June 15, 2010

So what's Larry David cooking up for the new season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm"?

Oh, nooooooooooo!

Second thought: oh, yes! I completely want to see what Larry does with this: his wife having sex with... gasp!... Al Gore.

Run with it, Larry. I loved when "South Park" mocked Al Gore — as ManBearPig. He makes a great figure of fun. Come on, Larry. Puncture that inflated globe of a man.

We were just checking out Laurie David's website. My, she looks distinguished there. And I love that Albert Einstein quote she uses in her banner: "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if manbearpig is to survive.

Details from the Daily News:
[Star Magazine] says the ex-veep and the comedian's ex have been involved for two years....

Laurie David ... co-produced "An Inconvenient Truth," the Oscar-winning documentary about Gore and his campaign against global warming....

"The story is completely untrue," Laurie David said in a statement. "It's a total fabrication. I adore both Al and Tipper. I look at them both as family. And I have happily been in a serious relationship since my divorce."....

The Gores' stunning split after 40 years of marriage has prompted wildly varying explanations in the gossip sheets: Globe magazine said Al was gay, and the National Enquirer said Tipper was crazy.
 Hmmm.  Those tabloids!


Trooper York said...

I don't understand why the mainsteam media is covering this up! They just can't bear to tell the truth!

Opus One Media said...

Gosh Trooper...slide down the drain a little further and you too can write for Star Mag...or is that too MSM for you?

ic said...

I told you so! I said in a comment when Al and Tipper split: it's more likely for us to pick up one billion dollars on the street than for Tipper to divorce her husband after all these years because she wanted to stay home with her grandkids. I said within 6 months, longest a year, Al would do a Sanford and declare he had met the love of his life.

KCFleming said...

HDHouse is just jealous.

Trooper York said...

hd if I wrote for the Star I would really want to interview you because it is quite remarkable to find a talking pile of shit.

By the way, shouldn't you be dead already?

Meade said...

"And I have happily been in a serious relationship since my divorce... with a... well, I'm not going to say it's a man... and I'm not going to say it's a bear.

And I'm not going to say it's a pig."

mesquito said...

I'm imagining the cringingly insipid pillow talk.


Anonymous said...

How much of Larry's settlement dough has Laurie blown? Ahem. Enquiring minds want to know.

The mind boggles. Laurie as Gaia, ManBearPig as himself, the warming, the methane, the rising and the falling, the coverup, the inconvenient truth.

KCFleming said...

I live in fear that we'll hear stories of Gore dressing up as a windmill to plug Mother Earth Laurie.

MadisonMan said...

I suppose that since the Enquirer was right about Edwards, then the Star must be right about Gore.

KCFleming said...

Actually, I thought Gore was looking to hook up with himself.

Kevin said...

Fire up the Gulfstream, Laurie!

Al's awaiting!

Unknown said...

I guess Tipper was bitten by the green-eyed monster when she heard.

Trooper York said...

I don't understand why the mainsteam media is covering this up! They just can't bear to tell the truth!

It's only true if it's in The Weekly World News.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go ahead and call this BS. It's just too neat- she's an enviro-nut; he's an enviro-nut; it's too obvious.

If he's been getting it on the side, it was from a sweet young true believer- an intern or grad student in awe of the greatness that is manbearpig and of her ability to have sex with him (I mean, further the cause).

cryptical said...

I only hope Tipper goes for revenge with someone like Tony Hayward. That'll show Al!

Irene said...

Hollywood producerlettes.

Gore is like Edwards.

dbp said...

"We were just checking out Laurie David's website. My, she looks distinguished there. And I love that Albert Einstein quote she uses in her banner: "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if manbearpig is to survive."

What's with the penchant of, mostly liberals in my experience, for the non-science quotes of a great scientist? Is it just because they don't understand the actual science well enough to quote the really good parts?

It is as silly as quoting Churchill's thoughts on Chemistry, if he had any.

Anonymous said...

Mad Man,

I doubt that the Star is right about anything, and I sincerely pity Tipper and the kids, but I relish the scorn and mad hilarity that will rightly rain down on ManBearPig. Let the vulgarity ensue.

Who plugged the hole in the Ozone?--why MBP.

AllenS said...

Right now, the temperature of Tipper's forehead is so hot, that tomorrow 342 polar bears are going to dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Kev said...

(the other kev)

Don't know if it's true (or really care), but I wouldn't be surprised. Laurie David always struck me as a 'screw your way to the top' person. Her over-inflated sense of entitlement is a symptom of a pretty ruthless narcissist.

KCFleming said...

Churchill's only Chemistry quote was "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.

dbp said...

they can't just manup and bearthe thought of calling Gore a pig.

traditionalguy said...

So far the last ten years the Enquirer has told about two thirds truth and the NYT has told about one third truth. So, does AlGore take Laurie to the beach house mansion near Hollywood, while Tipper gets stuck in rural Tennessee without even any dirty words in the songs?

bagoh20 said...

"Laurie David ... co-produced "An Inconvenient Truth," the Oscar-winning documentary about Gore and his campaign against global warming....

"The story is completely untrue," Laurie David said in a statement. "It's a total fabrication."

Is that white space supposed to be in the middle there?

Kevin said...

I continue to think that Laurie David is a deep-cover agent for coal and oil companies. The plot continues!

Laurie David:

Yes, I take a private plane on holiday a couple of times a year, and I feel horribly guilty about it. I probably shouldn't do it. But the truth is, I'm not perfect. This is not about perfection. I don't expect anybody else to be perfect either. That's what hurts the environmental movement – holding people to a standard they cannot meet. That just pushes people away.

Give up my private jet? That's just crazy-talk!

She and Al are made for each other!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Instapundit and Althouse must give a link to Trooper's June 9th post! I knew I read that somewhere. You are psychic Buddy!

Truth is stranger than fiction !

bagoh20 said...

"Yes, I take a private plane on holiday a couple of times a year, and I feel horribly guilty about it."

Well, I hope so since it's gonna destroy mankind and the planet, maybe even the universe.

Anonymous said...

Saving the planet is so hot.

What a turn-on.

How can a woman be expected to keep her hands to herself?

miller said...

I'm really surprised more people don't take Algore seriously.

Revenant said...

Globe magazine said Al was gay, and the National Enquirer said Tipper was crazy.

Tipper Gore wrote a book in which she accused "Dungeons and Dragons" of being evidence of a nationwide wave of satanism among American youth. So we can confirm that she USED to be a nut. The remaining questions are (a) is she still a nut and (b) is that why they're separating.

MadisonMan said...

Old Dad, I think a better prescription is to ignore Al Gore completely.

He has extraordinary power over so many people on this blog. He's a hairy overweight Sarah Palin in that respect.

miller said...

Algore is simply a man with no understanding of physics.

However, he does know how be a successful hypocrite - witness his mansion in Montecito all the while telling us to conserve.

The interesting thing is that his supporters pretend this simply isn't true, that somehow he lives as a monk.

I'll believe global warming is a crisis when the people who say it is a crisis act like it.

Nine fireplaces, indeed.

David said...

You gotta check out Laurie's web site, which Althouse links. A new level of self absorption imho, which seems to explain the Al Gore affinity (regardless of whether sexual.)

Take away modern technology, and this country today must be pretty much like when Rome burned.

knox said...

Actually, I thought Gore was looking to hook up with himself.


MadisonMan said...

I will confess to owning one of Al Gore's books. In my defense, it was given to me as a present.

I haven't read it yet. It was not what I wanted. But I did thank the giver with all the sincerity I could muster.

Irene said...

MadMan, you may get a good price for it at Frugal Muse.

g2loq said...

It is Bush's fault!

Methadras said...

Pogo said...

HDHouse is just jealous.

Yeah, that he isn't getting ManBearHog!!! (see Titus does have some value)

Methadras said...

Revenant said...

Tipper Gore wrote a book in which she accused "Dungeons and Dragons" of being evidence of a nationwide wave of satanism among American youth. So we can confirm that she USED to be a nut. The remaining questions are (a) is she still a nut and (b) is that why they're separating.

Actually the organization called BADD (Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons) was the primary activist against D&D. I'm an avid player myself after all of these years with the same group of guys. Except now we've gone high tech.

Here is a good set of excerpts about it:


The book you refer to 'Raising PG Kids in an X-Rated Society' has a section about listing D&D as an occult teen fad and includes the contact reference for BADD.

JAL said...

Well now we see everyone is laughing and saying no way, Laurie is in a relationship with someone else, and she and Al and Tipper have been good friends.

Why do we jump on it?

Because it seems so ... right?

The pillow talk would be so ... green?

ALP said...

The combination of Al Gore and Laurie David would create a cloud of Smug so large it would kill us all - so I hope its not true.

Sydney said...

From Laurie David's website:

Laurie’s attention is now on the family environment in her newest book The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect with Your Kids, One Meal at a Time. In book stores November 3, 2010, The Family Dinner is part cookbook, part parenting book and will help families turn what for some can be a chore and for many, a forgotten ritual, into the best hour of the day. The power of sitting down together to share a meal can not be underestimated as Laurie has experienced with her own family. Of course, the kitchen is the greenest room in the house to teach those values and The Family Dinner sprinkles green wisdom throughout.

Apparently you can get anything published if you run with the right crowd.

JAL said...

And since AGW has crashed and is burning carbonessly, WHY would Obama be talking about it tonight when what we NEED TO HEAR is that the Maine company that has miles of boom ready to deliver Wednesday is loading the trucks, and the Dutch are filling pumping ships full and dredging for Jindal's barrier islands, and the detergent is working, Floridians are on board and after inspection the other rigs are back pumping and we'll be pulling oil from shale in Colorado and NY next year?


Since I cannot.stand.his.voice.and.delivery I will not be tuning in tonight.

Let me know how it goes while I do a count down to November's election.

You see all the AlGore scandal stuff is a deliberately timed distraction to give us something else to think about other than a totally screwed up Gulf oil rig blow out.

Joe said...

I always thought Laurie David was someone else. Or rather, when I heard the name, I pictured someone else. How weird is that, Mal?

bagoh20 said...

"I always thought Laurie David was someone else. "

Yea, I hear ya. A misty personality somewhere between Hugh Laurie and Larry David. I thought the same thing and didn't care enough to learn any better. So when I heard Al Gore was having an affair with him, it all made sense.

Russell said...

In the episode, to deal with his embarrassment, Larry takes the advice of his agent and buys BP stock while its low. Then he gets a revenge Hummer or Escalade. And then drives by her house daily throwing the Styrofoam coffee cup on her lawn. Finally, he spots a 'Don't Blame Me I Voted for Bush' bumper sticker in a gas station. He raises an eyebrow. Roll the credits.

W.C. Varones said...

The Globe says Al Gore had a gay affair.

Does that mean Laurie David is a man?

Even better for Curb Your Enthusiasm! The storyline is that Larry doesn't know Laurie is a man until Laurie hooks up with Al!

Don M said...

My understanding is that Albert Gore Jr. had another affair or two back when he was pretending to be a journalist. Something about a motorcycle club. After he brought a nasty yeast infection home to her, he promised her he would never do that again.

And he did.

David R. Graham said...

"I'll believe global warming is a crisis when the people who say it is a crisis act like it."

Glenn Gould -- Canadian Pianist of Pianists (probably forever, though Sviatoslav Richter is in the same AO) -- was asked why he was not involved in the "peace movement."

His response: "When it becomes illegal for a child to pull the wings off a butterfly, I will become involved in the peace movement."

William said...

This was a story line some time back on Larry David's show. Larry was given, as a ten year anniversary present, permission from his wife to have a one night stand. He staked out a cute actress. Just before the moment of truth, he noticed that the woman had a picture of George Bush on her dressing room table. The woman was a Republican. This so dismayed David's sensitivities that he lost all interest in the woman and had to forgo his one time dispensation to cheat....I remember being offended by the plot line. Was support for Bush really such a wood blighter?.....I see the karmic mills churning here. It's true that God occasionally knocks over a Jesus statue, but that's only so we can contemplate the full richnness of his justice when something like this happens. It would be righteous beyond measure if, while filming this put down of Bush, Gore was making horrible little grunting noises with Larry David's exalted wife. If you don't see the hand of God in this, you're not looking.

Unknown said...

I thought I had read on this blog Gore jumped into the volcano last month.

Revenant said...

Actually the organization called BADD (Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons) was the primary activist against D&D.

"Activist" is right. For most of its existence, BADD consisted of Patricia Pulling and nobody else.

Thanks for the link, though. I remember the hit piece on D&D from back in the day; it is one of the reasons I always snickered when people tried to contrast 60 Minutes with "tabloid TV". There IS no contrast, guys. Just slight differences in quality, like the National Enquirer vs the Weekly World News.

Colorado Wellington said...

The Secretariat took notice:


This can't be good.

The Crack Emcee said...

He's setting a bad example.

Aunt Cranky said...

I'm sorry, but if you get divorced after 40 years, there has to be some shling shlanging going on.I'm thinking one Shlang swang for the other team. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Re your 6/15/10 11:10 PM...God, how I'm praying that this is the scenario that is being played out.
The irony would be so delicious.

Rialby said...

I would hope that, after their lovemaking, they each only use one square of tissue to clean up.

michaele said...

" Puncture that inflated globe of a man."

I initially read this as "that inflated GLOB of a man"...works either way!

Andrew Hamilton said...

Pillow talk

Laurie: Oh, Al, honey, won;t you introduce me to Bill?

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