August 7, 2010

A desperate scenario...


... on a windowsill.


Trooper York said...

Why is Sgt Rock giving General Grant a hand job.

Does this have anything to do with the gay marriage thing?

Oh well. Don't ask don't tell.

traditionalguy said...

A bloody scene indeed. Is this a green and a red in a struggle against each other , or is this a cooperation against a blue? It reminds one of the Nike riots.

chickelit said...

Aww, did Meade dig those up working in the garden today?

Forgotten relics of times gone by when kids lived in your house? That's pretty cute.

Reminds me of Toy Story

Meade said...

5 points, El Pollo Real!

Joe said...

A bloody scene indeed. Is this a green and a red in a struggle against each other , or is this a cooperation against a blue? It reminds one of the Nike riots.

Wow, I thought I was the only one geeky enough to have remembered this!

"As for myself the Purple makes an excellent winding sheet."

Joe said...

Althouse you let your children play with ARMY MEN!? Oh, that's right this isn't the home for you is it? Your bio, is fuzzy in my head....but if you DID rear children here, you let them play with Army Men? Is that/was that even legal in Madison?

If you didn't live there, when this travesty occurred are you requird to ntify the authorities, so that the previous owners can be found and proscecuted?

Trooper York said...

Joe they have this new thing called valium.

You might want to look into it pal.

Chip Ahoy said...

"Gas-mask Man, we're cornered! Quick, step into the transporter ring. The barrel to my M-16 broke off and we got to get out now!"

Capt. Schmoe said...

Looks like the fireman blew a gasket!

Moose said...

...and how were those mushrooms?

The Drill SGT said...

Looks like green guy is circa 1968 US Army with an M16.

Red guy? looks Aussie to me with a Protective mask, bush hat and what looks like a Lee Enfield or Garand. Clearly a WWII era or at best late 50's

Unknown said...

That's just a couple of guys left over.

I have the feeling Ann is the fertile terrain where Meade deploys his forces.

Palladian said...

Speaking of desperate scenarios, won't you consider purchasing one of my beautiful limited-edition prints or drawings and help me pay the electric bill?

paul a'barge said...

that's RAAAA-CIST!

Mark O said...

Only a girl would see desperation here. Clearly, there is victory to be won and heroes discovered.

Fred4Pres said...

The red guy looks like Ol' Miss' Ol' Reb, but he is wearing a gas mask. Curious.

Could it be time travel?

I am going with Glenn Reynold's favorite: Guns of the South.

Fred4Pres said...

paul a'barge--

There are always 5 As in RAAAAA-CIST.

janemariemd said...

Cute! Reminds me, too, of the army guys in the Toy Story movies--did you see them, by the way? I regret spending the money on the 3D thing because that added little to Toy Story 3 but otherwise the movie was just great.

1775OGG said...

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop!


The rule of Lemnity said...

This is the now familiar CSPAN junkie, wall to wall American political soap..

The red soldier representing the red states republicans and the green soldier representing a hodgepodge of interest groups such as the environmentalist fundamentalists democrats.

The democrats need the red soldier for political cover but notice how the red soldier is leaning back.. as if to say 'You made your bed, you lie in it'... we all know the rest ;)

behind the camera you have your Breitbarts and your Journolist fighting for.. you guess it.. coverage.

The rule of Lemnity said...

ESPN and CSPAN should be a fundamental american constitutional right ;)

these are the only ones telling us what is really going on.

The rule of Lemnity said...

memo to Kagan ;)

Meade said...

"Gas-mask Man, we're cornered! Quick, step into the transporter ring. The barrel to my M-16 broke off and we got to get out now!"

"No, circa 1968 US Army guy with a broken barrel M16, that is NOT a transporter ring. Do not be deceived. Leave me and save yourself and the rest of the troops. I'm too seriously wounded because I voted with the over-educated political class in 2008 (Why do you think I have to wear this gas mask?). That regime will run the country into the ground if they're not stopped. It's too late for me but you, you can live to fight another day. Take that "Hope-E Change-O" ring to the great volcano on the other side of Galt's Gulch. Throw it in. Destroy it forever. Go now, US Army guy with a broken barrel M16. You are our last best hope."

The rule of Lemnity said...

However.. I do have a problem with the mission like fervor ESPN seems to have taken up the cause of goddamn MLB replay.

Rplay its going to f*&$ the game for ever.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Take that "Hope-E Change-O" ring to the great volcano on the other side of Galt's Gulch. Throw it in. Destroy it forever.

I'm laughing my ass off Meade.

The Crack Emcee said...

Trooper's first comment echoed my thoughts.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Leave me and save yourself and the rest of the troops. I'm too seriously wounded..

In the Hitchens video there is a segment where Hitchens says (I'm paraphrasing) 'if after I'm gone you hear from someone say that I had a deathbed conversion.. don't believe it'.

Later, it reminded me of Reagan Era CIA Director William Casey purporting to tell "all" about Iran Contra to Dan Rather in a hospital deathbed confession.. and subsequently Dan Rather sort of not believed, by no one.

Well maybe Gary Sick believed him.. because later Gary Sick wrote a book saying Bush 41 took a black bird SR71 a flew to Iran to hold up the hostages release until after the 1980 election.

The seeds of Dan Rather's downfall were already in the ground as far back as the second Reagan term.

Fred4Pres said...

Lem, Casey's alleged death bed confession was to Bob Woodward, not Dan Rather.

Fred4Pres said...

Here is a link to a Time story about it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh.. it was?

I think you are right.

I do remember Dan Rather playing it up.

The rule of Lemnity said...

yeah.. thanks Fred.

The rule of Lemnity said...

After looking closely at the picture there is also a possibility that these two were in an asbestos riddled structure..

for one of them not even the mask could save him.. Army guy with a broken barrel M16 tried to save him by giving him the mask but it was too late.

Of course it had to be a kind of asbestos that start harming the lungs right away.. not years later.

a kind of super duper asbestos.

The rule of Lemnity said...

... on a windowsill.

I was kidding about the asbestos.

Chip Ahoy said...

Help me, Broken-barrel M-16 Man. My cock ring slipped off and fell through my pant leg and now my junk is flopping around uncontrolled." "Okay Gas-mask Man, you wait here and I'll go get your ring and help you put it back on. But first, I'll just unzip your pants here so you'll be ready." "Thanks Broken-barrel M-16 Man, you're a good Yank."

Opus One Media said...

Growing up just slightly after WWII and during the Korean War the "toys that mattered" were the 100 piece army sets; riflemen, guys crawling along, radio trucks of stuff like that...just little green men who threw imaginary hand grenades and marched like pawns into imaginary battles in the back yard or on the table top.

Meade said...

Wow! The Yanks really are coming...

Ann Althouse said...

Those toys pre-date my time in this house, which makes the archaeology more interesting.

virgil xenophon said...

Having grown up in the 50s and played with just those very same green Army men, I can state unequivocally that the green soldier pictured is in the process of tossing a grenade. And the Drill Sgt is wrong, that pose has been part of the collection since at least the Korean War, and I should know 'cause I wuz a 7 yr old in 1951 playing with those things..

1775OGG said...

VV: Lose the time machine. That Green guy is clearly holding a M16-kind of rifle and he's wearing a "Fritz" type helmet, so perhaps he's from the 1980s. The 1950s toys were recycled with modest change of gear to keep them modern. Recycled, green, got it.


former law student said...

Could the red guy have been WW I cavalry, wearing a gas mask?

I loved my plastic Army men when I was a kid. Except for the prone riflemen. All the others could be toppled over as they were shot, making keeping tabs on the progress of the battle quite easy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I think the red guy is a fireman in full turnout gear. And the army man is throwing a grenade.

My brother and I used to line them up on the mantle or fence rail and shoot each other's guys down with rubber bands.

chickelit said...

Those toys pre-date my time in this house, which makes the archaeology more interesting.

Yes but it destroys the whole cuteness factor that I mentioned earlier.

The Drill SGT said...
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The Drill SGT said...

Doug Wright said...
VV: Lose the time machine. That Green guy is clearly holding a M16-kind of rifle and he's wearing a "Fritz" type helmet, so perhaps he's from the 1980s.


I agree with you that Virgil is wrong about placing it in the 50's with that M16, and I didnt catch what does look like a Fritz kevlar helmet, but we got BDU's before we got Fritz,

The pants and Jacket look like classic green fatigues to me, in fact, I have an "old style" (meaning they were verion -1 in 1972) field jacket. The jackets had pointy collar tips and we Drills took the lining out and starched the piss out of them . Very strac.

The 70's versions had rounded collars and the BDU field jacket from 85 or so had big baggie lower pockets. His helmet is from 85ish (so he was made after that), but his gear is mid-late 60's.

Wince said...

The comments on this thread explain the appeal of the army man toy.

These figurines down to their minute facial expressions, although frozen in time, were able to evoke infinite dramatic tales in the imaginations of those who played with them.

Try that with a lifeless, dismorphic Barbie Doll.

chickelit said...

Try that with a lifeless, dismorphic Barbie Doll.

Aww come on. You don't get why "And Mattel created Ken" to go along with Barbie? :)

Opus One Media said...
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Opus One Media said...

EDH said...
"Try that with a lifeless, dismorphic Barbie Doll."

A vintage 1953 little green army guy tossing a gredade may fetch $2.00 at a well publicized auction (as Antiques Roadshow would say) while a mint condition 1959 Barbie would go for 2000 times that. She may be lifeless but it doesn't take a lot of imagination to get the appeal to a 6 year old as well as wealthy collectors.

traditionalguy said...

The best use of plastic army men circa 1955 was to blow them up. Unlike the wimps commenting here, we took an empty liquid shoe shine bottle and filled it with black powder, which was sold by the tin at the hobby shop, along with some JetX fuse; and we planted a homemade IED among them. Caution: Black powder causes a lot of smoke to go way up in the air.

Meade said...

traditionalguy was one of those older boys in the neighborhood who my brother and I were not allowed to play with. Boys with names like "Roy Frick" and "Steve Speer". Roy claimed to have written the Book of Dirty Words and we believed him. Steve had a black English racer 3-speed that had no fenders. They swiped Playboys from their dads who they would refer to as "my Old Man."

Wince said...


You're giving traditionalguy way too much "bad boy" street cred.

Sadly, traditionalguy was probably more like Michael Richards as "Battle Boy."
