July 23, 2010

"Maybe there'll be window in heaven where he can watch Nixon slowly roasting on a spit."

The first comment on the Gawker post "Journalist Daniel Schorr Dies at 93."


mesquito said...

He'll be delivering commentaries on NPR for at least another six months.

Opus One Media said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Eric Sevareid was a much better "Murrow's Boy".

But R.I.P. anyways Mr Schorr.

chickelit said...


OT but I called you out on a hypocrisy over at Trooper York's

Opus One Media said...

What probably pushed Shorr over the edge was the prospect that Nixon's grandson is running for congress in my district.

Schorr was a magnificent and brave journalist who fought through a very difficult time without fear and without backing down.

Rest well. You did good.

Nixon's Acorn>.

bagoh20 said...

He milked that Nixon enemies list fame for his entire career. Tricky Dicky was the best thing that ever happened to him. I rarely ever agreed with him and he was a big part of why I stopped listening to NPR, but godspeed to him and may he finally see the light.

Rialby said...

"Schorr was a magnificent and brave journalist who fought through a very difficult time without fear and without backing down."

Uhh, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same "journalist" who said that Barry Goldwater was taking a vacation in Germany in the summer of 1964 in order to link up with neo-Nazi elements there?

Yeah, you did good. Just like Walter Duranty, Dan Rather, et. al.

MadisonMan said...

Schorr got himself banned from the USSR and made it onto Nixon's enemies list. The qualities that made him a good journalist lead to those two singular events.

Phil 314 said...

AS I've stated previously I didn't enjoy his NPR commentary.

RIP Mr. Schorr

Freeman Hunt said...

That's a pretty hateful comment. I wouldn't wish anyone, and I do mean anyone, damnation.

Rialby said...

Who wished him damnation?

Revenant said...

Yeah, you did good. Just like Walter Duranty, Dan Rather, et. al.

I'm no fan of Rather, but putting him in the same category of Duranty is just wrong. Duranty belongs with Leni Riefenstahl and other apologists for totalitarianism. Rather was just partisan journalist; there are bazillions of those.

And Schorr did some good early work shining light behind the Iron Curtain, at a time when much of the domestic Left still clung to the myth of enlightened communist utopia.

Rialby said...

Rather did his best to flip the outcome of a democratic election in this country.

Duranty hid what he knew was the truth in order to keep his side in power in the United States.

Schorr made up vicious lies about a good man in order to tip a democratic election.

In that way they are all the same.

Opus One Media said...

bagoh20 said...
"Tricky Dicky was the best thing that ever happened to him."

yeah maybe for Mr. Schorr but for this country he nearly ruined it.

SteveR said...

Never heard him criticize a liberal, like Cronkrite and many others, for many years bias in hiding. Hero to many because he never told them what they didn't want to hear.

Opus One Media said...

"he" being Nixon not Shorr.

Opus One Media said...

SteveR...because liberals rarely lie or have a reason to lie. Shorr stood for truth...something on short supply on the right hand side of the old dial.

Joe said...

SteveR...because liberals rarely lie or have a reason to lie.


You dont actually BELIEVE the stuff you write do you?

Mitch Snider "A homeless person dies every 60 seconds in America...."

Countless Feminists "Super Bowl Sunday sees a spike in domestic abuse...."

Countless Feminists "1 in four college coeds will be raped"

Clinton, Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that womon."

And that's with just MINIMAL thought...

Why is Nixon in H3ll, BTW? Because Ted Kennedy didn't like him? I'm sorry last time I checked that was a Mortal Sin.

GMay said...

Revenant said: "...at a time when much of the domestic Left still clung to the myth of enlightened communist utopia."

I find your use of past tense disturbing...

rcocean said...

NPR can just keep replaying the last 6 months of Schorr commentaries and no one would know the difference. Like Broder he was/is a bore. Unlike Broder, Schorr was a left-wing hack, who accused Goldwater of hooking up with Neo-Nazis. He made Rather seem honest.

After CBS, he got a nice little gig at NPR because the left always looks after its own. He was old MSM dinosaur, famous because in the 60s and 70s there was no C-Span, Fox, cable TV, Internet or talk radio. He was one of those mediocrities the suits in NYC foisted on the US public. In todays more competitve enviroment, a young Schorr would be on MSNBC and no more famous than David Schuster.

Nixon, for all his flaws, was a public servant and a patriot. What Schorr's vitures were - I can't tell you.

Leland said...

Well, thanks to DOJ policy, he'll probably get to vote this November.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

I rarely agreed with Schorr on the essence of politics, but I usually appreciated his NPR commentaries. I don't much care for NPR's politics but I listen to them anyway because I haven't had a television since 1967 and they're better than almost all of of what's out there anywhere else.

Another one of the old lions passes from the scene.

The best part is that I see much of that fantastic GI generation in the rising Millenials. More importantly, so does my mother, now 92, who knows what she sees.

They're America's next Greatest Generation, and as we groom them, so too should we honor and respect their aged counterparts.

Daniel Schorr is one such, even if a Lefty. I'll miss him.

GMay said...

"Why is Nixon in H3ll, BTW? Because Ted Kennedy didn't like him?

My guess is because Teddy wouldn't want to share a bunk with him.

Unknown said...

"Maybe there'll be window in heaven where he can watch Nixon slowly roasting on a spit."

More like the other way around. Nixon was no saint, but The Zero and Willie long ago eclipsed whatever his transgressions were and Schorr was another of the self-important gasbags of Black Rock, along with Crankcase, Blather, Sevareid, and Mike Malice, who lied through their teeth to help put this country in the mess it is today.

Not nice to speak ill of the dead, I know, but the the truth needs to be said.

Opus One Media said...

Joe said...
"And that's with just MINIMAL thought..."

well Joe, no one can ever accuse you of applying anything more than MINIMAL THOUGHT.

god, you are sooooo easy. hahahhahahahhaa

Big Mike said...

Of course, it's entirely possible that Daniel Schorr will be the one turning on a spit while Richard Nixon looks on from Heaven.

But as an atheist I'm inclined to think that Nixon is a pile of bones, and Schorr soon will be.

The only think that Keynes got right was that in the long run we're all dead.

Anonymous said...

He had a nice voice.

Fen said...

JournoList scum shaped news coverage:

"Klein had regurgitated the Journolist talking points into a Time Magazine blog post and passed them off as his own thoughts:
Time’s Joe Klein then linked to his own piece, parts of which he acknowledged came from strategy sessions on Journolist. “Here’s my attempt to incorporate the accumulated wisdom of this august list-serve community,” he wrote. And indeed Klein’s article contained arguments developed by his fellow Journolisters

...it does show that Klein successfully turned a Journolist strategy into media coverage on Palin, which makes his lack of honesty in sourcing those talking points even more of an issue."


/via instapundit

Joe said...

And YET with just MINIMAL thought I demonstrated the absolute FALSITY of your assertion....

Do you care to answer either my question, "Do YOU believe this stuff" or address the charges I made, or are you just going to slink a way with your 5th grade Bon mot? I believe I spelled that right, no
FoPas" in my French.

Cedarford said...

"Tricky Dicky was the best thing that ever happened to him."
yeah maybe for Mr. Schorr but for this country he nearly ruined it."

NO, this country has had bad Presidents, but Nixon was not one of them. Lasting domestic accomplishments, and no man did more for diplomacy that reduced the chance of WWIII. And no man was less likely to get the Nobel Prize from a pack of pickled fish eating leftists.

Bad Presidents? Recent ones? That's easy. Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, and our present Black Messiah.

If you say bad, in the sense of tripe about "Holy Rule of Law!", "Obstruction of Justice"...Nixon was a piker compared to the stuff Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ did.
(Not to mention some of the odious stuff foreign leaders the Left REVERES did, which make what Lincoln, FDR, etc did look like pikers.

Opus One Media said...

its ok Joe. No one took you for more than an idiot anyway.

Opus One Media said...

wow there Cedarturd...drinking a lot tonight are you?

Anonymous said...

Such cowards liberals are. That's the main thing I take from this whole Journalist thing. Cowards, each and every one.

Joe said...

SO HDHouse, can you anwer my questions or are you just going to rely on ad hominen attacks?

Yeah I know the answer.

bagoh20 said...

"yeah maybe for Mr. Schorr but for this country he (Nixon) nearly ruined it."

You can't blame Nixon for Jimmy Carter, hell even I have to take some responsibility for that. Stupid hippie, I was.

Trooper York said...

Daniel Schorr along with such other venal careerists and communist symp's (i.e. liberal Democrats) like Peter Arnett, Dan Rather and Uncle Walter were directly responsible for slanting the news and distorting the facts during the Vietnam war to the point that the United State fled it's obligations in South East Asia and led directly to the deaths of millions of innocent Vietnamese and Cambodians at the hands of the communists. He was in the forefront of slandering our military and debasing the good name of our nation. He was an elitist and phony of the first water and evil in a banal and boring way.

He is the quintessential mainstream media journalist. Living in a bubble of the Upper East and West side of Manhattan with the occasional foray to his summer digs in the Hamptons, he had no contact with working class people except to sneer at them as “Archie Bunkers” who were too bigoted and benighted to be trusted with the affairs of our sacred union. His only contact with minorities was to champion their causes while living as far away from them as he possibly could. He would lie and falsify any story to advance his extreme left wing agenda which is diametrically opposed to the self interest of these United States. He was truly and evil and pernicious influence in our society.

If there is any justice in this world he will indeed be burning in hell for all eternity.

Trooper York said...

I would expect hdhouse to honor him because I assume like hd, Mr Schorr was a "Hero of the Soviet Union."

Trooper York said...

It seems to me that it is a bad sign that the Mayan’s may indeed be on target and 2012 will be the “End of Days.” Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Daniel Schorr. Satan has called home so many of his minions lately.

It is a scary thought.

chickelit said...

Give'im hell Trooper York!

Henry said...

Funny, when I read the news that Mr. Schorr had died, I thought finally, he and Nixon are together again. I think it would be a happy reunion. When a man has milked his Nixon connection for as long Schorr did his, can he really still hold a grudge? In his heart of hearts the old sermonizing fart had to miss the old paranoid one.

RIP Mr. Schorr.

Trooper York said...

A thread to honor this senile gasbag and not a mention of the death of a great American. Hero of World War 2. Baseball great. True Yankee.

Where's the love?

Mark B said...

@ Trooper York "He was truly and evil and pernicious influence in our society".

Speaking truth to the dead.

Hey Ho, Ho Chi Minh.
Hey Ho he's got to go.
Hey Ho the Witch is dead.

Mark B said...

@ Trooper York "He was truly and evil and pernicious influence in our society".

Speaking truth to the dead.

Hey Ho, Ho Chi Minh.
Hey Ho he's got to go.
Hey Ho the Witch is dead.

jr565 said...

HDHouse wrote:
Shorr stood for truth...something on short supply on the right hand side of the old dial.

Since we're talking about truth, did Shorr say on air that Goldwater was using his vacation in Germany as a move to meet up with neo nazis? Yes or no?
Was that actually true? Yes or no?
If the answer is No and he didn't actually go to Germany to meet up with Neo Nazis, then how does Schorr stand for truth?
Thats kind of like Ackerman's brand of truth. Where you find a racist by throwing a dart at a bilboard with republican faces on it and the first one you hit is a racist.

Schorr and co do bring up an intersting phenomenon with the left. Note that even back in the 60's they were using the nazi slur against republicans. Norman Mailer covering the convention for Esquire magazine said the cheers of the crowd reminded him of sig heils.
Charges of being Hitler and the race card. Aren't those familiar? Even back in the 60's that was standard operating procedure for lefty goons, along with political smears from liberal heroes like Schorr and cronkite who are supposedly objective reporters working for legitimate news organizations.
All that talk about Bush being Hitler? Simply a retread of old agit prop used over and over again by the left.

jr565 said...

TrooperYork wrote:
He is the quintessential mainstream media journalist. Living in a bubble of the Upper East and West side of Manhattan with the occasional foray to his summer digs in the Hamptons, he had no contact with working class people except to sneer at them as “Archie Bunkers” who were too bigoted and benighted to be trusted with the affairs of our sacred union. His only contact with minorities was to champion their causes while living as far away from them as he possibly could. He would lie and falsify any story to advance his extreme left wing agenda which is diametrically opposed to the self interest of these United States. He was truly and evil and pernicious influence in our society.

That explains why he wound up on NPR. It also explains why HD House loves him so.

Scott said...

Liberals are so classy.

bagoh20 said...

Was Shorr in Journolist? Was he above such a thing?

traditionalguy said...

Schorr used a classic trial lawyer's trick of acting like he was a victim fighting hard for "Truth" against the powerful other. That meant the other was evil. Once you are drawn into his quick me/them dichotomy, then you will support the home team and ignore all of the myths he uses in a struggle against evil. It works good. No wonder Trooper hates him like he hates lawyers.

Opus One Media said...

Scott said...
Liberals are so classy."

Well, I was too modest to point that out but thank you....

Opus One Media said...

@trooper york..

now now. Shorr was basically a good heart. I met him a couple times. Not a bad guy at all. I admit that he baited you righties here and there but with the big stuff, he got it right.

He got Nixon right and had courage in face of a President and surrounding criminals who made life somewhat dangerous for writers and investigators.

Trooper York said...

Oh I know hd. You guys were peas in a pod.

Opus One Media said...

Henry said...
"When a man has milked his Nixon connection for as long Schorr did his, can he really still hold a grudge..."

OH HENRY (i've waited for a long time to use that one!)...why would Shorr hold a grudge against Nixon....when Nixon did sooo much to promote the freedom of the press and save the country as a result. You sound like some dumb baffoon who wasn't born yet when Nixon was president and read about him (Nixon) on the back of bund rally posters. Nixon was great in many respects and in others he nearly brought down the republic. So don't make him a hero. He was a criminal.

AC245 said...

Demented Grandpa Harold, tell us again how the right wing smeared General Betrayus.

(The funniest "truth" always comes from the leftist side of the dial.)

JAL said...

I can't remember the details but I think Schorr infuriated me either during the 2000 election fight or after 9/11.

I really bailed on NPR then.

Freeman Hunt said...

Who wished him damnation?

Nixon, not Shorr. The roasting on a spit thing.

JAL said...

Funny what atheists say.

I mean, if one *really* believes in heaven and hell and all that that is -- why would he/she eve hope for something appoarching this in evil and arrogance?

JAL said...

Sorry for the typos. Didn't bother to preview.

You get what I meant.

jr565 said...

HDHouse wrote:
now now. Shorr was basically a good heart. I met him a couple times. Not a bad guy at all. I admit that he baited you righties here and there but with the big stuff, he got it right.

A smear here and there no biggie. But as a comparison, I hear you making a lot of statements about Breitbart. Couldn't you make the same argument about him even if you though he smeared Sherrod? I met him once or twice. Good guy. I admit that he baited you lefties here and there but the bg stuff he got it right.

Also, when Barack Obama last visited Detroit he had secret meetings with the Nation of Islam where he was going to recruit some of Farrakhan's goons to start a pogrom against the Jews. (Sorry, was just channeling my inner Schorr).

virgil xenophon said...

And lets not forget Schorr's 1975 outing of CIA agents by name that were supposed to be involved in what he (Schorr) felt were illegal killings/assassination attempts, with the result that several CIA agents/operatives were rolled up by the Soviets, prompting CIA Dir Richard Helms to call him (to his face, iirc) "Killer Schorr." That was our man Schorr--a patriot for all seasons.

Revenant said...

I mean, if one *really* believes in heaven and hell and all that that is -- why would he/she eve hope for something appoarching this in evil and arrogance?

If we exclude people who have used some variant of "go to hell" from the ranks of believing Christians, there aren't many Christians on this Earth. :)

Revenant said...

He got Nixon right and had courage in face of a President and surrounding criminals who made life somewhat dangerous for writers and investigators.

Someone's been watching "All the President's Men" too many times, I see. :)

Clyde said...

Another smilodon sinks into the left-wing media tar pit.

Paul Kirchner said...

"Maybe there'll be window in heaven where he can watch Nixon slowly roasting on a spit."

That's an interesting insight into what a liberal imagines paradise to be. Perhaps after a million years (however they measure time up there) of watching the torments of Nixon, Schorr would have an epiphany and think, "What is the emptiness that I have inside that causes me to derive so much satisfaction from my feeling of moral superiority?"

And then God will say,"Hah! you finally get it, now we can let you into the real Heaven, and we can turn off that video of Nixon."

Of course, most liberals don't have enough time on this earth to reach that epiphany.

Opus One Media said...

edutcher said...
"Nixon was no saint, but The Zero and Willie long ago eclipsed whatever his transgressions were...."

What are you? 6 years old?

Nixon? The guy who nearly wrecked the country? Every hear of Watergate? Ring a bell with you?


Trooper York said...

Nixon started "Watergate" because he was afraid that they would find out he had sold out America to Harold Hughes for campaign contributions.

Bill Clinton sold out our secrets to the Chinese communists for campaign contributions. But the liberal mainstream media gave him a free pass.

Hello....does that ring a bell?

Mitch H. said...

When you die, you are locked into an enclosed, small space which contains your greatest and most loathed enemy.

It's up to you to make of this your eternity in Hell or merely a sojourn in Purgatory.

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