August 26, 2010

A Democratic member of the House joked that Nancy Pelosi might die and got a laugh from his audience and how does the NYT report the incident?

"Conservative Democrat Jokes That Pelosi Might Die."

Those terrible conservatives!


William said...

Liberal activist stabs Muslim.

Dewave said...

Nowadays I just laugh when people insist that the NYT is an objective, non-biased source. It's not worth the time it would take to correct such people. Treat them the same way you'd treat a moon landing conspiracy theorist.

MadisonMan said...

Very little good can come from joking about your leader dying.

He should have joked about her teats.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Recently, Nina Easton kept referring to former Texas House Rep. Martin Frost as a moderate Dem. Confuded by that description, I looked up his voting record and he was like above 90% per NARAL, the ACLU and a bunch of other far left rankings.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mad Man:

Unless it actually happens like in Hitler's case.

The Drill SGT said...

In all fairness the Congressman calls himself a conservative, though conservatives might not want to call him a Congressman.

Here is his ad

local values or runnin scared?

Joe said...

C4 is hurt you'd say that AJ Lynch.....

Anonymous said...

Check out the "Drudgedy"...
1) Pelosi might die in the next year (pic of polosi looking scared)
2) Below left, there is a stage set up for Glen Beck...but it looks like the hangmen are getting ready for those on capitol hill
3) Dark, masked men look on from the right

former law student said...

The NYT was guilty chiefly of going with the flow -- the 1250 hits google gives for "Conservative Democrat Jokes That Pelosi Might Die" indicates that the headline came from the AP.

Hoosier Daddy said...

local values or runnin scared?

My guess is local values. I think liberal and conservative are pretty relative to where you live in the US. My guess a liberal in Alabama would be considered a reich wing jackbooted conservative in Pelosi's district.

Clyde said...

Rep. Bobby Bright? Pretty dim for a Dem!

Personally, I don't wish any harm to Speaker Pelosi, I just want to see her lose her leadership position, since seeing her actually defeated at the polls is regrettably unlikely.

FormerTucsonan said...

No! The continuous Botox drip will prevent that.

Heck, she already looks like Meryl Streep did at the end of Death Becomes Her.

blake said...

I'm pretty sure the style book says conservatism is the root of all evil.

Chase said...

My guess a liberal in Alabama would be considered a reich wing jackbooted conservative in Pelosi's district.

Depends on his preference for chaps.

KCFleming said...

We have a lefty socialist priest at our local church.

Most of the time I can stomach his moronic tirades against people who oppose illegal immigration and national health care.
And only because I bring something to read during it.

But last week, he launched his sermon with "I was on vacation last week...(meaningful pause)...
And relished being able to read through the New York Times...(meaningful pause)...
The Sunday paper......(meaningful pause)...
Every article......(meaningful pause)...

And so I walked out, my forehead veins nearly bursting. Like that scene in the movie Pi, I wanted to insert a power drill into my temple to make the pain stop.

Unknown said...

How many of the people on the other side of the aisle have joked about nasty things happening to Conservative leaders?

Without them, Kos would suck almost no bandwidth.

For real, though, this is another one of those, "Did I just see a rat jump over the gunwale?", moments. That a Demo, Conservative or no, would say something like that shows how they view the upcoming Fall sweepstakes.

FormerTucsonan said...

No! The continuous Botox drip will prevent that.

Heck, she already looks like Meryl Streep did at the end of Death Becomes Her.

No, Mrs Gummer looked better.

Anonymous said...

This will not happen. Pelosi will remain the Speaker after November 2010. The President will continue his second term (super easy victory in November 2012).

No change. Don't waste your time, energy, and money.

Free advice to GOP: Focus on new leadership.

Kirby Olson said...

Ivan Denisovitch got eight years hard labor for a joke about Stalin.

This country's leaders are so lax.

He's probably going to be able to get away with the joke.

The Dude said...

Political Splooge Artist - thank you for your free advice. It is worth every penny we paid for it.


Joe said...

This will not happen. Pelosi will remain the Speaker after November 2010. The President will continue his second term (super easy victory in November 2012).

No change. Don't waste your time, energy, and money.

Free advice to GOP: Focus on new leadership.


And I was called "performance art."

PJ said...

Ivan Denisovitch got eight years hard labor for a joke about Stalin.

This country's leaders are so lax.

Tomorrow's Tom Friedman column today!

Hoosier Daddy said...

We have a lefty socialist priest at our local church.

You know, I was raised Roman Catholic, went to Catholic school for 12 years, and attended several Catholic churches throughout the years and I must say in all honesty, I never heard a priest once bring up politics in a sermon.

Now admittedly in high school politics invariably was discussed due to some subject matter and the Church's liberal social views were obvious. Not so much at the semon pulpit though.

Opus One Media said...

wow....holy about inaccurate reporting.

the guy said she may loose, not run, get sick or die...and the nytimes report that "she may loose, not run, get sick or die"..quoting the congressman.

i saw the same story on Faux Noise:

"Rebel congressman and wannabe republican gopher wanted a quick death for Nancy Pelosi 'get sick and die' was what he said and this comment drew raves from the audience which gave him a standing ovation". Newt Gingrich, former speaker from Georgia and now a contributing asshole here on Faux Noise when reached for comment said that his mistress was waiting and he had only limited time as his wife was shopping but he would be back to us in a bit....

over to you Sean.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Blake- very good point re MSM stylebook.

Pogo - I know you are a doctor but even I know your drilling idea would not work.

wv = mityras = sculpted buns?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hdhouse- pet peeve of mine is "lose" an election is spelled lose. How many times are you gonna spell it "loose".

ricpic said...

The paper of record called Bobby Bright a centrist back in January. You can look it up. Interesting that the paper of record contradicts itself. Maybe the paper of record thinks too highly of itself to be concerned with something as picayune as consistency.

P.S. I think the paper of record was correct when it called Bright a centrist.

Joe said...

Oh and America's Politico...even DEMOCRAT's admit the House is lost. So, yes, Nancy will NOT remain Speaker.

As to Obama in 2012, who can say, but he's going to have to demonstrate greater political ability than he has shown so far.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Free advice to GOP: Focus on new leadership

This part I do agree with.

John Stodder said...

Isn't the point of this story, however, that "conservative Democrats" are groping for an answer to the unanswerable question they might be getting from constituents?

"Okay, you SAY you're against cap and trade, Obamacare, the bailouts, and you voted against them, but you voted for Pelosi as speaker which guaranteed these measures would pass, despite your token opposition. Justify your vote for Pelosi as speaker if you're as conservative as you want me to think you are."

Uhhh...well, I guess I figured... you know... aliens might kidnap her and so...what was the harm...?

LoafingOaf said...

That's an accurate headline. He's a firm bluedog, practically Republican in voting record. Which explains his joke. Which is why it was right to report it that way.

If you want ridculous journalism, check out InstaPundit asserting that the lunatic who stabbed the Muslim cabbie is a "efty" when in fact he linked to Tea Party politician Greg Ball on his Facebook. Link

And check out Instapundit claiming this deranged person who stabbed the Muslim cabbie is a supporter of the mosque near Ground Zero, when actually the police have found his personal diary which contains “pretty strong anti-Muslim comments,” and "equated Muslims with 'killers, ungrateful for the help they were being offered, filthy murderers without a conscience.'" Link

InstaPundit has not updated his posts with these facts. We can see in this thread that his propaganda worked on duping the commenter William. I also saw Michelle Malkin all over Fox News spewing similar inaccuracies about the anti-Muslim stabber.

Scott said...

"Free advice to GOP: Focus on new leadership"

And that advice is worth what was paid for it. The leftish are incredibly frustrated that they don't have anyone to demonize except maybe Sarah Palin, and they look like doofuses when they do that.

It's like MoDo begging George W. Bush for leadership on the mosque issue. Laughably pathetic.

Chase said...

This will not happen. Pelosi will remain the Speaker after November 2010.

Even the New York Times doesn't believe that.

Get. Ready. Headline November 3:

American People Win - Record Democrat Defeat

roesch-voltaire said...

Anyone, including folks on this blog,could get sick, or die by tomorrow-- that reality goes beyond ideology, but I don't joke about it or wish it on anyone.

ricpic said...

The actual NY Times headline on Nov. 3 will be:


ricpic said...

I promise not to blame Voltaire when I die.

Chase said...

Scary Voices in campaign ads:

NPR: Why Humpty Dumpty is Not Good For America

Hoosier Daddy said...

That's an accurate headline. He's a firm bluedog,

Perhaps the problem with the Democratic party is there is a significant segment that really aren't Democrats, at least not in the JFK, Truman or even Clinton sense that is.

Pelosi and company like to call themselves Progressives so perhaps they might consider forming a party that's more closely aligned with that philosophy. That way they would not have to worry about true Democrats going off the reservation.

Joe said...

ricpic said...
I promise not to blame Voltaire when I die.

Who ARE you going to blame, HDHouse, Althouse?

The Dude said...

hdhouse - she may loose? What, like your bowels and your brain?

Hoosier Daddy said...

Anyone, including folks on this blog,could get sick, or die by tomorrow

If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die

Michael said...

Just as Faux rhymes with Fox, lose rhymes with loose.

Trooper York said...

I for one don't believe you Loafing Oaf. You are not credible in the least.

I bet they found this so called Anti-Muslim diary in the same place they found that noose that was hung on that college professor's door.

When it is all said and done this will be a fare dispute and the cab driver made all of this stuff up.

garage mahal said...

Up to now Repubs have been on strict radio silence on what they have in mind if they regain power. McChinless said they do have a plan, but they just can't tell anybody about it yet. All the new tea party primary victors won't give interviews. You would think they would be on rooftops. Hmmph.

Big Mike said...

@Madman, very good, very much in keeping with today's theme.

Anonymous said...

InstaPundit has not updated his posts with these facts. We can see in this thread that his propaganda worked on duping the commenter William. I also saw Michelle Malkin all over Fox News spewing similar inaccuracies about the anti-Muslim stabber.

So much "spewing" going on!

Get your martyrs! Get your martyrs while they're hot!

Right LoafingOaf?

Kind of confusing... exactly the cause of the martyrdom, wouldn't you say?

But don't let that stand in the way of marketing Muslim martyrs.

If your gonna have bigots, you gotta have martyrs!

Get your martyrs! Get your martyrs while they're hot!

Spewing! Spewing! Spewing!

Michael said...

Loafing Oaf: The Muslim cabdriver who was stabbed was against locating a mosque at ground zero. In your world that makes him deserving of the cuts.

Never do you see the adjectival "liberal" before the word Democrat in the NYT

Anonymous said...

Up to now Repubs have been on strict radio silence on what they have in mind if they regain power.

garage, this "We Gotta Do Something About It!" mentality is the problem

I don't want the government to Do Something.

I'd rather it didn't do anything.

To some extent, this is what is called Reagan Republicanism.

This notion that "We Gotta Do Something About it" is your philosophy.

Look where it's got us.

AST said...

I hope she loses power but continues in Washington. She's a great source of material.

"We have to pass the bill so you can learn what's in it." None of Leno or Letterman's writers could have made that up.

Trooper York said...

I bet they found that diary in the same spot they found the people who murdered that cenus taker.

You know the one who killed himself.

ricpic said...

Joe - If I let anything HdHouse & Co.or Althouse post on this site get to me enough to make me stroke out...well, I wouldn't have much of a life. And I do, I do have a life. I do I do I do.........

Joe said...

Joe - If I let anything HdHouse & Co.or Althouse post on this site get to me enough to make me stroke out...well, I wouldn't have much of a life. And I do, I do have a life. I do I do I do.........

I bet you do, you and your lovely wife....Morgan Fairchild, yeah that's right!

ricpic said...

The picture of the mooslim cab driver in the NY Post put me off my feed.

Phil 314 said...

And so I walked out, my forehead veins nearly bursting. Like that scene in the movie Pi, I wanted to insert a power drill into my temple to make the pain stop.

I'm curious, as a physician, did you like the movie's portrayal of addiction?

Anonymous said...

We haven't heard yet from our very own Hamas supporter, OmegaLiberal:

Who's today's martyr?

LoafingOaf nominates the stabber, but the stabber seems a bit confused about his allegiances.

Poor martyr material.

You can't tell the martyrs within a program.

Come on, OmegaLiberal, find us a Muslim martyr for today.

If everything in the known universe is caused by bigotry, you've got to keep producing those martyrs.

Trooper York said...

In the NYPD there are two kinds of cops. The ones who do their jobs and put their lives on the line.

And the ones who get promoted by ass kissing and lying and doing what the political bosses want done.

You saw that in the famous Sean Bell case where he was shot by undercover cops in the strip club. If you recall the undercover cops were black, white and hispanic and they were all involved in the shooting. The supervisor who was one of the ass kissers hid under the dash board of the car.

I have no doubt that some asskissers in the NYPD are leaking to the media about nonexistant or exaggerated entries in a diary in order to give Bloomberg cover in this mosque dispute. They want to trump up some bullshit for political cover and get brownie points from the Nanny.

The knucklehead who did this was a college student who had previous arrests for assualt while drunk out of his face. He most likely did this because he was a drunken dick. It is as simple as that.

Don't believe the hype. It will prove to be a big bag of bullshit.

Phil 314 said...

As far as the story, once again the desire for narrative and the use of charged adjectives and verbs leads to (at a minimum) the appearance of bias.

As a style point to the NYT; they probably missed "Christian" or "Fundamentalist" as other possible adjectives.

I expect better from them the next time.
(And I would refer them to Mr. House for assistance if needed.)

Trooper York said...

I bet they found this diary in the same place they found that poor stripper who was raped by all those evil white college kids at Duke.

garage mahal said...

Are you talking about that dude in NYC that pissed in the mosque?

Tank said...

Actually, it's amazing they even used the word Democratic.

Musta felt it was OK, if they could couple it with "conservative."

Hey, I used couple as a verb, without referring to sex.

Two points.

Tank said...

Also, I used bold with the word "if" without crashing AA's blog or my computer.

Four points.

AlphaLiberal said...

The guy is a conservative Democrat. He's a Blue Dog. So you are annoyed that a fact was reported??

Way to propagate conservative victimhood.

Didn't conservatives used to be opposed to the culture of victimhood? And Identity politics?

KCFleming said...

@c3 : ...did you like the movie's portrayal of addiction?"
It was a good story, artfully told. It's portrayal of pain from cluster headaches was very real. Was he addicted? I thought he was taking anti-migraine stuff.

@AJ Lynch..."even I know your drilling idea would not work."
Depends on what the desired outcome is. =)

@Hoosier Daddy ..."and I must say in all honesty, I never heard a priest once bring up politics in a sermon."
I never did until this church. It makes me want to scream when they equate Jesus' admonitions to care for the poor with government programs.

And yet in the next breath, they decry abortions, seemingly unaware that both evils flow from the same spring.

Unknown said...

shoutingthomas said...

Up to now Repubs have been on strict radio silence on what they have in mind if they regain power.

garage, this "We Gotta Do Something About It!" mentality is the problem

I don't want the government to Do Something.

I'd rather it didn't do anything.

There have been a couple with some "Contract With America" ideas, but you are right. This "We Gotta Do Something About It!" mentality is the mark of the Beltway crowd, Demo or Assistant Demo. I remember Robert Dole, asked by Neal Cavuto about ZeroCare, saying, "Well, we have to have a bill", and I'm screaming at the TV, "No, we don't. Leave it the Hell alone".

While I think Hayworth would have turned into the Republican Alan Grayson, I'm not crazy about Junior McCain having another 6 years to reach across the aisle. That's the problem - we need people who want to repeal this dreck, not give us different dreck.

PS Agree with those who wonder where Alpha is and when he admits he jumped the gun (or should have listened to Faux News) on the taxi stabbing.

DADvocate said...

Not only does the NYT have no shame, they don't even know what shame is.

Joe said...

Pogo said...
We have a lefty socialist priest at our local church.

I feel your pain, on occasion the nun in charge of the parish Peace and Justice Committee rights the “Prayers of the Faithful” The eye-rolling from certain members of the audience, myself included, is EPIC…

The parish is looking for new members of the Peace and Justice Committee and is calling parishioners to see if we will serve….I’d serve on it, but I’m not sure if my head would explode or the nun’s after the first meeting.

Issob Morocco said...

The Imp in Ann has appeared. Shame on you for trying to trip us up with a trick comment like "conservative Democrat". Informed bloggers and their readers know they don't really exist, like Unicorns, Leprechauns and Man Made Global Warming.


Michael said...

Alpha: You wouldn't notice this since you are in the opposition, but a running joke among conservatives is that the media also qualify a Republican as "a conservative Republican" but never a Democrat as "a liberal Democrat." You have to look long and hard to find the latter in the MSM>

So that is the "joke" that you didn't get. No problem with the accuracy, just the required lefty emphasis.

JAL said...

It sure seems like I can hear Madame Speaker whispering into the wind these days. Something about needing to "to spend more time with the grandchildren ...."

GMay said...

garage mahal continues his ignorance parade: "Up to now Repubs have been on strict radio silence on what they have in mind if they regain power. McChinless said they do have a plan, but they just can't tell anybody about it yet. All the new tea party primary victors won't give interviews. You would think they would be on rooftops. Hmmph."

Up to now, you obviously haven't followed a thing about Republicans. How much does it suck not to be able to use the internet competently in 2010? Hell, try for 10 seconds before typing on your drool-soaked keyboard.

Up to now, you haven't posted link one that proves that primary winners are willfully ignoring the throngs of reporters that must surely be beating down their doors for interviews.

Just because you're a silly little ignorant twat about the issues you feel compelled to post on doesn't mean there's silence.

KCFleming said...

@Joe: The eye-rolling from certain members of the audience, myself included, is EPIC…

More recently, as the economy has tanked, collections have gone down as well. Like the town lefties that want to increase school budgets and increase taxes in the worst economy in 60 years, the Church makes no reference to hard times, but instead pleads for more dough, and in fact has started new "capital campaigns" for various building projects that could wait.

Like the parishioners are cows to be milked. Note i avoided saying 'tit'. Oops.

JAL said...

Maybe Alpha is at work.

At the Post Office?

GMay said...

"PS Agree with those who wonder where Alpha is and when he admits he jumped the gun (or should have listened to Faux News) on the taxi stabbing."

It's not like Alpha doesn't have a history of jumping the gun on stuff.

*cough* Will Folks *cough*

traditionalguy said...

The Dems up for re-election are all believers in the Death Panel running after them filled with Tea Party voters, and some think that they just need to run a little faster than the others Dems.

Joe said...

Like the town lefties that want to increase school budgets and increase taxes in the worst economy in 60 years, the Church makes no reference to hard times, but instead pleads for more dough, and in fact has started new "capital campaigns" for various building projects that could wait.

Like the parishioners are cows to be milked. Note i avoided saying 'tit'. Oops.

Your parish too, huh? We never miss a Sunday, now without mentioning the Parish Capital Campaign....we even have a special prayer for it.

Here's something for you to mention....or OUR campaign once you pledge you get a spiffing T-shirt...and the First Sunday of every month we supposed to wear our T-shirts to know so we can see who has pledged and who hasn't! Shame can be a powerful fund raiser.

Anonymous said...

So, OmegaLiberal, you can't have martyrs without bigots. You can't have bigots without martyrs.

Yesterday's martyr fell through on you.

Sorry about that.

You've got to justify your allegiance to Hamas with martyrs.

Find us today's Muslim martyr... after all, with so many bigots on the loose, you've got to have a constant supply of martyrs.

Or, maybe, since you're undoubtedly allied with Code Pink, Women in Black and all those Middle East Emergency Response groups, you can give us a rundown on the generalized martyrdom theory.

Does the term "Israeli apartheid" ring a bell? Just wanted to give you a head start.

Be sure to preface your remarks with: "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF... "

AlphaLiberal said...

OK. He is the most conservative House Democrat.

And, yeah, it is bad to wish for the Speaker of your own party to die.

Michael said...

Lefty priest is redundant I'm afraid. It is so much easier to hector the congregation on social issues and easier to have them go along than it is to hector them about sin and expect any compliance whatsoever. I haven't heard the word sin from an Episcopal pulpit in thirty years. Give them money, be self-righteously in favor of social justice, and you can do what you want the rest of the time. Pretty easy, this new way.

Anonymous said...

OK. He is the most conservative House Democrat.

All right, OmegaLiberal!

Now we're making some progress.

He's conservative, so he's got to be a BIGOT!

You've got your bigot, big boy!

Where's your martyr?

Don't forget: start out with "YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF..."

Don't lose your touch now. We're counting on you.

garage mahal said...

Just because you're a silly little ignorant twat about the issues you feel compelled to post on doesn't mean there's silence.

Haha. All the tea party crazies are ducking the press because their handlers know that their Ayn Rand shit won't sell to the masses. Republicans in office know not to talk about their ideas because they are same ideas that were tried for 8 yrs that were utter failures. That's why they were booted out of office brainiac.

Michael said...

Garage: You might note that the Democratic Party has controlled the House for longer than President Obama has been in office. The skyrocketing debt has been created under their watch. For which they will be booted out of office in due course.

garage mahal said...

Care to take a stab at the amount of debt left by the last administration, and what's accumulated so far under Obama? Remember: two wars not paid for, two tax cuts not paid for, medicare D.

lemondog said...

And sooner or later
Everybody's kingdom must end
And I'm so afraid your courtiers
Cannot be called best friends

Culture of death within the Dem Party?
N.H. legislator resigns over Palin remark

(Horrigan is not to be confused with the other New Hampshire Democratic activist who was rebuked yesterday for expressing the wish that Palin and Levi Johnston had been on the downed airplane carrying Ted Stevens.)

Anonymous said...

"I feel your pain, on occasion the nun in charge of the parish Peace and Justice Committee rights the “Prayers of the Faithful” The eye-rolling from certain members of the audience, myself included, is EPIC….."

You have one of those too? I have an ,almost, overwhelming urge to chuck the missal at the &*^%$# sister.

AllenS said...

Wait a minute, garage. Didn't you say before, that Obama has cut taxes for about 95% of the people, or was that someone else? How is Obama paying for these two wars now?

Trooper York said...

This is what garage was referring too in his snark.

It seems a drunk named Omar Rivera stumbled into a storefront mosque and urinated.

No diary was found.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage: You might note that the Democratic Party has controlled the House for longer than President Obama has been in office.

Don't waste your breath as nothing you say will make a difference. Guys like him are just ideologues who despite the proven failures of Kenseyian economics will continue to insist that if we just keep spending more money....

I mean thats what Bush did and look where it got us but he's just find and dandy with the same spend spend spend as long as its HIS guy whose doing it. Can't debate logic like that.

The winning ticket is cut taxes and cut spending; its symbiotic. I don't care where the spending cuts come from but they have to be done. Its simple math folks, we can't continue to spend at this rate. You have to be a blind ideologue not to realize that.

Trooper York said...

In other news an Irish firefighter farted in front of a coffee cart staffed by Muslims while eating a sausage and pepper hero he got down the street.

He was immedaitely arrested and suspended for not showing the proper sensititivity.

The tramautized Muslims will be meeting with Mayor Bloomberg tommorrow to get the key to the city.

Anonymous said...

"his is what garage was referring too in his snark.

It seems a drunk named Omar Rivera stumbled into a storefront mosque and urinated."

Not nearly as funny as the couple who had sex in the vestibule of St. Pats..I'm trying to recall all the outrage on the left re this...

g2loq said...'ve.been.doing!

Let me be clear:

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not nearly as funny as the couple who had sex in the vestibule of St. Pats..I'm trying to recall all the outrage on the left re this...

For the left, this whole anti-Islam tirade they're on is just a foil which is why I just laugh at them. I remember a college prof who went off in class about the Catholic Church and how evil it is. Lefties were calling Ratzinger a Nazi and making parodies of him as Emperor Palpatine. Artwork degrading Christianity is celebrated by the very same jerks who are defending Islam as some kind of sacred cow. So take a hike and your faux outrage somewhere else.

David said...

His name is Bobby Bright.

NYT did a profile of him on January 4, 2010:

He is uniquely qualified: a former mayor of Montgomery, he was popular in the largely black areas in his district that are near the city. But he was born the 13th child of a poor sharecropper in the quiet country to the south, a largely white region of peanut farms and cotton fields known as the Wiregrass. The area is deeply conservative, but it likes its own, and Mr. Bright is one of them.

The huge turnout by black voters in the 2008 election, coupled with some infighting on the Republican side, resulted in Mr. Bright's winning the Second District by less than 1 percentage point.

Since winning, Mr. Bright has been such a purebred Blue Dog that he is practically red. He has voted with the Republicans on every significant piece of legislation of his term, including the health care overhaul, the budget and the "cap and trade" energy legislation.

Political analysts say Mr. Bright is smart to pay attention to the Wiregrass voters. He might not be able to count on such an enormous turnout among black voters in 2010 -- even if, as is possible, Representative Artur Davis becomes the first black Democratic nominee for governor in Alabama history -- leaving Mr. Bright to depend on people who normally vote Republican, a tall order.

On Dec. 22, 2009, Democratic Representative Parker Griffith, a freshman representing the northernmost district in Alabama, announced that he was switching to the Republican Party.

Mr. Griffith's switch left Mr. Bright standing alone as the sole white conservative Democrat in the state's Congressional delegation. Mr. Bright has announced no plans to switch parties. And if one counted only by his voting record, it would not seem to make a difference.

Trooper York said...

Here is the story of Nanny Bloomberg inviting the poor cabby to have his ass kissed while denouncing the opposition to the ground zero mosque.

In a seperate story, a black ligour store clerk who converted to the Orthodox Jewish faith was murdered yesterday.

Nanny Bloomberg didn't give a shit.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

This is story about the store clerk if you give a shit.

lemondog said...

The winning ticket is cut taxes and cut spending; its symbiotic.

Don't hold your breath...

Just in time for the fall elections.

Bernanke's Helicopter Could Move to New Altitude

In an all-out effort to get the economy moving again, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke may be getting ready to take his money-creating helicopter to a new altitude.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Don't hold your breath...

Bernanke's Helicopter Could Move to New Altitude

Oh I'm not. In fact, I have little confidence that either party is going to turn anything around at this point. The pain isn't going to come voluntarily but when we can't borrow anymore to pay for Iraq, welfare, edumacation for the childrens, social security, etc. Its like when you lose your job and your credit cards are maxed out you simply cut spending because there is no alternative. Now liberals like you know who just don't care cause you just print more money. Simple. Everything is butterflies and daffodils. Love is in the air.

GMay said...

"All the tea party crazies are ducking the press because their handlers know that their Ayn Rand shit won't sell to the masses."

Gosh Sport, still no link?

"Republicans in office know not to talk about their ideas because they are same ideas that were tried for 8 yrs that were utter failures."

You mean like the Democratic ones that tanked the economy? Yeah, you guys are a real success story.

"That's why they were booted out of office brainiac."

Yeah Einstein, tell me how November is shaping up for that permanent Democrat majority.

So I guess this is your way of saying "oops, I guess they do have an alternative and I got caught talking out of my ass, as usual."

It's ok garage, I forgive you because you're an idiot.

BJM said...


Eeeewwwww!...thanks a lot for that mental image.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I mean thats what Bush did and look where it got us

How true. The line from the left is that Bush spent like a drunken sailor and that destroyed the economy. Therefore, we can only save it if Obama spends like a boat full of drunken sailors.

Anonymous said...

This same old story is getting into un-interesting territory. Yeah, the NYT has squandered its reputation as the American paper-of-record by accepting the religion of conformist liberalism. I think everyone who pays attention is pretty aware of that fact by now.

Besides, it's just a business decision so that they can sell more advertising. Why care?

BJM said...

@Because I Said So

A funny bit of Drudgedy further down on the right too... the Russian hunter vs our Golfer In Chief taking a leak in the woods.

BJM said...

The funniest comment thus far was on The Hill's thread:

BY AMUSED NOT on 08/26/2010 at 12:49

Maybe a house will fall on her…

Gene said...

Pelosi isn't going to die. In fact, I have often thought she looks surprisingly well for her age (70). But she may have a nervous breakdown if the Republicans take the house this November (and she loses her speakership position).

If the polls are still going against the Democrats in October, look for her to start alleging racism and anti-Semitism in the thinking of anyone planning to vote Republican.

Actually, now that I think about it, she won't wait that long before making such allegations against conservatives. She's done it already when talking about the Tea Party. From there it's a small jump to argue that anyone who doesn't support Obama and the Democrats is a flat out racist.

garage mahal said...

So I guess this is your way of saying "oops, I guess they do have an alternative and I got caught talking out of my ass, as usual."

Ah, no. I'm saying they can't talk about their alternatives. Nobody likes them.

skaus said...

The fact that he is a conservative is what causes the story to make sense. he is not happy with Pelosi as leader. It adds content.

knox said...

Republicans in office know not to talk about their ideas because they are same ideas that were tried for 8 yrs that were utter failures. That's why they were booted out of office brainiac.

Democrats like to act like Bush and the republican congress' failure was a conservative failure. It wasn't; except for foreign policy, NOTHING about their behavior was conservative. The whole reason the Rs got booted (and Tea Party became popular) is because conservatives were sick of republicans acting like democrats.

garage mahal said...

The whole reason the Rs got booted (and Tea Party became popular) is because conservatives were sick of republicans acting like democrats.

So conservatives voted in Democrats because they were sick of Republicans? Hah.

Phil 314 said...

It was a good story, artfully told. It's portrayal of pain from cluster headaches was very real. Was he addicted? I thought he was taking anti-migraine stuff.

You're right; I'm confusing "Pi" with "Requiem for a Dream", both Darren Aronofsky movies and both good (IMHO)

KCFleming said...

Independents, moderates, Bush-haters, and race-healing idealists among all parties voted them in.

Christopher Buckley, Peggy Noonan, and Megan McCardle were all smitten with Senator Zelig from Illinois.

Conservatives are small in number to begin with, and some sat it out.

Big Mike said...

So conservatives voted in Democrats because they were sick of Republicans?

Nope. Independents voted Democrat under the mistaken impression that the Democrats couldn't be much worse. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have totally disabused them on that score. (Not to mention AlphaLiberal, garage mahal, HDHouse, etc.)

knox said...

So conservatives voted in Democrats because they were sick of Republicans? Hah.

Sure. Of course some probably opted not to vote at all, some voted for independents or libertarians. McCain was a horrible candidate: he was not conservative enough for conservatives, and he's just not likable enough for swing voters.

Obama said he would offer change. Instead, he and the democrat congress have only exacerbated everything that Bush did wrong. Out of control, irresponsible spending and government growth.

You may not choose to see those as "democrat" attributes, but you'd be fooling yourself.

Really: what about Bush was conservative, except for his foreign policy? Tax cuts (and the attempt at SS reform) are about it.

KCFleming said...

@c3 said..."I'm confusing "Pi" with "Requiem for a Dream"

Haven't seen it yet, but the soundtrack is quite good, and my son has seen it several times; a fave.

GMay said...

"Ah, no. I'm saying they can't talk about their alternatives. Nobody likes them."

Well, I gave you a citation that directly refutes one point of your bullshit that you still have yet to cite. And yet you're still pushing the same bullshit. (This proves can't read for shit.)

As to your latest point of bullshit that nobody likes these points that, according to you, nobody knows about since, according to you, nobody will talk about them (this would be proof of your idiocy)...again, I'll point you to any number of polls that seem to disagree with your optimistic assessment.

See: denial

Michael said...

Garage: "So conservatives voted in Democrats because they were sick of Republicans? Hah."

Tea Party movement occurred long after the Democrats had won both house and Senate. Your timeline is way, way, off.

garage mahal said...

Well, I gave you a citation that directly refutes one point of your bullshit that you still have yet to cite. And yet you're still pushing the same bullshit. (This proves can't read for shit.)

A 1:48 clip of Barney Frank directly refutes what again? He was in the minority party in 2005. Who were one of the few people at the time talking about the housing bubble? Atrios and Paul Krugman are the only two I can think of.

Robert Cook said...

"The skyrocketing debt has been created under (the Democrats') watch...."

The skyrocketing debt has many causes, no doubt, but a great part of it can be blamed on our ruinous and purposeless terror wars abroad, wars which can be laid at the feet of George Bush and his cabal of criminals, as well as the bipartisan Congress of his day in the White House. Presently, those continuing disastrous wars can be blamed on President Obama, and the bipartisan Congress serving under him.

In short, our country has been bankrupted by the failed, criminal policies of two administrations and both parties.

Beth said...

Fox online used the same headline; what's the problem? Is he a conservative Democrat? He's from Alabama, so I'd assume he is. Do y'all think there are liberal Democrats getting elected in red states? Not so much, no.

Michael said...

Robert Cook: War costs versus stimulus costs are debatable. By serious people at least.

Lots of criminals in your world, eh?

KCFleming said...

"Fox online used the same headline; what's the problem?"

Beth, it's the media stylebook, which states the word "conservative" before Democrat or Republican, but never ever seems to do so when the word 'liberal' is required. FOX adopts it now and then; they are not immune to peer pressure.

As a result, you can reasonably question their impartiality and reliability on any story they publish.

But that's an old and now tired observation; just more of the same. I quit paying attention to the MSM entirely except on this blog. I neither watch it or read it; I haven't the time to get out my Pravda decoder ring just to decipher their most recent propaganda.

It is a tiny bit useful, however, to reconfirm on occasion that the NYTimes remains an arm of the Democratic Party.

HT said...

During the sniper shootings in DC, Bobby Bright then mayor of Montgomery referred to the DC region as New England repeatedly.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Tea Party movement occurred long after the Democrats had won both house and Senate. Your timeline is way, way, off.

The Tea Party movement had been brewing for some time now and really came to being when Obama began his socialistic agenda and bailing out of subprime mortgages.

Rick Santelli nailed it on the floor of the Chicago exchange. Check out the cheering in the background.

The sentiments have been out there for quite a while. It just needed a catalyst.

Michael said...

DBQ: I was running on the treadmill the day Santelli went off. It was wonderful see and the crowd on the floor cheered him like crazy. He gave a voice to what everyone else was thinking.

The simple truth is that if all the poor little bastards who were forced to borrow money had actually honored their obligations there would have been no trouble at all. But no. They refinanced "their" houses and bought bass boats and new cars and other quickly depreciating consumer goods. And you and I and the others out there slaving away will have to pay the price. Santelli, as I recall, raved that he was having to pay for the guy next door who put in a new bathroom while he was still in his old one.

GMay said...

garage mahal picks up speed: "A 1:48 clip of Barney Frank directly refutes what again? He was in the minority party in 2005. Who were one of the few people at the time talking about the housing bubble? Atrios and Paul Krugman are the only two I can think of."

No dumbass, you said Republicans didn't have any alternatives or plans, I said go to for 10 seconds.

Are you trying to see just how stupid you can act, or is this the real thing?

lemondog said...

re:"Requiem for a Dream" used fairly effectively as background for Youtube Rocky Marciano old boxing footage.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Garage: "So conservatives voted in Democrats because they were sick of Republicans? Hah."

Garage, you're not a stupid twat, you're just a dick. Your side is doing on steroids what the GOP did for 8 years but thats ok only because its YOUR side.

The only thing thats more pathetic is that you can't see what a hack you really are.

Hoosier Daddy said...

The skyrocketing debt has many causes, no doubt, but a great part of it can be blamed on our ruinous and purposeless terror wars abroad, wars which can be laid at the feet of George Bush and his cabal of criminals,

Actually that cabal of criminals spent about the same amount on education as they did on those terror wars over the same period. About $780 billion.

But facts were never your strong point Cookie so that's why I'm here.

jr565 said...

Joe wrote:
Who ARE you going to blame, HDHouse, Althouse?

George Bush!!!!!

Moneyrunner said...

Jesus loves you Robert Cook. Get well soon.

Moneyrunner said...

Frank J at IMAO has THE reason why Republicans will win big in Novermber. It has nothing to do with what they say or do.

I think a reason Republicans are going to do really well in November is that while when Obama was elected people had a hope of him making things better, people absolutely know for certain that Republicans will make things better.

Look at this way: In 2008, America was feeling really sick and crummy. And then comes along Dr. Obama who said, “I can make you all feel better!” And everyone was really hopeful that was true — despite a few suspicions since Dr. Obama didn’t have any diplomas hanging on the wall. So America hired Obama… who then started to hit us repeatedly in the crotch. And we were all like, “Ow! Stop that! Stop that now!” And Dr. Obama said, “Shut up, stupid! I don’t have to listen to you!” And then Dr. Obama’s Democrat congress assistants held us down so he can punch us even easier.

So now it’s 2010 and people are looking to Dr. GOP. And given Dr. GOP’s record, they’re not very hopeful he’ll actually be able to cure what originally was ailing America. But there is one thing America knows for certain: The GOP will be able to get Obama to stop hitting us repeatedly in the crotch, making us all feel a ton better. And guaranteed results like that is a powerful thing.

former law student said...

We have a lefty socialist priest at our local church.

Ah, a follower of Christ. Always a treat to have of those leading one's congregation of Christians.

Unknown said...

I am sure it was a joke, the NYTs suck.

Pelosi sucks too, but I do not wish her dead.

Unknown said...

Recently, Nina Easton kept referring to former Texas House Rep. Martin Frost as a moderate Dem. Confuded by that description, I looked up his voting record and he was like above 90% per NARAL, the ACLU and a bunch of other far left rankings.

No confusion. A moderate American still stands and put his hand over his heart when the pledge of aliegiance is said. Still, Nina should know better.

Synova said...

"Ah, a follower of Christ. Always a treat to have of those leading one's congregation of Christians."

Oh really, fls. I'm disappointed.

I refrained from making a snotty comment about how preaching the abdication of charity to the State is contrary to Christianity, but hey, I think I'll just stick that in here now.

Voting someone elses money to a good cause is theft. Period.

former law student said...

The simple truth is that if all the poor little bastards who were forced to borrow money had actually honored their obligations there would have been no trouble at all.

The even simpler truth is that the lenders expected many of the borrowers to default, and priced the loans accordingly. That's what "sub-prime" means -- risky borrowers have to pay more than borrowers who are unlikely to default.

But the packagers of loans into securities: the Bear Stearns, the Lehman Bros, etc. built their securities on the unwarranted assumptions that these new, risky sub-prime, option ARM borrowers would pay just like the old 20% down 30 year fixed ones did. Not only that, they got the bond rating agencies to give "tranches" of these securities the highest possible ratings.

Remember the junk bond days? Would you consider that you could turn junk into gold if only you had enough junk?

Well, that's what the mortgage-backed securities folks did. And the only problem they had with sub-prime borrowers was that there weren't enough of them. Because they got a fat slice off every piece of crap they sold. And so it went down the line to the mortgage broker, who got a bigger commission for every crap subprime or option ARM loan he originated.

But blame the poor sap for doing what the system expected him to do, by all means. When the music stopped playing, everybody else retained his commissions. The only loser is the guy who thought he owned a house.

former law student said...

I never did until this church. It makes me want to scream when they equate Jesus' admonitions to care for the poor with government programs.

And yet in the next breath, they decry abortions, seemingly unaware that both evils flow from the same spring.

Is there an inconsistency? Wouldn't you expect Christians to care for children both before and after they are born?

Voting someone elses money to a good cause is theft. Period.

Can you find authority for that in Scripture? All I have is Mark Chapter 12:

13Then they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to Him in order to trap Him in a statement. 14They came and said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You are truthful and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not? 15“Shall we pay or shall we not pay?” But He, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius to look at.” 16They brought one. And He said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” 17And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at Him.

former law student said...

Tea Party movement occurred long after the Democrats had won both house and Senate.

Right, the TP movement didn't get started till after Obama was inaugurated.

Methadras said...

If he's a democrat, he IS NOT a conservative.

Methadras said...

former law student said...

We have a lefty socialist priest at our local church.

Ah, a follower of Christ. Always a treat to have of those leading one's congregation of Christians.

There is no precept in Christianity that is socialist, douche. Stop saying for it isn't true.

former law student said...

There is no precept in Christianity that is socialist

Not even the precept that to obtain eternal life one must take all that he hath, and selling it, to give the money to the poor?

What are the elements of socialism, in your view? I like a theological challenge.

GMay said...


Come on guy, this isn't a challenge and I'm not even a Christian. Spot the difference:

- I give money to the poor

- The government takes my money and gives it to the poor

JAL said...

fls Not even the precept that to obtain eternal life one must take all that he hath, and selling it, to give the money to the poor?

Epic fail.

There are enough Christians of various stripes and colors on this list who would be able to clarify this for you. If indeed you would ever want to have some piece of data clarified so you can go "ooops."

Revenant said...

Isn't it interesting that there are moderate Democrats and conservative Democrats... and there are moderate, conservative, and far-right Republicans... but there are no liberal members of either party?

JAL said...

fls Quoting Synova "Voting someone elses money to a good cause is theft. Period."

Can you find authority for that in Scripture?

Try: Thou shall not steal.

fls All I have is Mark Chapter 12:


And the individual Roman poll tax is related to this how?

Geez you're off your game worse than usual tonight.

wv coplui
The sound of fls's "points" going splat.

Methadras said...

former law student said...

Not even the precept that to obtain eternal life one must take all that he hath, and selling it, to give the money to the poor?

What are the elements of socialism, in your view? I like a theological challenge.

That all things stem from government not from individuals. You try to meld socialism with Christianity because you think is how it really is. It isn't. Governments are the reduction by which their people wish to be governed under a particular system. America is a Constitutional Representative Republic for example. DPRK/CCCP are communist. Venezuala is socialist teetering on communism. Northern Europe is primarily socialist in governance. Christianity isn't a government. The good will and charity of its believers stem from themselves as individuals as told to them by Christ, as an individual that they as individuals should, not must, do for others as they would have done unto them. That isn't a precept of socialism under any rational view.

Furthermore, to obtain eternal life one must believe in Christ as they lord and savior, not sell all they have and give it to the poor. It is not deeds that earn your soul eternal life, but faith in Christ as the only way to heaven and eternal life. Christ is the standard bearer for all of Christendom, with him having full knowledge that as he absorbed my sins and the sins of all of man on the cross. That was one being doing for many instead of the many doing for him. Furthermore, he wasn't forced to sacrifice himself for humanity, he chose to do it. The distinctions are clear I believe and the constantly used lame canard that Christ and Christianity are socialist needs to be stopped in its absurdity.

JAL said...

RC The skyrocketing debt has many causes, no doubt, but a great part of it can be blamed on our ruinous and purposeless terror wars abroad, wars which can be laid at the feet of George Bush and his cabal of criminals,

There's a new chart out RC.

Seen it?

Little-known fact: Obama's failed stimulus program cost more than the Iraq war

But ignorance is bliss, right?

The rest of us want to weep.

Quaestor said...

America's Politico wrote: "This will not happen. Pelosi will remain the Speaker after November 2010. The President will continue his second term (super easy victory in November 2012"

Takes another long deep drag of whatever he's smoking

"No change. Don't waste your time, energy, and money," while struggling to hold in that last toke. Now yet another drag, Bogart style

"Free advice to GOP: Focus on new leadership."(Gag)...(Cough)...(Wheeze)..."man, dy-no-mite!"

Fen said...

FLS: I like a theological challenge

Methadras: You try to meld socialism with Christianity because you think is how it really is. It isn't.

Because they will always be in conflict. Christianity demands we surrender our soul to God. Socialism demands we surrender that soul to the State.

And I dont think its coincidence that socialists are always searching for a God-King. They deify everyone from JFK to Che.

former law student said...

The government takes my money and gives it to the poor

You'll be interested to know that Caesar's governent used some of those denarii to buy grain to give to the people of Rome. So JC was fine with the government taking your money and giving some even to the not-so-poor.

former law student said...

Governments are the reduction by which their people wish to be governed under a particular system.

And yet Jesus was fine with giving some of one's earnings to a hereditary dictatorship.

former law student said...

Epic fail.

There are enough Christians of various stripes and colors on this list who would be able to clarify this for you.

And yet I persist in thinking that to be Christian means to act as Christ has guided us, as documented in the Gospels.

Or do you just skip over the parts that don't appeal to you?

former law student said...

Can you find authority for that in Scripture?

Try: Thou shall not steal.

OK, I'll bite: Where did Jesus talk about theft in the Gospel?

Methadras said...

Fen said...

Because they will always be in conflict. Christianity demands we surrender our soul to God.

There is nothing in the gospels the compels a demand to surrender the soul to God, Christ, or anyone else. Choice or the illusion of choice allows faith to have meaning, if one has faith, they've made a choice to believe. Once belief is achieved, then another layer of choice is acted upon, for a Christian, that is the belief in Christ and the acceptance of Christ. You haven't given up your soul in any way, shape, or form. You've instead assured its continued survival in heaven rather than hell. I chose Christ. I choose to live as best as I can as a warrior for Christ. I am imperfect. I am flawed, I am not without sin, but I am my own man and I made the choice to accept Christ and try to engage in his teachings in the best way I can. I can and there are, I believe very few people that I can think of that could ever, if ever, live up to his perfection, if not his gospel.

You or anyone else is free to call that what you want, but that would still obfuscate the truth of it, no? Christianity is not socialism, Christ was not a socialist, and the two never were. The co-opting of Christianity by leftards as a means to redefine it is something that their ideology has concocted out of whole cloth. It is a fiction.

KCFleming said...

In my view, the evidence that Jesus was not a socialist is that the results of state socialism in the 20th century were at least 100 million dead, by murder, starvation, and torture.

The means of socialism inevitably results in violence against the individual. That is inescapable when freedom is given over to the state, and the state accrues ever more power. Eventually it demands to decide who lives and dies.

Moreover, that very loss of freedom to choose is antithetical to Christianity.

Others have written books detailing arguments about the incompatibility of socialist economics and Christianity, if you cared to peruse them, but my priest and people like fls prefer to pick a simplistic theory because it suits their adolescent utopian view of the world.

But, Duranty-like, they ignore the evil they propose, and deny it, three times, and more.

HT said...

Michael said...

Never do you see the adjectival "liberal" before the word Democrat in the NYT


Go to the NYT web site. Type in "liberal democrat" in their search function.

jr565 said...

Hooser Daddy wrote:

Artwork degrading Christianity is celebrated by the very same jerks who are defending Islam as some kind of sacred cow. So take a hike and your faux outrage somewhere else.

Piss Christ = Artistic Expression and first amendment
Piss Mohammad = Would never be made in a million years.
Relatively tame cartoons that depict Islam in a bad light = insensitivity to Islam, can't even display them in magazines.
Liberals view of Christianity = Knuckle dragging,intolerant bigots who hate gays which is suggested daily and with outright brazenness. Pledges of allegiance witth the word god are attacked due to the belief that one iota of religion in the public square will lead to theocracy in Ameria.
Liberals view of Islam = How dare people suggest that Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Must be accomodated at all turns to show how tolerant we are of religious diversity. Suggestions that Islam isn't that peaceful and is far more intolerant towards basic human rights than almost any belief system known to man and certainly in practice today. BIGOTRY!!!
The suggestion that after decades of blisteringly insensitive attacks on Chrsitianity by brave liberals that they are now sensitive to religion and defenders of the noble muslims who are being discriminated against by insensitive knuckle dragging conservatives (who are probably Christian) = Priceless

AlphaLiberal said...

"PS Agree with those who wonder where Alpha is and when he admits he jumped the gun (or should have listened to Faux News) on the taxi stabbing."

I don't live here. I just visit. Got a lot to do.

I don't think I jumped the gun at all. This guy seems pretty loosely held together and the all the anti-Muslim hate-mongering pushes his ilk over the edge they are so close to, already.

But, you know, I've pointed that out in this blog about 2 dozen times. You guys reject it simply because it's a (valid) criticism of conservatism.

Michael said...

FLS said "But blame the poor sap for doing what the system expected him to do, by all means. When the music stopped playing, everybody else retained his commissions. The only loser is the guy who thought he owned a house."

But this "poor sap" received the money in return for his promise to repay it, at interest. So, yes, I do blame the guy who got the money and did not pay it back.

Making this "poor sap" the victim is just the kind of thinking that liberalism has sunk to. Too bad.

The methodology of rating and selling the securities is another matter pertaining to greed, commissions, lack of discipline and government policy to encourage lending to undeserving borrowers.

Michael said...

HT: I did what you suggested and found a lot of links to the liberal democrats in England. No Liberal democrat as a description of a liberal Democrat.

kent said...

If you want ridculous journalism, check out InstaPundit asserting that the lunatic who stabbed the Muslim cabbie is a "efty" when in fact he linked to Tea Party politician Greg Ball on his Facebook.

Even for someone self-identifying as "Loafing Oaf," this is imbecility of a rare, high order.

People routinely link to entertainers, politicians, causes and organizations on Facebook not only in instances where they sympathize and/or approve, but -- waaaaaaiiiiiiiit for it -- in cases where they manifestly dislike or disapprove, solely in order to keep up with postings, messages and whatnot from said entities. (I, for instance, am linked to "Stretch" Pelosi's Facebook page; but only an absolute cretin, knowing anything whatsoever about me, would bumblingly intuit from that that I was in any way a fan.)

"Fail" doesn't even begin to cover the epic absoluteness of such a wholesale exercise in online beclowning, quite frankly. I find myself vibrating between warring impulses to applaud and pity.

GMay said...

fls said: "You'll be interested to know that Caesar's governent used some of those denarii to buy grain to give to the people of Rome. So JC was fine with the government taking your money and giving some even to the not-so-poor."

Now you're confusing "render unto Caesar" (following man's law) with the precept of charity. Taxation is not charity and you apparently still can't note the rather obvious distincton.

GMay said...

AlphaLib tried: "You guys reject it simply because it's a (valid) criticism of conservatism."

Strawmen are understood to be invalid arguments.

Michael said...

Caesar and other Roman leaders routinely supplied grain to the inhabitants of Rome. It was an undisguised method of currying favor, buying votes and taming the restless. It had absolutely nothing to do with charity, much less Christian charity. The term "bread and circus" comes to mind.

HT said...

Michael said...

HT: I did what you suggested and found a lot of links to the liberal democrats in England. No Liberal democrat as a description of a liberal Democrat.


Then you need to try again, exactly like this

"liberal democrat"

with the quote marks.

Michael said...

HT: Of course I did it with quotation marks. Do you not see that the "liberal democrats" referred to are in articles about the British govt?

HT said...

When I key in "liberal democrat"

here is part of what comes up on the NYT search engine

Times Topics: Barbara Boxer
Barbara Boxer, a liberal Democrat, is the junior United States senator from California. She was first elected to the office in 1992, and won re-election ...

Representative Sander M. Levin is a liberal Democrat from suburban Detroit. On March 4, 2010, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that Mr. ...

Ron Silver, who has long been known as a liberal Democrat, has become a self- proclaimed "9/11 Republican." September 1, 2004moviesNews. Living Desk ...

Squabbling on the Senate Finance Committee about health care has provided an opportunity for a liberal Democrat from West Virginia to weigh in. ...

Anthony Beilenson, a staunchly liberal Democrat from the West Side of Los Angeles. What immigration restrictionists say now about Latinos ...

Synova said...

Socialism isn't charity. The New Testament has several passages that address charity from those who did sell everything to those that pledged money they didn't give (better not to pledge it) to those who said they sold everything but lied about it (very bad to lie about it, since it wasn't required anyhow) to those who were condemned by Christ because they dedicated their wealth to the church instead of taking care of their parents.

Socialism isn't even touched by any of that. Socialism is who owns and controls various parts of the economy.

Nor does Jesus's direction to pay your taxes have anything to do with supporting occupying nations. To look at that and decide that Jesus endorsed the military take over and occupation of nations, I'm thinking, is likely not where FLS planned to go with that.

Synova said...

The excuse for Socialism and for Communism is probably charity, though. But it's an excuse. The laudable idea that we can take care of everyone and life can be fair is persuasive.

But taking money from people by force in order to give it to others is what it is.

Opus One Media said...

Pogo said...
In my view, the evidence that Jesus was not a socialist ..."

hahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhhahhahahahahhahahhaahhahahahah ohmygod.....hahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaa pogo....hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahah you

what an absolute idiot....ahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhahahhahahahah

former law student said...

Caesar and other Roman leaders routinely supplied grain to the inhabitants of Rome. It was an undisguised method of currying favor, buying votes and taming the restless. It had absolutely nothing to do with charity, much less Christian charity. The term "bread and circus" comes to mind.

Exactly my point, thank you. Jesus's advice was to accept that the government was going to extract money from you to fund such a nefarious scheme.

those who were condemned by Christ because they dedicated their wealth to the church instead of taking care of their parents.

You see Christ used an Alinsky tactic there -- he embarrassed his opponents for not living up to their own book of rules.

But consider: why would children rather dedicate property to the Temple than to spend it on their parents? The obvious answer is that they could reclaim the property for their own use later on.

former law student said...

So, yes, I do blame the guy who got the money and did not pay it back.

Read up on how an "option ARM" works, woulja please? The borrowers were not expected to pay it back, and after a reset or two there was no frickin' way they could pay it back.

The mortgage machine sold the saps a bill of goods -- sure you can afford it! you can always refinance later, when the interest rates go down! sure you owe a lot of money but you'll be building equity! house prices always go up in the long run! They wanted suckers to sign on the dotted line so every layer of the mortgage machine could get paid.

And further, after all, if the suckers at some point had to default, the mortgage holder would be sitting pretty on a pile of valuable real estate.

But mortgage banker greed for commissions + Wall Street greed for a high yielding debt instrument + plus the natural human desire for shelter and a place of one's own led to the near-collapse of the economy.

When I compare greed on the one side to optimism and the desire for shelter on the other, it's easy to spot the bad guys.

AC245 said...

You've reached MUL levels of ignorant jackassery in this thread, FLS.

GMay said...

"When I compare greed on the one side to optimism and the desire for shelter on the other, it's easy to spot the bad guys."

Desire for shelter? Taking out a mortgage you can't pay is not a "desire for shelter". The only sillier response would have been if you had said "they did it for the children".

Methadras said...

HDHouse said...

Pogo said...
In my view, the evidence that Jesus was not a socialist ..."

hahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahhhahhahahahahhahahhaahhahahahah ohmygod.....hahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhaa pogo....hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahah you

what an absolute idiot....ahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhaha

Honestly, you crazy clusterfuck, everyone knows you are foaming at mouth raving mad when you typed this. Probably with one hand down your pants making sure your depends didn't all wad in a bunch, bung-hole. Give it up already and just die like every other fossil has.

jungatheart said...

Jesus spoke of theft when he said, 'if someone steals your shirt, give them your coat as well.'

I don't know if this is what Synova was talking about, but in Acts, didn't they all pool their resources, in the manner of communsism, because they thought the second coming would occur soon?

odemwingie said...


I read this post two times.

I like it so much, please try to keep posting.

Let me introduce other material that may be good for our community.

Source: Wal-mart interview questions

Best regards

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