Anyway, we need to focus away from looks and at the important stuff, like "Who is really Trig's baby?" and "How much money did Sarah REALLY spend on clothes?"

Methadras said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You know...fight fire with fire.

No, kill democrats with fire. It's the only way after garlic and stakes through whatever they call hearts.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's stupid, but you're just mad because your hero, Michelle Obama, is in there looking like,...herself!

Face it, Ann, she is a dog - a mean, angry, America-hating dog.

""Shockingly retro, sexist stupidity"?

Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

"Instead they choose to whine."

Saul Alinsky: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

What you see here, Ann, is deliberate ridicule designed from the outset to provoke. It's intentionally shockingly retro and sexist because then people will link to it.

The video itself would never work as political commentary if it wasn't self-evidently true that the Democrat Party is comprised of a bunch of butt-ugly unhappy fat lesbian Nazis.

As I said earlier, this is the funniest bit of political commentary so far this year.

Alinsky was right.

Michael said...

Lefties swing from applauding Islam to defending feminism. Pivot. Pivot. Pivot.

DaveW said...

"...which might be enjoyable if it was just some YouTube foolery...."

The thing is, it is just YouTube foolery.

AllenS said...

One more post to put in the Althouse Stinker File.

Scott said...

The video is down. Universal Music Group issued a DMCA take-down notice to YouTube.

Fair Use? Not if it's not liberal.

Shanna said...

Outrageously outrageous. I will never vote for the Republican candidate for the 56th state senate district of Minnesota after seeing this.

Ha! Me neither.

All my "care" took a permanent vacation in 2008 when Sarah Palin got criticized for the high crime of looking f*ckable but also looking like she wouldn't f*ck

What I thought was so insane was the supposed liberals who mocked Sarah Palin for having a job and having a baby! Seriously, I’m still shaking my head over that.

I couldn’t see the video because it’s been removed but I’m sure it is dreck. And an old joke that’s been circulating on the internet for ever.

Anonymous said...

Sexism. Blah, blah, blah...

Racism. Blah, blah, blah...

Homophobia. Blah, blah, blah...

Islamophobia. Blah, blah, blah...

Blah, blah, blah...

Jesus, what a mind numbing bore is this crap!

Anybody got anything interesting on their mind?

Anonymous said...

As to Democrat women: A bunch of fat ugly trannies and hairly lesbos.

Hairy? What's this about hairy?


Leland said...

For a woman that complains about men in shorts, you sure do like to be a hypocrit when it comes to judging people based on looks.

Opus One Media said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matthew Noto said...

Come on, Guys! Let's have a little sensitivity for the Womyn. Instead of beings hallow Neanderthals who only concentrate a on a womyn's looks, we should learn to appreciate and respect our ladies and treat them as true equals in all ways.

Exactly ike Bill Clinton did.

And we know how the Feminzai sisterhood just *loved* Billy-boy, didn't they?

I guess all that "sins" that come with being male can be forgiven so long as you support the right to kill your offspring for the sake of convenience, huh?

Feminists gave up the right to indignance -- feigned or not --Perfesser. Get yourself a new act.

Opus One Media said...

Scott said...
The video is down. Universal Music Group issued a DMCA take-down notice to YouTube. Fair Use? Not if it's not liberal."

you shithead

AllenS said...

Mr. House,

Your link says that your website doesn't exist. You ****head.

Opus One Media said...

The GOP...or stupid old fools party....gotta love 'em for how they help democrats.

Anonymous said...

It's still up on Maggie's Farm as of 8:14 a.m.

section9 said...

This silly little thing has been around quite a while with hardly anyone knowing about it, much less upset about it.

Besides, conservative women are prettier - on the inside, which is what counts.

Let me tell you WHY the Concern Trolling over this is surfacing now.

A bunch of silly people over at EMILY's List just made a hideously clownish video trying to attack Sarah Palin. They did it in bear suits. Palin struck back and basically annihilated them with humor.

This is a "shiny pony" story, an attempt to paint the Republican Party with the AssClown Brush that the ladies over at EMILY's List have done themselves in with.

garage mahal said...

So some knuckledragger found the homeliest liberal women he could find, and the best looking conservative women he could find - and they are Coulter, Malkin, Ingraham, and Condaleeza Rice? Haha. If you're still pounding your pud over Mann Coulter , I'm not sure that's much to brag about.

tim maguire said...

Video blocked by something called UMG, which must be code for some liberal thought it would hurt the Democrats.

AllenS said...

pounding your pud

I haven't heard that one in a while.

AllenS said...


Ugly Mud Girls

Scott M said...

One of the unfortunate side-effects of the GOP becoming as adept using various forms of media is things like this slipping through the cracks of common sense.

AllenS said...


pounding your pud hasn't been defined yet in the Urban Dictionary. Maybe you could explain what it means.

AllenS said...

How about nutting off.

garage mahal said...

Try "pounding pud" in your Urban Dictionary. Or, just ask Methadras. He's an expert!

Matthew Noto said...

Pounding your pud = to masturbate.

So I'm told...

prairie wind said...

garage, I don't agree with your politics, but you are absolutely right about Coulter. She isn't beautiful by any stretch of the imagination. Skinny and blonde doesn't always come up a winner. She is bright and articulate, though. Don't know about clean.

In The Truth About Cats & Dogs, I couldn't believe they were trying to tell us that a guy would have chosen Uma Thurman over Janeane Garofalo. Garofalo was beautiful; Thurman was, well, skinny and blonde.

But what do I know? I'm a girl.

Scott said...

"you shithead"

Harold, why don't you just go take your Geritol and try to have your morning bowel movement.

Scott M said...

I've noticed that with the glaring example of one fairly clear-headed comment yesterday, HD has grown exceptionally nasty and immature in his responses lately. I have a pie chart that proves it.

Scott said...

Speaking of pie charts:

How do you make an apple turnover?

Tickle it! :)

(Heard this morning on The Chris Moyles Show.)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Anybody got anything interesting on their mind?

We were talking about macrame as a harbinger of a double dip recession on the Sienfeld clothing thread. Want to discuss double half hitch knots as they pertain to Obama's fiscal policy?


Scott said...

Yes, Coulter has a face like a horse. Which is several orders of magnitude more lovely than me. Then again, the books I write don't rely on my sex appeal to get published, (even though a lot of guys find me sexy). (Caution: link NSFW.)

wv: pahstsa -- Pashtun pizza-flavored pasta. Or something.

Scott said...

@DBQ: You were a Girl Scout?

I was a Cub. Never made it to WEBELOS. :(

Opus One Media said...

Scott M said...
"I have a pie chart that proves it."

ahhh Scott..that's a pie can thank me for clearing that up for you at a later date.

Scott M said...

You obviously don't listen to Daniel Tosh, HD.

Scott, I did cub and webelos for a year...then I noticed I was liking girls more and more and kinda gave it up :)

Scott said...

@M Scott: I would guess that would be a good reason to drop it!

Makes you wonder about the guys who hang in there through Eagle Scouts.

Scott M said...

Makes you wonder about the guys who hang in there through Eagle Scouts.

It used to be a huge plus for college entrance points. I wonder if it still holds that kind of weight today.

Scott said...

Maybe at Hillsdale.

Freeman Hunt said...

"This video's really sexist."
"Yeah! Let's discuss the relative attractiveness of all the people in it."
"Good idea! In the name of Feminism, the following women are not hot... "

Scott said...

The sun on the meadow is summery warm.
The stag in the forest runs free.
But gather together to greet the storm.
Tomorrow belongs to me.

The branch of the linden is leafy and green,
The Rhine gives its gold to the sea.
But somewhere a glory awaits unseen.
Tomorrow belongs to me.

The babe in his cradle is closing his eyes
The blossom embraces the bee.
But soon, says a whisper;
"Arise, arise, Tomorrow belongs to me"

Oh Fatherland, Fatherland, Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come When the world is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!

"Tomorrow Belongs To Me"
Cabaret (Kander and Ebb, 1966)

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the video, but I'm sure it must be as horrible as everyone says it is.

I suppose it was inappropriate, as the critic charge.

I also think that the motivation behind making such a video may have been borne out of a prolonged frustration over the public images and general perception perpetrated by the media. This image crafting has usually shown conservative women to be dowdy and unhip and liberal women to be beautiful and glamorous.

This video, though I have not seen it, might be part of a backlash against popular media portrayals.

Conservatives want to feel glamorous too. Phyllis Schlafly is last year's model. Dana Perino is this year's.

Roman said...

Beauty is only skin deep, but Ugly goes clear to the bone!

Scott said...

I am trying to think of a leftish woman who doesn't look like someone's Aunt Gertrude, and the only one who comes to mind is Katrina vanden Heuvel.

Oh yeah, Janeane Garofalo too. But geez, she has a lot of tats. Does she really hate herself that much?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@DBQ: You were a Girl Scout?

I was a Cub. Never made it to WEBELOS. :(

Why...yes I was. :-)

But more than that, in my late teens and early 20's I got into the hippie movement. It was mandatory that you learn macrame (and other crafts) so you could hang earth groovy plants all over the place. Earning your hippie merit badges, so to speak.

Fortunately, I soon passed through that phase. Although, I still have plants hanging in my house and make crafty things.

I realized that I was the only one working, making a living, going to college, cleaning the place etc., and the rest of the people that I was hanging with were clueless self absorbed drugged out twits. Adios estupidos.

Joe said...

A theory.
From a Crypto-Jew....

Truly effective policy or humour works on several levels.

Now Althouse is trying to do a number of things with this post and her post on the Ewoks:
1) Spark hits, and discussion, good things from a Blogger's PoV; AND
2) she's psych'ing gherself up to vote Democrat this year, again....

Please note, to me at least, she "backs" into her votes. McCain was good not enough, so RELUCTANTLY she voted for Obama-a vote she seems to regret, but it wasn't her fault you see, MCCAIN and Palin failed to sell themselves...

Now we have two examples of the Republicans/Conservatives "dissing" womyn...Althouse would LOVE to vote something other than Democrat, but see, "Those nasty,sexist Republicans/Conservatives have once again, driven my vote away."

It's a part of Althouse's Defense Mechanisms, she won't admit she's not "cruelly neutral"-where it counts, in a voting booth, but rather that she's typical of her sex and socio-economic grouping and therefore a LIBERAL-DEMOCRAT.

So, instead, Althouse relies on Republican/Conservative "mis-steps" to justify her decision to vote Democrat.

Bottom-Line: this is all a part of Althouse's crafty plan to increase Web Traffic AND to justify her, foregone decision, to vote for the Democrats. Discuss.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That is very perceptive Joe.

AllenS said...


Exactly. She's a Liberal. Always has been.

Scott said...

@Joe: Over-thinking the blogmistress is the firt sign that you're being sucked into the Althousian Vortex.

@DBQ: I actually think macrame is one of those 1970s things that will become cool again. It might be worth keeping your skills up-to-date. The way the Democrat economy is going, we might all end up trying to sell macrame plant-pot holders on eBay.

Which actually is a good idea. Double the price of a Lowes plant pot with 50 cents worth of string, and add shipping and handling. Hmmmmm....

dbp said...

I find Joe's theory eerily prescient.

Though, since Althouse tells us how she votes and I trust her honesty--we shall learn how predictive Joe ends up being.

Scott said...

(Searching for macrame books on Amazon. Have a nice day.)

wv: ovulope ... an antilope doe in heat

Phil 314 said...


Your side is uglier than mine

Your side is meaner than mine

Another effort to reach out to the middle.

Scott said...

Polypropylene m=Macrame cord on the internet -- $7.25 for 100 yards!

Peano said...

Another of Ann's Freudian hobbyhorses, which have been getting quite a workout lately. Maybe this blog should be renamed "Althorse."

Joe said...

No Scott, polypropelene is made with OIL...Hippies cannot touch oil-based products.

You need HEMP-based products....Man I can see you'e going to need a LOT of help with this...for 2.5% of the Gross I will be your advisor.

You might also contract with DBQ for macrame/hippie advice and for investment advice for your profits...

See I've gien you tow GREAT ideas, for need me man....

Scott said...

@Peano: What would a Freudian hobby horse look like?

Indeed, where would the cigar go?

@Joe: Yeah, man. Right on!

Can you help me find a Chinese CNC machine that can be programmed to tie macrame?

Scott said...

"What does Althouse want?"

--The Dead Freuds

Known Unknown said...

"Makes you wonder about the guys who hang in there through Eagle Scouts."

They're Mormons being trained to work for Howard Hughes.

WV: water. I have nothing to say.

Phil 314 said...

Somewhat off topic (but subconsciously related), this phrase in a Politico piece really caught my eye:

Much of the right — including the noisy and influential tea party movement

I found "noisy and influential" off-putting. Why?

Joe said...

Can you help me find a Chinese CNC machine that can be programmed to tie macrame?

Possibly, BUT:
1) It's not a "CNC Machine" it's "Appropriate Technolgy"
2) It's not Chinese, it's "Fair Trade Macrame"

Our goal is to market to Althouse types, lots of disposable income, and "morals" to boot...

I'll create teh Macrame Fair Trade Association...which will inturn certify your "appropriate technology" macrame products Certified Fair Trade MAcrame Products and VIOLA dood/doodette we can charge 30-40% ABOSE market prices for macrame, whilst STILL running a Third World Sweat Shop!

Man I am sooooo earning my 2.5% (OF THE GROSS) today.

DBQ will invest the profits in Pakistani Persian rugs, which we will cetify as Fair Trade Persian Rugs, which we can sell to other Upper Class people...
and then we invest those profits in other nations.

Scott said...

Fair Trade? Oh, that means you treat your third-world employees nicely, but you still pay them 50 cents an hour.

Scott said...

"Man I am sooooo earning my 2.5% (OF THE GROSS) today."

Yeah. Talk to my office in Panama about getting paid.

wv: prefrug -- the watusi

Joe said...

@Scott, yeah "nicely" in Third World Terms, but yes $0.50 per hour...AND we get to charge the consumer an EXTRA 30-40% because we have a fair trade/employee stock-option plan that splits "profits" with our employees...again DBQ helps here with the "accounting" so that the profits we share with the workers are minimal...somehow are expenses almost ALWAYS equal Income...funny how that works.

Joe said...

Now Scott you don't want to have to have a "talk" with my Collections Division...Guido can be very, very testy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You need HEMP-based products....Man I can see you'e going to need a LOT of help with this...for 2.5% of the Gross I will be your advisor.

Absolutely. Go to your local farm supply or garden supply store and buy hemp in large quantities cheap. Don't forget to get some wooden and glass beads.

You might also contract with DBQ for macrame/hippie advice and for investment advice for your profits...

LOL. You can also sell your product on eBay!!! Just don't sell more than $600 worth to anyone or you'll be buried in 1099's in a few years.

Perhaps you can pyramid your retro macrame empire into a retro clothing line using buying tie dye fabric from India. (the fabric capital of the world).

yes, I changed my from the big hair era)

AllenS said...

DBQ. Wow.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You can use illegal Guatemalan immigrants for cheap labor. I bet the women and kids could crank out a macrame hanger in less than an hour.

materials 1.50
labor 4.00
underpants ???
selling at 12.50 + s&h

Scott said...

Okay, Ann needs to put up a new poll:

A. Ann Coulter
B. Dust Bunny Queen

I vote for B.

Scott said...

I love the smell of capitalism in the morning!

Leland said...

Agree with Joe's comments, but Althouse is still enjoyable to read. It's just like watching Star Wars ep. I-III. You'll know she'll eventually side with the empire, but the futile attempt at plot twist you know won't pan out is fun to see.

So new tag, Althouse is like Star Wars. Just don't mention anything about a sticky Wicket.

Phil 314 said...

And in another fine example of how partisanship trumps all, Howard Dean said today:
"I don't think — I honestly — I think some of my own folks at my end of the spectrum of the party are demonizing some fairly decent people who are opposed to this. And again, in no way am I defending the right-wing of the Republican Party. Sixty-five percent of the people in this country are not right-wing bigots. Some of them really have deep emotional feelings about this."

Or put another way:

Our bigots are better than their bigots

Mr. D said...

I live in Minnesota, about 10 miles from the senate district in question. The first I heard of this was on this blog. It's not really a story at all.

Peter Hoh said...

Big Mike: Republican women are much hotter.

They have to be. If they're not hot, Republican men will divorce them and marry someone who is better looking.

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