June 4, 2010

Palin is thinking about Iowa.

And you know what that means.


EnigmatiCore said...

This is bad news... for the Yankees?

Unknown said...

It means no more than she endorsed a candidate in the governor's race. The columnist is doing no more than tuning her dowser.

Besides, she has a lot more influence doing what she does now than she would losing early in the Republican primaries. To have a real chance, she needs to have been a big city mayor, 2 term state governor (someplace where the National Socialists can't throw nuisance a lawsuit at her every time she leaves the state), or hold a Cabinet post in a Republican administration.

And before Alpha and the rest of the chicken hawks open their mouths, keep in mind this woman actually did something when she held an elective position other than vote "present".

ricpic said...

Go Sarry!

I love that ol' 'murrican rendering of Sarah.

Unknown said...

of course she's going to run.

though i will really not enjoy seeing her on TV every day and in every magazine, i do have a few bets with some more conservative republicans that she will be their nominee (they quiver at the thought) and i'd like to collect on those bets.

I think Obama is going to pick Hillary for his VP, and that will neutralize the gender issue that will be in play, yet again. I'm not looking forward to it, but 2011-12 will be an interesting and tiring year and a half.

mesquito said...

Shrewd, shrewd....

Unknown said...

"keep in mind this woman actually did something when she held an elective position other than vote "present"."

right. instead of serving the constituents that elected her, she bailed to cash in to the tune of several million.

ricpic said...

Obama and Hillary: a chill down the spine of normals everywhere.

chickelit said...

ah, here's danielle again, thumping sully's tub!

Anonymous said...

The linked piece is a strange one. Sarah Palin's message and image of yesterday need not be her message and image of tomorrow. And 2012 is still a long way off, giving Palin plenty of time to pull a Madonna or two and reinvent herself.

The fact that Huckabee won in 2008 would seem to invalidate Coyne's notion that only a properly Iowanized candidate can win.

mesquito said...

For Danielle:

Knockity Knock!


I'm Full of Soup said...

Ricpic said:

"Obama and Hillary: a chill down the spine of normals everywhere."

Haha good job Ric and you only used ten words or so!

wv =ravedne

Michael Haz said...

right. instead of serving the constituents that elected her, she bailed to cash in to the tune of several million.

Right. Just like BHO bailed out of the Senate where he was elected to serve, wrote a book that earned him millions, and ran for a different office.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Palin running is Danielle's biggest fear- a woman who could kick Obama's ass.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I think this is going to be the 2012 match-up:

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton


Sarah Palin & Bobby Jindal

Oh my oh my! Two women and two very suntanned men! How super-duper exciting!

wv: "nocati" - What the Roman legionaries joined if they were rejected from Evocati.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Btw- I don't think Palin will run as president.

Unknown said...

If I had to catalog people i dont want to see as the leader of the free world, Palin is certainly near the top of the list.

...and i have no doubts that Michelle can kick Obama's a$$, and i like that !

JAL said...

I heard Paul Ryan on the deficit and solving problems re spending, Medicare and Social Security.

Very positive impression.

Paul Ryan can kick -- and has kicked -- President Obama's butt.

There are a lot of things that can happen between now and then.

JAL said...

I believe Governor Palin put together the natural gas pipe deal after 30 years of nothing happening. She tore up what they had and started over. Got the agreement done. IIRC, $40 billion project involving Alaska, Canada, oil companies, enviromentalists and probably more than a few federal agencies?

Ad hominem is the weapon of the weak.

mesquito said...

If I had to catalog people i dont want to see as the leader of the free world, Palin is certainly near the top of the list.

Well, seeing as how the position is currently vacant....

Unknown said...

danielle said...

keep in mind this woman actually did something when she held an elective position other than vote "present.

right. instead of serving the constituents that elected her, she bailed to cash in to the tune of several million.

Fascinating how the Lefties are so scandalized when a Conservative makes money from a book or speeches.

How much does Willie get to show up? 10 mil? And we all know it takes a village to rake in the dough.

Dead Julius said...

OMG! I think this is going to be the 2012 match-up:

Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton

He's obviously talking cage match.

LonewackoDotCom said...

One of the major problems she's going to have is what she's had so far: the Dems and MSM are arrayed against her, and the vast majority of her online supporters are either too lazy or too dim or too corrupt to help her against her opponents. And, that's going to bite those supporters.

I realize saying that about her supporters isn't that nice and is probably something I should re-frame. But, my take on her supporters is actually provable and perhaps it's time they woke up. If those supporters were on the ball, my page listing smears of Sarah Palin would be one of the top page on my site, but it's not. And, you won't find anyone else doing take-downs like even the worst of those.

If you disagree, link the most effective take-down of one of her critics you can find from someone else, and I'll describe how it isn't going to have much long-term impact.

Automatic_Wing said...

What it means is that the Big 10 is going to invite Missouri, Nebraska and Sarah Palin.

You heard it here first.

traditionalguy said...

Sarah is our point guard like Rajon Rondo on the Celtics. She will see the opportunity thru the defenders and take it to the basket. So far she has been fouled so often that she has a 60 point night on foul shots scoring alone. She will do well if she avoids Paul like the plague that he is and she gets Ryan to run with her. Iowa respects a fighter like her.

Rialby said...

It means that conservative reformation that Althouse wished for through vote against someone who wasn't a principled conservative is going to yield... Sarah Palin. Who she won't vote for. Because she hates her.

Obama/Biden 2012!

sunsong said...

I want Gov(now Ambassador)John Huntsman for the pubbies in 2012!

Anonymous said...

All Sarah needs is 2012, a bloody toga, and a dream!

Rose said...

Go Sarah!

tom faranda said...

Ridiculous column. Both republicans are social conservatives. The writer just has it in for Palin.

Paul Kirchner said...

danielle said..I think Obama is going to pick Hillary for his VP

Interesting possibility. Agree he must get tired of seeing Biden bloopers on the Daily Show.

danielle said...i have no doubts that Michelle can kick Obama's a$$, and i like that!

I assume so also. The testosterone differential definitely favors her. As a fund-raiser for Gulf Coast cleanup, how about they arm wrestle on Pay-Per-View?

I dread the idea of Palin running for president as her effect in the primary could cost the Republicans the election. There are people who can beat Obama but she's not one of them. We really, really need someone in the office who knows what they're doing. I know some people think that the fact that liberals hate her is qualification enough, but sorry, it's not.

Synova said...

"You know what that means."

A thread over 200?

I wonder how well the author understands Iowa, though, or Palin.

My doubts center on the evidences for Iowan progressive roots. (Minnesota is crazy liberal, I grew up there. North Dakota was a hotbed of communism once, it's next door. Iowa is... factory farm, yes. Big government Ag subsidy, absolutely. (And what is ethanol but that?) Small town, sure. But integrating schools or electing women or whatever else proof of progressivism listed? That's just what decent people do. "The West" including the "Upper Mid-" has only been settled for a bit over 100 years. People alive have personal memories of their ancestor who was the first one there. It wasn't that long ago and no one had the luxury of refusing a competent person because of their skin color or sex. The more "civilized" places were always more suppressive rather than less. They could afford to be prejudiced. They could afford to deny talent. The frontier had all the attitudes but not a lot of cushion to entertain them.

Synova said...

"The fact that Huckabee won in 2008 would seem to invalidate Coyne's notion that only a properly Iowanized candidate can win."

I agree. That was strange.

Iowans aren't crazy Christianists yet they voted for Huckabee because he was humble?

Revenant said...

And you know what that means.

Another six thousand histrionic posts from Andrew Sullivan? :)

Penny said...

"I know some people think that the fact that liberals hate her is qualification enough, but sorry, it's not."

Well there you go, Paul...getting in the way of "Hope and Change"...conservative style.

Does it make you wonder if Republicans will adjust their rallying cry to "Hope FOR Change"?

Fen said...

atm its "I Hope we have some Change left"

Frickin marxist scum stole our wallets

Penny said...

"Revenant said...

And you know what that means.

Another six thousand histrionic posts from Andrew Sullivan? :) "

Rather that, than 6000 history posts.

Of course, I only speak for myself.

Penny said...

And while I am at that...speaking for myself, that is...

Can I encourage Althouse to link to some of Sully's better posts?

Frankly, it would make for more thought provoking and productive discussions.

That is why we're here. Right?

Fred4Pres said...

Iowa Recall?

Kirk Parker said...


"Can I encourage Althouse to link to some of Sully's better posts?"

Well, wouldn't Sully have to produce some first?

Dustin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason (the commenter) said...

Dead Julius: Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton


Sarah Palin & Bobby Jindal

Oh god! Every single one of them is a disappointing choice. Can't the Republic produce anyone who is competent?

Penny said...

"Well, wouldn't Sully have to produce some first?"

For sure.

Are you suggesting he isn't producing enough good posts, or are you suggesting that you've never read a post that you've agreed with? Maybe you are alluding to Sully admitting he doesn't write all his own posts, which of course makes you wonder if he writes any of them?

Let me make myself clear here.

Not a regular reader of Andrew Sullivan, but I have read some things published under his name which I found brilliant, and not having one thing to do with whether I agreed with him or not.

My favorite hostess, Althouse, has often said that when you pick a fight on the internet, pick UP. I think what she means is it is wise to pick on those with more power, or cache. I'm respectfully disagreeing with that, and suggesting that we leave our preconceived notions behind and look for "brilliance" by the moment, and that we highlight that "brilliance" for deeper discussion within our communities.

If we are going to "catch" people? Let's be sure to catch them at their VERY best.

Bruce Hayden said...

Sarah Palin & Bobby Jindal

Oh god! Every single one of them is a disappointing choice. Can't the Republic produce anyone who is competent

I think, right now, that Jindal is coming across as far more competent and engaged than Obama. We aren't seeing it on the nightly news because it would make their hero look bad.

My problems with Gov. Jindal as a Presidential candidate are first that I don't think that he comes across that well on TV. An Indian Louisiana cracker (or whatever the LA equivalent is). Secondly, he has that pesky Ivy League background. And, while it would normally be a plus, in the next Presidential election, due to Obama's abject failure and incompetence, with a similar Harvard background being his sole claim to competence, I think that sort of educational background will hurt more than help. (BTW, ditto for Romney).

I think that Gov. Jindal is what Pres. Obama was supposed to be, that "clean" minority who is extremely competent. Of course, the difference is that Jindal has shown himself super-competent at pretty much anything he has ever done, while Obama got where he is now totally on image, with no previous competence on his record (at least since graduating from HLS).

I do think though that a VP debate between Jindal and Biden would be very entertaining. In his debate with Palin, Biden looked fairly smart, until his answers were fact checked, and it turned out that many were total fabrications. Against Jindal, I don't think he would have gotten the benefit of the doubt that he had against that state school educated upstart.

Bruce Hayden said...

My problem with the linked article is that in the next Presidential election, I don't see that nice guy who charms the Iowans winning against Obama. Certainly not Huckabee. And I think his Fox News gig is indicia that he is running.

Huckabee is the wrong type of candidate for several reasons to win against Obama. First, he is a social conservative. Southern religious conservatism is not the face of conservatism that is winning right now. Rather, it is the face that was used for the last 8 years to scare moderates into supporting liberals. Rather, the side of conservatism that is winning converts right now is more akin to western economic conservatism mixed with libertarianism. And Huckabee fails miserably in that category. He just won't be able to ignite the Tea Party crowd, and that will be what is needed to win.

Second, he does come across as nice. The Chicago machine Democrats right now in the White House are the farthest thing from nice. A nice candidate will just get chewed up and spit out by that machine.

Penny said...

"I do think though that a VP debate between Jindal and Biden would be very entertaining."

Bruce, I have the highest regard for you...usually.

"Entertaining" VP's?

Need to give that some more thought?

Biden is clearly a foil for Obama, and if we are honest...quite effective as such. But, if you, through hard work, became president, would you personally select an "entertainer" as your VP?

Penny said...

"Yes", is a reasonable answer, by the way... As is, "Depends".

Unknown said...

Huckleberry is going the same place Romney is in '12 - Nowhere.

Both are more Michael Steele Republicans than anything else.

Right now, Jindal is covering himself with glory, but he'll need at least a full term as governor under his belt before he runs for the White House.

OTOH, there's always Bachmann - Brewer. A Brewer - Biden debate would be even more fun than Palin - Biden. A scenario like that might just necessitate Juilus' Zero - Hildabeast wet dream.

Zero & Michelle - Hilla & Willie?

Which do you prefer, Othello or Macbeth?

traditionalguy said...

Where is this vision of a well trained President taking over in 2012 coming from? That idealism got us Obama. We need a fighter because we are in a fight to the death with both arms tied behind us by Socialism imposed by a fascist gang and a world appeasement of our enemies policy. We have no friends left in the world and there are no trained Presidents waiting out thereto come sprinkle pixie dust and fix it.We need a trained political fighter with the right economic and moral compass and we need to support that politically skilled leader in a political job despite human imperfection as seen from an ideal movie image.

TWM said...

"right. instead of serving the constituents that elected her, she bailed to cash in to the tune of several million."

She was going broke defending herself against frivolous ethics complaints that also were tying-up the state government. Hardly bailing for cash, although there is nothing wrong with that either.

It was the smart thing to do both for her and the residents of Alaska. As to her running, well, I'm just not sure yet. I'm waiting to see when Hillary jumps in the race. I imagine after the mid-terms she will resign - having gotten her some foreign policy experience - and then slowly start her campaign.

Barry is about to get beat about the head and shoulders by two very serious women.

And speaking of Jindal . . . the guy sure looked and sounded good during the press conferences on the oil leak. Very presidential as opposed to, you know, our current president.

Anonymous said...

This is not going anywhere. Obama/Biden will be here till Jan. 2016. Palin and no one else can do anything. Don't waste your money in this economy.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Iowa pays Palin for an appearance and people do what people do with Palin.

Associate freely, make assumptions, look for a faulty illustration.

Never accepting the idea that in the world of some - she can do no wrong.

Its hard to kill a woman when it has been drummed into us that killing one is wrong ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What if the people that like Palin, like Palin for the same reasons that they, the people that like Obama, liked Obama?

After killing Hillary, can America kill Palin just to keep the guy that could not plug a leak?
btw, this is the guy that won a Prize by the people who's assignment it is to recognize achievement.

Hagar said...

Progressive Democrats analyzing Republican candidates will generally spread more darkness than light.

TWM said...

"This is not going anywhere. Obama/Biden will be here till Jan. 2016. Palin and no one else can do anything. Don't waste your money in this economy."

I can think of few things that are worth spending money on more than booting Barry out of office in 2012.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Glory Box..

Portishead - from the album Dummy.

Robert Cook said...

As I posted yesterday in another thread, in regard to hearing people praise GW Bush for being an "adult," (sic), when I hear purported grown-ups praising Sarah Palin for...fuck, I don't know what the basis of their praise is...I think of the all too apt credo (one of their many) of the Church of the Sub-Genius:

"If you act like a dumbshit, they'll treat you as an equal."

Except, like Bush, Palin ain't actin'.

Another couple of their credos, also applicable where praise for Bush or Palin (or Clinton or Obama) is heard, as well as woefully too many real world scenarios and persons today:

"Pull the wool over your own eyes."

"Relax in the safety of your own delusions."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We found Palin by the loving spoonful..

AllenS said...

Mr. Cook, why don't you and the Dalai Lama team up and head over to Tibet and explain, no make that criticize the Chinese for their occupation. Then report back.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Except, like Bush, Palin ain't actin'.

The cult of the left changes gears faster than a blind pedophile at a piñata.

If they are so out of it how come they are so feared?

KCFleming said...

Most of Iowa is aging, and losing residents:
Iowa has a 12% elderly population, expected to hit 22% in the next 10-15 years. It has attracted 36,300 new residents from outside the US for 2000-2009, but lost 52,200, for a net loss of 15,900 residents ((Source)).

Another report shows that growth has occurred in the state's largest cities and their suburbs, "while the rural areas are losing residents. All but 22 of Iowa's counties have declined in population over the last nine years......The state's small urban counties lost 4.5 percent of their population, while six states in the region had slight growth in their small urban counties"

Drive through Waterloo sometime. Infrastructure is crumbling, the town is derelict, like zombies took it over.

Living on the dole does that to you.

So I am reticent to take their advice on anything except maybe what brand of RoundUp to use.

KCFleming said...

"...from outside the state..."

Oso Negro said...

Sarah Palin will not only clock Mr. Mocha Delite in televised debates, but could probably kick his ass in basketball one on one, and let's not even talk about the rifle range. It is hard to decide what I will enjoy more when that happens - the left-wing Sarah haters like Andrew Sullivan stroking out (just IMAGINE the day after her election) or the freak out of the snooty Ivy League Republican set. Would I give her a chance? You betcha! I also think she is waaayyy more likely to put the country on a course I like.

bill said...

And you know what that means.

Loose meat sandwiches?

chuckR said...

I don't think that Sarah Palin will be any more ready to be President in 2013 than Obama will by the same date.
I do like her politics better though.

wv - booti - what all Chicago politicians are looking for

bill said...

Loose moose meat sandwiches

EnigmatiCore said...

Based on a few videos I have seen, I think the next GOP nominee will be Christie. Best communicator the GOP has had since Reagan.

KCFleming said...

Christie I like so far.

He's fat, but doesn't give a rat's ass.

He doesn't give in to PC jargon, telling a teacher straight up that she's overpaid (at $110K/yr).

He says "we're broke" because they are broke.

Iowa just wants a bigger cut of the tax pie.

GMay said...

"Another six thousand histrionic posts from Andrew Sullivan?"


And put me down for Christie too. Talk about a fighter! And a fighter with some knowledge. He wouldn't even need a VP.

lemondog said...

traditionalguy said...

....... and there are no trained Presidents waiting out thereto come sprinkle pixie dust and fix it.We need a trained political fighter with the right economic and moral compass and we need to support that politically skilled leader in a political job despite human imperfection as seen from an ideal movie image.

No more finger-pointers, scolders or denigrators of the citizenry, Dem or Repub, we need someone savvy in economics, foreign and military affairs, who heeds advice from other than just academics, who passionately believes in the Constitution, freedom, controlled government, capitalism and in America - her warts and all.

GMay said...

"He says "we're broke" because they are broke."

Unlike Obama who says "we're broke" and then just keeps breaking spending records.

I keep expecting Rod Serling to take the Presidential podium at any second.

AllenS said...

Christie for Pres. Palin as his VP.

GMay said...

Where's HDH to dick up his own Palin rants with "ya betcha"?

Scott said...

Sarah Palin at the top of a presidential ticket would catalyze the complete marginalization of the left in the country. That's why they're so afraid of her.

Bing: 403,000 drops for "Palin Hitler"

MadisonMan said...

Just like BHO bailed out of the Senate where he was elected to serve,

If only we had elected the other Senator.

GMay said...

At least the other senator had served one or more full terms.

Kirk Parker said...


I'm suggesting that Sullivan's good work is all in the distant past, that since coming down with his various derangement syndromes his output has become, in general, quite embarrassing.

MadisonMan said...

At least

There's a good reason to vote for someone.

roesch-voltaire said...

I doubt that the half-term governor wants to remove herself from the conservative money trough to take on a low paying job that requires a four year commitment when she can make millions doing far less. That said, I don't doubt her backers will float trial balloons, as they are now, but I predict the country as a whole, like those in Alaska, will eventually sour on her.

Big Mike said...

I keep expecting Rod Serling to take the Presidential podium at any second.

Since he's been dead for 35 years I wouldn't hold my breath waiting.

Big Mike said...

@roesch-voltaire, you need to learn how to stop projecting.

GMay said...

"Since he's been dead for 35 years I wouldn't hold my breath waiting."

No shit? Really??? I had no idea whatsoever!!!!

GMay said...

"There's a good reason to vote for someone."

Well if that was the only reason, then you might have a point. Then again, having someone with decades more experience is a pretty strong reason.

GMay said...

r-v said: "I doubt that the half-term governor wants to remove herself from the conservative money trough...

If only she could feed out of the far larger money trough the 1/3rd term senator had.

Robert Cook said...

"If they are so out of it how come they are so feared?"

Stupidity is always to be feared where it finds favor with or holds sway over or is manifested by those in power or in the populace at large.

In other words: Stupidity is always to be feared.

Paul said...

"Stupidity is always to be feared."

That's for sure! The fact that Marxism-Socialism is still believed to be a plausible political and economic alternative after the events of the last century only proves that leftists like you are willfully, intractably, and terminally stupid.

Trooper York said...

"Palin is thinking about Iowa.
And you know what that means"

Yeah, it means that she is going to rent the house next door to reader_iam.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

And you know what that means.

It mean's she's made a deal with BP to keep the oil flowing until inauguration day.

Über said...

Wow, Ignorance Is Bliss...given your comment, you must be swimming in an ocean of it. Bliss, that is.

reader_iam said...

Trooper: Just tonight saw this comment of yours:

"Palin is thinking about Iowa.
And you know what that means"

Yeah, it means that she is going to rent the house next door to reader_iam.

LOL. Part of the reason it's so funny is that even before the meltdown, it took a long time to sell houses in our (old, old, old) neighborhood. Now, that's even more true, even though in general, you don't have "under water" folks, in terms of mortages, so much right where we are. And so while the people right next door would like to sell their house, now that the reason they moved here--to pursue additional medical training--is at an end and they want to go home, they are more likely to find a renter.

I can think of many, many, many, many, many more people I'd be more concerned about having as neighbors than the Palins, so bring it on!

(Of course, what they'd think of US as neighbors is a whole 'nuther thing.)

I repeat, LOL.

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