July 22, 2010

Must I keep talking about Shirley Sherrod and Journolist?

The 2 topics were fascinating 2 days ago, but they don't own me. I'll talk about what I want. The race-card-playing and liberal-media-dogging will have to go on without my supervision today.

No! They need your supervision and we need your guidance!
No! We were having so much fun!
No! We love when you go full-metal winger.
Yes! We're hungry for fresh topics.
Yes! When you harp on those 2 things you seem like a conventional right-winger.
Yes! It's you going wherever your heart leads you that keeps this place alive.
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Texan99 said...

I'm enjoying IMAO on the subject: "If liberal journalists can’t spot unstable extremists among their own ranks, how can they spot them elsewhere?"


"So what should we have Andrew Breitbart make the WH do next? Bark like a dog?"

Brian Day said...

I voted (6). But it is really (4) & (6).

Let other sites carry the water for those stories.

Fred4Pres said...

You are obviously racist if you do or you don't.

SteveR said...

Better not to dwell on them too long, the important points about both are quite clear by now. Besides its not fun like a good Bill Clinton and/or breasts vortex.

Fred4Pres said...

But I vote of pictures of Meade and Althouse paddling those kayaks yesterday.

KCFleming said...

Clearly, Althouse is a conspiracy.
A kayaking, photoblogging, Meade-loving conspiracy.

Why, just look at her hydrangeas!

Henry said...

...race-card-playing and liberal-media-dogging...

This image comes to mind.

David said...

Mel Gibson!!!!

Race and Hollywood!

Anonymous said...

"But I vote of pictures of Meade and Althouse paddling those kayaks yesterday."

I second the motion.

Big Mike said...

I voted with the majority. I'm already tired of the stories myself.

And this morning my wife turned off the TV because all the morning talk shows were running the Mel Gibson story.

reader_iam said...

"If [X] can't spot unstable extremists among their own ranks, how an [x] spot them elsewhere?"

A fundamental question about humans, and human nature, in general. It's a tribal thing, I think.

reader_iam said...

A corollary question is why, even when spotted, tribe trumps truth, even if the tribe ends up worse off in the long run.

Fen said...

I think the Sherrod story has been beat to death. And I predict we'll discover that she's still a racist a few months from now. So put it on the back burner.

Journolist is still insteresting, esp now that they are all circling the wagons. We need to know who was part of that group and marry the list up with their employers. Of course, I dont bother to read WaPo or NYTs anyway because I already know they will lie to me.

Joe said...

(The Handsome and Unobsessed One)

I’d like to take this opportunity to once again to point out:
1) Aliens are influencing our government;
2) That there is an alliance of Aliens and Joose, influencing our government;
3) That the Tea Party and Glenn Reynolds are dumb, dumber, and dumbest for not realizing this;
4) That hard-working white farmers, the backbone of our country for the last 750 years are the hardest hit; and
5) That you can find the Truth about this at LonePotatoheadAgainstJews.com

I believe in PRE-Trolling, that way the others don’t need to come in, the points have already been made.

traditionalguy said...

The story that interests me is the GM and Chrysler dealerships forced closings based upon leverage in DC bailout loans that administered created by edicts from Obama's lawless Car Czar. We Atlantans have long followed the trials of longtime franchise holding Coca-Cola Bottlers being rolled up into a Coke owned system. The power to void franchise contracts with group A is the necessary tool to sell the grant of new contracts to group B.

Joe said...

A corollary question is why, even when spotted, tribe trumps truth, even if the tribe ends up worse off in the long run.

Because we don’t measure in “the long run.” We measure in TODAY…in the long run, everyone dies.

Richard Dolan said...

"Must I keep talking about Shirley Sherrod and Journolist?"

The only reason to do so would be if you had something worth saying that hadn't already been said a thousand times. Your post about Journolist yesterday certainly met that standard; the 'she-discriminated-before-she-didn't' piece about Sherrod not so much.

It's almost impossible to come up with anything dealing with race that doesn't sound worn-out, agenda-driven, worse than silence. Yet America is still so far from getting beyond its fixation on race that there's no choice. I don't join that conversation very often, but I still read what you have to say about it, in the hope (and sometimes with the result) of hearing something sharp and different.

Anonymous said...

You are obviously racist if you do or you don't.

Fred4Pres, you are obviously racist for making light of racism.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trad Guy:

I remember asking WTF they would shut down so many small businesses in the middle of arecession and displace workers not to mention landlords and nearby businesses damaged by the new ghost towns created by the closed dealers.

And I wondered how much an independent dealer really "cost" the GM and Chrysler manufacturers. So did they reap substantial savings by closing the dealers.

I suspect it was the idea of a young, under-informed but cocky govt analyst.

garage mahal said...

All Breitbart did was yell fire in a crowded theater and pulled a fire alarm. What happened after that ain't his fault.

Fen said...

It's almost impossible to come up with anything dealing with race that doesn't sound worn-out, agenda-driven, worse than silence.

Yes, all-of-a-sudden the Left is tired of talking about racism. Go figure.

AllenS said...

Your silence says a lot.

Fen said...

I think Obama's been playing the race card alot to marginalize the charge of racism. Its in his interest for the accusation to have less teeth because he intends to become even more racial.

Anonymous said...

"All Breitbart did was yell fire in a crowded theater and pulled a fire alarm. What happened after that ain't his fault."

All Obama did was trample Shirley on his way out of the theater.

Fen said...

In other news, someone walked up behind Ackerman and shoved his face through a plate glass window. Talk about Karma.

Fred4Pres said...

I smell someone wanting a beer summit with Obama and Breitbart! Plugs can go too.

Chase said...

Breitbart did this nation a great service in posting the Sherrod video.

From the moment I saw it, I was disgusted at the laughter and clapping from NAACP members in the audience when Sherrod told of her initial racist attitude. Commend Sherrod for repenting, but even the whole video records for history the undeniable shameful truth of the racist audience and their deeply ingrained racism-okay-for-me-but-not-for-thee attitudes.

If you can't "get" that, then you are either a hypocrite or racist or both.

Now we're done talking about it.

Fen said...

Okay, not really. But by the Left's own standard, he has it coming.

Fortunately for him, conservatives dont do that sort of thing.

KCFleming said...

"...a crowded theater"...

That's hilarious.
The USA as a crowded theater.
And Shirley Sherrod telling a story about being a racist then coverting to a classist is yelling fire.


What's the yelling fire part?
I'm confused.

garage mahal said...

All Obama did was trample Shirley on his way out of the theater.

So Sherrod did nothing wrong then?

AllenS said...


I think Obama thought that Shirley was on fire. He didn't trample her on the way out, he threw her out of the theater.

Brian said...

All Breitbart did was yell fire in a crowded theater and pulled a fire alarm. What happened after that ain't his fault.

Actually, your analogy fails. Breitbart posted a video to his website. According to mainstream wisdom, Breitbart is a partisan hack, who did a hack job on Acorn. You can't trust what he says, or posts.

Vilsack and the White House didn't bother to determine the content of the video, or refute it. They acted as though it was true. Or that it would be interpreted as true, and that no one (cons, tea party) would be skeptical of it. Which is puzzling, because if the cons and tea party are a minority, then the moderate to liberal majority would push back against this.

When you step away from the computer for a few days, you realize this story is rather small potatoes. It wasn't reported until she resigned. After Vilsack "sacked" her. The White House reaction is what I'm interested in.

Your analogy also fails because pulling a fire alarm doesn't mean people go to their laptop and try to get the scoop from news web sites on the fire they may be in the middle of. They rush for the doors, hopefully without setting off a panic. Also, saying what happened here isn't anyone's fault (at the White House?) is letting them off the hook.

What's next? Does this story about GM and Chrysler dealerships closing (with a possible racial quota component) cause someone else to get fired immediately? Then rehired?

I'll spell it out for you: competence. A competent manager wouldn't fire someone immediately, not until the facts were in. It shows you have no loyalty to the people you employ. The minute (second?) there's some flap raised by one (one!) website, you're history. Then unhistory, as you're hired back red-faced.

Opus One Media said...

Texan99 said...
".. liberal journalists can spot unstable extremists .."


"Should we have Andrew Breitbart bark like a dog?"

Nicely put Texan99...you are getting the picture now I guess.

Anonymous said...


I think Obama thought that Shirley was on fire. He didn't trample her on the way out, he threw her out of the theater."

I think he stomped on her to get the fire out. They don't teach 'drop and roll' at Harvard.

Opus One Media said...

traditionalguy said...
The story that interests me is the trial of Coca-Cola Bottlers."

Did I take that out of context traditional guy? Well, its not my fault.

garage mahal said...

I'll spell it out for you: competence. A competent manager wouldn't fire someone immediately, not until the facts were in.

This can only mean Breitbart reported something that was incomplete, out of context, without all facts available. If he threw her under the bus, then she couldn't have done nothing wrong. Can't have it both ways.

bagoh20 said...

Problem with this subject is that everyone has or pretends to have only part of the story, and just keep talking right past each other to win points and vent whatever.

The story did have a powerful lesson for those on both sides if we were willing to see it, but it failed to move the ball in either direction. That's why it was simultaneously so hot and frustrating to everyone.

Nobody could really claim a high ground, but that didn't stop very many.

A.W. said...

as long as you don't do only polls today, talk about whatever you want.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah, Breitbart's ACORN expose' was bullshit but ACORN chose to slink away and go out of business anyway.

Opus One Media said...

Fen said...
Okay,he has it coming...conservatives do that sort of thing."

well Right you are Fen but I don't remember them lying about someone to this degree.

garage mahal said...

I think he stomped on her to get the fire out. They don't teach 'drop and roll' at Harvard.

Then he was right to put her out if she was on fire.

Opus One Media said...

garage mahal said...
They teach 'drop and roll' at Harvard. Then he was right."

Hey! I'm getting the Brietbart editing style down pretty good aren't I??!!!

jr565 said...

Journolist is still insteresting, esp now that they are all circling the wagons. We need to know who was part of that group and marry the list up with their employers. Of course, I dont bother to read WaPo or NYTs anyway because I already know they will lie to me.

Exactly. I want to know if any of the journolists have any ties to people at CNN because around the time of the Wright scandal CNN had a Wright free week, and journolist members discussed buryng the story. Did CNN heed journolists call directly (ie did some members have discussion with CNN) or did CNN decide on it's own to bury the story to make Obama not look bad.

bagoh20 said...

Somebody posted a video of an unknown person giving a speech, which was sent to them from someone else. It wasn't a news report, it wasn't from a reporter at all, it was just a video like millions of others, posted all the time by all sorts. A lot of people saw it and reacted.

The government then immediately fired the speaker in the video without getting her story.

The first part is completely commonplace - the second is exceptional.

traditionalguy said...

H D...The forced franchise cancellations of longtime white owned family businesses was another redistribution hidden as a crisis remedy. The more the debt crisis, the more Czars Obama sends out to rape existing businesses. CocaCola also had used tactics that made original family owned Bottling Companies (They buy the syrup from THE CocaCola Company) to have to sell to a combined entity under effective control of Atlanta Coke. It is always a control issue.

jr565 said...

It's almost impossible to come up with anything dealing with race that doesn't sound worn-out, agenda-driven, worse than silence.

Because if you level the same charge over and over (and over) year after year it starts to lose its sting and becomes transparently agenda driven and boring. The race card is like the libs "Same Old Song" Hits number one when it first came out. Now whenever it comes on the oldies channel people say "it's the same old song" that I've heard about 20 milion times and change it for something fresh.
They need some new material.

Opus One Media said...


No you didn't say that. You said:

"traditionalguy said...
The story that interests me is the trial of Coca-Cola Bottlers."

you just used a few more words than I did but I used your words .. it is called the Brietbart Editing Style...

The right wing uses it all the time and if you get good at it you can write copy for Fox.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Once written, twice... said...

Oh course Ann wants to stop talking about Journ0list and Shirley Sherrod.

They made her look mean and stupid.

Mark said...

Sherrod isn't acting much like someone who wants her job back:

Shirley Sherrod: Obama 'Is Not Someone Who Has Experienced What I Have Experienced Through Life'

Excuse me, that reads like she just called Obama an Oreo.

Smooth move, Shirley.

AllenS said...

Shirley Sherrod needs to watch out what she says, her comments make her look mean and stupid.

Once written, twice... said...

First Stupid Althouse. (Please create a tag Ann.)

For weeks Ann has gone on and on about Journolist including obsessing over the her belief that they were talking about her. (Her narcissism is always good for a cheap laugh.)

Well it turns out Journolist was much ado about nothing.

So, the right is stuck with creating a new principle that non-public non-government communications can be hounded until they are made public. I can't wait until this comes back to bite Ann in her fat ass.

Rialby said...

Why would Sherrod want her job back? She's just going to go back to suing the government for large sums of money. Let's sit back and watch how much she gets this time.

bagoh20 said...

It looks like Ms. Sherrod will now proceed snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Fame is more deadly than the Ebola virus.

Once written, twice... said...

Here are some of my favorite posts responding to Ann's take on the full Ms. Sherrod speech.

Peano wrote

"A rigidity most unbecoming to you, Ann. This was the first time Sherrod helped a white farmer. She started off wrong, saw her error, and corrected it. How much more can we reasonably expect from human beings? Your standard of perfection in this instance just baffles me."

Brian said...

Yesterday, I said Breitbart jumped the gun on this, or he was punked. Neither makes him look good. I don't condone posting an edited video without the context around it.

However, HE couldn't fire Ms. Sherrod. He had no power to do so. Unless you previously ascribed to him some credentials as a credible journalist, with no agenda other than the truth, you wouldn't fire someone based on only what HE posted (and not even then, without other corroboration).

Yet the mainstream liberal view is that what Breitbart did to Acorn was a hack partisan job, a story that developed without the balancing story of all the good that Acorn has done. So why take a single posted video from him as gospel and fire Ms. Sherrod?

As far as Ms. Sherrod goes, I'm glad she is apparently getting her job back. If she takes the job. She lamented how the White House handled this affair.

Once written, twice... said...

Gregory wrote about Ann...

"I am generally one to resist making character assessments based on this or that isolated opinion however distasteful. We all have our moments as it were.

I must say though that
Althouse's post is so frigidly ungenerous; so crassly opporunistictic; so disregarding of the magnitude Sherrod's experiences against the utter lack of anything remotely comparable in her own; and so clearly intended as sneering, self-elevating schoolmarm reprove as to call her character - hell, her basic decency - into serious question.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Ann Althouse not only would not but could not engage in anything like Sherrod's humble self-reflection to say nothing of brave self-correction. To sit behind a desk and taking advantage of a large audience slice in this 'but she's not perfect' way at someone who not only can but has been within mere days severely and unfairly punished for the effort speaks to a rather incredible ugliness of spirit, a spiteful glee in trying to harm others simply because you can.

What pitiable behavior for a grown woman."

Gregory Griffith

Once written, twice... said...

My favorite was Phil's...

Anyone who actually watches the full unedited video knows that Ms. Sherrod is a kind and gentle woman. A good public servant.

"She is Hattie Carroll.

It is sad that Ann Althouse yesterday was so quick to hold Andrew "William Zanzinger" Breitbart coat while he took aim with his cane."

bagoh20 said...

Jake, can you make your point without being insulting to your host? It's like putting Vegemite on steak - assuming you have a steak to begin with, but just in case you get one.

Once written, twice... said...

I would add to Phil's words...

Ann reacted to his deed with a shrug of her shoulders
And swear words and sneering and her tongue it was snarling

But you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears
Take the rag away from your face
Now ain't the time for your tears.

KCFleming said...

"Well it turns out Journolist was much ado about nothing."

Ha ha ha.
The Journolist talking point for today is Nothing to see here, move along.
OK, Jake, whatever you say.

I mean, aside from knowing that top newspeople from numerous different major print and TV venues collaborated on, e.g., how to attack Palin, what's the big deal?

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!

KCFleming said...

"Anyone who actually watches the full unedited video knows that Ms. Sherrod is a kind and gentle woman. A good public servant."

Double hilarious.
I keep seeing those exact same words over and over again.

It's like they spring from some e-mail list verbatim or something!

Goddamned lefty Journalist talking point trolls.

Brian said...

So, the right is stuck with creating a new principle that non-public non-government communications can be hounded until they are made public. I can't wait until this comes back to bite Ann in her fat ass.

Which means, once everything on this blog becomes part of the public domain, everyone will know who you are, and that you hate overweight women.

Well it turns out Journolist was much ado about nothing.

Except it shows that there was indeed media collusion to help Obama get elected, by spiking the Rev. Wright story. It also shows that they considered using the racist charge against Republicans, with no evidence, but only reconsidered based on whether it was a tactical mistake, not on whether it was wrong.

Once written, twice... said...

Brian wrote "...and that you hate overweight women."

Hey! I was trying to be generous to Althouse. I just said her ass was fat.

KCFleming said...

Say, Jake, how many names do you post under, I mean all together?

Do you post more than once on the same thread, under another name?

Are you also 'Mary (the banned)'?
Because it sounds like her.

AllenS said...

Watch it, Pogo. Mary sent me a very threatening email.

KCFleming said...

Threatening marsupials violates federal law.

I'm pretty sure.

Mark said...

My question is, does Axelrod pay by the persona or by the post?

KCFleming said...

Mebbe it's one of those Amazon Mechanical Turk jobs, 0.02 cents per post.

Unknown said...

By all means, go out and have a life (bloggy and otherwise). Only the trolls are that obsessed.

garage mahal said...

All Obama did was trample Shirley on his way out of the theater.

So Sherrod did nothing wrong then?

She's a Red by her own admission.

Does that count?

garage mahal said...

A commie. How original.

Rich said...

You know what might be a good idea? Do some attractive nuisance posts to keep single-issue zealots busy.

Like a birther post.

For me you can do a "who you gonna believe, Breitbart or your own lying eyes." That'll distract me from people in the other posts who insist there was "cheering" and "affirmations" of Ms. Sharrod's remarks.

(If I may make one point of personal privilege: I think the tea party folks have been similarly slandered with false accusations about being racist. Didn't get involved in discussions about that because just about everyone here already acknowledged and argued that point. But re Ms. Sherrod, to my own perception the majority of people saw something in the video that just wasn't there.)

Or throw me a bone and do a post about how unfair ERISA is.

X said...

All Breitbart did was yell fire in a crowded theater and pulled a fire alarm.

Lord knows you've never implied anyone was a racist have you?

garage mahal said...

Lord knows you've never implied anyone was a racist have you?

I think you're thinking of someone else.

Milwaukie guy said...

I believe Breitbart said the first video was to be one of a series. Right now, the hook has been set. I can't wait for the reeling in.

Speculation: Do you suppose there is video of Ms. Sherrod speaking unguardedly about her successful shakedown in Pigford?

wv: borer: Breitbart working at the foundations of liberal media bias.

X said...

Perhaps I am, perhaps not. If you haven't, it's to your credit and I owe you an apology.

Fen said...

Libtard: This can only mean Breitbart reported something that was incomplete, out of context, without all facts available.

But he didn't. The context is preserved in the video. Why is it his fault that you're too lazy to watch it all or too stupid to understand it?

Fen said...

Libtard: Well it turns out Journolist was much ado about nothing.

And the CRU leaks were no biggie, and Sarah Palin is not a threat, etc.

Really, gotta ask if you believe your own bullshit?

We caught the lib media red-handed conspiring to distort and censor the news. You only WISH it was much ado about nothing.

LoafingOaf said...

Shirley Sherrod indicated to CNN today that she is looking into a defamation lawsuit against slimeball Andrew Breitbart.

On The View, Sherrod noted that Andrew Breitbart has yet to try and contact her to apologize.

Fen said...

Jake/Mary: Oh course Ann wants to stop talking about Journ0list and Shirley Sherrod. They made her look mean and stupid.

What is it about Leftists that makes them think Ann will be swayed with peer pressure? Everytime she posts about something they dont want to face, they attack her personally and appeal to conformity.

Here's a tip: even if you WERE the cool kids in the cafeteria, she wouddn't care to sit with you.

Libtard: Shirley Sherrod indicated to CNN today that she is looking into a defamation lawsuit against slimeball Andrew Breitbart.

You can always sense the desperation of a Libtard when they assert with adjectives.

On The View, Sherrod noted that Andrew Breitbart has yet to try and contact her to apologize.

Apologze for WHAT exactly?

LoafingOaf said...

Timeline of Breitbart's Sherrod smear

Timeline of InstaPundit's coverage: White Law Professor Helps Defame Black Lady. Hehindeedy!

But there was at least one journalist at Fox who showed he cared about his program's integrity: Fox's Smith says he didn't run Sherrod video because of Breitbart site's "history," adds he didn't "trust the source. Props to Shep.

(BTW, InstaPundit is linking to an article today claiming that Fox didn't cover the Sherrod story until after she resigned, but the first link in this post proves that to be another right-wing blogosphere lie. Maybe these people should stop with the spin and the bullshit and call out the slimey Andrew Breitbart. I guess Althouse has decided to stop blogging the story because it isn't going her team's way.)

Hoosier Daddy said...

Maybe these people should stop with the spin and the bullshit and call out the slimey Andrew Breitbart.

Let me ask, aren't you guys even the least bit embarrased that this really smart Administration was played for fools by some slimely blogger/journalist who you guys all seem to know is a hack/liar/doodyhead?

Fen said...

I think its funny that you think a link to Media Matters will convince anyone but your fellow Libtards of anything.

Fen said...

And really, the irony of Media Matters "concerned" about smears is just too much.

You guys are flailing. Please continue while I grab more popcorn.

Meantime, dont you agree that Sherrod is STILL a racist? Or are you going to selectively ignore the parts of her speech that dont dovetail with your narrative?

A.W. said...


> Meantime, dont you agree that Sherrod is STILL a racist?

You don't get how the analysis will work. see liberals will plumb the depths of every comment to try to find the hidden racism, the code words, etc. And then they will ask the criticial question:

if i call this person a racist, will any conservative or republican benefit?

that's how the process works.

i mean seriously how else do you explain it when they discover a racist subtest in a debate over health care, but can't find it here?

bagoh20 said...


I don't care is she is a racist or not. I do worry that if Breitbart posts the right video, the President might launch a nuclear attack on Liechtenstein.

HT said...

Let me ask, aren't you guys even the least bit embarrased that this really smart Administration was played for fools by some slimely blogger/journalist who you guys all seem to know is a hack/liar/doodyhead?

I am not embarrassed. I am outraged. I said so I believe the first day this was blogged about by AA.

It was atrociously handled at her work place. The NAACP mishandled it to say the least. Everyone did. HR-wise, it was a travesty. Someone compared it to a corporation, and how they woulda handled it. Apples and oranges, THOUGH I AGREE IT WAS ATROCIOUSLY HANDLED. Apples and oranges b/c of the profile of the case. But even more outrageous is that USUALLY federal cases have to follow strict protocol. It seems that the heavy hand of the admin came in and dictated what was to be done. That - to my untrained eyes - can be the only explanation protocol was not followed.

Embarrassed. No, not really. Outraged, yes.

Mark said...

She can't be racist. She just magnanimously offered to help Barack Obama understand what it's like to be Black:

“He is not someone who has experienced what I have experienced through life, being a person of color. He might need to hear some of what I could say to him,” she told me. “I don’t know if that would guide him in a way that he deals with others like me, but I at least would like to have the opportunity to talk to him about it.”

Definitely popcorn-worthy.

nobody said...


Though I’ve hardly ever commented, I’ve been a regular reader here since about 2004. Though I find that you are generally sensible, you have seriously misread the Shirley Sherrod video.

You say in an earlier post that “[i]t's important to acknowledge that Sherrod not only admittedly discriminated against the farmer (years ago), but she saw fit today to speak as if she were proud of the story with its narrative arc of personal growth,” and you are repeating here that “she did discriminate against the white farmer.”

Rich at 11:59 AM is spot on: “the majority of people saw something in the video that just wasn't there.”

I trust that your fundamental misreading of her speech is an honest misreading, but the community of interpretation you’ve joined on this one has blundered badly and the results are pretty ugly.

What she says is perfectly compatible with her having done her job when the white farmer was sent to her, and then having had every reason to think that it was taken care of, and then when confronted with the gross negligence of the lawyer she intervened and went far above and beyond what she was required to do. There is an elementary distinction between doing one’s job adequately and going far beyond the requirements of that job.

In my experience, people who are willing to go far above and beyond what they are required to do to help you are few and far between.

Moreover, I think you are missing a sense of the historical realities of the deep South circa 1965 and a feeling for the experience of trauma and its effects, both individual and collective.

This whole thing reminds me of that guy who got fired for using the word “niggardly.” People heard something that was never there to be heard in the first place, racial paranoia took hold, and a person was unjustly persecuted. The portrayal of Shirley Sherrod as a self-confessed former racial discriminator is defamatory.

Alex said...

Well well it turns out that Sherrod is a racist after all. Rush explained everything today.

The Dude said...

Thank you, nobody, for nothing. Continue to be niggardly with your comments and do not renege on that pledge.

Unknown said...

arage mahal said...

A commie. How original.

It's still the truth.

Mark said...

So, the concern trolls are coming now.

I see the terms "wrongful termination" and "damage to reputation" in Sherrod's future.

wv: "mighte" as in "mighte fine torte you have there".

Mark said...

Seriously, can you imagine the Administration wanting her back after that interview with ABC News?

Whatever else you might say about her, you can add "loose cannon" to the list.

HT said...


You just can't go firing people like that. Or excuse me, calling them to resign. It does not matter how obnoxious a person is, in your opinion, or my opinion, or anyone's opinion.

Chip Ahoy said...

You are all racist. You were born racist and will die racist. There will be no refudiation and there is no hope for you.

On the other hand I am different from all of you due to unique circumstance. While still in the womb my mulatto twin tried to lord over me. He behaved superior and tried to dominate me while floating around there in the embryonic sac, the two of us. He didn't say anything, of course, but I could tell what he was thinking. And while he was thinking all those superior thoughts he was unaware that I was planning his end. Then I took my chance and strangled him with his own umbilical cord killing him right there. Thus I was not born alone but singularly alive. But, before that harsh birth I had already forgiven him for all that trouble he caused me, and that forgiveness cleansed my soul. So I was actually born pure of heart and free of all malice. His death was deemed an unfortunate accident, and it was, and then in world I received double the ordinary attention that would have been divided between us and I was eventually elevated to high station.

nrn312 said...

it is called the Brietbart Editing Style...

"I shouted out 'Who killed the Kennedys?', when after all, it was... me." - Mick Jagger

Mark said...

HT, I'm not saying the firing was right (whether it was justified is open to debate; how it was handled was about as bad as it gets without involving a small caliber pistol at close range.)

What I am saying is Sharrod has gone out of her way to make herself MUCH MORE toxic than she could ever have been before, by bringing Obama's "sensitivities" into question.

First rule of being an employee is don't make your boss look bad. She's going out of her way to drag the whole chain of command through her own personal oil slick.

nrn312 said...

"What is it about Leftists that makes them think Ann will be swayed with peer pressure?"

I'm aware that she has tenure, but her blog is still a trainwreck.

nrn312 said...

"First rule of being an employee is don't make your boss look bad."

Well, it appears that she no longer has to worry about that.

AC245 said...

Comrade X said...
Lord knows you've never implied anyone was a racist have you?

garage mahal said...
I think you're thinking of someone else.

garage mahal said...
Better us than bitter and miserable fucksticks like you that call for spilled blood over health care bill votes. Or your racist asshole teabagger bretheren that call people n*ggers and spit on them on their way to a vote. Real darlings, you all. In truth, people like you would love nothing more than putting your boot on someones neck. That's why you always think someone else is trying to do it to you.
3/21/10 10:41 PM

Back under your rock, now, GasRage.

Texan99 said...

ac245, will you marry me?

Paul Kirchner said...

After hearing Shirley Sherrod express herself today, I'm surprised she has a job of any importance whatsoever.

Fen said...

What she says is perfectly compatible with her having done her job when the white farmer was sent to her, and then having had every reason to think that it was taken care of, and then when confronted with the gross negligence of the lawyer she intervened and went far above and beyond what she was required to do.

More revisionist Bullshit.

There is an elementary distinction between doing one’s job adequately and going far beyond the requirements of that job

Not when your motivation is racism.

To review, she withheld help because the client's race. And she chose his attorney based on race.

Fen said...

More Journolist scum surfacing.

"An Obama campaign operative interacted on the Journolist with sympathetic media types in the run-up to the election, and then rewarded favored Journolistas with a visit to the White House. Nothing to see here, move along.”


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