৬ জুন, ২০১০

"With our soft, mushy Obama Stress Head, you can crush those half-baked liberal ideas..."

"... before they do any more damage. Plus... you can build up an iron grip at the same time. Pin his ears back, turn that smile upside down. Come on... you know you want to."

This is a novelty item offered by The Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion journal that generally maintains an attitude of seriousness and respectability.

Is the Obama Stress Head acceptable?
Yes, it's fine to have some cute fun at the expense of the powerful.
Yes, we deserve an outlet for our justified hostility against Obama.
No, any suggestion, even in fun, of physical violence against the President is wrong.
No, Obama is a decent man with a hard job to do and he doesn't deserve this low treatment.
No, the message of violence toward any human head should be beneath The Weekly Standard's standards.
pollcode.com free polls

৫৮টি মন্তব্য:

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

I think it matters that the facial expression does not in any way imply pain. If it did, I would find it inappropriate.

mesquito বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt makes a good point.

I voted for the last option. Not terribly upsetting, especially after a network show flashed "snipers wanted" beneath a picture of Bush a few years ago. But still beneath the Weekly Standard.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

@Freeman He's smiling now, but the copy encourages you to twist the face into another expression.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

If they lighten the face a little, it would look great on a diversity mural.

El Presidente বলেছেন...

I would have voted:

No because it makes an otherwise serious opinion vehicle look petty and unserious.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

As to the question, no, it's not acceptable.

If the criticism arose from the right, it's racist, end of story.

ricpic বলেছেন...

I see the yeses outnumber the noes by a wide margin; a good sign that PC hasn't cowed most, at least not on this site.

Meade বলেছেন...

• Squish it, stomp it, throw it around the room.

Sorin বলেছেন...

Does it sweak when squeezed? To the dog it goes...

Beldar বলেছেন...

I have one. It's fun. I just wish it were bigger, but then again, that would make it much more dangerous to hurl across the room.

save_the_rustbelt বলেছেন...

"Conservative leaders" have largely become a bunch of slobbering howling dittohead imitations of Glen Beck and Rush Dumbbaugh.

No wonder we elected a junior Senator from a corrupt state.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Cry me a river...


Goo Bah! Bush Stress Relief Ball Squishy Doll

Ooey Gooey stress relief for politically stressful times.
Politics and politicians got you stessed out?
This is a great stress relief item for you.
The stress relief ball head has a picture of George W Bush on it.
It is removeable from the figure base.
The ball is filled with a gel substance which allows you to take out all your frustrations.
The back of the ball reads "They have miscalculated me as a leader." GWB.
Squish me! Mush me! Try me packaging.
Grip Strengthening!
Measures 3" high.
Great political novelty item.

Kevin বলেছেন...

...and from DemStore.com

George Bush Toilet Paper

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

Printed with George "Dubya" and some of his famous quotes.


Say! You can also get:

Dick Cheney Toilet Paper

John McCain Toilet Paper

Sarah Palin Toilet Paper

Michele Bachmann Toilet Paper

pm317 বলেছেন...

Were these the same idiots who offered the Hillary nutcracker? I bet now they wish they voted for the nutcracker than the nut.

chickelit বলেছেন...

But look what somebody done to Jackson: Link.

Image if origami had won WW II!

Robin বলেছেন...

There's a Bush punching bag still out there for sale...does that bother anyone on the left?

Unknown বলেছেন...

As Kevin notes, the Lefties did and still do worse as far as Dubya is concerned. Given there are similar products that are non-political - and that this administration's policies are causing a lot of pain - it's not that big a deal.

My question is:

Where's Holder, Big Sis, Sibelius, Pelosi Galore, Slobbering Barney, Chuckie Schumer ...?

You could fill a whatnot shelf.

Sofa King বলেছেন...

You should add an option for: It's good, because it helps remind us that the President is not a king.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Let us have this, liberals, and you can have your life-sized inflatable Sarah Palin, complete with weighted base so you can pretend you bought it as a punching bag.

victoria বলেছেন...

tacky, tacky, tacky.


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

@Sofa King Option #1 is appropriate for that opinion.

@El Presidente The last option is the one that more or less includes that.

I can't have too many options, people! Pick the closest one.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"I think it matters that the facial expression does not in any way imply pain. If it did, I would find it inappropriate."

I don't understand this comment, or those agreeing with it, at all.


"He's smiling now, but the copy encourages you to twist the face into another expression."

And this matters how or why?

And - hey - I'm black and I don't like the dildo (the prez, not the squeeze doll) is that bad? Or worse than bad? Does it even count? or must everyone - white black or otherwise - go along with the PC take on things?

I'm so confused.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"If they lighten the face a little, it would look great on a diversity mural."

But if they darkened it, then it's racist? And not worthy of being seen - by anyone!

Fucking niggers. (LOL)

Jason বলেছেন...

Here's a George Bush Voodoo doll.

Cry me a river, stupid libtards! You reap what you sow.


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ah, Republican hypocrisy... you've gotta love it!

Torturing Obama in voodoo-doll effigy like this is just fine.

But writing Senator Jim Bunning an e-mail about a political issue will cause Senator Jim Bunning to seek to throw you in jail for up to two years and fine you $250K.

Republicans act more and more like the Taliban every day!

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

@Freeman He's smiling now, but the copy encourages you to twist the face into another expression.

But even if you manage to do that, he'll just snap back to that huge grin the moment you release him. Hey! What is the real message of this thing? Obama overcomes all? The Weekly Standard is trying to trick us conservatives into purchasing pro-Obama dolls!

Chef Mojo বলেছেন...

Althouse, thanks for the link! I just purchased a couple of them!

And I agree with those that say what goes around comes around. If the left gets to set the rules concerning these things, why not play by those rules? I'm tired of being above the fray with my dignity.

When you're in a fight, sometimes you have to get down there kicking and a'gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.

gibson বলেছেন...

As the one who created the Hillary Nutcracker, I'd like to assure poster PM317 that I am not the same "idiot" that created the Obama Stress Head. The Hillary Nutcracker was based on this question: Can a woman appear tough to be the Commander-in-Chief while remaining likable enough to be elected President? Most people agree that the first woman elected will have to pass the toughness test--that is, be more of a Margaret Thatcher or Ann Richards type. What I'm sure will shock poster PM317 is that sales were equally divided between Hillary supporters and detractors. In the key Texas primary, Hillary Headquarters used the Hillary Nutcrackers in posters with the words "It's Crunch Time". I think the more humor in politics, the better.

Jason বলেছেন...

They made a Sarah Palin inflatable love doll, too:


I don't recall the feminist crowd objecting.

GMay বলেছেন...

"And I agree with those that say what goes around comes around. If the left gets to set the rules concerning these things, why not play by those rules? I'm tired of being above the fray with my dignity. "


lemondog বলেছেন...

Wack A Bush

kent বলেছেন...

"And I agree with those that say what goes around comes around. If the left gets to set the rules concerning these things, why not play by those rules? I'm tired of being above the fray with my dignity. "



Dark Eden বলেছেন...

There was an entire line of "Kill Bush" Merchandise.


I really don't want to hear about how horrible and evil an Obama stressball is.

kent বলেছেন...

Ah, Republican hypocrisy... you've gotta love it!

Death of a President (2006)

Ah, leftist hypocrisy... you've gotta expect it!

lemondog বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"And - hey - I'm black and...."

Ha! First mention of race... from Crack Emcee who's been lecturing us to stop talking about race for lord knows how long.

I'm sure he has an excuse.

kalmia বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

I bet there is money to be made selling miniature guilloutines and little doll caricatures [with detachable heads natch] that resemble your favorite political hacks and incompetents.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

I think it is the perfect strap-on for AlphaLiberal to diddle Jeremy with.

And it is rubber so they can be "safe."

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Wait a minute.....Crack Emcee is black?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"Ha! First mention of race... from Crack Emcee who's been lecturing us to stop talking about race for lord knows how long.

I'm sure he has an excuse."

Mentioning "I'm black" - as a descriptive - is wrong? Since when? By what rules or playbook - including that which I've set in our disagreement?

Now, Ann, you're become downright creepy, apparently laying in wait to attempt getting revenge for what you've been doing "for lord knows how long" now - playing the race card?

Anything - ANYTHING - but admit you're wrong.

Another thing I've been saying is you're a NewAger, and this is just the kind of dick move they try to deploy.

How low will you go?

Trooper York বলেছেন...

If Mort was awake he would say you've been sleeping through the last few months dude.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"Wait a minute.....Crack Emcee is black?"

Yes, Trooper, SAVE ME!

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Oh....and one more thing.


Scott বলেছেন...

Who could forget the Hillary Clinton Nutcracker? That's a little more to-the-point.

* * *

"How many times have I told you to wash up after the weekly cross burning? See, it's coming off."

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Whatever you think of me, I'm consistent.

You? Not so much,...

Scott বলেছেন...

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,
adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.
--Waldo the Magnificent

wv: reamnim :)

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Last one:

Stay in this vein, Ann, and, given time, you, too, will have your own Helen Thomas moment.

I'm even willing to put money on it. Bet? Come on, bet. A gentlemen's bet - Five dollars.

I've seen how this shit plays out as long as I've been around libs.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Then it's a good thing I didn't say I was foolishly consistent.

This, BTW, is another phenomena of NewAge:

Defenders of wrong and those doing it.

Ann plays the race card - daily - but where's good ol' Scotty then?


Scott বলেছেন...

Moi? I'm doing the French Mystique!

From Inwood বলেছেন...

I think someone should do a Joo stress head for C4.

Rialby বলেছেন...

I clearly remember the classiest of our liberal friends gathering on W's last day in Washington to throw shoes at the White House in imitation of the attack on the President by the Iraqi journalist.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Nice recovery - and the best laugh I've had all day.

The race problem, as I see it, is best exemplified by this Morgan Freeman clip - not just because he says stop talking about it, but because you can see him faced with the same problem I'm dealing with, while talking to Mike Wallace.

Wallace is just as clueless as Ann, who is just as clueless as Glenn Reynolds, who is just as clueless as Al Sharpton, and they're all as clueless as the mainstream media. No matter which supposed "side" of the argument you are, there's so few advocating for shutting up about it that'll we'll never - never - reach the end of it.

What's especially galling to me is someone like Ann - who will declare her love for me - only to regularly throw this shit in my face like she doesn't understand that I'm black and it's painful. I'm noit like her, above, playing "gotcha" - I'm sincere in what I'm saying - but she could give a shit. She can give a shit it's wrong. She can give a shit it's painful. She can give a shit about anything but her own sense of moral superiority being massaged through saying it.

Basically, she's full of shit. These aren't the actions of a compassionate person. These aren't even the actions of a nice person. This is practically sadistic:

I will play the race card every day, whether it hurts my one black regular commenter or not - who I supposedly love.

I mean, why even attempt to get rid of the KKK when liberals, in the end, are just as troublesome? It's all about them feeling good about themselves, in either case. They could care less about racism, or right or wrong, or anything:

They care about "feeling" good.

Which is NewAge to the core.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oh, it also reminds me of the immortal words of Glenn Reynolds, which I'll paraphrase because I'm too tired to do a search for it:

Law professors can just throw out any old shit, without fear of it being right or wrong, because no one's going to hold us to it.

Every time I think of that, it informs me why the phrase, "First, we kill all of the lawyers" is so popular.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"And I agree with those that say what goes around comes around. If the left gets to set the rules concerning these things, why not play by those rules? I'm tired of being above the fray with my dignity."


This statement, by the way, is the whole point of The Macho Response.

jimspice বলেছেন...

Ann, I think you should have one day, just one day, where commenters are not allowed to post responses of the nature "oh yeah, well you guys..." reflexively citing transgressions of their opponents. I would foresee a very sparse comment section.

MCAR বলেছেন...

I'm a liberal, and I check into the Weeklystandard.com (more appropriate to rename it www.weakstandards.com, but I digress) periodically to see the other side's viewpoints, however distorted they may be, and I stumbled upon this. I think that everyone needs to have their funny bone on about this doll and loosen their sphincters a little, especially considering the kinds of jokes and cartoons that came out when GWB was President (comparisons to baboons/ chimps etc). I don't really see it as a serious "threat of violence" as some people have perceived it, but again, that's just my opinion. I think if we all took ourselves a little less seriously, partisan divides would be a little easier to understand. Quite honestly, the ability to parody and caricature even our "great leaders" is a freedom that does not exist in most countries, and we should accept even this silly doll as a manifestation of that freedom. I do not see anything racist about it- it is a caricature, and most often these tend to have distorted facial features, regardless of whether it is Obama, Bush Jr., Clinton or Lincoln. In addition, I think that Web stores do not necessarily reflect the seriousness (or lack thereof) of their corresponding publications, so everybody, please lighten up!!