July 21, 2010

"NOT the ‘whiteman’s bitch.'"

The Wisconsin law says the names of independent candidates shall appear on the ballot along with "the party or principle of the candidates, if any, in 5 words or less, as shown on their nomination papers."

Ieshuh Griffin chose "NOT the ‘whiteman’s bitch.'" Somehow the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board decided it could say no to that and Eugene Volokh agrees [or doesn't actively disagree] with the decision.

Free speech is a bitch.


Anonymous said...

My mind always reels at the new sets of facts we get to apply the law to.

It never gets old.

The Dude said...

She racist.

WV: undnes - bet hers aren't white.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...

Awww. I'd haveenkoyed seeing that ballot, if I lived in her district...

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) said...


Damn mobile keyboards.

bagoh20 said...

So is the Accountability Board all white men? Damn, that stings.

Synova said...

So, the question seems to be if because the ballots are printed out by the government the government has the right to deny words that are offensive?

Test case to "not the whiteman's bitch"... is she really suggesting tax funding for the next guy who wants "not an ignorant black ho" to get that printed on every ballot?

I'm inclined, actually, to go with letting people who have managed to get themselves on the ballot print whatever they like there and live with the consequences.

GMay said...

Cue Mick ranting about Volokh banning his stupid birther ass from VC and how everyone needs to talk about natural born citizens in. Every. Fucking. Thread.

AC245 said...

Racism is so cute, adorable, funny, and excusable when it's being spouted by people of color.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

That is no way for a "wise latina" to express herself..

Oh wait.. this not about the Supremes ;)

rhhardin said...

Everything looks like a nail to Volokh.

traditionalguy said...

I for one am happy that this candidate chose not write "Not Mohammed's Bitch". That could become a mortal issue. This is a Tempest in a Teapot.

Unknown said...

They even had to think about it?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Me & My Bitch - Biggie

Warning: strong language

Known Unknown said...

I have no problem with that on the ballot. For once, a candidate willing to tell the whole truth.

The Crack Emcee said...


I love that song.

Is freedom of speech the white man's bitch?

If so, I want a piece of that shit,...

I hate that guy.

Mary Beth said...

I would have turned her down too. Everyone knows "white man's" is two words, not one.

You let a mistake like that slip by and you might as well be spelling potato with an extra 'e'.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I am so tired of P.C.B.S., and it cuts both ways. If she wants to identify her candidacy that way, she shouldn't be hindered in that effort.

One problem with P.C. speech codes -- apart from that pesky First Amendment -- is that they make it more difficult to figure out who the real assholes are.

If Milwaukee wants to send her to Madison, I say that's just fine. I actually rather like her spunk, even if (as I suspect) there are not three things we agree upon politically.

David said...

Plus, it's a politician telling the truth for once. I am completely certain that she is not the white man's bitch.

And they laugh at us South Carolinians.

T J Sawyer said...

I'm with Bart (above) and I'd probably vote for her too. After all, she's "Not The Incumbent."

Now, there's a slogan.

Howard said...

Your post does not seem to match what is on VC.

The board said yes, but did not have a super majority required to overrule staff fiat. Volokh is neutral and asks for help on the right lawyer angle from the peanut gallery.

You shouldn't let Maude write posts for you, his slip is showing.

-Not the whitewoman's bitch

Ann Althouse said...

@Howard The decision of the board was no and V seems to accept that as good free speech law.

Freeman Hunt said...

Children can't vote. Free speech should especially cover political speech. There's no good reason to keep that off the ballot.

Joe said...

I don't think any party or statement should be listed on ballots. I'd also prefer that random sets of ballots randomly distribute the candidates in the list.

(I'm also opposed to any voting system which allows straight party voting and, for the record, I'd allow only people who could prove they would be unable to vote in person be allowed to use absentee ballots. If you're too lazy to vote in person for specific candidates and issues, you shouldn't be voting.)

Alec Plumb said...

So "Not the Black man's bitch" should be acceptable too, right? Right?

AllenS said...

She'll get 90% of the black vote.

Anonymous said...

"She'll get 90% of the black vote"

She'll get 99% of the black vote.

TWM said...

Perhaps, 20 years from now, she can get a gig lecturing the NAACP on how she isn't a racist any longer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Slave to Pelosi's bad ideas"

There. I want that one.

lemondog said...

Why she is running:

Ieshuh Griffin, Candidate for Representative to the Assembly- 10th district

And she writes SLAVERY. yes SLAVERY has returned in almost every aspect except name....... and how true, how true..... but beyond her intended context.

Congress and the current administration are creating government expansion that is creeping into every aspect of daily life, attempting a stranglehold on its citizenry, either straightup through an economically suffocating healthcare rationing-who-will-live 'reform' to hidden provisions and amendments within its 2000 pages further throttling freedoms and with unknowable $trillons of future debt burdens.

How 'bout another slogan: "Not THE MAN's bitch!"

lemondog said...

She's still fighting:

Wis. candidate can't use controversial description
She convinced three of the judges that the wording should be allowed, but two said it should not. One judge was absent, and Griffin needed four votes to succeed. Griffin said she intends to seek an injunction in federal court.

Griffin, who described herself as a "30ish" community activist, will still appear as an independent candidate......

Community activist.....uh, oh.

Well, at least she is not a lawyer AND a community activist.

lemondog said...

Well, at least she is not a lawyer AND a community activist.


wv: tocatic - feline-ocracy

Gotta be an improvement.

Triangle Man said...

community activist.

Completely different than a community organizer. Completely.

A.W. said...

you guys are totally misunderstanding.

you see her main opponent in the race was a guy name James Whiteman.

so she is just saying he is not her b-tch.

(yes, that is a joke)

AllenS said...

LarsPorsena said...
She'll get 99% of the black vote.

9% will make a mistake, and vote for someone other than her. It's a pattern.

jeff said...

"paid for by the Poor People's piece of the pie campaign"

Well, of course.

SukieTawdry said...

I suspect the word "bitch" is part of the problem and suggest she try: "NOT the 'whiteman's ho'".

jamboree said...

It reminds me of those plates my sister has all over her house with a stick figure of a dog saying rude things about Bush...

Maybe she was inspired by that guy who got elected with no money and a black face...

Keep it on. It's very retro-70s.

And furthermore, the Court has no business whining about what Lindsay has on her fingernails.