July 21, 2010

At the Wingra Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want, but I'd just like to say that we went kayaking on Lake Wingra today. It was fun and pretty easy.


Pastafarian said...

I tried to go kayaking the other day -- my son and I couldn't get the kayak out beyond the surf.

I should have rented a single instead of a tandem. I think he was tipping it over on purpose -- I think he feared that we might get out too far, and the next stop would be Portugal.

AC245 said...

Does this make it open season for referring to you and Meade as a couple of Wingranuts?

Phil 314 said...

Meanwhile a unique lake in the desert is gone after the dam "popped"

Phil 314 said...

Not the first time "water in the desert" has been disappointment

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Pasta-- You weren't drunk-kayaking, were you? Maybe he was just playing it safe. ;-)


le Douanier said...

One double or two singles?

And, if one double who was riding bi....I mean was it a Meadehouse or was an Altade boat?

And, is (are) your Kayak(s) named? If not, I'd suggest 'Selma'. You can't go wrong w/ a Selma Kayak?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Kayaks are not allowed at Dumpster Pools..

Safety first.

Unknown said...

you know Ann, you're a disgusting fat pig-woman---playing host to White-aggrievement and victimization.

JAL said...

So you're having fun on our awesome NC beaches Pasta! Great! We sent a truck inner tube to Portugal one year when the post hurricane winds grabbed it. It was out of sight in seconds.

Went by the Ocoee and Nantahala Rivers today where people were rafting and kayaking and enjoying. Pretty ride. For them and us.

edutcher -- how's The Blonde? Just wondering. :-)

JAL said...

BTW Professor... the photo looks like a ... mmm ... Seurat painting?

chickelit said...

The Winnebago (Ho Chunk) people called Lake Wingra "Duck Lake".

Pastafarian said...

Whimsy -- no, no, I wouldn't drunk-kayak -- not with my son in the kayak with me, at least.

I'm experienced and pretty good with a canoe, but I've never kayaked before, and it's quite different. But I still say the boy tipped it on purpose.

I am (slightly) drunk-commenting right now, however. I'm about 4 margaritas in, sort of a nice buzz going.

JAL -- I'd be enjoying it more if it was a little less hot and less bright, but you do have a better view of the ocean here than we do in Ohio.

Scotty -- what sort of idiot would feel compelled to type something like that? Do you also hit women when you're upset with them? Or do you lack the balls to strike a woman, so you stick to anonymous insults? You nutless little slug.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Haven't seen Theo here in a while..

Maybe I should pay him a visit.

jayne_cobb said...

There seems to be a large number of new commenters here within the past day or two doesn't there?

It must merely be a coincidence that they all seem to be engaging in personal attacks upon the hostess and fans of this particular site.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I like the commenters that can get past the politics and just participate/engage in whatever..

Anybody heard from amba.. Kentukyliz?

Maybe I should pay them a visit too.

MamaM said...

"...at least it will go when I row, row, row..."

A little red rented row boat is not a kayak, but a day spent powering something responsive forward through a reflective substance sounds good to me.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There was also Vic.. Victoria.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

BTW.. Theo dedicated a long musical post to Reader_iam on account of reader's.. oh, just go there and read it for yourselves.

I mention it just in case reader has not seen it.

Pervaiz said...

Thanks for sharing it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Oh look.. Pakistan's former strongman is selling cell phones..

I guess the book didn't do very well ;)

chickelit said...

There was also Vic.. Victoria.

Lem, Victoria (vbspurs) is a regular on Twitter. She's away just now but you can usually follow her musings here: Link

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don't tweet..

I liked her Miro wallpaper thou.

chickelit said...

I don't tweet...

You should try it. A bunch of people I think you like do. It's OK to swing both ways.

There's even a space reserved for Trooper York, if and when: Link

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Has there ever been a successful cue leader go on a book tour upon relinquishing power?

Usually they go into hiding running away from some tribunal that is trying them in absentia.

9/11 may have inviude Musharraf with some kind of legitimacy he would probably otherwise not have had.. or he would not have had other wise?

I cant decide..

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Trooper hasn't joined and he already has 18 followers.


Chip Ahoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

(grammar correction ↑ )

My sister sent me a spank'n brand new copy of Reinhart's and Sabuda's Gods and Heros pop-up book, with a note that a'splained when she and her son saw it and connected two of my interests, they bought it on the spot. I didn't have the heart to tell her I already have it. I watched its production online and was on the waiting list for its publication.

But this cheered me and I celebrated with poached eggs, spinach and Hollandaise.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I understand making a Hollandaise sauce is not easy.

Chip Ahoy said...

Link to egg

Palladian said...

White-aggrievement [sic] and victimization: I'm poor! Buy a print of one of my drawings!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That does it! I'm never ordering Hollandaise again unless it's to see how poorly theirs compares to mine.

Congratulations.. I seem to remember you mentioned you had done it b4 but not to your satisfaction.

In the short film The Perfect Human the main character eats boiled fish and boiled potatoes with hollandaise sauce.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Palladian I like the five unbroken arches.. $40.00 seems like a reasonable price.

Palladian said...

Thanks, Lem. Being temporarily unemployed, these days 40 bucks is the difference between food or no food.

I need a part-time job. Anyone hiring?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I sent you an email.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I wish Barbara Boxer was a republican.

I would exchange Olympia Snow for Barbara Boxer in a heartbeat.

Like baseball cards.. have some cards that are difficult to get.

To be a hall of famer you have to have been reelected as much as Bird and sTrom Thurmond.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How do you get the cards?

Regular CSPAN caller? that's one way.. under the table at tea parties?

NAACP would most likely want a piece of the action.

I'm just guessing ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A Tip O'Neal would be the equivalent of a Micky Mantle..

A Newt Gingrich would be like a Shoeless Joe Jackson.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hear Newt is considering running for the WH..

If he had returned to office after time had passed on the scandals and he once again earned the peoples trust, I could see maybe people forgiving him..

But.. Now because there is a vacuum? I don't see it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I Liked Newt.. talk about an idea man... in the end he was just another one that could not control his libido.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whos a Honus Wagner..

Henry Hyde of Illinois, Barbara Jordan of Texas.

Honus Wagner is one of the most valuable cards in baseball because there are only fewer than five thought to be in existence.

I figure there hasn't been that many Hydes and Jordans.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm trying to remember a democrat in the senate I used to like because he was a cold warrior.. I see his face but i cant remember his name.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We are at war in Afghanistan.. there might be democrat hawks but you wouldn't know them by listening to the news or watching CSPAN.

My impression? J F Kerry.. of all people.

Revenant said...

I'm trying to remember a democrat in the senate I used to like because he was a cold warrior

Scoop Jackson.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No, never saw Scoop.. although I have heard his cold warrior praises.

He was a southern democrat.. might have been from Georgia.. Was there when Reagan was president.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Found him..

Sam Nunn - he was in the house.. i was looking in the wrong chamber.

frum 72 to 97.

I remember wishing more democrats were like him.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Praise for G W Bush in the NY Times?

Not from the Times, but in the Times.

Unknown said...

Kayaking, huh? I'll have to recount The Blonde's adventures kayaking at Montego Bay some time.

Meade dragged you out of those dark, brooding coffeehouses into the bright sunlight and you obviously love it.

Well, wear some sunscreen and a hat (when practicable).

JAL said...


edutcher -- how's The Blonde? Just wondering. :-)

A lot better. Her job situation is clearer and she feels fine. She's taking things a day at a time and not worrying so much.

Thanks for asking.

Lem said...

I like the commenters that can get past the politics and just participate/engage in whatever..

Anybody heard from amba.. Kentukyliz?

Maybe I should pay them a visit too.

I was thinking of KYLiz the other day. If you hear anything, pass it along.

Opus One Media said...

...and Armstrong walked on the moon?.

Anonymous said...

you know Ann, you're a disgusting fat pig-woman---playing host to White-aggrievement and victimization.

Are you a member of Journolist?

Perhaps you can enlighten us as to why whites must always be denounced and ridiculed.

And, perhaps, you can tell us why this post seems the place to dump your bitterness and anger.

LoafingOaf said...

Good morning. Trying to catch up on the goings-on with Althouse's "neutral" reactions to fraud of a story slimeball Andrew Breitbart pushed through the media.

When Breitbart's lie got an innocent public servant fired and he was tweeting that he was dancing in the "end zone" in victory, Althouse was all, "Breitbart gets results!" Woo! And she was looking forward to the further videos showing racism at the NAACP that she said Breitbart was about to release. She said this while linking to InstaPundit's post where he was celebrating that the "racist" had been fired. InstaPundit had previously told us that Sherrod's speech showed us that racism takes place on stage at NAACP events.

Turned out to be a bunch of bullshit. So, I would've thought Althouse would have some criticism for Andrew Breitbart. Nope, she decided to be a tool for the right-wing blogosphere. The only further mention she has made of Breitbart was in his defense! But she ain't mentioning him much at all.

Amazing! But I guess I see what's going on here, as I read David Frum's piece before I browsed this blog: Shirley Sherrod and the shame of conservative media. Apparently Althouse is following the marching orders of the right-wing blogosphere.

Althouse may not be a member of a conservative version of Journolist, but she seems increasingly like a coordinating tool for the right-wing blogosphere.

For which she's rewarded with further links from InstaPundit, who also does not give a shit that Andrew Breitbart slimey and deceptive tactics that harmed an innocent person.

LoafingOaf said...

Oh, well, just catching up on things. I left here yesterday morning, when Althouse's commenters were in a tizzy because InstaPundit was linking to some ass clown called "Gateway Pundit" who was claiming the president of the NAACP was at the Sherrod speech.

Needless to say, InstaPundit had to update and tell us that was a bunch of bullshit too. Oops.

I guess that happens when you rely on "Gateway Pundit", who I see has been busy trying to make Shirley Sherrod out to be a TERRORIST: "Figures. Shirley Sherrod Is Linked to Terrorist Bill Ayers.... White farmer-hater Shirley Sherrod is linked to Bill Ayers."

Oh, what wonderful people you can find in the right-wing blogosphere.

"White farmer hater"? I saw the white couple Sherrod helped on TV and they love the woman and are grateful, to this day, for how she helped them. And that's why they're speaking out, because they don't like what's been done to Shirley Sherrod.

Anonymous said...

A beautiful picture of the lake, Ann.

Congratulations on a day well spent enjoying yourself.

That's really what is important in life.

These bitter, hateful political arguments.... mostly a waste of time.

LoafingOaf said...

Palladian: Thanks, Lem. Being temporarily unemployed, these days 40 bucks is the difference between food or no food. I need a part-time job. Anyone hiring?

There's always work available on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
You can earn 50 cents an hour if work hard.

A couple years ago I sold some plasma two times. Not because I needed the money, but because my frien didn't wanna go alone. I got 80 bucks cash out of it for just sitting around with a bunch of people talking about all their experiences in jail. But, um, you did have to let people of questionable qualifications stick things in your veins, and, um, dopeboys were selling drugs in the men's room. But, it was sorta fun! ACORN volunteers were registering people to vote there, too. You would've loved it.

KCFleming said...

Not a terrorist, LoafOaf.
A communist; not (usually) the same thing.
And the link was, as you read:
"Ms. Sherrod’s husband is a former honcho in the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee back in the 1960’s." ...which Bill Ayers was also involved in.

KCFleming said...

You know the old saw, birds of a feather....

Sure you do.

Opus One Media said...

...and let's not forget that this is Jessica Lynch day...just to pour some gas on this rather bland fire.

KCFleming said...

"Turned out to be a bunch of bullshit."

You read very poorly, LO.

Mostly it shows that the White House and NAACP tend to shoot first and ask questions later.
Seriously, what professional organization takes their actions from YouTube, without further inquiry?
Buncha morons.

But I'm sure they'll be just perfect for running health care.

Goddamned Keystone Kops.

LoafingOaf said...

I meant: For which she's rewarded with further links from InstaPundit, who also does not give a shit that Andrew Breitbart's slimey and deceptive tactics harmed an innocent person.

LoafingOaf said...

Pogo: I have no problem with people attacking the reactions of the administration and the NAACP to Andrew Breitbart's lies. But it was Andrew Breitbart and the conservative media who attempted to lynch this innocent and, I think, good woman.

Andrew Breitbart is not sorry for what he did to her and, as Frum points out, the right-wing blogosphere is trying to quash that central part of this bullshit story.

KCFleming said...

I'm sure Althouse will take note that the Daily Caller has released the Journolist e-mails where they coordinated how to attack Sarah Palin.

I'll agree with Rush here, and mention his stuff for the only time since I began posting here years ago:

"They are leftists, disguised as lawyers, judges, scholars, professors, teachers, reporters, anchors, senators, representatives, legislative aids, congressional staff, federal bureaucrats, etc. There is NO Media. We know that now. There is just an incestuous relationship among all these various groups and a revolving door connecting them all."

Goddamned fifth column.

jayne_cobb said...


I'm trying to find some similar outrage on your part for Media Matters' use of imagery a few days ago in a video purporting to show TP racism. In case you've forgotten they showed signs from "Crash the TP" and from a man who was forced to leave by those at the protest due to his bigotry.

I'm pretty sure I'll be searching for a while.

On a side note: It's funny that people keep blaming Fox and Glenn Beck for this (Sherrod included), when the NAACP and the Govt. denounced and fired her so fast that Fox didn't even have time to report on the video prior to her dismissal (and Glenn Beck actually defended the lady).

I'm curious as to why the outrageously outraged don't seem all that, well, outraged by the govt. canning and NAACP denouncing the woman without actually viewing the evidence (which the NAACP apparently had in its possession).

KCFleming said...

"that Andrew Breitbart's slimey and deceptive tactics harmed an innocent person."
Innocent?? Ha.
Althouse said it best:

It's good that she changed her attitude, but the role of a government official making decisions about people's lives is not to experience personal transformations and revelations. It was an abuse of power. It's good that she learned from it, and it's interesting that she was opening herself up and telling such a personal story now. It exposed her to criticism, and her understandably sensitive boss fired her. It's important to acknowledge that Sherrod not only admittedly discriminated against the farmer (years ago), but she saw fit today to speak as if she were proud of the story with its narrative arc of personal growth."
"I have no problem with people attacking the reactions of the administration and the NAACP to Andrew Breitbart's lies."
What was the lie?
That the rest of the video showed she admitted she refused to help a white man because of her race, but later changed her mind?
"...the conservative media who attempted to lynch this innocent and, I think, good woman."
Name the 'conservative media' and what specifically they did that counts as lynching?
Did they fire her?

Anonymous said...

"So you're having fun on our awesome NC beaches Pasta! Great!"

If Pasta is vacationing in NC, please empty your wallet before leaving. We need your money.

KCFleming said...

And funny, LoafingOaf, I read your exact talking points in an article by George Stephanopoulos this morning, which was, strangely enough, the exact same as two other versions from the left on two other sites.

Gee, it's almost as if there's a list or something, maybe an e-mail list, and people on the left copy and forward the preferred talking points and post them on various sites as if they themselves wrote them, and they get repeated over and over again until it becomes the 'real story'.

But that would never happen, would it?

jayne_cobb said...

Now, now, Pogo.

Clearly the big bad Fox news was pressuring the poor feds. to fire her with their non-existent coverage of the matter.

The pressure from the possibility of these evil mongers showing the video of an unknown bureaucrat admitting to past racism was so great that they were forced to fire her without actually watching the video.

In a way aren't the feds the true victims here.

Hagar said...

I am wondering why the rush to throw Sherrod under the bus when this first came to light, and now, when that did not work, the 180 bootlegger turn to re-instate her and sing her praises to the skies.
I am beginning to suspect there is something that might be found if nosy busybodies were to poke around in Ms. Sherrod's past career. May not directly have much to do with Ms. Sherrod herself - I don't think she is that important - but surely these panicky high-level reactions must be about something?

Opus One Media said...


yes...they are about something..probably the large snap when the last twig of Faux Noise credibility broke...

KCFleming said...

"but surely these panicky high-level reactions must be about something?"
Is it incompetence, malevolence, or both?

@ jayne_cobb:
"...aren't the feds the true victims here."
Diversity training needs to include "animus against federal employees".

P.S: Shirley Sherrod: Obama “is not someone who has experienced what I have experienced through life, being a person of color.
Obama isn't black enough?

KCFleming said...

"the last twig of Faux Noise credibility"

So they lost credibility by not reporting the video until the White House got her fired.

Those evil lying bastards!

KCFleming said...

And it's freaking hilarious for anyone on the left to be talking about journalistic "credibility", when the leftist Journolist Pravda-esque coordination of efforts shows precisely how faux the news has become.

LoafingOaf said...

Pogo: Innocent?? Ha.
Althouse said it best:

"It's good that she changed her attitude, but the role of a government official making decisions about people's lives is not to experience personal transformations and revelations."

Yawn. Althouse didn't bother to get her facts straight, as Sherrod was not a government official at all at the time. But I can understand her confusion, as she was lied to by Andrew Breitbart. Yet, she doesn't mind that Andrew Breitbart is a liar.

I've seen the white couple responding to the defamation of Shirley Sherrod, and they are confused and disturbed by what's been done to her.

Breitbart and Fox News led us to think Sherrod was a racist who discriminated against white farmers while in the Obama administration. That's exactly how Fox News and the right-wing blogosphere handled the story, at first.

See, for example, PowerLine reacting to the story as it broke: NAACP's Glass House. At least they had the decency to apologize to Sherrod, unlike many right wingers.

See also: Fox News Disavows Resonsibility on Sherrod Story VIDEO That's MSNBC comparing Fox News' handling of the story when it first broke with their handling of the story when it turned out Sherrod had been smeared and defamed. I'm not a fan of Rachel Maddow, but boy does she rip Fox a new butthole over this one!

jayne_cobb said...

As fun as this whole Sherrod kerfuffle has been what is really irking me now is the issue with Captain America.

Apparently he's not going to be a jingoistic "flag waver", as the director put it. Instead he's going to be about what makes the world great. Plus we are supposed to get a warm and fuzzy feeling from the central message which tells us that we should be true to ourselves.

While I've never been a big CA fan I do love comics, so this pisses me off to no end.

First of all CA's entire character is based upon being a jingoistic flag waver. He literally signed up to take an experimental drug to fight in a war while wearing a costume based on the flag and with a giant "A" on the forehead. I realize they aren't going to take the costume directly from the comics but come on, how can they ignore his history like this.

Secondly, can we stop trying to please the world with our movies. I realize the director claims that it's about art and not money (I call BS) but either way who cares. The rest of the world is not going to care how watered down Steve Rogers is, they are simply going to see the title and make their judgement about seeing it right there.

Finally, who gives a rat's ass about warm and fuzzy feelings. This movie genre is aimed almost entirely at guys, and the last thing most men in the demographic being targeted care about is learning a moral from an action flick.

They did the exact same thing with "Superman Returns" where they turned Superman into a waffling absentee father; they even removed "and the American way" from the damn movie to try and avoid offending people outside the US. And guess what, the movie was a dud that was widely panned. They tried to avoid the demographic that actually cares about the character and as a result they failed; and it looks like they are doing the exact same thing here.

KCFleming said...

In which Loafingoaf repeats the Journolist-approved talking points, fulfilling his duty to ignore the actual conversation and RepeatRepeatRepeat the message until it becomes the conventional wisdom.

Doubleplusgood Work, Comrade Loafing Oaf!

Opus One Media said...

Pogo said...
And it's freaking hilarious for anyone on the left to be talking about journalistic "credibility", when the leftist Journolist Pravda-esque coordination of efforts shows precisely how faux the news has become."

translation please? i understand you recently landed on this planet and don't quite understand anything...so perhaps you could be more specific as you are learning your way around

KCFleming said...


Dang, I saw that too.

Just depressing as hell.

If it becomes a live action Captain Planet, it will die at the box office, a comic book version of Lions for Lambs.

KCFleming said...

HDHouse said "translation please?"

Sorry, HD, I mistook you for cognitively intact.
Consider me forewarned.

KCFleming said...

Mebbe you forgot to take the Aricept today (it's the pale yellow one, with a "10" imprinted on one side).

MadisonMan said...

Kayaking was fun and easy because you were on Wingra where there are no power boats. It's not so fun on Mendota.

I'm Full of Soup said...


When I watched Sherrod's speech, she went or her way to greet the NAACP president. I assume she was looking right at him? Am i wrong?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Pogo - that was a classic line by Rush.

garage mahal said...

Wingra is actually a pretty damn good musky lake. Until the weeds come up that is. My boy yanked a few out of there this year paddling the shorelines. Lots of fun watching muskies by the dam by the zoo in early spring too.

LoafingOaf said...

Pogo, I don't follow the political media very much, but obviously more than one person is gonna point out that Andrew Breitbart is a liar and the conservative media's handling of this story is laughable, because that's the truth.

When the story broke, I felt right away that Breitbart was pulling one over on us. So, I looked at blogs I knew would be very skeptical of a Breitbart story, unlike you folks who were busy high-fiving Bretibart without a bit of concern for whether this woman was being defamed.

Little Green Football and Andrew Sullivan very quickly confirmed my suspicions, but the right-wing blogosphere and Fox News were still running with the defamations, oblivious that it was already being shown that Breitbart had committed a fraud upon the nation.

"Oh, another bunch of bullshit from the political blogosphere", I thought, "but let's see how the right-wing blogosphere responds when the truth finally circulates to them."

It turned out that most of the right-wing blogosphere didn't give a damn that this woman was being defamed by a slimeball, and won't call out their rising star, Andrew Breitbart.

And then I watched as the right-wing blogosphere and conservative media coordinated to spin it in another direction. This, at the very same time they are running stories about the Journolist and the problems with left-wing bloggers and liberal media outlets. They should look in the mirror because they ain't any different.

LoafingOaf said...

Anyway, the only "talking point" I am using is "lynched", which I got from Little Green Footballs.

Other than that, I tuned in to Michael Medved yesterday, who managed (unlike you all) to handle the story with decency and integrity even while still attacking the Obama administration over it. He was not afraid to call Andrew Breitbart a liar and to condemn what Breitbart and Fox did to this innocent woman.

And I read Frum's piece, which I found excellent. If you wanna call the points he makes in his piece my talking points, fine, because I agree with him.

Go back and get more B.S. stories from Gateway Pundit. Is he still calling Sherrod a terrorist lover? That'll earn him more hits from InstaPundit!

kjbe said...

And it's right in your own backyard. Aren't little discoveries grand? It's fun to watch you slowly turn over a new leaf. Tganks, Meade.

As for us, we're leaving Durango, after four nights in the backcountry. I love getting back there, away from everything, then coming back - especially the modern plumbing!

Next, we're headed back to wonderful Madisi (with it's great parks), after a 2 day stop in Rocky Mountain NP!

chickelit said...

Grow up Loafing Oaf. The events of Tuesday unfolded pretty fast but nobody has gone away.

By the way, where is your arch nemesis, Sarah Palin in all this?

A legitimate concern is how this plays on the Midterm elections.

Lem, was that a vote of confidence for Barbara Boxer? My sarcasm detector is still broken.

KCFleming said...

"...I felt right away that Breitbart was pulling one over on us..."

What exactly did he write that demonstrates he was 'a liar'? Use exact quotes.

Unless you didn't read what Breitbart actually wrote, but went with the clip alone.

In any event, Loafing Oaf, it's simply amazing how remarkably similar the left's responses are to every single major news story and kerfuffle. That could just be because, from an ideologic perspective, the appropriate responses are limited, but the existence of Journolist tells me the MSM efforts and lefty blogs are much more closely tied than I had ever previously thought.

And that I simply don't trust a goddamned word they say. Even this venom against Breitbart for what the White House and NAACP did to that woman is an example of their effort to control the narrative.

Screw that.

bagoh20 said...

I love a kayak - it's like a water bicycle.

LoafingOaf said...

I'm trying to find some similar outrage on your part for Media Matters' use of imagery a few days ago in a video purporting to show TP racism.

I'm aware that a propaganda outlet called ThinkProgress had a video where they presented some neo-Nazi crashing a Tea Party as proof that the Tea Parties are racist. That was certainly dishonest of them, and it makes one think, "If they have to do that, they're probably having a hard time finding real examples".

I missed the thread about that here, if there was one. Outlets like ThinkProgress should stick to real examples of racism at Tea Parties, though it's debatable how fair those examples are in labeling the whole movement.

Did you express similar outrage when right-wing blogs were holding up extreme signs at anti-war protests and using them to label entire, diverse groups of protestors?

I have seen photos of racist signs at Tea Party events, and Tea Party activist Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express are certainly racist. Not sure what to make of all that, yet.

Much of my anger over Breitbart's stunt is because an innocent woman was unjustly harmed and defamed by him. The ends justify the means to some of you, apparently, and who cares if innocent people are destroyed along the way. That mentality is against my morals.

Anonymous said...

God! How I'm praying she gets a high level high visibility Assistant Secretary position of something. She will be the gift that keeps on giving.

KCFleming said...

"Much of my anger over Breitbart's stunt is because an innocent woman was unjustly harmed and defamed by him."

By 'him', surely you mean Obama?
Or how exactly did Breitbart harm her?
What did he say, exactly, that harmed her or was a lie?
Quotes, please.

Or did you just see the partial video, and react, like Obama and the NAACP, and blame Breitbart and Fox for your reaction?

Fred4Pres said...

Reminds me of the Bing photo today of the Arcadian village recreation.

Joe said...

Did you express similar outrage when right-wing blogs were holding up extreme signs at anti-war protests and using them to label entire, diverse groups of protestors?

At least they were LEGITIAMTE membrs fo the Protest Crowd, so far, a vast majority of the "racist signs" have come from Liberals opposed to the Tea Party.

A.W. said...

The mel gibson saga continues:

first you heard the awful mel gibson tapes.

then you heard that there was evidence it was faked.

now the police are investigating the ex girlfriend for extortion.


So is it possible that the tapes were fabrications as part of an extortion plot?

Original Mike said...

I used to spend a lot of time on Lake Wingra in my solo canoe. Need to get back to that.

Michael said...

LoafingOaf: Dude, the O administration fired sweet Shirley, not Briebart.

And anyone who saw even Briebart's short tape knew that her story was that she was transformed by her experiences and that it became her view that class was more dramatic a factor than race in determining many many things. So, the watching skills of the O administration and the NAACP are, shall we say, a lot worse than mine. And, I hope, yours.

Phil 314 said...

I followed the link to Stephanopolous's website and excerpts of his interview with Ms. Sherrod. this quote caught my eye:

Many of the same people who discriminated against black farmers continue to work there…There are some other things that would need to happen within the agency that have not happened to this date,” she told me.

Uh oh....Is this going to be another Elizabeth Edwards who goes through several cycles of villain to victim and back again?

Anonymous said...

Breitbart isn't responsible for the hair-trigger reactions of the government and the NAACP.

Selma Kayak. Heh.

Opus One Media said...

Kirstin said...
"Breitbart is responsible for the reactions of the NAACP."

THERE YA GO KIRSTIN (AND POGO)...see what Kirstin just wrote - I just shortened it up a bit so it would make sense.

Now do you idiots get it?

KCFleming said...

"Breitbart is responsible for the reactions of the NAACP."

Can he make them do backflips on command too?


Bad NAACP! Sit! Stay!

Paddy O said...

One of the things I don't like about living in Pasadena is the entire lack of convenient bodies of water to go kayaking in. When I lived in the mountains there was a nice small lake nearby, about 7.5 miles in diameter, which made for a perfect afternoon exercise. Just enough weather in the mountains to make it interesting, especially when the wind picked up.

Plus, the bald eagles who would hang out there on occasion added to the bird watching excitement.

Kayaking around the Channel Islands is also a really amazing experience. Sea lions are very curious and like to take a look. There are amazing sea caves. And the water is, more often than not, surprisingly calm.

But, alas, there's just too much traffic around here for regular ocean kayaking. One of my favorite hobbies, and I miss doing it regularly.

bagoh20 said...

I already knew what the Jourolist expose is proving. I want to know if it proves who is a real journalist that we can trust now. Who on there argues for the real duty of journalism? At least show who refused to join the conspiracy -that's what it was.

Someone please read that crap pile and tell me who is still worth reading from now on.

Caroline said...

But it was Andrew Breitbart and the conservative media who attempted to lynch this innocent and, I think, good woman.

"Lynch", huh? Boy, you guys are good.

I'll admit that holding up Sharrod as a black woman "lynched" by the white man, Breitbart, may impress the more squishy-headed and/or left-leaning centrists, and is red-meat to satisfy die-hard lefties.

But independent-minded centrists ain't buying it. I'm not happy about how the woman got fired. And I may not approve of Breitbart attempting to employ the race-baiting tactics so often used by left. But to steal a line from Chris Rock, I'm not saying he shoulda done it, but I understand . (the line is about 2:30 in. Warning: NSFW!)

At this point I think the majority of Americans are more concerned about their jobs, and the future employment options of their kids, to give a damn about these stupid race-baiting games.

But feel free to keep peddling that shit, if that's all you know how to do.

Opus One Media said...

Pogo said...
"Breitbart is responsible for the reactions of the NAACP."

I'm glad you agree. If you weren't the least among us I would feel like it was a victory. Unfortunately you are the proverbial "one hand tied behind my back" opponent...the scarecrow in wizard of oz...empty...just sooo empty.

MamaM said...

When HD mews his special greeting, and starts rubbing his head on your leg, watch out. He's about to express his deep respect for your good heart.

JAL said...

Apparently Althouse is following the marching orders of the right-wing blogosphere.

I don't even know who said this above but I about snorted my sugar free strawberry ice cream.

Am I wrong to think this is so totally hysterical in light of the unfolding JournoList notes?

And yes, one of the JL's member is an unpaid advisor the the White House. That helps makes sense out of the really out of left field stuff that popped up over the last year or so.

(So is BHO working for them? Or are they working for him? Or are they all deceived about who is doing what for whom and why.)

I can't quite see the good Professor meeting online to plot or vicariously enjoy fantasy death, mayhem, and gossip as the JournoListers did/do.

I'm trying to imagine whose orders she would be "marching to."

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