July 12, 2010

"Ann -- For weeks, Republicans have been tripping over each other as they rush to defend BP."

Emails Brad Woodhouse, the Communications Director, the Democratic National Committee
They've apologized to the oil giant, accused the President of a shakedown, and called for deregulation of the oil and gas industry. It's as if they've forgotten that they have a responsibility to the people of the Gulf who've seen their lives and livelihoods upended by this tragedy.

We've put together a site to help get the story out and show in a very pointed way exactly how Republicans are standing with BP. Will you check it out and share it with five friends?
Sure. I'll share it with 1,000 friends. Because I like to do things in a very pointed way.
While the site we've created is a parody, this isn't a laughing matter....
Don't worry. I've looked at the site, and I'm not laughing.


Oso Negro said...

Goodness, is that all they got? Lame, lame, lame.

Trooper York said...

Wait a minute?

I thought this site was a parody site?

Trooper York said...

You mean all the comments here are by real people?

Nah. You have to be kidding.

pdug said...

interesting how the little link at the bottom with the elephant that "hearts" oil goes to a pic of Sarah Palin ("the original bp republican")

Chase said...

Fucking Democrats.

White House Daily Political Agenda

● Divide Americans.

● Use greed to create us agianst them

● Lie

● Lie more.

Repeat tomorrow.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Or maybe it's a recurring bad dream Trooper?

MadisonMan said...

If I were running against Joe Barton, I would certainly use Barton's words against him. The US should apologize to a foreign company? Really? But the Democratic site linked is lame -- just like attempts to link one or two Democratic statements to a blanket condemnation of the whole party are lame (Not thinking of a specific event, just a general statement).

I had to chuckle today, though. Some news story about how BP's latest techno fix -- that might work -- was running ahead of schedule -- after only -- what -- 85 days? BP really is doing a bad job of PR with this whole event.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its good to know who in Congress is worrying about how we heat and cool our homes.

Thanks for the info.. I want to make sure to help get them re-elected.

AlphaLiberal said...

The fact is that Republicans not only helped to create this mess by deregulating the offshore drilling industry and gutting the regulatory agency in charge they have now repeatedly defended BP.

And the DNC forgot to include Haley Barbour, whose own state is being fouled by the oil but who continues to shill for his Big Oil benefactors.

But, by all means, people, tell us what Republicans have done to reduce oil pollution and oil industry greed?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeex I know I hate it when my electric goes out for even a few hours in a storm. The utility cmpanies and oil companies should consider a business strategy that includes regular service disruptions and supply shortages. Then Americans will stop whining about "big oil" and "big energy". I am not kidding. Jeez my cable & internet service costs me more than I pay to heat and light my frigging house.

AlphaLiberal said...

GOP = Grand Oil Party

Trooper York said...

When I see AlphaLiberal here AJ, I do think you might be right.

traditionalguy said...

The British are coming, the British are coming! Somebody alert Andrew Jackson to plan another defense of the Gulf Coast. His remedy was to kill them. Thad Allen is no Jackson.

Trooper York said...

When the cruise ship docked in St. Johns in Canada, we went for a walk. There was this little bookstore called "The Loyalist Bookstore" which was dedicated to keeping alive the spirit and honoring those who fled America.
The guy running it was rabidly anti-american and proud of it. I looked at him and said; "AlphaLiberal? Downtownlad?
...no wait Jeremy?"

Trooper York said...

But he claimed his name was Angus.

AlphaLiberal said...

AJ, the facts are the facts. They cut corners, they rushed the drilling process, they had no real plans to deal with spills or blowouts, and they are doing a lousy ass job of cleaning up their mess.

Meanwhile, Republicans defend BP and oil companies and claim that Obama's successful efforts to get BP to partially compensate those whose lives they've destroyed are a "shakedown." (racial code word)

All poor Joe Barton did was use the official printed and issued Republican talking points.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hahaha- so which one was he?

Anonymous said...

AL wrote:

"But, by all means, people, tell us what Republicans have done to reduce oil pollution and oil industry greed?"

Well, they played a lot of golf and partied with rock stars, and plan to play Lebron one on one after vacation.

Oh wait--that would be the President.

AlphaLiberal said...

TroopeYork, how is it anti-American to criticize an oil company or the Republican Party?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Facts are facts - you are a f-ing crybaby.

AlphaLiberal said...

So, to the conservative mind, it is not "anti-American" to spew oil throughout the Gulf of Mexico and onto America's beautiful shores.

No, it is "anti-American" to criticize an oil company!!!

You guys don't know what "American" even means! Hell, you hate most of the American people anyay!

Trooper York said...

He claimed he wasn't anyone of them. Said he didn't believe in computers. And that he had to close because it was four o'clock and he didn't care if I was going to spend any more money.

But the curious thing was that he had a complete set of Horoatio Alger books on sale for $3 each. That was unbelievable.

As I was buying them I asked "Say fella did you ever read any of these?"

"No he said. I don't believe in capitalism. Now can you please leave and stop spending money in my shop."

AlphaLiberal said...

"Facts are facts - you are a f-ing crybaby."

What "facts" do you claim to be talking about? That elected and nominated Republicans have repeatedly defended BP?

Here is America being fouled buy a mammoth and arrogant foreign oil company. Do you guys defend America? NO! you defend the foreign oil company!

Henry said...

Is AlphaLiberal part of the parody site too?

AlphaLiberal said...

So, in the conservative mind, it is "pro-American" to defend polluters who pollute America.

It is, in the conservative mind, "anti-American" to criticize foreign companies who pollute America.

Have you considered that you're lost your fucking minds?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Trooper has some funny stored-up vignettes today.

Alpha - is it un-American to criticize labor unions or big city monopolies of public schools? Or are those public schools "too big to fail"?

Trooper York said...

No Alpha we don't hate you. We laugh at you. You are a one trick pony. The day I see you critize Obama for totally failing at making any legitimate attempt at cleaning up this mess is the day I don't think you are cartoon character.

Like Bluto but without the savoir-faire.

(They talked a lot of French in Canada)

AlphaLiberal said...

IOW, Henry and AJ, you have no defense, no substantive response.

You can't handle the truth!

Republicans love and defend foreign companies that pollute America. Shocking, but true!

AlphaLiberal said...

AJ, no it is not un-American to criticize labor unions or the public school system.

See how I answered your questions without oily evasion?

Now, can you please explain why you and Trooper York and your ilk think it is un-American to criticize an oil company that has massively polluted America?

I am simply asking you to defend your point. But you seem very unable to speak beyond the bumper sticker slogans.

Trooper York said...

They had this big stone monument to the loyalists who fled America in support of tryanny. They wanted to be ruled by a king. You know a melgomanic that no one could critize because they would be guilty of lèse majesté.

You know the way Alpha feels about the big O.

AlphaLiberal said...

Beth, I agree that Mary Landrieu (D-Oil) should be on that list!

Dark Eden said...

Its amazing how Republicans continue to run the world even though they're completely out of power. The Democrats control the House, the Senate and the Presidency and they are too incompetent to stop the evil supervillain Republicans.

Is this really the best Democrats can do for a spin of their astounding failures?

Chris said...



It seems like your people are feeding from the same trough.

I'm Full of Soup said...


The libs must have gotten wood designing that website especially when they used BP's colors! Pure genius from some little liberal dweeb intern I bet.

But let's face it - the voters ae not and will not attach the blame to Republicans even if a few Reps put their foot in their mouth.

No the fact is the voters are tagging Obama and his admin with the incompetence meme and the "lacks leadership" ID. Tough one for you liberal zealots.

AlphaLiberal said...

TY, given that I have criticized President Obama, myself, here and elsewhere, you are clearly full of shit.

And evasive as all get out. You are unable to explain why you call people who criticize BP "un-American."

You come off as pretty impotent.

sonicfrog said...

"shakedown." (racial code word)

Why, because Jesse Jackson did it?

Definition: 1. Slang Extortion of money, as by blackmail....

Oh. Blackmail. Yep. Definitely racist.

Henry said...

Alpha, you should just write your own blog and argue with yourself in the commments. In odd-numbered comments you'll ascribe fictional opinions to other commenters. In even numbered-comments you'll repeat liberal talking points. Your blog will have hundreds of comments, and all content-free.

AlphaLiberal said...


Trooper York said...

BP should be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law for whatever they did. Any politican who accepted monies or campaign contributions from BP to overlook or change the laws should also be prosecuted.

That also includes the Big O.

Somehow I don't think they want to look into who took what.

Trooper York said...

Alpha, I don't believe you. You are a lying sack of shit. I have never seen you critize Obama. All I have seen is you kissing his ass and slamming Republicans and conservatives.

As far as being impotent, well I don't see how that is any of your business. But I will concede that you are the biggest dick that posts here. Bar none.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Alpha - I don't think I said it was unAmerican to criticize oil companies. I inferred the Dems were piling on with their standard playbook of "profit is evil, corporations are evil, the deck is stacked against me, boo hoo hoo I am a weak, little American, won't some brave, heroic Dem politico save me".

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm Full of Soup said...

You know Trooper if you could draw, you could do a cartoon strip of this blog.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

The failure of the Obama regency to get a handle on cleaning up this mess will go down as one of the greatest ecological disasters in American Histoy.

All the lying journolist hacks and liberal sock puppets will not be able to cover it up.

Roger J. said...

How much did Mr Obama's campaign receive in contributions from BP?
That seems to me to be an interesting fact.

ricpic said...

Troop gets rich in the rag trade, goes on a fab Canadian cruise, brags about it and doesn't have the decency to bottle some of that cool Canadian air for distribution to the shvitzers back home. Republican!

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful, Althouse.

Simple and beautiful.

I stand in awe of your awesome blogging ability.

And I wretch in disgust at the tricky manipulative antics of the Democratic National Committee.

I voted for Obama, you DNC assholes. You are doing a very good job of convincing me, and other independent folks like me, to never vote Democrat ever again.

Oh, one more thing, Democrats: Stuff like shows that your party deserves a thrashing at the polls this November-- just for the principle of it! I'll even hold my nose and vote Republican to help deliver it. The message needs to be sent to your party:

It's not about the other guys, it's about YOU!

Trooper York said...

The fact remains that the Democrats are in charge of the Presidency and both houses of Congress with veto proof majorities.

No one seriously believes that there would be fillibuster of any moves necessary to clean up the disaster.

When the time came to act, this President voted "Present."

Hard to see that one coming.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A buddy of mine lived in Alaska during the Exxon Valdez. He said it was a great economic boon to Alaska and today, you'd never know it happened from an ecology perspective.

Tibore said...

"Sure. I'll share it with 1,000 friends. Because I like to do things in a very pointed way.

While the site we've created is a parody, this isn't a laughing matter....
Don't worry. I've looked at the site, and I'm not laughing."

Yet another case of trying to go grass roots but ending up with astroturf.

Alex said...

Dead Julius is a moby. Unless he can prove he voted for Democrats in the past, he's just a Republican plant.

Trooper York said...

ripic it was freaking freezing. I mean I had to buy a Canadian sweatshirt.

At least it had a moose on it.

Maybe Sarah Palin will check me out in it the next time she is in the city.

Trooper York said...

I almost froze my nipples off in the "Hairy Chest contest."

Methadras said...

Oh look, the humorless leftards are at it again. Hey leftards, there is nothing wrong with using oil for energy.

traditionalguy said...

The outspoken Republicans have spoken to the Lawlessness of Obama The Great treating a business corporation as a mark for a shakedown the intentionally throws away the due process of law and thereby steals fees from gulf coast law firms with a politically appointed Panel of Socialised Lawyer rulers to go along with his Political Panel of Socialised Medical rulers.

AlphaLiberal said...

TY, you're a complete pussy. You make an outlandish accusation - that I and others show criticize BP are anti-American. And you can't even back up your absurd accusation.

You throw that crap out there and then runn of screaming "nyah, nyah."

The fact is that you lack the intellect (that means "brains") to back up that accusation.

AlphaLiberal said...

TY, you're a complete pussy. You make an outlandish accusation - that I and others who criticize BP are anti-American. And you can't even back up your absurd accusation.

You throw that crap out there and then run off screaming "nyah, nyah."

The fact is that you lack the intellect (that means "brains") to back up that accusation. Hence, the "idiots" post above.


yashu said...

Sure, that's why BP always contributed so much money to the GOP. All that Big Oil Money, well spent.

Oh sorry, my mistake. The top recipient of BP contributions over the last 20 years is: Obama.

But never mind, that's irrelevant, anyway, it's Republicans who are defending BP! Big Oil & the GOP, thick as thieves! After all, Obama didn't even bother calling BP's CEO for at least 2 months after the leak began. That sure is a sign of… um... surely, some saintly quality of Obama's, give me a second...

James said...

When was the oil industry ever "regulated?"

Trooper York said...

Critizing BP in this paticular case doesn't make you anti-american Alpha. It is just you anti-capitlist attitude that slams business and capitalism at every turn. You are perfectly right to critize BP. I don't care about them at all. It is your anti-capitalist rants and desire to turn this country into a Socialist Nanny state that makes you an anti-american. You have never said a positive thing about any business that I recall. You are a sock puppet for Democratic talking points, nothing more and nothing less. Devoid of a sense of humor and any true humanity.

I just think you are just like those proud anti-americans in St John in Canada. You hate the capitialistic system and want your hero Obama to destroy it so you can force everyone on the dole and tell everyone what to do because the Harvard elitists know so much better that regular apple pie Americans.

I pity you.

Anonymous said...

Let's kill BP.

How many more American jobs lost now?

Trooper York said...

We can just let the Big O take over.

He can start "Gas Panels" to decide who gets to fill up.

victoria said...

Chase, your comments are actually the Republican agenda.

Oh, add fear mongering and demonizing anyone who is not a "tea party" member.


Palladian said...

"AlphaLiberal said... Idiots."

That's it! I'm taking my talking points and going home!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Quayle, the number of jobs destroyed is not the issue. It is obvious Obama has discovered the "new math" and and a new economic system. Don't forget to write to tell your Dem congress critter what color pony you would like.

Palladian said...

What's your agenda, vicki?

Opus One Media said...

children children childen...Ann's been taken.

There are three clues that this entire site is a fake:

1. DNC Servies always puts a copyright notification on the bottom. They didn't here.

2. the DNC always puts a box for "contact" with the DNC address and it the center justify the text. Not so here.

3. the page properties are in the real pages "democrats.org" and in this fake it says ".com"...

if you click the email link you'll see more. if you post to facebook, it doesn't go up.

4. there are numerous alignment and construction errors plus overlaps in text...

You've been had.

Trooper York said...

victoria just wants to set you straight. So to speak.

Franklin said...

To get the site to work correctly I had to allow bprepublicans.com AND barackobama.com...interesting.

Just sayin'.

Trooper York said...

hd, great post on Polanski on your blog by the way. Very well said.

AlphaLiberal said...

Ha! Keep spinning, He who Yorks. The thread is about BP, you accused people who criticized BP of being anti-American. That's the context for your remarks.

No, I don't share the blind faith the con's have in Big Business. No way, no how.

Big Business has decimated wages, pensions and the American standard of living.

Big Business has degraded the American quality of health by their pollution and opposition to efforts to reduce pollution.

In your version of America, the country exists to serve the big corporations who have screwed this country over so badly.

Being an American is by no means the same thing as being a dupe of Big Business.

Palladian said...

Left-wingers hate the "growth economy". Obama and his vassals, minions and enablers are trying to get rid of it, once and for all.

What people see as bungling incompetence on the part of the Obama regime is deliberate.

Irene said...

I clicked on the little oil-loving elephant: a smug hardy har har.

Franklin said...

Given that the script on the site pulls from Organizing For America's barackobama.com, I seriously doubt the site's a fake...

I'm Full of Soup said...


Up thread, you said it was me who accused BP defenders of being un-american. Can't you make up your mind?

Freeman Hunt said...

So there are five? Or is my browser just not loading them all?

I'm pretty sure that if I were in the business of spinning news for a political entity via butchered quotes, I could come up with at least thirty-five. But then, I wouldn't be in that business.

wv: trist: love affair between people who can't spell

YoungHegelian said...

Sadly, this is standard issue DNC fundraiser boilerplate. I'm registered Dem in a wealthy DC very blue suburb, and I see this sort of "the Repubs are evil, PURE EVIL" nonsense all the time. As to what answers the Dems have to make our lives better, well, who knows?

A call from the DNC to our household before the 2004 pres. election:

ME: (After hearing the spiel). "Well you've told me that if the repubs win, they're going to send the blacks and Jews to concentration camps. But, if you guys win, what do you plan to do for the country?"

DEM Guy: (Long pause). "You know, Mr YH, I agree with you, but I have to read the call as scripted. Would you like to talk to my supervisor?"

ME: "Sure..."

Supervisor then goes on to berate me for raising such questions, and denigrates performance of previous operator.

Great salesmanship, huh?

Trooper York said...

I thought this post was about how the Democrats are trying to divert attention from Obama's failures to blaming and destroying another segment of our economy.

But I didn't get the memo where it said we had to follow what the AlphaLiberals think we have to talk about.

To put it simply for even so limited a mind as AlphaLiberal, it is not critizing BP or Big Business or Small Business that is Anti-American. It is the mindset that mindlessly trashs the capitalistic system and the fact that "The Business of America is Business."

Horatio Alger is not the hero of the alphaliberals of this world.

Ella Reeve Bloor is more their speed.

Alex said...

Trooper York - if everyone goes on the dole who pays for it? The age-old problem for progressives...

Humperdink said...

Just like Obowma said, he's all over this......his putter that is.

"Heck of a job Brownie".

Trooper York said...

Hey Alex it seems to work for the Limeys. The aristocrats run stuff and the regular Joe is on the dole and being a soccer hooligan.

That's what our fore-fathers rebelled against.

That and the boiled food. That Canadian food sucks.

Except for the Bacon. That was pretty good.

MadisonMan said...

BTW, I can't say that's a very elegant web design. The 'Spread the Word' stuff at the bottom is stomping on text in the windows.

And why say 'dozens' but show only 5?

chickelit said...

Trooper York wrote (about Alpha):
But I will concede that you are the biggest dick that posts here. Bar none.

To paraphrase C.S. Lewis:

Alpha doesn't have a dick. He is a dick. Other men just have dicks.

Alex said...

TY - the limeys used to be far more capitalistic before the Clement Atlee years.

Trooper York said...

Well we rebelled against England in the first place. Why do we want to be more like them with a government run health care and the aristocrats telling us what to do?

That's not why Sam Adams started his Brewery let me tell you.

Trooper York said...

Oh and Canadian beer?

Very overrated.

Humperdink said...

I can't recall which Democrat said the following, but it sure applies to this thread...

"We Democrats sure love the workin' man, it's the employers we hate".

Alex said...

TY - I recommend John Adams by Joseph Ellis.

Trooper York said...

Alex, I saw the movie with the ugly bald guy who likes pinot noir.

I prefer my patriots to be a little more rowdy like Sam Adams and Crispus Attucks and Ethan Allen.

Plus they have better furniture.

Henry said...

Or David McCullough. Take your pick.

I'm not sure what George III has to do with socialism, but Adams sure disliked aristocracy. He supported a strong executive as a check on the power of the Senate because of his fear that the Senate would develop into a House of Lords.

Alex said...

John Adams was plenty rowdy when he needed to be. Heck Ben Franklin had to reign him in!

Alex said...

Alexander Hamilton despised tyranny as well. If you read the Federalist papers it becomes quite clear his obsession with separation of powers in state legislatures.

sonicfrog said...

I, for one, am ready to "Kick Ass"... NO. Wait. I'm voting "present" on this one.

Trooper York said...

Yeah but once he got in he wanted to be called "His High and Mightyness."

Sam Adams never lost his credentials as a man of the people.

Nor did Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys.

You think they would want to pay the taxes we pay today and have to bow down to "Their Betters" who have to tell them what to do.

I don't think so.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David said...

Alex said...
"John Adams was plenty rowdy when he needed to be. Heck Ben Franklin had to reign him in!"

You are confusing John Adams with Sam Adams.

LouisAntoine said...

Whenever I'm grossed out by Democratic party antics and flubs, all I have to do to think of how Republicans are that much worse, and in most cases MUCH, MUCH worse.

This DNC thing is terrible! Ha ha! The RNC's harping on Obama golfing, by contrast, is the height of civic excellence.

Trooper York said...

The English invented golf. Or at least those dour Scots. Another loser game. Like Soccer.

Do you think the real American patriots like Sam Adams liked freaking golf.


They wanted a good cock fight.

Or at the very least some bear baiting.

Trooper York said...

It's a shame we have gone away from all those cool Colonial games.

Trooper York said...

Especially where they tarred and feathered the tax collectors and ran them out of town on a rail.

Now that sounds like some fun!

Alex said...

Yes who plays horseshoes anymore?

Trooper York said...

Sara Jessica Parker.

Or at least horse faced shoes.

Quaestor said...

Trooper York wrote: "The day I see you critize Obama for totally failing at making any legitimate attempt at cleaning up this mess is the day I don't think you are cartoon character.

Not Bluto, certainly not. The sputtering futility of his rhetoric suggests Daffy Duck on a bender.

Alex said...

What would George Washington do?

Trooper York said...

Play mumblety peg with his teeth.

Trooper York said...

Sorry, you are right Alex, good catch.

Opus One Media said...

@trooper y...thank you for the kind words. appreciated greatly.

Original Mike said...

You're just upset she called you "Ann".

Trooper York said...

No problem hd. Although we almost never agree, you humanity shows through on your blog especially when you talk about your grandchildren and your love of music.

I think you are often mistaken but certainly not a mindless sockpuppet.

Anonymous said...

and they are doing a lousy ass job of cleaning up their mess.

As President Obama told us, the Federal Government has been in charge of the cleanup from day one. Accordingly, it's the Federal Government that has been doing a "lousy ass" job of cleaning up the mess, not BP.

Unless, of course, President Obama is a liar?

Unknown said...

Translation... our President and the DNC are beyond politics

Phil 314 said...

Went to the sight. So three present office holders and two candidates made supportive statements regarding BP.

And here is one elected official threatening to nationalize oil companies, other democrats recommending nationalizing refineries, and another prominent democratic pundit (and former Democratic staff) suggesting nationalizing oil.

there you go, the policy of the Democratic Party is to take over the oil industry.

Hagar said...

Back to the beginning.

Joe Barton said that any corporation that has committed an indictable offense should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but that no one should be treated the disgraceful way BP has been treated by this Administration.

Now, what the private negotiations with BP were, I do not know, but Obama certainly in his public statements made it appear to be a "shakedown."

As for regulations, this kind of thing is inevitable with any industry subject to extensive government regulation. It is not that there are too few regulations, but that there are too many. They accumulate over the years, some are prima facie physically impossible, some are mutually contradictory, some give different options for what to do about whatever the issue is, and so on. So, the inspectors and the industry types who work together every day get together and kind of decide which regulations to enforce and which to ignore. That's just human nature.
It would be better to have fewer regulations, but clear and concise ones based on how the world actually works.

Quaestor said...

c3 wrote: "there you go, the policy of the Democratic Party is to take over the oil industry"

Disregarding the vile assault on the Constitution such a move would imply, and the general economic silliness it would entail, one practical upshot of such a nationalization would be the near impossibility of monetary damages being gained from government-owned oil industry.

Quaestor said...


...the near impossibility of monetary damages being gained from a government-owned oil industry.

Damned third thumb betrays every time.

wv: tiongos - no snarky pun, just sounds cool when said aloud.

Mark said...

Yeah, pointing out Big Oil's friends in the rump GOP end of Congress is really going to help when BP's ties to the Obama Administration gets played up in contested Democratic elections this fall.

In other words, pointing out the stinking mess isn't a good idea for the party in power if the stink cuts in both directions.

I don't know that the GOP deserves the windfall they are about to get, but Obama et. al. are going to be millstones around every Democrat up for re-election this year.

Mark said...

This DNC thing is terrible! Ha ha! The RNC's harping on Obama golfing, by contrast, is the height of civic excellence.

Quoth Obama on May 10: I’m not going to rest or be satisfied until the leak is stopped at the source, the oil in the Gulf is contained and cleaned up, and the people in the Gulf are able to go back to their lives and their livelihoods."

For the record, I think the "parody" is perfectly legit, just stupid and probably counter-productive.

Using Obama's words and actions against him, though, is apparently racist by Obamabot standards. Obamabots should realize that (a) their standards are specious at best and (b) implying - or yelling - that such attacks are racist is losing a log of punch as a result. Oh, and (c): using Obama's words and actions against Democrats will work.

John Stodder said...

So, to the conservative mind, it is not "anti-American" to spew oil throughout the Gulf of Mexico and onto America's beautiful shores.

No, it is "anti-American" to criticize an oil company!!!

AL, I've looked and looked and can't find who you're quoting from this thread. Did one of Althouse's conservative commenters actually say that criticizing an oil company is "anti-American?"

I believe you're quoting Rand Paul, but you're trying to make it seem like you're quoting someone here. Poorly played, AL

Phil 314 said...

Unintended consequences

(And to quote a fellow party member of the President's
"Its the economy stupid"

jimspice said...

The conservative commenters here are so predictable. No matter what Obama would do, he is the bad guy. Had he sent in the coast guard on day one, dispatched multiple subs, and had the damn thing capped in a week, commenter here would complain BP should have been given the chance and that Obama was a big government overreactor.

So predictable.

Trooper York said...

jimspice you need to step away from the spice. Haven't you read Dune?

It's not good for you dude.

(Neither is Kool Aide)

AST said...

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not a real person.

Ralph L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph L said...

The liberal commenters who project their own inclinations onto the conservative commenters here are so predictable.

Opus One Media said...

Ralph L said...
The liberal commenters who project their own inclinations onto the conservative commenters here are so predictable."

Oh creeps Ralph. The right wing on here is so over the top (or below the bottom perhaps) and march in such predictable lockstep..well it isn't predictability ...more being able to mouth the words to the sad little song because we hear it over and over.

Unknown said...

Alpha wants everyone to forget The Zero had a year to do something about BP, but all he did was put a green energy guru in a position where someone who knew the oil business was needed. He has acted like Nero for 10 weeks and, for 2 months before the explosion, sat and did nothing when BP had warned the Feds there might be a problem.

Alpha also wants everyone to forget that those requirements to drill a mile out and a mile down come from the Democrat Party after being bought off by the enviro-nuts.

PS Something on the Loyalists for Troop. They comprised about 1 in 5 colonists (the Continentals about 1 in 3 at best). At war's end, about 90% stayed in the US and about 85% of those who went north came back a few years later, so what the Canucks are cheering, I'm not sure.

If you had forbears in the Colonies and they were from the Middle or Southern ones, there's a good chance they wore the green instead of the blue or the brown.

(Truth in advertising: my father's family comes from New York State, but I'm told I had a Continental ancestor.)

Trooper York said...

I have already made my feelings about the Loyalists very clear.

And sudsy. So to speak.

Jim said...

You know who's EVIL?

The guy in control of the government agency that gave Deepwater Horizon a SAFETY AWARD LAST YEAR!!!

Or maybe it was the guy who told us that expanding drilling offshore was ABSOLUTELY SAFE!!

Or maybe it was the guy who has accepted more donations from BP executives than ANY CANDIDATE IN HISTORY!!! And the guy that, given the chance to repudiate and/or return those donations, said thanks but no thanks - EVEN AFTER the spill!

Who could THAT GUY be?????

If you said Bush you must be AlphaLiberal....

If you said Obama, then you've been paying attention. Congratulations on a complete and utter debunking of every lie that AlphaLiberal has told about who is REALLY in the pocket of BIG OIL.

AST said...

Guess what? It seems that the well is now fully capped. There may still be oil leaking, but if so, I don't see it on the cameras on site.


Jim said...

jimspice -

"The conservative commenters here are so predictable. No matter what Obama would do, he is the bad guy. Had he sent in the coast guard on day one, dispatched multiple subs, and had the damn thing capped in a week, commenter here would complain BP should have been given the chance and that Obama was a big government overreactor. "


You know what? You're making a claim that you can't POSSIBLY back up because Obama did NONE OF THOSE THINGS.

That you're here making excuses for Obama's pathetic response by trying to claim credit for something Obama NEVER EVEN CONTEMPLATED is a measure of just how bad things in ObamaLand have gotten.

Face it. Your Messiah screwed up. BIG TIME. You would do your own credibility a big favor by either: a) admitting it, or b) just shutting up before you dig the hole even deeper.

Revenant said...

Had he sent in the coast guard on day one, dispatched multiple subs, and had the damn thing capped in a week, commenter here would complain BP should have been given the chance and that Obama was a big government overreactor.

Maybe you're right. Maybe we would still complain about Obama even if he responded to a crisis quickly and competently. That's food for thought, definitely.

I tell you what -- I'm willing to risk it. I'll take a chance on being wrong. All you have to do is arrange for Obama to actually respond to something quickly and competently, and then we can see how I react to it.

It is obviously too late for him to exhibit speedy competence with regard to the economy, health care, immigration, or the oil spill, but I'm sure another crisis will come along eventually.

Michael said...

Well, one of the rigs in the gulf has picked up and sailed away. Now there is some action from Obama!! More lost jobs. Directly. Because. Of. Obama.

AST said...

There seems to be plenty of blame to go around, but the performance of the clean up has been abysmal, with the government seeming to trip over its own shoelaces at every turn.

I don't know enough about the technology of drilling to know whether BP was negligent, reckless or what, but I'd be in favor of strict liability for deep water drilling. There has to be some arrangement within the oil industry to improve the technology both for drilling and for quick remediation. It makes me wonder if the regulations and regulators didn't contribute to carelessness. My understanding is that blowouts are always a hazard of drilling for oil, but when you're doing this at 5000 feet down, they would seem to be an even more serious threat, and it doesn't look like BP was approaching it that way.

I don't think this is a legitimate partisan issue. This could just as easily have happened under Bush, and you know he would have been blamed no matter how well he did at getting skimmers and other clean up equipment to the site. That being the case, Obama hasn't been particularly impressive in his attention to getting this clean up going and making it work.

chuckR said...

Clinton was our first black president.

Obama is our first Native American president.

President Deer-in-the-Headlights.

ps - bears repeating that BP owns Standard Oil of Indiana, aka Amoco. Damn near as many American pensioners will be out some coin as Brit pensioners.

AC245 said...

Whenever I'm grossed out by Democratic party antics and flubs, all I have to do to think of how Republicans are that much worse, and in most cases MUCH, MUCH worse.

Actually, MM, what you and the rest of the leftists here do is pretend that the Bush and the Republicans are still in charge (despite their being out of power for nearly 2 and 4 years, respectively), and you blame them for recent disasters and incompetency that the Democrats are wholly responsible for.

John Stodder said...

Goodness, is that all they got? Lame, lame, lame.

Oh, of course not. The Democrats will hold their heads high, campaigning on the success of the stimulus in bringing back the economy, affordable health care for all, saving GM and Chrysler, making progress toward instituting a cap and trade program to control dangerous greenhouse gases, appointment of two solid centrist middle-of-the-roaders as judges to counter the insanity of Thomas, Alito, et. al., eliminating threats to public education by extremist voucher advocates and greedy parents in Washington, D.C., ending partisan Washington games. Fingers crossed, they'll also be able to run on ensuring that all working families are represented by hard-working labor unions who will bargain solely in their interests. All the Republicans have to offer is a bunch of tea party lunatics yelling the n-word at their congressmembers.

The Democrats are going to do great. They can't wait to campaign on this record of accomplishment.

mc said...

Trooper Y has a valid point.

Pardon my language but Alpha Liberal comes off as an unbearably shrill twat.

I have always found it amusing that liberals feel uncomfortable self-identifying as liberal for the most part.

They consistently associate themselves more towards the center when asked in polls to identify with a political stripe.

Liberals are haunted by the notion that they suck and their existence is at odds with the liberties which others struggled to provide.

That's why they want to be called "progressives" now. They are always pissing in the hot tub they are trying to luxuriate in, and they think calling it something else will leach out their own filth.

So I hand it to Alpha Liberal, he doesn't flinch from the brand.

Sadly that is also why he is such a brash and attention grubbing twat.

Known Unknown said...

It's really not that hard.

BP f-ed up and they deserve to be punished. Obama f-ed up and he deserves to be punished.

But first, let's all do the focus on getting the problem solved business.


BJM said...

@ Chuck R

Obama is our first Native American president.

President Deer-in-the-Headlights.


I am so stealing that one.


Pardon my language but Alpha Liberal comes off as an unbearably shrill, humorless twat.

There, fixed it for you.

Ann Althouse said...

@HD House I didn't reprint everything in the email. It ended with:

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org.
This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington, DC 20003
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

Ann Althouse said...

The click went here:



Still think I've been "had"?

mc said...


Thank you much!

I am not all that "hip", what's the emoticon for "shit eating grin!"?

;#) or something?

at any rate, thanks again!

DADvocate said...

Republicans not only helped to create this mess by deregulating the offshore drilling industry and gutting the regulatory agency in charge

Of course, a Democratic Congress for the past 4 years along with a Democratic president for the past year and a half, just couldn't figure out how to fix this. At least not while collecting the BP campaign contributions.

Synova said...

Seriously the Democratic National Committee? Oh wait... it's not official?

I honestly don't think that Michael Steele is that big of a problem. Honest.

Synova said...

Ok, no, it is official. Good to know for sure.

I did want to mention (other than mention the fact that Steele is less embarrassing but no one is going to get all up in arms about *this* because adults are held to higher standards) that as regulations go...

It was regulations, by and large, that prevented Obama from doing any of the obvious things to solve the problem of the oil in the Gulf. Not letting a ship sail without the proper life vests, not letting berms be built, not *letting* skimmers skim the oil out of the water because they weren't able to do it perfectly, not allowing certain ships to go from one US harbor to another US harbor, and on and on and on.

What was needed was for Obama to suspend regulations in a number of areas and stop all the numerous subordinate government agencies from interfering with the solution.

But maybe that would have weakened the "more regulations/Bush is evil" political benefit of it all, if the solution was to suspend regulations so that people could do their jobs.

Priorities, and all.

Fen said...

Whenever I'm grossed out by Democratic party antics and flubs, all I have to do to think of how Republicans are that much worse, and in most cases MUCH, MUCH worse.

"There were instances when MadisonMan felt genuine regret and shame. But he was always saved by contrasting himself with Goldstein." - 1984 (remake)

Fen said...

But maybe that would have weakened the "more regulations/Bush is evil" political benefit of it all, if the solution was to suspend regulations so that people could do their jobs.

And lets not forget the Enviro regulations that pushed BP out so far to begin with.

"Hey, lets make them drill as where emergency action measures are most difficult to perform, then blame them when they cant perform emergency action!"

Frickin brilliant...

dick said...


Who decided the feds had the right to reduce greed. Who determines what defines greed in the first place. Do you really want Chris Dodd defining greed? or Charlie Rangel? or Nancy Pelosi defining greed. They are walking, talking exponents of greed in action. And Obama is yet another of the same.

While you are at it check who got the most contributions from Big Oil. Last I read it was a junior senator from Illinois named Barack Obama.

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