August 7, 2010

"Dear all. Cut my hair off a few days ago. Feels incredible. I love it."

Hermione's haircut. I say: Beautiful!

Just like Mia Farrow!


Omaha1 said...

Link is bad?


It does look very cute on her.

Peter Friedman said...

Jean Seberg!

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm having a problem with the first link too.

Ann Althouse said...

Link fixed.

The rule of Lemnity said...

A clean break?

Its probably easier for a camel.. than for her not to have to answer something about Potter, daily.

that would be my guess.

Unknown said...

A little too boyish for my tastes.

The Blonde is contemplating something similar, probably more pixie-ish.

ddh said...

I hope Emma stays away from Woody Allen.

Anonymous said...

I hope Emma stays away from Woody Allen.

She's safe: she's not his girlfriend's daughter.

Salamandyr said...

I'm guessing this means the Harry Potter movies are in the can.

Michael Haz said...

What I wouldn't give to have a head of hair like that........

jayne_cobb said...

I like it.

Actually I quite like shorter haircuts on women, the problem is that they often come out looking a bit too mannish.

Unknown said...

she looks better, and no longer pre-pubescent. more mature. i'd give her 23/24 now whereas before i would have said 15/16 ...

Beldar said...

She's a striking young woman, whether her hair is long or short. Her good looks may be as enduring as Lauren Bacall's.

ark said...

I think her new haircut fits her face very well, and actually looks more attractive than her old one; at least to my eyes. This kind of hair style works much better for some women than for others.

Anonymous said...

J.K. Rowling must be roiling in her castle, that after Daniel Radcliffe was cast in Sorcerer's Stone, her muse and the beautiful Emma Watson were cursed with a gay wizard. Forever.

tim maguire said...

She looks like a twink but I still wouldn't kick her out of my hammock for eating crackers.

Reminds of the post last week of a cute girl in a hideous hipster outfit--an attractive woman will still be attractive no matter how she presents herself.

SteveR said...

She's got the face for just about any hairstyle.. beautifuk.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

It's a more sensible way to shift gears than what Miley is doing.


john said...

The haircut looks fine, but why did they also have to push her eyeballs farther into her head? That tired old anerexic look again.

Wince said...

Almost Cut My Hair

Happened just the other day
It's gettin' kind of long
I could've said it was in my way

But I didn't and I wonder why
I feel like letting my freak flag fly
And I feel like I owe it, yeah ... to someone, yeah

jayne_cobb said...

"She's got the face for just about any hairstyle.. beautifuk."

That's one hell of a typo SteveR.

Revenant said...


Paul said...

"the problem is that they often come out looking a bit too mannish."

Ya think?

jamboree said...

Prettier than Mia Farrow is and was rather ugly. She's going to attract the guys who like the pretty little fuckable boy look - which is fine.

The winner for all-time brave short hair is Meg Ryan. Yes, she looked so adorable in her 20s/30s that it doesn't seem like a risk in hindsight, but unlike Emma she was naturally blonde with a HUGE head of straight Irish hair a la Sleepless in Seattle. It wasn't such an easy call that it would actually add to her pixie femininity.

Then there was Sinead O'Connor who had naturally great thick Irish hair as well, but an even more beautiful face.

Popville said...

Peter Friedman wrote:
> Jean Seberg!


george said...

Ann is difficult to figure out. She hates shorts because they make men look boyish but she loves haircuts on women that make them look boyish.

My thoughts on this sort of haircut is that a woman will have many, many years when her hair thins to wear this sort of style since she won't have the material to do anything more elaborate. My whole life I wondered why older women cut their hair short and now as my wife and I are aging I realize they really have no choice in the matter. Pity really to waste all of those good "hair years" on a cut like this.

William said...

I liked watching the kids grow up in the Potter movies. They weren't all that good looking. They looked like real kids. She looked kind of gawky in some of the movies, but she's evolving into a classic beauty.....She seems poised, mature, and sane. So did Lindsay Lohan at one time. And Drew Barrymore seemed overdetermined for tragedy. Free will. Some people use it.

TWM said...

Seems I'm in the minority here (can I get some free stuff?), but she looked much better with longer hair.

Anonymous said...

It makes her look almost exactly like Winona Ryder.

Too bad. She is a pretty young woman, who looks better as a woman than as a boyish girl.

TMink said...

She is a lovely young lady. So lovely that she looks good with that ridiculous haircut.
