June 5, 2010

Rush Limbaugh crashed a wedding... and it made him want to get married again.

"[Limbaugh] set the date to make much younger Kathryn 'Kate' Rogers his bride after slipping into a Washington, D.C., wedding when they were in town to take in a Redskins game, say insiders. 'Rush had so much fun at the event, he made up his mind it was time to set the date,' a source close to the right-wing firebrand told The ENQUIRER."

Ah, yes! I remember the show where he talked about that. Here — September 21, 2009 — "Rush Limbaugh, Wedding Crasher":
So the band kicks up and starts playing music and people start strolling by and looking with the most perplexed facial expressions, "Who? What the hell is he doing here? Why is the guy on the microphone at the band saying 'Rush Limbaugh is in the house'?" So the groom comes over and he has a big smile on his face, "Hi, I'm the groom."... Then the bride came over and she brought the official wedding photographer with her, and we are posing -- now, follow me on this -- we're posing for pictures, you know, being good because we've crashed the thing. I mean, we're wedding crashers... I just got an e-mail from the groom of the wedding I crashed on Saturday night.... "Rush, half the room was current and former Hillary staffers, half the room was conservatives with huge ties to the military and the Midwest.  It was great to have you crash our wedding!  I'm converting as many as I can."
Getting married because you really want a wedding? I thought only women... young women... thought like that.

IN THE COMMENTS: bagoh20 said: "Rush is a Groomzilla!"


Alex said...

Ewww get those meat hooks off that pretty lady! Rush Limbballs is a fat, bloated disgusting pig of "man". Obviously a gold-digger and they will sleep in separate beds. She might give him a handjob once a week.

Lawler Walken said...
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GMay said...


ricpic said...

Ah, the much vaunted liberal generosity of feeling in Alex's comment.

Mike aka Proof said...

ricpic: And tolerance! Don't forget tolerance!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Firebrand? I love Rush but he's too old to be called a firebrand. And good for him- she's a hottie.

rhhardin said...

The source's story is unlikely.

More likely he's getting married to do right for the babe.

Anonymous said...

You've gotta admire Rush for his business acumen and for living his own life.

Him and Steve Jobs are da bomb.

Can't we have them running our country?

Jobs-Limbaugh 2012!

Congrats to Rush on getting hitched to the young hottie!

traditionalguy said...

I believe that Rush will the romantic do all that he can to please his new soul-mate. I also believe that he is a smart enough planner to realise that it should be fun for both of them until someday her screwed up"friends" start telling her she should take the money and start up a local SITC group which she will surely be entitled to do for putting up with an opinionated man like Rush who always thought that he was "right".But if it lasts 10 years, then Rush knows that he will have enjoyed 10 years.

bagoh20 said...

Rush is a Groomzilla!

Anonymous said...

Prenuptial agreement, I hope. Not sayin' anything here, just talkin'.

Anonymous said...

I read once about how and when men decide to get married, and going to a wedding was near the top. I guess it's inspiration.

Anonymous said...


Dude, you are usually right but not here. Rush is a an alpha among alphas. His alphaness will make his new wife happy and keep her moist, and what her stupid friends think won't matter a bit.

Humperdink said...

Alex....Is it save to assume you hail from the party of peace, love and compassion?

amba said...

Weddings are the best parties. You get to dance (at Jewish weddings, you are obliged to dance) and drink good champagne. I've had some of the best times of my life at weddings.

Other people's weddings.

Maybe Rush wanted to throw a really great party for his friends.

amba said...

Jobs-Limbaugh 2012!

Yeah, everyone wants jobs in 2012 if not sooner! D'you think we could just elect them?

William said...

The pre-nup vows are the ones carved in stone for all eternity....It is said that judging a marriage by its duration is like judging a wine by the size of the bottle it comes in.....Rush will get to frolic with a good looking woman. The wife will get to redecorate a few luxury homes. They will definitely have a good time for the next year or two. That puts them ahead of most people on this planet.

Phil 314 said...


traditionalguy said...

Dead Julius...How Alpha is a man that relies on oxycodone and tries to make 20,000,000 listeners like him 5 days a week. Rush is no more alpha than most men, although some of us are good actors.He is just smarter than most romantics types.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Getting married because you really want a wedding? I thought only women... young women... thought like that."

*Sigh* Like I said yesterday, he's being silly.

The Crack Emcee said...


"his new soul-mate"

Gag. How many souls does he have now? What happened to his soul after the other "marriages"? (Did the previous women walk away with a piece of them, too?) You guys can be hilarious with this shit.

As Steely Dan said, "Pretzel Logic".

Unknown said...

I knew a guy married something like 8 or 9 times. When asked why, he said, "I like getting married". We may have a similar situation here.

The only part of that to which I object is that the guy with 4 or 5 (or 8) scalps on his coup stick skews the divorce rate (half of all marriages...) ridiculously.

Dead Julius said...

Jobs-Limbaugh 2012!

Even better, they're already printing Christie - Brewer bumper stickers.

With the tag, "Cleaning up Obama's messes".

Beau said...

"But if it lasts 10 years, then Rush knows that he will have enjoyed 10 years."

Fourth time's a charm?

Hope she likes football.

Scott said...

I would love to see the prenuptual agreement.

victoria said...

I'll give it a year before she runs screaming out the door. Can't be an easy person to live with. With an ego that size, only room for 1 in that house.


somefeller said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@Mr. Flute-

Why the Steve Jobs hate from the very Dead Julius upthread?

Did my comment come off as ironic or facetious? I didn't intend it that way.

Steve Jobs is a natural leader. He might seem like an asshole to a culture bred in niceness, but he gets shit accomplished. He is visionary. His products are wonderful.

We need more of that sort of leadership in America! And I'm perfectly fine with Jobs being egotistical, because he has every reason to be.

Now contrast Jobs with folks in the Senate and Congress like Boxer or Schumer, or with folks in the administration like Obama and Biden and Hillary. They're all egotistical. But they don't base their self-image in any accomplishment or any true responsibility-- they ought to remember that they are nothing more than paid public servants who, in the end, bear no responsibility for their decisions.

In all seriousness, I would support Steve Jobs as dictator of America for a certain, definite period of time. Abolish Congress. We'd have to rewrite the Constitution and ensure the protection of personal rights, but that is do-able. And I think more people ought to consider this sort of drastic solution to our national problems.

Anonymous said...

and btw Limbaugh can be Master of the Horse... that's a bone for all you conservatives to get y'all to go along with my plan...

JAL said...

victoria -- the secret mustr be to behave like a cat. Limbaugh loves his cats and shares his house with them.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hope she likes football

Hope she likes cats

Actually, I hope they both find happiness and that it turns out to be (gasp) with each other.

What??? It can happen despite what Crack says.

Paul Kirchner said...

traditionalguy said... How Alpha is a man that relies on oxycodone. . .

I used to think Rush's oxycodone addiction reflected poorly on his character until one of my family members went the same route and we had to get involved in NA meetings and all that. A certain percentage of the population has a predilection to get addicted to opiate-type drugs, and when they're prescribed as pain medication it can lead straight to addiction.

BTW, you'll meet plenty of alpha-type drug addicts if you go to NA meetings. Don't know why you'd assume those are exclusive.

bagoh20 said...

I like Rush well enough, but c'mon, it can't be enjoyable sexing someone that much older and fatter than you when you are hot enough to get virtually any man. I know the value and benefits of money, but really girls? Some women seem to be able to put up with anything for money. I guess it's an asset, cause it works every time. It's amazing how impervious to women's lib this dynamic of mating and career path is. Will it ever fade?

potter said...

Limbaugh loves two things.
Himself and his radio show.

Anyone in a relationship with him comes in a very distant third.

Marrying a girl who could well be his daughter will not change that. This is classic high school male behavior, have the girl all the boys in the locker room lust after. His old Palm Beach golf buddies need to be impressed.

He will be back to being his miserable, fat and hen pecked soon.

He is an idiot in all matters other then radio.

He will never divorce her but he will wish he could in less then a year.

The Crack Emcee said...


"I hope they both find happiness and that it turns out to be (gasp) with each other.

What??? It can happen despite what Crack says."

This is twice, in two days, someone here has misrepresented my words to reflect their own assumptions about my meaning. So I'll say it again:

Y'all don't think like I do, so you'd be much better off asking what I mean, than trying to interpret it for yourselves.

I never said two people can't find life-long happiness after a marriage collapses. I've been consistently saying - since marriage is for life - any relationship, after you've taken the plunge, can't be a marriage.

I got married - and it was for life. I made that oath to my friends. I made that oath to my wife. And I made that oath to myself.

Y'all, on the other hand, have made it clear that you'll say anything and do anything and the words that come out of your mouths ain't worth the spit in it. You have NO integrity. You want absolution for your lies when the truth you told became inconvenient.

But, oh, you're livid when a politician stands up in public, makes a promise before everyone, and then breaks it. Shun him! Kick him out of office! Liar! But when it's you, well, you want new rules: the words you spoke don't matter - and it better not matter to anyone else either - much better to call them wackos when, in truth, you're a liar now drifting into the realm of evil.

It is evil to deceive others. To try and portray the world, to someone else, as other than what it is - and then punish them for being capable of seeing through your (self?) deception. You insult intelligence, denigrate the truth, and contribute to the destruction of society itself.

But what you can't do is fool me. I am Rorschach, and I know better. Your word is not bond. You show no consistency. You make excuses and betray everything that says "American." You live a life of deception for your own selfish reasons, truth be damned. You're immature children, not fully formed adults.

And I will not follow.

Beth said...

He must enjoy weddings, if this is his fourth.

One plus: we can be sure she'll redecorate that butt-fugly bedroom.

The Crack Emcee said...


"It's amazing how impervious to women's lib this dynamic of mating and career path is."

You forget:

Women's lib is NewAge, and it celebrates whores.

traditionalguy said...

Dear Crack...The phrase soul mate is not illogical, rather it is a problem people have to deal with. We are created for relationships, and the sexual act among two who open their souls to the other will create a bond that is not easily broken. That is why God loves those marriage vows and hates divorce. We become seriously wounded when the other person we have taken into our soul (the two have become one) rips apart the relationship by adulterating it and taking a piece of our souls away from us as you say. Whores never give their souls to you anyway. On a lighter note, we usually still have a soul mate relationship with immediate family members that is sometimes called "closer than water". This too can be problematic. Even after their death, their voices are a part of our thinking process that a good counselor has to help us bring to the surface and deal with. No this is not crazy, rather it is a part of the seriouness of living a full life. Do you remember the 23 Psalm? God leads us by still waters and restoreth our souls.

The Crack Emcee said...


As I'm sure you know, "soul mate" is part of the NewAge vernacular, right up there with "empowerment", the "love of my life", and all the other thought-stopping crap they've wiggled in there, that people now use incessantly.

wv: "culteot" - a misspelling of cultiot, which is like "religulous", both from The Atheist's Dictionary.

Methadras said...

Wow. Good on Rush. Your soon-to-be bride is hot. That picture oh him smiling like the Cheshire Cat is classic. It's a another big fuck you to the leftards.

traditionalguy said...

@ Crack...Yes, the cults have stolen the term soul mate for an excuse to divorce or be unfaithful to a legal vow made to a mate. But our souls do exist and need strong protections that the walls of moral laws were given to provide. Saying that our souls do not exist is a mistake. And recieving mercy for our soul is equally necessary for its health. The law came to us thru Moses and grace and truth came to us in Jesus. That combination is what the phrase "Judeo-Christian" culture we enjoy means. It all comes thru the Jews.

Blue@9 said...

I've never had much desire to listen to Limbaugh--even on issues on which I agree with him--but I have heard that he's actually a very nice and personable guy in real life.

Banshee said...

It's not about money; it's about confidence. Sometimes a nice guy, sometimes a bad boy; sometimes a rich guy, sometimes a guy with nothing; but always, confidence. Women like a guy who seems to know who he is and what he wants in life. (Heck, some women will even take a simulated version.)

The fact he's a bit older doesn't make him ineligible; in fact, a lot of women lust after men who are their Dad's age. (They're the ones who post about how various bald old actors are sexy, or how they like craggy men who are mature and deep.) You may not like it, but the women who fund the romance novel industry disagree. And again, it's not about money at all.

Rush Limbaugh has faults, God knows, but he seems like a pretty confident and upbeat person, and he has charm and he's resilient in the face of failure. He will probably never have much trouble finding women who want him. (Keeping them is another story, apparently.)

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