mesquito, how's that remedial spelling class coming?
AJ, you keep saying that. Don't you know the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
The Real Chicken, you keep on marching in lockstep behind Sarah -- and buying her crap. She loves you for it and we will love to see you all walking off the cliff.
Ah, AL on his daily carpet bombing of at least one thread. I notice the trend tends to be roughly the same time each day. Is that when the creche lets out or is that when your commune's generator cranks up enough to get online? Either way, take a shower.
AJ, you keep saying that. Don't you know the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
I don't see how his comment requires a result other than to force you to make a comment about it. In that, he seems to succeed just about every day.
Is there a Dem who could possibly be reviled by republicans as much as Palin is by Democrats?
Hillary definitely. I'll own up to that. Dean, maybe. Hillary is nowhere near as stupid as Dean, though, so Dean just gets bemused pity. In particular, watching Chris Wallace reduce him to a confused, stammering caricature was definitely entertaining.
I disagree about the timing of Sherrod's firing being related to some unknown dirty laundry. It seems a little wacko conspiracy theory to me, and life in general is usually not so complicated. Just because we don't know the whole story doesn't mean that the whole story is necessarily damning (or interesting).
I think they did panic and did something ridiculous.
btw, let the poor guy get a word in edgewise sometime. He's very deferential. Too deferential.
Ok, so ... some more extreme left wing talk is the only thing that Obama had to fear from SS? Can you be a little more specific? That stuff seems fairly innocuous to me. So she's feed for the blogging livestock for a couple more days. So what? She's already come out and said that Obama doesn't know what it's like to be truly discriminated against (and implied he didn't know what grassroots orgs were about, which is wrong). I mean, she's already been very critical of him in that kind of backhanded way. What other bombs did she have to drop. She's no deputy or anything.
No. I'll stick to my feeling that she was fired (resigned, got it) prematurely.
I can't remember, is Will Wilkenson the one who did an entire Bloggingheads on the subject of the word "cthonic" as a launchpad for calling Sarah Palin stupid...ironically backfiring since he had the definition for the word "cthonic" wrong?
"When you are trying to communicate (says Will Wilkerson) you should understand the perspective of the people listening to you. Who your audience is. And if are saying something, if you are picking out a quote knowing or expecting that it is going to be misunderstood in some way, or something will be inferred from it that would be incorrect to inferred from it, but you do it anyway, I think thats wrong."
The left is being presented with an embarrassing (behind the curtains as it were) view among their ranks - the spin comes back that we are wrong to expose that, w/o first considering the didactic hermeneutics in the context of its therapeutic properties ;)
Althouse doesn't think Breitbart was trying to get Sherrod fired?
Then how come when he released the video he tweeted: "Will Eric Holder's DOJ hold accountable fed appointee Shirley Sherrod for admitting practicing racial discrimination?"
And when she was fired, he tweeted that he was standing in the end zone: "How many times can anono-blogger @allahpundit write same piece in which he raises specter of me falling on face while I stand in end zone?"
That was when Althouse was praising Breitbart for getting results, while linking to InstaPundit's post: "Racist, fired." InstaPundit was also saying that the difference between the NAACP and the Tea Parties is that at the NAACP the racists are standing on the stage.
In this Bloggingheads, Althouse encourages viewers to think that there's a lot of bad stuff about Sherrod that hasn't come out yet. Defend the defamer, Breitbart, and speculate that Sherrod probably deserved to be smeared. (This, btw, is in line with the marching orders lots of right-wing bloggers are following in the wake of Breitbart's story turning out to be a lie.)
Well, at least that's not as bad as some of InstaPundit's other fave bloggers. For example, Gateway Pundit has been calling Sherrod a terrorist-lover. Of course he has no real evidence for that charge, but the truth doesn't matter to the right-wing blogosphere.
That's the blogger who claimed the president of the NAACP was at the speech, which was false. Gateway Pundit never issued a correction, because why should he? The right-wing blogosphere encourages and rewards dishonesty.
Elsewhere on the right-wing blogosphere, the PowerLine blog initially called upon BReitbart to apologize to Sherrod for his defamation campaign against her. 24 hours later, PowerLine looked at the latest marching orders circulating amongst their fellow bloggers and stated that they need to join in the defense of Breitbart and he can blow off apologizing.
Right, Loafing Oaf. I wonder from Ann's comments about out of context blog postings on the video, if she meant US to get out there and flesh out what is or was waiting in the wings via the juicy stuff that "we" "never" got to hear about because they rehired her.
So now since they've rehired her, our or should I say Ann's, curiosity has been surgically removed and our hands tied behind our backs so no one, no one can find out what this incriminating stuff it.
BTW, when Althouse was praising BReitbart for getting results after making Sherrod out to be a "racist" who deserved to be fired, she told us that Breitbart would be releasing a lot more damning stuff about the NAACP to follow-up on that victory. I guess I missed all that. Instead, Breitbart's credibility was destroyed.
Here's what he tweeted to Ackerman when the Journolist stories were about to come out on the Daily Caller: "Whereby I formally rescind my $100k Journolist reward & wish Spencer Ackerman the very best in whatever profession he now chooses to enter."
It's too bad the right-wingers don't say something like that to slimeball "journalist" Breitbart.
But no matter how much the partisans defend Breitbart, the fact is, the next time Breitbart releases something, most everyone will assume it is a lie. So, yes, his credibility is in ruins. But, sadly, he'll still make a lot of money being a smear-artist and race-monger for the right.
The huge databases give you the ability to search out groups that are up to something.
Who talks to who builds a tentative connection; and then, e.g., find a tentatively connected set of people that's buying more than three of the following bomb ingredients.
Out pops a list of possibilities.
Then the legwork starts, and maybe strengthening of the priority of the tentative connection for future searches.
On the contrary, it's keeping the bad guys disorganized and watching their backs, both in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Which is what keeps them from being able to pull off anything big.
The small stuff remains the small stuff, and will continue possibly forever, or until the local population takes over keeping them disorganized themselves, i.e. takes up their sovereign responsibilities.
"Kiss of Death" only counts if someone was *ahead* or had a very good chance of winning and then lost after being endorsed by Palin. A "contested" contest can go either way. Losing it then, isn't proof of anything.
Props to Sarah if she doesn't select her endorsees on the basis of a sure win.
"But no matter how much the partisans defend Breitbart, the fact is, the next time Breitbart releases something, most everyone will assume it is a lie. So, yes, his credibility is in ruins."
With whom?
This reminds me of talking to a guy when the Mars Rock Microbes were in the news who announced that religious faith was over. The thing is, the only ones who would be convinced by a rock that God does not exist already have been convinced that God does not exist.
Its obvious from the Diavlog that Will is a liberal. He mounts the standard liberal defense of Journolist and Sherrod. So why does he write for CATO? Simple, he concentrates on supporting internationalism, free trade, and open borders. And he hates patriotism. And Rich guys - like the CATO institute - also love open borders, free trade, and open borders - 'cause it means low wages and mucho profits.
So the greedy and the unpatriotic liberals find common ground. And Will finds employment.
Alpha Liberal wrote: Be sure to discuss how Sarah Palin's endorsement is the kiss of death for Republican candidates.
Palin 2012!
Whether or not it's true, What does that have to do with the topic at hand? Why not also send us links about Obama's tendeny to instinctively throw people under the bus? Even John Stewart is cognizant of the White House's horrible leadership style and when John Stewart starts getting on your case it's only a matter of time. Barack "Throw em under the bus" obama is toast.
Blogger jr565 said... Why not also send us links about Obama's tendeny to instinctively throw people under the bus? Even John Stewart is cognizant of the White House's horrible leadership style and when John Stewart starts getting on your case it's only a matter of time. Barack "Throw em under the bus" obama is toast.
Will Wilkinson probably needs some basic lessons on free markets-or how about just plain ethics?
If Journolist had been a bunch of engineers conspiring to put out only one design, for only one product for only one company does anyone think that maybe Wilkinson would begin to get it?
What essentially they were doing-was conspiring to have a monopoly on information, and in effect controlling how it was presented.
I get his point though-that McCain and Palin were not a good ticket-but that's beside the point. It doesn't change the issue that the Journolist clique were trying to rig an election.
What happens when you tell only one side of the story, when you in effect lie to the public?
You take away or deny them their freedom of choice.
The fact that he can be so flip about that, and defensive tells me he doesn't even begin to get the issue.
Then there is his argument that O'Reilly and Limbaugh are the most influentual opinion makers in America and that while Republicans want Liberal media to be fair they never demand it of their own.
Who get's higher ratings?
Limbaugh or the NBC Nightly News?
How about ABC, and CBS?
And then there is something to be said about why those are regulated by the FCC...
Limbaugh during the Republican primary endorsed just about everybody before McCain, and IIRC-the more enthusiastic Limbaugh was about a candidate the sooner they were out. I can't remember but I think he went through what seemed to be three choices.
Who does Limbaugh influence so greatly-the Liberals that are listening? Obviously he has Wilkinson believing he is the greatest opinion maker in the land.
What's really troubling is how not even the supposed Conservative media is upset about what Sherrod's ultimate point was.
Sherrod went on and on about how her great revelation was that the struggle is between the poor and the rich. It's weird because the video of her saying that seemed to be tailor made for both -
Reid and Pelosi who followed through with that talking point within a matter of days at the Netroots convention.
What to do when the economy is in the tank and unemployment is higher than ever-blame the rich.
Get Americans to believe that wealth is finite-the rich have it and keep everybody else away from it.
What's the answer?
It's pureMarxism.
Flash forward to a special last night on PBS-about George Shultz-(Reagan's Sec. of State) one of the things he did was described to the Russians that the Communist belief in it's the rich vs. the poor-was holding their whole country back. Supposedly the Russians ran away from that idea but now the Democrat trifecta of Obama, Reid and Pelosi has the United States ramming full speed ahead towards that "value".
Gone are the days when the American dream was a possibility and could be reached by an individual's own determination-now you supposedly need Barack, Harry and Nancy to steal it from "the rich" for you. Don't dare to dream, to explore the frontier-the Democrats have closed it, starting with space and on downward.
The American dream is no longer controlled by individuals and their will-
No, by all means, disagree away! It's a major point that I thought I would highlight. The main point Ann was making in Bh was that Shirley Sherrod was fired because of her real leftist tendencies that the Obama admin wanted to shut up lickety split.
I'd like to hear from AA much more about that, and also hear from that poster about why he/she disagrees.
As long as we're OT, check this vid out of our burgeoning police state. Follow up here.
26 hours in jail, 6 officers raiding and seizing computers at his home, $15,000 bond, and a potential 16 yrs in prison (though doubtful) all for speeding and wearing a helmet cam. Posting it to youtube and making the cop look like an asshole was the real crime I'm suspecting.
Stossel has been exposing excessive police practices, particularly regarding the insane "war on drugs". He's shown footage of swat teams breaking down the door, shooting the family dogs, ransacking the place, and finding little or nothing.
Our government is out of control on virtually all fronts.
And most TV sets contain lead which could lead to highly toxic tomatoes, basil, and spinach (esp. for children and pregnant women), if the lead leaches into the soil of your backyard vegetable farm.
Perhaps AAlthouse it is not wrong just to take a quote out of context, but it is irresponsible to ignore a narrative that is more complex than a political speech and which requires paying attention to how the story unfolds. Of course in an age of distractive and fragmented discourse, it is more fun to post quotes out of context and play political pundit. For example you can then claim Sherrrod admits to prejudicial actions, but we don’t really know what that means, was this only in her thoughts, or did it mean that she simply only set him up with a white lawyer, and then later to give him equal opportunity introduce him to a black attorney?
You want more proof journalists are in cahoots with Democrats?
Well seeing as all politics is supposedly local-how about this-
Sharon Angle.
During the Republican primary in Nevada she ran hardly any ads.
If you looked at the primary polling she was not even showing up. Supposedly-the race was between-Lowden and Tarkanian-both of those candidates ran plenty of ads.
Yet Angle won the primary by more than the votes for Loudin and Tarkannien-combined. Who knew? The pollsters didn't and neither did of the media.
Stories on Angle before the primary were relatively nil especially when compared to the other candidates.
You can bet that Harry Reid's team was just hoping against hope that she would pull out the victory-because they had done their research on her.
Now that she has won the primary the media is full of wild comments that she has made, and concerned with how "out there" she is-and it's funny how they only bemoan this after she won.
Where were they during the primary?
Did they need the footwork done for them by Harry Reid's team? Are they that lazy?
The local media here has the audacity to quote her weird comments-some years old and then say in the next breath-that's probably how she's always felt.
She's been a local politician for years-so it should have been easy to find the quotes. They didn't give a damn about informing the public about just how "dangerous" and wild and wacky she was till now.
Irony being what it is-you now have the national media describing her as a- "national figure", while regurgitating all of the Reid team's research.
It's interesting, and it's dangerous-the media plays for one team-while supposedly posing as the refs.
You know, I don't agree with you on any topic, but lately you've become a tiresome thread hijacker. Your main concern lately seems to be link whoring lefty websites as a way of increasing their Google ranking.
Say something interesting. Or go away.
You're committing the worst kind of sin of the internet: You're boring.
In the last 5 minutes the duo dance around the subject of Obama upping the ante in "Unwinnable Afghanistan". Only Ann has the courage to state the question of motive for Obama putting our troops out for death and dismemberment on an unwinnable mission just to make Obama look better politically. Both quickly say that the thought is unthinkable. Yet they never dispute their thought that the wikileaks are being done by someone to give cover to the eventual withdrawal. With a Commander-in Chief like that, our all volunteer Military force needs to reconsider a career choice.
By the way, I am pretty sure that AlphaLiberal is a manifistation of Luckyoldson/Micheal/Jeremy.
Simply because he used the term "daft" which I have only seen from those sock puppets. Not a usage to be found anywhere else in the twentyfirst century.
Not conclusive but indicative of something.
So take that into account when responding to his nonsense as he murders another thread. Just sayn'
wv: glentard-someone who obessed with Glen Reynolds (lonewacko?)
Simply because he used the term "daft" which I have only seen from those sock puppets. Not a usage to be found anywhere else in the twentyfirst century.
I'd expect nothing more from a simpleton. "Daft" too big a word for you?
madawaskan, here's a dose of reality for you in your paranoid haze.
A) Sharron Angle was not the frontrunner in the GOP Nevada primary. That was the chicken lady, and she got most of the press.
B) Sharron Angle unexpectedly won the primary. That tends to give a candidate more press, on top of, you know, winning the primary.
C) Sharron Angle has been a Gaffe-a-matic. She says the craziest things! Then there's the whole running away from reporters thing. So she's made a spectacle of herself and drawn attention much like a multi-vehicle accident does.
But you want to go with the conspiracy theory and that all these reporters working for very conservative super wealthy people are conducting a nefarious plot.
Oh, right, and Obama is a secret Muslim carrying out an unpopular war in Afghanistan against .... wait for it... Muslim fundamentalists! (And his Christian Pastor was a radical!)
It is just that people reveal their secret identity by using the same phrases and usages. Daft is has only been used by ultra-liberal sock puppets from San Diego and Fops from Brideshead Revisited on Masterpiece Theater.
Stuck a nerve since you jumped right in to deny it.
Don't worry Gene. You AlphaLiberal persona is much more palatable then Jeremy or Lucky. I wondered where Jeremy had gone. He has been absent for a long time. There is no way that your obsession would allow you to stay away Gene old bean. That would truly be “daft.”
At least you are not demanding oral sex from all and sundry.
Obama is currently waging one war in Iraq and and another one in Afghanistan. He's got a nuclear aircraft carrier task force riling up the paranoid North Korean peninsula and US officials are increasingly talking about a strike on Iran.
When Obama was campaigning for president his war cry was "Yes, we can!" I never dreamed what he really meant was, "Yes we can fight multiple wars for the rest of our lives."
I hope Obama isn't staying in Afghanistan because he fears, if he left, we'd call him a wimp. He fired McChrystal to prove he was tough. Okay, we believe him. There's no need now to bomb every country in sight. There is certainly no need for him to bankrupt America to prove his non-wimpyness all over again.
Perhaps AAlthouse it is not wrong just to take a quote out of context, but it is irresponsible to ignore a narrative that is more complex than a political speech and which requires paying attention to how the story unfolds.
Funny how all those complaining about context didn't bother to watch the end of Sherrod's clip. Hint: the context was preserved.
That video helped me understand why I stopped reading Will's blog. On the blog he's super hifalutin', and his liberaltartian stance is BS. I notice that he wants to move on from criticism of Journolist to an attack on Fox News. Finally, he's not very articulate, and you run circles around him. I would not have been shocked if you reached out of your panel to wipe his chin.
So, because Journolist contained 400 participants, that makes it public?
Ok. I guess the next person who decides to hold a private gathering or ceremony with hundreds of guests has explicitly given permission for it to be crashed.
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Hey, Ann, did you talk about Grover Norquist coordinating stories with journalists and lobbyists for decades?
Where is your phony outrage now? IOKIYAR!
What I said: zombietime
Be sure to discuss how Sarah Palin's endorsement is the kiss of death for Republican candidates.
Palin 2012!
Hey AL -
As of June 3, she was 8-3 in tightly contested races, according to Time. Even in the one you cited, her candidate was still ahead.
You sure seem kind of hysterical today, Alpha. Everything all right, sport?
An insane asylum somewhere is still missing its most excitable inmate.
We'll know she's still running strong as long as you keep reminding us.
I've got some talking heads for you, right here.
I though Will Wilkerson was the dude who played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek the Next Generation?
If he is, then I have an important question for him.
Marina Sirtis tits real or what?
mesquito, how's that remedial spelling class coming?
AJ, you keep saying that. Don't you know the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
The Real Chicken, you keep on marching in lockstep behind Sarah -- and buying her crap. She loves you for it and we will love to see you all walking off the cliff.
Thanks for linky-love Alpha. I guess I better put some new material up soon huh?
oops, wrong link.
Here's the funny one.
Is there a Dem who could possibly be reviled by republicans as much as Palin is by Democrats?
I was thinking maybe Shumer if he had a national profile.
Ah, AL on his daily carpet bombing of at least one thread. I notice the trend tends to be roughly the same time each day. Is that when the creche lets out or is that when your commune's generator cranks up enough to get online? Either way, take a shower.
AJ, you keep saying that. Don't you know the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
I don't see how his comment requires a result other than to force you to make a comment about it. In that, he seems to succeed just about every day.
Alpha, I've always wondered. Do you strive to be unpersuasive?
Is there a Dem who could possibly be reviled by republicans as much as Palin is by Democrats?
Hillary definitely. I'll own up to that. Dean, maybe. Hillary is nowhere near as stupid as Dean, though, so Dean just gets bemused pity. In particular, watching Chris Wallace reduce him to a confused, stammering caricature was definitely entertaining.
With all the recent leaks (BP, Wikileaks), you should evaluate Obama's future in plumbing in 2013.
As of June 3, she was 8-3 in tightly contested races, according to Time. Even in the one you cited, her candidate was still ahead.
@Rich B
Don't try to confuse AL with facts. It usually more fun, and less smelly, to sit back and watch him go. I have a 1-year-old nephew just like him.
Don't you people understand? Palin is not batting 1000 percent! SHE'S A FAILURE!
"Ah, AL on his daily carpet bombing of at least one thread."
I think the carpet bombing title goes to Ritmo.
Great comment AllenS.
Will W. always reminds me of a nerd from a 70s/80s TV show.
I disagree about the timing of Sherrod's firing being related to some unknown dirty laundry. It seems a little wacko conspiracy theory to me, and life in general is usually not so complicated. Just because we don't know the whole story doesn't mean that the whole story is necessarily damning (or interesting).
I think they did panic and did something ridiculous.
btw, let the poor guy get a word in edgewise sometime. He's very deferential. Too deferential.
Ok, so ... some more extreme left wing talk is the only thing that Obama had to fear from SS? Can you be a little more specific? That stuff seems fairly innocuous to me. So she's feed for the blogging livestock for a couple more days. So what? She's already come out and said that Obama doesn't know what it's like to be truly discriminated against (and implied he didn't know what grassroots orgs were about, which is wrong). I mean, she's already been very critical of him in that kind of backhanded way. What other bombs did she have to drop. She's no deputy or anything.
No. I'll stick to my feeling that she was fired (resigned, got it) prematurely.
I can't remember, is Will Wilkenson the one who did an entire Bloggingheads on the subject of the word "cthonic" as a launchpad for calling Sarah Palin stupid...ironically backfiring since he had the definition for the word "cthonic" wrong?
And of course, my face is a bit red, since I misspelled "chthonic".
"When you are trying to communicate (says Will Wilkerson) you should understand the perspective of the people listening to you. Who your audience is. And if are saying something, if you are picking out a quote knowing or expecting that it is going to be misunderstood in some way, or something will be inferred from it that would be incorrect to inferred from it, but you do it anyway, I think thats wrong."
The left is being presented with an embarrassing (behind the curtains as it were) view among their ranks - the spin comes back that we are wrong to expose that, w/o first considering the didactic hermeneutics in the context of its therapeutic properties ;)
and apparently it was someone else. So, uh, never mind.
Althouse doesn't think Breitbart was trying to get Sherrod fired?
Then how come when he released the video he tweeted: "Will Eric Holder's DOJ hold accountable fed appointee Shirley Sherrod for admitting practicing racial discrimination?"
And then, later, he tweeted: "Shirley Sherrod resigns from federal appointment after @biggovt video exposé of shock NAACP racist dinner boast"
And when she was fired, he tweeted that he was standing in the end zone: "How many times can anono-blogger @allahpundit write same piece in which he raises specter of me falling on face while I stand in end zone?"
That was when Althouse was praising Breitbart for getting results, while linking to InstaPundit's post: "Racist, fired." InstaPundit was also saying that the difference between the NAACP and the Tea Parties is that at the NAACP the racists are standing on the stage.
In this Bloggingheads, Althouse encourages viewers to think that there's a lot of bad stuff about Sherrod that hasn't come out yet. Defend the defamer, Breitbart, and speculate that Sherrod probably deserved to be smeared. (This, btw, is in line with the marching orders lots of right-wing bloggers are following in the wake of Breitbart's story turning out to be a lie.)
Well, at least that's not as bad as some of InstaPundit's other fave bloggers. For example, Gateway Pundit has been calling Sherrod a terrorist-lover. Of course he has no real evidence for that charge, but the truth doesn't matter to the right-wing blogosphere.
That's the blogger who claimed the president of the NAACP was at the speech, which was false. Gateway Pundit never issued a correction, because why should he? The right-wing blogosphere encourages and rewards dishonesty.
Elsewhere on the right-wing blogosphere, the PowerLine blog initially called upon BReitbart to apologize to Sherrod for his defamation campaign against her. 24 hours later, PowerLine looked at the latest marching orders circulating amongst their fellow bloggers and stated that they need to join in the defense of Breitbart and he can blow off apologizing.
Will W. always reminds me of a nerd from a 70s/80s TV show.
Aww, cut him slack guys-it must suck having to shave 3-4 times/day.
Rush gets all kinds of right-wing pushback about his social conservatism.
Just today he was whining about God.
He's not great on economics, albeit getting the right answer but not knowing how to get there, and hence how to explain it.
He pays with his ratings.
O'Reilly is always wrong on outsourcing and free trade, so much so that there are standing jokes about it on the right.
Some of the perverse economic consequences that the left is famous for blinding ignorance of, are also unknown on the right.
AlphaLiberal said: "Hey, Ann, did you talk about Grover Norquist coordinating stories with journalists and lobbyists for decades?"
Um, yes, at 25:28. Maybe watch the video before shrilly screaming about it like an outraged ninny.
Right, Loafing Oaf. I wonder from Ann's comments about out of context blog postings on the video, if she meant US to get out there and flesh out what is or was waiting in the wings via the juicy stuff that "we" "never" got to hear about because they rehired her.
So now since they've rehired her, our or should I say Ann's, curiosity has been surgically removed and our hands tied behind our backs so no one, no one can find out what this incriminating stuff it.
Am I thinking of O'Reilly? Maybe the other guy, whose name I can't think of; former CNN guy that left.
Ah, Lou Dobbs.
Mnemonic interference from Senator Dodd.
I was joking around, dudes. Having a little fun. Relax.
BTW, when Althouse was praising BReitbart for getting results after making Sherrod out to be a "racist" who deserved to be fired, she told us that Breitbart would be releasing a lot more damning stuff about the NAACP to follow-up on that victory. I guess I missed all that. Instead, Breitbart's credibility was destroyed.
Here's what he tweeted to Ackerman when the Journolist stories were about to come out on the Daily Caller: "Whereby I formally rescind my $100k Journolist reward & wish Spencer Ackerman the very best in whatever profession he now chooses to enter."
It's too bad the right-wingers don't say something like that to slimeball "journalist" Breitbart.
But no matter how much the partisans defend Breitbart, the fact is, the next time Breitbart releases something, most everyone will assume it is a lie. So, yes, his credibility is in ruins. But, sadly, he'll still make a lot of money being a smear-artist and race-monger for the right.
I was joking around, dudes. Having a little fun. Relax.
...and so shall you be awarded Most Likely To Have A Little Fun And Relax at AltCon.
The huge databases give you the ability to search out groups that are up to something.
Who talks to who builds a tentative connection; and then, e.g., find a tentatively connected set of people that's buying more than three of the following bomb ingredients.
Out pops a list of possibilities.
Then the legwork starts, and maybe strengthening of the priority of the tentative connection for future searches.
All with nobody particularly reading anything.
AlphaLiberal said...
I was joking around, dudes. Having a little fun. Relax.
Oh, ok. Funny wee wee. I get it.
Loaf writes about Bretbart:
So, yes, his credibility is in ruins.
Wishful thinking?
"Nobody thinks the war is going well."
On the contrary, it's keeping the bad guys disorganized and watching their backs, both in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Which is what keeps them from being able to pull off anything big.
The small stuff remains the small stuff, and will continue possibly forever, or until the local population takes over keeping them disorganized themselves, i.e. takes up their sovereign responsibilities.
"Kiss of Death" only counts if someone was *ahead* or had a very good chance of winning and then lost after being endorsed by Palin. A "contested" contest can go either way. Losing it then, isn't proof of anything.
Props to Sarah if she doesn't select her endorsees on the basis of a sure win.
Re: wikileaks. He says it paints a picture. But are you seeing everything? Did the wikileaker selectively leak?
And I retract my earlier statement -- you have deferred to him as well, letting him speak. How very polite of both of you. Typically Midwestern.
"But no matter how much the partisans defend Breitbart, the fact is, the next time Breitbart releases something, most everyone will assume it is a lie. So, yes, his credibility is in ruins."
With whom?
This reminds me of talking to a guy when the Mars Rock Microbes were in the news who announced that religious faith was over. The thing is, the only ones who would be convinced by a rock that God does not exist already have been convinced that God does not exist.
Its obvious from the Diavlog that Will is a liberal. He mounts the standard liberal defense of Journolist and Sherrod. So why does he write for CATO? Simple, he concentrates on supporting internationalism, free trade, and open borders. And he hates patriotism. And Rich guys - like the CATO institute - also love open borders, free trade, and open borders - 'cause it means low wages and mucho profits.
So the greedy and the unpatriotic liberals find common ground. And Will finds employment.
A bike commute is better than a great American road trip.
The stuff you pass every day at bike speed changes through the year; there are events all over all the time.
Just today somebody throwing out TVs. An addition to my vast "tv" and "trash" tag collections.
About once every couple of weeks somebody new comes up and mentions that they've seen you somewhere. You are also an event.
Alpha Liberal wrote:
Be sure to discuss how Sarah Palin's endorsement is the kiss of death for Republican candidates.
Palin 2012!
Whether or not it's true, What does that have to do with the topic at hand? Why not also send us links about Obama's tendeny to instinctively throw people under the bus? Even John Stewart is cognizant of the White House's horrible leadership style and when John Stewart starts getting on your case it's only a matter of time. Barack "Throw em under the bus" obama is toast.
Blogger jr565 said...
Why not also send us links about Obama's tendeny to instinctively throw people under the bus? Even John Stewart is cognizant of the White House's horrible leadership style and when John Stewart starts getting on your case it's only a matter of time. Barack "Throw em under the bus" obama is toast.
So you are in disagreement with your hostess?
Are we not supposed to disagree with our hostess?
Will Wilkinson probably needs some basic lessons on free markets-or how about just plain ethics?
If Journolist had been a bunch of engineers conspiring to put out only one design, for only one product for only one company does anyone think that maybe Wilkinson would begin to get it?
What essentially they were doing-was conspiring to have a monopoly on information, and in effect controlling how it was presented.
I get his point though-that McCain and Palin were not a good ticket-but that's beside the point. It doesn't change the issue that the Journolist clique were trying to rig an election.
What happens when you tell only one side of the story, when you in effect lie to the public?
You take away or deny them their freedom of choice.
The fact that he can be so flip about that, and defensive tells me he doesn't even begin to get the issue.
Then there is his argument that O'Reilly and Limbaugh are the most influentual opinion makers in America and that while Republicans want Liberal media to be fair they never demand it of their own.
Who get's higher ratings?
Limbaugh or the NBC Nightly News?
How about ABC, and CBS?
And then there is something to be said about why those are regulated by the FCC...
Limbaugh during the Republican primary endorsed just about everybody before McCain, and IIRC-the more enthusiastic Limbaugh was about a candidate the sooner they were out. I can't remember but I think he went through what seemed to be three choices.
Who does Limbaugh influence so greatly-the Liberals that are listening? Obviously he has Wilkinson believing he is the greatest opinion maker in the land.
What's really troubling is how not even the supposed Conservative media is upset about what Sherrod's ultimate point was.
Sherrod went on and on about how her great revelation was that the struggle is between the poor and the rich. It's weird because the video of her saying that seemed to be tailor made for both -
Reid and Pelosi who followed through with that talking point within a matter of days at the Netroots convention.
What to do when the economy is in the tank and unemployment is higher than ever-blame the rich.
Get Americans to believe that wealth is finite-the rich have it and keep everybody else away from it.
What's the answer?
It's pureMarxism.
Flash forward to a special last night on PBS-about George Shultz-(Reagan's Sec. of State) one of the things he did was described to the Russians that the Communist belief in it's the rich vs. the poor-was holding their whole country back. Supposedly the Russians ran away from that idea but now the Democrat trifecta of Obama, Reid and Pelosi has the United States ramming full speed ahead towards that "value".
Gone are the days when the American dream was a possibility and could be reached by an individual's own determination-now you supposedly need Barack, Harry and Nancy to steal it from "the rich" for you. Don't dare to dream, to explore the frontier-the Democrats have closed it, starting with space and on downward.
The American dream is no longer controlled by individuals and their will-
it will be-
Synova said...
Are we not supposed to disagree with our hostess?
No, by all means, disagree away! It's a major point that I thought I would highlight. The main point Ann was making in Bh was that Shirley Sherrod was fired because of her real leftist tendencies that the Obama admin wanted to shut up lickety split.
I'd like to hear from AA much more about that, and also hear from that poster about why he/she disagrees.
As long as we're OT, check this vid out of our burgeoning police state. Follow up here.
26 hours in jail, 6 officers raiding and seizing computers at his home, $15,000 bond, and a potential 16 yrs in prison (though doubtful) all for speeding and wearing a helmet cam. Posting it to youtube and making the cop look like an asshole was the real crime I'm suspecting.
Yes garage. I agree it's an outrage.
Stossel has been exposing excessive police practices, particularly regarding the insane "war on drugs". He's shown footage of swat teams breaking down the door, shooting the family dogs, ransacking the place, and finding little or nothing.
Our government is out of control on virtually all fronts.
If your recycler accepts products that contain mercury lamps, such as LCD monitors, laptop computers and some copiers, they should have and follow written procedures for removing the mercury-containing components prior to processing the device.
And most TV sets contain lead which could lead to highly toxic tomatoes, basil, and spinach (esp. for children and pregnant women), if the lead leaches into the soil of your backyard vegetable farm.
So please take care.
I'd like to hear from AA much more about that, and also hear from that poster about why he/she disagrees.
I'd like to hear more from Sherrod all the way through November if possible.
Isn't this the dialog Clinton wanted us to have?
And most TV sets contain lead...
Most all old electronics with soldered components also contain lead.
So does the exhaust of most propeller aircraft (they still use leaded fuel).
Hey, madawaskan's back!!!
Perhaps AAlthouse it is not wrong just to take a quote out of context, but it is irresponsible to ignore a narrative that is more complex than a political speech and which requires paying attention to how the story unfolds. Of course in an age of distractive and fragmented discourse, it is more fun to post quotes out of context and play political pundit. For example you can then claim Sherrrod admits to prejudicial actions, but we don’t really know what that means, was this only in her thoughts, or did it mean that she simply only set him up with a white lawyer, and then later to give him equal opportunity introduce him to a black attorney?
It cracks me up how they always put Althouse "on the right."
It cracks me up how they always put Althouse "on the right."
Yes, but from her perspective she's on the left.
You want more proof journalists are in cahoots with Democrats?
Well seeing as all politics is supposedly local-how about this-
Sharon Angle.
During the Republican primary in Nevada she ran hardly any ads.
If you looked at the primary polling she was not even showing up. Supposedly-the race was between-Lowden and Tarkanian-both of those candidates ran plenty of ads.
Yet Angle won the primary by more than the votes for Loudin and Tarkannien-combined. Who knew? The pollsters didn't and neither did of the media.
Stories on Angle before the primary were relatively nil especially when compared to the other candidates.
You can bet that Harry Reid's team was just hoping against hope that she would pull out the victory-because they had done their research on her.
Now that she has won the primary the media is full of wild comments that she has made, and concerned with how "out there" she is-and it's funny how they only bemoan this after she won.
Where were they during the primary?
Did they need the footwork done for them by Harry Reid's team? Are they that lazy?
The local media here has the audacity to quote her weird comments-some years old and then say in the next breath-that's probably how she's always felt.
She's been a local politician for years-so it should have been easy to find the quotes. They didn't give a damn about informing the public about just how "dangerous" and wild and wacky she was till now.
Irony being what it is-you now have the national media describing her as a-
"national figure", while regurgitating all of the Reid team's research.
It's interesting, and it's dangerous-the media plays for one team-while supposedly posing as the refs.
El Pollo-
Holy merde I've written two manifestos.
Holy cripes Reid pullin' it out so to speak is really going to-er, chap my hide.
Oh ya-and Will Wilkinson is a self described-
Liberal Libertarian-so he wants his cake and his pipe, and his pot or something without having to pay taxes.
So left vs.left middlin' ?
Both Obama voters.
Libtard: Althouse was praising BReitbart for getting results after making Sherrod out to be a "racist" who deserved to be fired
Why did you put racist in scare quotes? Sherrod is still a racist.
Sherrod's a Marxist-somehow they always end up in Agriculture.
To Alpha Liberal:
You know, I don't agree with you on any topic, but lately you've become a tiresome thread hijacker. Your main concern lately seems to be link whoring lefty websites as a way of increasing their Google ranking.
Say something interesting. Or go away.
You're committing the worst kind of sin of the internet: You're boring.
In the last 5 minutes the duo dance around the subject of Obama upping the ante in "Unwinnable Afghanistan". Only Ann has the courage to state the question of motive for Obama putting our troops out for death and dismemberment on an unwinnable mission just to make Obama look better politically. Both quickly say that the thought is unthinkable. Yet they never dispute their thought that the wikileaks are being done by someone to give cover to the eventual withdrawal. With a Commander-in Chief like that, our all volunteer Military force needs to reconsider a career choice.
knox said...
It cracks me up how they always put Althouse "on the right."
7/27/10 6:02 PM
El Pollo Real said...
It cracks me up how they always put Althouse "on the right."
Yes, but from her perspective she's on the left.
7/27/10 6:04 PM
Ha ha. Here at the Meadhouse, I try to stay on her right where I can keep a close eye on her and her dangerously unpredictable lurches to the left.
Yours truly,
Sleeping simply on the right so that righteous others may simply sleep
So that's what all those sleeping in seperate bed threads are all about.
madawaskan said...
Sherrod's a Marxist-somehow they always end up in Agriculture.
If you spent any time observing the House or Senate Ag committee, you'd know how laughable that is.
By the way, I am pretty sure that AlphaLiberal is a manifistation of Luckyoldson/Micheal/Jeremy.
Simply because he used the term "daft" which I have only seen from those sock puppets. Not a usage to be found anywhere else in the twentyfirst century.
Not conclusive but indicative of something.
So take that into account when responding to his nonsense as he murders another thread. Just sayn'
wv: glentard-someone who obessed with Glen Reynolds (lonewacko?)
Trooper York:
Simply because he used the term "daft" which I have only seen from those sock puppets. Not a usage to be found anywhere else in the twentyfirst century.
I'd expect nothing more from a simpleton. "Daft" too big a word for you?
madawaskan, here's a dose of reality for you in your paranoid haze.
A) Sharron Angle was not the frontrunner in the GOP Nevada primary. That was the chicken lady, and she got most of the press.
B) Sharron Angle unexpectedly won the primary. That tends to give a candidate more press, on top of, you know, winning the primary.
C) Sharron Angle has been a Gaffe-a-matic. She says the craziest things! Then there's the whole running away from reporters thing. So she's made a spectacle of herself and drawn attention much like a multi-vehicle accident does.
But you want to go with the conspiracy theory and that all these reporters working for very conservative super wealthy people are conducting a nefarious plot.
Oh, right, and Obama is a secret Muslim carrying out an unpopular war in Afghanistan against .... wait for it... Muslim fundamentalists! (And his Christian Pastor was a radical!)
Cue Twilight zone music...
I'd expect nothing more from a simpleton. "Daft" too big a word for you?
See, that's what Ham means by being boring.
Trooper has an automated word sequence and frequency homology detector in the bat cave which is failsafe.
meade wrote: Sleeping simply on the right so that righteous others may simply sleep
I thought we slept peaceably in our beds at night only because things rough men do.
In any case, I salute your service to us all.
Pastafarian said...
AlphaLiberal said: "Hey, Ann, did you talk about Grover Norquist coordinating stories with journalists and lobbyists for decades?"
Um, yes, at 25:28. Maybe watch the video before shrilly screaming about it like an outraged ninny.
7/27/10 4:21 PM
Shhh... Pastafarian, Be vewy vewy quiet. We're forming a secwet hush hush conspiwacy to hunt hapless silly alpha libwals.
"Andrew Breitbart may be the most honest person in this whole story."
--Jon Stewart
I'm going to re-work the Boomer mantra:
"Love means never having to say you're dishonest."
It is just that people reveal their secret identity by using the same phrases and usages. Daft is has only been used by ultra-liberal sock puppets from San Diego and Fops from Brideshead Revisited on Masterpiece Theater.
Stuck a nerve since you jumped right in to deny it.
Don't worry Gene. You AlphaLiberal persona is much more palatable then Jeremy or Lucky. I wondered where Jeremy had gone. He has been absent for a long time. There is no way that your obsession would allow you to stay away Gene old bean. That would truly be “daft.”
At least you are not demanding oral sex from all and sundry.
It's nice to watch two intelligent people have a conversation. That was an hour well spent.
Obama is currently waging one war in Iraq and and another one in Afghanistan. He's got a nuclear aircraft carrier task force riling up the paranoid North Korean peninsula and US officials are increasingly talking about a strike on Iran.
When Obama was campaigning for president his war cry was "Yes, we can!" I never dreamed what he really meant was, "Yes we can fight multiple wars for the rest of our lives."
I hope Obama isn't staying in Afghanistan because he fears, if he left, we'd call him a wimp. He fired McChrystal to prove he was tough. Okay, we believe him. There's no need now to bomb every country in sight. There is certainly no need for him to bankrupt America to prove his non-wimpyness all over again.
"Just today somebody throwing out TVs."
I like how considerately they taped the remote to the TV.
Look they know their base...
Anyways that's a historical reference that flew right over your kenoggin'.
Is it Alpha or is it Gene Olson jacking Alpha?
The press/poll had Angle at 5%- in April.
She actually won the primary by 40.1%.
I was wrong about her winning by the amount of Lowden and Tarkanian combined.
Lowden had 26.1%
Tarkanian had 23.3%.
In politics that's still a landslide.
What the hell?
How is it that reporters don't know their state any better than that?
Why if they consider her to be so wacky and dangerous, didn't they report her "crazy comments" until after she won the primary?
You and Liberals llike Will Wilkinson whining about the dominance of Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Glenn Beck are laughable.
For once in your lives look up the audience numbers for ABC, NBC and CBS nightly news.
Now compare that to Limbaugh and O'Reilly....
Name the national papers that are general news-not specialized-that are Conservative.
The Washington Times and, The Washington Examiner.
Which are pretty hard to find.
Then the news magazines-Liberals have Newsweek, Time etc.
Yet you and Wilkinson want to whine about Limbaugh-on the radio.
It is just that people reveal their secret identity by using the same phrases and usages
Oh I just think you're getting old. Like me.
Perhaps AAlthouse it is not wrong just to take a quote out of context, but it is irresponsible to ignore a narrative that is more complex than a political speech and which requires paying attention to how the story unfolds.
Funny how all those complaining about context didn't bother to watch the end of Sherrod's clip. Hint: the context was preserved.
And then they lecture us about irresponsibility.
Belmont Club on the Wikileaks.
That video helped me understand why I stopped reading Will's blog. On the blog he's super hifalutin', and his liberaltartian stance is BS. I notice that he wants to move on from criticism of Journolist to an attack on Fox News. Finally, he's not very articulate, and you run circles around him. I would not have been shocked if you reached out of your panel to wipe his chin.
"Macaca" was a pulled quote, out of context?
You're out of your gourd.
So, because Journolist contained 400 participants, that makes it public?
Ok. I guess the next person who decides to hold a private gathering or ceremony with hundreds of guests has explicitly given permission for it to be crashed.
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