June 28, 2010

This is...

... weird.

ADDED: "Third-string leftish narcissistic bed wetter blogger Michael Roston, who unprovably claims that he is a member of Journolist, links to this post as evidence of … something. Who knows. When they get agitated, they get incoherent."

Roston, among other things, says:
Thus the often-fact-challenged Ann Althouse says that she wants to acquire the JournoList archives to complete an ‘academic study’ (sorry: what’s the UW Law School’s interest in JournoList?) and lesser conservative bloggers start fundraising to help her buy them.
Fact-challenged? Me? That's funny coming in a sentence with the words "academic study" in quotes. The words don't appear at the link — not by me or anyone else. Roston apparently just threw that in as if it might bolster some implicit half-baked argument that the University of Law School has to have an "interest" in anything I might choose to write.

AND: Roston has added:
Correction: Ann’s right – it was the blogger who linked to her, and not Althouse herself who said that the study she wanted to do was ‘academic.’ She’s absolutely right in the first instance, there’d be nothing ‘academic’ about the ’study’ she contemplated. I apologize for even hinting that her partisan exercise had any academic intentions. And while I may have messed that up, at least I don’t fall for hoaxes like this one.
Now, Roston has me saying that there is nothing that would be academic about the book I would write. Of course, I never said that either. He seems to find it very difficult to speak without making things up. If you read my original post, you can see that I offered to analyze the material in an intellectual way and indicated what my approach the material would be. I said I was interested in "human nature and how social and political systems work" and so forth. Roston lurches from one misstatement to the next. He accuses me of wanting to do a "partisan exercise" perhaps because it's the only thing he knows how to do.


Pastafarian said...

Interesting idea. Very free-market.

I'll pledge $100 if they get it off the ground.

wv: untru. No, seriously, I'm good for $100.

Anonymous said...

Hardly weird, aptly fitting.

Joan said...

Wondered what you'd say about that.

I'd buy the book, I can tell you that much.

Lincolntf said...

I'd donate. Kind of strange to go the "bounty" route so early, though. I'd hold out for a regular old-fashioned leak driven by ego or animosity before offering to pay.

I suppose I should (due diligence and all) send e-mails to the members of the press who I'm curious about re: JournOlist. Maybe they'll admit participation now that it's ostensibly dead.

Anonymous said...

Well, yeah, it sorta has to be "weird", doesn't it?

...if enticing someone with a bribe to release their copy of the archive is quite different than, say, getting it through the non-existent discovery of a hypothetical lawsuit that is not being threatened?

But I'm not a lawyer, so maybe there is no legal difference between seeking information for the public interest, seeking it for self-defense against recent charges of anti-semitism, and seeking it for shits and giggles with cash in hand.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think it is great the new sheriff in ethertown, Althouse, has the media on the run. You should deputize a few assistants so you have enough for a posse. Bring those varmints to justice!

tim maguire said...

DJ, sometimes there is a difference. But I don't think this is one of those times.

AllenS said...

Nobody is going to see who is on this Journolist, unless someone sues, or I get my hands on David Weigel and waterboard the absolute fuck out of him. Does that sound harsh?

WV: skingoth

RLB_IV said...

Weird, perhaps, but great theatre none the less. I can always count on a good show at the Althouse Theatre. A ticket price of $100seems reasonable to me.

John said...

I would give anything to see Althouse in sole possession of that archive. She could then release one or two interesting messages a week and destroy its author. It would be death by a thousand cuts.

PatHMV said...

What's annoying is that the blogosphere, like most of life in general, is so INTENT on personalizing everything. Nobody can say "hey, posting the journolist archives would be a great thing, let's take up a collection to offer a reward for it." No, it's got to be tied to some particular person. Let's buy it for Althouse, rather than let's buy it because it ought to be public.

Lance said...

Unaccountable slush funds are great! Just ask Joe (or is it John?) Haldeman!

Scott said...

That's my blog. And it's not weird, it's creative! :)

Seriously, offering a big chunk of money for the archives would have lots of interesting and beneficial consequences. Think it through.

John henry said...

I'm in for $10

"Confusion to our enemies" and all that.

John Henry

chickelit said...

I disagree with the notion of making these lists public. I think that partisan journalism has a long, long tradition in this country and should be defended.

When I was growing up, my dad worked for the newspaper in Madison. At the time there were were two thriving opinions represented by the Capital Times and The Wisconsin State Journal. He always brought home copies of both and I asked him once why he did that.
"So I can get both sides of the story" was his reply.

I deplore the move underfoot to make modern journalism "fair and balanced" because it's really just a ploy to shut one or both sides down and to once again control the narrative as was in effect done with TV news casts in the recent past before the days of Fox News etc.

If the lefties like Ezra Klein (and I'm no fan) get outed and shouted down, the same forces (or their counterparts) will come next for the conservative side.

Long live partisan journalism!

Scott said...

I'm all in favor of partisan journalism. I'm just not in favor of journalists who are unconcerned about being co-opted by their sources.

Greg Sargent at the WaPo thinks it's just wonderful that Ezra Klein has such ready access to policymakers in the health care debate. But that access was gained as Klein honed his skills as a policy pimp. Who knows what kind of quid pro quos he's been trading with them over time? That doesn't make him a good reporter, it makes him a corrupt reporter.

Journalism can be practiced as a profession. Outing the members of the Journolist would remind the journalists on the list where their loyalties ought to be placed.

AllenS said...

It's called making shit up.

Jeremy said...

Oh, cry me a river...

The Queen is rather thin-skinned when anyone calls her out for being a conservative, versus her bullshit storyline that she's come kind of Libertarian.

And anyone who worships Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge, frequently quoting both on her blog site shouldn't be amazed at being called "often-fact-challenged."

99% of her usual commenters are nothing more than tea bagging sycophants hanging on her every word...and of course agreeing with each other on every front.

Jeremy said...

AllenS said..."It's called making shit up."

Something you and the rest of the local tea baggers know all about.

Scott said...

And Jeremy is nothing more than a formulaic knee jerk leftish toady who hasn't had the courage to think an original thought since he was born.

Big Mike said...

Try not to let pissants like Roston get under your skin, Professor.

And in his universe you really are fact-challenged. In your universe 1 + 1 = 2 but in his universe 1 + 1 equals whatever the consensus on Jounolist says it is.

BTW, I'm in for $10. I'm too close to retirement to match Pastafarian.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeremy = typical far left liberal pussy boy. Heck, you may actually be little dweeb Ezra Klein.

Aren't you even the least bit curious about the Journolist files? Or is it only Haliburton that gets you excited?

I'm Full of Soup said...

El Pollo:

I agree with you re truth in advertising is best. Why won't libs in the MSM admit they are libs? Christ they are even afraid to use the word liberal so they changed it to progressive.

tim maguire said...

I think Roston's nonsensical post is his very clever way of providing evidence that, yes, he is a member of Journolist.

former law student said...

"The Classless Society," the blog that instapundit links to, does indeed say that the professor wants the archive for "academic study" purposes.

SteveR said...

All of a sudden it started smelling in here. I guess school's out.

chickelit said...

I agree with you re truth in advertising is best. Why won't libs in the MSM admit they are libs? Christ they are even afraid to use the word liberal so they changed it to progressive.

AJ: Same reason that the NYT won't admit that they're leftwings. Truth is, we need both the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal just to keep things honest. Celebrate journalist diversity.

The MSM has an interest in perpetuating the myth that they are fair and balanced. The real threat are people who say we need everybody to be fair and balanced. It is incumbent upon the news consumer to read the facts from all sides and become more fair and balanced.

Jeremy said...

SteveR said..."All of a sudden it started smelling in here. I guess school's out."

Translation: Someone is trying to offer up a contrary view to the tea baggers.

Oh, nooooooooooo.


Anonymous said...

If the lefties like Ezra Klein (and I'm no fan) get outed and shouted down, the same forces (or their counterparts) will come next for the conservative side.

Will come? Will come?

Where have you been?

Jeremy said...

The Chicken Dolt - "The MSM has an interest in perpetuating the myth that they are fair and balanced."


Opposed to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rugh Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter?

Drag your head out of your ass...for a change.

Scott said...

I posted a correction on my blog. Ann never wrote "academic study."

I'm Full of Soup said...


You did this! Brilliant idea IMO. Good work.

Jeremy- can you even tell us what "work" is?

chickelit said...

The real threat are people who say we need everybody to be fair and balanced.

Remember how recently the lefties got bent out of shape over how much media power Limbaugh wielded and how frustrated they were at finding ways to dampened him?

The whole "fair and balanced" movement (with the help of a few sacrificial lambkins like David Weigel and Ezra Klein) is helped by source-outing.

Scott said...

@AJ Lynch, thank you! Anything to support our blogmistress. :)

chickelit said...

Drag your head out of your ass...for a change.

Fuck you too Jeremy. MSM includes Fox.

The truth? You can't handle the truth!

Jeremy said...

El Pollo Dolt - "MSM includes Fox."

All of a sudden you include Fox?

As if, when you and the other tea baggers throw out the MSM label...you're also talking about Fox?

Bullshit and you know it.

Jeremy said...

AJ Wince - What, may I ask, does the definition of "work" have to do with any of this?

Are you doing drugs or just stupid?

Jeremy said...

Scott said..."@AJ Lynch, thank you! Anything to support our blogmistress."

The suckfest continues.

chickelit said...

As if, when you and the other tea baggers throw out the MSM label...you're also talking about Fox?

Bullshit and you know it.

Find it and link to it dolt.


John said...

"Opposed to Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rugh Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter?"

None of those people are reporters dumb ass. They are just entertainers or opinion writers. They don't report. The problem is not that people have opinions. It is that those on the right are called what they are "comentators" and those are the left get to mascaurade as "reporters". If Ann Coulter were a leftist, she would be working for WAPO or the NYT covering the Whitehouse.

chickelit said...

The whole idiotic Fairness Doctrine was probably a well-intentioned response to media markets which were consolidating, like newspapers and to some extent radio and broadcast TV. But after the advent of cable TV and satelite radio and especially the internet, there really is no reason to take it seriously, is there?

So long as outright lies and distortions can be pointed out and ridiculed, let them happen.

tim maguire said...

El Pollo, I agree with you to the extent that unbiased is unpossible and we would be better off if journalists were simply honest about their biases (a la just about everyone in Jeremy's "righties who suck" list). But I see this whole brouhaha as being not about bias, but about honesty.

Probably the bulk of the 400 journalists are harmless either because they are more or less professional or because they are nobodies. But enough to matter have a large readership and are fundamentally dishonest with that readership, consciously putting a leftist spin on news that is sold as straight reporting.

Weigel being only the (now) most famous example of someone who used the Journolist to advance a hidden agenda in favor of the Democratic party.

The public has a right to know about not just the ones who get sandbagged by their own listers, but about all of them.

kalmia said...

This whole Weigel thing is so delicious. I can't remember when I've eaten so much delicious Schadenfreude.

Jeremy said...

John said..."None of those people are reporters dumb ass."

Oh, I'm well aware of the fact that none of those asholes actually "reporters," but they still represent themselves as such.

They interview, they act as if they're "breaking" news stories and they all pretend to be fair or balanced.

Stop lying.

Michael said...

Jeremy: "Oh, I'm well aware of the fact that none of those asholes actually "reporters," but they still represent themselves as such."

No, they actually don't represent themselves as such.

"They interview, they act as if they're "breaking" news stories and they all pretend to be fair or balanced."

They interview in front of a television so you can hear the questions and answers. Live for the most part and thus unedited. The viewer can then decide if they are fair and balanced or "pretending."

Humperdink said...


I kinda new to this blog but I immediately noticed a distinct style to your responses. They appear to me, the "untrained", to be vile and bitter.

I clicked on your blogger bio and this is what you say about yourself:

About Me (Jeremy)

"All around delightful, engaging, educated, personable, fun, funny, romantic, fit, and liberal human being."

You may want to re-think either your style or your bio.

Carry on.

I'm Full of Soup said...


You have to admit he has the liberal part down pat.

Jeremy said...

rick - i don't believe you're "kinda new to this blog."

I think you're just another suck-ass tea bagger hoping the others will like you ecause you agree with their brand of far right wing bullshit.

so, you might want to "re-think either your style or your bio"...and fuck off.

Scott said...

If you redact all of Jeremey's invective, he says absolutely nothing. It's an amazing skill. :)

Humperdink said...


All I was trying to say was that "suck-ass, tea baggers, and bullshit" are not synonyms for delightful, engaging, personable and funny.

Scott said...

Here's Jeremy, processed by the Standards and Practices department:

rick - i don't believe you're "kinda new to this blog."

I think you're [redacted].

so, you might want to "re-think either your style or your bio"...and [redacted].

How delightful, engaging, educated, personable, fun, funny, romantic. And, of course, liberal.

Jeremy said...

rickie and scottie - i'm not here to become your friends. i already know all kinds of wing nuts who are impossible to have a real conversation with.

they're just like most of the usual commenters here every day; uninformed tea bagging fools who only post comments that shore up what they already believe to be so...oh, and of course, to denigrate their own president whenever possible.

there's literally NO disagreement or real discussion among the regulars, only a consistent regurgitation what what they hear via drudge, beck, hannity, limbaugh and the the rest of their heroes.

even the queen and her husband, needy, post exactly what they both think will keep the wing nuts happy.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Jeremy is not here to make friends? MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Anonymous said...

I'd say that your effort qualifies as a "partisan exercise", Althouse.

You probably have other reasons for it too. But isn't your effort based on the idea that the Journolist archives contain evidence of liberal "journalists" acting in concert as an attacking mob, and therefore, when exposed to the public, will be politically damaging to the party of the left?

Jeremy said...

AJ - you're here to make friends?

you sound lonely.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yes, Jeremy, I am incredibly lonely and come here primarily to make friends or enemies. How am I doing?

Jeremy said...

AJ - Well, considering you've been here for about 5 hours...I would say the term "lonely" is a fairly apt description.

Blue@9 said...

I think Serious Jeremy needs some serious counseling for his serious rage issues. Seriously, dude, take a breath.

Revenant said...


Wanting to expose and analyze suspected partisanship isn't necessarily partisan. It could also be an exercise in cruel neutrality.

Mary Beth said...

Jeremy, what do Sam and Lucky think of your obsession with teabagging?

rhhardin said...

Right-leaning pundits are hoping that WeigelGate will be as explosive as they convinced themselves ‘Climategate’ was, and that they’ll be able to use the e-mails on the listserv to try all of the list’s members in a kanagroo-court of open-source investigation. Thus the often-fact-challenged Ann Althouse says that..

The first hyphen in "often-fact-challenged" is wrong.

He likes hyphens though. "Kanagroo-court" attracts one.

Evidently it's a nanny state for modifiers.

I love kanagroo.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I think Lucky is Jeremy's attempt at trying to be clever and name his dog after Luckyoldson [which is the name Jeremy once used to comment here]. I doubt he even owns a dog. Even dogs would not be frends with Jeremy.

Issob Morocco said...

Yet another great disassemblage of the Lefty Hack Roston's hopes and dreams by Althouse. Such cleaving of the argument is truly brutal for those who need to return to the village before dark.

Phil 314 said...

so, you might want to "re-think either your style or your bio"...and f**k off.

Jeremy has issues

Jeremy said...

Mary Beth said..."Jeremy, what do Sam and Lucky think of your obsession with teabagging?"

Well, just last week they refused to let any of the Althouse gang drop their balls into their mouths.

That should tell you something.

Why are YOU a tea bagger?

Jeremy said...

Issob Morocco said..."Yet another great disassemblage of the Lefty Hack Roston's hopes and dreams by Althouse."

And yet another suckass...doing what they do best: Sucking up to The Queen.

Maybe she'll send you a cookie.

Jeremy said...

c3 - any relations to R2-D2?

traditionalguy said...

Oh yeah, just wait till Roston tries to turn his head. That is the punch line from the joke about someone who thinks a straight razor swung at him missed. Nice dice and slice demonstration Professor.

Jeremy said...

"Tea Party Postpones Las Vegas Convention Due To Summer Heat, Midterm Elections"

Hence the term: Hot Nuts.

Eric said...

I disagree with the notion of making these lists public. I think that partisan journalism has a long, long tradition in this country and should be defended.

I have no problem with partisan journalism. I do have a problem with partisan journalism trying to dress itself up as objective. I really have a problem with journalists of any stripe conspiring to spin stories.

traditionalguy said...

The new weapon that Ezra Klein put together is not partisan jounalism. Opinion pieces and editoro columns have been like bees buzzing in to sting one or two at a time a month. Klein displayed a new internet tool to coordination hundreds of bees diving for stings in a day or two so that they overwhelm a person's chance to defend themselves from a violent mob of slanderers. Then he used that as an intimidation tool to silence people. Klein deserves to be falling into the hole/trap he dug for others.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what became of Jeremy. It must be a sucky time for the Jeremies of the world.

GMay said...

"It must be a sucky time for the Jeremies of the world."

I might feel the same level of hate, bitterness, and the inability to make a substantive point too if I were reduced to sucking on the balls of teabaggers like J-boy here.

Pastafarian said...

Scott -- let us know how to contribute if you or anyone else gets this up and going.

Eric said...

This poor guy Rosten. Brought a banana to a gunfight.

JAL said...

Professor -- don't waste your breath or key strokes.

Mary Beth said...

Why are YOU a tea bagger?

No, Jeremy, I don't have testicles so I can't be a teabagger. I don't play Halo or other games where I could be a virtual teabagger. If you're asking if I'm a tea party member, you should ask nicely instead of being insulting and (intentionally?) obtuse.

Try to be the person your dogs think you are. You'll have a better chance of being the person you describe on your profile.

Jeremy said...

Mary Beth - It's way more fun to screw with the local wing nuts. They only want to hear what they already believe, to whine about everything and anything related to president Obama, and of course, to suck up to each other and The Queen.

Anybody who shows up here and disagrees is immediately trashed as nothing more than a liberal troll.

I can think of very few here who really want part in a real discussion or debate, only the shoring up of their own beliefs and perceptions.

*Sorry, I forgot about guns. They do like to discuss various firearms.

Revenant said...

I think that partisan journalism has a long, long tradition in this country and should be defended.

Question: how can you defend the tradition of partisan journalism while simultaneously covering up evidence of its existence?

This is why I said it was a mistake for conservatives to want Weigel sacked. All that will happen is that he'll be replaced by a journalist who loathes the Right but isn't on record admitting it.

chickelit said...

revenant wrote: Question: how can you defend the tradition of partisan journalism while simultaneously covering up evidence of its existence?

If you mean that not being interested in what these people had to say amongst themselves as enabling a coverup, I don't see an issue unless some law was broken. I think that was Althouse's position- that she was personally offended by some of their partisan scribbles.

I'm just saying that I take the Journolitters at face value as being partisan and I'm not really put off by it.

I'm not interested in affecting their opinions any more than seeing them affect Drudge.

raf said...

He accuses me of wanting to do a "partisan exercise" perhaps because it's the only thing he knows how to do.

Or perhaps because he knows that the effect of publishing the archive would be asymmetrically partisan.

GMay said...

Jeremy admitted: "It's way more fun to screw with the local wing nuts.

Then followed that up with this little whine:

"Anybody who shows up here and disagrees is immediately trashed as nothing more than a liberal troll."

Shorter J-Boy: "I'm a liberal troll."

"I can think of very few here who really want part in a real discussion or debate..."

You wouldn't recognize a real discussion or debate if it came up to you and stuck its balls in your mouth.

Jeremy said...

GMay - Quit whining.

GMay said...

J-Boy: Getting his insults from the same playground he trolls for dates.

Phil 314 said...

c3 - any relations to R2-D2

Jeremy has issues and a wee bit of wit.

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