June 10, 2010

"Now the Coffee Party is sweeping the country...."

Oh... yeah... whatever happened to the Coffee Party?


GMay said...

Looks like they bought into the whole "racist violence inciting tea-bagger" theme.


Anonymous said...

They're still around? Who knew?

Michael Haz said...

It's a spoof, right? A spoof movie written by the same people who wrote the scripts for Best In Show and Waiting For Guffmann.

If it isn't a spoof, and they are sweeping the country, my garage could use a good sweeping.

AllenS said...

I'll bet they want more stimulus money. Are they for or against the present deficit that the government is running.

The Drill SGT said...


Unknown said...

It is?

Astroturf in action!!!!

kent said...


... better phrased in this instance, perhaps, as "decaffe." ;)

Original Mike said...

Yeah, I thought they had faded away. Is this just Forbes being slow?

bagoh20 said...

The problem is the size of government. What's their solution? I can drink coffee and tea if they are made right.

PunditJoe said...

The lack of males in the Coffee Party is proof of their sexism! Heh heh

Well, it would be if the press applied the same reasoning to the Coffee Party as it has with the Tea Party.

Anonymous said...

The lack of males in the Coffee Party may have something to do with this country-sweeping obsession of theirs. (I hope they do a better job on the Mojave this time. It's really dusty.)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I wished more people were interested in getting together for tea, coffee with politics.

We could still save us.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Yeah, I thought they had faded away.

This may be the de-caf version.

john said...


Make that black, one sugar. Oh, and be a dear and get me that last croissant.

And I hate to bother you, but could I have another table please? Those old folks kind of penned me into this corner.

KCFleming said...

The "Coffee Party" is the quintessential granfalloon.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Usually astroturf has to be protected from the elements by a dome.. remember after Katrina what happened in a dome? You don't want to be trapped in a dome.

Come home to real grass roots.. a tea party.. where you can bring your coffee and you wont get injured running on that artificial, superficial surface ;)

Scott said...

The "Coffee Party" is a textbook example of how the left (whose lack of ideas is compelling evidence of their epistimec closure*) can only define itself as being "not the right". Philosophically, they are like dogs on the conservative leash.


Paul Kirchner said...

I don't get it. why have a Coffee Party when we have a Democratic Party? They want the same things.

We have a Tea Party because a lot of critical problems in this country are not being addressed by either party, and the Republican Party under Bush was not representing its base.

john said...

They may advertise coffee, but Lamar, Tyler, David and Chuck (Jean had to "scoot" early) show this is a hard partying bunch. Match that, tea partiers.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Well said Scott..

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Coffee Party = We Love Obama!

Stop stopping him.

Triangle Man said...

As a trend, the Coffee Party is right up there with "Dudes With Cats".

SteveR said...

You can get a few hundred thousand in a Facebook group that's in favor of damn near anything. Not impressed.

John Stodder said...

There are thousands of 42-year-old filmmakers who feel disenfranchised. The Coffee Party gives them a much-needed outlet for their mild annoyance at the lack of funding available for independent filmmakers.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

People are being lured by a "film maker" and all they get is coffee and a facebook mention?

Liberals have no shame ;)

Reminds me of Cindy Sheehan.

Unknown said...

Here's a YouTube mashup in which the Coffee Party meets the Kool-Aid Man: http://www.youtube.com/user/Optoons#p/u/0/DBOJrlKyfIE

Phil 314 said...

with a local chapter in every state.

I'm not sure that qualifies as

sweeping the country

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

At coffee parties they use the word holistic a lot..

No.. its not a new salad dressing ;)

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Watch what happens when a liberal asks for directions.

Go up to 39:15

Its hilarious.. Liberals ask us to keep them in the majority but if you ask for what? - they have no idea..

Notice the answer..
"the less detail the better"

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Liberals don't trust the American people.. its there in their own words.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If this Coffee thing really takes off, I think I would be an excellent infiltrator ;)

Fen said...

Coffee Party Platform:

1) please take these seeds and play Farmville with us

2) or join our Mafia Wars team

We vow to spam your FB account until you submit

Triangle Man said...

they have no idea..

"Talk values. Hit people in the heart not in the head."

A truly annoying but often effective strategy.

Penny said...

Months ago I caught Ms.Park on C Span facilitating a Coffee Party meeting in the Washington DC area. She was eloquent about the need for more reasoned dialogue on political issues, and she spoke passionately about creating a process that would allow us to do that.

The problem was that her audience somehow didn't catch her intentions, and instead the meeting devolved into two factions. One was the radical left infuriated with Obama for not being progressive enough, and the other were DCites who couldn't get past their inability to have senators and representatives.

These factions were as angry as the Tea Partiers.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I wish I knew how to extract that snippet of that student asking Markos and his answer dripping with contempt.. put it on youtube.

LonewackoDotCom said...

The CoffeeParty is at least yet another in the very long line of examples of the stupidity of teaparty supporters: almost none of those who publicly discussed them knew that they had a history.

On an ironic note, those supporters weren't paying attention when that group created a video featuring someone from a school linked to one of the stringpullers on... the teaparties. Both the leaders of the 'parties and that group are aligned on their support for something that most Americans don't want.

P.S. Past comments at this site have unleashed a volley of vile adhominems and libelous comments. Ann Althouse promoted the 'partiers, causing some of them to visit this site and show the true nature of their movement. They can't present a logical argument but instead have to lie and smear from behind (temporary) anonymity. For more on their movement, see my list of what's wrong with the tea parties and also here's a list of my posts about George Soros. Starting in 2002, I've posted around 10,000 entries - mostly about immigration - and I encourage you to review my work and compare it to that offered by bloggers, whether rightwing or leftwing.

Jason (the commenter) said...

I once tweeted about the coffee party, in passing, and one of their members contacted me. They seemed obsessed over how many friends they had on Facebook. It was as if having friends on Facebook was the only thing their group was interested in. And I think it is.

AC245 said...

I encourage you to review my work and compare it to that offered by bloggers, whether rightwing or leftwing.

And yet when people do review your work and point out that it's a bunch of shoddily-researched, insulting, shallowly-thought-out spam, you threaten to sue them.

Your substandard work and hostile response to critics might explain why no one reads your crap, and why after a decade you are still forced to try to leech hits and search-engine mojo from bloggers who have actually built up an audience.

Eric said...

Aren't these "coffee party" people just public sector workers who don't want to get off the gravy train?

Blue@9 said...

Lem, that video is hilarious. I love the last questioner, who says that Republicans use racist code-words like "unelectable." Wait, isn't that a term Democrats used constantly in 2008?

lucid said...

Oh, come on. This has got to be a spoof. Something from The Onion. Forbes didn't really print something this totally unrealted to reality, did they?

Revenant said...

Damn. AC245 keeps writing comments I wish I'd written instead.

Jealously! Sharp pangs of jealousy!

AlphaLiberal said...

They're actively working on key issues they've decided to focus on. I believe that was campaign finance reform and Wall Street Reform.

They're alive and well and active.

Meanwhile, this is a fricken hoot*:

LA Log Cabin Republicans announce "tea bagging" tea bag toss contest with open-mouthed Jerry Brown, Pelosi and Palin likenesses to toss into.

* - Sense of humor required

AlphaLiberal said...

wow, a lot of hostility toward the Coffee Party here.

Look, folks, the Coffee Party people won't let you say "teabagger" on their FB page. They go out of their way, too far IMO, to be nice to the TPers.

They are not shouting down Town Hall meetings, spitting on anyone, etc. Civility, perhaps extreme civility, is one of their top priorities.

No reason for the hate and lies.

jimspice said...

The Coffee Party was not set up in opposition to the policies supported or positions taken by the Tea Party, but in opposition to their tactics. You know, let's go to a town hall meeting and scream?! It is open to all across the political spectrum who prefer reasoned discourse to vitriol. If the movement is attracting more on the left, does not that say more about the right? Actually read the linked article; it's all there.

AC245 said...

Look, folks, the Coffee Party people won't let you say "teabagger" on their FB page. They go out of their way, too far IMO, to be nice to the TPers.

After their astroturfer-in-chief and Obama propagandist Annabel Park got busted for using that exact term in her twitter feeds, it's no wonder they banned it to prevent even more bad publicity.

To respond to the question posed in the main post: "Oh... yeah... whatever happened to the Coffee Party?"

1. Their Soros/OFA money ran out
2. With elections looming, the organizers of this "grass roots" efforts were needed back at their paid jobs at the various Democratic campaigns they originally came from
3. The actual meetings the Coffee Party held in real life -- as opposed to the press releases on their facebook page and website -- exposed them as more radical and even less civil than the "angry fringe" they tried to pretend the tea parties represented.